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S31.E05: A Snake In The Grass

Tara Ariano

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Hooray.  After watching Survivor since season 1 and reading forums for years, I'm FINALLY picking up on the editing clues!  I knew from the opening vignette with Kimmi and Monica that Bayon was going to TC and Ankor would be winning immunity.  


Loved the Monica blindside!  I saw it coming all episode, but I was still super excited at the end hoping it would happen as it was set up!  Sending Kelly or Spencer home would have been too obvious.  And they had made a big deal at the beginning that Bayon was a strong 4 and it would definitely be K or S so I knew (hoped!) it wouldn't be.


Whew, very little Abi this week so that was a relief.  Just enough shown between her and Tasha, and the rest of the tribe, to remind us how grating she is and how no one can stand being around her!


I really think Dietz and Savage should have thought twice about dying their hair dark before coming on to Survivor, then having their white beards grow in.  It's jarring!  

  • Love 3

Chairs with cushions?  Hammocks?  Refreshments?  I feel like I'm watching Survivor: Mall Experience.  It wasn't enough to give them kerosene and wood chips along with the flint this season, or to give them BBQ stuff.  I'm even used to them getting blankets and tarps occasionally.  Now they get furniture.  I miss the days when a "reward" was making twelve of them split a Snickers bar. 


Bye, Monica.  I didn't care one way or another whether she went home, but at least she's spared having to hear Probst talk about how useless she was during a reward challenge like he did tonight.  Sometimes, Jeff really needs to shut up.


I like that both Spencer and Joe are making efforts to improve their social game (in their own ways).  I hope they go far.  


Nice showing by Woo this week in both challenges.  


I think the Survivors live better than the hamsters on Big Brother.  I wonder if they give these luxurious rewards just so the castaways don't sit around whining about how deprived they are of creature comforts and that they would be doing so much better if they had a comfy chair to sit down on.  It sort of made sense back in the day when they were sponsored by Sears, Home Depot, etc, and got luxuries with those logos plastered all over everything.  I feel like they've gotten too far gone with the rewards that they can't ever go back now.

  • Love 6

I think the Survivors live better than the hamsters on Big Brother.  I wonder if they give these luxurious rewards just so the castaways don't sit around whining about how deprived they are of creature comforts and that they would be doing so much better if they had a comfy chair to sit down on.  It sort of made sense back in the day when they were sponsored by Sears, Home Depot, etc, and got luxuries with those logos plastered all over everything.  I feel like they've gotten too far gone with the rewards that they can't ever go back now.

I agree. I wish just once they'd go back to nothing but a bag of rice and their wits to make it.

  • Love 9

Are you F-ing kidding me? Why would you EVER telegraph the boot of the night in the FIRST FIVE MINUTES? The only thing missing was a flashing neon sign over Monica's head saying "First Boot", You don't need a college degree in editing to know that is an asinine idea and will sap out any suspense. It was solidified by starting the IC at 8:31 meaning they needed time to set the stage for why Spencer of Kelly would not be voted out but Monica would be.


With that said...no great loss. I've seen every episode of SURVIVOR and have no memory of Monica or anything she did. As for getting mad at Kimmie for having the audacity to plunder every last clam from a vast ocean...try waggling your finger at her and see if that does any good!


Speaking of Kelly I have to make an "Emperor Has No Clothes" comment. Her much vaunted return has been a dud...not an Epic Fail..but still a fail. It probably was an idea that sounded good on paper but so far its not panning out. To wit: She was one of the prime candidates for the boot and we got NOTHING from her...we didn't see her do any strategizing...zero...you wouldn't even know she was in the episode if people weren't talking ABOUT HER. When she finally surfaces at TC she would have likely remained mute if Jeff wasn't prodding. Assuming Sonya's (first SURVIVOR boot ever)still alive they should have brought her back from season 1 for all they are getting out of the first ever runner up.


So happy Tanya's team had a good night. Though I am embarassed for Abi Maria's family that she would use their tragedies in such a distastefull way as to try and one up Woo when it comes to tragedies.

  • Love 7

Bayon wasn't thinking at that reward challenge. They needed a tall person in the barrel, not short little Monica. Her height slowed her down in unwinding that rope.



