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S27.E04: Good Old Fashioned Spit In The Face

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There is no way in hell I fly in that contraption over anything then a massively large pillow. No way no how. Nope

The express pass conspiracy was so silly. Way to waste the express pass and get nothing out of it. And put a huge target on your back with a stronger team. And piss off everyone else who won't get the express pass. Just ridiculous.

I liked the tasks and the locations. I want Team Texas gone.

  • Love 3

Putting the U-Turn board right next to the Pit Stop (and the orphans and the charity box) seems like a deliberate challenge to teams thinking of using it. But that's to be seen next episode.

U-Turning from the front of the pack may win you a leg but it'll rarely eliminate your target. However... based on the length of the giraffe-staining Detour, a clever U-Turn strategy and smart racing might have put Green in a bit of trouble. How much, again we don't know, given that this is a pure TBC and not one where there's a leg prize for the first team. What happens to the last team? Keep racing, NEL/Speed Bump, or elimination? Dunno.

Loved the S1 callbacks, and it's interesting that TPTB feel they can now visit Zimbabwe, even as many other countries have been taken off the list of potential destinations.

Any idea how long it takes to do border formalities between Zambia and Zimbabwe?

Any idea how long it takes to do border formalities between Zambia and Zimbabwe?

I would guess that much of their travels/crossings are expedited for them as members of the Race... kind of like they are already expected so things are just go here, sign that, get your passport stamped and be on your way.

Edited by Wandering Snark

I'm a big Race fan, have seen the TAR 1 a few times, and remembered all of the locations from TAR 1 (I even remember Kevin exclaiming "Mukuni Village! Mukuni freakin' Village!"), but I actually don't remember the face-spitting. And I don't expect these racers to be familiar with it either, because even if I were cast, there's 26 seasons to re-watch and I'd start with the most recent ones because they're more relevant to the game as played now.

ITA and because I am a huge nerd, I pulled out my S1 DVDs and the Chief does spit fluid from a gourd and kind of mists their heads from above at a distance while they are sitting on a mat at his feet. They don't show Nancy and no one is all that bothered. We can all relax now.

  • Love 2

There is no way in hell I fly in that contraption over anything then a massively large pillow. No way no how. Nope

I'm sure that those things are safe if they're letting contestants on TAR use them, but (and it's a big but) imagine the obituary if you fell out or crashed: George died while riding a bicycle attached to a kite with a giant fan.

  • Love 9

I'm sure that those things are safe if they're letting contestants on TAR use them, but (and it's a big but) imagine the obituary if you fell out or crashed: George died while riding a bicycle attached to a kite with a giant fan.

We all gotta go sometime, and your kids/grandkids/nieces/nephews would be eating off that story for years.

  • Love 4

I'm sure that those things are safe if they're letting contestants on TAR use them, but (and it's a big but) imagine the obituary if you fell out or crashed: George died while riding a bicycle attached to a kite with a giant fan.

I used that logic when I went zip lining in Costa Rica. Great trip, lots of fun, but more then a few moments when I contemplated how quickly I would die if the harness broke. They had triple redundancy on the line, which was great, but al of those were attached to the one harness. So if your harness malfunctioned you were screwed.


But those bike contraptions did not look in the least bit safe They were jostling around in the wind and did not look stable. No way in hell do I go up in that thing. Nope. Not happening.

  • Love 4

Did they state that the Texans gave all their money? if not it looked like they picked a bill and handed it over, nothing about it being everything they had. I remember Justin adding coins and several bills.

I'm not heavily invested in this season. My race fanatic got his perfect win with Nat&Kat. I also very much liked TK&Rachel.

A bit bored with the reporters who feels plastic. Frustrated with the TrackTeam who should be doing better.
Hoping that the Cheerleaders will leave soon. Also the Paparazzis.

Hey Cindy&Rick might be the surprise of this season if they will continue to work well and keep a positive attitude toward


  • Love 3

That was the one thing that actually made me like Justin for a minute.  Maybe he was doing it for show, and maybe they all were, but I think it was very sweet to donate the rest of their money to the orphanage.


