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S17.E06: Maternal Instincts

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Rollins' mother Beth throws her a baby shower while the SVU reports to a four-star hotel where a famous violinist was raped by her colleague, Anton Krasnikov. With no memory of the crime, Anton claims a hired escort drugged and robbed him, and evidence leads to the shocking return of Rollins' fugitive sister Kim. Meanwhile, Sgt. Mike Dodds arrives for his first day at SVU.
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The Good:
A more routine episode after the big opener and tbe run of heavy "Issues" episodes.
Carisi's great season continues. Police work, fashion, everything seems to be firing on all cylinders for him.
It was nice to see more Fin this week. And while he was hilarious as always ("I'll do it") it was good that he had other stuff to do too.

The Bad:
Rollins' tortured personal life is boring and has long since ruined the springs on my suspension of disbelief.
No Barba.
I'm not sure they have a real idea about the Sgt Dodds character beyond being the chief's son.

Overall it was a perfectly competent episode, but not as well done as the last few weeks. Part of that is probably that there was a lot of housekeeping to take care of. And part is just the law of averages. If this is the quality of the off weeks I can definitely live with it.

Edited by wknt3
  • Love 3

Pretty good episode! Entertaining musical number to start things out and then a decently engaging storyline. On another note, who was that red head escort about half-way through?? She only got about two lines but was already more interesting than the other one who looked like she hadn't slept in about 2349 days. 



  • Love 5

Uhg. If we have to deal with more of Rollins' sister, they could at least give us Barba in the mix. Carisi is still on a hot streak of entertainiang.

The ending seemed like a cliff hanger (and abrupt) is what she told the DA going to bite Amanda? What exactly is the deal? I really don't want this dragged out another episode. Since the next new one seems to be the Duggar one and Kelli must be going on leave soon, hopefully it'll be dropped.

Virginia Madsen looked like she may have had work (botox?) done between a lifetime movie I saw her in sometime this year (it was a new one) and now.

  • Love 1

Was I the only one who saw the resemblance to the Trans Siberian Orchestra in tonight's episode? I don't think they've got any big scandals against them, but it was all I could picture especially in the first 10 minutes or so.

No, I was thinking of that group also. And there's also a group of female violinists that was touring not long ago, but I cannot remember their name.

Rollins .... Standing there with her mouth open most of the episode, she looked like a hungry fish. I was really hoping her sister had gotten murdered somewhere, but nooooo.....

Virginia Madsen, I couldn't figure out who that sort-of familiar face was.

  • Love 1



I appreciate the performances involved, but Rollins family drama annoys me. It's just so over the top. Carisi lampshaded it, her family stuff is "like, a lot". I can't feel for Rollins when she tries to cover up actual crimes just because her annoying as shit sister committed them. Kudos to the actress who plays Kim though, because she is perfect at being the worst. Rollins needs help with the baby, but at what cost? She should cut her sister off. And if that means no more mom, so be it. Please. For my sanity and comfort as a viewer, because Kim gets on my nerves.


That said, I did feel for Rollins when her mom walked away in the end. She was really counting on her mother and I don't think she expected her mom would leave. Virginia Madsen was ice cold in that scene. I loved her "oh please, Kim took care of that man just fine"; that gave us a deeper look into Mama Rollins; she's all smiley and pretends to be in denial, but she is perfectly aware (unlike Kim?). And I especially loved "I'll be back... For your sister's trial". DAMN.


I'm glad the show remembered that Rollins and Fin are tight. Fin really came through for her. And it seemed like Carisi got in on their little friendship at the end there, which was great. "Fin was worried about you" was just adorable. Rollins can count on those two for help, for sure.


I can't say I blame Benson for anything that happened. I was surprised she didn't go in even harder after she learned the truth; I guess it's because Rollins was pregnant. I like the Benson/Rollins tension, not gonna lie. Like I always liked the Fin/Stabler tension. I loved that little moment, early in the episode, when Benson readily agreed with Dodds that Rollins should stay at the station, and Rollins was like "fml". But then Dodds basically saddled Benson with his son, and for a split second Rollins was all gleeful, like "suck it, Olivia". Or maybe I was projecting.


The new new guy is OK. Let's see if he's sincere.


Lastly, Carisi is the actual best. Like, the best. His little gift, and his giddiness, all "did you like my gift???", and his reaction when Amanda's mom was all flirty, and the way he was worried about Rollins, and his vests, and the faces he made during the interrogations. What a sweetheart. This season has been perfect Carisi-wise, and that's basically all I need as a viewer at this point. More Carisi please.

