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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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For some reason my dvr recorded Days yesterday, so I watched, and wow the acting . . .  Aside from Alison Sweeney and "Kate" it was just horrific.  The guy with the plastic face from TPiR makes Jimmy Deshler look like Jason Thompson.  


But seriously, aside from AS and "Kate" all of their actors were horrifically laughable.  Maybe KA should go to Days becsuse shed look like an Oscar calibre actress in comparison.

Edited by Tiger
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Pillowena proves that she shouldn't fall for Levi's crap.

Schemer should know schemer.

Exactly. Maxie was even clever enough to steal drugs for Lucky. Maxie has always been impulsive & flighty but she wasn't a complete brainless idiot.

Sadly, characters have to be brainless for Ron's plot points to work.

I'm taking my soap box about housing to the Sets thread.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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I agree- how can we root for Maxie and Nathan after she treats him like crap and is man-nipple-ated by Levi? They were great at first but all this uneccesary angst has me hating Maxie. I


Same. I liked Nathan/Maxie a lot for like 3 episodes, but they've ruined it. Why am I surprised though? They ruin literally everything good on this show.


Having men topless but not women may be a double standard, but the fault is not with the show. It's with the FCC/ network executives.  Naked-on-top ladies are not allowed on network tv, and certainly not during the day.  Men?  Totally okay, any time, on any channel.  And I don't see any sexual harassment argument to be made here - many women on the show get as "naked" as the censors allow them to be, and often.  It's kind of expected on a soap.  


Thank you! This is what I've been trying to say, but you said it much more eloquently.


*small voice*  I loved Passions.  It was a hoot.


I adored Passions. It was so fun.


But seriously, aside from AS and "Kate" all of their actors were horrifically laughable.


I agree that the Days actors as a whole are far worse than the GH actors. However, they seem to actually give a fuck, and that's more than I can say for a lot of GH actors. And I personally prefer bad actors who try to good ones who don't.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Okay I just can't with Britt. She really really annoys me. I mean I don't want Liz with my Nik either(I still wish for Jordan and Olivia to fight over Nik and I also want a unicorn) but Liz is just acting like herself and Nik loves her. He is drawn to her true personality, while Britt is trying to manipulate the guy AND his child. I don't care so much about her manipulating Nik as he is an adult but feeding into a child's warped romance notions is just plain wrong. On top of that she as an adult conspired for a child to run away from adult supervision. What if he got hit by a car or kidnapped or worse?(I know it IS Spencer but pretend it was just any child not Spencer) I don't see how she could really truely love Nik and do all this. It seems more about winning to her and that she doesn't know what real love is.


And don't even get me started on Patdick Drake. ugh I just want to throat punch him every damn time he is on. The way Anna was heaping all the blame on Silas just really chapped me and I don't even like Silas that much.

Edited by Cattitude
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I can't with Liz.  She suddenly, once again, wants to get close to Nikolas simply because he is getting close to Britt.  Liz wasn't interested in Nikolas two seconds ago when she said she was exhausted and wanted to pick up Cameron and go home, but one moment of Nikolas smiling with Britt, and Liz is jealous?  The person who needs to grow a brain is Nikolas.  Britt actually wants to be with him and only him.  Liz only wants Nikolas when he's about to move on to someone else.  

  • Love 8


Hey!  Passions had an awesome orangutan nurse.  Nina is a praying mantis & has Rosalie.  Passions was much better than WE NEVER CARED.


Nina would be a lot more enjoyable with a non-human nurse.  Orangutan has obviously been done.  Maybe a python?  Leopard?  Camel? 



Pillowena proves that she shouldn't fall for Levi's crap.

Schemer should know schemer.


That's been my problem.  Faking a phone call to Immigration from a rival's phone to force a green card wedding is exactly the kind of shit Maxie would have pulled in this situation.  And while she also wouldn't have hesitated to do what she thinks Nathan did, she would have used someone else's phone to do it.  So if she thinks Nathan is savvy enough to be running this con, where he puts his ass on the line to help her with her case while secretly plotting to get Levi deported, she would think that leaving the call to Immigration on his phone is beneath that scheme. 

  • Love 2


Schemer should know schemer.

Game should recognize game.



True, however I think most schemers think that they are too savvy to get schemed.

I would buy this if Maxie was putting up any resistance at all. At this point, Levi could tell her that the sky was made of cotton candy and that hobbits actually roam the earth and she would grin and agree. Levi is not even giving her good schemes -- maybe if Levi was making an effort. The way Maxie is being written is just silly.

