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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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LOVE Jordan's dress. A bit inappropriate for a police commissioner, but it's fantastic on her. I HATE Valerie's hospital-gown top


I turned on my TV and thought..why is Jordan visiting Valerie in the hospital wearing a party dress?


I hate how jordan and Dante were discussing his indiscrection in the middle of the squad room but none of the other cops could hear them but Val could hear them from half the room away.

A story about a woman who had been in a coma and found new love and had only had sex with one man could be compelling if it were different characters.  I don't mind RH especially lately; but Franco - just NO!  And I wouldn't mind the actress who plays Nina if she just toned it down a bit..



Edited by Blackie
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Wow. Did the actress who plays Nina (name escapes me) get a boob job on her time off a little while ago? I don't recall her being busty and today she's falling out of her top.

I thought the same thing.  Plus, I am actually nauseated by MS acting choices.  If this is how she sees Nina, then why would Franco be in love with that? I know, serial killer, etc., but I think we are supposed to see him like we see Sonny and Jason and all other mass murderers on this show--as hot sexy romantic leads!


In any case, the storyline is ridiculous but MS is unbearable to watch.  I am actually liking Kiki in these scenes because Nina is such an unlikable twit.  And Franco is a prince.

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Do you ever think the actors who auditioned around when Nathan and Dillon and Shawn were cast ever watch the show and go "really? That guy? He's the one they cast? HIM?!"


I think Sean Blakemore isn't a bad actor; he got stuck with a dud character. JasonLite wasn't going to work with anyone. 

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 8

Do you ever think the actors who auditioned around when Nathan and Dillon and Shawn were cast ever watch the show and go "really? That guy? He's the one they cast? HIM?!"


Because I certainly would.


no, because they know why. ;)


I had to check my post to see if I did that lol. I actually usually do. I think maybe because I know someone with that last name so I just naturally spell it that way.


No, you don't, cause if you did I would have noticed and been annoyed at you. ;) I don't get misspelling it that way. Dylan, I get. But not Dillion. It's not pronounced Dill-yon or Dill-ee-on. Where is the extra "i" coming from?

  • Love 4

Although I loathe and despise Nina, I had to appreciate her attitude that Kiki needs to get over it. I wonder if she'll remember the last time she was arrested that Ava bailed her ass out. She'd probably still be rotting in there.


These secrets are just so freaking unnecessary. The Jason reveal has gone on for beyond too long, and I loathe anyone uttering the words "Dante", "Valerie", "pregnant", "pining" and "mistake". Just shut the everloving fuck up and come out with it already. And then you have Nik/Hayden secrets too. Good lord, I'm so damn tired of them. Once everything is revealed, no more secrets allowed for at least a year.


I could barely see the Jasam scenes, so I couldn't really comment on them. Sam made a comical face in regards to her ankle, but that's all I got. Damn waste of time.


If someone could drop a bomb on Silas' apartment with Franco, Nina, and Kiki in there, and then someone level the Corinthii house with all of them in there, this show would improve immensely.


Jordan looked awesome, even if her scenes were stupid.



Favorite part of the show was Kiki throwing a drink at Ava.


That was the lamest drink throw I think I've ever seen in all my years of watching soaps. She barely hit her. She's like UGA's quarterback, unfortunately. Can't throw when it really counts.

Edited by tvgoddess
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avorite part of the show was Kiki throwing a drink at Ava.

That was the lamest drink throw I think I've ever seen in all my years of watching soaps

What's worse is that Ava reacted as though she'd had battery acid thrown at her.  



Plus, I am actually nauseated by MS acting choices.

I don't understand her acting choices.  She'll start off the scene normal, speaking properly behaving like a normal person would in that situation.  Then mid scene it's like she suddenly gets ants in her pants and she has to move around or change her tone in an exaggerated way and she takes me right out of the scene.  Nobody behaves like that in the middle of a conversation.  

