JocelynCavanaugh November 2, 2015 Share November 2, 2015 The Browns celebrate the judge's decision to allow Kody to adopt Robyn's first three kids. Link to comment
DanaMB November 2, 2015 Share November 2, 2015 So after all the drama over the adoption, they send the kids away for 2 weeks to see their biological dad? WTF? 19 Link to comment
Quickbeam November 2, 2015 Share November 2, 2015 I am thinking the kid's father made some kind of agreement we don't know about. 11 Link to comment
Popular Post JocelynCavanaugh November 2, 2015 Author Popular Post Share November 2, 2015 When Robyn tearfully revealed the drawing of Kody as the "father" to her children when they were small, and everyone bawled like it was the second coming of Brigham Young, I actually said out loud "what the fuck is wrong with these people?!" Janelle said "I never would've thought to do something like that." Well, yeah, because you're not quite as insane as the people around you. Close, but not quite. 45 Link to comment
Popular Post BradandJanet November 2, 2015 Popular Post Share November 2, 2015 Did I really see that Robyn had a drawing made with young Kody and her biological kids, replacing their own father in a rewriting of their childhood history? It's one of the most disturbing things I've seen these weirdos do--and that's saying a lot. Robyn has some major screws loose and is determined to fuck up her children, who still visit their father. 63 Link to comment
greekmom November 2, 2015 Share November 2, 2015 Did I really see that Robyn had a drawing made with young Kody and her biological kids, replacing their own father in a rewriting of their childhood history? It's one of the most disturbing things I've seen these weirdos do--and that's saying a lot. Robyn has some major screws loose and is determined to fuck up her children, who still visit their father. Thank you! This. You cannot for all you try rewrite history Sobyn or change your kid's DNA. Jessop is their father and will always be. Biologically. As much as you want that change it will never happen. You can get pictures drawn, photoshop pictures, etc. But Jessop is their dad. I cannot jump on the Koduche is the kid's father bandwagon unless I find out that he's either hurt them or been a lousy father. Other than that, they are all fucking nuts. Oh and Meri's confession about "how she brought something into the family". Yeah Meri. You tried to take a chance to leave. As much as I dislike Meri. I wish she would have found someone to give her the push to leave the Kdouche's ass. With Janelle and Christine to follow. 13 Link to comment
Jusagirlintheworld November 2, 2015 Share November 2, 2015 Did I really see that Robyn had a drawing made with young Kody and her biological kids, replacing their own father in a rewriting of their childhood history? It's one of the most disturbing things I've seen these weirdos do--and that's saying a lot. Robyn has some major screws loose and is determined to fuck up her children, who still visit their father. I am speechless. I just can't. Those poor kids. 22 Link to comment
Popular Post deedee2 November 2, 2015 Popular Post Share November 2, 2015 When Robyn tearfully revealed the drawing of Kody as the "father" to her children when they were small, and everyone bawled like it was the second coming of Brigham Young, I actually said out loud "what the fuck is wrong with these people?!" Did I really see that Robyn had a drawing made with young Kody and her biological kids, replacing their own father in a rewriting of their childhood history? It's one of the most disturbing things I've seen these weirdos do--and that's saying a lot. Robyn has some major screws loose and is determined to fuck up her children, who still visit their father. RIGHT??? I'm so glad I wasn't the only one. My blood boiled when Robyn revealed that horrifying fantasy portrait. How does a mother do that to her children?! I'm APPALLED by it! My heart goes out to bio-dad, as well as to the future adult version of Robyn's kids, who will one day examine why they are so emotionally f'd up, and will look at that picture with outrage and revulsion. 28 Link to comment
RealityCowgirl November 2, 2015 Share November 2, 2015 Still not watching this mess, but I saw a photo of the fiction (the "rewriting history" drawing) in the Twitter feed on CJ's blog. That is some twisted s*&t. Phenomenally so. 8 Link to comment
