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Dallas - General Discussion

Tara Ariano

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I know Sue Ellen confessed to the fire but it seems like a good investigator would quickly figure out burning up a wedding invitation wouldn't have burnt down Southfork like that.  I wonder if they will find Drew's Plug In and accelerant on the curtains?  I don't think this is the last we've heard about this fire.

I agree. Seems too quick of a resolution. The only benefit to Sue Ellen's confession was to get her to admit she's an alcoholic and everyone is one big happy family :-.

Forgot to add, it looks like Heather will reunite with the hubs, leaving Christopher available for whomever.  I'd rather see him hook up with Emma and not Elena, but that's probably where it's headed unfortunately.


Oh they just don't know what to do with Christopher so yet AGAIN he will be tied to the one with the baby. You know after Nicoquin(great nickname drivethroo) derailed her birthcontrol Elena will become pregnant so I guess the only thing Christopher is good for is a father figure. All I can figure out is Cidre didn't realize JH would be the lead and after he became so much more popular they just don't know what to do with Christopher.

Edited by Cattitude

I just don't know what the hell is going on with the third season. We get John Ross saying he's not giving up on he and Pamela..yet you can clearly see in the preview for 3x10 (next episode) that he kisses Elena. What the hell?


The show manages to create a good couple with a hell of alot of chemistry in John Ross/Pamela and they break them apart? Why? Just for pointless drama?

  • Love 1

Pretty decent opener.


One Ramos down, but i agree with whoever said they would have preferred Elena (aka Skeletor) to be gone vs Drew. Although if I hear about "poor Papi" one more time, my head is going to explode.


Poor Sue Ellen, thinking she's responsible for the fire and OMG with the Aqua Velvet.


I am glad to see kick-ass Pamela back in action, but I hate what they've done to her relationship with John Ross, which was my main reason to watch outside of the fabulous PD and LG. I do hope they get back together but only after she rakes him over the coals and back again. 


Emma - please go and take your BSC family, Ann included, with you. Free Bobby!


Nicoquin is hot - too hot for the likes of Skeletor.


They need someone new for Christopher - Heather bores me to tears, they have zero chemistry (he had far more chemistry with Pamela), and it's pretty clear that she'll reunite her little family now that her ex (can't remember his name) is in the clear.


Love me some JL, but at the rate she's going with her scenery chewing, the mansion's going to run out of furniture. 

  • Love 1

They should re-create the JR/Bobby dynamic with John Ross and Christopher.  Yes, JR & Bobby were at odds but they loved each other and you could see that.  Bobby loved JR even as he shook his head at JR's shenanigans.


Christopher seems bothered and annoyed every time John Ross comes in the scene; it's a Daddy Christopher vs. Naughty Little Boy John Ross dynamic.  I could understand John Ross being ashamed when Bobby barks at him but he shouldn't tolerate it from Christopher.


I kind of hoped Christopher and Emma would get together or at least be friends (since they are step-siblings for the moment) but now I think Christopher is too boring for Emma to tolerate.

Good God, that was all kinds of tripe except for the scenes that involved Bobby and Sue Ellen, and the last with Pamela and John Ross.


As for Bobby's attitude toward Anne, well, I can't blame him and I won't use Pamela (his wife) as comparison, because other than the fact that she was dying, which she lied to Cliff about, Pammy never actually lied about so many things, so many times to Bobby, nor did she hide important things from him. The exception being when she thought John Ross was Cliff's and the disease. They were separated when she had that near fling with that fugly douche Mark Graison, and things were bad between them when she messed around with that publisher dude; and Bobby had his share of kissing Jenna Wade--the one before Priscilla Presley.  And humma humma, Patrick should look more mussed, gruff, and injured more often, he looks so fiiiiiiine.


