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Leon Brown: So Here's Me

Message added by Scarlett45,

Leon is transgender and uses they/them pronouns. As defined in the GLAAD guidelines, they are a they, were a they, and will be a they unless they ever tell us something different.  Per those guidelines, referring to them as a woman or a girl or as she is not okay, regardless of any modifier placed before these words or the time period being discussed.  Referring to them by any name besides "Leon" or "Leo" is not appropriate, regardless of the time period being discussed. Intent matters and people may slip up. Let's strive to respect their identity.

Please review the guidelines of the site regarding the Hate Speech and Insensitive Language Policy, which includes guidelines from GLAAD for the LGBTQ+ community.

Also remember the Golden Rule of Primetimer is Be Civil.

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2 hours ago, lookeyloo said:

Y'all know I am not a Mariah fan, but, I've heard a lot of mainstream folks talking about how Women of Color and Native American missing women are given much less attention by law enforcement and the media.  

I appreciate what Mariah is saying, however, it’s a little tone-deaf imo. The issue here is really about domestic violence, particularly against women— all women. This case happened to get a lot of attention because if the bizarre circumstances of the case—her boyfriend returning home without her in her an and clamming up—and because of social media.

If one of Mariah’s loved ones went missing, especially Audrey, you can’t tell me Mariah wouldn’t be using her “fame” and screaming from the mountain tops to bring attention to it. And nary a word would be said about people of Color. 

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11 minutes ago, Absolom said:

Mariah seems to never understand time and place.  Attaching it to the news of someone found recently deceased is quite tacky and tone deaf. 

And what exactly is Mariah doing to help solve the cases of MMIWGT2S people? Screaming at cishets on IG accomplishes absolutely nothing except to assuage her white guilt (if it even does that). I've volunteered to help with ground and air searches in areas where I am very familiar with the terrain after four decades of fieldwork in the areas.  Mariah should be fit enough to at least walk along the sides of highways looking for clues.

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30 minutes ago, Cetacean said:

Can anyone explain the "smoke" reference?  I suppose it's some sort of esoteric message that only her woke followers will understand.  I bet most of them pretend they do but have no more idea than this COL.

Indigenous peoples use smoke for its cleansing properties and the ability to ward off bad spirits from the people and the land and make a pathway for a brighter future. It is not uncommon when a body is found or something bad has happened, or before moving into a new house.

I suspect Mariah uses the smoke reference to make her followers think she is more woke than they are. 

Edited by deirdra
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20 minutes ago, deirdra said:

And what exactly is Mariah doing to help solve the cases of MMIWGT2S people? Screaming at cishets on IG accomplishes absolutely nothing except to assuage her white guilt (if it even does that). I've volunteered to help with ground and air searches in areas where I am very familiar with the terrain after four decades of fieldwork in the areas.  Mariah should be fit enough to at least walk along the sides of highways looking for clues.

She is too busy eating snacks and drinking coffee. #yolo

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The slide Mariah shared was from an Indigenous woman’s IG page and was shared by another TLC personality as well, so I’m just clarifying Mariah didn’t write it.  I’m no Mariah fan, but don’t disagree with the message although I’m not sure if the timing was good or bad for a variety of reasons.

I will say that if Mariah feels strongly about  lack of coverage in others’ cases she does have a large SM and could use it as a platform to showcase lesser known cases.  While Mariah comes off as irritating to me often, my real issue always comes down to her proposals for other people to do things, when it be great to show what she is doing to help.  The core of the message is important, but how are you helping, Mariah? She is maybe doing things for all the causes she posts about, but we or at least me never sees that part.  The closest I’ve ever seen was when she wanted to put together some sort of kits for homeless people, but what was the outcome?  I don’t follow her page regularly so I may have missed something.  “Her” message IMO is not bad, I think it has very valid points, but it’s her actual commitment I sometimes question.
I at least give her credit for not shilling mlm questionable business at least not that I’m aware of.  Although she has probably benefited from them.

Edited by Irate Panda
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8 hours ago, Irate Panda said:

She is maybe doing things for all the causes she posts about, but we or at least me never sees that part.  

I agree with your entire message.  Knowing Princess as we do through vomiting her every thought on social media (sometimes in a totally offensive way) I sincerely doubt she actually does anything at all beside posting items.  She loves to blow her own horn and the only thing we have ever seen her do was be in a Gay Pride Parade which had pictures galore.  