That was a big mistake.  She was definitely too short for the rope untying and that was their undoing.  Mocked by Probst of course.


 I really do hope Ta'Keo goes to tribal next week. Not because I have anything personal against anyone in that tribe but I want to see some real dynamics there and especially see Kass, Joe, Ciera and Keith go to tribal at least once before the damn merge happens. 


I agree.  Just for variety's sake!  And to really see what the tribe dynamics are over there and how the loyalties shake out when it's not all bliss, all the time.    

  • Love 4

Hooray.  After watching Survivor since season 1 and reading forums for years, I'm FINALLY picking up on the editing clues!  I knew from the opening vignette with Kimmi and Monica that Bayon was going to TC and Ankor would be winning immunity.  


Loved the Monica blindside!  I saw it coming all episode, but I was still super excited at the end hoping it would happen as it was set up!  Sending Kelly or Spencer home would have been too obvious.  And they had made a big deal at the beginning that Bayon was a strong 4 and it would definitely be K or S so I knew (hoped!) it wouldn't be.


Whew, very little Abi this week so that was a relief.  Just enough shown between her and Tasha, and the rest of the tribe, to remind us how grating she is and how no one can stand being around her!


I really think Dietz and Savage should have thought twice about dying their hair dark before coming on to Survivor, then having their white beards grow in.  It's jarring!  

 I miss the show on Wednesday's and have to watch a repeat on Thursdays.  I'm going to see if I can't see what you see and maybe I'll catch on to the previews a little better too!

I have to say, I am finding the concept of the challenges themselves being part of the second chances for the contestants fairly clever. I don't know why it took me so long to catch on to that though!



I'm sure it take a lot of research amongst the production staff to put together who of the current players have done the different challenges before, and how their teams did.  Of course both Joe and Ciera were redeemed this week by a win from their teams!  

  • Love 3

I'm sure it take a lot of research amongst the production staff to put together who of the current players have done the different challenges before, and how their teams did. Of course both Joe and Ciera were redeemed this week by a win from their teams!

Oh yeah...and then to decide within each season which challenge they would revisit. If I were part of the production staff I would be hating Jeff by the end of it all!!

  • Love 1
Not sure how smart that decision was given that Spencer has a lot more friends in this game than Monica has.



He does - like who? I'm pretty sure he has no connection with Joe, Cierra, Keith and Savage. He and Woo definitely are not close despite playing in the same season, he and Dietz seemed to get along well enough but weren't aligned with each other, just as he and Wigglesworth are not aligned. He and Kass do not trust each other and Abi is a nutjob no one can predict.


About the only people I'd say he's friendly with is Tasha and Wentworth and both of these women are playing hard and will not align with Spencer unless it serves their benefit. As it stands, it would be an absolute miracle if Spencer wins this thing in my opinion. He doesn't even have one solid person with him like some have had and used that to get to the end. He's pretty alone at this point in the game. 

  • Love 5

I love a TC that has facial reactions like that.  Monica looking confident, then jerking to attention when her name was read, then practically pulling a Linda Blair exorcist move with turning her head around; Spencer looking confused; Kimmi not making eye contact when it appeared Monica was looking at her but hiding the smirk.  And right before the vote Jeremy and Kimmi looking pleased that they were going to pull something off.  I am happy we got a break from Angkor at tribal this week.  I completely forget most of the Bayon members hadn't even been to tribal yet.  Keith, Kass, Ciera, and Joe have torches still unlit.


So Shirin opened her big mouth and got voted off (among other things she did wrong).  PG waffled and got voted off.  Monica opened her big mouth about a girls alliance and got voted off.  I guess Ciera has the right idea if she really is staying quiet and not offering any sort of insight.  I wonder if they left anything delicious out of Monica's boot this week as she took the walk of shame.  I feel like there was a huge chunk possibly left out of what led up to Monica's boot.  This is why I hate that they don't even attempt to do equal focus on both tribes.  I didn't know any dynamics that were possibly playing out over there until this episode, other than Spencer apparently making good on improving his social game.  Monica had an invisible edit all season, but suddenly she's considered a loose cannon that they want out.