  • Love 10

I like the new sergeant. I hope his character is as earnest about "what goes on at SVU, stays at SVU" as he sounds.


I want some resolution to the Kim situation, even if it's just a throwaway comment in a future episode about her going to trial after all or something to that effect. Like someone said earlier, the episode just sort of ended abruptly.


I like Fin and Carisi and I have even liked Olivia pretty well since she became sergeant (now lieutenant). Something about a leadership position fits better with her personality than just being a detective. It forces her to take a step back and be a little more objective when dealing with suspects (unlike in the old days with Stabler when she and he excessively jumped all over potential suspects... yeah, I pretty much hated the team of her and Stabler and refuse to watch any episodes from that era).

  • Love 3
That said, I did feel for Rollins when her mom walked away in the end. She was really counting on her mother and I don't think she expected her mom would leave. Virginia Madsen was ice cold in that scene. I loved her "oh please, Kim took care of that man just fine"; that gave us a deeper look into Mama Rollins; she's all smiley and pretends to be in denial, but she is perfectly aware (unlike Kim?). And I especially loved "I'll be back... For your sister's trial". DAMN.

Yes, Madsen nailed it. But Rollins might be better off not having to deal her or Kim. She now might be compelled to find support that won't be so detrimental to her mental health and likely detrimental to her career. Maybe she can get Declan to step up with some financial support (which legally he's probably required to provide to the child anyway) so she can get a nanny or something.

  • Love 2

I'm watching now, just at Rollins letting <uggh> Kim walk away from the park and frankly, I'd take Rollins'  gun and shield right this minute.  You stole my stuff!  Bye Felicia!   WTF?!


The musical number was fabu.  Love rock violins, love Trans Siberian Orchestra--practically my favorite part of Christmas.  I need more of that stuff year-round.  Suggestions?


Dodd, Jr. ain't got no finesse.  Big surprise.


First Stockard Channing on Good Wife, now Virginia Madsen.  Tragic.

Edited by candall
  • Love 4

You know, without the background of the Rollins family drama, this would have been an interesting case to see Barba try. Too often in SVU women get drugged and get assaulted with no memory of the crime. But what about men who get drugged and assault someone else because they become belligerent because of whatever drugs they took, and have no memory of the crime? Do they also get to be a victim in that regard? 


But I guess that interesting storyline was easily shoved off by the ADA saying there were no drugs found in his system so they can focus more on Amanda's family issues.


And man, what a messed-up family she has. Mama Rollins the enabler and sister the sociopath. No wonder Amanda's got issues of her own, but she's still the best apple of that family. During the last scene I was wondering if her sister was actually getting her fired from her job to exact revenge on her for Amanda putting her on jail - her lawyer ratting out that Amanda didn't ID her immediately on the camera, didn't arrest her the first chance she got, and then rambling on on all of Amanda's known issues. 


I do appreciate Dodds Jr. saying "family is complicated." It's a tough spot to be in, you know what you're supposed to do (Amanda should have immediately said to Liv she saw the video and it was her sister) but blood lines do make it complicated, and you can't do what you're trained to do and you find other ways to remedy it, even if those other ways seem questionable. I appreciate that the SVU writers are making Dodds Jr. more of a two-dimensional character rather than taking the easy way out of being the snitch to Dodds Sr. whenever someone at SVU messes up.

  • Love 4

The ending confused me, since it didn't end with "to be continued" and next week's episode seems to be completely different. Is that the end of Rollins' sister and the flautist, or is the show likely to come back to them later in the season? I agree with others that it'd be an interesting moral debate about who was legally responsible for the rape.

This episode frustrated me overall, with Rollins' sister seeming to barely get any comeuppance.

  • Love 4

Rollins´ sister is almost the scariest villain of L&O:SVU, and Amanda is the most annoying cop for not doing anything about it. I hate it when such a vile character just gets to go on and on. She deserves to pay bigtime, and their mother as well. It also bugs me how weak and grovelling Amanda always is around them, trying to help and all that. She should never have thought about bringing her baby anywhere near them, not even while still in the womb. This was a descent episode but still very annoying and intense (I get so angry watching people villingly be victims of sociopaths when they don´t have to). I love a happy ending and I´m so afraid that this story-arc will not give me such a thing.

  • Love 5

Amanda's mother and sister are both sociopaths.  For the good of her sanity, career and child she needs to cut them loose because they are a lost cause and will destroy her.  Amanda going out to confront her sister on her own without backup put her career at risk once again. However, this time it was not only Amanda at risk, she also endangered her unborn baby.  She was well aware that Kim was violent and desperate and was capable of harming her and the baby. 

