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S06.E01: First Time Again

Tara Ariano
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i'm still amazed that after all this time, a zombie can still manage to sneak up on anyone.....with all that noise a zombie make.  they don't exactly tip toe like ninjas when they drag their feet....in the woods drenched inn dead leaves annd sticks.


On TD, Nicotera said that the walker that attacked Carter had been skinned and was tangled in the tree by its intestines so it was nothing for him to hear. If he was more experienced, he would have been more cautious as he rushed through the woods and would have seen the walker before it attacked him.

Edited by SimoneS
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I think it's obvious that the horn blower is Ron. Otherwise the scene with him and Rick at the quarry was unnecessary. Rick blows his dad's head off with his hand cannon, and Ron is mad at Rick as a result, no, really? And also the conversation with the widow Porchdick doesn't hold any weight without Ron as the horn blower. Those two scenes were in the episode for a reason, and I think that reason is clear.


An interesting theory and I definitely wouldn't discount it. A lot of people assume the Wolves are fouling up their plans, and they very well may be. But we don't know for certain that they are even aware of the Quarry Walkers or what ASZ is working on - and Ron definitely knows.

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Ugh, I sure hope not.  They shouldn't write their plot based on people whining on the internet.

I don't think they will. People seem to forget in their Jessie hate that Jessie told Rick she agrees with him and she is training to fight. Coupled with a scene of Ron yelling at Jessie that Rick is dangerous and a scene where She is giving a speech to a bunch of people in previews for the season I'm pretty sure Jessie is Team Rick when it comes down to it and will have a relationship with him

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Nope. He's saving that bone for Michonne. I won't be moved from this opinion. #Richonne4EVER


So that's Michonne's bone?

I'm fine with that as long as it happens off camera. I've had enough boring sex in my life.


Hey, the Rick half isn't boring!

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I think it's obvious that the horn blower is Ron. Otherwise the scene with him and Rick at the quarry was unnecessary. Rick blows his dad's head off with his hand cannon, and Ron is mad at Rick as a result, no, really? And also the conversation with the widow Porchdick doesn't hold any weight without Ron as the horn blower. Those two scenes were in the episode for a reason, and I think that reason is clear.

I hadn't even considered him.  I can buy the idea that he might act out in some way but doing that with the horn would be so malicious on such a massive scale it's hard to fathom that he would even know how to pull it off.  For example, I don't have the impression he even knows that much about walkers as to what would get them to break from the herd and follow the sound.  I guess he could have picked up on that but I just don't see the motivation.  It doesn't just hurt Rick, it threatens him, his mother, his little brother.  He didn't seem like that much of a nitwit.  But who knows, the teenage characters on this show haven't been the most well adjusted we've ever seen (for obvious reasons) so I guess it's possible.

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It never occurred to me that Ron was the horn blower. The only way that I can buy that is if he is insane like Lizzie. Otherwise he would not only be committing suicide, but he would be murdering his mother and brother.


The Wolves have the pictures that Ethan dropped and they are nearby. It is far more believable that they have been spying on Rick and his people and saw the opportunity to destroy Alexandria using the walkers.

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I think instead of building that curved wall, they should have built a round-about like you see in Europe. You get the Walkers walking in one of those and they'd never get out. (Kind of like me in London.)


There are a couple of new round-abouts in my town, and all things being equal, I think I'd rather take my chances with a herd of walkers.


I don't think that Rick's plan was ideal and was doomed to fail, but I don't understand the comments about bombing or using fire on the walkers in the quarry. I know this is tv, but how would that be remotely feasible? Where would they get the explosives? They have weapons,but I did not see a stockpile of explosives somewhere in Alexandria that they could use. They would have to set the explosives carefully so that they could kill all the walkers at once because they could open up the quarry with the explosion causing walkers to escape. As far as I could tell none Alexandrians are engineers or physicists or explosive experts to know where to set the explosives. 