BradandJanet November 2, 2015 Share November 2, 2015 Robyn is gas lighting her young children to fulfill her own selfish needs. There's no excuse for Jessop, Kody, or the Brownie wives for their part in this travesty, but Robyn is an utter abomination. I hope the social media universe grinds her into the ground. 21 Link to comment
OldWiseOne November 2, 2015 Share November 2, 2015 Why is Robin filming the adoption party on her phone when there are tv cameras there capturing all the footage? 4 Link to comment
Adeejay November 2, 2015 Share November 2, 2015 Given that Meri was "the one who first brought up the idea of the divorce so the kids could be adopted", you'd think she'd at least make an effort to appear happy. The look Kody gave Robyn after she chastised him in front of the other wives, sent chills up my spine. That drawing of Kody with Robyn's kids is disturbing on so many different levels. 10 Link to comment
Snarklepuss November 2, 2015 Share November 2, 2015 OMG, that "revisionist history" picture was disturbing on so many levels! Those poor kids. Why does everything have to be ceremonialized, celebrated, plaqued to death and glorified beyond all reality? Get over yourselves, already! Mr. Snarklepuss only watches this show very occasionally. He did tonight and came out of the blue with his opinion that Robyn is "the evil one, not Meri". Wow, it's that obvious. Out of the mouths of babes, almost. Here we go again with Robyn talking about the kids visiting Jessop like "We don't know how this is going to go" and acting like when they have visited their dad they come back different - Well duh, because they just saw their REAL dad, who isn't the monster you've been painting him to the world. Talk about confusing the kids and making their heads spin around! Meanwhile the kids couldn't be more excited to go see him. None of THEM have any reservations about seeing their dad. Perhaps Kodouche and Sobyn are worried about him telling them crap about them, because obviously, they tell the kids crap about HIM. And here we go with Meri alluding to her "conflicting emotions since the divorce" and having to tell the group something next week. Are they setting us up for some kind of "revelation"? I think they're probably just teasing us and will drag this out forever without throwing us a bone with any real meat on it. Or they will tell a sanitized version to explain it all away. Meri pounding it in about the divorce "being all about the kids" and pretty much invalidating any emotions she has because "the kids are more important" - Talk about falling on her freaking sword - No wonder she's running amok with some con artist online! You can't deny something you need and should rightly have for the children - You need your own needs met too. Her playing the martyr is just freaking ridiculous. You'd think she came straight out of the 19th century or something. Obviously her worth as a woman in that stupid cult/family is zero now because she has no more children and can't have any more and she's upset about it. So she's just acting to the world like she'll just stick her head in the oven while Robyn gets everything she wants. Then she plays a desperate maneuver as if to try to make a jail break. It's just so freaking sad and messed up! 13 Link to comment
Popular Post mamapajama November 2, 2015 Popular Post Share November 2, 2015 But it was so tastefully done and classy! What with the Office Max tri-board and all. While Kody specifically chose hardwood for the plaques he had made with the "pitchers." He is so smart. It was, once again, all about Kody's newly minted paternity of Da'unaurornbreanna. I'm surprised he didn't make plaster casts of his jiggly bits to add to the plaques. "I would have fathered you, if I had been there in time to steal Robyn's purity myself." 33 Link to comment
gardendiva November 2, 2015 Share November 2, 2015 I haven't even watched this episode yet, but after hearing about that creepy piece of art Robyn had made, her opening tag line seems to have more sinister overtones now: "like we shoulda been together from day one". 23 Link to comment
CofCinci November 2, 2015 Share November 2, 2015 So after all the drama over the adoption, they send the kids away for 2 weeks to see their biological dad? WTF?Hysterical. Just as funny as that revisionist history family portrait. 5 Link to comment