  • Love 11

Amanda's mother and sister are both sociopaths.  For the good of her sanity, career and child she needs to cut them loose because they are a lost cause and will destroy her.  Amanda going out to confront her sister on her own without backup put her career at risk once again. However, this time it was not only Amanda at risk, she also endangered her unborn baby.  She was well aware that Kim was violent and desperate and was capable of harming her and the baby.

Not to mention she could have done something to Amanda's dog!

  • Love 6

I sporadically watch this show and I had no idea that the blonde, pregnant woman was Virginia Madsen! She really took the individuality out of her face with whatever she did to it. Never mess with the eyes! That's what takes the personality away. Anyway, that being said, the musical performance in the beginning had me laughing so hard, I had to watch it twice. The violinists were like the models from all those Robert Palmer videos in the 80's. The audience that was standing around rocking out was equally awesome.

  • Love 3

I sporadically watch this show and I had no idea that the blonde, pregnant woman was Virginia Madsen! She really took the individuality out of her face with whatever she did to it. Never mess with the eyes! That's what takes the personality away. Anyway, that being said, the musical performance in the beginning had me laughing so hard, I had to watch it twice. The violinists were like the models from all those Robert Palmer videos in the 80's. The audience that was standing around rocking out was equally awesome.

The blonde pregnant woman wasn't Virginia that was Kelli Giddish who plays Rollins a detective who's a regular on the show. Virginia was playing Rollins and her crazy sister's Mother. If she still had her regular face I may have thought she wasn't old enough to play their Mother but whatever she had done has made her look weird and older.

  • Love 2

Rollins's sister = immediate episode deletion after watching. I loathe her. And frankly kind of hate how spineless, gullible, and frankly stupid Amanda gets in her presence. I get that she had a warped childhood but she's a functioning adult now. Seeing her lose brain cells every time Kim is in town is just irritating, and not good TV. As a poster mentioned upthread, seeing a villain constantly succeed is tiresome.

Where was my boyfriend Barba?

Mike Dodds seems a little too good to be true right now. I expect him to have some kind of tortured side or interoffice drama.


Also, the rape plot went absolutely nowhere. So he DID rape her?

Edited by CleoCaesar
  • Love 5

The rape subplot annoyed the hell out of me. The only thing that annoyed me more was Rollins' sister. I kinda wish I hadn't bothered with this episode since it was the first one I had watched from this new season. The rest are on the DVR needing to be viewed. I hope the sister plot point doesn't get run into the ground much more and they don't attempt to allow her to eat the show alive like the character William Lewis did. I quit watching for a long time due to William Lewis.

  • Love 6

Ugh. I try to forget that character for a reason too. I hated her and not in a love to hate kind of way.


Thank you. What makes the Nicole Wallace thing even worse is, on the DVD for the CI episode, "Great Barrier", there was the alternate ending from when NBC was having the audience decide if Nicole lived or died. Sadly, the vote was for her to live, but the DVD set has her dead in the bonus alternate ending. It was beautiful. But it sucked because it wasn't the real ending and she kept coming the hell back.


But I think if anyone was Nicole's equivalent here, it was the never-ending Lewis bullshit, which seemed in line with Nicole Wallace always coming back and pulling shit.

  • Love 6

The rape subplot annoyed the hell out of me. The only thing that annoyed me more was Rollins' sister. I kinda wish I hadn't bothered with this episode since it was the first one I had watched from this new season. The rest are on the DVR needing to be viewed. I hope the sister plot point doesn't get run into the ground much more and they don't attempt to allow her to eat the show alive like the character William Lewis did. I quit watching for a long time due to William Lewis.

Agree with you about the Lewis storyline. They truly wore that shit out. They almost lost a faithful viewer (me) by continuing to beat that dead horse.

  • Love 4
Oh Virginia Madsen, why did you mess with that gorgeous face?


Rollins' face is almost as bad.  I can't fucking stand to look at it anymore.  The features are all going the opposite ways that human features are meant to.  And with me being the only one who seems to mention this, I feel like Mugatu from Zoolander.


Madsen and Giddish have both definitely have had work done there's no question.  There wasn't wrinkles on Madsen's face, there was weird shit

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 4

The problem with sociopaths and enablers like Amanda's family is if you grow up with them, you default to thinking that chaos is "normal." No matter how old you get, how much therapy you have, how intellectually you grasp things, your most basic wiring was put in by the wrong people. 


