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S31.E07: Play To Win

Tara Ariano
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When Ciera was talking about Savage plotting against Joe, I wish Spencer had taken Joe aside and told him that Savage can't be trusted because Savage plotted against him while being nice in his face. Savage tries to run the game and so sick of him. I can't wait for his elimination. It's so obvious he dyed his facial hair before coming on the show, should have just left it white. I guess wants to make himself look believable that he's with a supermodel.


I guess Spencer is still trying to stay under the radar and latch onto people for the time being because he wasn't sure about voting off Kass or Ciera because they kept him in the game just like he thought Savage wanted to keep him in the game. I mean trying to align himself with people that tried to get rid of him (Savage) and a person who doesn't like him (Kass). Have to see if he and Joe can stick together because they're both looked at as huge threats so if I were them I would stick together so both of them can be powerful swing votes and be like an undercover alliance.

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Chaos Kass that was impressive. Your interactions with Tasha and the aftermath was so chaotic that you not only convinced a fractured tribe to unite against you but you also drove away your own allies. Good job.


Ciera don't lecture people on how to play the game when you're still doing stupid shit like needlessly inserting yourself into drama and telling stories that at best sound like lies.


Abi how are you the only person out there that doesn't know how the vote is going? Pay more attention you imbecile.


Spencer, you were in no way the swing vote.  Neither side was counting on your vote.


Normally I'd chastise Joe for needlessly winning an IC, but regardless of what he does, he's  going to be seen as a threat so have fun and go for the record.


Stephen, I see what you're trying to do with that poem, but I don't think  it's working, you're dealing with the wrong audience.


Savage is pretty much a goat at this point. If anyone could carry both him and Abi to the finals then they'll win the million. Sadly I think he's too abrasive to make the finals so we won't get t see him get destroyed in the finals.


Kelly. You realize you can align yourself with more then one person at a time. Right?


Kelley's gameplay is impressive. She knows when to jump and when to lay back.  I'd definitely say that she's an early favorite to win especially with that HII in her back pocket.


Keith. Yea, I got nothing.  What a waste of a fan vote.


Tasha on one hand you are doing a good job of playing the game. On the other hand, your social skills appear to be lacking.


Kimmi just keep being awesome :)


Jeremy, I have no idea how your name's not even being bought up as a boot, but keep up the good work.

Edited by Oscirus
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I could easily see Kimmi floating/skating real deep in this game.  She seems to be on no one's radar.  She is not painting targets on her back.  She's on the right side of the numbers, with all sorts of shields standing in front of her.  If she doesn't self-destruct (as many have this season), I bet she stays in the game for a long time. 


This is the first episode I doubted Tasha.  She didn't look to handle Kass' attacks well, and tribal seemed to really shake her.  On the positive, the others believed her, not Kass; she is still in the game; and has the majority (for now) with her.  


Jeremy looks to be in great position.  Same with Kelley Wentworth.  In a season this crazy, I believe she can work her way into a strong alliance without much trouble.


Terrible play by Ciera.  Everyone out there now knows she is a shit-stirrer, who cannot be trusted.  Telling the whole tribe that Andrew betrayed Jeremy and Joe backfired on her.  Preaching/lecturing to everyone at tribal made her a bigger target still.  


She still is in the game only because until last week she never went to tribal.  Her negatives greatly outweigh her positives.


Savage mostly did real well.  He IS a leader, who pulled in some key players to his alliance, at least for this week.  I mostly like him, though I laughed when he complained about Ciera and Kass lying to him.  What game does he think this is?  He was 100% right to target them this week, though, and got one of them booted, while completely 'outing' the other (Ciera).  He also seems quite willing to work with Stephen, at least for as long as he needs to. 


Overall, another outstanding episode, that is beautifully setting up the second half of the game.   

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Actually, that DID work for Kass.  Spencer didn't "betray" Kass; he cast his vote for Ciera.  Just too many other people voted Kass for Spencer's single vote to stem the tide - including Kelley, one of the primary people Kass was depending on to vote Tasha.


Decent odds on that, if they can get the votes truthfully sorted out.


In  a sense - he did. 

(i mean. yes - he didn't vote for her and he can say that at final tribal if he gets there - but the Plan was to vote for Tasha. I guess I wouldn't be so irked had he done so. (like Voting for Ciera is a "yay" for Kass (because she would have stayed) - but it still would have hurt the plan, because they were going for Tasha)


He saved himself by still sticking with the original plan by casting a split for one of the two that were going home. 


It is amazing how much we're not seeing Kelly Wigglesworth. I don't even think she had a confessional yet.  