And that was a massive, deep quarry! The switchbacks leading down to the bottom looked pretty narrow as well...not sure I'd volunteer to try and drive another semi down there in an attempt to shore up the barricade.


I saw nothing remotely like putting anyone in their place either.


Me either. All else aside, Morgan doesn't seem to be the type to waste his time on such a trivial pursuit.


I understood Ron wanting to know where his Father was being dumped.  If you haven't lost your Father you wouldn't understand.  Loved Jessie shut down of Rick and didn't see her "Lori" at all.  First of all she wasn't persuading Rick to do something to Pete, Rick was persuading her to let him do something about Pete.  Also, Rick didn't say "I'll just kill him" he said "We'll separate him from your family and if he doesn't cooperate there will be consequences" or something like that.


Here's the dialogue from Episode 515, "Try," after Rick walks into Jessie's house:


Jessie: What are you doing?

Rick: You know Sam asked for a gun. To protect you.

Jessie: (She loses her composure and is near tears) You shouldn’t be here.

Rick: Jessie, in here, you can’t see it, but it’s the same. It’s the same as out there. We have food and roofs over our heads, but you don’t get to just live. You don’t get to put it off or wish it away, Jessie. If you don’t fight, you die. And...I don’t want you to die. (Whispering) I can– I can help you. I can keep you and your boys safe. I can. All you have to do is say yes.

Jessie: Would you do this for someone else? (After a moment) Would you do this for anyone?

Rick: (Looks down, hesitates, then meets her eyes again) No. No.

Jessie: (Softly) Yes.


And then Pete walks in.

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I just remember how traumatized those kids were when Rick came in to talk to Jessie.  That family will never recover.  Those kids are completely screwed.  The father should have been buried in the compound for the kids sake at the very least.

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An interesting theory and I definitely wouldn't discount it. A lot of people assume the Wolves are fouling up their plans, and they very well may be. But we don't know for certain that they are even aware of the Quarry Walkers or what ASZ is working on - and Ron definitely knows.

Yeah and he could tell his little Emo Girlfriend.  My money's on her.


There are a couple of new round-abouts in my town, and all things being equal, I think I'd rather take my chances with a herd of walkers.



And that was a massive, deep quarry! The switchbacks leading down to the bottom looked pretty narrow as well...not sure I'd volunteer to try and drive another semi down there in an attempt to shore up the barricade.



Me either. All else aside, Morgan doesn't seem to be the type to waste his time on such a trivial pursuit.



Here's the dialogue from Episode 515, "Try," after Rick walks into Jessie's house:


Jessie: What are you doing?

Rick: You know Sam asked for a gun. To protect you.

Jessie: (She loses her composure and is near tears) You shouldn’t be here.

Rick: Jessie, in here, you can’t see it, but it’s the same. It’s the same as out there. We have food and roofs over our heads, but you don’t get to just live. You don’t get to put it off or wish it away, Jessie. If you don’t fight, you die. And...I don’t want you to die. (Whispering) I can– I can help you. I can keep you and your boys safe. I can. All you have to do is say yes.

Jessie: Would you do this for someone else? (After a moment) Would you do this for anyone?

Rick: (Looks down, hesitates, then meets her eyes again) No. No.

Jessie: (Softly) Yes.


And then Pete walks in.

That's right, he told Deanna and Pete when he came in that he would be separated.  He certainly never told Jessie he was going to kill him though, so I don't get the Lori comparisons at all.

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It never occurred to me that Ron was the horn blower. The only way that I can buy that is if he is insane like Lizzie. Otherwise he would not only be committing suicide, but he would be murdering his mother and brother.

The Wolves have the pictures that Ethan dropped and they are nearby. It is far more believable that they have been spying on Rick and his people and saw the opportunity to destroy Alexandria using the walkers.

I think both are possible, but Im leaning to the kid. How much does he know about Walkers? He's a dumb ass kid and dumb ass kids don't always think things through (yes I know, thank you Captain Obvious).
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That was a lose-lose situation, unfortunately.


