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S03.E10: What Took You So Long?


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Leon is pathetic.  Not only could he not back up his lie on Kate drinking, according to Kate's twitter he poured a jar of honey in her bed before he left

And Rocky confirmed the honey story in her text exchange with Leon posted above. What an immature asshole Leon is. Well, so is Rocky for that matter. No wonder those two got along.



You picked up exactly where Leon left off as the most disruptive force on the boat. While the rest of the crew is concerned with how we are going to make this charter a great one for our guests, you are concerned with how it affects you.

From Captain Lee's blog regarding Rocky. As Rocky would say while staring at the ceiling, "NAILED IT!"

Edited by pawsodoom
  • Love 9

Leon knew the firing was coming, but instead of saying "I quit" he tried to manipulate Lee into firing him. When they sat down together Leon almost immediately began making combative comments and talking over Lee and eventually said "what are you going to do about it" or something similar. I think production left it in Lee's hands to decide when to fire Leon, not if. I'm pretty sure it had already been arranged with Ben to save the day.


Rocky and production waited all season for her Big Moment to strip down and dive off the boat. I mean, she's a champion diver and swimmer. Plus, as Kate said, where was Rocky going to go in her drawers, with no ID, clothes or money?


That's why I can't get frustrated at Lee for keeping Leon and Rocky on. It wasn't Lee's call - he's a reality TV actor.


Leon must have agreed to be on the show in the hopes he'd get a new chef gig, or investors for another restaurant. Instead he came off looking very bad - arrogant, misogynist, unimaginative, and not motivated to keep a clean kitchen. ETA: also stupid? Tweeting Ricky's private contact info.


But the thing that caught my attention the most was his stupid decision to lie about Kate drinking. I wondered if he had seen her drink when they first shared a room, but when asked he didn't provide details - maybe Rocky told him Kate was drinking?  He looked stupid for making the accusation and not backing it up.


Eddie may be technically skilled, but he's immature. He's a bit of a craven toady.


I'm not a Ben fan. He's a bit smug and seedy.

Edited by pasdetrois
  • Love 6

I didn't hate Leon or even dislike him much, but it was time for him to go. Rocky was an idiot for saying 'if you go, I go'. Would Leon have quit if the roles were reversed? Hell no! I also thought it was interesting when Amy said Rocky talked a lot of shit about Leon just a couple of days prior.


I laughed when Capt. Lee said he expected Leon to finish the charter. Who, right after being fired, finishes the work day? Most would not. I am of the mind that Leon was not supposed to get fired. He was supposed to be somewhat apologetic, agree to work with Kate, and then everyone was supposed to move on. Leon didn't want to play nice and pretty much forced Capt. Lee to fire him. I hope it was worth it to him because this will have a serious impact on his career going forward.


I am curious about where Rocky went to culinary school. Even the way she chops is incredibly unprofessional for someone who is a trained chef. The Oreo topping on the veggies...I can't even touch that.

Edited by trimthatfat
  • Love 5

Ok so now the whole world knows Rocky's cell # and private e-mail.

Who wants to bet she gets a lot of sleezy voicemails and messages?

Who wants to bet that Rocky is very aware that she left both her private email and telephone number there and is hoping to get a lot of sleazy voice mails and messages? Leon and Rocky are both plain asses and Rocky should have had her mermaid costume, money and other belongings tossed overboard. She did something that's so unacceptable and childish that she deserved to be treated like a 3 year old out of control child. She should have never received the same amount of tip as the others because she did not do her job as was expected of her. The only thing that Rocky had in common with Leon is that they both disliked Kate, nothing else. They were both inappropriate choices for crew members. The only thing that Rocky was good for was showing off her ass and acting like an immature child.


Under normal circumstances when a person is fired, they're escorted out of the building immediately and it surprised me that Captain Lee expected that Leon would stay that day to prepare dinner service. Leon could have sabotaged that entire charter with one meal prepared with revenge in mind. They're all fortunate that Leon got pissed off and quit before he could create a bigger problem being there. When you get fired, you are GONE instantly, not expected to work out the day or even that hour.


Rocky seems to act as though her appearances in Below Deck are all just one big audition for her for a Broadway play. Little does she realize that any directors or producers that see her behavior here would probably never hire her because she's just too difficult to work with and she's basically unstable and may quit at a moment's notice.

Edited by HumblePi
  • Love 8

If Leon had just made one more meal I'm sure the captain would have cut him in on the tip.


I realize that Leon was pissed that he got fired and not Kate, but the professional thing to do would have been to swallow his pride and make that last meal for the guests. 


In his Tweet to Rocky, Leon says he quit. Dude, you were fired. You would not make the last meal for the guests when the captain asked you to, but you were fired.


Leon comes across as very prideful and not in a good way.

  • Love 5

3) why the hell was Rocky so outraged about Leon leaving??? She reacted more than he did, and he was the one actually fired. Rocky was extremely lucky that at this point they could not necessarily afford to lose her because I have a feeling the capt would have booted her also.

Because Leon was her only ally in her campaign about how awful Kate is. 