Abi comparing surgery to her knee to a heart attack was like Dan comparing being adopted to domestic violence.  I wonder if they did that on purpose.  When the merge happens, Tasha may not even need Abi.  Or worse for Tasha, Abi may not need/want her and flip.  I don't know why Tasha thinks keeping Abi is good for her game, when Abi's been semi responsible for some of the boots that have happened.  Again, I think editing is leaving stuff out.

  • Love 4

Kimmi turning on Monica had nothing to do with a Women's Alliance. Monica was annoying Kimmi, and she needed a better push for the men to get on board with getting rid of her than "I don't like her." If it was someone she liked who had suggested a women's alliance, she'd be on board. So either Kimmi tells the guys "I don't like Monica" and risks looking catty and disloyal, or she says "Monica wants a women's alliance!" and makes Monica look disloyal and shows the guys what's in it for them if they get rid of her. She may not even consciously realize she was doing it but I'm sure that's what it was about. Guys, us women are that simple and that complicated.


Kimmie certainly came across as catty and disloyal to me.  I also don’t think that was particularly good gameplay for the following reasons:


1. The negative signal this sends to their former original tribe members on the other tribes.  As perfectly articulated by Stephan, it basically tells them that the original alliance is dead.


2. Numbers matter.  Why break up their current alliance unnecessarily while at the same time keeping Kelly in the game knowing she has strong ties to people on other tribes?


3. Not only was Monica’s “women’s alliance” not a direct threat to Kimmie herself, but it could have been something she could have turned to her advantage later in the game should the circumstances require it.


I can’t help contrast Kimmie’s meangirlish emotional reaction to Monica with the way Tasha plays along with the much more intolerable Abi for strategic reasons. 

I can certainly understand why Probst considered Kimmie one of the women least likely to win the game.  She’s certainly done nothing to disprove his assessment.


To me, the women who are playing the smartest game so far are Tasha, Ciera and Wentworth.

  • Love 12

Monica joins the ever-swelling numbers of Survivor contestants who get themselves voted out for the same reason:


They can't keep their mouths shut!


Her alliance was set.  Kelly was going.  Monica was completely safe.  But she had to bring up the 'girls' alliance.'  Even worse, she brought it up to someone who had no interest in or sympathy for that idea.  She did not read the room, and now she's gone. 


I also thought her concern about depleting their beach of clams was ludicrous.  Especially for people who need food as badly as they do. 

  • Love 7

To be fair to Monica, I don't think she was saying that they were depleting the ocean by harvesting (is that the word?) the clams.  She was worried that their little area would be depleted, if they stay at that beach for the whole 39 days and take that many clams every day, which is certainly a possibility.  Although, on Survivor, the best strategy might be eat when you can and deal with lack of food if/when it comes to that.

That's what she said in the confessional, too.   She was thinking ahead there to days in the future when they might wish their clam feasts hadn't been quite so large.


I agree with those who think Kimmi just lost her cool and let emotions take over.  Monica had every reason to not target Kimmi-- because she's Bayon AND a woman-- so Kimmi should've kept Monica.  You don't vote out the people you don't like.  You grin and bear it if it serves your game to keep them.  


Kimmi kept bellowing that Monica was a "loose cannon".  I didn't see anything loose cannon about her.  She was considering future options and scenarios.   Does Kimmi think that they're all duty bound to ally with Bayon and only Bayon until the end?   I know they're trying to spin that as 'old school' Survivor but I think that's more 'dumb school' Survivor.  

I came away from this episode with strong opinions about two players I've never seen before: 1) Monica is smart; 2) Kimmi is a moron.  I'm sure I'll be arguing this all week in the Kimmi thread, so I'll forbear here.  But bad, bad, bad, bad move.


I have to agree the edit was particularly obvious today.  Monica had a huge flashing sign saying "SHE WILL GO HOME".  Kelly not getting a single confessional made it clear as day that she was going nowhere.  Bad, bad, bad, bad editing.


Will this NuTaKeo 5 amount to anything?  It's a very weird group.  But as long as Kelley is safe I'm happy.  Although I think this was a terrible move for Kimmi, and a pretty bad one for Jeremy and Stephen, that's cool with me, because I don't want a Bayon to win.

