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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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The creepy computer recognition morphing faces sequence was quite disturbing I found. Maybe because they are still using that god awful photo of Steve with that ghastly hairdo.


The way Carly kept eyeing Jason was like she was a hungry wolf and he a prized lamb chop. She just cannot wait to have her "Jason" back to run to for every little self made crisis of hers that must be dealt with "right away" or else.


Oh, and she'll have to rush him straightaway to Sonny's bedside so he can lay hands on him and heal his legs. The St. Jasus of healing has returned! Hallelujah!

  • Love 6

I did enjoy drunk Kiki - I know! - lounging in the background, watching the drama unfold with mild interest.  And why does being Dante's cousin entitle Molly to a front row seat?


Yeah, when Molly said her family was imploding, I was like, you're not related to any of them. It's your half sister's half brother....And then I remembered the whole having children by brothers thing. Her half sister is also her cousin, which means she and Dante are cousins. Ew. 


(Although the Michael-Kiki-Morgan-Ava-Sonny incest chain is still way grosser.)

Edited by majormama
  • Love 5

Yeah, when Molly said her family was imploding, I was like, you're not related to any of them. It's your half sister's half brother....And then I remembered the whole having children by brothers thing. Her half sister is also her cousin, which means she and Dante are cousins. Ew. 


(Although the Michael-Kiki-Morgan-Ava-Sonny incest chain is still way grosser.)

Even if Molly and Dante were close or it was one of her sisters it was happening too, the mature thing to do was to leave the party instead of being part of the small audience and check on Dante a little later or even tomorrow. Her presence (much like Maxie,TJ, Nathans and Kiki's presence) made more humiliating for Lante. 

  • Love 1


This episode was pretty bad. LW was pretty great in it though imo.


I really hate to say it, because my NULOCH card has been getting a great workout lately, but she is so much more likeable (if she ever could be) around Jake. I don't know why, and I certainly didn't feel that way about her and Jason. But I liked her at the bachelor party, and I agree that LW was great today. Her total shock and disbelief but sense of hope was well done. Maybe I just liked her being quiet, but she was very un-Carly today and I liked it.


I do feel bad for Valerie that Dillon - who was supposed to be her friend, who she confided in and commiserated with - apparently betrayed her so mercilessly.  I really cannot stand him.


Thank you so much, you've articulated why I felt sorry for Valerie. And Dillon was a total jackass. He completely sold her out to make himself feel better about not getting Lulu.


DZ needs some coffee, stat. And I need a barf bag for Sonny and Olivia's walk down memory lane. The fact that she completely ignores everything that makes him so gross just reminds me how much she can really suck.


So, I thought Kiki was pointless, and she is. But the show managed to top themselves, because Darby is even more pointless. And are these rumors I'm hearing about

Kiki running over Carly in a drunken stupor

actually true? Because I could really get into that story on both sides.


Not that I care that much, but is that it for Spinelli?

  • Love 5

Sorry, I was sort of fast forwarding through Sonny and Olivia, but did Olivia apologize to the man that shot her son for keeping Dante away from him? Did I skip over the part where Sonny apologized to Olivia for doing that, or does Sonny probably still feel it was mostly Olivia fault for what he did?

Edited by Ambrosefolly
  • Love 4

Ugh, that was the lamest reveal ever.  Interns don't know how to unplug TVs, take out flash drives, what have you?  Dillon certainly has a sense of entitlement.  So what if he exposed Dante's secret in about as humiliating a way as possible, and threw his good friend, Valerie, under the bus to do it?  He has scruples!  He won't pretend it was the intern's fault and fire him!  Besides, he's obviously the better man for Lulu!  What a maroon.


It's like the show wants to have it both ways on this.  Dillon either schemed to break up Lante by "accidentally" airing the footage, which means he is pretty unscrupulous, or he has scruples, which means there is no way he'd let the footage see the light of day.  He can't be both at the same time.

  • Love 4

Sorry, I was sort of fast forwarding through Sonny and Olivia, but did Olivia apologize to the man that shot her son for keeping Dante away from? Did I skip over the part where Sonny apologized to Olivia for doing that, or does Sonny probably feel it was mostly Olivia fault for what he did?