Since Tanner & Josh also turned over all their money, I think there must've been a line in the clue requiring them to do so, like at the orphanage in Indonesia (I think) several races ago.

  • Love 1

30 minutes ago


Did they state that the Texans gave all their money? if not it looked like they picked a bill and handed it over, nothing about it being everything they had. I remember Justin adding coins and several bills.


It seemed like Phil asked if that was everything, but I didn't tape it so I can't check.

I have infrequently had a nightmare about flying at great altitude in something with no fuselage or belts (usually it's a variation of the original Wright Flyer 1), and slipping out after an unexpected wind-driven turn...  Which is still better than the nightmare of being on the seat of a runaway Conestoga on the very lumpy Great Plains, and being bounced high into the air and crashing back down...  I like flying, dammitall, but only when securely wrapped in a fuselage that has an excellent understanding of the principle of Lift.


I would expect the air over Victoria Falls to be turbulent.  I wonder what the windy day version of that Roadblock would have been.

I too noticed that some teams got more spit in the face than others, which I found interesting.


I find the race design on this leg a bit odd.  The opening clue says "warning, double U turn ahead", which seems especially designed to flush out the express pass.  Tanner and Josh were stupid to use the express pass on the roadblock, which generally seems like a relatively easy task compared to the detour.  They should have done the roadblock and even if Justin and Diana beat them and U turned them, they just can then use the express pass and get back on even footing.


But notwithstanding their error, they would have used it to skip the roadblock and might have had a lead of an hour or so, only to discover that it's a TBC.  Not sure of the exact flight times and when they landed in Zambia, but depending on the time of the day, it's entirely possible that there could be Hours of operation which equalizes everyone on the next day of the race.  Meaning any Express Pass lead of Tanner and Josh's would have been wiped out, and any U Turned team could still catch up.  I guess perhaps the point of the Express Pass is no longer just an automatic ticket to first place on that leg.

Sure hope the feud between Team Green and Team Dumb is concluded soon.



Smartest thing they could do?  Tell Phil to give it to the last team to arrive.


Which means there's no way Team Texas will do that.


Their whole use of the Express Pass as some sort of master plot to eliminate the green team was poorly thought out and even more poorly executed.


I'm trying to decide who I want out more, the Texans or the green team.  Justin toned himself down a lot this episode, which was nice, but that is probably only a temporary thing.  The Texans seem mostly focused on getting Justin out, so maybe if Justin goes they'll stop acting like idiots. Although I have my doubts about that.


I still feel like I know very little about a lot of the teams racing because of the whole silly "feud."

  • Love 2

Since Tanner & Josh also turned over all their money, I think there must've been a line in the clue requiring them to do so, like at the orphanage in Indonesia (I think) several races ago.


To me, it looked like Justin and Diane emptied their pockets to donate all, and Josh and Tanner handed over one bill (looked like a $20).  The way it was shown + Justin's TH about how much the orphans needed, certainly made it seem like Green Team gave all they had, while Josh and Tanner had pre-decided what amount (not everything) to give.


It's also possible the Texans were just shown that way to further underscore their villain edit this episode.  I'm surprised we didn't get a shot of one of them twirling a mustache.


Having said that, I enjoyed seeing the Texans looking the fool.

  • Love 3

I guess perhaps the point of the Express Pass is no longer just an automatic ticket to first place on that leg.

The EP has always been multi-function: it's potentially a ticket to a first place, but it's also a way to nullify being U-Turned on the Detour or to avoid falling behind on a difficult Road Block. Of the "late TAR" innovations, I don't mind it as a reward. The extra EP that becomes a source of inter-team draaaaama, not so much.

I suspect that all the teams were required to give all their left over money. It is an interesting way of evening out all the teams. Some teams might have been better with money management and have a large stash. They should start the next leg with the same amount of money, which evens things out a bit.


If they were not required to donate all their money and one team did, that would be generous but foolish. The Green Team donated all of their money and they were a team that ran out of money in the first leg which should make them less likely to want to give everything they have.

  • Love 1

To me, it looked like Justin and Diane emptied their pockets to donate all, and Josh and Tanner handed over one bill (looked like a $20).  The way it was shown + Justin's TH about how much the orphans needed, certainly made it seem like Green Team gave all they had, while Josh and Tanner had pre-decided what amount (not everything) to give.