  • Love 12

Chairs with cushions?  Hammocks?  Refreshments?  I feel like I'm watching Survivor: Mall Experience.  It wasn't enough to give them kerosene and wood chips along with the flint this season, or to give them BBQ stuff.  I'm even used to them getting blankets and tarps occasionally.  Now they get furniture.  I miss the days when a "reward" was making twelve of them split a Snickers bar. 


Bye, Monica.  I didn't care one way or another whether she went home, but at least she's spared having to hear Probst talk about how useless she was during a reward challenge like he did tonight.  Sometimes, Jeff really needs to shut up.


I like that both Spencer and Joe are making efforts to improve their social game (in their own ways).  I hope they go far.  


Nice showing by Woo this week in both challenges.  


or sharing a sip of Dew and a bite  of a Dor-ree-to e ( #TinainAustralia). 



This was my most favorite thing in the episode.  Abi sad about Varner leaving, Savage:  "he's in a better place now".  Hahahahahahahahahaha!! 


I assume that means Varner is on the same farm that my puppy is on......


  LOL I giggled hard there. "In a better place." 

well hes not lying. Ponderosa can be awesome ;)

  • Love 2

I was kind of hoping that we'd see another reshuffling into two new groups of eight, just to keep everyone on their toes.  Oh well.


The storyline of Terry Dietz: Social Game Juggernaut came to its logical, hilarious conclusion.  Terry is giving confessionals solely about how great it is to be playing the social game, and winning challenges, and it's all so easy....smash cut to his five tribemates unanimously deciding that he's the odd man out.


I don't hate the Monica vote from a "Bayon tribe unity" standpoint since that idea is meaningless at this point, for three reasons. 

1. We've seen enough tribe swaps and reshufflings to know that players pretty often end up forging brand-new alliances with their new groups.  In this very episode, we saw Kass/Joe/Ciera/Keith make their final five pact with a non-original Bayon in Kelley, so I doubt those four will be heartbroken that Jeremy/Kimmi/Stephen "turned their backs" or anything.

2. The original tribes were only together for six days before being split into three groups.  By now, they've been with their new alignments longer than their old ones.

3. In an all-returning player season, who knows what outside-the-game friendships or alliances might really be driving things rather than tribe alignments on the show.


I also can't blame Kimmi too much for that move to oust Monica, despite it busting up her four-person group and keeping Spencer and Kelly around.  For all we know, Kimmi wants Kelly to stay...it makes sense that the two old-school older women would have more in common, and all things considered, Kelly definitely seems like less of a 'game player' than Monica (which is a nice way of saying that Kelly has apparently no strategic game whatsoever).  Kimmi might end up being all for a women's alliance down the road, just as long as Monica isn't one of the women involved.

  • Love 10

I do get why Kimmi did what she did and I would do the same. This game has proven that alliances from the get go do better than alliances made later on in the game. With exposing Monica to the guys Kimmi managed the following: She showed her loyalty to the guys, she voted off someone she could not stand without making it obvious AND she chose to stay with people who will always be the bigger targets than herself (Jeremy, Stephen, Spencer and even Wiggles). It is boring for the viewers but it is safer for the contestants to remain loyal to their original alliances rather than creating gameplaying for their own benefit.

I still believe that Spencer is getting a winner's edit and I so want him to win. His whole progress in the game is shown with details and this can't be without a purpose. No other player has been shown their progress in such detail other than maybe Kass, Jeremy and Joe. I think these 4 people will play big roles down the road, if we believe the edit. If I had to choose another possible winner at the moment other than Spencer I would say Jeremy. He seems to know what he wants and how to get there.

  • Love 7

I may be wrong but I thought Tasha asked Woo what happened and then he told his story. I didn't see it as trying to elicit sympathy but rather a bonding moment about overcoming obstacles. Now, Abi... yeah, she was trying to elicit sympathy...