Amanda's a combo of the family success/punching bag/people pleaser. She's clearly in a far better place in many ways then My World My Rules Kim, but because she was the shit-upon sister, she's still trying to get Kim to admit she's wrong and her mother to love and respect her. She knows damn good and well it's hopeless but every time, something happens and she thinks " this time, Mom will be on my side; this time, she'll see Kim for what she is; this time Kim won't be able to eel away from the consequences. This time will be different. I'm having a freakin' baby, this time things are going to conform to objective reality!" Nope. There's a reason "Each time I'm out, they pull me back in" is a cliche.

  • Love 11

That actually might be the strongest case for Amanda getting to have her and Declan Murphy's kid, Snookums: giving her a chance to finally move on from her past and, now more importantly, her crazy-ass family.  Up to this point I was leaning heavily towards something happening to torpedo her pregnancy.


Lindsay Pulsipher did do a great job, IMO, of making me wish someone would just randomly up and clock Kim with whatever's nearby...just like that smugly bitchy social worker Liv was dealing with last year.  And her getting her attorney wrapped around her finger, plus that veiled threat to Amanda's career by outing her admittedly dumbass decisions in this episode, was just the cherry on top.  As Shake It Up! once said: it's good to be hot, but it's bad to be a hot mess.  At least their mom is just a bitch (and Virginia Madsen gave good bitch).


I'm kind of surprised the B-story with the flautist was largely left open-ended (if perhaps mirroring the headline it was ripped from), but my inner shallow guy thinks he had it coming for that absolutely horrendous hairdon't.

  • Love 6

Loved your post @Snookums could not have described it better myself. Although I love this about Amanda. I love that she's flawed. Like even when Liv was scolding her she kept being pushy, only thinking about what was best for her sister with no regards what position that left her in. I was sad to see she sorta dragged Fin down with her but he did ask for it in a way, and has in the pass as well and I love him for trying to have her back. I was hoping he would be the one to give her the wake-up call she desperately needs though. 


I had expected her mom to be even worse but she did show her true colors in that last scene. Such a bitch and I was kind of happy the squad was there to see it. 

There was a lot of things I liked about this episode, surely mostly cause Amanda is my favorite character and I love episodes with focus on her. I think Lindsay Pulsipher was at her worst, and thereby her best as an actress, in this ep. There was no question Kim would stir up shit after that opening scene. Virginia Madsen was also good, a bit ditzy, daydrinking and being mostly about appearance. I had expected her to be even trashier though. I'm glad we got that last scene so we got to see that side of her as well. 


As for the case I was a bit confused if Anton really was drugged or not. I wouldn't put that past Kim (like she's even too lazy to sleep with the guy, she just knocks him out instead *lol*) so if he was then we certainly had two victims here in both Anton and Alessandra. It was hard to feel pity for Anton though being all about his flute and his wife. Maybe you wanted to think about your wife when you brought an escort to your room there buddy!? But drugging him, not cool if you did that Kim. And he seemed insensitive to what he'd done to Alessandra, I dunno if that look he gave her in the courtroom was supposed to be guilt but then I think the actor did a poor job. Then again I'm just happy I was able to see Anton in Zach McGowan and not Jody from Shameless (love that show!)

And it is always frustrating to not get closure. I wouldn't mind seeing Barba try the case or even both cases in a later episode but I have a feeling we won't see either Anton or Alessandra again :/


I do think we will see Kim though. Ugh that last scene at Rikers. But we got a rape reference!! Holy shit! It wasn't enough to please me (they need to deal with her rape!) but at least the writers haven't forgotten about the fact she was raped. I'm not surprised Kim knew - Amanda's mom knew Mrs Patton and I'm sure Patton pleading to some of the charges in Reese's case was the talk of the town for a while there in Atlanta, surely someone blabbed about what Patton said in court about Amanda and Sam seems to know some truths so Beth Anne got the info and then surely blabbered to Kim. But I don't think they have the extent of the rape, why Amanda went to see Patton in that hotel. But I don't know anything for sure as the writers have given us zip follow up on her rape. 

But I got a sneaky suspicion Kim will be back to cause problems for Amanda. But I would be perfectly fine with her getting locked up & the key thrown away. Amanda doesn't need her in her life. I want to keep Amanda flawed though so I hope this baby doesn't make her a bore. 