That's what I saw.  

That's what I saw.  


Which supports the notion/edit that:


Justin/Diane, while passionate race fans, are really mostly into the race as an experience and see it as a privilege. (Which does not preclude some arrogance about winning.)


Tanner/Josh are really into winning/beating Justin at all costs, even if it means forgoing a once-in-a-lifetime view of Victoria Falls or being less generous to the less fortunate.

  • Love 6

Did the clue specifically tell them to donate all their money?  The way Justin specified that they wanted to donate it all made me think otherwise.  I agree, though, that either way the Texans came off looking cheap.  Though who knows if they thought they'd need to keep some money.  He seemed kind of proud that they were donating a bill as big as a $20.  He unfurled it as if to make sure people saw it was a $20 (or whatever it was).  Which to me comes off less egregious than lying if the clue told them to donate it all.  Having $20 even left seems suspicious but I guess if you're telling cabbies to keep the change, maybe not.  

Which means there's no way Team Texas will do that.


Their whole use of the Express Pass as some sort of master plot to eliminate the green team was poorly thought out and even more poorly executed.

I squee'd and clapped my hands like a little girl when they got to the backpacking place and their faces fell when they realized they were at a bunch. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Take that, sanctimonious phony pretty boys. I allowed myself to hope when one of them huffed about the plan being "flawless". I actually said out loud "don't let me down, editors!"


I am actually rooting for Justin and DIana now, just because the Texans are so focused on getting them out. Justin loves the race and Diana seems like a cool girl. I would enjoy seeing some of the other racers. I think Cindy and Rick are turning out to be pretty cute. "I"m a dentist, I know how to work a toothbrush". Rick seems to have taken a much needed chill pill and is finding his stride.

  • Love 3
The Texans should give the express pass to the weakest team left, the one they are most sure they can beat, so probably the cheerleaders.



Exactly. They used it because one of them was afraid of heights (which ... first, isn't that a cardinal sin for TAR, and second, it wasn't really a heights thing, since you basically were strapped in and couldn't move much), which was odd but OK. Now give it to a week team, and try to knock out a good one.

I don't give Justin any credit for "foiling" Josh and Tanner's plan.   Those guys shot themselves in the foot.    It's one of those ironies of life:  the more you focus on rivals/people you don't like, the more things seem to break in their favor.


Personally, I think Justin's a tool.    He's obnoxious and inconsiderate of the people around him.   ("Gaucho!  Mi amigo!).   He's arrogant, convinced there is no better player than himself.   He frequently mugs for the camera, leaving Diana on the sidelines, as if he's a team of one.  I groan at his public displays of sentimentality, from the ridiculous blubbering in the first episode to his public service announcement about the orphans.   Just shut up and race.


Focusing so intently on Justin may have been a strategy for Josh and Tanner.   Some people perform better in competition when they have a clear rival -- I know I do.   It helps to set your sights on the person you need to beat.   Unfortunately, the Texas guys lost perspective and it led them to make bad choices.    But, lesson learned.    It won't happen again.


I suspect Justin will wash out.   Know-it-alls like him almost always do.  

  • Love 5

Tanner/Josh are really into winning/beating Justin at all costs, even if it means forgoing a once-in-a-lifetime view of Victoria Falls or being less generous to the less fortunate.


This is what I found so amazing about their decision.  They weren't going to be eliminated, and yet nonetheless they gave up one of the most incredible  experiences in the world.  And only one of them was afraid of heights.  I figure they lost a legion of die hard fans with that move.

  • Love 1

Justin/Diane, while passionate race fans, are really mostly into the race as an experience and see it as a privilege. (Which does not preclude some arrogance about winning.)

Perhaps a way to tie a bow around this is that Justin/Diane (and especially Justin) are mad-keen race fans who want to celebrate their love of TAR by running That Kind Of Race.

As I've said before, it's a fascinating bit of casting, because the superfans clearly know that the Texans are cast as the alpha male team, while the Texans clearly regard themselves as the alpha male team who'll tough their way to victory without necessarily knowing the deep history of AMs on TAR.