I like the second chance concept for the challenges. Is Monica really a bigger liability than Stephen in the challenges? If I were Bayon I'd rather get rid of Stephen and Kimmi TBH just to keep the tribe strong. On the other hand Jeremy admits he doesn't trust Spencer and that Spencer will align with anyone... as long as it keeps him in the game... yes, that's someone you want to keep... not smart at all. Kelly's alliance is already gone, she's actually in a worse position than Spencer. Monica should have played up Spencer being untrustworthy instead of trying to outright form an all girl's alliance.

Next week's previews look interesting, I'm liking this season so far.

  • Love 5
Monica opened her big mouth about a girls alliance and got voted off.


I didn't see that as opening her big mouth so much as strategizing with her closest alliance member.  All the winners have done that. Kim discussed every move with her friend.  They were discussing whether to vote out Kelly or not and Monica was just listing the reasons why they might be better off keeping Kelly. Kimmi sure hasn't been an example of "keeping her big mouth shut," when she ran straight to the guys with a plan to take their four-strong alliance down to three based on nothing much but wanting to have her own way about clams.

  • Love 12

Finally a proper use of #blindside. 



Personally, I was thrilled to see Monica go. For numerous reasons. 


1. I still had zero idea who she was. I have admittedly not seen every episode of Survivor. I got into it with season 2 and watched quite a few of those early seasons, but missed quite a chunk in the middle. Still, I KNEW who most of the players were, just from things I've heard or seen. Monica - no idea who you are, don't care if you go. 


2. I did not want to see Spencer or Wiggles go, especially Spencer. I think they'd be dumb to send him home before the merge anyhow. He is clearly the star of their team. Even though it didn't get them the win, he was quite the comeback kid during that RC. 


3. I really can't stand people who want to form "Girls Alliances" just because. This isn't Big Brother. You have a tribe and other things to consider. 


4. The sheer irony of her proclaiming that TC isn't always bad, and it will make their group stronger. Booyah! Just delightful. 




Despite the fact that I don't really love anyone on Angkor, I was rooting for them during both challenges. I just always feel for an underdog. Woo is certainly the superstar of their team, but it also didn't hurt that Fishbach scored for them accidentally! But good for you Woo, times two. 


I was really disgusted with Abi's reaction to Woo's story about his mom. I know we didn't hear the entire conversation, but it sounded to me like Abi ASKED him to tell them about what happened. And then turns around and acts all pissed off that he's fishing for sympathy! She was just pissed because it probably made her realize that she should have concocted some big "sympathy" story herself. I did laugh when Andrew was like, "Great story, Woo". He was probably thinking, "Damn, that was much better than the one I shared about being a hotshot lawyer who fell in love with a supermodel". 



Finally got to see some of Keith. He performed really well at both challenges. Between him and Joey Amazing, it's no wonder Takeo keeps doing so well. Their alliance talk was interesting, and I'm glad to see that people aren't automatically looking to cast Joe off. I definitely think he's learned some lessons from last season. I did feel bad for Terry, though, simply because I always feel bad for people who are excluded. He's out there fishing for them, thinking everything's hunky dory and they're plotting without him. Sad face. 


I know, I know, it's Survivor. Buck up!


Overall, very good episode and I'm still just loving this season. 

Edited by ghoulina
  • Love 12

I'm sure it take a lot of research amongst the production staff to put together who of the current players have done the different challenges before, and how their teams did.  Of course both Joe and Ciera were redeemed this week by a win from their teams!  

Wikipedia + 75 minutes.  Much easier than coming up with challenges from scratch.

  • Love 4

I have to say, I am finding the concept of the challenges themselves being part of the second chances for the contestants fairly clever. I don't know why it took me so long to catch on to that though!


I had a light bulb moment this episode as well; no clue why it took so long - did Probst call it a Second Chance Challenge?

  • Love 1

Monica sure misread Kimmi. I think that Monica saw Kimmi as her main ally and obviously thought that she could talk to Kimmi about a different type of alliance when Kimmi's body language seemed to be telling a different story.


I think that Monica could have sold Kelly without mentioning a women's alliance. She could have mentioned that Spencer had more connections with folks which would allow him more wiggle room for making alliances. She could have played off Spencer as someone who would do better in mental and physical challenges. She could have mentioned that Spencer has played from the bottom before and has a better idea of how to scramble then Kelly.