  • Love 3


I didn't hate Leon or even dislike him much, but it was time for him to go. Rocky was an idiot for saying 'if you go, I go'. Would Leon have quit if the roles were reversed? Hell no! I also thought it was interesting when Amy said Rocky talked a lot of shit about Leon just a couple of days prior.


I don't think Rocky cares that much about Leon. I think Rocky thrives on provoking people and she saw this as a way of provoking Kate.

  • Love 4

I don't know, there's something about Eddie this season that is turning me off from him.  He does seem a little like he's kissing up to Captain Lee - he will agree with whatever Captain Lee says because it will hopefully, make him look better....but, who knows - hopefully, he WAS in agreement with Captain Lee.

Kissing up to, or at least agreeing with, the boss is usually a good practice in a business environment, especially in a very hierarchical work environment, like a private yacht.

  • Love 3


I don't know, there's something about Eddie this season that is turning me off from him.  He does seem a little like he's kissing up to Captain Lee - he will agree with whatever Captain Lee says because it will hopefully, make him look better....but, who knows - hopefully, he WAS in agreement with Captain Lee.

I always got the impression that Eddie and Captain Lee have a pretty good relationship when they are working together and when they are not. So I do not necessarily think Eddie is sucking up to Captain Lee. Eddie did not seem to make or have a close friend on this charter. I am not counting laundry time with Rocky. Maybe with Ben around he will not be with Captain Lee as much. I would rather have Eddie hanging out with Captain Lee than in the laundry room with Rocky.


I did not really mind Eddie's explanation of firing Leon and keeping Kate. I do not think Eddie cares that much about the Leon/Kate thing. I thought Eddie was attempting to be diplomatic about the whole situation, especially to Rocky, and not really saying that Leon was fired because he was an ass to the captain. I do not know. Maybe he just was not trying to take sides in the whole mess.


Is it wrong to have a crush on the First Officer when he is barely seen?

  • Love 8

Though it would have been the professional thing to do, I'm glad Leon didn't stay to make dinner. Considering how vengeful and immature it was to douse Kate's bed with honey, I'll bet something worse than grenadine would have ended up in the oysters.


Yet if that had appeared on camera or detected by the crew in any way, his career as a chef would be OVER forever. You can't make guests ill intentionally and expect to get away with it. 

I think Capt. Lee did not say "you're fired, here's your ticket" in the usual way because he hoped that Leon would 1) agree that he wasn't working out well on the Eros and he would leave after the current charter, and 2) be a mature professional by making the guests excellent final meals in order to collect his final tip before leaving quietly without a fuss. Well, that didn't happen. 

As some have said, you should act like an adult and a professional and never burn your bridges when let go from a job. Leon was given a chance to behave properly. I was laid off once with 3 months' notice. Our whole department was asked to stay for that time to finish out certain projects, and we were offered a bonus to do so. A couple of people found other jobs and understandably left early, but most stayed and finished the projects to the best of our ability and took pride in doing so because we were professionals. Near the end of the 3 months I and a few others were offered good jobs in other departments. Had we just left and/or acted badly during the 3 months, we would never have been offered those jobs. Leon could have left the show looking like a professional and yet he chose the immature asshole path.

I also think that production had quite a hand in a lot of what we saw and that if it were a real working charter not being filmed, Capt. Lee would be much more in control and react more quickly to problems he witnessed such as the tension between Kate and Leon. So much of this is for the show. I'll bet the guests did know that a lot was going wrong and their lunch on land was not just a fine gesture by Capt. Lee but an actual need for them to be off the boat for a while. For one thing, that kitchen needed to be cleaned after all the smoke from the fire, which was a real and unexpected dangerous incident. They're getting a discount charter, and of course they know they're being filmed and have signed off on that. Production probably meets with at least the primary guest to explain that it won't be a "typical" charter and while much will be done to wine and dine and entertain them in the usual way, there may be certain events that they'll just need to "roll with".


If I'd been on that charter it would now be hilarious to see all crazy shit that was going down "below deck" while I was blissfully unaware!

Edited by RedHawk
  • Like 1
  • Love 7

Wow, the show sure got whiter.


I think Captain Lee did the only sane thing.  He told Leon to leave.  He knew he could find a new chef easier than he could find a chief stew.  Also, the captain has worked with Kate for a long time.  That's what people have to realize, people feel the devil you know is better than one you don't know, which was what Lee said to Eddie.  


Though I can see why Leon left and basically said, "fuck all of you, why should I have to cook if you're firing me?"  Sometimes you have to be the bigger person and just say, "Let me just cook these guests an awesome meal" because when it comes right down to it, they're doing service, trying to make the guests dreams come true.  I mean I still think Kate is a classist witch, but in real life you have to work alongside with people you don't like and when that happens, you have to ask yourself why you're there; if it's service then remember that.  Also, fires start in ovens because the ovens are dirty and filled with grease, you don't have to be a chef to know that.


I wonder how much of this was producer manipulation.  If I were Lee, I would have fired Rocky.  What she did was wrong.  Did the producers tell her to jump off?  Did she do it on her own?  She's one strange bird.


