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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I remember last fall/winter-ish, Keeks asked Silas for a job; did she ever get one? Is she at least taking classes at PCU?

Not that I actually need to see these people in general working or going to school, but at least give the characters a purpose and direction. A simple line about studying for semester exams would satisfy me.

When she's not busy insinuating herself into situations where she doesn't belong, she's supervising Rafe so Silas can fuck Sam and coo over Danny.

I don't have a whole lot of sympathy for Tracy in her current situation.  She's always been desperate, dumber than a stump and needy for a man to love her.  Each of the marriages we've seen her in, from Mitch Williams, to Paul Hornsby, to the faux and real marriages to Luke, she's allowed herself to be used, belittled, and embarrassed.  Mitch carried on his affair with Susan in broad daylight and in was more than happy to throw it in Tracy's face, but she stayed.  She knew Paul wasn't in love with her when he married her, but she did everything she could to keep him, including pregnancy and trying to run down the woman he was in love with.

I was always a little sad Tracy wasn't successful in killing Jenny Eckert when she ran her down.  Talk about a boring character.

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Memo to Ron: Your attempt to suddenly reinvent Cancosore as some kind of comedic Nick and Nora Charles mystery-solving duo isn't going to make me find them any less repulsive, especially considering RoHo's continuing insistence on portraying his character like a developmentally challenged teenage boy and Cujo, well, still being Pod Cujo, although with her signature screech intact.

  • Love 6


Murderers all over.

At this point, I welcome it. Please, someone, anyone, kill 80% of these characters.  

I am enjoying Ghost AJ.  He's fun.  And I can't help it - I like spoiled, sassy, inappropriate, jerky Spencer.  I know there's so much wrong with him, but I like him.  That will change if he continues to give a shit about Sonny, though.  

There's not much else I care about right now.  Oh, except for Who Killed Nina!!!  (Kidding, obviously)

I liked her as long as I could. But you can't like someone you don't respect. Sabrina has the backbone of a fig newton. She is still in thrall to a man who treated her like shit.... pregnant and alone now and STILL spinning roses and moonbeams at Patrick's lackluster declarations of support. The correct response to Patrick would be cool politeness and distance.....this fool stands there bucking him up and grinning in his face as if he were her prom date.

Sorry, I can't share everyone's Ned-Love. Next to Carson he is the person in PC who really stuck it to AJ. Constant bellittlement and sneering. But Ned's specialty was kicking him when he was down. He would catch AJ at his lowest, weakest moment. And move in for the kill. Ned is like his mother...he has a tongue like a knife.

So no...not feeling Ned.

Edited by BetteBoo

I liked her as long as I could. But you can't like someone you don't respect. Sabrina has the backbone of a fig newton. She is still in thrall to a man who treated her like shit.... pregnant and alone now and STILL spinning roses and moonbeams at Patrick's lackluster declarations of support. The correct response to Patrick would be cool politeness and distance.....this fool stands there bucking him up and grinning in his face as if he were her prom date.

Not to mention that this plot development makes Robin Scorpio also look like an utter moron for trusting a guy who waited all of....what? A month? before he was off sniffing after another woman.

I, however, am prepared to cut Sabrina (and by extension Robin) some slack because, no matter who is at the helm of the show, this happens to EVERY SINGLE FEMALE CHARACTER on GH.  A man will break up with a woman in the nastiest, most brutal way possible, will treat her like shit for months on end, and the instant he so much as half-smiles in her direction, sure enough, she'll melt into a puddle of goo at his feet.  (I will never forget how, after the ridiculous wire incident, Sonny Corinthos KICKED BRENDA IN THE FACE as she grabbed at his feet, sobbing.  Then later, when Lily's wedding gown accidentally burned up, he joined in with Lily in refusing to believe Brenda when she said it was an accident.  Brenda should have never spoken to Sonny again after that, at the very least, when Sonny showed interest in getting back together with her she should have demanded an apology before she even considered it.  But no.  She swooned in his arms and that was that).  So I can't really blame Sabrina for for what she is doing now because every woman in Port Charles does it.

(But what do you want to bet that Nik will make Britt practically walk on her lips through broken glass before he decides she's abased herself enough and he can get back with her - if he ever does get back with her, that is.  On GH, women's sins are never forgiven).

Edited by yowsah1
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PervLuke is really creeping me out. When I'm cheering on Kiki, that says a lot about my PervLuke hate, I feel like I need a shower after watching him and, even though I'm gonna feel bad saying this, PervLuke is so pervy he makes me feel like AG is like that in real life. Just eww.

I'm just catching up on last week's mess and the only thing that's keeping me watching is GhostAJ. If they insist on making everything All About Sonny then can we just have an hour of GhostAJ following Sonny around everywhere he goes with a non-stop running commentary? That would be awesome.

Everything else on TFGH is unwatchable.

