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Jeopardy! Tournament of Champions


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1 hour ago, Browncoat said:

Oh, shoot.  Should I have replied in this thread instead of the main one? 

Since that's how it's been done in the past, I figure that's the pattern to follow unless the new mods say we're doing it differently now.

Woohoo -- go Emily!

I ran condiments, rhyme time (fun!), and the TV category they were so terrible at (Spin City and Three's Company were the only shows I watched, so hooray for cultural osmosis -- and Emily's incorrect guess of Tyler giving me Tyler Perry) and got all but one in sleep and election, missing two in fiction, so I was off to a very good start.

Then came DJ.  Wow, do I wish I had drugs to blame this round on.  I was terrible in American Revolution and dragons, only coming up with molasses and Orlando, respectively, and missed three each in geo, bones, and slang (I knew the two 1920s words, but none of those from 2020s).  I didn't run a damn thing, not even judges, because I knew all the law stuff but joined the contestants in being stumped by the king.

I capped it off by having absolutely no idea for FJ.  I could have sat here until I died and still had no idea for FJ.

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4 minutes ago, possibilities said:

More hugging. Not a sore loser in the bunch.

I noticed that and smiled.  Over the years I've seen quite a few things shared here from elsewhere, contestants talking about the bond between contestants, but I don't recall it being spoken about and seen on the show as much as it has been lately.  I imagine it's kicked up quite a notch in the ToC, so we'll probably see more group hugs as it goes on.  It's nice.

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On 2/23/2024 at 7:50 PM, Bastet said:

I noticed that and smiled.  Over the years I've seen quite a few things shared here from elsewhere, contestants talking about the bond between contestants, but I don't recall it being spoken about and seen on the show as much as it has been lately.  I imagine it's kicked up quite a notch in the ToC, so we'll probably see more group hugs as it goes on.  It's nice.

It is very nice. Even before the pandemic, I don't remember much hugging.

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12 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

Was it started because the TOC used to air at a different time?

No, that's just how the moderators set it up for the first ToC since the site was created, and how it has gone for the nearly ten years since (there isn't a ToC every season).  The teen and college tournaments that air during the regular timeslot don't get their own threads (while prime time tournaments do), but the ToC is the tournament of tournaments, so maybe that's why.  (If Arthur and James can each have their own threads, the ToC certainly should.)  It has worked since 2015, so I'm sure the idea is there's no reason to change now (especially with the site switching back to every show having a multi-thread forum rather than some only getting single topics).

Edited by Bastet
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1 hour ago, opus said:

After the TOC does Lucas Partridge finally come back? I’m getting worried he’s going to be eligible for a seniors tournament before we see him again.

LOL.  But, according articles posted in the media thread, no, there's yet another tournament on deck after this, so it will be "early spring" before we get back to regular games.

Edited by Bastet
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40 minutes ago, Bastet said:

LOL.  But, according to an article posted in the media thread, no, there's yet another tournament on deck after this, so it will be "early spring" before we get back to regular games.

Okay. I see here “regular play” episodes start taping March 12



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1 hour ago, Bastet said:

there's yet another tournament on deck after this,

Yep. According to what Ken said (either the first TOC episode or at the end of the episode before that), it will be a tournament to see who will compete in the next J! Masters tournament (which, I believe, will at least be in prime time). It is only after that will we (finger crossed) actually get new games with "regular, unseen previously (except the returning champ) people".

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On 2/23/2024 at 10:29 PM, Bastet said:

I was terrible in American Revolution and dragons,

I was so excited to see Pop Culture Dragons as a category, and then I only got 2 correct.  Pooey!

18 hours ago, illdoc said:

Yep. According to what Ken said (either the first TOC episode or at the end of the episode before that), it will be a tournament to see who will compete in the next J! Masters tournament (which, I believe, will at least be in prime time). It is only after that will we (finger crossed) actually get new games with "regular, unseen previously (except the returning champ) people".

When will there be an end, Michelangelo?!?!?!?!?

I'm not going to be home tonight, so just checked the archive.  Looking at their photos, Cris is the only one I recognize.  Not being able to see the photos within clues wasn't an issue, thankfully, as I either didn't need them (usually) or they wouldn't have helped.

The fleece TS was surprising, as was no one figuring out magnesium and aluminum.

To the shock of no one, I blew the Bible category; I only came up with jail (and only because of MLK Jr.).  I figured I was going to be terrible in Disney, too, but I wound up only being pretty bad, missing three.  Good for me?  Unfortunately, I also missed three in history.  I ran college and speech and got all but one in memory, but it was not a good first round for me.

It was one of those uncommon games in which I did better in DJ; in fact, I did quite well for a ToC DJ!  I missed two in cities, but ran Italian Americans (although I may have given myself longer than I should have to come up with Puzo) and got all but one each in the rest.