I know Shirin discussed a woman's alliance and I think that she had talked to Kelly and Monica about one before the season began.


I get what Monica was saying about the clams. She wasn't worried about the overall environmental impact but that it was going to be harder to find them in a week if they keep harvesting all the easily found clams. None of them seem to be all that hungry or deprived, so taking a few less clams would not really hurt them. That said, every season of Survivor has some form of food wars and the person who is pushing the food issue tends to be the one who loses. Dale wanted to hoard rice and made an issue out of it. Kimmi and the chickens. Joaquin last season. Monica this season. Maybe they need a new rule on the What not to do list which is "Don't interfere with the food decisions your tribe is making because when you mess with people's food you stand out more and make yourself a target."

  • Love 3
I have to say, I am finding the concept of the challenges themselves being part of the second chances for the contestants fairly clever. I don't know why it took me so long to catch on to that though!


It is cool but the challenges were prepaired long before the contestants were chosen.  It's a happy coincidence that the script could be written to show the challenges as second chances for certain contestants.  (Of course the producers could count on the fact that the more popular people, such as Joe and Spencer were going to be picked for this season.)

something happened and I lost the people I was quoting. 


Re: Terry's Killer Social Game:

I too found it hilarious that it was like "Har Har Har! I'm great at the social game, Har Har Har" and then it was like.

"everyone but Terry, right?"

Everyone: "Yup."


Good for Keith for at least adapting. but that wasn't his problem. his problem was keeping his mouth shut. "Stick to the plan!" har har har. 


Re: Tribal Loyalty. 

Kimmi (and being "disloyal to old Bayan"), remember this is Kimmi saying it. I don't really remember Stephen and certainly not Jeremy echoing it really (if so I have to re-watch and catch that). so there's a little Old-Survivor in that, like we can't "betray" people we need to be strong and look loyal. It also makes me wonder if Kimmi has some serious ties (that we don't know about) with the rest (Maybe a Savage/Tash - or a ... whomever. I can't remember who she'd be with at this point).


Re: Spencer's winner edit: 

I just want to point out - Spencer easily could be this season's Jeremy/Josh from San Juan del Sur. Heck. or Malcolm. (twice). or Joe. Just make it to the merge and biff it, or fail right before the finals.  Jeremy/Josh stand out more to me because both of those two were clearly in the driver's seat and boom/boom, one right after the other). and it happened relatively quickly. 




Re: Women's Alliances:

I always find it very strange why women's alliances are this massive thing. Ami was so gung ho to have one in Vanuatu, and Chris was determined to like take them all out because they screwed Sarge. There was the Black Widow Brigade (which was so feared, everyone tried to shut the formation of a similar thing in HvV)
there was Kim and her Court in One World (which was bound to happen anyway considering it was gender split for the first few episodes) but people wanted to knock them out and try not to have one. (and I guess, you could toss in the v. first one though it wasn't really planned of Neleh/Vee/Kathy the first final 3 consisting of women)

like there aren't really a lot of instances that the WA is a thing - but people always want to shut it down. but if there's a Guys Alliance, it's ho hum. (or even a male/male pair. woman/woman pairs are also 'seek and destroy). like. Kimmi shut it down so quickly, it was crazy. (and yes because she didn't like (maybe she didn't remember) Monica), but still).


Re: Monica & Food.


You'd think people would realise this. Since Australia messing with the food is a thing. and you will be voted off (eventually) due to the food. just go with it. whine/complain about it via confessionals. Don't have sympathy for the food. Don't hoard it. state your piece once. (ie: if you're eating way too much food state. "I think we need to cut down" ) and then leave it. just go with the flow. 





I have to say too,this episode had so many crazy one liners. I was so busy saying shut up to Abi - I didn't get this one at first:

"I had someone else's part of their body inside me too." -Abi-Maria Gomes

  • Love 2

I didn't see that as opening her big mouth so much as strategizing with her closest alliance member.  All the winners have done that. Kim discussed every move with her friend. 


The key difference is that Kim was talking with someone who really was her friend.  They were in lockstep with each other.  Kimmi was not Monica's friend.  In fact, Kimmie couldn't stand Monica.   