I guess now Kate finally has someone there who kisses her ass, literally, she looked so happy when Ben was back.   I wonder how Kate would react if there were actual people of color as guests?  I wonder if she'd hide that permanent scowl on her face.


As some have said, you should act like an adult and a professional and never burn your bridges when let go from a job. Leon was given a chance to behave properly. I was laid off once with 3 months' notice. Our whole department was asked to stay for that time to finish out certain projects, and we were offered a bonus to do so. A couple of people found other jobs and understandably left early, but most stayed and finished the projects to the best of our ability and took pride in doing so because we were professionals. Near the end of the 3 months I and a few others were offered good jobs in other departments. Had we just left and/or acted badly during the 3 months, we would never have been offered those jobs. Leon could have left the show looking like a professional and yet he chose the immature asshole path.



I get this, but that doesn't always happen.  Does karma exist?  Not quite sure.  Many good people who work hard and care about their jobs are fired, laid off, their jobs outsourced, and have to take lower paying jobs, or part time jobs.  It's good to take pride in your work, and you do it for YOU, not to get something out of it.  The truth is, plenty of people who are unemployed took real pride in their work too.  You were lucky you were offered a good job.

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 3

I distinctly remember Ben and the horrific drunk Kat of last season doing sexy times. They were really in to each other but both had boyfriend/girlfriend blah, blah.... So I'm wondering when did Ben and Kate hook up? After the season was over? On a different charter that wasn't filmed? This inquiring mind wants to know!  Ben is a little better than Leon but I don't like him, either. 


Note to self: remember to sprinkle crushed oreo's on my salad instead of the usual oil and vinegar. 

  • Love 2

Leon knew the firing was coming, but instead of saying "I quit" he tried to manipulate Lee into firing him. When they sat down together Leon almost immediately began making combative comments and talking over Lee and eventually said "what are you going to do about it" or something similar. I think production left it in Lee's hands to decide when to fire Leon, not if. I'm pretty sure it had already been arranged with Ben to save the day.


Rocky and production waited all season for her Big Moment to strip down and dive off the boat. I mean, she's a champion diver and swimmer. Plus, as Kate said, where was Rocky going to go in her drawers, with no ID, clothes or money?


That's why I can't get frustrated at Lee for keeping Leon and Rocky on. It wasn't Lee's call - he's a reality TV actor.


Leon must have agreed to be on the show in the hopes he'd get a new chef gig, or investors for another restaurant. Instead he came off looking very bad - arrogant, misogynist, unimaginative, and not motivated to keep a clean kitchen. ETA: also stupid? Tweeting Ricky's private contact info.


But the thing that caught my attention the most was his stupid decision to lie about Kate drinking. I wondered if he had seen her drink when they first shared a room, but when asked he didn't provide details - maybe Rocky told him Kate was drinking?  He looked stupid for making the accusation and not backing it up.


Eddie may be technically skilled, but he's immature. He's a bit of a craven toady.


I'm not a Ben fan. He's a bit smug and seedy.


Leon never respected anyone on that boat and Captain Lee never laid things out for him after he told them to work together and after he saw what Leon was continuing to do, that is why Leon felt he was above it all.


Leon doesn't seem very educated to me outside of knowing how to cook. If you look at his tweets or his conversations they are incoherent or simplistic, poorly thought out, no sense of sentence structure even within the odd confines of tweeting. In his conversations and talking heads there was no real reflection or depth. Rocky showed more than he did.


I hope being on this series bites both Leon and Rocky in the ass and haunts them the remainder of their careers. I venture to guess they keep quiet about their time on Bravo so their superiors won't see the messes that they hired.

I was thinking the same thing! Where have they been hiding him all season?


He's too smart to be a "Bravo" crew member and he never had the time to be on camera, he had a boat to save from being broken, sunk or burnt.


Rocky jumped ship and Kate's tweet said she was gone 7 hours. Her bags should have been packed for her and waiting for her on the deck with a plane ticket. Once again Lee screwed up.

Edited by Giselle
  • Love 7

ETA: it appears that Leon removed his twitter post with Rocky's email and phone number.  What a bunch of nimrods.

Doesn't matter that he removed it. It was out there, so it's OUT THERE. She'll have to change her email and phone. Idiots -- both of them.


That's why I can't get frustrated at Lee for keeping Leon and Rocky on. It wasn't Lee's call - he's a reality TV actor.

I feel sorry for Captain Lee. He's NOT a reality TV actor. He's a ship captain babysitting a bunch of reality TV whores. Being a captain of a vessel that large requires years of experience (determined by miles piloted) and extensive, difficult-to-obtain credentialing. His job requires a lot of knowledge and skill. He is responsible for the safety of all hands and the yacht. He is a man who has spent a lifetime gaining the skill to be in the position he's in, and now that he is, he's in hell.


I have no doubt that production has him between a rock and a hard place. As a captain, he would have fired most of his "crew" long ago and hired competent replacements. But this is reality TV where people are hired for their faces and their dramatic personalities, NOT their skills. (Note that the ship has actual officers who aren't on camera because they know reality TV actors couldn't run a yacht.) Yes, he signed up for this, so he doesn't get a complete pass. I can't fault him for letting the drama build between Kate and Leon, though, nor letting Rocky stay, because production values crazy over competent.