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I'm doing Nanowrimo this year like an idiot so there won't be much posting from me this month.  Perhaps it is my related punch-drunkenness but I had no idea what I wanted to happen this episode.  I love all the strategy talk, I can't help it, I'm a nerd.  Who has who, and who can we get?  All that, great.  But I just hate these people.  I am very displeased to see the latest evolution in Survivor strategy, if you want to call it that instead of "everyone on the island is terrible at this game and has no idea what they're doing except Kelley".  I really don't like a cheerful, contented Andrew Savage, and though I like Jeremy, his company in the brolliance is keeping him down.  I feel for Stephen, attempting to entertain the group with the excellent poem he has memorized, but I don't like him in the powerful brolliance either; you can't fool me that he's an underdog when he's sitting on an unstoppable Pagonging engine, show.  I don't like Spencer and Joe being powerful swing votes, after neither of them have done a goddamn thing but get lucky.  I don't like Tasha and her terrible lying and "what me lie why the very idea, well of course I lied to you because I don't trust you, duh, but wait no I never lied, how dare you suggest it".

Yet how can I root for the other side?  Kass sees Tasha lying to her, and instead of doing, you know, anything else, just starts going off like an idiot.  Ciera jumping in so bizarrely that I assumed there must have been something left on the editing room floor to explain it.  Now personally I felt a very deep identification with Ciera's plea for people to "play to win"--people not playing to win is a scourge on Survivor, and vastly worse in that terrible game Diplomacy I played for a little while--but Ciera, this episode was maybe the most people-playing-heavy I can remember.  Everyone had their plan and counter-plan.  (Well not Keith.)  They are playing!  They're absolutely terrible at it, but they're playing.


I'm back where I was before the season began--the only people I want to see are Kelley Wentworth (who continues to get a great edit despite playing an under-the-radar, indeed an "anyone but me" game, like for real) and Abi, who is now relegated to the Mandatory Female Invisibility with Kimmi and Kelly Wigelsworth and everyone who's not directly affecting the game right that very minute, except Kelley, proving that production will only highlight your pointless non-game shenanigans if you're a dude (Spencer fishing, Stephen reciting, Andrew just basking in his own Andrew Savageness).

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In  a sense - he did. 

(i mean. yes - he didn't vote for her and he can say that at final tribal if he gets there - but the Plan was to vote for Tasha. I guess I wouldn't be so irked had he done so. (like Voting for Ciera is a "yay" for Kass (because she would have stayed) - but it still would have hurt the plan, because they were going for Tasha)


He saved himself by still sticking with the original plan by casting a split for one of the two that were going home. 


  1. I was responding to the voiced opinion Kass did herself in by saving Spencer on the previous vote; in that context, I was referring specifically to the Spencer/Kass relationship, not the Spencer/Kass' Alliance relationship.
  2. If by "Plan" you're referring to the scheme cooked up by Kass/Ciera/Kelley/Abi, that was a non-starter from the get-go.  Ciera didn't honor it; she voted for Savage.  Kelley didn't honor it; she voted for Kass.  The only ones in that alliance who did follow its own Plan were Kass and Abi.


In this context, I see both Kelley's Kass vote and Ciera's Savage vote as just as much a betrayal of the Plan as Spencer not voting for Tasha.  The vote was 6/4/2/1 Kass/Ciera/Tasha/Savage - so consider these options even if Spencer had followed The Plan:

  • Both Ciera and Kelley hold true: the vote is 4/4/5 Kass/Ciera/Tasha, and Tasha walks.
  • Kelley holds true, but Ciera still flips: the vote is 4/4/4/1 Kass/Ciera/Tasha/Savage, resulting in a three-way tie.  Big problem for Kass, though; the Savage Garden now knows Kass doesn't have an idol.  With no vote-splitting on the re-vote, Kass rides a landslide into Ponderosa.
  • Ciera holds true, but Kelley still flips: the vote is 5/4/4 Kass/Ciera/Tasha, and buh-bye Kass - again.


The combined Ciera/Kelley flip did just as much (if not more) to kill Kass' game as did Spencer's non-Tasha vote.

Edited by Nashville
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In one sense, I am somewhat proud of both Kass and Spence.

Both showed they could overcome personal animosities from their first season, and treat this season as a true Second Chance.

Too bad Tasha couldn't do the same.

This game could have stayed quite a bit more interesting for quite a while longer.

Think I'm going to miss Kass - which surprises me more than a little.  :)

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  • I was responding to the voiced opinion Kass did herself in by saving Spencer on the previous vote; in that context, I was referring specifically to the Spencer/Kass relationship, not the Spencer/Kass' Alliance relationship.
  • If by "Plan" you're referring to the scheme cooked up by Kass/Ciera/Kelley/Abi, that was a non-starter from the get-go. Ciera didn't honor it; she voted for Savage. Kelley didn't honor it; she voted for Kass. The only ones in that alliance who did follow its own Plan were Kass and Abi.

In this context, I see both Kelley's Kass vote and Ciera's Savage vote as just as much a betrayal of the Plan as Spencer not voting for Tasha. The vote was 6/4/2/1 Kass/Ciera/Tasha/Savage - so consider these options even if Spencer had followed The Plan:

  • Both Ciera and Kelley hold true: the vote is 4/4/5 Kass/Ciera/Tasha, and Tasha walks.
  • Kelley holds true, but Ciera still flips: the vote is 4/4/4/1 Kass/Ciera/Tasha/Savage, resulting in a three-way tie. Big problem for Kass, though; the Savage Garden now knows Kass doesn't have an idol. With no vote-splitting on the re-vote, Kass rides a landslide into Ponderosa.
  • Ciera holds true, but Kelley still flips: the vote is 5/4/4 Kass/Ciera/Tasha, and buh-bye Kass - again.