-  The "good" is that an alcoholic abuser is gone.  Abe likes the fact that his alcohol won't be running out as fast as it would if Pete was still breathing.


- The bad though is that they lost a doctor (competency, or lack there of, being a non-factor).  He may have hit them and their mother, but that's still those boys' dad.  And here comes some guy who has the lusties for Mom and shoots Pops in the face.  And here I thought that place needed a psychiatrist before this happened...


Then you add in all the stuff with Carter, and everyone (native ASZ'rs) knows they are at Rick's mercy, since it appears that Diana has dumped all her chips in to follow Rick's 'guidance'.  And now the walkers about to surround the place. 


From ASZ'rs (& FPP's [and Morgan's?]) POV, a "Paradise amongst the chaos" is about to become "Hell on Earth".

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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If the Wolves are behind the horn, I don't quite get their methods.  They would have to be able to disperse the horde after they destroyed Alexandria so they could loot it.  I would think it would be better for them to come up with something that left more of the community intact while taking out the people.  unless they do rampant destruction just for the sake of it. 


I also don't see Rick and Morgan having switched places from season 1.  Morgan is a little too hippy dippy Zen for me to think he's completely sane.  He reminds me a little bit of farmer Rick which was about as nuts as I recall seeing Rick. 


Rick on the other hand seems to be doing better rather than worse to me despite Michonne and Morgan's reactions.  He's basically moved away from the notion that he'll kill some of the Alexandrian's to save them.  New philosophy is that some of these people just can't survive the apocalypse (And really, he's not wrong.)  I think that is why he didn't emote over having to put Carter down.  Rick had already written him off.  I think Morgan and Michonne reacted the way they did because they heard him say that and then saw confirmation that Rick meant it.

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On TD, Nicotera said that the walker that attacked Carter had been skinned and was tangled in the tree by its intestines so it was nothing for him to hear. So he was more experienced, he would have been more cautious as he rushed through the woods and would have seen the walker before it attacked him.


His peripheral vision should have let him see the zombie, but I can let that go. However it was clear the zombie was stuck in some way yet Carter let it pull his face towards him for a big bite. Wimp.


I did not like how they had Rick & Gang walking openly in the woods next to the horde. That kind of movement is not remotely possible on this show and it doesn't bode well that they had the nerve to film the scene like that.  

Edited by Iguessnot
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His peripheral vision should have let him see the zombie, but I can let that go. However it was clear the zombie was stuck in some way yet Carter let it pull his face towards him for a big bite. Wimp.


I did not like how they had Rick & Gang walking openly in the woods next to the horde. That kind of movement is not remotely possible on this show and it doesn't bode well that they had the nerve to film the scene like that.  


Not only that, but their speaking voices weren't exactly always just slightly above a really soft whisper, either.

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Rick on the other hand seems to be doing better rather than worse to me despite Michonne and Morgan's reactions.  He's basically moved away from the notion that he'll kill some of the Alexandrian's to save them.  New philosophy is that some of these people just can't survive the apocalypse (And really, he's not wrong.)  I think that is why he didn't emote over having to put Carter down.  Rick had already written him off.  I think Morgan and Michonne reacted the way they did because they heard him say that and then saw confirmation that Rick meant it.

I agree. Hell, I think Rick has gotten less crazy since last season. Last season, he seemed to be a ticking time bomb, about ready to explode all over everyone, acting like a creepy stalker towards Jessie, and doing his Crazy Eyes thing all over the place. The Crazy Eyes don't seem to be gone, but its seemingly been moved in a more pragmatic direction at least. He does not see Alexandria as a palace to conquer, so much as a place that he needs to save, and remake in his image.  

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I don't agree with Rick's plan to lead the quarry walkers away. With that many walkers, and in such various stages of decay, they will be walking at widely varying rates. So the stream of walkers leaving the quarry will be many miles long, and the chances of some/many wandering off approach a certainty. And even if you lead the walkers away 20-25 miles, something could attract their attention and they could start walking back to Alexandria. 