  • Love 1

Yes we know Kimmi was not Monica's friend but to Monica this was the pal she went clamming with everyday.  I can't blame Monica for not knowing that Kimmi was a person who admits she can't tolerate people who dare to have opinions that don't match hers. 


Monica wasn't forcing the food issue anymore than Kimmi was, Kimmi was just the one willing to vote out an alliance member over it.

  • Love 6

I think they had to telegraph it was Monica, otherwise the boot would make NO sense.

I think the luxury life of Joe's tribe is supposed to be in contrast to the meager existance of Tasha's..... Survivor has always been a game that rewards winners and punishes losers. When one tribe happens to be stacked to win everything, they will live well.

Regarding Kimmi eating clams: I don't know what her diet is, but some vegans do eat bi-valve shellfish... creatures that do not have a central nervous system and eating them doesn't impact the environment. There was one shot of Kimmi with bit of a belly that I really appreciated. She looks good for a middle aged lady who is not a gym rat, and I'm glad she's not afraid to wear a bikini.

I am hoping Keith wins, because that would be hilarious. I do respect the guy, he sure keeps up in challenges

  • Love 5

Beautiful photography in tonight's episode.


Fun eppy to watch but as others have mentioned, absolutely NO suspense whatsoever.  I think Monica's first confessional was at about the 1 or 2 minute mark - when she was done, I turned to my wife and said, that's it, she's gone.  (She was talking about what a good position she was in -- always a dead giveaway).


Survivor's editors and producers have to realize that after 15 years of reality game shows, we're all savvy about editing tricks.  They need to up their game.

  • Love 5

Just a couple thoughts:


Abi taking credit for being the "deciding vote" to keep Woo:  Not true.  The vote was 4 (Jeff) - 1 (Woo).  If she had voted Woo, the vote would have been 3-2 and Jeff still would have gone home.


The chairs with the cushy seats:  Those are going to be really nasty after a couple of rains ... or even a couple of days on the beach, absorbing the salt spray.

  • Love 2

You can be a middle aged woman who is a gym rat and still have a belly. I lift weights 3-4 times a week (110 pound chest press, 160 pound squats) and I have a belly. Giving birth to a 10 pound 2 ounce baby has a way of stretching that belly in ways that are hard to recover from. Kimmi has two kids so I am sure that she has some belly associated with that. Kimmi does not look like she is out of shape or flabby in any other part of her body. I have no idea if she works out regularly or not but she looks to be in good shape.

  • Love 9

What made me happy  was that Monica's argument was the same as Kimmy's in Australia.  She didn't really want them to eat the chickens but the point she was trying to make to Alicia was don't eat them all up...save some for later and that's what Monica was trying to say to her.   I, too, was waiting for the finger wag.    


The moments that tied for my favorite are Monica's head snap (SNAP!)  and when Andrew (I can't say Savage...pfft) said Jeff was in a better place. So like Andrew with the over the top solemnity.    And we all know a better place for Jeff is beside me on the couch continuing to entertain me with his witty commentary.  


Good Ep for me.  After taking a sanity preserving break (titled "NO MORE HANTZ!!")  for a while, I tuned in last season and I guess I'm back.  So there. 


So, is there a men's "no shot" list or is that giving Peachy too much credit? 

Edited by Rosieroo
  • Love 3
I think they had to telegraph it was Monica, otherwise the boot would make NO sense.


Right. I think it's kind of hard with editing, because you certainly don't want to give everything away. But if you don't give any time to the person who's going to get booted, the viewers might be left wondering what the hell just happened. And, at this point, there's still far too many other players to be able to try and make it more even and thus less easy to detect which person is going home. 


Personally, I always get so caught up that I never notice these editing choices. Well, hardly ever. I did have a feeling Bayon would be at TC, but I wasn't really expecting Monica until Kimmie started talking about it. And even then I thought it might end up being another situation where they talk, talk, talk about it but don't actually do it. 

  • Love 2
On the other hand Jeremy admits he doesn't trust Spencer and that Spencer will align with anyone... as long as it keeps him in the game... yes, that's someone you want to keep... not smart at all.