The combined Ciera/Kelley flip did just as much (if not more) to kill Kass' game as did Spencer's non-Tasha vote.

If Spencer voted for Tasha and Kelley and Ciera likewise voted for Tasha, it should have been 5-3-5 as Spencer voted for Ciera.

I would have loved this scenario - the split vote strategy would have been a joke. That would shake up things, though in a revote, I think it will be 8-5 and Kass will still be going home.

These losers could have played harder. I still don't understand the going with the majority strategy.

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Well, I can't say I'm sorry to see Kass go. I don't hate her, but I just find her Chaos Kass thing to be annoying and pointless. She kept telling Tasha that SHE didn't learn from last time, but I think Kass was the one who didn't learn. She flipped on her original tribe and stirred up a bunch of stuff, and that got her sent packing. The move wasn't even really super advantageous for her anyhow. I can see why Ciera wanted to do something, it was her name being floated around so casually. And I get why they thought Woo was an easier target, but my prediction of the fallout was correct. Savage was not happy and original Bayon did not feel as slighted by him as you did. Spencer only voted Woo because otherwise it was him, but it's not like you could count on him to stay with that little group, especially with Kass being a part of it. 


So there ya go. Kass, once again, likes to make moves just to make them. To stir up chaos. And no one really appreciated it. Even her newly aligned Takeo people had no problem sending her packing. 


The vote that confused me was Sierra's. She voted for Savage? Why??? Did she know that Spencer was not voting Tasha? And Wentworth? I can see coming to the conclusion that Spencer wasn't down with their plan to get Tasha out, but how would they have known Wentworth wasn't going for it? But I feel like they had to, that's only way the Savage vote makes sense to me. It was as if Sierra knew their Tasha plan wasn't going to happen, so she just wanted to get under Andrew's skin. 


Boy, Abi really has faded into obscurity, hasn't she? 


At this point, I don't even know who I'm rooting for, I'm just enjoying watching. It's such a fucking whirlwind of shakeups, I can barely keep track. But it's exciting!

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In one sense, I am somewhat proud of both Kass and Spence.

Both showed they could overcome personal animosities from their first season, and treat this season as a true Second Chance.

Too bad Tasha couldn't do the same.

This game could have stayed quite a bit more interesting for quite a while longer.

Think I'm going to miss Kass - which surprises me more than a little. :)

I don't think Tasha's move had anything to do with animosity. Kass awkwardly and transparently tried to pump Tasha for information about her alliance. Tasha gave her misinformation, which was the smart thing to do, but also was too obvious. Kass knew she was lying, but instead of playing along and trying to find a way to use it, called her on it and said "The line is drawn."

Then Kass oddly tried to use Tasha's lie against her, with Tasha's alliance when Tasha's lie was for the benefit of that alliance.

I don't think the anti-Kass alliance really cared whether Tasha has said, "Bye Bye Bayon" because they knew if she did it was to help protect the alliance by throwing off Kass.

Spencer also plotted against Kass. He only voted for Ciera as part of the plan to split the vote in case Kass had an idol.

He did consider flipping on Tasha in a confessional, but I get the sense the crew might have prompted him to say that to create some fake suspense at tribal council.

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When it's Savage's time to go, they are going to miss their night light. I have an image of someone saying, "Hey, Savage, I need to head out to the bushes, can you smile and light the way for me?"

His teeth need their own bright shiny Twitter page.

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Jeremy, I have no idea how your name's not even being bought up as a boot, but keep up the good work.


Seems like Jeremy's strategy of shielding himself is working.

Edited by Jextella
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Speaking of Savage's smile, it just killed me when Savage was whining "fuck them" calling them "piece of shit", and then put his chicklets on display.


And bc it cant be said enuff - Fuck You, AS(S)!

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When Ciera was talking about Savage plotting against Joe, I wish Spencer had taken Joe aside and told him that Savage can't be trusted because Savage plotted against him while being nice in his face. Savage tries to run the game and so sick of him. I can't wait for his elimination. It's so obvious he dyed his facial hair before coming on the show, should have just left it white. I guess wants to make himself look believable that he's with a supermodel.

I don't think Andrew wore facial hair before the show?  I can't wait for his elimination, either.  


The vote that confused me was Sierra's. She voted for Savage? Why??? Did she know that Spencer was not voting Tasha? And Wentworth? I can see coming to the conclusion that Spencer wasn't down with their plan to get Tasha out, but how would they have known Wentworth wasn't going for it? But I feel like they had to, that's only way the Savage vote makes sense to me. It was as if Sierra knew their Tasha plan wasn't going to happen, so she just wanted to get under Andrew's skin.


I assume that's what happened.  Spencer probably told them Kelley wasn't going for it so he was sticking with that side for this vote but he's still a free agent.  That would jibe with Ciera's frustration level.   And if that's the case Kass knew she was going home.