  • Love 5

The Captain should have fired both Leon and Kate. What experienced Chief Stewardess would not know the basics of handling an oven fire in the galley? She and Rocky fanned the flames, left the oven open, did not attempt to put the fire out with an extinguisher, then ran out of the galley while radioing for help. Did she even shut off the oven? Kate had just burned the popcorn in the microwave and I think most of the smoke from the oven fire was from that. Kate should know how to deal with this kind of emergency.

I was thinking the same thing in terms of "there's a fire? Open the oven! Fan the flames" Um, really?

Here's my problem with this whole scenario:

Leon was liked by several members of the staff, he was a pretty good chef (the guests seemed to love his food), and he wasn't even around for the oven fire. I'd be pretty pissed too if I was fired. I certainly wouldn't hang out and cook for the man that fired me.

Eddie is acting totally dishonorably. He only is turning on Rocky now because she is unpopular with the cool kids. Klassy.

The only thing I liked about this whole scenario is Ben calling out Kate for always having to have someone to hate.

Plus I think it's totally unprofessional for Captain Lee to be talking about his employees on social media.

  • Love 4




Love how Connie pops off about Rocky after her fake over the top laughing for attention and then leaving after being told she was Emil's crazy girlfriend in this family of fuckups. Emil just sits there like a dumbass because he realizes these people see Rocky for what  and who she actually is.


Emil, to quasi-quote you "an "honest" man sticks up for his friends", why didn't you defend Rocky, "it's what an honest man does"? You didn't because  you still are trying to get a piece of that freeze dried wack-a-loon's ass and  you didn't want to be laughed at.


When I see Emil and Rocky together I always start singing  a lyric by Smash Mouth...


"Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me
I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed
She was looking kind of dumb with her finger and her thumb
In the shape of an "L" on her forehead"


It's them to a "T".

Edited by Giselle
  • Love 5

Wow, the show sure got whiter.


I think Captain Lee did the only sane thing.  He told Leon to leave.  He knew he could find a new chef easier than he could find a chief stew.  Also, the captain has worked with Kate for a long time.  That's what people have to realize, people feel the devil you know is better than one you don't know, which was what Lee said to Eddie.  


Though I can see why Leon left and basically said, "fuck all of you, why should I have to cook if you're firing me?"  Sometimes you have to be the bigger person and just say, "Let me just cook these guests an awesome meal" because when it comes right down to it, they're doing service, trying to make the guests dreams come true.  I mean I still think Kate is a classist witch, but in real life you have to work alongside with people you don't like and when that happens, you have to ask yourself why you're there; if it's service then remember that.  Also, fires start in ovens because the ovens are dirty and filled with grease, you don't have to be a chef to know that.


I wonder how much of this was producer manipulation.  If I were Lee, I would have fired Rocky.  What she did was wrong.  Did the producers tell her to jump off?  Did she do it on her own?  She's one strange bird.


I guess now Kate finally has someone there who kisses her ass, literally, she looked so happy when Ben was back.   I wonder how Kate would react if there were actual people of color as guests?  I wonder if she'd hide that permanent scowl on her face.



I get this, but that doesn't always happen.  Does karma exist?  Not quite sure.  Many good people who work hard and care about their jobs are fired, laid off, their jobs outsourced, and have to take lower paying jobs, or part time jobs.  It's good to take pride in your work, and you do it for YOU, not to get something out of it.  The truth is, plenty of people who are unemployed took real pride in their work too.  You were lucky you were offered a good job.

I understand this. However, Leon is not an example of a good person who worked hard at his job etc. and was unfairly treated badly my management. My personal story was my attempt to give an example of a slightly similar situation to the one Leon was in.


He was not acting out because he was repeatedly mistreated on the job. I don't even think he's a "good person". He was often an unprofessional jerk and he was rightly fired because the dirty oven was a fire hazard and when questioned about the incident he lied and tried to blame another crew member.

I think it's simply good advice to be professional and mature in the workplace, no matter what the situation. Karma? Who knows? Can't count on it though I do believe that you never know who is watching your actions or hearing of your reputation. Leon was a fool to act like such a jerk on this show because he's probably endangered his future prospects -- that's all I'm saying. 

Edited by RedHawk
  • Love 7

The Captain should have fired both Leon and Kate. What experienced Chief Stewardess would not know the basics of handling an oven fire in the galley? She and Rocky fanned the flames, left the oven open, did not attempt to put the fire out with an extinguisher, then ran out of the galley while radioing for help. Did she even shut off the oven? Kate had just burned the popcorn in the microwave and I think most of the smoke from the oven fire was from that. Kate should know how to deal with this kind of emergency.

I was thinking the same thing in terms of "there's a fire? Open the oven! Fan the flames" Um, really?

Here's my problem with this whole scenario:

Leon was liked by several members of the staff, he was a pretty good chef (the guests seemed to love his food), and he wasn't even around for the oven fire. I'd be pretty pissed too if I was fired. I certainly wouldn't hang out and cook for the man that fired me.