Snarklepuss November 2, 2015 Share November 2, 2015 Given that Meri was "the one who first brought up the idea of the divorce so the kids could be adopted", you'd think she'd at least make an effort to appear happy. The look Kody gave Robyn after she chastised him in front of the other wives, sent chills up my spine. That drawing of Kody with Robyn's kids is disturbing on so many different levels. Hah, great minds think alike - we posted the "disturbing on so many levels" phrase at the same time! Yeah, that look Kody gave Robyn was bone chilling, like he would have launched into a tirade if the cameras weren't on him. He almost had those Charles Manson eyes. Shows you he's not used to being challenged - we can thank Robyn's raging pregnancy hormones for her taking him on that way - Man, he's worse than I even thought if even something that tame will get him that mad! He obviously gets everything his way all the time, which is what we all knew anyway. But now we see the flip side of that - If he doesn't get his way he gets evil and the Wolfman/Mr. Hyde comes out. It's pretty ugly and scary, to tell the truth. 6 Link to comment
JenMcSnark November 2, 2015 Share November 2, 2015 Did I really see that Robyn had a drawing made with young Kody and her biological kids, replacing their own father in a rewriting of their childhood history? It's one of the most disturbing things I've seen these weirdos do--and that's saying a lot. Robyn has some major screws loose and is determined to fuck up her children, who still visit their father. That is one of the creepiest things I've ever seen. Just wow. 12 Link to comment
BradandJanet November 2, 2015 Share November 2, 2015 The Browns have boarded the same train to reality show hell as the Gosselins and the Duggars did. They believe their own hype and have lost all perspective. There's nothing like having your dysfunction broadcast to millions of people. 14 Link to comment
mamapajama November 2, 2015 Share November 2, 2015 I don't think it's the pregnancy "harmones" causing Robyn to challenge Prince Valiant. I think she is exercising her newfound power, (as she sees it,) as the REAL wife. On the bed, while Kody was trying to get all teary-eyed over his regret at not knowing the new Brownies when they were babies, Robyn was so over it. Before, she would have turned on the waterworks, to show him how vulnerable and delicate she was. 19 Link to comment
algebra November 2, 2015 Share November 2, 2015 Next week maybe they will make a huge papier mâché planet in the middle of the cul-de-sac and populate it with action figures of themselves. Because that's what they need, action figures of themselves. Or maybe Pez dispensers. Can't you just see the Duggars saying "oh snap! Why didn't we think of that?" 15 Link to comment
Galloway Cave November 2, 2015 Share November 2, 2015 Robyn said that Jessop "hadn't been able to see the kids in several years." That implies it was kind of out of his hands. It is the opposite of what she has been saying lately, that he hasn't made the effort to see them, that he has been neglecting the kids. The kids were excited to go see him and had a good time with him. Maybe Breanna was crying because she was being forced to celebrate something she wasn't sure about so soon after spending quality time with her FATHER? Co-signing on the Creepo-Portrait. Sick beyond words. I just read on CJ's blog that the watch the kids gave Kody is worth around $2500 (if it was the real brand name). Wonder if Robyn saved up her grocery money for that one too. 8 Link to comment
deedee2 November 2, 2015 Share November 2, 2015 I haven't even watched this episode yet, but after hearing about that creepy piece of art Robyn had made, her opening tag line seems to have more sinister overtones now: "like we shoulda been together from day one". That's exactly what I first thought of when she opened up that picture. She's totally forcing a new narrative of her family history. Gah! 2 Link to comment
gardendiva November 2, 2015 Share November 2, 2015 I just found an image of that drawing online, and if I were their bio dad, I think I would be unable to contain my rage at this clown crew. At this point, they are just rubbing his nose in the whole adoption now. 12 Link to comment
For Cereals November 2, 2015 Share November 2, 2015 I can say that I'm happy to see that someone corrected that sign in Janel's kitchen. It bothered me the day I saw them shopping for it. Better THAN, not THEN.... The portrait was just all kinds of creepy just because, no offense to the artist, who seemed very sweet, but it would give me nightmares. The fact that they are trying to rewrite history was just the icing on the tree. I would like to know more about the children's father. They kind of make him out to be a deadbeat, but I'm just not sure if he has the means to fight the issue based on Robyn's statements tonight and the fact that the kids went to stay with him. That's a little different. 4 Link to comment