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I will say that I like Joe's hair much better when it's down. The bun is so fucking hipster and annoying, but the long, wavy hair is cool. It reminds me of my husband.


I am the opposite.  The man bun is a major turn on for me (I guess because I am part of the hipster generation) and when his long wavy hair is down he looks too much like a woman, and not in the way that I like.


The fashion show glance of him at Tribal Council with his hair down, and the long red shirt, and the Immunity Necklace was hysterical.  It was his first time going so I guess he wanted to look pretty.



Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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I would have my long flowing locks tied up in a bun most of the time if I was out there, whatever gender.  It's just comfortable and cool and tidier.


He looks like someone from a fantasy novel cover in that pic.  Heh.

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The fashion show glance of him at Tribal Council with his hair down, and the long red shirt, and the Immunity Necklace was hysterical.  It was his first time going so I guess he wanted to look pretty.






With the flowing locks, red shirt, and ormentation, he looks like one of the 3 Musketeers. I'm surprised he doesnt go 'One for all and all for one!' with his douchebro alliance. 

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I think there have been lots of risks already taken in each tribal.  Indeed, as was noted by Jeff, almost every tribal vote has ended up being different than the original vote planned by the majority for that vote (not necessarily blindsides, but always someone shifts where they initially were).


As for Tasha, while I loved her "NOT TODAY SATAN" attitude throughout this episode towards Kass, I think the better response to Kass asking if Bayon was done would have been to flip it back on Kass.....'you tell me Kass, you are the one proudly talking about flipping the vote on Savage last tribal, are you done with Bayon'?

Kass should have pointed out that she voted out a Ta Kao and not a Bayon. Just because she kept someone that Andrew did not want to keep does not mean that she is not Bayon strong. It means she disagreed with him on which Ta Kao to vote out.


Keith made it quite clear in his confessional that Kass and Ciera lost him due to the confrontation with Andrew and Tasha, so I'd go with a critical error on their part.

Yeah, that is where Kass and Ciera screwed up. They went over board. So far the game has been played with the folks causing drama going. Abi has stayed but the people she mixed it up with left and I think Abi lost any chance to win because of the drama. I think Tasha being at the center of the drama and the way she acted during all of that will hurt her. I also think the fact that she has held a grudge for so long will hurt her. I do think that folks are going to be looking to vote for the people who did change their game a bit.


I also think that it bodes well that Kass was able to work with Spencer and not Tasha. The fact that Spencer was willing to move past the Cagayan past and Tasha was not does not bode well for Tasha.

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Spencer was right to stick with the majority.  Sure, if he voted for Tasha, it would have been 5 for Tasha and 4 each for Ciera and Kass, as the other 8 would split their votes.  But next week it would have been his alliance of 5 against the alliance of 7, and Spencer would likely be the target for flipping, and he knows he doesn't have an idol to save himself.  


I can't understand Ciera's vote for Savage.  If she thought their plan was going to work (that Spencer would vote Tasha), then her voting for Savage would have made a 3 way tie - 4 for Kass, 4 for Tasha, 4 for Ciera, and 1 for Savage.  So, she she must have known that Spencer wasn't voting for Tasha, then she should have assumed that Spencer would vote for Ciera since he has some loyalty to Kass for last week's save - which might make Ciera more likely to go home.  Ciera fancies herself a strategic, non-emotional ("I voted for my mom!") player and the vote for Savage seemed completely emotional.  

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Thank the Survivor gods Kass is gone!  That smug arrogant know-nothing can now sit quietly on the jury and smirk all she wants, for all the good it'll do her!


Immediately after the merge is NOT the time to start stirring shit.  That was a panic move, no matter what she called it -- she saw she was on the wrong side of the numbers and freaked out.  No, that's the time to sit back, smile at everybody and start studying relationships, looking for cracks, disagreements, divergences, etc.  This game takes patience, timing, an understanding of human nature -- all the things Kass lacks in abundance.


Amen to all those who said Ciera's definition of "playing hard" means "doing what I want when it will help ME."  Sorry, no one's under any obligation to you, especially when you tie yourself to the newly most-despised person in the game.  Real smart play there.


That someone as Alpha Maley as Jeremy is basically flying under the radar right now is a testament to his game.  I'm very impressed, hope he goes far.


And Savage gets thwarted again!  His frustration tastes like fine wine!  May his defeats be many, public and humiliating!


Glad Tasha survived that little scuffle with Kass.  I have high hopes for her, want to see her go far.


They SHOULD have included that tribe-naming segment in the show.  It was sweet & charming and only a minute long!  Bad editing decision.


I'm in the minority -- I like the individual immunity necklace, think it's one of the prettiest in a long time.  


Enjoying the hell out of this season.  Let the post-merge games begin in earnest!

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Kass should have pointed out that she voted out a Ta Kao and not a Bayon. Just because she kept someone that Andrew did not want to keep does not mean that she is not Bayon strong. It means she disagreed with him on which Ta Kao to vote out.