Not a fan of the newnewguy but I won't make judgement just yet, I want to make sure I'm just not being spiteful b/c I miss Amaro and see newnewguy as his replacement. I wish they would tone down the cartoon feature though. I do love Carisi, he's a total sweetheart, but I do find him cartoonish at times and I can deal with one of them on the squad but not two so I hope newnewguy will cool down some. 


@Ms Blue Jay - I stalk everything Kelli Giddish and see a lot of pics of her. I don't see what you seem to see in her face. I know a lot of my friends though whose faces have gone wonky while preggers. Not to mention my mom who got a craving for lipstick while preggers with me which meant she put it on and then licked it off over and over again, my dad even caught her sucking on the lipstick once 8/ If Kelli was prone to have things done, which I don't think she is, I'm sure she'd do something about the wrinkles around her eyes but I hope she doesn't, aging is natural & in most cases just beautiful. 


@Lillybee - Amaro was Stabler 2.0 so I really don't hope they go there with newnewguy as well

The problem with sociopaths and enablers like Amanda's family is if you grow up with them, you default to thinking that chaos is "normal." No matter how old you get, how much therapy you have, how intellectually you grasp things, your most basic wiring was put in by the wrong people. 


Amanda's a combo of the family success/punching bag/people pleaser. She's clearly in a far better place in many ways then My World My Rules Kim, but because she was the shit-upon sister, she's still trying to get Kim to admit she's wrong and her mother to love and respect her. She knows damn good and well it's hopeless but every time, something happens and she thinks " this time, Mom will be on my side; this time, she'll see Kim for what she is; this time Kim won't be able to eel away from the consequences. This time will be different. I'm having a freakin' baby, this time things are going to conform to objective reality!" Nope. There's a reason "Each time I'm out, they pull me back in" is a cliche.


That's true. I was just hoping that "this time I'm having a baby so I need to get my shit together" would have been her reaction. I understand she's upset now, but I truly think that Rollins will soon realize how great it was that her mom walked away. Her child doesn't need to be raised in that messed up family dynamic. With, like, Auntie Kim? Yikes. Maybe Declan has some family who could help.


Is it possible that the new guy could turn into Stabler 2.0?

This just made me realize that we haven't had a Stabler-esque interrogation in so long, not until the new guy was all "I'll rip your balls off" or whatever he said.


Selfishly, I won't mind if they do make Mini Dodds into Stabler 3.0 (since Amaro was Stabler 2.0, indeed) because that means Carisi gets to stay the precious ray of sunshine that he is.

  • Love 8

Is it possible that the new guy could turn into Stabler 2.0?


        We had that with Amaro, but part of me is still waiting for the shoe to drop. 


        Carisi has been so awesome, Leight probably will find a way to ruin him. 



        Oops I misread, you meant Dobbs Jr.

Edited by MrsRafaelBarba

I'm halfway through this episode and I can't understand how Rollins hasn't been fired.  Rollins knows exactly the type of girl her sister is, and she knew that there was no way her sister was coming in voluntarily.  She actively hid evidence in violation of her position.  S If the cops could have found her hooker sister and probably gotten the truth out of her, and not ever have charged the guy with rape (I feel like involuntary intoxication would be a defense).  


I realize the flute player is an ass for cheating on his wife, but that doesn't mean he should have to deal with being charged with a crime he shouldn't have been charged with because Rollins wanted to play happy family with someone she KNOWS damn well is unstable and has no problems breaking the law and running away.   

Edited by RCharter
  • Love 5

I'm halfway through this episode and I can't understand how Rollins hasn't been fired.  Rollins knows exactly the type of girl her sister is, and she knew that there was no way her sister was coming in voluntarily.  She actively hid evidence in violation of her position.  She could have been considered an accessory or accomplice after the fact because she hid the evidence and didn't really do anything to keep her sister from getting away.  If the cops could have found her hooker sister and probably gotten the truth out of her, and not ever have charged the guy with rape (I feel like involuntary intoxication would be a defense).  


I realize the flute player is an ass for cheating on his wife, but that doesn't mean he should have to deal with being charged with a crime he should have been charged with because Rollins wasn't to play happy family with someone she KNOWS damn well is unstable and has no problems breaking the law and running away.   

Couldn't agree more!  How does this woman still have a job?  I couldn't figure out how she didn't end up in jail when she chose to be a dirty cop as a way to get out from under her gambling debts.  Sure, Declan was undercover, but she didn't know that when she started giving them information.  Now this?  Enough.  Worst cop ever. 


I know I'm alone in this, but I miss Stabler, Munch and Cragen.

  • Love 7

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