Mostly? He already told her that he never would've shot Dante if he'd known it was his son. It was obviously all her fault

  • Love 9

I suppose if she could find Danny, she could compare his DNA.  Maybe she has a shrine to Jason in her bedroom, and she saved his old toothbrush?



Danny might not have the same DNA because of the bone marrow transplant from Silas.  But the hospital should have AJ's and/or notdead Jake's or even as a last resort Michael's.

Edited by Lillybee
  • Love 2

I have little patience for Maxie on the best of days, and I have the feeling the best of days are not coming up.  Considering her history, she has no right to judge either Dante or Valerie, even if it was her business. which it's not.  And if she's gonna give Nathan trouble for keeping his best friend's secret, if I were Nathan, I'd be asking her what she'd have done if it'd been Lulu confiding in her about sleeping with someone else.


Ugh, that was the lamest reveal ever.  Interns don't know how to unplug TVs, take out flash drives, what have you?  Dillon certainly has a sense of entitlement.  So what if he exposed Dante's secret in about as humiliating a way as possible, and threw his good friend, Valerie, under the bus to do it?  He has scruples!  He won't pretend it was the intern's fault and fire him!  Besides, he's obviously the better man for Lulu!  What a maroon.

Dillion, even played by the entertaining Scott Clifton, always seemed to have a sense of entitlement, or did when JFP/Guza found out that SC's Dillion was a fan favorite. The way he treated Georgie sometimes (thought how immature Georgie would sometimes act) was kind of despicable . Of course he had the excuse of being a teenager. Even at SC's Dillon's worst, he would more likely NEXT a girl than deliberately destroy a romantic rival. Nor would he betray someone that confided in him and humiliate another he professed to be in love with intentionally. He had enough respect for boundaries that he would move on and tried his best to steer clear of falling into his mother's worst personality traits. Again, as I pulled out of Liz Webber thread, the show again is not respecting Dillon's own story or where he would likely be as a character. Instead they are making, what, the third guy that once had feelings/relationship with Lulu being suddenly obsessed with Lulu. I don't hate Lulu, but Lulu's personality isn't that great where this would happen. I could sort of see it with Johnny, as Lulu represents him truly exerting an identity outside of a mob's scion, or Milo who she connected with when she had amnesia. She represents none of those things to Dillon. Their entire sexually relationship was based on her manipulations. Despite his pleadings, she aborted his baby. When he wanted something more after he and Georgie ended, she rejected him. While he shouldn't bear any her ill will, their entire relationship was a impulsive and ill thought out fling, nothing more. Unless he has been living as a monk for the last 8 years....no, not even then. Any freedom Dillon had, any life beyond being a Quartermaine, happened with deceased Georgie, so it would be less crazy if Dillon held vigil over Georgie's grave every night or built a shrine to her than this Lulu thing. What's next, Spinelli remembers his obsession for the original Blonde One? Logan starts haunting her again? 


Dillon not being able to throw another person under the bus for his own personal desires might be the most in character thing he has done since he returned. Sorry of being a little mean about Valerie, but she did sleep with another woman's husband, and started coping a bitchy attitude to just about everyone soon after including said wife, warranted or not, so hey, guess she doesn't need a DNA test to prove that she is a Spencer. Dillon was absolutely obligated to keep the secret and deserves the tongue lashing it looks like he will get, but she did do something terrible and it wasn't a lie. Remember Dillon didn't confess it, Valerie guessed it because Dillon has a pretty bad poker face. He was still willing to let the intern take the fall but he hasn't quite yet reached the Nik's level of being a douche now where he would almost kill a woman and not feel remorse, just the Nik's level of being a douche circa 2009/2010, where he would bang his brother's fiancee, but didn't want him to relapse into drug addiction. If he fired him for "screwing up", he would put a huge black mark on the interns record all because Dillon wants someone's wife, and he would become an even more despicable version of Tracy. The guy was a complete innocent who only seemed to have a friendly business relationship with Dillon. He didn't cheat on anyone, keep wicked secrets or was even incompetent at his job.


