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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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It could be claimed that when he preformed the brain surgery on Jake Patrick actually did pick up on all of Jason's past surgical brain work


That makes sense or they could just use a flashback to Liz and Nicolas talking loudly in the hospital hall. They really dragged this Jason reveal way too long but at least the actors appeared to get along with each other.  At least the reveal appears to be happenning sooner rather than later.


It's so fitting that Ron's entrance was the episode after the explosion 'killing' Robin in the laboratory and Ron's last episode had Robin's husband engaged to the widow of the number two thug in Port Charles.

Edited by sunnyface

Sam, Patrick, and Jason have continuously been able to float around in this Bubble of Innocence while everyone else is trashed. That's pretty much what it comes down to.


Your post is exactly why I give no fucks that Liz is lying or Nik is now ordering hits on folks.  Hayden has also received the whitewash approach with her now vestal virgin amnesia role.

  • Love 4

It would have made way more sense for Patrick to find out and hide the truth, because he hated Jason. Instead Ron had to stir up the show's most irritating fan war.


I disagree.  It would have made more sense for Liz/Jake/Jason and Sam/Patrick to have NOT known the truth as each couple fell in love and built a family with their children, and then the truth came out via Robin, Helena or Nik.  Nik hated Jason, so I have no problem with him not bothering to tell the man his real identity.   Jake/Jason could have had flashes every now but still not put it all together until the reveal and then he gets all of his memories back.  The dynamic between Liz, Jason, Sam, Patrick and Robin with Cam, Jake, Emma, Aiden, and Danny could have driven story for years and years!


Robin wants to reunite with her husband and daughter.  Sam and Danny are torn between being with Patrick  and Emma, and wanting to reunite with Jason.  Jake/Jason is in love with Liz and wants to remain with her and the boys, but wants to try with Sam and Danny.  Liz wants Jason to be happy (which is in character and NOT the crap written by RC) and let's him go back to Sam and Danny.   Cam, Jake, Aiden, Danny and Emma are all confused as to what this means for their new families.  Lots of drama and soapy angst for all involved.

Edited by Darklazr
  • Love 4

It's so fitting that Ron's entrance was the episode after the explosion 'killing' Robin in the laboratory and Ron's last episode had Robin's husband engaged to the widow of the number two thug in Port Charles.

It's crazy to think that he made her a captive the ENTIRE time he was HW. And there's no end in sight with the new writers either. I've never seen anything like it on any show. The only positive is Robin is finally free of Podtrick. Now that's a silver lining.

Sorry (not sorry), but I still feel nothing but pity for post 2012 Patrick (and that doesn't make me bad Robin fan) and I still want that disgusting bitch Ava to lose lose lose no matter who she is up against because her sociopathic ass deserves it

No matter what, Sonny is an actual GH character and disgusting Ava is a retcon spread between two shows (as is her horribly stripper brother), so I will gag and root for him against her and then turn against him as soon as she is gone.

  • Love 1



ulKis was not kidding about Patrick's hair. Or that sweep of whatever that lay across the right side of his head that was supposed to be his hair. This show really hates Jason Thompson. There is no REASON for that atrocity that blinded my eyes.


And though I understand the reason for why Patrick said that Sam was the most beautiful woman he has ever laid his eyes on..that it wasn't meant as a dig toward Robin (like, what? She was plain? ugly, but he married her anyway or only because...never mind. If I continue in this vein, I'll lose my mind), to me it did. Even though I'd read all the comments and found myself agreeing with those that stated it wasn't. It was the way he said it, and the emphasis, that hit my hot button, which I thought had been numbed. So STFU, you podperson who has been passing himself off as Patrick. Forever, my ass.  And yes, yes, I know it's a soap trope, that characters say this to other loves all the time when they get married, but for however Luke and Laura ended, Laura never told Stephan he was the true love of her life when they had that brief liaison...I'm not talking about the flashbacks when she was Stavros's wife...or Luke telling Holly, or even Tracy...oh wait. He did. Tell Tracy. Shit, that just shows I shouldn't have used those two as an example.  Let's just say it's specific to this soap, then.  Because even when Bo thought Hope was dead, he still remembered her as someone he loved, and didn't treat Billy...shit, that analogy doesn't work either, dammit!