  • Love 4

Kik, Franco and Nina need to fall into a vat of oil.


JaSam is back to their normal high jinks.  How soon before Sam falls out of the sky in her panties or hooker outfit right into Jake's arms? ...RME   The scenes at Nik's home were lame, lame, lame!


Ava looks great now that she has lost that nasty wig.


Morgan, you big doofus.  I really want Avery to turn out to be Morgan's kid so that he can sprint and not walk back to Ava's bed with his boom box and boxers.

  • Love 2

What's worse is that Ava reacted as though she'd had battery acid thrown at her.

I don't understand her acting choices. She'll start off the scene normal, speaking properly behaving like a normal person would in that situation. Then mid scene it's like she suddenly gets ants in her pants and she has to move around or change her tone in an exaggerated way and she takes me right out of the scene. Nobody behaves like that in the middle of a conversation.

I think all of her acting choices stem from "Look at me!"

  • Love 8

With all the people up in her face over the pregnancy test that wasn't hers, I'm hoping Valerie decides that Dante isn't worth the hassle. 


Who was in her face besides Dante about it? Not that I don't disagree, but no one asked her about it except him. (Jordan wouldn't've bothered if Valerie had just said something like, "my stomach hurts from bad sushi I ate; give me a minute.)


They should have had Olivia be the one to discover the test. Now THAT would have really put Valerie off Dante, heh.

  • Love 2

But at least when Sam fell into Jason's arms back in 2008/9 in that dumb outfit, they had a moment of sexual awareness or spark.  So there was a purpose to those scenes. There was nothing in their scenes yesterday other than proving Sam is an idiot for wearing those shoes on a mission and she apparently has magical bones that heal in about 15 minutes since she walked out of Wyndemere with no limp. And also she is the most incompetent PI ever. Just wacky high jinks for the sake of it. 


But it's pretty clear the story has shifted.  Jake/Liz have had like one day of scenes in the past two weeks  and Jake/Sam are spending time together, having "cute adventures."  Thank god.  Get this story gone!!!!

  • Love 2
What's worse is that Ava reacted as though she'd had battery acid thrown at her.


She should have sucked the drink out of her hair. That would have shown Lauren.


Previews...ugh, poor Lucas.  I have a feeling his conversation with Carly tomorrow is going to be enraging. dubbel zout, I may need to use a cold compress for myself.


*Tosses over an economy-size package* I just went to Costco; I have plenty now.


Who was in her face besides Dante about it?


Dillion (hee) got blustery about it.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 3

Nikolas now officially grosses me out every time he is on screen.  He's trying so aggressively to be sexy that it actually goes full circle to being completely un-sexy.  It's embarrassing!  And the way he pouted like a child when RB said she didn't want to have sex!  So gross!


I really can not stand Kiki so by default I had to side with both Ava and Nina in their confrontations.  I still have not forgotten her glee at drugging Michael.  I think the hair people may hate her as well because she is badly in need of a haircut and needs to have her roots done like yesterday.  Don't take it out on the actress just because Keeks sucks ;)


Lulu was SOOO over the top with her protestations to Dillon.  Actress needs to dial it back a notch or 500.  Although I don't like that pretty much everyone but her knows about Dante and Val.  It's just humiliating and that's not cool.

  • Love 6

Olivia mentioning Ned made me happy for about half a second, but then it made me annoyed.  Them still being together when he's completely off-screen (and allegedly signing off on Olivia's extremely half-baked "I totally adopted this baby!" plan) makes no sense.  They should have broken up before Olivia returned to Port Charles.  Is this baby supposed to be an adopted Quartermaine now or just a Falconeri or what?


Sonny whining about beeeetrraaaaayal to the son whose biological father he murdered and the son whose girlfriend he slept with is beyond tone-deaf.  And Sonny is apparently trying to snake a spot in this rehab center from people who've been waiting for months?  Is this supposed to make him sympathetic?!?!