I know I use this a lot, but I sort of feel that the current writers are throwing Dillon, under the bus to make Valerie more sympathetic, like they are throwing Liz under the bus for ...reason. Don't get me wrong, Lulu has been a jerk to her, but it didn't warrant her sleeping with Dante. If Dillon hadn't purposefully  revealed the information in pretty much the worse way, the ire would only be directed at Valerie and Dante, but Dillon is now the biggest jackass.

Edited by Ambrosefolly
  • Love 1

LLC needs to go on recurring, if only because I bet you these random Sonny bonding scenes are to fill some contract minimum.



And who can escape from singing Sonny's praises or forgiving him for the most unforgivable of acts whenever they're around him?


He'd never shoot his son the unarmed cop, just a regular unarmed cop. He has honour dammit.

  • Love 6

Sorry, I was sort of fast forwarding through Sonny and Olivia, but did Olivia apologize to the man that shot her son for keeping Dante away from him? Did I skip over the part where Sonny apologized to Olivia for doing that, or does Sonny probably still feel it was mostly Olivia fault for what he did?

This is rhetorical, right?

Dillon outing the secret like that was a dick move.

  • Love 5

I have little patience for Maxie on the best of days, and I have the feeling the best of days are not coming up.  Considering her history, she has no right to judge either Dante or Valerie, even if it was her business. which it's not.  And if she's gonna give Nathan trouble for keeping his best friend's secret, if I were Nathan, I'd be asking her what she'd have done if it'd been Lulu confiding in her about sleeping with someone else.


To say the least! Oh, this goofy fucking bitch. All I'd have to say to her is: "Surrogacy! Georgie! Sit the fuck down!" The wrong kid died!


Frylock Quartermaine can leave, too. I'm tired of his high hair.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 3

"Maybe"? Carly has always been borderline "It puts the lotion on its' skin" when it comes to her Jason fixation.


"Borderline"? Carly don't need no stinkin' borders.


More seriously, while I've never liked Carly and see no reason to start now, I am kind of perversely looking forward to her finding out that Liz has known that Jake was Jason for ages, if she hasn't already. Someone told me that she found out at least the important part, so now I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop, preferably on Liz's head. Carly will come at you like a velociraptor, no question, but you learn to anticipate that, and if you squint hard enough its kind of funny. If she could for once put her Jason obsession to good use, I could enjoy that.

  • Love 6

Looks like (from a few seconds in the previews) Maxie's character continues to decline as she rakes the Tree over the coals for keeping the Lantes' impending implosion a secret. I'm guessing that she will never consider that Nathan might have been acting as a gentleman by keeping his friend's secret sins private.

It was ugly to see Maxie relishing her best friend Lulu's public humiliation. Of course Maxie wasn't the only gawking observer; yet her Schadenfreude seemed particularly unseemly. Now she's apparently going ballistic on Nathan, using the situation as a excuse to rail like a fishwife. I wish he would use her blowup to end their relationship. A bonus would show Maxie's gradual inner growth and painful realization about her behavior and its part in their breakup.

  • Love 5

Because I'm obviously masochistic, I caught up on NINE, yes NINE episodes of this show yesterday. Yes, you read that right, in ONE DAY. Absolutely nothing happened though until Friday. Oh, Olivia's secret came out. But other than that, it was pretty much almost two weeks of pure filler. About the only thing I can say is that Avery is the most adorable thing ever and that Sam and Ava have been looking terrific. 


At least we're finally getting to the reveals.

I did that over two days recently, and...I mostly liked it? It's felt like I could tell stories were moving forward, chess pieces being moved, and that's more than I've been able to say in the past year and change. I also reaffirmed my NULOCH membership and found myself enjoying the scenes with Dante confiding his affair to Sonny the most--not because of Sonny, whose ring I refuse to kiss, but because of the thoughts shown toward history in the writing. Dante talking about gaining Lulu's trust, convincing her to give love a chance--it got my longsuffering soap viewer heart.