I almost thought Bobby would bring up how John Ross was just like his Daddy, being sorry, whenever his affairs ended up really hurting Sue Ellen, except not really.  And JR didn't care that he hurt so many people; and didn't justify it as 'just business', either. He, the original Magnificent Bastard that he was, did not care and did whatever he wanted, and they, and Sue Ellen had to put up with it. But Hagman's JR managed to give him layers instead of making him look one note.  Though Henderson did a good job of his justifying, while he was cheatin', he didn't give Pamela any thought whatsoever.


I could have done without those constant flashbacks in fast whatever you want to call it editing; it just made me dizzy as all get out.


Why was Skeletor even AT the hospital? She wasn't needed and she's not married to Christopher, nor is she friends with Pamela. Oh wait, plot point. So she could call what'shisface and call him a sonofabitch to pave the road for her and Christopher again or her and John Ross again.


I don't know what Cidre's plan was or is for this show, but call me cynical, but I think she decided to change the whole point of this show as a Cane, Part Deaux, after Hagman passed.  Drug Cartel? Taking over the Mexican government? Really? What's so interesting about that?


I read how someone upthread thought maybe Linda Gray had botox or something, and I disagree. One of the effects of that is that one cannot move one's face. Linda was able to move her lips, face and forehead, and I think make-up did a good job of showing her going through withdrawal for a drink. Gray looks fucking fantastic.


And though they were not raised together, and though they don't share any blood, Pamela and Christopher are cousins so ick and eww, if they do end up together, which I don't think will happen.


I don't expect to get a decent storyline of Cliff being exonerated. It will be a rush job so Cidre can do her Mexican Telenovella/Drug Cartel drrrraaaaaamaaa, that she thinks the viewers really want, which, no, not this viewer. She's so delusional. And no, I'm not going to give her any slack whatsoever. She's a hack.

Linda Gray is looking a little off - I don't know if it's Botox, weight loss, or what. I hope she isn't sick.



I noticed it too. You could attribute her sad state to one of two things. Good acting. She definitely looked like what her character was suppose to be, a spaced out drunk. Or perhaps, LG is starting to show her age. 


Annie's another dumb one.  Always lying to Bobby.  Gurl, he tired! Tired of you lying! Tired of having to take the rap, get extra security and beat up Harris because of your lies.  And 99% of Annie's lies are pointless.  And she had the nerve to act SHOCKED! that Bobby told her to pack her ish and go.


Where is Annie going to go? How ironic. Annie kicked out Emma, and then Annie, in turn, got tossed out by Bobby. At least Emma had another home to go to.

Edited by verve
  • Love 2

I think Linda Gray looks great. I think she's allowed herself to age naturally. We're just so conditioned to not see that as beautiful, but I think she is.

In this episode, she looked haggard because her character is a dazed alcoholic mess. I thought it was just good acting and appropriate hair/ makeup for someone in that situation. It was one of the few parts of the episode that made me feel something for the characters.

  • Love 6

Couldn't stop laughing during the paramedics scene.  Emma could have thrown a robe on, can you imagine if this were real what they would be thinking.  Loved Pamela telling John Ross to get lost.  Elena continues to annoy me, hope she is the next to go away, followed by Emma.  Guess next week we get the boo hoo funeral for Ramos.  


On tonight’s episode called, “Dead Reckoning”, news of a family death puts a dark cloud over Southfork. Meanwhile, Christopher and Heather’s relationship is tested; John Ross seeks redemption; and Elena takes drastic measures to bring justice to her family.


Wow, just wow, this show keeps getting worse and worse. I do not give a flying fuck about Elena or her stupid mother. Kill of the entire Ramos family and be done with them. Elena is such a hypocrite. It's apparently NOT fine to her that the Ewings look after one another, but it was 100% okay for her to help her loser brother avoid prison after he helped cause the explosion that killed Pamela's babies. 


Also, I realize this is very mean, but it's getting harder and harder to see Jordana Brewster on screen. She's just too painfully thin. It's not pleasant to see.