deedee2 November 2, 2015 Share November 2, 2015 (edited) I just found an image of that drawing online, and if I were their bio dad, I think I would be unable to contain my rage at this clown crew. At this point, they are just rubbing his nose in the whole adoption now. And don't forget Kody's touching little speech at the "name giving ceremony": "I want these kids to know that I fought hard for them!!" (implication - bio-dad didn't care enough to fight, so he dumped them, and now they're 'Brownies'). Urrgh. Edited November 2, 2015 by deedee2 4 Link to comment
LilWharveyGal November 2, 2015 Share November 2, 2015 (edited) "I want these kids to know that I fought hard for them!!" What, did the poor baby cramp his hand signing the papers? Did he furrow his brow a few times too many and have to redo his hair? Ugh, I just can't with these people anymore. Edited November 2, 2015 by LilWharveyGal 8 Link to comment
MrsMommy November 2, 2015 Share November 2, 2015 My husband doesn't 20th this often, tonight he looked at me and said "that nuts trying to rewrite history" smh 2 Link to comment
3girlsforus November 2, 2015 Share November 2, 2015 I have to get to bed but I have to make a couple of quick comments. First, I don't think they know what adoption means. It doesn't mean sign papers and then sent the kids off to visit the parent who supposedly just gave up his kids. And Janelle, what exactly is a polygamist cake??? 6 Link to comment
algebra November 2, 2015 Share November 2, 2015 A "polygamist cake" is what you get when you go to a Christian bakery and ask for one. Either you get the cake or you get a quarter million dollars in a judgement in a discrimination suit. In other words, it's a HUGE disappointment 12 Link to comment
Lightning November 2, 2015 Share November 2, 2015 1. There was no way that cake was going to serve 60 people, unless there were 2 other cakes that weren't brought in. 2. WHY was it necessary for Robyn to tell the portrait maker that she was married to someone with four wives? Was that necessary? Just give him the picture of the kids, the picture of Kody, and say "here -- please creepily superimpose Kody into this picture". They are always playing the "4 wives" song and dance just for the shock value when it is totally unnecessary. 3. I thought that it was a "rule" that Kody did not display affection to one wife in front of another wife. When Janelle had the cake brought in and everyone was acting like it was the greatest cake ever made, Kody had his arm around Robyn's shoulder and kissed her on the side of the head with Janelle still there. I guess the "rules" get broken for Robyn. 4. I still wonder what "our religion" is that Kody was talking about. Evidently, other people at the party knew, but I didn't see them at Kody's "church service" a few seasons back. 18 Link to comment
ChristmasJones November 2, 2015 Share November 2, 2015 I haven't watched this show for the past two seasons, (but always read here). Tonight I happened to leave the tv on and walked back in at the very end of the episode, to catch Kody saying "I want the kids to know they're special, because I think they're special." OMG This guy is like a scary cult leader. His eyes look even creepier than I remember two years ago. 7 Link to comment
imakeepit100 November 2, 2015 Share November 2, 2015 This show is getting unbearable. That portrait? Really? It was so unbelievably narcissistic and creepy. I just can't understand how they set the biological dad up as some monster, but then let the kids go stay with him for 2 weeks. What the heck? and then, try to completely erase history and start over again... I wish the catfish had been real. I would've loved for the next season to be about Meri leaving. Now that is must see tv. I wonder if they're going to talk about the affair next week, though. I wonder when it was filmed. Did it occur after the catfish outing? Any idea? Also, shouldn't Meri talk to Kody about it privately (if that is the topic of the conversation)? 6 Link to comment