Yeah, that is where Kass and Ciera screwed up. They went over board. So far the game has been played with the folks causing drama going. Abi has stayed but the people she mixed it up with left and I think Abi lost any chance to win because of the drama. I think Tasha being at the center of the drama and the way she acted during all of that will hurt her. I also think the fact that she has held a grudge for so long will hurt her. I do think that folks are going to be looking to vote for the people who did change their game a bit.

I also think that it bodes well that Kass was able to work with Spencer and not Tasha. The fact that Spencer was willing to move past the Cagayan past and Tasha was not does not bode well for Tasha.

Spencer seemed to talk about his grudge with Kass more than Tasha did.

Spencer worked with Kass last week because it was his only hope to stay in the game. He quickly turned on her this week.

I think Tasha didn't work with Kass because it would have been a terrible strategic move and also because she rightfully didn't trust her. If Tasha had thought it was in her best interest to work with Kass she would have done so.

I don't see how any grudges with Kass are relevant to either Tasha or Spencer, other than the loss of one jury vote if they make it to FTC. Nobody seemed to like Kass much, so it is unlikely anyone would penalize Spencer or Tasha for holding a grudge against her.

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Spencer was right to stick with the majority. Sure, if he voted for Tasha, it would have been 5 for Tasha and 4 each for Ciera and Kass, as the other 8 would split their votes. But next week it would have been his alliance of 5 against the alliance of 7, and Spencer would likely be the target for flipping, and he knows he doesn't have an idol to save himself.

I can't understand Ciera's vote for Savage. If she thought their plan was going to work (that Spencer would vote Tasha), then her voting for Savage would have made a 3 way tie - 4 for Kass, 4 for Tasha, 4 for Ciera, and 1 for Savage. So, she she must have known that Spencer wasn't voting for Tasha, then she should have assumed that Spencer would vote for Ciera since he has some loyalty to Kass for last week's save - which might make Ciera more likely to go home. Ciera fancies herself a strategic, non-emotional ("I voted for my mom!") player and the vote for Savage seemed completely emotional.

Spencer voting for Ciera had nothing to do with any loyalty to Kass. The 9 that got together to vote out Kass designated him and 3 others to vote for Ciera in case Kass had an idol.

They might have picked Spencer to be one of the back up plan Ciera voters because as a swing voter they didn't totally trust him to go along with the plan.

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With the flowing locks, red shirt, and ormentation, he looks like one of the 3 Musketeers. I'm surprised he doesnt go 'One for all and all for one!' with his douchebro alliance. 

Can Joe sing?  Because he needs to go on stage ASAP and play Joseph in "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat."


See ya later, Kaos Kass.  Her gameplay never made sense to me.  Announcing that you are there to create chaos in a game that requires varying amounts of trust is pretty stupid.  Chaos with a plan in mind is one thing.  Chaos just to live up to the image in your own head is ridiculous.


When Savage temporarily blinded me with his smile after dropping some F-bombs, I chuckled - not because it was funny, but because it scared me.  Go away, Savage, and whisper melodramatically to your hot model wife.


I have no idea how this would happen, but I really want Joe, Spencer and Jeremy to somehow team up and quietly run this game all the way to the end.


I am enjoying the ride this season.  I can't begin to make sense of the alliances, former alliances, broken but mended alliances, etc.  That's okay, though.  I love all the strategy talk and being surprised at tribal.

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I always love the first vote after the merge.  You really don't know what everyone is thinking and it seems like everybody is overplaying this season, making it chaotic.


I'm very curious who the vote would have been if Kass (and Ciera) hadn't offered themselves up on a silver platter. Kass seemed to be well positioned and I don't think she was in danger until she put herself there. 


I don't understand why Kass got so offended and angry about Tasha not being forthright with her and clearly not trusting her. I don't think it means Tasha is holding on too much to the past to not completely trust a woman who the last time she played with her, screwed her over. Survivor is a lot about trust and if you cannot trust someone then yeah, probably best not to work with them if you don't have to and Tasha didn't need Kass.


I didn't get that either. There was no relationship there (or no good relationship anyway) to work with, so why would Tasha spill her guts to Kass.


I actually kinda liked Kass and thought she was an interesting player, but that was a spectacularly stupid, entirely self-created way to go out. 


Finally - I love Joe, but I had to laugh at that get-up he was wearing to tribal council. That outfit combined with the garish immunity necklace and the hair...lol.


I burst out laughing when they showed him. The flowing mane with the ridiculous necklace and whatever the hell he was wearing...hilarious. 


Ciera HATES Savage so much, it's fun to watch. Also surprised that Savage put aside his dislike for Ciera and let Kass be the one that went home. I thought that he was going to end up going home because he would try to make Ciera the target.


I was really surprised he didn't demand a change in target, but I guess he felt betrayed enough by Kass as well. 

When it's Savage's time to go, they are going to miss their night light. I have an image of someone saying, "Hey, Savage, I need to head out to the bushes, can you smile and light the way for me?"



His teeth need their own bright shiny Twitter page.



This was never more apparent than in that somewhat disturbing TH where he wallowed in bitterness about people not bowing to his will. He was all "Fuck them...pieces of shit" and then flashed an unnerving smile. Creeped me out. 