What a waste of Lucas.  Does he even know that one of Carly's precious sons came this close to murdering his bio dad?  And there's fuckin' Felix, dragged out to rehash scripts from the last time Sabrina was pregnant.


Could not care less about Saint SERIAL KILLER and Saint Wacky Loon rescuing stupid Kiki from herself.  Let her rot in the pokey, I say.

  • Love 7

I think all of her acting choices stem from "Look at me!"



In fairness, I think most actors are like this-they want the attention on them more than anyone else in the scene. It's why, when an actor is truly giving to other actors, their co-stars rave about them-because they know it's rare. I'm just not impressed with Maura. I think she plays the exact same emotional beats over and over in the exact same way every.stinking.time.

I don't find her interesting to watch, and it doesn't help that I can't find one single rootable thing about Ava.

  • Love 5

It's taken quite a while, but I am now officially sick of the Sonny hypocrisy. 

I really don't understand how the writers can have Sonny complaining about Ava when they do the same damn things.

And I don't understand how they can have Olivia throw shade at Julian and remain a Sonny apologist.

I know this has all been discussed before, but I had been secretly hoping the new regime would be dialing the Sonny love back a little. 


The only thing good about today was getting to see Lucas for a few minutes. 

  • Love 7

Nathan was the MVP of today's episode. I turned it off about half-way through so if that changed, let me know. I just wish there was a bit more inflection to some of his lines. But "your boyfriend is an overgrown child" and "so you moved in with a deadbeat artist and his pseudo-daughter" were good lines. And oh ho, Franco joking about going back to murdering is always a funny well to go back to.


Olivia: It would make perfect sense that I would adopt a child.

Dante: to who???




I don't like Lucas' haircut. I didn't pay attention to Carly's scenes but if I did I'm guessing the rest of her lines would make me want to say shut up as much as the one line I heard did.


Felix and Olivia should be friends, cause they're both incapable of minding their own business.

Could not care less about Saint SERIAL KILLER and Saint Wacky Loon rescuing stupid Kiki from herself.  Let her rot in the pokey, I say.


I was disturbed at relating to Nina so much.

  • Love 9

If they're going to have scenes with Sabrina showing hesitation about telling Michael about the pregnancy, they really need to be careful to shoot her scenes from the shoulders up.  It was ridiculous with her looking 13 months pregnant talking about how she hadn't told Michael yet. I choose to play it in my head that Michael has his head so far up Sonny's ass that he doesn't even realize his girlfriend looks like she could give birth at any moment.  Ugh, I wish they would have left Olivia offscreen.  I have no interest in the character or this storyline.  Why is Kiki something that is still on my screen? Same question for Franco.  Today I pretty much just liked Nathan's lines, a long overdue Lucas sighting, and Alexis's jacket.  That is seriously all I could find to like.    

  • Love 6

Kiki has the right idea hitting the vodka. I really don't understand anymore why I don't do the same while watching this show.

It's bad when woodenNathan has the lines of the episode.


I'm annoyed that they have Kiki swilling down vodka. Kiki's been a drunk for a month, she shouldn't be used to that much vodka and should be acting like grandma Roxy/Delia. Instead she's pretty much steady on her feet.


I caught the previews. I would love it if, after Lulu said, "if you take the plunge with Michael you should know what you're getting into", the rest of the line is, "Sonny is the world's crappiest dad-in-law, and Carly is going to be up your ass 24-7, just fyi", instead of blah blah blah dangerrrrr.

  • Love 6


It's taken quite a while, but I am now officially sick of the Sonny hypocrisy.

I commend you for giving him the benefit of the doubt for this long!  I am not so forgiving and have been sick to death of him for ages.  He (and all of his apologists) are so judgmental of everyone around them, when they have all done exactly the same things and even worse.  It's just absurd at this point.

  • Love 6
I choose to play it in my head that Michael has his head so far up Sonny's ass that he doesn't even realize his girlfriend looks like she could give birth at any moment.


