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S01.E07: Beware Of Young Girls

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Wow Pete and Grace just drag this show down so much they have NO chemistry at all.



Overall pretty decent even if the whole Feather stuff was mostly irrelevant to the Red Devil stuff.  I'd would have rather had Denise poking around about Feather then dull and duller.


The Chanel's plotting against #1 was fun. Also  #1's  laxative dream about #2 (hehe) was funny even though I can't  tell if Ariana is just bad or acting that way on purpose.

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I don't know why they would have almost an entire episode about a character we've never seen before. 

It has to come back around at some point.  I did see in the preview they were talking  to the woman in the asylum with the paintings.  Otherwise the  whole first half of this episode gave more background on Feather then we have seen on most of the Chanels. 


It still had some good lines as usual.      Chad's bit was ok not sure if it was necessary but ok.   I did like some of the exhcnages by the Chanels and Hester had some good faces again, lik when she stuffed the tampons back in her purse after Chanel insulted her was classic.

Another meh episode. This show is starting to lose me more and more. Even Chad's funny lines aren't enough to keep me entertained.

I would've preferred if the Chanels actually tried to kill Chanel before being confronted and so. Is funny though that Chanel thinks Grace and Zayday are the killers though.

The lengths that Cathy went to get back at her ex-husband and Feather though, hmmm.

We could've done with more on Gigi and the actual RDK plot though, 6/10

I kinda liked Feather, so I didn't really mind the focus on her. I knew it was actually Dean Munsch who killed her husband as soon as he turned up dead, though- it obviously wasn't Feather since we saw her arrive home and find his body, and I figured it wasn't the RDK either.

The dream with Chanel #2 was fun. I loved the bit about there being no dinosaurs in Hell. But yeah, Ariana's acting is...odd. I love her music, but I've never seen her in anything but this, so I have no idea if she's a bad actress or if this is a stylistic choice.

I agree about Grace and Pete being boring as fuck. It's weird- I've liked both actors in other roles, but in this show they just suck the energy out of every scene they're in.

Did anyone else appreciate the irony of Grace trying to improve Gigi's wardrobe?

Edited by mack6986
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I thought it was a little too much Grace and Pete so I didn't enjoy this episode as much as some of the other ones. I almost wish Grace was one of the killers it might make her even remotely interesting. I've never seen either of them in any thing else but I don't think either of them are very good (and they aren't exactly making want to seek out anything else they've been in) but maybe they just aren't great with the tone of show or something. Not that I expect logic from this show but I wish Grace and Pete were arrested for breaking and entering and taking items from a crime scene. I really hate all of her hats.

I did like the Chanels scenes especially the one with 3,5 and Hester plotting murder. The scene with the Deans voiceover of what actually happen while dancing around was also great.

Edited by shoregirl
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By far the worst episode yet.  How could you have an episode focusing on the chemistry-free pairing of talent-free Grace and charisma-free Pete (I can't even be bothered looking up their real names) and yet have one scene with Chad, a sighting of Zayday and no Denise.  This show does not know how to prioritize.

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Grace and Pete are so boring have such negative chemistry that I almost want to think they're playing homage to the dozens of Horror movies that have bland white heterosexual lead couples. It's so rare to actually have romantic leads in horror (especially in the teen slasher genre) to have actual chemistry that the optimistic part of me wants to think its a play on that but then I remember Ryan Murphy runs this show so...it's probably not that deep...sigh.


The focus on that Feather girl was...interesting...I guess but I hate filler episodes like this. Blah. Loved the throwback to Asylum with Munsch. I wish they could've played Dominique in the background, that would've been great. 


As for Ariana's acting, she's no Streep but I wouldn't say she was *bad* as far as Disney actresses go. I feel like she's almost playing a exaggeration of herself. She's said that she loves horror and grew up on slasher movies so she's a definite fan of the genre. I think the weird speech pattern is a deliberate choice. A good choice? Eh. Well she doesn't bother me so I don't dislike her. 

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Honestly I'm not sure how I feel about this show at the moment. This episode had it's moments, mostly involving Chad and Chanel's bitching about various other Chanel's but it was relatively pointless as an episode and most of the episode was kind of meh.


Some times the show has these brilliant moments of comedy and other times like when Grace and Pete are 'sleuthing' I'm just bored. It already feels like the show hit it's peak and this is the continuation of a downhill slide into mediocrity.


Oh well at least Chad and his goat was amusing, though I did wonder if he was shagging the goat or not after the milking and what he was feeding it.

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As for Ariana's acting, she's no Streep but I wouldn't say she was *bad* as far as Disney actresses go. I feel like she's almost playing a exaggeration of herself. She's said that she loves horror and grew up on slasher movies so she's a definite fan of the genre. I think the weird speech pattern is a deliberate choice. A good choice? Eh. Well she doesn't bother me so I don't dislike her.


When she was on that Disney show Sam and Cat (or whatever it was called) she affected this really weird, falsetto voice that was annoying as hell, and I didn't know if she talked that way in real life. Apparently she doesn't. So my takeaway, at best, is that she's capable enough of doing different voices and types of characters.

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When she was on that Disney show Sam and Cat (or whatever it was called) she affected this really weird, falsetto voice that was annoying as hell, and I didn't know if she talked that way in real life. Apparently she doesn't. So my takeaway, at best, is that she's capable enough of doing different voices and types of characters.