When Mama Ramos was just sniveling and denying the fact that Drew set the fire, I was so annoyed and ready for her to get off my screen. It's just all soo..irritating. No other word for it really. This is DALLAS for fuck's sake. (Most) people watch for the Ewings and to see them fight among each other yet still come out on top. People do not watch to see the Ramos family win.


I can easily predict a potential plot point since they made such a point of showing it. Elena and John Ross had sex tonight, her diaphragm still has a hole in it, so I'm betting a season finale surprise is that Elena is pregnant with John Ross's baby.

Edited by grandemocha
  • Love 9

Pam and Sue Ellen were, hands down, the best part of the episode.

I really felt for Carmen and Elena in the scenes where they dealt with Drew's death. However. My hopes that Elena would abandon her stupid revenge plans, or become suspicious of Nicoquin - or that Carmen might slap some sense into her daughter - were dashed. Although I guess this plot FINALLY moved forward, so that's something.

I liked Emma for two seconds when she yelled at her dad. Then she somehow found her way to the Mexican cartel and told them to get her daddy back in jail - and I went back to hating her. I hate Ryland, but how the fuck did Emma find the Mexican crime lords? This is stupid. And I thought the Feds got Ryland out of jail because he's an informant, not the cartel? And why did he pay Drew to blow up the rig, again? I thought that was Cliff's deal? I don't even remember anymore ...

John Ross is carrying around evidence they framed Cliff ... In his wallet? Which Elena immediately finds. Because of course.

  • Love 2


I really felt for Carmen and Elena in the scenes where they dealt with Drew's death.

I couldn't. They're just both so whiny. I am glad Drew is dead. He and Elena both sucked when she helped him run away from facing justice for his crimes. Not like Mama Ramos cares either. To them, the Ewings suck, but their own faults are no big deal or non-existent. The mom, Carmen I think?, is one of those classic parents who are in denial of all the shit their kids can pull. Her Drew was obviously a terrible person, but she ignores all evidence of his crimes.

  • Love 4

I thought tonight was the season premiere..oops.


I don't care about the Ramos family; 1 down, 2 more to go as far as I'm concerned.  The entire time Carmen was wailing all I could think was "um..anyway".


If this show wants me to take Emma seriously as a bad ass then I'm going to need them to recast because the actress portrays Emma as nothing more than a spoiled brat.


I'm pulling for Pamela to destroy them all, to be honest.

  • Love 4

I liked Emma for two seconds when she yelled at her dad. Then she somehow found her way to the Mexican cartel and told them to get her daddy back in jail - and I went back to hating her. I hate Ryland, but how the fuck did Emma find the Mexican crime lords? This is stupid. And I thought the Feds got Ryland out of jail because he's an informant, not the cartel? And why did he pay Drew to blow up the rig, again? I thought that was Cliff's deal? I don't even remember anymore ...

John Ross is carrying around evidence they framed Cliff ... In his wallet? Which Elena immediately finds. Because of course.

I thought the Feds got Ryland out too. Will they show up to get him out again? I guess no one is worried about Emma's safety re: Mexican Drug Cartel like they were last season.

Elena found that letter very fast while John Ross was fast asleep. How convenient.

Now I wonder how long it'll be until Cliff is out of jail and back in Dallas plotting his revenge.

  • Love 1

That's why I didn't like Elena showing up to the hospital last week offering sympathy and concern, crying on their shoulder, all the while knowing she was plotting to bring them down. Unfortunately she will end up pregnant with John Ross' baby because after her revenge plot is found out, there's no purpose to keep her around the Ewings.

Yes, it's unfortunate JR switched the deeds (which I highly doubt) but Bobby & 'em didn't have anything to do with that.

And biotch please on her telling Bobby the Ewings/Barnes feud wasn't her problem or concern. It certainly was her concern when she decided to insert herself in it.

I hope Pamela burns her ass up too.

All of this, because Elena refuses to take responsibility for lying to Christopher about Drew's whereabouts/helping him escape responsibility for killing Christopher & Pamela's twins.