  • Love 1

I say HA! At the look on Denise's face when she got spit on. She looked like someone who was just told they have anything ranging from VD to cancer.


That microlight task looked like one of the most dangerous things the race has ever done. I was wondering how many people die each year in those things. They looked like they had a zero safety margin.


In what world would anyone NOT take the crochet task? It looked very easy.


I hope the Trackstars don't wind up getting U-Turned after placing themselves so far back in the pack with the mishap of running around between bridges and countries. They are my favorite and two of the most charmingly gorgeous women that have ever run the race.


We need some major set back for Texas and Green to get them reshuffled back to to mid or end of pack. Tired of them both being front runners every leg.

That microlight task looked like one of the most dangerous things the race has ever done. I was wondering how many people die each year in those things. They looked like they had a zero safety margin.


I'd consider the helicopter ride around Rio to be far more dangerous.  A helicopter is a collection of rotating parts going round and round and reciprocating parts going up and down - all of them trying to become random in motion.

  • Love 1


That microlight task looked like one of the most dangerous things the race has ever done. I was wondering how many people die each year in those things. They looked like they had a zero safety margin.



It's a flying lawnmower.  Over Victoria Falls.   Operated by a company in a third world nation.


No, no, and hell no.

  • Love 2

The express pass/U-turn drama was really boring which dragged down a good bit of the episode.


Giraffes vs. croquet was an interesting break down with South Africa's complicated history of colonialism and... yeah, just not going to go there. Those giraffes were beautiful. I have nowhere to put one but I want one.

It's a flying lawnmower.  Over Victoria Falls.   Operated by a company in a third world nation.


No, no, and hell no.

I would normally agree with you, but I think there must have been something we didn't see.  I don't have any particular fear of heights or flying (I LOVE roller coasters) and I feel like I would have been scared of that thing.  But there were quite a few racers who had a fear of heights who had absolutely no problem going on that thing.  And normally when a racer has a fear of heights, they are the sort to carry on and have a big time problem with even climbing really high.  For no one to have a breakdown going up in that thing, and for every racer to maintain composure enough to look for a clue tells me that there had to have been some amazing safety feature I didn't see....or makes me guess there was something that put them all at ease

  • Love 1

Since the teams were in Zambia, not sure how South Africa fits into the equation.


Regarding the donation of monies:  Justin brought out the money, and told Phil it was everything he had.  He then went into the monologue about the orphans.  The Texans put their money in the box with no comment, but Phil asked them if that was all of it, and Tanner said it was every penny they had left.


No other teams had checked in, but I'm pretty sure they, too, will donate "every penny" because it's usually a race requirement when an orphanage or school is visited.  Sometimes a gift is made in lieu of cash as when the teams had to donate baby supplies that they first bought at the outdoor market in S7, or when they had to paint the school buildings, or donate books plus money to the orphanage-school in India.

  • Love 1

On this episode of Survivor, Team Texas plotted to vote Team Green off the island. I am so tired of the alliances and conspiracies to get them out. I agree, Justin is an annoying jerk, but let it go already. Enjoy your race and have fun. I had such exquisite schadenfreude when their great plan crumbled so completely. I want to like both teams, but they make it really difficult to do so. The editors need to stop emphasizing them so much as well.


Otherwise, the rest of the racers are just so of there. I really don't have anyone to root for since the cousins left. The one team (the papparazzi?) that bickered with each other about reading the clue and directions also got on my nerves. Less of that please. The screeching of the cheerleaders was also a bit annoying, but not too bad.


As far as the microlights go, they're basically a hang-glider with a engine powered propeller and a seat attached to them. Even if the engine were to stop completely, they'd probably glide to a safe landing. As forms of air travel goes, the helicopter from the first episode is probably less likely to land safely if the engine dies. The only thing the helicopter has going for it is greater protection from the elements and a sturdier body. Of course, if the microlight's wing structure were ripped or otherwise weakened, then yes, you'd plummet to your death. They'd also be more susceptible to microburts and downdrafts the closer they got to the falls, which hopefully the pilots are aware of and avoid.

  • Love 1

Smartest thing they could do?  Tell Phil to give it to the last team to arrive.