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I do not understand Ciera's vote at all too. She threw her vote so she didn't think a Tasha boot was possible, so it's between her and Kass...And there was a chance she could've tied with Kass, no? Why not vote Kass just to tip scale more?

Anyway, I hate Ciera so much. So much that I was fine with a Kass boot (even if I like her and hate Tasha) because it meant Ciera and Abi Maria were on the low number alliance.

It's funny how the "I voted for my mom!" is used by most to mock Ciera here and not with awe/being impressed.

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Ciera fancies herself a strategic, non-emotional ("I voted for my mom!") player and the vote for Savage seemed completely emotional.


It really was. It was like a total "FU". I don't really care that she has an issue with Savage, but she needs to keep her composure, especially when she was the second choice vote last night. 


They SHOULD have included that tribe-naming segment in the show.  It was sweet & charming and only a minute long!  Bad editing decision.


Agreed. I've always enjoyed hearing how they come up with their new name once the tribes merge. 

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Ciera made some really stupid (but imo understandable and entertaining) decisions in this ep but I don't care, I can't help but love someone who has such open disdain for Andrew. Her eye rolling as he went to vote was great.


I hate Andrew so much, but I am very amused by his hatred of Ciera. When everyone was saying Kass had to go and he just kept rolling his eyes I was cracking up. I would love to know what's up with those two. There has to be more to it.


Kelley remains the only person I am truly rooting for. I like some others, but I really only want to see Kelley win.


I guess that evolution Probst was talking about was that there isn't gonna be one or two alliances always voting the same but just like people voting together one TC and then other people voting together the next TC. If so I'm really excited. I don't want to see the boys club alliance (with token lady Tasha) Pagong everyone. That's boring.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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They SHOULD have included that tribe-naming segment in the show.  It was sweet & charming and only a minute long!  Bad editing decision.


Maybe next week Stephen will recite a poem about it ---


We merged and got a new name

We call ourselves Orkun

Thirteen's a lot for a merge 

But it should all still be fun


Orkun sounds like Mork's ethnicity

Or maybe like a killer whale 

And also a pest control company

But it means thank you.  All hail!

Edited by needschocolate
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Ciera fancies herself a strategic, non-emotional ("I voted for my mom!") player and the vote for Savage seemed completely emotional.


Voting for her mother was emotional.  It was a child rebelling against her parent.  It hurt her (Ciera) in several ways:


1.  It showed Tyson he couldn't trust Ciera at all -- she willingly, eagerly voted against her mother, when her alliance didn't need or even want her to, and it served no strategic purpose;


2.  It meant Ciera had a guaranteed jury vote, if she made it to FTC, plus a passionate advocate making her case there as well.  Even less reason for the others to take Ciera to the end. 


Ciera should have tried to KEEP her mother, not boot her.  She did the exact wrong thing.  It's weird to me that she somehow is seen as a good, dangerous player because of it. 

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That merge was bad timing for Kass/Ciera they probably were thinking it would be at least one more immunity challenge as two tribes and if they lost they could have easily gotten rid of Savage but when that merge came, Savage came running to Jeremy like a chicken who just got its head chopped off . Im glad Kelly Wentworth was smart enough to jump to the other side. I hope to see a little more of Keith though he doesnt seem to be a big threat now but, I can't help but wonder where he will fit into all of these alliances. Kimmi had that good week when she got Monica out and Kimmi still seems to be in the majority alliance but Keith and Wigglesworth are the biggest question marks for me right now.  Kass should have tried to work with Spencer/Tasha she just came off too strong and tried to intimidate Tasha and Tasha wasnt having it- It made things worse.  I think the reason I'm enjoying this season so much is because it's so unpredictable. When you go into a merge with so many physical threats and Kass is the first merge boot you know the rest of the season is only gonna get better. Jeremy had a brilliant strategy early in the season to align with as many strong players and use them as a shield it's kept the season interesting for me anyway there really with the exception of keith there really are not too many floaters everyone is playing hard this season from what we have seen. Kass may be gone but she made the jury and There is still going to be chaos the rest of the season these guys are ready to play ball I cannot wait to see what happens next!

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Ciera should have tried to KEEP her mother, not boot her.  She did the exact wrong thing.  It's weird to me that she somehow is seen as a good, dangerous player because of it. 


I think Ciera certainly thinks she is a good, dangerous player because she voted for her mother, and the show seems to try to promote that theory, but I think most viewers, or at least most posters on here, don't agree with it.  

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Can Joe sing?  Because he needs to go on stage ASAP and play Joseph in "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat."


Yes, yes, OMG yes. You just won the thread with this. 


I didn't get that either. There was no relationship there (or no good relationship anyway) to work with, so why would Tasha spill her guts to Kass.


Exactly. I think Kass sees herself as this master manipulator and gets all huffy and puffy when people don't play into her schemes. 

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A big ORKUN to the producers for giving me Spencer & Joe working together!