To be fair, Jeremy didn't say he didn't trust Spencer, he said he trusted Kelly more and for all we know, he might have been saying that for Kimmi and Stephen's benefit who clearly are more on Kelly's side. And Kimmi was the one who said Spencer would align with anyone and I didn't get the sense that she was saying it's solely because he's disloyal but because he has no one in the game and no choices. Which brings me to this:


She could have mentioned that Spencer had more connections with folks which would allow him more wiggle room for making alliances.



Thing is, from what we were shown, Spencer already tried putting the target on Wigglesworth back once the swap happened, by informing the others that she was the one with more connections. We saw the scene when Jeremy and Stephen asked him about their relationship and he stated that she voted against him and talked about her and Dietz being close. And my guess is he probably told them how he was at the bottom of the tribe right before the swap happened and the vote had been between him and Shirin. Sure there is always the possibility they questioned how honest he was being but personally I would believe Wigglesworth was the one closer to Dietz and Varner (before he was eliminated) based on the whole old school vs. new school


She could have played off Spencer as someone who would do better in mental and physical challenges.



But as Jeff pointed out at tribal council, you can say that same thing about Spencer and Wigglesworth. This is a woman who held the record for years with immunity challenge wins by a woman. Hell she immunity challenge won her way to the Final 2. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 3

I think this vote may come back to bite them in the ass.


I can only hope. I would love to see Jeremy, Stephen, and Kimmi get screwed by this completely stupid decision.


And Kimmi showed what can be frustrating about the "old school," way of thinking, "Oh my God! She's talking about a women's alliance! How dare she!" Kimmi, you're a woman. You have no shot beating Jeremy, Stephen, or Spencer in a F3. You're enabling their victory. 


LOL really though. I was like, "Kimmi, you know you're a woman, right?" That was just so stupid. Although, to be fair to Kimmi, I think it was less about that and more about her hating Monica for petty reasons and letting that fuel her strategic decisions. Very stupid.


I came away from this episode with strong opinions about two players I've never seen before: 1) Monica is smart; 2) Kimmi is a moron.


+1. I'm really disappointed by it too because I wanted to root for Kimmi.


So, is there a men's "no shot" list or is that giving Peachy too much credit? 


You're funny! Of course there's no man that Probst thinks has no shot. They're men dammit, they always have a shot. It's the dumb women that can never win. Probst is such an idiot.

  • Love 8

Again with the green screen slow motion beanbags -- only this time in many colors?! It's like the interns are just mocking me now.


Abi's comments were beyond the pale, I'm sorry. Someone shares a story about their mother having a heart transplant, and your first response is "Well, my grandmother had one, too and my auntie!" I know that Savage got a lot of (deserved) heat for his story about his wife, but Abi's comments, to me, were the equivalent of one of the castaways going "Well, my wife was a porn star and got her doctorate in mechanical engineering and we got married two weeks after we met!"


Hey, Abi -- if your grandmother and aunt's heart transplants were really that important to you, you would've shared those stories, unprompted -- as it seems Woo did. Not kept your relatives' illness in your back pocket in case someone you hate looks like they're garnering (gasp!) human sympathy from the human beings on their tribe.


And then to go to Tasha and complain about it, putting her in the position of having to be like "I know, right -- the nerve of that guy to talk about his mother's heart transplant!" Take several seats, Abi -- in fact, take the whole arena.

  • Love 19

Someone asked about the "boat" that spencer and the other guy were using.  Was it maybe a basket from the very first episode that they filled with items??? Pretty clever to use it as a boat. 


I have a feeling another tribe shuffle is coming next week.  And I thin Abi would have been booted if they didn't win. 


But I have to ask... that tribe was nearly dead last week.. how did they suddenly have so much energy for these challenges??


Giving the luxuries doesn't bother me much... these people have already paid their dues on their original seasons so maybe they just want to make it a little easier for them this time.

  • Love 1

But I have to ask... that tribe was nearly dead last week.. how did they suddenly have so much energy for these challenges??

I have to believe things are shown to us out of sequence sometimes. Not days worth, but here and there things look off. There was a brief shot of them cooking a big clam, so they ARE eating what they can catch.

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