I still can't believe the writers have Liz giggling and chatting it up with Sam and Patrick while Jason's by her side. Such a weird choice. The writers have to choose. Liz is either guilty or she doesn't give a crap. Which is it.

Pretty sure she chose not giving a crap months ago! "It's time for me, Nikolas! For me, now!"

  • Love 3

LMAO! I always thought Dante's reasoning there was so stupid. Because  some  clothes were tossed around  the  room  that  automatically meant affair.  It wasn't even lingerie or anything just...clothes.


So . . . if she had folded her clothes in the hotel room, that would have made all the difference?


I think they were registered together in the same room too...wasn't something said about a room shortage or saving money when they first arrived? Some excuse was given for why they were staying in one room?  And why didn't Lulu leave a phone message for Dante or someone else about what she was doing, especially going out of the country to Canada with another man, leaving her child behind? She also had quite a prior history with Dillon, including an abortion.  Valerie had a right to point out that the ONS didn't happen in a vacuum. It was not an excuse for the ONS, but if Dante was stupid, Lulu shared his lack of brains.


  • Love 1
LLC needs to go on recurring, if only because I bet you these random Sonny bonding scenes are to fill some contract minimum.


I almost took out a stop watch to measure the time allotted to these scenes of MB trying not to stare at LLC's cleavage vs. the time allotted to Dante/Lulu in the reveal.  Then some part of my brain stopped me from having to watch one more nanosecond of Sonny than necessary.

  • Love 1

Sorry, I was sort of fast forwarding through Sonny and Olivia, but did Olivia apologize to the man that shot her son for keeping Dante away from him? Did I skip over the part where Sonny apologized to Olivia for doing that, or does Sonny probably still feel it was mostly Olivia fault for what he did?


Yes she did. And no he didn't. I mean, why would Sonny apologize for nearly killing his own son? He didn't know Dante was his kid, all he knew was that Dominic was an undercover cop, and as such, had to be killed. ::eyeroll::

  • Love 2


ETA:  Also?  What the heck is Carly going to compare Jake's DNA to, now that she has it?



I hate how this show makes out like there is a public record of everyone's DNA.


ETA;  I didn't mind DZ understated acting.  I thinking Dante was trying desperately to keep a lid on it in public and feels such shame he does not want to have to deal with it in public.  I'll judge if he is 'sleeping" when I see his scenes in private with Lulu, which should show more passion and emotion.  I don't know how he was supposed to respond on the Haunted Star in public that would not have looked like over acting which I pin on Lulu, Valerie, and Dillon.


Sonny and Olivia scences ....barf

JT leaving....there are a couple good Canadian shows  wouldn't mind seeing him on, not sure what his resume would look like though, the past few years on GH he has basically done nothing, sadly.


Edited by Blackie
  • Love 1

She just found out her husband cheated on her. She should get a day to rant without being introspective.


And buy new sheets. 


I do feel bad for Valerie that Dillon - who was supposed to be her friend, who she confided in and commiserated with - apparently betrayed her so mercilessly.  I really cannot stand him.


That was a dick move. I hope there are some consequences beyond his disaster of a movie. 

  • Love 1

I don't get the Liz stuff either from yesterday....there are times when she looks OOT guilty and uncomfortable, and times when it looks like she doesn't care. She should have been a tiny bit uncomfortable that Sam and Jake sang together and keep showing up together everywhere. But yesterday....nada.

But I really loved the way LW played Carly yesterday. On re watch, I noticed a few glances at SamTrick back to Lake and you could practically see the "oh shit....what a clusterfuck" run through her head. It was really well done. As for the DNA I am sure she'll just do whatever Nik did and get Jason's DNA that's already in the system for some reason. Who knows, I am willing to push that aside since THE END IS NEAR! I can see the light finally! This storyline needs to END....SamTrick needs to end, and Liz needs a good therapist.

  • Love 8

I almost took out a stop watch to measure the time allotted to these scenes of MB trying not to stare at LLC's cleavage vs. the time allotted to Dante/Lulu in the reveal.