I didn’t mind Kass as much as some people do, but I am OK with her being gone.
I liked Tasha, but thought she was bratty last night.
What was with Ciera’s speech? And bad move to all of a sudden lash out at people when they were still back at camp.
The whole voting thing had my head spinning.
If they were smart, they’d get rid of Joe and Spencer, who are the biggest challenge threats and both would get a lot of jury votes if in the final 2 or 3 (whatever they go with this season).
But Joe and Spencer working together?? Awesome!! My 2 favorites, for sure.
Why do they hardly show original Kelly or Keith? Who did they piss off to get an invisible edit?
I fear Kass on the jury....she could be very spiteful!

Still think the best edits are going to Spencer, Joe, Jeremy and young Kelly.

I don't buy into the conspiracy theory of them changing challenges and merges to help Spencer.

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I don't think Ciera's vote for her mother impresses people or was anything even worthy of a mention.  People vote for their allies fairly regularly when they know it's a done deal.   Their vote doesn't matter so why vote against the tribe?  Same thing this week... she knew her vote didn't matter so she just tossed off an insult to Andrew.

I guess that evolution Probst was talking about was that there isn't gonna be one or two alliances always voting the same but just like people voting together one TC and then other people voting together the next TC. If so I'm really excited. I don't want to see the boys club alliance (with token lady Tasha) Pagong everyone. That's boring.

I agree.  I hope it means alliances shift every week.   As it is now, I still can't recall with all the tribe swaps who is 'original Bayon' and TaKeo so may as well keep it going and make it interesting.  

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I do not understand Ciera's vote at all too. She threw her vote so she didn't think a Tasha boot was possible, so it's between her and Kass...And there was a chance she could've tied with Kass, no? Why not vote Kass just to tip scale more?

Anyway, I hate Ciera so much. So much that I was fine with a Kass boot (even if I like her and hate Tasha) because it meant Ciera and Abi Maria were on the low number alliance.

It's funny how the "I voted for my mom!" is used by most to mock Ciera here and not with awe/being impressed.

Maybe Ciera should have voted "Mom" last night to reinforce what a badass, play to win, master strategist she is.

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So what does everybody think of Jeff's remarks that the game has changed into "voting blocks" each week instead of alliances?


I think it was a pretty interesting turn of events if this has happened.


I need to see more of this in order to decide if I like it or not.

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I don't think Tasha's move had anything to do with animosity.


Perhaps not, but her spelling of her vote did.  She for damn sure knows that Kass is not spelled Kas.

I always think it's so petty when people intentionally misspell others' names on the vote.  (When they are just bad spellers who didn't want to ask, that's another thing, but Tasha and Kass were on the same season and are or were also active on Twitter...she knows.  And spelling it Kas isn't even clever or funny in any way).

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Now personally I felt a very deep identification with Ciera's plea for people to "play to win"--people not playing to win is a scourge on Survivor, and vastly worse in that terrible game Diplomacy I played for a little while--but Ciera, this episode was maybe the most people-playing-heavy I can remember.


I think she was specifically targeting people like Wentworth and Spencer with that speech. She confirmed on Twitter that she knew ahead of time that they were going with the numbers and not the Tasha plan (which was why Ciera voted Savage... Ciera wasn't going to write down Kass's name, but she didn't want to definitively burn bridges with Tasha). I do think it was very safe, passive play for Wentworth specifically to go with the majority with whom she was on the outs rather than try to make an unexpected play work. Spencer, I think, is a little more debatable...he was a true swing who had some relationships to work with in the big numbers but is also far from the core.


Yeah, that is where Kass and Ciera screwed up. They went over board.
Yeah, I like them better than brolliance, and I'm sad they lost the showdown. But they just bungled that play. I don't know what Kass was thinking calling Tasha out publicly like that. I don't think Tasha's lie was useful, but if Kass was going to try and use it, it should have been in one-on-one conversations with Keith and Joe. 


So what does everybody think of Jeff's remarks that the game has changed into "voting blocks" each week instead of alliances?
I don't know what evidence Probst used to make that claim. Right now, it looks like a conventional dominant alliance of Savage/Jeremy/Tasha/Kimmi/Stephen/Wigles? against formerly aligned, now potential floaters Abi/Wentworth/Ciera. I guess the question is whether Spencer/Joe/Keith see themselves as floaters or members of the core alliance and whether they (or some combo of Abi/Wentworth/Ciera) can make cracks in the dominant alliance meaningful.
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I'm sorry but these idiots could learn by watching Boston Rob. You smooth the ruffled feathers of the offended party. You listen. You consider their feelings. You act humble. I get that Tasha was lying to Kass, but you have to do it smoothly and it cannot seem too easy. You cannot give up info that easily. Kass was just trying to bulldoze over everyone, that she was some type of leader that can just command info from a person she has back-stabbed before. If I were on this show, I would play the Boston Rob play. Make everyone feel special. You listen to them. You consider them. Then you have people like Spencer, "I learned how to be social."  You don't need to change your innate personality at all, but you do need to act or play that role. Don't these people get that??  It doesn't matter how or what YOU really feel, you don't have to "really" care. It ONLY matters how the person you are playing feels. You don't have to make real connections, only the person on the receiving end has to feel and believe the connection is real. You act, you sculpt what you do.  It is a game. OMG. None of these idiots are good enough actors to play that game at all.