She talks the talk but never walks the walk.  

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Attach that sentiment to a photo of you working a call center, or stapling fliers on telephone poles, or doing literally ANYTHING except posting words which for you are meaningless because I'm sure that after posting on IG, you just sit back with your vegan soy latte in your fave coffee shop and wait for the accolades to pour in from your followers.

And even though I can't stand when people post photos of themselves supposedly doing something "selfless," at least we'd know that you're actually maturing as a human being by backing up your words with actions.  But as a Snowflake, I'm not sure you even understand that concept.  So you might as well go back to being silent.


A Tired COL


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8 hours ago, Irate Panda said:

While Mariah comes off as irritating to me often, my real issue always comes down to her proposals for other people to do things, when it be great to show what she is doing to help.  The core of the message is important, but how are you helping, Mariah? She is maybe doing things for all the causes she posts about, but we or at least me never sees that part.  The closest I’ve ever seen was when she wanted to put together some sort of kits for homeless people, but what was the outcome?

Why do I suddenly have all kinds of visions of Carol Burnett as Miss Hannigan from the musical Annie after reading the latest posts on Mariah??

Probably because both are annoying as hell, pretend that they care for other people and particularly the weaker people in society and do little apart from screaming at others on what to do, how to do it and when....

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1 hour ago, TurtlePower said:

Mariah isn’t wrong on this one, I have to agree with her this time. 

I agree as well, and have the same thought every time there's national news focused on a missing person who's not nationally known.  It's almost always an attractive, younger white woman (it pains me to type that, as I never want to introduce race where it's not warranted).  And if it's a young mom, all the better.

I, as a non-white, childless, middle-aged woman, would not merit a blip on any news channel's radar if I were to go missing!

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I agree as well, and have the same thought every time there's national news focused on a missing person who's not nationally known.  It's almost always an attractive, younger white woman (it pains me to type that, as I never want to introduce race where it's not warranted).  And if it's a young mom, all the better.

I, as a non-white, childless, middle-aged woman, would not merit a blip on any news channel's radar if I were to go missing!

Whenever there is a mass casualty event, like the condo collapse in Florida, they always focus on the married people and people with kids. Those of us who are single and childless barely get honorable mention. 

That being said, Mariah likes to talk a lot, but we never get any shots of her actually volunteering at a homeless shelter or anything. She's all talk. 





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5 hours ago, YupItsMe said:

Has Mariah used her SM to post missing persons fliers and info? Has she participated in searches for those missing in her area? Has she taken part in online discussions to help find any missing people? What exactly is Mariah doing to help any single missing person??

She has reposted other people’s words.

Or, she’s doing everything within her “power” to help, but chooses not to post about it.

Hard to tell since she puts these things in her stories, which disappear in 24 hours.  😉

Edited by ginger90
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15 hours ago, YupItsMe said:

Has Mariah used her SM to post missing persons fliers and info? Has she participated in searches for those missing in her area? Has she taken part in online discussions to help find any missing people? What exactly is Mariah doing to help any single missing person??

Nothing, just a post about it. Though I agree with her, this is typical Mariah: find a cause, post about it and then go back to being lazy. If she *actually* cared, she could use her platform and actually DO something instead of her typical post-and-run. She posts stuff and then goes back to stuffing her fat face with vegan hotdogs. 

And this makes me angry as someone who has actually searched for missing people in the wilderness. She has no idea how hard it is, the resources needed and what goes into it. It most certainly IS important, what she said, but it would be helpful if she cared enough to learn more about it. And maybe actually HELP versus expecting everyone else to do it. Mariah is a just lazy sloth when it comes to actual social issues. She has a bullhorn to shout really loud, but no work ethic. 

My very last search was in 2016 for a suicidal person. We found her, just not in time. 


Edited by TurtlePower
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Came here hoping to find people who thought the same thing I did about Mariah and her wokeness.

Been involved in one search, friend of my son's. It was heart-wrenching and the young man was dead the day he didn't come home. The only saving grace was his mom knew what happened to him. No waiting in limbo in perpetuity. 

Mariah, you talked the talk, now walk the walk.

I love the intelligence and empathy of people in this forum. ❤ 

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On 9/22/2021 at 7:06 AM, ginger90 said:

It’s rare she uses her own words anymore.