I also disagree with those saying they should bomb or burn them in the quarry. That was a pretty impressive scene with all those walkers in the quarry, it was HUGE. Just notice the size of the tractor trailer trucks to get an idea of the scale. To burn all those walkers would have taken incredible amounts of fuel. A tanker truck of gas would be a drop in the bucket. And a quarry is full of rocks, not a lot there inherently to burn. So burning them is impractical.


What I would have done is build up an alley leading out of the quarry leading into a closed corral, with doors that could be opened and closed at will. Then let the walkers out in groups of 50-100 at a time, and kill them in the 'corral'. You could make it out of fence and poke the walkers thru the fence ala the prison. Or you could make it of trailer trucks reinforced with the steel sheeting. Then you could walk along the top and stab down at the walkers with spears. Either way it would be safe and under control. After each batch of walkers is killed, you clean out the corral by tossing the bodies back into the quarry. It'd take time, but when  you get the quarry population down to about 20 walkers, leave it be, and use it to again attract the local walkers into the quarry. The quarry has been effective as a lure to walkers and has kept Alexandria safe, so keep it around and functioning. But periodically cull the herd so that it doesn't develop into a catastrophic threat.

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Bongo Fury, on 12 Oct 2015 - 9:10 PM, said:

What I would have done is build up an alley leading out of the quarry leading into a closed corral, with doors that could be opened and closed at will. Then let the walkers out in groups of 50-100 at a time, and kill them in the 'corral'. You could make it out of fence and poke the walkers thru the fence ala the prison. Or you could make it of trailer trucks reinforced with the steel sheeting. Then you could walk along the top and stab down at the walkers with spears. Either way it would be safe and under control. After each batch of walkers is killed, you clean out the corral by tossing the bodies back into the quarry. It'd take time, but when  you get the quarry population down to about 20 walkers, leave it be, and use it to again attract the local walkers into the quarry. The quarry has been effective as a lure to walkers and has kept Alexandria safe, so keep it around and functioning. But periodically cull the herd so that it doesn't develop into a catastrophic threat.


Brilliant!  Great idea, and should have done that.  Doing things like described above would have worked and then would have been kept from getting too boring 'cause the Wolves are out there to interfere and create chaos.

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Can Rick at least bone her first?  Throw the guy a bone!


Ok, but just ONE bone.  I don't like her and I don't want Rick getting attached. God that man and his sucktastic taste in women.  Meanwhile he ignores the QUEEN who is right next to him.  Even the kids like her.  She should have hit him harder to knock full sense into his crazy ass!

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Ok, but just ONE bone.  I don't like her and I don't want Rick getting attached. God that man and his sucktastic taste in women.  Meanwhile he ignores the QUEEN who is right next to him.  Even the kids like her.  She should have hit him harder to knock full sense into his crazy ass!


My head!canon is that Rick sees Michonne and feels the feels about her. And that he knows what he could have, but he's terrified to let himself go there with her, because if he loses her to the ZA, he'll go fully crazytown and never come back.

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An interesting theory and I definitely wouldn't discount it. A lot of people assume the Wolves are fouling up their plans, and they very well may be. But we don't know for certain that they are even aware of the Quarry Walkers or what ASZ is working on - and Ron definitely knows.


The thing is that the Wolves are bringing their own herd.  When the episode started I thought that the quarry herd was theirs.