  • Love 3

It's starting to feel like maybe having bored us to death getting various pieces in place, RC is ready to unleash some actual multiparty story arcs whose conclusions are not entirely foregone.


We can only hope...


I didn't mind Anna telling Patrick that she understood why he was wanting a divorce (unpopular opinion day for me, I guess!).  Robin "died", reappeared, and then voluntarily (as far as Anna knows) left again - anyone would get why the left-behind spouse was done.  I didn't see Anna taking Patrick's side so much as trying to just be supportive.  But I do wish Patrick would tell Anna what Robin is really up to and why.  


Why should he?  If he stays quiet, he gets "support" from everybody.  If he told Anna what was up, there would be a (slim*) possibility she would go, "WTF are you thinking, dude?  You're not the victim here!"


* - Given her track record, it would be "excruciatingly slim", but still.

Ok, I am starting to get twitchy over ME's little acting "tics".  WTF was his excuse for his body language in those scenes with Sam on Friday?  Who thought that was a good acting choice?  We are two adults discussing the death of a 17 yr old kid and a possible murder, let's hang one arm up on the stairs and lean on it like I am the Fonz (complete with the hand in the pocket).  Drove.me.crazy.  He seriously looked like he was about to ask her to hang out after school and get high.   I can't wait for Sam to get rid of this albatross around her neck.  He really really sucks.


I really have no idea what else happened, I downloaded the Sam scenes, and only half paid attention to them.  I guess I didn't miss much.

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Mom's been on vacation and hasn't seen the show.  I told her Rafe is brain dead.  She was sad(?!?!).  Does anyone have a paper bag I can wear over my head, because I'm ashamed to be seen?

Well, I'm sad too that Rafe is dead. Not because the character or actor were compelling (neither were), but because of what could have been. I was dismayed to find myself agreeing with Kiki on one count - Rafe did have a terribly tragic life and it ended tragically. He lost his entire family (due to Ron's enthusiasm for killing them off), the only parents he ever knew were murdered by his biological father, he spent the first 16 years of his life on the run without friends, the first friend he made (Molly) rejected his love, he caused the death of a baby which he profoundly regretted but the baby's father (not even knowing that Rafe had caused the car crash on someone's orders) left him to die. (Yes, I said it. Patrick let Rafe die. The man is singularly lacking in compassion.)


So while I found Rafe's death tragic, the greater tragedy is that there are a lot of kids out there with horrible lives who can never catch a break, but it seems this story isn't helping raise awareness or sympathy for their plight.




Now if they wanted Sam or Alexis to go topless, it with boast rating and take away the sexual harassment argument but until then It is a serious double standard and I am sorry I just can't help but think that Ron is doing it in a self serving way.​

There was so much shirtlessness in the past and ALWAYS from the men, NEVER the women - we even got glimpses of fully naked men (from behind) on the soaps before the censorship craze - yet none of those writers fell victim to this sort of accusation - because they were straight. Bill Bell, Sr had his poolboy Brad on Y&R and college stripper Dylan on B&B. Just because Ron (and Frank) are gay, they need to deal with this kind of accusation. The FCC never has and never will allow topless women on network TV. Nothing to do with Ron or Frank.

Edited by Aymery
  • Love 7


So while I found Rafe's death tragic, the greater tragedy is that there are a lot of kids out there with horrible lives who can never catch a break, but it seems this story isn't helping raise awareness or sympathy for their plight.


While this is true, I wouldn't be looking to the current mess that is Ron's GH with plot point storylines and triangles galore for any kind of social awareness.

  • Love 5
If [Patrick] stays quiet, he gets "support" from everybody.  If he told Anna what was up, there would be a (slim*) possibility she would go, "WTF are you thinking, dude?  You're not the victim here!"​

I think that while Patrick is not THE victim, he is A victim.  Yeah, Robin is being blackmailed/ forced to reanimate people, and that is really crappy.  (Honestly, I don't even remember all the facts about this - didn't Robin have some choice in the matter?)  Either way, Patrick was left behind with a young daughter, and both Patrick and Emma had to mourn Robin all over again.  That's pretty crappy too.  And I think Anna might try to actually help if she knew what was going on with Robin, other than "she went back to Africa".  Doesn't really matter though, I guess, because Robin's not coming back, and that marriage is over.  

  • Love 2

I think that while Patrick is not THE victim, he is A victim.  Yeah, Robin is being blackmailed/ forced to reanimate people, and that is really crappy.  (Honestly, I don't even remember all the facts about this - didn't Robin have some choice in the matter?)  Either way, Patrick was left behind with a young daughter, and both Patrick and Emma had to mourn Robin all over again.  That's pretty crappy too.  And I think Anna might try to actually help if she knew what was going on with Robin, other than "she went back to Africa".  Doesn't really matter though, I guess, because Robin's not coming back, and that marriage is over.  


