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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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LOL This made my day! Lulu is a dud in bed? (Can we have that on a T-shirt?). She is so vain you'd think she had plenty of practice in that department, but obviously Johnny meant that Lulu was so focused on herself she can't think of her partner. Which doesn't surprise me at all! I always thought Dante preferred the response he was getting from Val in bed.

Valerie comes across as a very cold and strident personality, unlike Olivia who usually projects some sort of warmth. Girl lacks any self awareness. Dante didn't look particularly happy when he woke up next Valerie the first time, just that he got one over on Lulu. Unless she has Carly's "talent" (she did get an hotel out of it, because it sure wasn't her personality that made Jax marry her) I bet she is as much of a "dud" as Lulu.

  • Love 1

Sonny, shup up, you hypocrite.  You too Carly.  I love how Carly's all, 'hey when we get Avery back will let you see her because that's what's best for Avery".  Uh yeah, cuz everyone totally believes that will happen and you won't, instead, have Sonny kill Ava so she's completely out of the picture.


Love Robert and Anna


Liked the easiness between Julian and Ava.  Haven't really seen those two together lately and it was nice.  Was also nice to have Julian and Kiki share a scene that was longer than two seconds.  There are other families in this town other than the hypocritical Corinthi.  

  • Love 7

Please don't let Val vs. Lulu be the new Liz vs. Sam.

Please don't let Val vs. Lulu be the new Liz vs. Sam.

Please don't let Val vs. Lulu be the new Liz vs. Sam.


And another thousand times. Let's just say both ladies have their pluses and minuses and stay peaceful. It's too early in the day to make the mods have a breakdown, please and thank you!  :-P

  • Love 17

It can't be, because Sam v Liz has more or less the same amount of fans on each side. Val v Lulu is like 25/75 percent. :p


Regarding the scene where Johnny badmouthed Lulu in bed kinda, he didn't imply Lulu was bad in bed, just more that's how amazing Olivia was in bed, everything else paled in comparison. For which Dante punched him, because poor Johnny did not know Olivia was Dante's mom.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 11

Sonny, shup up, you hypocrite. You too Carly. I love how Carly's all, 'hey when we get Avery back will let you see her because that's what's best for Avery". Uh yeah, cuz everyone totally believes that will happen and you won't, instead, have Sonny kill Ava so she's completely out of the picture.

I guess Carly forgot what they did to AJ when Michael when he was a baby.

  • Love 3

Sonny, shup up, you hypocrite.  You too Carly.  I love how Carly's all, 'hey when we get Avery back will let you see her because that's what's best for Avery".  Uh yeah, cuz everyone totally believes that will happen and you won't, instead, have Sonny kill Ava so she's completely out of the picture.


Wordy word word.  Their "We would NEVER treat you like this!" attitude re: Avery's custody is fuckin' rich.  Ava has been way more accommodating, mostly thanks to stupid Kiki, than they would ever be if the situation was reversed.

  • Love 7

Random, totally inappropriate thought based on today's show: I'd vastly prefer to see GH go for an incest storyline with Ava and Julian than .. pretty much anything else on offer. They don't have to be currently having sex. It was a teenage thing that screwed them up (so to speak) for the rest of their lives. 


To summarize, thus far this show has made me root for:

  • Murderous children (Jake kills everyone)
  • Child murder (Jake is killed)
  • Serial killers in romantic situations (sorta)
  • Fiery deaths (Val)
  • Adultery (Johnny/Lulu)
  • Carbon-monoxide detector PSAs
  • Incest
  • Love 7

As are all the mob stories on this show, because they always end the same way - with the Pocket Mobster victorious, no matter how nonsensical it comes across.


It's become canon that Sonny's mob is the GOOD mob.  The DIFFERENT mob.  The VIRTUOUS mob.  Not the big, evil mob everyone else belongs to.


Kind of like when Goldie  Hawn thought she was joining the condos-by-the-beach army in "Private Benjamin."

  • Love 2

I do not understand how lightning doesn't strike Sonny and Carly dead, I really don't. In a town full of hypocrites they are King and Queen. It's astonishing. 


Why do they continue to write Sonny as clear as day as a horrible, horrible person and yet expect us all to love and root for him? It makes no fucking sense.


I'm over Ava mostly and I don't give a real shit about Julian, but damn those two are good together. Those were the only semi-decent, non-boring scenes in today's ep.