Lightning November 2, 2015 Share November 2, 2015 One thing I noticed when Robyn was meeting with the portrait artist. She said "he has four wives now". According to the Brown clan, he's had four wives for several years. Wondering if she is foreshadowing a fifth wife again? 1 Link to comment
LotusFlower November 2, 2015 Share November 2, 2015 OMG, that "revisionist history" picture was disturbing on so many levels! Those poor kids. Why does everything have to be ceremonialized, celebrated, plaqued to death and glorified beyond all reality? To honor King Kody. Everything is a shrine or plaque to memorialize and lay tribute to his Greatness.. I just came here to vent about the revisionist painting, and I'm glad to see so many of you feel the same way. It's like Robyn's trying to literally erase the father from all their lives. I gasped when she first mentioned the idea to the artist, not just when the portrait was presented - it was just so friggin creepy. Plus, she was acting like it was such a special and brilliant idea. And all this on the same episode when the three actually travel to see the real father, and return to the compound talking about him kinda favorably. Weird. 6 Link to comment
BradandJanet November 2, 2015 Share November 2, 2015 I don't think it's the pregnancy "harmones" causing Robyn to challenge Prince Valiant. I think she is exercising her newfound power, (as she sees it,) as the REAL wife. On the bed, while Kody was trying to get all teary-eyed over his regret at not knowing the new Brownies when they were babies, Robyn was so over it. Before, she would have turned on the waterworks, to show him how vulnerable and delicate she was.If If Robyn thinks she can't be replaced as a wife, she needs to look to both sides of her on the talking head couch. 4. I still wonder what "our religion" is that Kody was talking about. Evidently, other people at the party knew, but I didn't see them at Kody's "church service" a few seasons back. Kody makes up the religion as he goes along. It's whatever suits him at the moment. OMG This guy is like a scary cult leader. His eyes look even creepier than I remember two years ago. This says it all. 6 Link to comment
algebra November 2, 2015 Share November 2, 2015 The TAG Heuer watch is a bit over the top. The guy has 20 kids, they eat tater tots, and they buy him a watch like that? 6 Link to comment
zenme November 2, 2015 Share November 2, 2015 Whose pictures were removed in order to put Dayunaurorabreanna's pictures with Kody? Christine was forcing a smile for the couch interview when the topic of the drawing came up. I'm also wondering how they have the money for the pricey watch and diamond necklace. 5 Link to comment
Maire November 2, 2015 Share November 2, 2015 Wait why is Kody crying over not knowing Robyn's kids when they were little? He is never even with his own little kids. This "portrait" or "pitcher" is proof that they are nuts 10 Link to comment
algebra November 2, 2015 Share November 2, 2015 The portrait was AWFUL. What are the going to do with it, hang it above the altar of Meri's wet bar and worship it as part of their church services? 4 Link to comment
kimaken November 2, 2015 Share November 2, 2015 This show is getting unbearable. That portrait? Really? It was so unbelievably narcissistic and creepy. I just can't understand how they set the biological dad up as some monster, but then let the kids go stay with him for 2 weeks. What the heck? and then, try to completely erase history and start over again... I wish the catfish had been real. I would've loved for the next season to be about Meri leaving. Now that is must see tv. I wonder if they're going to talk about the affair next week, though. I wonder when it was filmed. Did it occur after the catfish outing? Any idea? Also, shouldn't Meri talk to Kody about it privately (if that is the topic of the conversation)? 1 Link to comment
camom November 2, 2015 Share November 2, 2015 I don't think it's the pregnancy "harmones" causing Robyn to challenge Prince Valiant. I think she is exercising her newfound power, (as she sees it,) as the REAL wife. That's what I think, too. She is cementing herself as the one and only "real" wife. I'm also wondering how they have the money for the pricey watch and diamond necklace. I'm sure Robyn saved her grocery money, just like for the trip to Hawaii. When Robyn's kids were doing their TH, Aurora looked at her siblings and said something like "The adoption is important to me, personally." Made me think perhaps it wasn't important to Breanna and Dayton. I also wondered if Breanna's tears were because she has such mixed emotions. She obviously loves her bio dad, in fact they all do. Their minds are being messed with big time. 8 Link to comment