Eddie is acting totally dishonorably. He only is turning on Rocky now because she is unpopular with the cool kids. Klassy.

The only thing I liked about this whole scenario is Ben calling out Kate for always having to have someone to hate.

Plus I think it's totally unprofessional for Captain Lee to be talking about his employees on social media.


I totally agree with this whole post esperanza; but I think that's an unpopular opinion here.  I'm not a Kate lover at all, can't stand her frozen, botoxed, snobbish face.


I agree that Eddie suddenly turned on Rocky when everybody else talked crap about her.  I still think she should have been fired though; I mean who just tears off their clothes and jumps?


Ben was right about Kate, last season she hated Amy, now they're BFF's.  I wonder who Kate will hate next season.

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 3

Shocking to me that people are saying Kate should be fired especially considering Captain Lee's blog straight out says that the fire was Leon's fault.  Nobody lost their job due to the fire.  Kate could have gone in and said there was grease all over the oven but we never saw that, did we?  What we saw was Leon acting like a petulant child as he has been all season.  If you are going to act like a total dick, at least do it out of earshot of the Captain, LEON.  Kate wasn't blameless in their volatile relationship but at least she kept plugging away and kept trying to be civil to make the charter work.  That's what adults do at work.  Kate and Amy are the reason that evening's dinner was a success.  Kate gets the job done and with a minimum of bitching.  Leon's behavior during the incident report was embarrassing but what really put him over the top was the allegations against Kate that she had been drinking.  Anyone else think Rocky had something to do with that part?  Rocky who ASKED Kate to leave the galley to help the guests put on a DVD and said she could handle things downstairs.  Rocky definitely should have been fired, especially if she really left for SEVEN hours to have her little pity party.  She's beyond unprofessional.  Eddie saved her with the steaks.  I can't believe she actually graduated from culinary school, maybe she walked past it and thought that counted.  

  • Love 14

I'm not a Kate fan either. But I do think she knows how to give great service, and she certainly adjusted her on-camera personality in order to come off better for the cameras (compared to earlier seasons). She's playing the reality TV game pretty well.


I think Leon was manipulated by production and that is part of his anger. But I also think his personality is pretty unpleasant.

  • Love 1

Wow, the show sure got whiter.


I guess now Kate finally has someone there who kisses her ass, literally, she looked so happy when Ben was back.   I wonder how Kate would react if there were actual people of color as guests?  I wonder if she'd hide that permanent scowl on her face.



Leon didn't get fired and wasn't disliked by Kate because he was a POC unless immature, stubborn, arrogant, lying, lazy asshole is a color.  It wasn't some racist plot to whiten up the ship.


Eddie is acting totally dishonorably. He only is turning on Rocky now because she is unpopular with the cool kids. Klassy.



Rocky's popularity on the ship hasn't changed.  I think Eddie just realized what a massive mistake he made and is now trying to distance himself from her.  It still is a bad look, but the motivations are different.  I did the same thing in Junior High to make it perfectly clear I wasn't into some guy that asked me to the dance.  He's got to see her everyday so he can't just not call her and duck her calls - not that that is the mature way to handle the situation either.  



Rocky is correct in her quote about Eddie at the end.  

  • Love 12

I don't think Kate is really all that bad of a person. Yes, she is stuck up but everybody has a stick up their ass about something or another. All she was trying to do was be the bossy mama bear of the ship. All Leon had to do was smile, nod his head, and cook great meals.The fire was his fault and his firing was a given. Mistakes happen but the fire was just laziness.


Rocky should also have been fired for her trantrums. I think Ed should have reported her galley conduct to the captin. I just don't see how the rest of the crew can work with her now. I also wonder if she graduated from college. She just doesn't appear to be mature enough to deal with college work load.

  • Love 5

When it comes to  Kate not knowing how to put out a fire the question should be did they have any kind of safety lecture before heading out for the season and were proper procedures in case of a fire covered.


Has Kate ever been instructed what to do in case of a fire aside from getting the guests off the boat, I don't know, but If I were the boat's owner I'd make damn sure everybody knew how to put out a fire once they were hired and on board.


Kate has said she doesn't cook, doesn't know how. She has more of a pass than bloated "Chef Leon of the Dirty Stove" or that "Sous Chef Ding-a-Ling" who says she attended but never mentions graduating culinary school. Her actions in the kitchen and inability to get out a proper meal for 6 people tells me that she wasn't much of a "line cook" either.


The two " galley experts" were to blame. That stove was filthy and either of them could have taken the time to clean it, but wait there is more important things to do, naps and working on getting validated and banged by anything with a penis.

  • Love 4

Making the University of Hawaii at Manoa proud.

Even though they mentioned her age earlier in the season, I was really surprised to see she graduated from college 5 years ago. She does NOT act like she's 27. She acts like an entitled 17-year-old. Seriously, it's time for her to grow the fuck up.


She describes herself in her LinkedIn profile as "professional life liver." At one level I admire that! One of my co-workers at Microsoft had spent most of her 20s working as a ski instructor, chasing snow around the world year-round. I couldn't imagine why she wanted to give that up and work in a corporate office. I have another friend that works, saves his money, travels around the world on a budget until his money runs out, then starts over again. I myself am planning to quit work to sail around the world in 5 and a half years.


