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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Okay, I''m a Democrat, voted for Obama twice.....and even *I* am pissed off.  So far he hasn't said anything remotely resembling BREAKING NEWS, and why ABC thinks any of us viewers appreciate this defies all reason.  And today, of all days, when Anna and Robert are going to rescue Robin.  I can't even.  I just better be able to access this somewhere on-line; I don't watch any shows via the computer but I'm making an assumption today's show will be available somewhere.  I know I sound like a tech doofus, but that's because I am. 

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Okay, I''m a Democrat, voted for Obama twice.....and even *I* am pissed off. So far he hasn't said anything remotely resembling BREAKING NEWS, and why ABC thinks any of us viewers appreciate this defies all reason. And today, of all days, when Anna and Robert are going to rescue Robin. I can't even. I just better be able to access this somewhere on-line; I don't watch any shows via the computer but I'm making an assumption today's show will be available somewhere. I know I sound like a tech doofus, but that's because I am.

Today's episode will air on Monday, as Sake posted up thread and in the media thread.

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Does this mean no GH scenes aired before the start of the Obama conference? I tuned in late...

No. We got Sam saying she was only there to drop off the check...a sniveling Obrecht telling Liz that Liz had to attend because it was mandatory or she would have to work a double shift on Christmas Day...cheesy pictures of Molly and Kristina, and then midgety moobster talking about arms before the show was interrupted. And some more "I heard what Liz did" from Michael to Jason.

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You know, between the time Obama was first elected and then inaugurated, he kept interrupting during the show to announce his latest Cabinet appointments. Like I cared. Like it couldn't have waited until the regular news cycle (when more people who care are watching). Shallowly, I began to silently wish I'd voted differently. I've since come to the conclusion that if something vaguely watchable is going to happen, it's going to be postponed because of urgent "breaking news." Does anyone remember the Friday when "Mr. Big" was about to be revealed after months of buildup and just as his chair began to turn, WHAMMO! Breaking bullshit, um, news. Well, the ABC switchboard must have lit up like a Christmas tree, because for the first time ever, the show aired the last five seconds of Friday's climax right before Monday's episode, and we all got to see that Burt Ramsey was Mr. Big. Today I'm pissed, though, because I was looking forward to the show for the first time in a while <majorfrownyface>.

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I'm almost relieved that the show got bumped to Monday. I took a quick trip in from the barge yesterday to view it, and the fuckery and bullshittery I saw then had me heading straight back there doing my best Michael Phelps. A long weekend might bring me around to grudgingly giving it another chance.

Edited by yowsah1

I just don't get it...who's at home in the middle of the day to see this very important last-news-conference-of-the-year except for stay at home parents and those of us who are retired? Wouldn't an evening spot be better? I noticed that NBC didn't bother to interrupt, so I may be watching Days of our Lives from now on. I like their priorities...I'm shallow...

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*shrug* I prefer Obrecht giving Liz grief vs. her having been an active participant in Liz's bridal shower.

I think it just underscores that COS is absolutely the wrong position for her. It's bad enough that the current "patriarch" is a mob boss and the chief of police seems to be ridiculously under qualified. The COS of the hospital shouldn't be completely lacking in moral authority because in this case, it undermines her professional authority.

She should be a recurring villain

Edited by Oracle42
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I think it just underscores that COS is absolutely the wrong position for her. It's bad enough that the current "patriarch" is a mob boss and the chief of police seems to be ridiculously under qualified. The COS of the hospital shouldn't be completely lacking in moral authority because in this case, it undermines her professional authority.

She should be a recurring villain


Except....most of the time we see her as COS, Obrecht's not being shown as bad at the job.  Brad, don't come to work late.  Liz, don't try and ditch your shifts early to check in on your amnesic lover.  Etc.  I wish she was doing, like, science experiments under the hospital (she could use Tony's old ENDGAME lab!), at least that'd be fun.


And why she's forcing Liz to go vs. those alleged staff members named...Larry?  And...Branford?  It's in character because, like I said above, she doesn't like Liz and would stick it to her whenever possible.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Except....most of the time we see her as COS, Obrecht's not being shown as bad at the job.  Brad, don't come to work late.  Liz, don't try and ditch your shifts early to check in on your amnesic lover.  Etc.  I wish she was doing, like, science experiments under the hospital (she could use Tony's old ENDGAME lab!), at least that'd be fun.


And why she's forcing Liz to go vs. those alleged staff members named...Larry?  And...Branford?  It's in character because, like I said above, she doesn't like Liz and would stick it to her whenever possible.

Has any COS shown to be particularly bad at their job? Ironically I guess Steve Hardy in the end as he died at his desk trying to save the hospital, because they wanted to bring in the Cassadines . I guess also Steve Webber, but I am convinced the writers had no use for the actor that got his job because he was friends with JFP's pet. They raved about about Robin, who wasn't fired, Monica was seen as competent and Alan was highly respected and Steve Hardy is worshipped. Heck, Dr. Ford seemed to more as a stickler for money (since they pay their staff in cash and not good wishes), but not incompetent. I would want Monica back at the post, where she belongs and if she wants it, or because Dr.O is a criminal, the board manages to get rid of her and installs a successful Chris Ramsey, so we could have someone amoral who isn't a criminal.