I truly think she does this instead of posting herself because wherever she is working got on her case for her own posting and replies.  This way, she can claim they weren't her words if they're too over the top.    Assuming she's working somewhere, of course.  

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17 hours ago, Cetacean said:

More like lucky Audrey.  Why tie yourself down to someone to whom you will always play second fiddle.

I actually meant it slightly sarcastic😂 Mariah seems to annoy the heck out of people, even from a distance when you don’t even know her, so how Audrey manages is literally beyond me… everybody has a soulmate I guess🤔

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I thought I’d check in on Mariah since I hadn’t heard anything about her in awhile.

This IG account says she’s a writer now: https://instagram.com/mariahbrwn?utm_medium=copy_link

And this one is private! I can’t imagine she has things to say that she doesn’t want everyone to read. https://instagram.com/mariahlian?utm_medium=copy_link

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On 10/26/2021 at 2:56 PM, Fosca said:

Maybe she decided to get a degree from the School of Life instead of Loyola?  We still haven't seen any evidence that she graduated, have we?

I found a few sites that said she graduated in 2020 and works for a company in SLC as a program manager in the social-work business.  

Maybe that’s why we don’t hear too many idiotic rants from her any more—perhaps she figured out that being an insufferable, loud-mouthed, mean, self-proclaimed know-it-all could affect her job and future endeavors. 

If that’s so, maybe there’s a bit of growth there. A little bit of learning to keep one’s obnoxiousness in check—it may still be there, but she’s controlling her social media presence. 

Edited by TurtlePower
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4 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

I found a few sites that said she graduated in 2020 and works for a company in SLC as a program manager in the social-work business.  

Loyola had 2-yr & 3-yr programs; Mariah started in the 3-yr double degree in MSW+MSJ programs; perhaps she dropped out of one of them & graduated with only one of them - just Social Work? (or not at all)

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22 minutes ago, MakingBacon said:

It’s odd that Meri didn’t brag about Mariah graduating with her Masters or Mariah bragging about it herself. 

Exactly.  I would bet she hasn't graduated.  I honestly doubted she was ever really seriously attending classes at all.  Back then all we saw were dozens of pictures of her in coffee shops with a random book here and there.   

And then there was the trip to Bali...

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and skipping out on her internship jobs whenever her cute l'il uterus was acting up so she stayed home and videoed herself doing yoga in see-through leggings and put it on the Internet for all of her teachers & people at her work placements to see what she was up to when she was supposed to be at school or work.

Edited by deirdra
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32 minutes ago, NoWhammies said:

Good for them. I have a trans daughter. We love and support her 100% and have since she came out, and there has been a whole learning curve involved for her geezer parents. When it comes to her relationships, I've learned that my daughter doesn't need a label or definition for them so it's not up to me to try to assign one or even try to. Love is love and that's all the definition she needs. I'm happy for Audrey and I hope they are happy both individually and in their relationship with Mariah. Although that second part seems difficult simply because it's Mariah.

Yes, love is love and one doesn't need to label it or their sexuality--but many people do. And because Mariah has very openly and publicly labeled herself as a lesbian, I think it is a legitimate question to wonder if Audrey coming out and identifying as a man will affect their relationship.

It may not -- but there are couples that break up or no longer have a sexual relationship after a partner transitions. There are people who are pansexual and genitals and gender identity do not matter to them when they choose a partner.

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12 hours ago, NoWhammies said:

I will say as someone with an English degree, the hardest part for me about all of it is the pronouns, especially the "they/them" pronouns. We have several people in our lives who use those, and the singular they/them is painful to my very proper English brain, but I'm working with it. One of my friend's children suggested I think of them as having a little mouse in their pocket whenever I spoke of or to them. It helped.

Or think of they/them as non-binary.

Edited by deirdra
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Message added by Scarlett45,

Leon is transgender and uses they/them pronouns. As defined in the GLAAD guidelines, they are a they, were a they, and will be a they unless they ever tell us something different.  Per those guidelines, referring to them as a woman or a girl or as she is not okay, regardless of any modifier placed before these words or the time period being discussed.  Referring to them by any name besides "Leon" or "Leo" is not appropriate, regardless of the time period being discussed. Intent matters and people may slip up. Let's strive to respect their identity.

Please review the guidelines of the site regarding the Hate Speech and Insensitive Language Policy, which includes guidelines from GLAAD for the LGBTQ+ community.

Also remember the Golden Rule of Primetimer is Be Civil.

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