HA! I noticed LLC flashing herself at MB--leaning over his sickbed--and wondered if her character is supposed to be attracted to Sonny still, even after years and a grown son they have together. l wish Carly had been there to see it!


Speaking of Carly, I can't with her bug-eyes as she watched the bodymorph of Jake and Jason on Spinelli's computer. She was like a rat that had smelled a big piece of cheese. After going to all the trouble to get a DNA test from Jakeson, won't she be annoyed to find out that so many other PC folk have known for ages who he really is--while Carly remained ignorant.


  • Love 1
I feel like I can't even call this current character Dillon.  He is so not Dillon.




He should have been a member of Nina's family because of how awful and pointlessly pointless he is. But I couldn't agree more, I see nothing about him that says "Q" or "offspring of Tracy".


They could have just cast him as the jilted boyfriend of Valarie the way things are playing out imo. Then he could be the one to take her away and we'd be down two more useless bodies that this show doesn't need and never should have existed to begin with frankly, as far as I'm concerned. 

  • Love 2
Apparently he is incapable of shutting her down with a simple "I won't betray a friend's confidence just to make you feel better" as any adult would or should.


He tried. He didn't put it in those exact words, but he did tell Maxie he was trying to keep a confidence. Maxie, being the annoying gnat she can be, can't accept that adults are allowed privacy, even when they're in a relationship. "Secrets ruined us before!" is her battle cry. Yes, but they were your secrets, not someone else's, as in this case.


I wasn't a fan of Lulu going to a "I took you into my home!" place given how reluctantly she did so and how quickly she then foisted Valerie onto Nikolas.


I know! Lulu let Valerie stay with her and Dante only when it was clear no one else was going to immediately step up. And she resented Valerie being there the whole time.


I do feel bad for Valerie that Dillon - who was supposed to be her friend, who she confided in and commiserated with - apparently betrayed her so mercilessly. I really cannot stand him.


I hope Valerie gets to really lay into Private Mayo. What a total asshole he is.


And why does being Dante's cousin entitle Molly to a front row seat?


That cracked me up. "My family is imploding up there!" Uh, no, it's not, Molly. Your cousin's family is. Go away.


. She should have been a tiny bit uncomfortable that Sam and Jake sang together


She was—she immediately shut down the idea that Sam and Jake should sing at the reception. I know the suggestion was mostly a joke, but she took it seriously. 


I don't think it would work if BH played Liz as constantly guilty. We know Liz feels that way, but she has to present a front to everyone that everything's okay. When she's feeling secure that she's "passing," she acts that way. The OTT guilt is mostly to remind us that she knows Jakeson is Jason and what she's doing is wrong, and I think that's mostly that particular soap trope.


But I really loved the way LW played Carly yesterday. On re watch, I noticed a few glances at SamTrick back to Lake and you could practically see the "oh shit....what a clusterfuck" run through her head. It was really well done.


Which just shows that the actors can give us some nuance when the writing allows them to. It doesn't matter what her feelings are for Liz/Patrick/Sam/Jakeson. It affects everyone and everything thing. Carly should have some hesitancy. That's why I really liked that she didn't instantly show people the computer.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 4

I wonder if the results to Carly's DNA test will come just in time for the Nov 6 wedding, and Carly ( who loves being the center of attention) will stand up to do the reveal at the point in the ceremony when the clergyperson asks "Is there anyone who knows any reason why these two may not be joined in Holy Matrimony?" If Carly snatches away Liez's prize, will Liez become completely unhinged and do something unheard of? (For example, pull a gun on the whole church congregation)? Ha ha. I would love to see Liez shoot Carly so that she and Sonny could have matching hospital beds.

  • Love 3
I don't get the Liz stuff either from yesterday....there are times when she looks OOT guilty and uncomfortable, and times when it looks like she doesn't care. She should have been a tiny bit uncomfortable that Sam and Jake sang together and keep showing up together everywhere. But yesterday....nada.


One of the weirdest things about this story, is how little Liz has cared about Jake and Sam hanging out. I would have thought they would have played her being jealous or upset about it, but they really haven't. 