It's not the "life living" I object to. It's the Speshul Snowflake ENTITLEMENT. Life is a party, and those people who want her to earn her money are just picking on her! She needs to figure out that the world doesn't revolve around her. Honestly, it's like she's a college kid whose brain hasn't finished maturing yet.

  • Love 3



From the preview...

Rocky (re: Eddie): "If you're not into me, fine, but show me some respect."

Emile: "Ummmmmm...."

Ha! I love this so much! Should Eddie write Rocky a note like she wrote Emile?


I never got the impression that Rocky and Eddie's laundry time was more than a friends with benefits type of situation. I did not think that this was some grand romance between the two of them. Really the most I have seen/heard them interact is when they are in the laundry room. I did not see actual talking between the two, just sex.

When it comes to  Kate not knowing how to put out a fire the question should be did they have any kind of safety lecture before heading out for the season and were proper procedures in case of a fire covered.


Has Kate ever been instructed what to do in case of a fire aside from getting the guests off the boat, I don't know, but If I were the boat's owner I'd make damn sure everybody knew how to put out a fire once they were hired and on board.


Kate has said she doesn't cook, doesn't know how. She has more of a pass than bloated "Chef Leon of the Dirty Stove" or that "Sous Chef Ding-a-Ling" who says she attended but never mentions graduating culinary school. Her actions in the kitchen and inability to get out a proper meal for 6 people tells me that she wasn't much of a "line cook" either.


The two " galley experts" were to blame. That stove was filthy and either of them could have taken the time to clean it, but wait there is more important things to do, naps and working on getting validated and banged by anything with a penis.

It really surprised me that Kate the pro stew did not immediately close the oven door and make sure it was turned off. As long as the door was shut the fire was contained and should burn out, as it did. I imagine she has had safety training in various areas -- like airline flight attendants, she's not just there to serve drinks and deal with luggage, she should know basic things like CPR, first aid, and other emergency procedures, including what to do in case of a fire and the location of the galley's fire extinguisher. There's probably even a portable defibrillator onboard. I assume the guests on the yacht are also required to go through a brief set of safety instructions before the boat leaves the dock because I've done that just for basic day trips.

Edited by RedHawk
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Leon didn't get fired and wasn't disliked by Kate because he was a POC unless immature, stubborn, arrogant, lying, lazy asshole is a color.  It wasn't some racist plot to whiten up the ship.



As I said, my opinion is an unpopular one.


But the ship is certainly whiter.


Kate has said she doesn't cook, doesn't know how.


I always give a side eye to people who don't know how to cook and seem proud of it, I think people should be taught cooking in high school, but that's an unpopular opinion these days.  At the least they should be taught how to clean an oven.

Edited by Neurochick
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he wasn't even around for the oven fire.



The Captain pointed out that he SHOULD have been on duty, making the midnight snack for the guests (so that the stews wouldn't be making them frozen pizza).  Plus, the oven is his prime territory -- any chef worth his salt is cleaning when he's not cooking.


Oh, and speaking of salt, Rocky was seasoning the meat from about two inches away.  They teach seasoning right after they teach "don't lick your fingers" - she must have dropped out before both.

  • Love 2

Though it would have been the professional thing to do, I'm glad Leon didn't stay to make dinner. Considering how vengeful and immature it was to douse Kate's bed with honey, I'll bet something worse than grenadine would have ended up in the oysters.

That's exactly what I said. Captain Lee made a huge managerial blunder when he expected that Leon would remain to do dinner service. The basics of management tell you that when a person needs to be let go for whatever reason, they are to leave immediately. If this show wasn't being filmed, and the identical scenario happened aboard a charter yacht, the chef could do some real damage if he was allowed to remain in charge of the kitchen for dinner service.

  • Love 2

I hope Rocky is able to process that how you treat someone after a breakup matters and that Emil was dumped with cruel abruptness, but even if she doesn't, IMO, it doesn't excuse how dismissive Eddie was of her after he lost sexual interest. I think you can tell a lot about a person's character by how they end a romantic relationship of any level--and I've definitely been a perpetrator of bad character in my own past. You just can't give people shitty notes and act like they're the crazy one. You can't fuck somebody twice knowing they like you and then ignore them. Not without consequences. It SUCKS but sometimes you have to just take it on the chin and say "I acted on impulse and fucked up a bunch of boundaries and I hurt your feelings. I'm sorry. I have to distance myself from this but I respect you."

I'm reminded of how Kelly treated..I forgot her name...Janelle? Janine? She basically surmised that Kelly lost interest as soon as she became attainable, and she was right...and rather than admitting to leading her on he did as much as he could to ghost her as possible when you live around each other 24/7. Now Eddie is taking the same coward's way out.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
  • Love 6

I hope Rocky is able to process that how you treat someone after a breakup matters and that Emil was dumped with cruel abruptness, but even if she doesn't, IMO, it doesn't excuse how dismissive Eddie was of her after he lost sexual interest. I think you can tell a lot about a person's character by how they end a romantic relationship of any level--and I've definitely been a perpetrator of bad character in my own past. You just can't give people shitty notes and act like they're the crazy one. You can't fuck somebody twice knowing they like you and then ignore them. Not without consequences. It SUCKS but sometimes you have to just take it on the chin and say "I acted on impulse and fucked up a bunch of boundaries and I hurt your feelings. I'm sorry. I have to distance myself from this but I respect you."