Does Pamela know about this? I most certainly hope she finds out so she can roast Elena's ass!

Another fool that refuses to take responsibility is Emma. Look gurl, Ryland is not the reason you went pallin' around with John Ross. But now Harris needs to go back to jail? Poor Harris.

Edited by drivethroo
  • Love 3

I really dislike the entire Ramos family. I don't care about them and when the episode focuses on them, do.not.care. I basically only like Pamela (and the writing for her was killing me last winter season or whatever) and she is barely on and Sue Ellen. I can't stand Elena and don't care about her stupid revenge against a man who is dead. The people she is going after now, have been nothing but nice to her and her dumbass isn't going to suffer any consequences. for her actions now. Don't care about Carmen either. Elena and Emma can take their fake sympathy for Pamela and shove it ups their rears also.

  • Love 4

My Gawd I was pissed last week but hopeful it would lead to a good story.....instead this week I got TMS. ugh!


I'm sure Elena will be pregnant then we will spend 2283779 episodes with a Mexican standoff between Nicoquin and John Ross before finding out who the real daddy is.


I want Pamela and John Ross so bad, it totally distroyed my hope that he would sleep with Elena so easily.


I wish now I could unsee this episode b/c the one in my head after last week was so much better.


Only positive note was we got rid of Farm Hand Jane, that emotional goodbye might have been emotional if I gave two cares about her. good riddance.

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Can all the Ramos's die? Mother deserves to be fired and kicked out on the street by Bobby same with Elena, she shouldn't be allowed to live on Ewing property.


Does Elena and mommy think Cliff is in jail for no reason? He killed Pam and Christopher's babies along with their precious Drew. So basically they want nobody to pay for that crime at all. 


Bobby and the rest of the people these 2 freeloaders are trying to hurt had nothing to do with what JR did. Yet they need to make them pay. Bobby needs to throw them out! Elena being a whore to get the letter doesn't make her any better than Emma. I really don't think Christopher should ever take her back. 

  • Love 4

Somebody help me out here: Cliff is in a Mexican jail/prison/gulag/whatever because the gun registered to him and found in the trunk of his car with his fingerprints on it was positively identified as being the one that shot and killed JR. He was also known to be in the same town as JR when the killing happened, and his personal animus against JR can be attested to by pretty much anyone who's ever met him.

But a Mexican court is going to presumably throw all of this out and free Cliff because a handwritten letter found in John Ross' wallet, allegedly in JR's handwriting (and who exactly signs a letter to his son with his full fucking name???), says it was a all a setup.

Do I have this right?

[rant]And if this run is actually the end of Dallas after 17 or 18 combined seasons (depending on whether you count the original miniseries as a "season") and 397 total episodes, would it really be too much to ask to have one courtroom-related storyline handled even halfway realistically? Just one? From David Jacobs to Leonard Katzman to Philip Capice to Leonard Katzman again to Cynthia Cidre, this show and its producers have never ever ever given us a courtroom scene that didn't assume we were complete morons.[/rant]

Edited by Sir RaiderDuck OMS
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Haven't watched it yet (was watching the Emmys last night), but I'd say that the ONLY believable courtroom scene for this show, including the original, would have been the one where the judge granted Pamela her divorce or whatever. No histrionics, no draaamaaaa. Judge asking her if there was no way to work it out or something (I'll have to rewatch to confirm), and Pamela's very monosyllabic answers and done.

  • Love 1

Can all the Ramos's die? Mother deserves to be fired and kicked out on the street by Bobby same with Elena, she shouldn't be allowed to live on Ewing property.


Does Elena and mommy think Cliff is in jail for no reason? He killed Pam and Christopher's babies along with their precious Drew. So basically they want nobody to pay for that crime at all. 


Bobby and the rest of the people these 2 freeloaders are trying to hurt had nothing to do with what JR did. Yet they need to make them pay. Bobby needs to throw them out! Elena being a whore to get the letter doesn't make her any better than Emma. I really don't think Christopher should ever take her back. 