But I didn't know FJ.  It made sense once revealed, as I've heard of "pre-Raphaelites", but couldn't tell you anything about him or them other than they all existed.

Edited by Bastet
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February 26:

60% / 50% / 54%

Terrible game. In J! I missed one in College Course, History, and Parts of Speech, two in Disney, three in Memory, and four in the New Testament. In DJ I missed one in Alloys and Italian Americans, two in 70s Rock, three in Double Vowel and Literary Groups, and completely failed World Cities. Had no clue for FJ.

TSes: (J had 2; DJ had 6) I got Council of Trent, Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf, Algonquin Round Table, magnesium/aluminum, and fleece.

Darn, I was rooting for Cris. My boss texted me right after Jared's second DD, "Push your buzzer, Chris [sic]." and then a minute later, "Adios, Cris."

Jared's cover of the J! theme (make sure you watch to the end):


Edited by ams1001
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I said Botticelli.  No reason.  Just guessing an Italian artist.

I got the missed clues of Shakespeare & Company, and magnesium and aluminum.  Before Chris missed them with partially right info.

I got the entire categories of the New Testament and parts of speech right.

Much better game than Friday, but i still lost money.

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I got FJ! happy dance! at first all I could think of was that painting of Ophelia (looked it up it's by Millais) then I remembered the term Pre Raphaelite, and then said Raphael. I think I read a mystery once that used that painting for something or other?🤔 Also got Whose Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf, and that's about it.

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I had no real recollection of Jared, just a vague sense that I maybe liked him when he played before? So I opened the Season 39 thread and typed “Jared” into the search box. (Did you know we could do that? I didn’t, before just now.)  

I was transported back to June 2023, a time when the great macaroon v. macaron debate was raging, @Browncoat was in Canada eating reindeer and walrus (it was never proved otherwise!), and Jared had his all-too-brief run. A self-described “dork-o-potamus”, he won hearts here with a story about how he took allergy shots so he could coexist happily with his wife and her cats. (The inference being he didn’t have a choice, the cats outranked him.) There were many comments about him being a “nice guy”, and much sadness when he lost (to Suresh). 

My memory refreshed, I am pleased that Jared advanced to the next round. What a boost of confidence it must have been to take out Cris— didn’t see that coming! 

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13 hours ago, Bastet said:

But I didn't know FJ.  It made sense once revealed, as I've heard of "pre-Raphaelites", but couldn't tell you anything about him or them other than they all existed.

I remember enjoying the series Desperate Romantics about the pre-Raphaelites but La Fornarina meant nothing to me and I didn't make the leap.

It was a little bit painful watching Cris struggle, especially after the discussion of Buzzy's advice to Ben of "don't guess". I liked Cris a lot. But Jared played very well and more than deserved his win.

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14 hours ago, kathyk2 said:

I was shocked Cris was eliminated so soon. I thought the questions were much easier than on Friday. I ran Disney Parts of speech and 70's Rock.

I was shocked too. I expected to do well in 70s Rock - but didn't get a one, as they were all bands I didn't pay particular attention to. Then, to my annoyance, the mister got every single darn one of them. 🤪

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21 minutes ago, Clanstarling said:

I expected to do well in 70s Rock - but didn't get a one, as they were all bands I didn't pay particular attention to.

I think the only 70s music one that I was able to get (and it came easily thanks to my brother) was the lowest value clue for AC/DC. The rest of the clues seemed to be full of words I had never heard before. 

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10 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Jared had his all-too-brief run. A self-described “dork-o-potamus”, he won hearts here with a story about how he took allergy shots so he could coexist happily with his wife and her cats.

Ah yes, that I remember.  His face, no, but the cat story, yes.

10 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

So I opened the Season 39 thread and typed “Jared” into the search box. (Did you know we could do that? I didn’t, before just now.)  

Yes, I use the search feature a lot because I suffer from a chronic case of CRS - Can't Remember Shit.

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February 27:

67% / 60% / 62%

Better than yesterday, but still not good. In J! I ran Clothes, missed one in Little Gnome Facts, two in Inaugural Addresses, Mythology, and Antonymic Pairs, and three in Television. In DJ I missed one in Awards & Honors, three in Depressions, and two in everything else. No clue for FJ.

TSes: (J had 5; DJ had 4) I got New Mexico, kick pleat, and Moulin Rouge.

Couldn't decide who to root for tonight; I liked (and remembered!) everyone. 

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1 hour ago, dgpolo said:

No FJ today but I did get the TSs of Pleat, Chiron (got all the Mythology clues), Jean Hersholt, Moulin Rouge and The Ransom of Red Chief (and all the other short stories)

For the Moulin Rouge clue my thought process was "Not Lust for Paint, Lust for ... not Lust for Paint, oh -- Lust for LIFE!" Whoops. (I blame Harold Ramis -- he mentions Jose Ferrer and Zsa Zsa Gabor in the intro.)