Ariana Grande is a shitty spoiled egotistical brat, and a much overblown singer (great tone, nightmarishly bad diction), but she wasn't hopeless as a comedienne/comic actress. She's also good at impressions (although as I recall they're all of other Diva singers).  

Edited by Kromm
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Honestly I'm not sure how I feel about this show at the moment. This episode had it's moments, mostly involving Chad and Chanel's bitching about various other Chanel's but it was relatively pointless as an episode and most of the episode was kind of meh.


It has its moments, it's just uneven and messy in its execution and last episode focused mostly on its weaker flaws.

LOL tom87!


For a "filler" episode, there were still a lot of clues dropped, especially the lady in the asylum who "paints them all". I was baffled as to why they didn't go look at her paintings!


Munsch's voiceover confession at the end was key: she admitted that she took advantage of a killing spree that was already going on to get revenge. Who knows how many of the other killers did the same thing? We know there's at least 2, there could be many more.


Anyway, I really enjoyed this episode.

Edited by Hollyhox

I loved this episode but then again I am loving the show as a whole.


Me too. I am giving Ryan Murphy a lot more leeway than usual because this show is just so much fun. I don't care about inconsistencies or so-and-so's supposedly bad performance. I am just riding this wave and loving it.

Edited by Hollyhox
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The sad thing is, Chad would probably be the smartest guy on Quantico. IMO the hottest too.


His goat scene was the only time I laughed this ep.


I didn't find Arianna Grande's acting any worse than Emma Roberts, but then, I don't think ER is all that good. She's too forced for my taste.


JamieL Lee Curtis is too good for this mess,


I have an odd relationship with this show. I barely pay attention, I don't like most of the characters, but I find it oddly enjoyable in a turn off my brain and just watch the pretty kind of way.

I liked it filler character and all (even though the name Feather for a grown ass woman just irritates me too no end). Amazingly, I wasn't annoyed , except for the Pete scenes (I like Grace - I think it's the hair. I also appreciate the straight/boring characters) although no Denise and hardly any Chad Radwell is not anything that should be repeated. 


Munsch's voiceover confession at the end was key: she admitted that she took advantage of a killing spree that was already going on to get revenge. Who knows how many of the other killers did the same thing? We know there's at least 2, there could be many more.


I wonder if Red Devil Killers could become a franchise for people with grievances. We shall provide a cover for you murdering your ex's in exchange for you wearing a Devil's outfit and staging an elaborate murder. 

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Yow, Dory and Andre Previn should be rolling in their graves right now.


Andre Previn is still living.


I think a lot of the Mia Farrow touches would go over younger viewers heads.  I knew the moment I saw Feather that she was channeling late 1960s Mia Farrow.  But then there was the Beatles bit, Philip Casnoff who played Sinatra in the TV miniseries as Dr. Munsch (with a bad combover and fake teeth), That's Life playing when Feather found Dr. Munsch.   And, of course, most pointedly by playing the song Dory Previn wrote about Mia Farrow.  Dory Previn also spent time in a mental hospital after her marriage broke up.  I'm not sure what the obsession with Mia Farrow is all about.


I, too, laughed at the joke about Carl Sagan manning the front desk of Hell.

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The Good:

Chanel's "eulogy" (Bitch-eulogy?) and that whole funeral mess. Chad being the only one grieving for Chanel #2. And reaching for the coffin as they pushed it down the aisle had me rolling.

The 2 seconds of the Eyecandy that is Earl Gray

Jamie Lee Curtis is just great no matter what.

The Prune-X dream was hilarious


The Bad:


Only 2 mins of Chad total?? That's never okay.

Implying that Chad could be into bestiality. I mean he got over the dead body thing. Let's not pile it onto my beloved, okay?

Only 2 seconds of the Eye Candy that is Earl Gray

Could have done without Feather and the old guy kissing. ew.

They are circling the drain with the Hester plotting to kill Chanel #1 every week. And I thought Chanel #5 Quit - like 5 times before?


The Ugly:

NO Denise.

NO Red Devil

Not enough Zayday

TOO much Grace and Pete. That kiss was sad. I realized that "Pete" is actually attractive. But in any scene with "Grace" I don't notice it. I blame Grace because Pete actually was really good in that scene where he & Denise were telling the history of that house. He must be in on the killings or otherwise his character would be a fail.


They should at least have the redeeming quality of being good detectives. But, no - it's sad how easily manipulated they were. The Paint lady was a major clue they just had no curiosity about. 


Overall, I love this show. But was disappointed in this filler episode.

Edited by shoetingstar
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Uneven, weird, and possibly offensive? But still weirdly entertaining? Its Ryan Murphey doing his Ryan Murphy thing. 


I want to know what the deal with the painting lady is. My new, wacked out theory? Grace and Pete are the real killers, only they are both completely deranged, and lose their memories of killing people, right after they take off their Red Devil costumes. 

Edited by tennisgurl

I really wanted The Chanels trying to murder Chanel 1 to be the main plot since it would have saved us from the boredom of Bland wanna-be Investigator 1 and 2. 


Also, I really thought the Red Devils would off The Dean during her monologue as she danced. Now that would have been awesome. You have failed me Red Devils. 

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