Here's a crazy, unpopular thought that I have - I don't hate the Alexandrians.  I mean if somebody showed up tomorrow looking like CDB claiming that we need to prepare for the apocalypse, we'd put them on a show called Doomsday Preppers and laugh at them.  Like we do at the people on the show Doomsday Preppers.  They haven't experienced it yet.  It wasn't their fault that they got trapped in a bubble of safety.  They have been comfortable, safe and kept their families intact.  It isn't the zombies that made CDB the way they are, it is the losing EVERYTHING and EVERYONE.  Deanna lost her youngest son and husband in the span of a week.  I'm sure she feels alone in that immense grief.  In her town she IS alone.  But ask Maggie what she lost in last month or year.  Ask Sasha. Ask Abraham. Ask Daryl. Ask Carol.  Ask Michonne. Ask Carl.  A week earlier she could have asked Noah.  This show is great for setting up existentialist pondering and I sometimes wonder why we don't encounter more suicides in TWD world. Side note:  I thought FTWD would delve into the psychological aspect of watching and KNOWING that the world is ending.  What I think makes CDB so different and strong, and not one of them can articulate it yet but my guess is that Michonne will be the first to do so, is that these people have the instinct to live even when there is no reason to do so. I've always thought that the one who had it the easiest was Rick - the kids give him strength and the change in Rick comes from finding out what lengths he is willing to go to in order to keep his kids alive.  For the rest of them, I simply don't know.  Rick acting like a drill sergeant  isn't going to make the Alexandrians tough.  Neither is fighting off zombies.  It is when they dying starts and their friends and neighbors are eaten in front of them, or worse those friends and neighbors turn and try to eat them.  The ones that still want to live are the ones worthy of joining our group.  It's a lesson that is learned the hard way and I don't hold it against them that school was out indefinitely due to quarry.  

Can someone remind me what happened to Abraham's girlfriend (I can't recall her name)?


Her name is Rosita.  And she's beautiful.  And tough and has a mind of her own.  In case you missed it, she's been nursing Tara back to health, helping Michonne help Sasha, fighting zombies when needed, and sexing Abraham when needed.  Perhaps you blinked because all of that took up a cumulative 5 minutes of the entire last season.  I think you'd really like her if those damn racist ass showrunners would give her some screen time!  (Ok, I don't REALLY think that they are racist, but they are doing a disservice to the show's sole Latina.)

Edited by Timetoread
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I don't agree with Rick's plan to lead the quarry walkers away. With that many walkers, and in such various stages of decay, they will be walking at widely varying rates. So the stream of walkers leaving the quarry will be many miles long, and the chances of some/many wandering off approach a certainty. And even if you lead the walkers away 20-25 miles, something could attract their attention and they could start walking back to Alexandria. 



I like the cut of your jib. The idea that 20 miles is even far enough is laughable. Aren't Daryl and Aaron going that far looking for supplies? It's going to make it harder to find stuff since they are already in the country as it is. The plan reminded me of when I had a spider in my room as a kid and sometimes my mom would try to kill it and miss. When I would ask where it went, she'd just say "away". Didn't buy it even then.


Where was Aaron this episode? Did we even see him?

Edited by Soobs
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why didn't they leave them in the quarry pit and bomb them or something?



That was my first thought too, but my second thought was the dead were all that was especially flammable in that pit, with one notable exception. The exception being whatever fuel and fumes were left in the trucks, so maybe the concern was that the logistics of bombing/burning the walkers was difficult and dangerous and you could wind up with the same results as deliberately releasing them only this time with an uncontrolled herd of flaming zombies moving through the woods surrounding Alexandria. As it turns out the plan went into effect early when they were at the walkthrough stage because Ricks concern about one of the trucks on the road falling came into being while they were at the quarry. If they had been able to shore up the barriers, leaving the dead in place was the best solution since the pit acted as an irresistable draw to walkers that wandered into the area surrounding Alexandria. Eventually they will decompose completely



I thought it was pretty cold to take whats his face's body out to the woods. The guy was a dick but he had two sons that loved him so what's the harm in burying him with everyone else. Morgan was right, they are all killers.


I thought it ridiculous for them to forbid his body being buried there; like the only feelings that mattered were Deanna's and Rick's.


Well, one son that definitely loved him and another that was plotting to kill him.


  I'll question the idea that they should be using any space within their compound for a cemetary. How about a memorial inside and the graves outside perhaps within sight?  That way you wouldn't have the issue of who is allowed to be buried where or empty graves when someone is killed when they are away.