kimaken November 2, 2015 Share November 2, 2015 I thought the catfish incident was real. These episodes were filmed earlier in the year, and one of Robyn' s daughters said the adoption date was June 17, 2015. The catfish stuff happened in July/August. I'm curious to see how Kody will try to make the catfish incident all about him. 1 Link to comment
islandgal140 November 2, 2015 Share November 2, 2015 Another Brown cult clan celebration - NOW WITH 4 TIMES THE PLAQUES and CREEPY REVISIONIST PORTRAITS!!!! That portrait was seriously nightmare fuel!! Everything about this episode was nightmare fuel from start to finish. - Kody and Robyn going on and on about the kids being different and having a thousand yard stare after visiting their bio dad? No. There are just upset that they have their bio dad stank on 'em which slaps both their idjits asses back into reality. Kody didn't plant his flag on terra Robyn; the kids aren't of his seed and Planet Uranus might be minus 3. The kids seem happy and excited to spend time with their bio and are probably just uncomfortable because of Robyn's steering them towards Kody and Kody feeling territorial. - So it isn't enough to have their bio dad give up parental rights, adopt the kids and change their birth certificates to read Brown? Robyn has to come up with a fiction of a moment that didn't and couldn't have existed? Get over it! Robyn gave up the pantie drawers (no doubt Victoria Secret) before marriage to Jessop. I ain't buying that cock and bull stolen purity story either and my money is on her at least having given Kody a handy j during their engagement. AT LEAST!!! - I wish Robyn and Kody would stop faking the funk. Robyn is the only one he shows natural affection towards. All the wives are doing a lot of things not only to make the adoption happen but to support and celebrate it, but the only one Kody is hanging on and kissing is Robyn. During a TH couch section with just him and Robyn, he gave her such a look of intimacy that I have never seen before him and any other wife. - Janelle saying this would be the 1st plyg cake that cake shop has made? A plyg cake has eggs, flour, salt, sugar just like any other cake and she really wasn't even asking for anything plyg related. Why the hell do they have to make such a big stank about it? And why did Robyn have to torture that poor man with her plyg tales? Shit, I swear half the time, they are wanting someone to flip, refuse them service so they could sue and make a federal case out of it. - Could Meri have been any less impressed by that gift? Well, I guess if it had come from My Shitty Wives Closet. - Looks like the one Kody gave Robyn is why I never believe his whole the wives run the show bullshit. It is all good as long as it either still makes him the center of attention/object of desire or plays to his harried husband narrative but when shit gets real ..... look out! Too many wives saying Kody does what he wants for that poor henpecked husband of 4 story to jibe. - Nice to see Kody running to every one of Robyn's doctor's appointments but seems like he can't be bothered to accompany Meri when she is having cancer scares and allegedly loosing weight for no reason. Hell, I don't necessarily believe it but you would think he would at least duck his head in. Meri seems so profoundly alone after all she has done for this family. What a shitty husband! He has time to sit on a bed and pick through pics and pick out plaques but he hasn't really been shown giving Meri the time of day outside of the divorce thing. Seriously, after some like that Meri deserves the wining and dining. I really do wish Meri's beau had of been real and she would've peaced out this fool and I didn't even particularly like Meri. 12 Link to comment
LakeGal November 2, 2015 Share November 2, 2015 I giggled when Robyn was telling us about going on the internet to find a man. I thought that was Meri's thing. But it was just to find a man to do the creepy portrait. 7 Link to comment
valdawn November 2, 2015 Share November 2, 2015 Have we really seen Kidy interact with any of them besides Robyn this whole season? The only thing I can really think if of was the clusterfuck trip with Christine and even then they had a freaking therapist with them the whole time. Robyn sure seems to have him all to herself most of the time. I'm not saying that's any kind of damn prize and those two deserve each other, it's just something I thought about after tonight's episode. The artist did a nice job on the creepiest portrait ever! 1 Link to comment