How is that possible? They have to name the team they give it to.


If they were allowed to set such arbitrary conditions, then teams could do similar things for U-turns and whatnot. "I choose to U-turn team red if they are behind me, but not in front of me, in which case, I keep my U-turn."


That's not how The Race works.

  • Love 2

Like a lot of you I really enjoyed watching Texas blow it with the Express Pass. I agree that Justin is obnoxious and if I was racing with him he would drive me crazy but Texas obsession with him is too much.  Also, they seem to think with Justin out of the way the path is clear to the million. Why would all of the other teams go along with that? Are they just going to give the million to Texas or is Justin so irritating that ALL of the other teams just want him gone?

  • Love 3

Just a few thoughts on the episode.  Ultralights aren't exactly the safest form of flying, I would have been pissing my pants.  Face spitting...and people wonder how diseases are spread.  I felt bad for those guys wasting the express pass, not just because they blew an advantage, but because they missed out on the opportunity of a lifetime to see Victoria Falls.  If you're going to blow an express pass, you want to do it when you miss out on the brewery in Munich or whatever.  Justin is loud and obnoxious, but you can tell he's good at heart.  He's like a big goofy dog.  It's easy to hate him but I don't.

Edited by Dobian
  • Love 2

I think two things about the microlight would make it less scary than say bungee jumping. It starts out on the ground and the racer is not driving.  Bungee jumping starts off at the height and the racer has to initiate the jump himself.  Also, I think the company may have told the racers they've been giving this tour to thousands of tourists a year for decades and they've yet to lose any, or some other reassuring stat.  Possibly too that it'd be over in 2.5 minutes or something.  I'm afraid of heights but would have had no problem doing the microlight task under those conditions.  My father crashed in an ultralight once, too.  

I don't give Justin any credit for "foiling" Josh and Tanner's plan.   Those guys shot themselves in the foot.    It's one of those ironies of life:  the more you focus on rivals/people you don't like, the more things seem to break in their favor.



I don't think anyone thinks Justin foiled the Texan's plan.  It's more a case of the Texans had a bad plan (purposely u-turn someone in the front of the pack early in the race when there's really very little chance of that team going home) that they executed poorly.  Justin didn't give them that bad plan or cause their horrible execution, it's all on them.

  • Love 5

 I felt bad for those guys wasting the express pass, not just because they blew an advantage, but because they missed out on the opportunity of a lifetime to see Victoria Falls.  

I don't. It was their dumb decision, nobody forced their hand. I say it was karmic justice for obsessing over other teams and trying to scheme.

  • Love 3

Tanner and Josh were stupid to use the express pass on the roadblock, which generally seems like a relatively easy task compared to the detour.  They should have done the roadblock and even if Justin and Diana beat them and U turned them, they just can then use the express pass and get back on even footing.


Plus, an express pass is like an insurance policy when there is a u-turn, unless one team is stupid enough to use up their u-turn just to make sure someone else uses up their express pass.  


And, while I think that the Texans used their EP on the roadblock to make sure that they got to the detour, and u-turn, first (which would be better accomplished by using the EP on the detour.  They should have though about the fact that they are the strongest team (at least they think they are) and that other teams my want to target them by u-turning them.  If they have to do the detour and they don't finish first, they might have to do both detours.  

  • Love 1

The EP drama seems sillier watching again.  Josh says that Tanner's afraid of heights and they have the EP; at first I thought maybe Josh was the one with the hurt leg and they thought it was a climbing task or something?  They hadn't handed in the EP yet and then say that it would be a fast, yet scary roadblock.  Were they already committed because they said when they opened the clue they would use the EP?  I'll defer to all of you who know the rules!  They knew it would be a fast RB, they were too obsessed with another team.  Then a bunching at the RB ahahaha.


Denise's reaction to getting the spit was hilarious, even more funny when you see James standing nex to her laughing.  LOL. 


Warthog sighting! 


Fun tasks (ok, croquet is fun, the judge at the staining challenge was fun-90%! 95%), animals, Victoria Falls, a little comeuppance and no one was overly obnoxious.  Good times.

Edited by raven

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