Why is this Sabrina/Carlos shit happening? Like honestly it's completely pointless. I guess it's to give Anna/Robert something to do, which is good, but a fucking monkey could've come up with a better way to accomplish that.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 10

I'm so sick of Sonny and Ava fighting over that damn baby that shouldn't even exist in the first place. I don't believe either one of them really care about her they just don't want the other one to have her. Both of these loser assholes should lose custody but if that's not going to happen then give them joint custody and move the fuck on already. Or they could just kill off Avery during the next Mob War That Will Change Everything: 2016 Edition. Either choice is acceptable to me.

  • Love 11


Valerie comes across as a very cold and strident personality, unlike Olivia who usually projects some sort of warmth.


OH you didn't notice Dante's eyes straying all over Val's body on the Day After when they ran into each other in the police station? More than once I have seen Dante giving Val's hot bod the "onceover".


OTOH, let's face it, with her habit of wearing loose tunics and mop of llooooong stringy blond hair (constantly in her eyes), Lulu reminds us of Cousin It in the Addams family.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
  • Love 2


Why do they continue to write Sonny as clear as day as a horrible, horrible person and yet expect us all to love and root for him?

That's the part that gets me.  Do they realize how much of a douchebag dickhead he comes across as?  Or do they think everyone will love, LOVE that he's threatening Julian because J put a hit on Duke at the EXACT same time Sonny put a hit on Jordan.  There is just so much hypocrisy and I wonder if they actually see it.  I know, soap characters can be hypocritical but CarSon are off the charts and its' not a good look.  



I'm over Ava mostly and I don't give a real shit about Julian, but damn those two are good together.

Right?!  When she first sat down and said something like "a church wedding? really?" in that sisterly tone, made me laugh.  

  • Love 2

I am really annoyed that Carly caught Sonny at the end of the show today.   I was really curious where else in town that mother fucker could do his dramatic "standing" scenes.  He did it at the gym, at GH, and now at the coffee warehouse.  It would have been comedy gold if he just went all over town and stood up on every single set.


That could have been February sweeps right there. 

Edited by mybabyaidan
  • Love 11

Regarding the scene where Johnny badmouthed Lulu in bed kinda, he didn't imply Lulu was bad in bed, just more that's how amazing Olivia was in bed, everything else paled in comparison. For which Dante punched him, because poor Johnny did not know Olivia was Dante's mom.


Yes, it was more like that. He talked about how Lulu was inexperienced but Olivia knew where everything was located, so to speak. I'm kind of sorry I brought it up because now people are speculating about how Olivia compares to Lulu and how Lulu compares to Val, and I find this sort of thing distressing. As far as I'm concerned, as soon as a couple kisses, the camera should pan away to the breeze blowing in through an open window.


I am really annoyed that Carly caught Sonny at the end of the show today.   I was really curious where else in town that mother fucker could do his dramatic "standing" scenes.  He did it at the gym, at GH, and now at the coffee warehouse.  It would have been comedy gold if he just went all over town and stood up on every single set.


Sonny is beginning to remind me of Bobby Brady in that Brady Bunch series that aired in the early 90s. He was paralyzed for some reason, but every week he'd find a reason to stand up. Mike sworn in as Mayor, Bobby stands up. Jan adopts a baby, Bobby stands up. Marcia won't admit she has a drinking problem, Bobby stands up. I'm not really sure why he thought he was paralyzed.

  • Love 8

I fully expect Sonny to trip and someone will be so evil for tripping Sonny who should be walking in a damn physical therapist's office anyway. Epiphany is stupid for letting him hobble all over the place, unless she wants him to fall in that case it's genius. And who is ordering this physical therapy? Patrick left town. Sit your ass down, Mobster. Ugh. I'm over Sonny Miracles. Every sweeps, another Sonny miracle.

  • Love 1

So I only watch this sporadically, and when I do watch these days I always find myself watching for Lulu. Which is super fucking bizarre, because there used to be not one single TV character I hated more than Lulu (with the exception of maaaybe Kurt Hummel). But I liked that she screwed up and I like that in her talk with Johnny, which was really great, she acknowledged it and she was disappointed in herself because if Rocco was grown he'd probably be ashamed of what she did, and because she almost abandoned him, and because she almost killed someone. That was some nice self-awareness that I don't get to see often on soaps. Just my two cents.


I also like her because Val's self-righteous smug ass can go die in a fire (and she almost did!)

  • Love 11

Why is this Sabrina/Carlos shit happening? Like honestly it's completely pointless. I guess it's to give Anna/Robert something to do, which is good, but a fucking monkey could've come up with a better way to accomplish that.


Carly/Ava bickering over Avery and Morgan throwing his 100th snitfit, which was justified, but still, were both also deeply boring.


Kiki/Julian scenes, in addition to Ava/Julian I thought were fine too. There was an emotional beat being played there unlike the other scenes.