There aren't enough words in the English language to describe how much I hate, loathe and despise Mama and Mija Ramos!  The show started out so strongly last night but evidently Cynthia Cidre just can't help herself.  She is determined to make this show into a South America novella entitled, La Familia Ramos, complete with drug cartels and a ridiculous demand for "justice" by an entitled person she sees as the heroine of the piece.  Dallas is nothing more than a pretext for her to do this at this point.


Am I supposed to be impressed at Elena's "cleverness" in prostituting herself out to John Ross to get that precious letter?  Not to mention the character is a vile hypocrite.  She screamed at her lover, Nicoquin, after he sent that video clip to PammyBecca's phone and caused her to nearly commit suicide.  Evidently, what little conscience she possesses couldn't handle the fallout.  Then she whines about his wanting to keep her on track to see their plot through.  Yet, her dumbass brother goes and gets himself killed, and the plot is back on again?  The writing for this chick is schizophrenic.  I don't expect much from Carmen beyond butting into other folks' business and blubbering in Spanglish.  However, I did expect her to once again question if Elena could actually believe anything that came out of Cliff's mouth and wondering why it was in their vested interests to help him get out of jail.  After all, wasn't it Cliff and Harris' plot to blow up that rig that led to Drew's criminal actions?  For that ungrateful and entitled wench to start shrieking about how the Ewings (ALL of them!) wronged her precious family was unbelievable.  Oh, and if Elena wants to blame someone for Drew's death.  Look.  In.  The.  Mirror.


Had her brother manned up instead of her helping him to escape to Mexico, his ass might still be alive.  She is the one who took her ass to see Cliff. She is the one, along with her married lover and Cliff, who got this rocking.  She is the one who looked the Ewings in their faces for weeks while plotting against them behind their backs.  She is the one who made it possible for John Ross and Emma to be spied on.  So, she needs to take her bony ass somewhere and take several seats.

  • Love 16
betting a season finale surprise is that Elena is pregnant with John Ross's baby

It'll be a WTD? situation, won't it? She's also slept with Nicoquin since the diaphragm was punctured. Carmen will lose her mind when she finds out what a garden utensil her daughter has become but then she'll be thrilled when she realizes she might finally have a Ewing heir for a grandbaby.


Meh, I don't like mopey John Ross at all. Bring back the struttin', cock o' the walk John Ross, please.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
  • Love 4

If Show was portraying Elena like Emma, a character that


  • is a vile and horrible person
  • knows she's a vile and horrible person
  • all the other characters know and have told her that she's a vile and horrible person


then I wouldn't have that much of a problem with her.


But Show keeps insisting Elena is Miss Ellie 2014 and the fact is, she's not.  If the show had the Elena character realize that a) she's not a good person and b) doesn't want to be and c) she wants to pay the Ewings pay for her inferiority complex because Christopher won't marry her, I would have less of a problem with the Elena character if she came to that realization.


But we'll be stuck with this chick having a Ewing baby (instead of Pamela) and sad ass Christopher will probably end up being a father to Elena's child.


I had been a Mama Ramos cheerleader  (or at least neutral on her) since the show started but she needs to be fired.  Replace her with Sassy Nurse who told John Ross to sit his ass down last night.

Edited by drivethroo
  • Love 6

It'll be a WTD? situation, won't it? She's also slept with Nicoquin since the diaphragm was punctured. Carmen will lose her mind when she finds out what a garden utensil her daughter has become but then she'll be thrilled when she realizes she might finally have a Ewing heir for a grandbaby.


Meh, I don't like mopey John Ross at all. Bring back the struttin', cock o' the walk John Ross, please.


Someone also mentioned elsewhere how hysterical it is that women have to be drunk, high or crazy to sleep with John Ross. I realize that he thought that his marriage was over, but was he so far gone mentally that he would dip into that well again? Elena has to be one of the most unappealing "sirens" to ever grace the small screen. Whatever she has, she needs to bottle it and sell it because I'm obviously not getting it. At all.