Rocky stripped down to her underwear, leaped off the ship and swam away. She also, was a crazy asshole in the kitchen and was obnoxious to Kate for no reason. Just because he got some play from her in a completely mutual way doesn't mean he can't stop respecting her when she shows her ass to everyone (literally and figuratively) and refuses to acknowledge it.

At the least they should be taught how to clean an oven

That is Leon' s job not Kate so I don't know why it was mentioned in relation to her not knowing how to cook. Edited by biakbiak
  • Love 8

Leon didn't get fired and wasn't disliked by Kate because he was a POC unless immature, stubborn, arrogant, lying, lazy asshole is a color.  It wasn't some racist plot to whiten up the ship.



Rocky's popularity on the ship hasn't changed.  I think Eddie just realized what a massive mistake he made and is now trying to distance himself from her.  It still is a bad look, but the motivations are different.  I did the same thing in Junior High to make it perfectly clear I wasn't into some guy that asked me to the dance.  He's got to see her everyday so he can't just not call her and duck her calls - not that that is the mature way to handle the situation either.  



Rocky is correct in her quote about Eddie at the end.  

True but when you're as obnoxious as Rocky, always ON, always screaming for attention then that's how people who are trying to downgrade the interaction they are having with you act. I mean yeah he hooked up with her but if she didn't display such a volatile personality then maybe he wouldn't find the need to be so stilted in order to make sure he's getting the message across that he doesn't want to continue the intimacy. I hate it when dudes get all weird and rude when they decide to cut off the benefits part of friends with benefits but in this particular case I'm not surprised.

  • Love 5

When it comes to  Kate not knowing how to put out a fire the question should be did they have any kind of safety lecture before heading out for the season and were proper procedures in case of a fire covered.


Has Kate ever been instructed what to do in case of a fire aside from getting the guests off the boat, I don't know, but If I were the boat's owner I'd make damn sure everybody knew how to put out a fire once they were hired and on board.


Kate has said she doesn't cook, doesn't know how. She has more of a pass than bloated "Chef Leon of the Dirty Stove" or that "Sous Chef Ding-a-Ling" who says she attended but never mentions graduating culinary school. Her actions in the kitchen and inability to get out a proper meal for 6 people tells me that she wasn't much of a "line cook" either.


The two " galley experts" were to blame. That stove was filthy and either of them could have taken the time to clean it, but wait there is more important things to do, naps and working on getting validated and banged by anything with a penis.

If I recalled correctly in a previous season there was actually a fire drill Capt Lee conducted and the crew failed miserably which pissed Captain Lee off but then the second time around they got it so I was actually pretty shocked at the disarray during that galley fire. I think the fire drill happened on season one when Kate and Rocky were not on but considering it was such a big deal that season, number one, and number two something that was highlighted as knowledge absolutely required of the crew I'm really surprised at the very poor showing as well as Capt Lee's lack of addressing it.

  • Love 4

True but when you're as obnoxious as Rocky, always ON, always screaming for attention then that's how people who are trying to downgrade the interaction they are having with you act. I mean yeah he hooked up with her but if she didn't display such a volatile personality then maybe he wouldn't find the need to be so stilted in order to make sure he's getting the message across that he doesn't want to continue the intimacy. I hate it when dudes get all weird and rude when they decide to cut off the benefits part of friends with benefits but in this particular case I'm not surprised.

I totally agree, I just don't think she's wrong to feel miffed by it.  It was also pointed out that she's getting as good as she gave to Emile. I agree with that too.  IT was shitty when she did it to Emile.  I still give Eddie the side eye though because he showed poor judgement overall and we weren't shown him trying to disengage from her in a mature fashion before he started pushing her away via somewhat rude behavior.  I've been the Eddie and in retrospect, I'm not proud of how I acted in that situation (not that I showed bad judgement and boned a crazy person at work, but that I acted immaturely when trying to express my disinterest). 

  • Love 6

Wasn't Eddie's only rude behavior in talking heads? He tried to have a rational discussion with her about Leons firing and she got pissy that he disagreed with her and lept off the boat.

You are right.  After that conversation he probably gave up on trying to talk to her.  I think he was curt and abrupt and tying to push her away in their interactions, not just his talking heads, but I'm flip flopping on my opinion and deciding he was probably justified in not trying to talk to her about it.

  • Love 2

Wow, the show sure got whiter.


I think Captain Lee did the only sane thing.  He told Leon to leave.  He knew he could find a new chef easier than he could find a chief stew.  Also, the captain has worked with Kate for a long time.  That's what people have to realize, people feel the devil you know is better than one you don't know, which was what Lee said to Eddie.  