  • Love 3

Good gawd show, why is Spencer talking to Luke like he's an adult?? (Spencer not Luke, heh) He should be playing in a playground or going to school and oh I don't know learning or something. 

Further more Why is Kiki still alive? Why is Sonny not locked up somewhere? Why is Franco acting like Todd from OLTL? Why hasn't Carlos brushed his hair?

I'm beginning to hate this show actively, watching it is so frustrating because it could be better. Feel like throwing barware at my screen...

  • Love 3

What has happened to this show? We are going into sweeps & I don't care about any of these story lines. I would care about AJ's funeral but per usual these asshats have made it all about Sonny. It feels like the months following the NB last year to me. I would go weeks without watching an episode.

I'm so tired of stupid plot points, missed beats & poor pacing

I don't have a whole lot of sympathy for Tracy in her current situation.  She's always been desperate, dumber than a stump and needy for a man to love her.  Each of the marriages we've seen her in, from Mitch Williams, to Paul Hornsby, to the faux and real marriages to Luke, she's allowed herself to be used, belittled, and embarrassed.  Mitch carried on his affair with Susan in broad daylight and in was more than happy to throw it in Tracy's face, but she stayed.  She knew Paul wasn't in love with her when he married her, but she did everything she could to keep him, including pregnancy and trying to run down the woman he was in love with.

I was always a little sad Tracy wasn't successful in killing Jenny Eckert when she ran her down.  Talk about a boring character.

Yeah, I pretty much hate Tracy now which makes me sad. Every time she mentions Cassadine Island and how everything changed there I want to heave. At this point I am convinced 50% of her love for Lulu is because she feels like she's taken something from Laura.

  • Love 2

FauxLuke threatening small children with harm is not entertainment (even if it is creepy Spencer).

Horrible person that I am, I loved it. And I thought they played off each other well. Spencer's OTT hamminess worked here.

Why must pregnant women on soaps constantly have their hands on their stomachs? Sabrina wasn't even just resting her hands there; it was nonstop petting. 

Emma knows way more than any child should know about paternity tests. 

Edited by Cassiopeia
  • Love 2

Spencer needs to go eat some playdoh and shut the hell up.

Oh yes. I'm not the only one who doesnt' find 'hith lipth an attithude swo kwuut'. Kid is a little horror. He ought to take a trip to Salem. Sierra Brady would bury him.



Why must pregnant women on soaps constantly have their hands on their stomachs? Sabrina wasn't even just resting her hands there; it was nonstop petting.

She probably feels monstrous baby hands trying to claw their way out!

  • Love 4

Somebody needs to run the Spencer family tree by the writers of this show.  Last time I checked Spencer was not Luke's nephew, but rather formerly his step-grandson.  

Speaking of Spencer, can he go back to being never seen and never heard from.  I'm not interested in watching show where the lead is a 7 year old mouthy munchkin.

Edited by LegalParrot81
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Seriously, I've been fine with Spencer saying "Uncle Luke".   Calling adults who are close but not family "Uncle" or "Aunt" is a thing.  It isn't something I did in my family, but I've certainly seen it.    But when he said, "I'm your nephew", I was all. "HUH?!?"   "What?!?!?"   

Of all the ridiculousness on GH, this shouldn't have bothered me, but it really, really did.

  • Love 1

Sonny at the funeral......terrible idea.  And Michael should know better.  But then again, other than Monica and Michael, everyone else there treated AJ like crap.  I'm hoping that AJ's ghost continues to dance in the background and make Orange Glow dissolve into the puddle of Spray Tan that he is.

And I hope Monica gets to step in him afterwards.

  • Love 1

Y'all, I finally, finally mustered up zee energy to watch the episodes that have been on my dvr since March 31. Yep. Had nothing else to do while waiting for my new iPhone 5S (YES!) to complete transferring content from me old phone, so...

And it's just gross. Gross and insulting how AJ was killed off. STFU you midgety moobster and Michael Corleone wannabe fuckwit. You're the CANCER that has infected my life for the past 21 years, not AJ.

And of course the 51st anniversary of General Hospital should have and was all about Killing off one of its legacy characters and all about what a good person that fuckwit midgety moobster is. I'd read all the posts, here and over on TWoP about how good Sarah and Tamara looked, but from where I sat, they both looked absolutely horrid. Even saying that Sarah is the hateful Slagbeast I can believe. AND STFU, AJ didn't kill your child, that succubeast fell after trying to pull away from AJ after taunting him. And of course we couldn't have the ACTUAL flashback that proves that's what happened because then EVERYONE would see it was a fucking accident--one of that hosebeast's making. Plus to do that, they'd have to show and reveal Warlock's AJ.

Y'all, I really have no tolerance for the Indian soap operas my parents watch, they are SO over the top, with the melodramatic music and the way the camera zooms in on the characters from each angle, but I SWEAR, compared to what this dreck of a show is, I'll sit, very happily and watch those shows back-to-back. At least the dialogue is believable and there stakes and the good guys DO win.