Also, the scenes with the four of them, played more like Kemo, JT, Billy and Becky having a conversation and not their characters. I don't buy that those 4 would ever be chummy like that.

Edited by MissE
  • Love 2

One of the weirdest things about this show, is how little Liz has cared about Jake and Sam hanging out. I would have thought they would have played her being jealous or upset about it, but they really haven't.

Also, the scenes with the four of them, played more like Kemo, JT, Billy and Becky having a conversation and not their characters. I don't buy that those 4 would ever be chummy like that.

I agree. And that line Patrick had about wanting the "dynamic duo" to sing together again? What!?

Yeah, he gave her a job before I left town and my 9-ep catch up so it's been a couple of weeks at least.



I hope Valerie gets to really lay into Private Mayo. What a total asshole he is.


I didn't catch who came up with this gem of a nickname, but I love it. 


DZ is live tweeting today, and I'm so tempted to ask him if he's tired.

  • Love 2

Yeah, he gave her a job before I left town and my 9-ep catch up so it's been a couple of weeks at least.



I didn't catch who came up with this gem of a nickname, but I love it. 


DZ is live tweeting today, and I'm so tempted to ask him if he's tired.


you could phrase it this way: "between three kids and the storyline coming to a head, are you getting much sleep?"

I know this will surprise you GH, but I am not rooting for Sam. Or Jason. Or Carly. Or Sonny.


I am rooting for Nikolas. And Hayden. And Ava. And Paul.


I'm even rooting for Liz, because that glorious smug face and bitchy huffed attitude BETTER come and play when her role is revealed at some point. I *need* that Liz smug glory to SHINE in the face of Carly and Sam's "I would NEVER do this to another living creature!" outrage. I need a hair toss, a cold ass "you're just JEALOUS because he picked me and not YOU!" throwdown.



  • Love 13

I know this will surprise you GH, but I am not rooting for Sam. Or Jason. Or Carly. Or Sonny.

I am rooting for Nikolas. And Hayden. And Ava. And Paul.

I'm even rooting for Liz, because that glorious smug face and bitchy huffed attitude BETTER come and play when her role is revealed at some point. I *need* that Liz smug glory to SHINE in the face of Carly and Sam's "I would NEVER do this to another living creature!" outrage. I need a hair toss, a cold ass "you're just JEALOUS because he picked me and not YOU!" throwdown.


And when or if Liz does get into Sam's face smirking that's when I need Sam to beat that ass down!!!

I don't care about what Liz is doing because it's a stupid story but get in Sam's face smirking is something that crazed idiot bet not do.

I'm even rooting for Liz, because that glorious smug face and bitchy huffed attitude BETTER come and play when her role is revealed at some point. I *need* that Liz smug glory to SHINE in the face of Carly and Sam's "I would NEVER do this to another living creature!" outrage. I need a hair toss, a cold ass "you're just JEALOUS because he picked me and not YOU!" 


I would pay money to see this. I would pay to hear her make the "jealous" accusation to Carly and I would pay to hear her remind both Sam and Carly of their multiple indiscretions. I know there will be fallout, but it would be fallout that could propel stories into the future. Would nuJason want to be with Sam once he learned the truth? Would Carly be treated differently if everyone in town learned/was reminded at a wedding about her part in AJs meathooking? Maybe Sam could get PO'ed enough to turn on Carly, too, about her jealousness of Jason's women. I don't really like catfights, but one with massive truthtelling that could propel GH into the future would be acceptable to me. 

  • Love 4

Whether or not Luz gets bitchy would depend on whether or not Jason was around - if he is, she'll cry and make excuses

I mean, she might brag about the amnesiac being drawn to someone he vaguely remembered and how she decided to knowingly and creepily sleep with a guy who told her no the last time he knew who he was - but that would be just as pathetic as everything else she's done recently and I kinda hope she's already hit the grossness basement


I wonder whether BM can do the JasusMorgan Head-shake of righteous disapproval & disappointment

Edited by Oracle42
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