Jessie's giving me Lori 2.0 vibes.  She was right about Rick interacting with Ron, but last season Rick made it 100% clear that he was going to KILL Pete, and she said yes.  Now, it's like, omg, you killed Pete, stay away from my family.  Whatevs.


Meh, I'd think she was Lori 2.0 if she was hopping on the nearest alpha-male following the death of her husband and was letting her kids run wild while she searched the bushes for dick.




I'm going to say it:  I thought B&W flashbacks were a good idea.


Agreed, I didn't really like them and thought it was cheesy, but it allowed me to sort out what was happening when, otherwise the episode would have been incoherent with all the jumping around in time.


As it was, at first I thought the beginning might turn out to be a dream sequence, because that's how it came off on my first watch. 


Ditto to Michonne and Morgan seeming horrified about Carter. I expected that shit from other characters but those two KNOW they live in the ZA.


I didn't know what to make of that. It did echo the earlier conversation in which Rick said Carter was going to get himself killed anyway. The flipping idiot ran straight into a trapped walker's mouth. Rick putting him down quickly was ruthless, but the situation called for it. It wasn't like he was robbing him of a better Bob-style death. Bad was about to get worse.


I loved the episode overall. It entertained me greatly.


BTW, If I were to ship anyone with Carol, it would be Morgan. Ships rarely seem to come in on this show, so I'll be fine with whatever else,  friendship,  watchful rivals, I'll take it.



I like the idea of thinning the herd in place, but keeping some there to draw walkers away from Alexandria.

Edited by yuggapukka
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Just watched. Not much to add after all that's been written here.


FPP: "I'd like to help."

Rick: "NO."

Best part of the show, IMO.


RIck must have traded in blonde, blue-eyed Judith for another baby. THAT made me open my eyes.  


I didn't love this episode. I didn't hate it. The guy whose face got bitten - Carter, was it? Couldn't care less about him dying.


The huge CGI herd in the pit was pretty impressive, as was Daryl playing Pied Piper of Alexandria.



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Finally able to watch the opener, and am hap-hap-happy.

  • The opening scene with a quarry full of zombie was glorious. Thank you, show--it was a visual feast. Loved it later when we saw through Morgan's binocs the random walkers falling/sliding into the pit. Also enjoyed that the walkers who showed up in the woods had obviously squeezed out through the semi trucks--all exposed ribcages and jawbones. :)
  • Eugene ecstatic over Tara's awakening was wonderful. Which of them will the show kill first?
  • Nicholas has found redemption, and is so dead now.
  • New baby Judith...cute, but wow, not even close.
  • Glenn's "Dude, I'm supposed to be delivering pizzas" and Michonne's "Isn't that how the world is now? You always thinks there's one more peanut butter."
  • I have a couple of responses to "why not just firebomb" the quarry, but as another poster said, if the simplest solution was always fully workable and well-implemented, what friggin fun would THAT be?
  • Cardigan Carol, I couldn't love you more if you baked me cookies.


So happy CDB and friends are back. It's been a long hiatus.

Where was Aaron this episode? Did we even see him?

He was hiding in embarrassment that in his many long-ranging scouting trips he somehow missed a quarry filled with a gazillion walkers.

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An interesting theory and I definitely wouldn't discount it. A lot of people assume the Wolves are fouling up their plans, and they very well may be. But we don't know for certain that they are even aware of the Quarry Walkers or what ASZ is working on - and Ron definitely knows.

So, after all that buildup, the Wolves are just two losers that like to horde zombies, strobe lights, and electrical generators?

And Beanieboy is going to be the main villain of the season?

If I hadn't seen how fast he could move, I would be very disappointed. 

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Ron is certainly not who I think would be blowing the air-horn. For one, the running of the walkers is happening ahead of schedule, so it's debatable that he'd know to do it then. It also seems kind of a move mired in an I-hate-everyone death-wish but he's a sullen teen so I suppose there is ample precedent. Personally I think he's more inclined to show he's his father's son and start taking things out on his mom.