  • Love 4

Has any COS shown to be particularly bad at their job?


My point about Dr. O was more that there was a lot of hand wringing from the characters when she was hired that, oh noes, she might burn the hospital down or just starting stabbing people on the job.  And then...nothing.


It's all so boring.  When a soap evildoer ascends to a position of power like that, it usually leads to a storyline where our heroes band together and oust that person.  That's just soap math.


But, of course, that would mean a story on "General Hospital" revolving around the hospital. #thehorrors

Edited by TeeVee329
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It's not really about her ability to do the job. It's that she shot one of her employees, pushed another off a parapet, tortured a former employee and helped her daughter steal a patient's fertilized egg.

She should not be in a position of authority over these people. Because Liz? Should be on probation but Dr. O sure as hell is not the person to hand down that sentence.

They should have put her in charge of those butchers at Mercy and that could've led to a story when Mercy patients started showing up at GH with mysterious symptoms that indicated they'd been used as test subjects in drug trials

Or burn down Mercy so there's an influx of new doctors at GH (like Greys)

Edited by Oracle42
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It's not really about her ability to do the job. It's that she shot one of her employees, pushed another off a parapet, tortured a former employee and helped her daughter steal a patient's fertilized egg.


Hey, all of that was off the clock!  It's how she unwinds after a long day. ;)

Dr. O should have been pushing up daisies two years ago. If Robin can take her out before her HEA, that would be a true Christmas Miracle.


Instead of all that garbage with Sloane, they should have Anna focus all her energies on taking Dr. O down.

  • Love 5

I just don't get it...who's at home in the middle of the day to see this very important last-news-conference-of-the-year except for stay at home parents and those of us who are retired? Wouldn't an evening spot be better? I noticed that NBC didn't bother to interrupt, so I may be watching Days of our Lives from now on. I like their priorities...I'm shallow...

Michelle Obama's mother is allegedly a huge Days fan.

Someone needs to ask the candidates' spouses and families where their daytime loyalties are. I'm torn between three candidates right now, so this would help me make my decision.

  • Love 8


I noticed that NBC didn't bother to interrupt, so I may be watching Days of our Lives from now on. I like their priorities...I'm shallow...

DAYS was interrupted at the exact same time.    I have DVR proof.



I really wish Liz would take off the engagement ring.   Jason is a married man.      

Edited by rulesoftravel
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I really wish Liz would take off the engagement ring.   Jason is a married man.      


No way.  If Sam had just let her continue to lie, they'd be happily married and her her name would be Elizabeth Doe.


Liz was totally okay with the above. So much so that she is MAD it was ruined.


If she doesn't get diagnosed for being certifiable .........

  • Love 9

How about bringing in some new characters to work at the A.J. Quartermaine Memorial Clinic, then move them over to the hospital as they become established on canvas?  Or has the clinic been Stalinistically "disappeared" the same way A.J. has?


When Sabrina was first worried she was pregnant, Michael overheard her talking about it and assumed she was talking about a patient.  So it's potentially possible the clinic is open OFF-SCREEN given Sabrina does not work at GH (I kinda can't believe that's stuck).

Brad and that girl died off screen and Pip is offering emotional support to Lucas. 


Who's Lucas?


I caved and watched an online version (PM me if you want a link...I can't capture it, so I am not sure how long it will stay up).  I was trying really hard to wait until Monday but I was too busy putting off doing pilates and justified watching my soap instead. 


I LOVE Lexi's dress.

Edited by mybabyaidan

Oh crap, did Sonny burn down the clinic and sex up Ava on it's ashes?

He only did it because he's a good man who loves his children. Or it was some bitchslutwhoretramp's fault.

Seriously, why has Sonny been the male lead for to two decades while Robert has only had a handful of short stints over the last.

I believe Tristan is much older than Mo, but he brings infinitesimally more energy, chemistry, and charisma to all of his scenes. Not to mention he enunciates his lines.

There could be so much story to play with Robert, even Robin, Patrick, and Emma off-screen. He could go after Dr. O and Nik, get the mob out of Port Charles and play the will they or won't they game with Anna.

But instead we'll get the 104th iteration of the exact same story with Sonny. Except this time, I and a few hundred thousand others won't won't watching.

Edited by Tiger
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Nina is the worst. I can't understand why more people on this board don't actively hate her. The writers are trying to turn her into some sort of competent working woman yet MS continues to play her as a brain damaged child. I just can't forget that she forcibly ripped a fetus from a woman's womb and stole the baby. Now she's the toast of the town, running a magazine and acting like queen of the gala. The last thing I want to see is that gawky giraffe making a success of Crimson.  

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