And OF COURSE we couldn't have AJ tell Monica that Sonny fucking murdered him. Then we wouldn't get Sonny's "emotional guilt" over what he's done otherwise.

For those that watch and have watched Days of Our Lives, can you refresh my memory about how all the characters that were killed off when Marlena was the murderer, were brought back? Was it due to backlash? Protests? I can't remember. Man, I wish there was a real life Roarke (those that read J.D. Robb know who I'm talking aboot), to sweep in, buy ABC and entice, lure and hire Sri Rao to take over the running of this show. And to bring back the characters that belong on this show.

And...I also want a 16 hands horsie.

  • Love 5

*small voice*..... I'm in the minority but I loved Monday's ep.  Watched it twice.  MB was the only slow point for me outside of the UCG watching him search for his cue cards,

Little Spencer held his own with Fluke.  Didn't like him with the other kids but with adults he shines.

 Ava as always....my badass bitch! 

Carrrrlos...playing his suppressed anger/angst at Ava's threat to Sabrina and baby.  I love him but dude, wash the hair....

 Patrick/Emma and Sabrina with the baby reveal.  Waiting to see what Emma's objection is to the baby.  TeCa is glowing.  Wish I had looked that good when I was preggers.

Diane is the bomb.  Wish she was on more often.  She and Todd (RH is playing Todd no matter what they call him) work so well together.

Dante is hottt in that suit.  Had a dream about him couple of nights ago.  Alas nothing happened between us but I woke up smiling.  He came in my shop and we discussed GH.

Wasn't around for Ric the first time but am enjoying the tug-o-war over Liz.

  • Love 2

Some people say funerals are for the living, others say they are to honor the dead.  But in AJ's case, I guess his funeral is an excuse to gather everyone who despised him to come and eat Monica's food, while showing not one whit of concern or caring that AJ was murdered - and Monica and Michael, who loved the guy, are supposed to be grateful.  ] 

Sonny being there is such b.s. plot point material.  Michael is now such a wuss and so uncaring of his grandmother's feelings that he has to have that walking ad for Coppertone there for support.  So why not Slagbeast too?  Lord knows what other inappropriate guests will be there as I ff through it all.

Ron C. just can't even be bothered to try and be subtle.

And I'm close to not even trying.

Edited by boes
  • Love 1
Y'all, I finally, finally mustered up zee energy to watch the episodes that have been on my dvr since March 31. Yep. Had nothing else to do while waiting for my new iPhone 5S (YES!) to complete transferring content from me old phone, so...

See? Not worth it. This is when you should have watched a nice Law & Order/L&O: CI rerun from the ol' DVR. Or a blank TV screen! Both are less frustrating and more entertaining in the end.

This show...God, when one may be looking back on Guza-suck fondly, the bottom of the barrel has been scraped.

  • Love 3

See? Not worth it. This is when you should have watched a nice Law & Order/L&O: CI rerun from the ol' DVR. Or a blank TV screen! Both are less frustrating and more entertaining in the end.


But I'm saving that for tonight and the rest of the week! Otherwise I'll have nuttin' to do by the weekend! You know I love my binge-watching! With these at least, I can just superfast fast forward.

  • Love 1

I am also getting a big kick out of AJ beating Sonny at his own game. I don't think of AJ as a ghost, I have always wanted AJ to win. I always loved Billy Warlock coming back at Sonny, Marring his sister, taking mykill and keeping him. Even if the brain dead child believed everything Sonny and carley told him. Billy"S AJ never gave up right up till he was murdered. by  then I just shut the show off. I hope SK is having fun with this. .You would think FrankenRon would now be able to see what they drove away.

This is sweeps? Please correct me if I'm wrong. But what a pile! What the heck is this show even going for anymore? No heart, no soul and way too many damn kids (love kids have one of my own) but this is a soap for adults, right? Where are the couples, where is the love? Don't get me started on AJ'snonexistant funeral. Just damn awful awful awful.

  • Love 3

This is sweeps? Please correct me if I'm wrong. But what a pile! What the heck is this show even going for anymore? No heart, no soul and way too many damn kids (love kids have one of my own) but this is a soap for adults, right? Where are the couples, where is the love? Don't get me started on AJ'snonexistant funeral. Just damn awful awful awful.

Are you me? This is me down to the one kid.

I'm so frustrated & disgusted with this show & the show runners right now. I'm close to checking out again because I don't care anymore when I miss an episode.

Edited by BestestAuntEver


Sonny being there is such b.s. plot point material.  Michael is now such a wuss and so uncaring of his grandmother's feelings that he has to have that walking ad for Coppertone there for support.  So why not Slagbeast too?  Lord knows what other inappropriate guests will be there as I ff through it all.



Michael has always been a douche, whether played by Chucky, RageMichael or Eeyore. He's mostly reformed now but I'm never surprised when his sense of entitlement creeps through. His baby face doesn't trick me ;)

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