Why are they not targeting the men? I understand targeting Tasha (she did do well in the challenges in her previous season) to a degree. But it was an emotional, personal decision by Kass. NOT smart. This is an individual game. Take out the male challenge threats!! The women came off as petty little witches, when the REAL threats are sitting there nice and quiet and letting you play your "Chaos Game" and laughing the whole time because you are too damn stupid to see the difference. Some of these players have such a bloated sense of their own self-importance  and "their" game and how it is a "second-chance", and yet they still don't get it, and they STILL make the same stupid mistakes. They are the worst players ever. They should look up the Hawthorne Effect and use those concepts for how to play a game and working with others. I wish that I could try to audition for a game like this (and actually get on). I would love to try and play an "acting" game. A Boston Rob, smooth the feathers type of game (but not a personal connection, building new friends and buddies game), all the while being quite an introverted, non-social type person in real life.  Enough tirade for one day. 

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I didn't like Cierra during her previous season and this episode just cemented it. She was too quick to try to create chaos (tm Kass), and then had the nerve to lecture everyone at tribal. Has as been posted by others, she only did that as people were not playing to help her win. However, the hilarious part of tribal council was that after Cierra lectured everyone else about playing to win, she basically threw away her vote in an emotional response to how she felt about Savage. Yea, no, she's not really playing to win herself. She drank the kool-aid about being a strategic threat.

Stephen is still irking me as he doesn't really seem to be the strategist that he has been hyped as being. He was mocking the other players when he talked about the big threats were three small women. He so misunderstands what a game threat is. A game threat is someone who may interfere with one's ability to progress in or win the game. It does not matter what size they are, what they look like, which gender they are, what race they are, etc. What matters is that they are/may interfere with one's game. Breaking out chaos (tm Kass), creating divisions, being untrustworthy all represent threats.

When he last played, I kind of liked Andrew and did think the outcast twist hurt him. Now? Really don't like him. Far too impressed with himself. And, like Stephen, Cierra, and others-he thinks everyone should be helping him win. Not so much.

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Perhaps not, but her spelling of her vote did. She for damn sure knows that Kass is not spelled Kas.

I always think it's so petty when people intentionally misspell others' names on the vote. (When they are just bad spellers who didn't want to ask, that's another thing, but Tasha and Kass were on the same season and are or were also active on Twitter...she knows. And spelling it Kas isn't even clever or funny in any way).

The fact that it wasn't clever or funny suggests to me that she really did not know how to spell it.

Again, while I don't think Tasha (or pretty much any other player) particularly liked or trusted Kass, I sensed Tasha was trying to advance in the game rather than get even with Kass. If working with Kass was her best strategic move I think she would have done it.

The ones voting "chaos Kass" came across a possibly being sarcastic to me.

Best spelling ever was the season when Boston Rob won when one juror cast a FTC vote for "Phile". :)

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The fact that it wasn't clever or funny suggests to me that she really did not know how to spell it.


Tasha has played with Kass twice and and she has commented to her on twitter, which is her name. Tasha knows how to spell Kass' name. She wasn't trying to be funny or clever, she was being petty.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Considering that Tasha already tried to be clever on the vote ("Jeff [not Probst]} before, I think she was trying to be clever again. Maybe she should have gone with just "kASS"?

I was just going to say the same thing! LOL!!! kASS.... great minds and all that.... :)

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From Wikipedia (not including players who left before this episode):


Original Bayon:  Kass Joe Jeremy Ciera Fishbach Tasha Kimmi Keith Savage

Original Takeo:  Spencer Abi Kelley Kelly


Second Incarnation:


Angkor:  Tasha / Savage / Abi  (The only tribe I can remember clearly)

New Bayon:  Spencer / Jeremy / Fishbach / Kimmie / Wiglesworth

New Takeo:  Kass / Joe / Ciera / Keith / Wentworth


Third Incarnation:  (Oh forget it)


Now seems to be:


(1) Jeremy - Fishbach - Kimmie

-->  Savage and Tasha trying to hang on like barnacles


(2) Question Marks

Joe - Spencer - Wiglesworth - Keith - Wentworth


(3) Abi - Ciera


I don't mean to be condescending like Spencer, but I wrote this all out to get a better feel of what's going on.  I had no recollection of original tribes.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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Considering that Tasha already tried to be clever on the vote ("Jeff [not Probst]} before, I think she was trying to be clever again. Maybe she should have gone with just "kASS"?

I think it wasn't a mistake.  Tasha wasn't the only one, though, was she?  Pretty sure I saw at least one other person spell it the same way. 

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I think it wasn't a mistake.  Tasha wasn't the only one, though, was she?  Pretty sure I saw at least one other person spell it the same way. 

Kimmi also spelled it wrong. 


I can't blame anyone for spelling a name wrong even if they have seen it before. Hell, I get people misspelling my name in response to an email where my correctly spelled name appears in my address, in my sign-off, and in my email signature. 


My favorite misspelling was Heidi calling Jeanne "Gene." Lol. 

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