Sure. Robin could have said no to Victor, tell him to go to hell, tell Robert and Anna what was up, and Victor, who is NOW head of the WSB, the agency Robert STILL works for, would have Robert killed, Anna, Patrick and Emma killed. So yeah, Robin is so selfish.


And I will repeat, there is no need for Patrick or Emma to mourn Robin. She didn't die. And it's only been 3 fucking months when thoughts and talk of divorce started.

  • Love 8

Sure. Robin could have said no to Victor, tell him to go to hell, tell Robert and Anna what was up, and Victor, who is NOW head of the WSB, the agency Robert STILL works for, would have Robert killed, Anna, Patrick and Emma killed. So yeah, Robin is so selfish.


And I will repeat, there is no need for Patrick or Emma to mourn Robin. She didn't die. And it's only been 3 fucking months when thoughts and talk of divorce started.


Exactly.   Robin's exit was written with an illusion that she had a choice, but she never really had any good options.  From what I recall (around the rage blackouts the whole thing gave me) Victor played little subtle hints to Robin that he could get to her loved ones if he wanted to.  She may have agreed to go, and she had that little moment in the park with Danny where she felt more open to doing what Victor wanted, but, at the heart of matter, her choice was never really whether to go or not, but more how easily she was going to go, and how messy things would get before she agreed. 


And while I hate Robin having to leave her family so soon after return to revive the Borg, I think that her scene in the park with Danny was more about her making what she was going to have to do "OK" in her mind by telling herself she was bringing Danny's father home to him. 

Edited by KerleyQ
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I think that her scene in the park with Danny was more about her making what she was going to have to do "OK" in her mind by telling herself she was bringing Danny's father home to him.


That was definitely for the audience's sake, as well. How can we hate Robin when she's going to give Danny the chance to know his father? Ugh.

  • Love 1


Sure. Robin could have said no to Victor, tell him to go to hell, tell Robert and Anna what was up, and Victor, who is NOW head of the WSB, the agency Robert STILL works for, would have Robert killed, Anna, Patrick and Emma killed. So yeah, Robin is so selfish.



Exactly.   Robin's exit was written with an illusion that she had a choice, but she never really had any good options.  From what I recall (around the rage blackouts the whole thing gave me) Victor played little subtle hints to Robin that he could get to her loved ones if he wanted to.  She may have agreed to go, and she had that little moment in the park with Danny where she felt more open to doing what Victor wanted, but, at the heart of matter, her choice was never really whether to go or not, but more how easily she was going to go, and how messy things would get before she agreed.


This has been my problem with how Robin's departure was written.  She and Patrick always talked about her leaving being her "choice" to save Jason when in fact Victor was not giving Robin a choice.  Robin and Patrick never talked about the danger Emma, Patrick, Mac and her parents would be in if she said no to Victor.  Yes, a big part of the reason Robin left with Victor to save Jason, but the biggest reason she left was to save her families lives.  This story would have been so much more compelling and believable.  Bad Bad Writing.


  • Love 3


There was so much shirtlessness in the past and ALWAYS from the men, NEVER the women - we even got glimpses of fully naked men (from behind) on the soaps before the censorship craze - yet none of those writers fell victim to this sort of accusation - because they were straight.


Yes there has always been shirtlessness, but if you compare the amount of shirtless scenes lately to what there has been in the past?  I am almost sure it would be ridiculously high.  It seems like every show has at LEAST one guy shirtless.  Hell, if the scene calls for it, great.  But poor RP seems like he has been in more shirtless scenes than not, and that is just way way ridiculous.  Hey, I am not a prude, not even a little, but even I have reached a point where it's just stupid.  If you can't rely on the storytelling, I guess having nice shiny abs to look at makes you forget how dumb the writing is.   I don't think the shirtless scenes have anything to do with Ron and Frank being gay....I think it has to do with them being hacks that haven't written a decent story in a long long time.

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Speaking of shirtless.......while I am not a Sam hater, I think as of late, she has been looking a little worse for the wear. In the last episode, she had on the usual white T-shirt with the black bra under it, but it looked wrinkled and dirty, and her hair looked oily, but, she managed to show the boobies. Not that there's anything wrong with that but at least don't look so sloppy in the clothes you've been seen in all week! I've seen her looking really good, but this last week, she just looked yucky only my opinion.