I won't even touch on John Ross' apparent stupidity.  I understand that it was important to keep a piece of JR alive, but why not store his masterpiece in a safe deposit box at the bank?  It's bad enough that it could have been destroyed in the fire, but now John Ross stupidly puts the thing in his pocket!  JR might have been evil, slick and slept with just about anything with estrogen that moved, but he was usually smart.  His B.S. Detector would have gone into overdrive the moment Princess Skeletor came sauntering his way.  The payoff would have been his slyly asking, "You're not trying to blackmail ol' JR, are you?"  You think Slick, Jr. would have learned his lesson after Marta.

Edited by MulletorHater
  • Love 11
and if this run is actually the end of Dallas after 17 or 18 combined seasons (depending on whether you count the original miniseries as a "season") and 397 total episodes,


I also have 397 episodes but "just" 17 seasons counting the original miniseries as Season 1 (while not counting the TV-movies or the reunion).  I hope we can get to 400 in a Season 4!


Sassy black nurse is now officially my favorite character on this show.


I agree!  Note she was very professional when informing John Ross that he was now on the list :)

Edited by bagert

Good GOD that was horrid.


And Carmen is just as bad as Mrs. Kravitz, snooping in on private conversations that have nothing to do with her. And I'm sure that all these years, Bobby has treated her like family, but one or two lines from Skeletor and she's ready to betray them; okay, Ewings aren't her family, but have the gumption and balls to confront Bobby with the truth...but noooo, it's way better to pretend to still be loyal, continue to work for them and then work on getting revenge "justice" for their "Papi" who's been dead for how long now?


Oh, poor, poor, Skeletor...she has to drink till she's drunk so she can "stomach" fucking her ex-fiancé. There, there, it's all for a just cause, right?


Who knew that they were...there's a saying in Hindi, about it, but loses something in the translation..but what Carmen and her Skeletor of a daughter are doing..it's like..all these years, they were harboring....a snake in their midst, who would just attack them in return for letting it live on their property, treating them more than just the hired help.


The only good scenes were with Pamela.  And it's really odd, but Julie looks NOTHING like Victoria, but the way she looks and smiles in the middle in the credits?Totally reminds me of Victoria.


And that had to be the most ridonkulous, snarkworthy, laughable bullet "wound" in the head. It looked like a damned hickey.  And the look on what'shisface? Nicoquin? Hee, was like 'Duh...ruh-roh. Whatamigonnadonow?' when Skeletor said she wouldn't be kept on track anymore.


And Shutup, Carmen! I'm sorry, I mean Callate! with your 'my son would never kill himself! my son would NEVER take off his medal...would NEVER commit suicide!" blah, blah blah. And Callate the Fuck Up. Your Skeletor's name is ELENA. Stop  calling her Ellie.


And I just didn't think Bobby was being smug in this episode.


And if Patrick Duffy and Linda Gray were in front of me right now, I'd ask them...after watching this last season, do they really think that hack Cidre "gets it"? And would they tell me the truth?


Rewriting history, retconning canon...yes I saw the date on that deed, which was signed/done when the original show was on the air, and the Ramos didn't exist.


In addition to Theresa and Raoul, I think there was also a Maria.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
  • Love 3

And Shutup, Carmen! I'm sorry, I mean Callate! with your 'my son would never kill himself! my son would NEVER take off his medal...would NEVER commit suicide!" blah, blah blah. And Callate the Fuck Up.

Apparently no one that works on this show is Catholic. If you are suicidal you are not in a good frame of mind, and you probably don't stop and think "Hey, I should take off this religious medal since my faith doesn't agree with what I'm about to do."

Also, do you know what else is a mortal sin Mama Ramos and Elena? Adultery. You know, those times you slept with not one, not two, but THREE married men. Yeah, that's a mortal sin too. But it's okay, because before she did it she had the idea to take off all religous paraphanalia.