ARGH!! Okay, let me put it this way; after what I SAW on my screen of Patrick and Robin's romance, break up, getting back together, marriage, with even the Pyscho Lisa, to act like Sam is the first beautiful female his cheating eyes have ever laid on, just peeved me. And no, Sam didn't help him through a "rough time" which was supposed to be a euphemism for him acting all whiny and retconning why Robin wasn't there. I don't even understand what the FUCK he was talking about or meant. Except that he convinced himself it was okay to fuck Sam now that he had "proof" that Robin "chose" her career over her family since she wasn't millions miles away, but my GOD! gasp! only an hour away, so of COURSE she could have come home and not left to begin with; conveniently forgetting Victor's threats, and his own threat to Victor if anything happened to Robin.


But yay! Laura!


That's all I got, because I fast forwarded everything else.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
  • Love 4

Sorry (not sorry), but I still feel nothing but pity for post 2012 Patrick (and that doesn't make me bad Robin fan) and I still want that disgusting bitch Ava to lose lose lose no matter who she is up against because her sociopathic ass deserves it

No matter what, Sonny is an actual GH character and disgusting Ava is a retcon spread between two shows (as is her horribly stripper brother), so I will gag and root for him against her and then turn against him as soon as she is gone.

Sonny and Ava both suck and neither one of them should have kids, let a lone a baby. The biggest loser is Avery. Oddly, the only person that was half decent at raising Avery was Kiki. However it is hilarious when Sonny's family talk about what a murderous bitch she is considering Sonny too murdered someone, or every thing they use to describe Ava describes Sonny. I actually think them holding Kiki against Ava weakens their argument because, lets face it, Sonny's kids aren't actually prizes themselves (or if they are, he eventually ruins them), and it doesn't seem that Kiki was ever placed in any physical danger because of Ava, unlike all of Sonny's children.

Edited by Ambrosefolly
  • Love 7

I did think Sam looked pretty in that dress, but that dress and that sign and this whole thing? It's not Sam.

The dress was hideous and I thought KeMo looked awkward in it at best.

I thought she burrowed from Robin's leftovers. Why not? She's screwing her ex, mothering her daughter and living in her home. It was the only conclusion I could come up with as to why she was dressed in a grandma curtain.

I know Robin fans are angry at the Samtrick nonsense but this Sam fan isn't having a ball either. If they wanted a Robin stand in, they should have recast the character. Because Sam is not Robin and I don't want her to be her or be like her. Screw the dresses, family van and surberb living.

Edited by Deputy Deputy CoS
  • Love 6



ulKis was not kidding about Patrick's hair. Or that sweep of whatever that lay across the right side of his head that was supposed to be his hair. This show really hates Jason Thompson. There is no REASON for that atrocity that blinded my eyes.


Okay, let me put it this way; after what I SAW on my screen of Patrick and Robin's romance, break up, getting back together, marriage, with even the Pyscho Lisa, to act like Sam is the first beautiful female his cheating eyes have ever laid on


Patrick says whatever the female he is currently trying to get between the legs of wants to hear in order to attain his objective.  He may even convince himself that what he's saying is true.  I'm pretty sure that by now in Patrick's mind Robin is just the frumpy bitch who kept dragging him down with all her nagging and prioritizing stupid stuff like saving lives over servicing the wonderfulness of him.