Edited by SomeTameGazelle
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Another group hug. 🙂

I remembered Hannah and Yungsheng, but not the priest.  So of course he wins.

I wasn't expecting peaks & valleys, pleat, or New Mexico to be TS, but no big surprises.

I ran Inaugural Addresses and pairs, but that was it for the first round.  I missed three in mythology (not bad, since I go into all religion/mythology categories knowing it's entirely possible I will not get a single one right) but did okay in the rest for a ToC game -- I got all but one in gnomes and missed two each in TV and clothes.

I didn't run a damn thing in DJ, though.  I didn't even get all but one in anything.  I missed two each in honors, artists, and depressions, but three each in the rest.  And it would have been three in depressions, except it turned out my joke guess of Cul-de-Sac was correct.

I dreaded FJ based on the category, but wound up knowing it.

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1 hour ago, Bastet said:

I remembered Hannah and Yungsheng, but not the priest.  So of course he wins.

I remembered David Sibley because of the well-known ornithologist. I really liked both Hannah and Yungsheng and didn't want to have to root against either of them. I was worried that Hannah was risking too much on that second Daily Double and was very disappointed when she missed. 

I didn't think of Chiron and when Ken didn't comment on Hannah's wrong guess of Mentor I briefly hoped it was because there would be a future clue in the category concerning Mentor and/or Telemachus.

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1 hour ago, Bastet said:

I remembered Hannah and Yungsheng, but not the priest.  So of course he wins.

I did a Time Machine look through the archives for David, because that’s apparently what I do now. And because I enjoy the ToC more when I can actually remember the contestants.

David played way back in September 2022, near the start of the season. He had a respectable 4-day run before being defeated by Cris Pannullo. (That’s a rematch he won’t have to worry about now.) While he seemed to have a pleasant personality, most comments focused on his tendency to sway back and forth. I even posted a gif of an inflatable car lot tube guy in his honor. Tonight, I was mainly listening, not watching— was he swaying, or did he correct that habit?

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While not as glaring an upset as Jared beating Cris Panullo, David's victory over Hannah Wilson has to be considered an upset too. I remember she won eight games during her original run, which is none too shabby. I was rooting for her or Yungshang. I liked him too. I have no recollection of David at all. 

I am not looking forward to Yogesh tonight. 😒 I'm hoping he's a one and done. 🤞

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9 hours ago, dgpolo said:

No FJ today but I did get the TSs of Pleat, Chiron (got all the Mythology clues), Jean Hersholt, Moulin Rouge and The Ransom of Red Chief (and all the other short stories)

Chiron was the only one I missed in mythology.  Not sure if she was spelling it that way, but loved the answer of Mentaur.

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8 hours ago, Phebemarie said:

Did David wear his clerical collar when he competed before?  I remembered him because I'm Episcopalian and was rooting for the home team.  

I did a google image search for his name and it brought up some pictures from previous games. In a couple he's just wearing a regular shirt and tie under a sweater; he did wear the clerical collar in at least one game.


5 hours ago, ProudMary said:

I am not looking forward to Yogesh tonight. 😒 I'm hoping he's a one and done. 🤞

It's rare that I root against someone, but I will tonight. The other two names are familiar but I don't remember if I had any strong feelings about either of them.

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I remember David from his original run and was actively rooting for him. He only wore his collar once because he wanted to show that a priest could be a regular guy. He has a great sense of humor. I'm glad he won.

More hugs and congratulations at the end of the show. I wonder if it will continue tonight? Or maybe everyone competing loves Yogesh.

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I remembered Hannah quite well and was rooting for her but it was not to be.

FJ was not an instaget but I did get it in reasonably good time. My son poohpoohed my answer so I was happy to say HA! when I was right since military history is his wheelhouse.

It was a fairly good game for me overall.  I was pleased to get the ts of The Ransom of Red Chief since I like that story, and pretty much all of O. Henry's work.

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3 hours ago, Katy M said:

Chiron was the only one I missed in mythology. 

I really remember Chiron because of the Percy Jackson books, regular books on mythology that I have read don't mention him that much and I've never read the Iliad. With FJ I had just decided there were no newer type ships or land vehichles around 1955-60 and moved on to aircraft when the time ran out.

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2 hours ago, Good Queen Jane said:

I remember David from his original run and was actively rooting for him. He only wore his collar once because he wanted to show that a priest could be a regular guy. He has a great sense of humor. I'm glad he won.

More hugs and congratulations at the end of the show. I wonder if it will continue tonight? Or maybe everyone competing loves Yogesh.

Nobody loves Yogesh.... how did he get into the TOC?????

So sad to see Hannah go...was  rooting for her! 🥲 But did like the hugs all around at the end.

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