Popular Post SometimesBites November 2, 2015 Popular Post Share November 2, 2015 (edited) Okay, this portrait thing is beyond the beyonds. Robyn's need to re-write actual reality is a bottomless pit. The woman is certifiable, and that portrait is so hideously ugly that it qualifies, hands down, to be included in the kind of click-bait weirdness we see at the bottom of these forum screens: "Ugly family portraits you won't believe. Number three will make you shit yourself!" Robyn Brown is a sick, sick woman. Good god, TLC--pull the plug already. Edited November 2, 2015 by SometimesBites 26 Link to comment
Micks Picks November 2, 2015 Share November 2, 2015 (edited) The houses, nice cars, colleges, plentiful parties and cakes, expensive presents, trips with the therapist along, Hawaii, Alaska, the watch, the necklace, the special order gifts for the adoptees--how the hell big is the bankruptcy hit going to cost this time? The picture with the the three little kids and Kody instead of the dad, superimposed in his place, seems hideously evil to me. That's some bad ju ju there. Something's bound to get you for doing that. Mary's weeping about I'm sure the upcoming cat fishing debacle,, well, best left unsaid and not cried about. Too personal, don't want to go there. ETA: for those who may not know me from other boards, I've come to detest the It's a boy, it's a girl reveal parties or any mention of twins. Edited November 2, 2015 by Micks Picks 10 Link to comment
Lady Grump November 2, 2015 Share November 2, 2015 No wonder she's running amok with some con artist online! I don't watch this show on the regular, But every once in a new moon, I'll tuck into an episode -- ya know, for a hearty "WTF-laugh". I couldn't have picked a better episode, for that purpose, than this one. Now, I don't follow any social media about these people. So, I had no idea that Meri had been catfished (which, I actually feel kinda bad about....but I digress.) The first time I heard about the catfishing was in this thread (though, I do -- vaguely -- remember hearing mumblings that she had an online 'friend', but I didn't realize it was a con man). Anyway, when I read this, I immediately thought, "OMG, Brooks (from RHOC)!" OMG, IMAGINE if Brooks showed up on TLC as Meri's new boyfriend....LOL! It would be EPIC reality TV. Someone who cares about ratings over at TLC needs to make this reality fantasy a reality script. Forget Kim Kardashian, Brooks taking up with Meri would "break the Internet." I'm also wondering how they have the money for the pricey watch and diamond necklace. Zircs and street vendor Tag, is my guess. That picture! Hahahahahahaha. Those kids were laughing AT Robyn, not reveling in joy with her. I'm convinced. Oh man, I am cracking up just thinking about that pic. That was some funny, funny sh*t! There is nothing "sweet" or "cool" about that thing. It's just hysterical creepiness. The camera person had to crack up when Robyn revealed her picture plan. Had to. Since I don't watch this show on the regular, I have questions! 1) Why don't they have grass? 2) Did I see this correctly? Do they have a gate for their cul-de-sac? 3) WHY is Janelle still there? (Every time I tune into this mess, I hope not to see a "Good Will Hunting" kinda way; Like, I hope she takes off and doesn't look back.(That said, my biggest laugh of the night was the "tree cake" reveal. I was expecting an elaborate, 3D tree tower type thing...and all we got was that teeny, flat thing. LOL. Whomp, waaaa. A quarter of a cupcake for all!) 4) Why do they sometimes call Dayton, David? (BTW, Dayton seems like he has the most common sense out of them ALL.) 5) Do the "fundamentalist Browns" drink alcohol? Or was that just grape juice. My gut says that it was wine, since Janelle DOWNED that sh*t like she NEEDED it. 5 Link to comment
CofCinci November 2, 2015 Share November 2, 2015 The TAG Heuer watch is a bit over the top. The guy has 20 kids, they eat tater tots, and they buy him a watch like that? wonder - with all the craziness with The Duggars this summer if TLC locked the Browns in for another year or two? Giving them more money to use to feed Kody's narcissism. 1 Link to comment
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