I choose to believe that Michael is too dumb to recognize a pregnant woman. I know he saw Carly pregnant with Joss, but I don't care. 


What did Olivia name nuLeo?


Matteo. I was hoping she'd stick with the TMNT thing and go with Donny, for Donatello.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 6

I really hope with this new regime, anytime an actress gets pregnant (usually as a result of being married IRL) they will no longer feel a need to write in every single pregnancy. Whatever I feel for Sabrina, I thought it was pretty shitty of RC/FV to have Teresa Castillo play out a story where her baby dies, especially in the storyline as stupid as that one that wasn't one bit educational or socially relevant. 

  • Love 5

I'm annoyed that they have Kiki swilling down vodka.


Speaking of, I really hope all her drinking is just sorrows drowning and not a buildup to an alcoholism story.  I would rip out all my hair if I had to watch the people of Port Charles marvel at what a brave little toaster she is, courageously battling a disease, given the way AJ was treated.

  • Love 5

Sonny whining about beeeetrraaaaayal to the son whose biological father he murdered and the son whose girlfriend he slept with is beyond tone-deaf.  And Sonny is apparently trying to snake a spot in this rehab center from people who've been waiting for months?  Is this supposed to make him sympathetic?!?!

I just love how Sonny and Carly would bitch about the privilege that the Q's would use to get them stuff or get themselves out of trouble, but don't see any problem by turning around and using it to their own advantage. At least with the Q's their money isn't soaked in blood. And fuck Carly for saying being fucking paralyzed is somehow worse for Sonny than other mere mortals because Sonny is a self made man. Yeah, because I am sure that mother that threw herself in front of a moving car to save her children or that other mother that was paralyzed from the neck down from a car accident right before she gave birth, or heck even Matt Harmon (played by a real life paraplegic) on the sister show Port Charles who was paralyzed in a botched hit by his own mob family, were a bunch of weak willed whiners because they a just tried to make the best of situations and accept what they couldn't control. I doubt any of them or Christopher Reeves thought how much worse off they were compared to others in the same situation. It just shows the degree of solipsism that is Carly and Sonny.


Michael and Morgan Without Pity really needed to make a comeback when Sonny went off on them. "Listen man-that-fucked-my-brother's-girlfriend-on-top-of-the -crypt -of- my- bio- dad- that -you- killed- in -cold -blood, your lucky I am even talking to you instead of building a civil lawsuit to take the rest of your stuff. You don't set the rules, I do, asshole. So treat me nicer, or I will let my bio grandmother Monica, the woman I betrayed, alone in a room with you while you are asleep or drugged."

  • Love 14

Is it just my TV or is the show really dark lately? I know the Jasam scenes were supposed to be dark but everything else also seemed that way. Is the budget so small that they can't afford lights?


That's a shame, because I thought Valentini had really improved the lighting following years of Jill's 'film the scene with two candles' style.  

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Aw, Sonny's sons have disrespected and betraaaaayed him. I had to laugh at Sonny feeling a bit of everything Michael probably felt when Michael learned Sonny shot AJ dead and lied about it, and then whining. TFSonnyCorinthos. (But I secretly kind of love peevish Sonny.)


It would've been great if the scenes of 50 year old Alexis and Julian talking about adopting a baby had been replaced with scenes of them spending time with their kids and grandson.


I cut them slack for not spending more time with their adult kids, who have their own lives. As for Danny, they're probably scared he'll kill them where they stand.


LOL that Olivia thinks Alexis holding Not!Matteo will somehow mean she'll figure out he's really Leo.


I can't believe they had Sonny say that Felix "had a lot of things to clean." He's a nurse, not housekeeper, asshole. Hopefully the nurses that schooled the idiots on The View send angry letters to GH.


TeCa is so pregnant. Sabrina said she was waiting to tell Michael because of what happened with Gabriel, but come one. How can no one else notice? And news flash, Sabrina: Bad things happen to people all. the. time.

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