My first thought is the Unfair Wolves are blowing their own horn to announce that their travelling zombie ass-clown theatre is about to put on a show, or the horn is a consequence of their arrival. It could be a warning siren that is set off in emergencies, or it could be the (surprisingly loud) horn of the car Enid was shown lurking inside of shortly before the sound began. Perhaps the wolves have her trapped and are baiting her or she spotted them and hid until they were clear and then blew the car horn as a warning.

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I've been seeing lots of dissenting opinions about the horn not being the Wolves' doing.


I disagree.  I think they are trying to screw over ASZ for either trying to get rid of their always full supply of walkers to lock up in trailers.  Or want to see ASZ destroyed, and sabotaging the plan - ie, making the walkers 'storm the gates' instead of being led off elsewheres - most likely sees that come to fruition.  And if they have the need to 'raid' the ASZ after its taken care of by the walker hordes, they know tricks to lure the walkers away or lure them into the back of trailers for their own purposes later.

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It never occurred to me that Ron was the horn blower. The only way that I can buy that is if he is insane like Lizzie. Otherwise he would not only be committing suicide, but he would be murdering his mother and brother.


The Wolves have the pictures that Ethan dropped and they are nearby. It is far more believable that they have been spying on Rick and his people and saw the opportunity to destroy Alexandria using the walkers.

Really? I thought Ron was the logical choice.

Yes, the thought that the air horn might be the work of W00oooOOlves had crossed my mind - but I discounted it for the simple reason of logistics. Rick and the rest were right there on the spot going through what was apparently their first dry run of the plan to divert the Zherd when circumstances forced them to put it into action immediately. The W00lves would have had no opportunity to observe anything except the ASZHat's construction of a freestanding barrier across a road - and from that they're supposed to discern a plan most of the ASZHats themselves have trouble accepting even as they work to execute it? Especially since until pretty much that very moment, the W00lves would have had no indication the quarry was even involved?

In contrast, Ron - like the rest of the ASZHats - knows the plan from its inception. Ron also knows it's Rick's plan, which in his angsty teen mind might be sufficient justification in and of itself to screw with the plan. Unlike CDB or Enid, however, Ron has NO concept whatsoever of what kind of destructive force a large Zherd represents. To him, the thought of real peril overcoming the walls of Alexandria may be incomprehensible.

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Maybe it was explained better in the 'story-sync' (which I never do), but considering how loud and clear that horn was - and Rick said it was coming from "home" - were they really trying to herd the walkers away from ASZ, along a path that led so close to ASZ itself?  And then only 20 miles away before the parade leaders called it quits??


Sorry, but that plan never had a chance of really working all that well;  horn, or no horn.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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And I think this speaks to some people's thoughts that Rick is like the Governor now, or he's too far gone, etc.  Jessie certainly wasn't afraid to tell him no.


I know this was talked about a great deal last season, and there was a wide difference of opinion, but this is something I really noticed in this episode: Yes, PorchDick started the fight with Rick, but Rick, being Rick, carried the fight TOO far. (And Michonne had to knock him out.) Just like when he pulled the gun on Carter in this last episode when he caught them conspiring. (And Daryl had to pull him back.) Think about what Jessie and Ron see in Rick: they see the same "anger management' issues that their husband/father had. And maybe what they see is even worse. (Obviously, Rick has never hit them, but his attitude can get obnoxious/self-righteous real quick.)


Now, I'm not arguing that Rick is wrong, per se. It is a different world out there, and he knows it, and he knows how to handle it. But for most people -- like Jessie, Ron and nearly all the others in Alexandria -- they don't. He needs to dial down the "crazy-Rick." But, of course, he can't. Which is why so many of us love the crazy Rick.  It's a conundrum. 

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I hope this doesn't come down to Rick vs. Morgan with Rick "winning."  I'm sick of him now.

Me too. 

I thought it was pretty cold to take whats his face's body out to the woods. The guy was a dick but he had two sons that loved him so what's the harm in burying him with everyone else. Morgan was right, they are all killers.