Edited by godfreydaniels

But poor RP seems like he has been in more shirtless scenes than not, and that is just way way ridiculous.  Hey, I am not a prude, not even a little, but even I have reached a point where it's just stupid.  If you can't rely on the storytelling, I guess having nice shiny abs to look at makes you forget how dumb the writing is.   I don't think the shirtless scenes have anything to do with Ron and Frank being gay....I think it has to do with them being hacks that haven't written a decent story in a long long time.


In RP's case, I think it has to do with the fact that he cannot act at all.  If he put his shirt on, there'd be no reason for me to even pretend to watch his scenes.

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In RP's case, I think it has to do with the fact that he cannot act at all.  If he put his shirt on, there'd be no reason for me to even pretend to watch his scenes.


Good point, and I have to say I never thought I'd actually complain about his lack of shirt.  But it's WAY overboard.   I have to say, he is improving, at least IMHO.

In RP's case, I think it has to do with the fact that he cannot act at all.  If he put his shirt on, there'd be no reason for me to even pretend to watch his scenes.

I don't agree with that at all.  RP has gotten better and better, and I have grown to really like the character of Nathan.  I do think that RC is overly obsessed with having his male actors all go shirtless ALL.THE.TIME.  It's annoying.

  • Love 5

Yes, I said it. Patrick let Rafe die. The man is singularly lacking in compassion.


Oh, Patrick has an overflowing well of compassion... for himself and himself only.


This has been my problem with how Robin's departure was written.  She and Patrick always talked about her leaving being her "choice" to save Jason when in fact Victor was not giving Robin a choice.  Robin and Patrick never talked about the danger Emma, Patrick, Mac and her parents would be in if she said no to Victor.  Yes, a big part of the reason Robin left with Victor to save Jason, but the biggest reason she left was to save her families lives.  This story would have been so much more compelling and believable. 


It thought and still think that a better way to write Robin out would have been that she gets word that a bunch of innocent people somewhere have taken ill and they need the cure that she whipped up while she was being held by the Legion of Doom.  Since she is the only one who knows the formula, she has to go and show how to do so to the doctors working with the patients, and oversee the process for synthesizing the cure on a mass scale.  It just seemed to me that would have been a more believable way to go about things - it would have been more clear that Robin was going on a mission of mercy, and that she was the only one who could go.  And would have given Patrick at least a smidgen of a logical reason why he goes into his ridiculous poutrage because Robin doesn't drop everything and come back just because he tells her to.

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Is Morgan physically capable of ending a sentence without a huffy little "'kay?" Is that possible?


I have next to no feeling for Rafe himself and I thought Jimmy Deshler was lousy, but I do think it's awfully sad that this is what has become of what they chose to use of Port Charles. This kid lived on the streets with his formerly-rich mom, their whole family is supposedly dead, she's dead and now he's dead too. I still think - just in terms of the Barringtons, and that wealth of story as well as all the kooky PC stuff you could use someday - it would've been smarter to relocate Rafe's not-so-dead rich relatives and send him off with them to a sanitarium or rehab, or a private facility if he'd just been comatose. Then you could've used the Barringtons again someday or even a better version of the character.

Edited by jsbt

Maxie's stupid dumbass deserves to end up with Levi Jeans. First she decided to abandon her child because Levi Jeans told her to and then she almost gets herself arrested because of that freak. Boring ass block of wood Nathan is way too good for her. I would rather see her move to Portland than watch her act like this.

Edited by LeftPhalange
  • Love 2
There was so much shirtlessness in the past and ALWAYS from the men, NEVER the women - we even got glimpses of fully naked men (from behind) on the soaps before the censorship craze - yet none of those writers fell victim to this sort of accusation - because they were straight.


I'm going to disagree with this point. Back in the 90s (I didn't watch in the 00s), we would see plenty of shirtless men, but we also saw lots of women in lingerie. LOTS of women in lingerie. And summer brought out the bikinis. And the critics would say things like "is daytime too racy," etc. There was exploitation - but it was of both genders for the sake of creating a general atmosphere of sexiness.


But the only time nowadays that we see a woman in her lingerie is Lucy at the nurses' ball. It is all men, all the time, and usually without those icky women acting as a buzzkill.


And, apart from one episode of bare-chested Julian standing around and Alexis covered in a sheet, have we had a single love scene this entire year?* Maybe Ava and Morgan? But, again, I recall him more lounging around on a couch in boxers while she's in the background or otherwise covered up.


*Kiki with her tatas sitting astride Mickey on the ELQ couch doesn't count. It. just. doesn't.

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