  • Love 6
Elena found that letter very fast while John Ross was fast asleep. How convenient.


I think John Ross' bad judgment about his sexual liaisons comes from Sue Ellen's side of things. I think in reality he slept with Elena because he was hurt and broken.  I think he just doesn't think sometimes that someone HE trusts would take advantage of him.


That said there is a teeny tiny part of me that is really hoping that John Ross was planning for her to do that for some reason. Maybe trying to do his own masterpiece.

  • Love 2

Sassy Nurse who told John Ross to sit his ass down last night.

THIS^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ all day......Highlight of the show as far as I'm concerned....My eyes bulged out when she checked his ass, and I was cheering her on......He sat his ass down too - dam funny...I'm so done with this mexican telenovella-whatever crap, I can't wait til it ends....Elena needs to be bent over and kicked in the ass and out to pasture....The only person I'm rooting for is Pamela.....Ann is still a lying skag too, with no backbone anymore...and I'm still cringing over last week's statement by Mama Ryland musing about "Mama's milk"....It made me wanna go bathe in bleach...

  • Love 1

I cannot with the Ramos! family.  I cannot give a SHIT about them or the Mexican Mafia.  THAT IS NOT DALLAS.


We want EWING/BARNES strife, and I would even accept the Christopher storyline with that chick and her son. BUT NO FUCKING MEXICAN MAFIA shit.  WE. DON'T CARE.


Does anyone have an address where I can send me thoughts about this show? thanx.

  • Love 6

Wait, what? How'd I miss that? when did that take place? JR's laugh, that is!

Right at the end of Elena reading the letter when her eyes bug out.

I cannot with the Ramos! family. I cannot give a SHIT about them or the Mexican Mafia. THAT IS NOT DALLAS.

We want EWING/BARNES strife, and I would even accept the Christopher storyline with that chick and her son. BUT NO FUCKING MEXICAN MAFIA shit. WE. DON'T CARE.

Does anyone have an address where I can send me thoughts about this show? thanx.

All of this!! Who thought that would be a good idea?

  • Love 1
Does anyone have an address where I can send me thoughts about this show? thanx.




Interestingly, I remember a few months ago, I believe on the Dallas TNT Facebook page (it could have been the TNT page in general, though) they released poll results done by network re: Favorite Characters. The top three, I don't remember if they were listed as being in order, were Sue Ellen, John Ross and Bobby. Not a Ramos in sight. I specifically remember being a little surprised they were so open about that given what the show itself seems to push and I know when I saw it I figured it was probably done too late to have any baring on the rest of the season. But I do wonder if going forward, if it does go forward, if that means the Network will force the writers hands on the issue.


Last week seemed really promising. Days later that's still the best statement I can make on this week. Well that and Mama Ramos was the least annoying at until this week, for Ramos standards I mean. I can only assume the Good Catholic Stereotype (and I'm Italian, I know many 'a Good Catholic Stereotypes) is against killing unborn babies too, just like her views on suicide.... good thing her son never did a thing like that...oh wait...

Edited by Gigi43
  • Love 2

I remember participating in that poll and thought it was really comprehensive.  I also thought that maybe TPTB at TNT realized they had a problem on their hands because the ratings kept falling.  


I also suspect it was too late to change storyline direction based on what fans indicated was NOT working.  I just remember thinking that Cidre & Co. would finally get it that fans tuned in because they wanted to see Dallas featuring the older and younger generation of Ewings.  Instead, we got a telenovella where the hack writers have changed the Ramos family's backstory at least FIVE(!) times in a desperate attempt to shoehorn them into Dallas canon.  And, correct me if I'm wrong, but am I to understand now that Elena's great-great grandpappy might have been cheated out of the land that is Southfork because of Ellie Southworth's ancestor?


I'm really trying to maintain my cool because high blood pressure meds are quite expensive, but if this is where Cidre is going, I'm going to be pissed to the highest level of pissivity!  


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