I agree. I didn't get why Rick had a stick up his butt about burying the guy with the others. Doing that had nothing to do with surviving so he couldn't use that excuse.

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The Wolves are sadistic psychopaths, so it wouldn't surprise me that they are the ones blaring the horn.  After all, they are skilled in herding zombies with their strobe lights and disco music.  Not to mention, they skin and further maim the walkers in grotesque ways.


Aside from Carter who recently met his untimely death by tree walker... I wonder if there is a "Wolf" in ASZ clothing among the group?  Someone who is reporting back to the wolves in the attempt of taking over ASZ??  Hmmm...


I can't stand Rick with Jessie.  It feels like Lori redux.


Ron had every right to be upset.  Despite the fact that his dad was a ginormous abusive dick, it was still his dad.  Pete may not have had a redemptive bone in his body, but he deserved a smidgen more than being dumped off in the woods like some anonymous walker.


I noticed lots of side-eyeing of Rick this episode.  Morgan was doing it more than anyone, although I think they all subtly questioned him at one point.  I think Morgan is trying to decide if Rick is the same guy he met or if he turned feral.


In all of this, I get Rick.  He's seen the horror of horrors and not just from walkers... but from people.  He has every reason / right to be wary.  The world he knows now is not the world he knew.  ASZ peeps need to understand that.  His own group needs to remember and not get too comfy.  Anything bad that can happen will in the ZA.

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If the Wolves are behind the horn, I don't quite get their methods.  They would have to be able to disperse the horde after they destroyed Alexandria so they could loot it.  I would think it would be better for them to come up with something that left more of the community intact while taking out the people.  unless they do rampant destruction just for the sake of it.


Given what we saw of Noah's subdivision, I think they DO like rampant destruction just for the sake of it. If it is the Unfair Wolves blowing the horn, maybe they are at ASZ right now, looting and destroying, before the walkers even make it back there. But, really, I don't even know if looting is their end goal. They're pure crazy. I wish we knew how many of them there are. There can't be just those two, right?


What I would have done is build up an alley leading out of the quarry leading into a closed corral, with doors that could be opened and closed at will. Then let the walkers out in groups of 50-100 at a time, and kill them in the 'corral'. You could make it out of fence and poke the walkers thru the fence ala the prison. Or you could make it of trailer trucks reinforced with the steel sheeting. Then you could walk along the top and stab down at the walkers with spears. Either way it would be safe and under control. After each batch of walkers is killed, you clean out the corral by tossing the bodies back into the quarry. It'd take time, but when  you get the quarry population down to about 20 walkers, leave it be, and use it to again attract the local walkers into the quarry. The quarry has been effective as a lure to walkers and has kept Alexandria safe, so keep it around and functioning. But periodically cull the herd so that it doesn't develop into a catastrophic threat.


This is a great plan! I like the way you think. Can I be on your ZA team?


I like the cut of your jib


My favorite phrase of all time. I need you on my team as well!


I am all for him boning someone but I would just about take anyone over her. Michonne, Rosita, Maggie...


I actually think Rosita and Rick would be a cute couple. Then I could re-assign that tomboy-ish chick from the work crew to be Abe's new gal. 


Just like when he pulled the gun on Carter in this last episode when he caught them conspiring. (And Daryl had to pull him back.)


To be fair, Rick didn't pull a gun on Carter just because he caught them conspiring against him. He walked in on Carter having HIS gun trained on Eugene. Wimpy, defenseless Eugene. At which point, Rick disarmed Carter (rather easily) and turned the gun on him, to give him a taste of his own medicine. But I never thought he was going to kill him, right then and there in the pantry. He just wanted to let Carter know he was "screwing with the wrong people". 

Aside from Carter who recently met his untimely death by tree walker... I wonder if there is a "Wolf" in ASZ clothing among the group?  Someone who is reporting back to the wolves in the attempt of taking over ASZ??  Hmmm...


I've thought Enid was a spy for them since we first met her. 

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