I liked Robert pointing out Anna sounding vengeful.

  • Love 4

I wish Robert would remind Anna that Duke was not an innocent bystander.  He was killed because he was a Mob Boss. 


Maybe she's having as hard of a time as the rest of us accepting that Ron C. turned Duke into a monster?  


She's wrong on this one, of course, but I can see why she has a blind spot about the fact that Duke became so, so, so awful.  Especially after her past with him, especially after feeling so bad about what had happened to him that kept him "dead" for so long, and because - right before he got killed - he apparently "saw the light" and was going to leave the mob behind for her.  

  • Love 4

From that promo, It's clear to me: Jake doesn't push Sam down the stairs. He's watching in horror, as he sees her tumble down and scream.  Can't even say it's a Kevin McCallister thing, because Jake doesn't have a smile on his face and doesn't do an air fist of "Yes!" as Sam falls down.


Oh, geez, Re-Ron strikes again!  He did a story on OLTL where somebody got pushed down a stairs and somebody else got blamed for it only it was really a third party that did the dirty deed....


What, you mean to tell me that Re-Ron is gone?!  Ya coulda fooled me!

  • Love 1

I enjoyed that if only because it led to Valerie breaking up with a not-at-all-interested-in-her Dante for the second time. She's telling him they can't be together and he's wondering why she's still talking about this.


She wasn't breaking up with him - she'd already done that.  She was telling him that she couldn't be his friend anymore -  that he couldn't keep coming to talk to her about his marriage problems. 

I don't know why Mo has such a hard time remembering his lines. He's had the same 5 scripts for 25 years.

Not quite true. Early on, Sonny was written as the slimy scumbag he was. He was the local drug dealing, nudie bar owning Asshat who was manipulating troubled underage girls into working in his club and be his latest slam piece. Karen Wexler, I'll never forget you! Also, a "Forever FUCK You Scummy!" for trying to blame Scott for Karen's childhood and your bad behavior concerning her. Numerous times.

  • Love 7


Random, totally inappropriate thought based on today's show: I'd vastly prefer to see GH go for an incest storyline with Ava and Julian than .. pretty much anything else on offer. They don't have to be currently having sex. It was a teenage thing that screwed them up (so to speak) for the rest of their lives. 


To summarize, thus far this show has made me root for:

  • Murderous children (Jake kills everyone)
  • Child murder (Jake is killed)
  • Serial killers in romantic situations (sorta)
  • Fiery deaths (Val)
  • Adultery (Johnny/Lulu)
  • Carbon-monoxide detector PSAs
  • Incest



I've wanted an incest storyline for them from the very beginning. Because yes, I'm sick like that with my fiction. But only my fiction.



I'm over Ava mostly and I don't give a real shit about Julian, but damn those two are good together. Those were the only semi-decent, non-boring scenes in today's ep.


Jiblings! They just have such a great dynamic, interesting and fun. Seriously, they're pretty much the only thing keeping me around. OnceSane and mybabyaidan could handle the Sam front for me.

Edited by tvgoddess
  • Love 3

I don't know why Mo has such a hard time remembering his lines. He's had the same 5 scripts for 25 years.


Hold up. This may be the most important question I've ever asked here. Or anywhere on social media. Are red velvet waffles really a thing?


Oh, keeping it GH-related. That's the beauty of Mo.  He keeps making messing up his lines seem so real and authentic. Kudos, Dude. Kudos. Or as you would say KooDmmmms.  

  • Love 4

I got a mini-squee out of Carly catching Sonny standing.  After Jason said "no thanks" to the January 21st birthday party and Mama Ava's emphatic door-slamming on the supervision-free visits with Avery, Carly getting a little "happy" made my day.  And I liked the coat, and the shoes.  


I wish Sabrina and Carlos would either roll the Rs or not roll the Rs.  Make up your minds, please.  

  • Love 1

Best tock since Copkilla miscarried in the frozen waters off the coast of Bolivia


But...but...Pillowena! And Sham wow! 


Hold up. This may be the most important question I've ever asked here. Or anywhere on social media. Are red velvet waffles really a thing?


Did I hear the bugle call of the food blogger? Reporting for duty! Yes, they are a thing. I have not tried them, but I imagine they are similar to red velvet cake: chocolate cake with lots of food dye! Honestly, sounds better in waffle form.

  • Love 4

That picture reinforces my contention that Alexis not only has the worst hair on GH, but she has the longest-standing worst hair.