Though I can see why Leon left and basically said, "fuck all of you, why should I have to cook if you're firing me?"  Sometimes you have to be the bigger person and just say, "Let me just cook these guests an awesome meal" because when it comes right down to it, they're doing service, trying to make the guests dreams come true.  I mean I still think Kate is a classist witch, but in real life you have to work alongside with people you don't like and when that happens, you have to ask yourself why you're there; if it's service then remember that.  Also, fires start in ovens because the ovens are dirty and filled with grease, you don't have to be a chef to know that.


I wonder how much of this was producer manipulation.  If I were Lee, I would have fired Rocky.  What she did was wrong.  Did the producers tell her to jump off?  Did she do it on her own?  She's one strange bird.


I guess now Kate finally has someone there who kisses her ass, literally, she looked so happy when Ben was back.   I wonder how Kate would react if there were actual people of color as guests?  I wonder if she'd hide that permanent scowl on her face.



I get this, but that doesn't always happen.  Does karma exist?  Not quite sure.  Many good people who work hard and care about their jobs are fired, laid off, their jobs outsourced, and have to take lower paying jobs, or part time jobs.  It's good to take pride in your work, and you do it for YOU, not to get something out of it.  The truth is, plenty of people who are unemployed took real pride in their work too.  You were lucky you were offered a good job.


I assume we'll find out next week - Cynthia Bailey from Real Housewives of Atlanta and some of her friends will be the charter guests, according to the previews.  

  • Love 3

That's exactly what I said. Captain Lee made a huge managerial blunder when he expected that Leon would remain to do dinner service. The basics of management tell you that when a person needs to be let go for whatever reason, they are to leave immediately. If this show wasn't being filmed, and the identical scenario happened aboard a charter yacht, the chef could do some real damage if he was allowed to remain in charge of the kitchen for dinner service.

As I and others have noted, in some situations the person being let go is made to leave immediately and in other situations they might be asked to stay for a set period of time, in order to complete a certain project, for example. Both are standard practices and neither is more correct than the other. The second scenario is probably much less common now and requires that management put a lot of trust in the employee who is leaving. In return the employee usually gets a bonus for staying and finishing the project.

Not all employees become vindictive assholes just because they are let go, though it appears Leon did (putting honey in Kate's bed!). Again, Capt. Lee may not have had final say in how Leon's dismissal was handled. The whole thing may have been played and edited for maximum drama. Rather convenient that Ben was able to jump on board so quickly, eh? Maybe there was more time between Leon's departure and Ben's arrival than we realize.

Edited by RedHawk
  • Love 5
At the end of this episode, I literally asked myself out loud, "What the fuck did I just watch?" Seriously, that was one jam packed episode full of fuckery and the top billing for the fuckery is split between Leon and Rocky.

Honestly, while I love the Captain and his take no bullshit attitude, I do think it was rather stupid of him to expect Leon to finish out the charter when he was essentially fired. Being that it was literally the last day of that charter, the Captain should have conducted his interviews with Leon, Kate, and Rocky, and then told them he will revisit with them and what he decides to do about it, if anything, once the guests were off the yacht. The Captain's mind was clearly made up, but they didn't need to know that. He could have easily had Leon finish the day and then say, "Thanks, but I've decided that upon review of what happened last night and given the on-going circumstances, your services are no longer needed or welcome." It's only if the charter just started and there were multiple days left to it, then I wouldn't have blamed the Captain for firing Leon right then and there. By doing it at the end of the day/charter, the Captain would've saved himself and the rest of the crew several hours of unnecessary additional stress and bullshit.

I also believe as much as it would've fucked over an already fucked crew, the Captain should've canned Rocky right then and there, too. That dive overboard was a blatant "Fuck you!" to him, crew, and the job. Plus, that was clearly not her only issue throughout the season. The fact that she should've been canned way before this for sucking at her job, this dive overboard should have been the final belt buckle in her straightjacket, period. But I have a feeling that the production was behind keeping her because with both Leon and Rocky gone, where would the crazy and drama come from? Eddie's fights over the phone with his girlfriend? Bad weather cancelling another shark dive? No. I'd like to think the Captain would've had more respect for the job and his crew than that if production wasn't involved."

I don't think the captain planned to fire anyone for the fire, but both Leon & Rocky went into the meeting gunning for Kate & when Leon realized that the Captain wasn't buying what he was selling, he got really defensive and in my opinion became an absolute dick. When he said he didn't need to speak to Kate to do his job, that's when the captain decided to fire him. And while I know the show is edited, it didn't appear that Kate threw either Rocky or Leon under the bus, but rather she relayed the events that transpired as she remembered them. That was all the captain wanted from any of them.

As far as expecting Leon to work, the captain should've known a guy that angry would not stay to finish the charter, but I imagine he expected him to toughen it out to get the tip. I mean it was simply one more meal.

Rocky should've been canned. They should have tossed her crap to the other boat and not even let her back on. The best take away from the extra footage on the bravo site is Amy stating that Rocky was full of BS when it came to her rage about Leon being fired. Essentially Rocky talked a lot of shit about Leon and his cooking that wasn't shown on film.

Edited by AttackTurtle
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