So Julian thinks that he and Sonny should try to get along because they both have had a child with Olivia. I think Julian needs to catch up. They both have a child with Alexis. Sonny's wife is Julian's son's sister. Sonny and Julian's daughter had a child together. Sonny has a child with Julian's sister. Sonny's son was married to Julian's niece. Sonny's other son was living with Julian's niece. Sonny's son was banging Julian's sister. Sonny's son was banging Julian's sister when he thought she was a different sister. There's probably more but my head hurts. The only way these two could have more of a connection is if Julian and Sonny marry each other.


I liked Johnny and Lulu together once upon a time, but I could never ship those two now. Aside from the fact that ER can barely keep up with Dante, much less Johnny, every time I think of Johnny and Lulu now, I think of the time that Johnny, thinking that Dante was Dominic Perelli, told him that Lulu was a dud in bed and he didn't know how much of a dud until he started sleeping with Olivia and found out what good sex really is. I'll always hold it against Johnny that he was enough of a pig to say that and for making Dante think about the relative merits of having sex with Lulu vs. having sex with his own mom.


Thanks for the history lesson. I am a returning casual viewer after a long break.

This is all kinds of levels of EWWWW!  Julian and Sonny should just fuck each other much like Jack and Victor from Y&R. Just get it over with.

So I only watch this sporadically, and when I do watch these days I always find myself watching for Lulu. Which is super fucking bizarre, because there used to be not one single TV character I hated more than Lulu (with the exception of maaaybe Kurt Hummel). But I liked that she screwed up and I like that in her talk with Johnny, which was really great, she acknowledged it and she was disappointed in herself because if Rocco was grown he'd probably be ashamed of what she did, and because she almost abandoned him, and because she almost killed someone. That was some nice self-awareness that I don't get to see often on soaps. Just my two cents.


I also like her because Val's self-righteous smug ass can go die in a fire (and she almost did!)


This is a great post.


 Early on, Sonny was written as the slimy scumbag he was.


He still is written that way imo it's just that for some inexplicable reason we're supposed to love and root for him. I'll never understand it.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 2

Well think I'm ready to jump back in here. I've been trolling for a few weeks and you guys are still throwing some great punches. I had to give it up last May b/c it was so terrible. Over Christmas I watch a few shows and I gotta say I started enjoying it again. I know you lifers hate some things that don't bother me but on a whole the writing is 10 times better than it was early last yr. Not to say there aren't some stinkers like this whole breast feeding in public thing what is it 1975? Is this really an issue in 2016?


First I got a Christmas miracle Patrick had to grovel to Robin and LEFT TOWN! whoot And Sabrina is a lying liar who lies! hee hee


I am really loving the Jason and Sam story it has hooked me in and I originally couldn't stand Sam and BM was never a fav of mine on Y&R. I think they have good chemistry and I root for them against prune face Liz. I'm right there with everyone on that terrible child actor Jake. He is awful and what a creepy kid Jake is.


I am enjoying Morgan and his bipolar. I missed the set-up so it could have been bad but right now I like Morgan and his scenes with Kiki and Sonny


I love Sonny and Carly together being the biggest hypocrites in town. They are very entertaining. I loved Carly putting Ava on blast. Sonny standing all over town. Golden


Val had potential but she is def poorly written and annoying now. The whole Dante and Lulu mess is just not interesting and I've never been a Johnny fan. I was surprised there were any sets left after he got done chewing them.


And ulkis Dante's hair is awful.


So I'm wearing my I love Sonny T-Shirt....... admit it you missed me. Let the snarky replies begin.

  • Love 7

Man, there aren't enough seats in the world to cover all the seats that Sonny needs to have, especially where Julian's concerned. Julian tried to make peace with Sonny and Sonny not only refuses, he threatens him again!? Give me a fucking break


The only time I ever liked Sonny (and Mo's portrayal God help me) was when Julian and Sonny were in jail together and worked together to break out of jail to save their sons.  I liked the two of them as "frenemies". Their conversations were entertaining and they were helping each other. I found that interesting to watch. But this all-consuming hatred and Sonny acting all "la la la I can't hear you" when Julian talks about a truce is awful, boring and disgusting. And stupid.

  • Love 9
this whole breast feeding in public thing what is it 1975? Is this really an issue in 2016?

Sadly it is still an issue in some places, but this show (of course) is handling it in the worst possible way, e.g., having Sonny say he wouldn't want his wife or daughter to breast-feed in public. Who cares what he thinks? He's irrelevant. And very, very stupid.

  • Love 7

Wait, Sam can't fall down stairs.  She's not preggers.  And Jason isn't there to catch her so they can be all cutesy. 


Let's hope she's not preggers. I would think a fall like that would cause her to miscarry, but the last thing we need is another deadbeat dad who really wouldn't be a deadbeat dad if he were around.

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