Sonny and Ava both suck and neither one of them should have kids, let a lone a baby. The biggest loser is Avery. Oddly, the only person that was half decent at raising Avery was Kiki. However it is hilarious when Sonny's family talk about what a murderous bitch she is considering Sonny too murdered someone, or every thing they use to describe Ava describes Sonny. I actually think them holding Kiki against Ava weakens their argument because, lets face it, Sonny's kids aren't actually prizes themselves (or if they are, he eventually ruins them), and it doesn't seem that Kiki was ever placed in any physical danger because of Ava, unlike all of Sonny's children.


I want Avery to stay with Ava for no other reason than the poor kid has gone through five guardians/parents already and she's not even a year old yet!  I'm so fucking sick of the "Battle for Baby Avery" story I could just scream, LET IT FUCKING DROP ALREADY!!!

Edited by yowsah1
  • Love 7

God. What a piece of shit. What in God's name was on Patrick's head? Greasy slop.


Thank God Laura was at the door. She looked fabulous! I love Genie, in case you couldn't tell :)


So, I suffered through Nina, Frank Oh! and Keeks. Boring. The best part was Keeks drinking afterwards. 


Patrick and Sam. JT looked dead.


Nathan and Maxie. Valerie and Dillon. Christ. What bores.


I want to see the vets, in decent storylines. I don't give a rat's ass about the Corinthii. I ff all of their scenes. Someone shoot Morgan with a tranquilizer gun. Please? And send Greenlee home. She has no story and no history. I am not interested in these people. I want to see the characters I grew up with - the Spencers, the Quartermaines, Gail and Lee (I forgot their last names :(.


It pains me to see this waste of talent and history.

  • Love 3

I'm pretty sure that by now in Patrick's mind Robin is just the frumpy bitch who kept dragging him down with all her nagging and prioritizing stupid stuff like saving lives over servicing the wonderfulness of him.

Patrick will always be the victim. Always. And the story is twisted to fit that narrative. Robin chose to attend medical conferences, yo. That's why she left. That's the only reason. Jason/Victor/Helena/Faison who?

I've decided that my favorite part of Friday's episode was when Pod said Sam "saved him." When, you know, Robin has needed literal saving for over a year now. Like, that's some unintentional hilarity right there. You gotta wonder if that's deliberate.

  • Love 7

None of the Jakeson story should've happened like this. There shouldn't even be a Jiz or Sam and her pocket pup. This story isn't even about Jason the person, just his penis. No way the Samantha that came strapped to her cousin's engagement party would make some stupid cardboard sign to accept a proposal. Patrick sounds exactly like he did with Sabrina, what the fuck, show?

  • Love 7

It's Sunday morning so it must be time to think deep thoughts about the televised cesspool that is GH. I want to like GH. Truly, I do. I love the genre. Now that Days is dead to me GH is my go-to-soap. GH was dead to me for years under the Guza reign of terror but the return of AJ and the intro of actors I've liked on other soaps made me tune in once more. The show wasn't perfect but there were real high notes and enough interesting stories to keep me tuning in. There was also WTFuckery of epic proportions - I'm looking at you, Fluke and Carly/Franco. Still, I'll rooting for this show.


Maybe that's why the epic stupidity of Patrick/Sam/Jakeson/Liz irks me so. I have zero investment in any of these character's current or potential permutations. (Yes, I liked Liz with Ric first go, with Lucky the first time around and I thought Sam and GV's Lucky were unbelievably gorgeous together.) So what I say does not come from a shippers heart: who the fuck thinks this is entertaining? Am I supposed to feel angst that Patrick and Sam's pure-pure love is about to be thwarted? Am I supposed to be horrified that Liz is keeping Sam from her twu-wuv? Am I supposed to believe that Jakeson is a sentient being?


I like all four actors. Jason is the only character I hate and he's not really Jason so that's not the issue. But three of the four are phoning this shit in on a very patchy connection and I can't really give BH props for putting her all into Overly Attached Girlfriend. Sam "marrying" Jason with Jakeson as a stand-in was skin-crawlingly creepy. I like BM but unless the director is telling him to play Jakeson like he's still semi-comatose I'm not sure what he's trying to do with is performance. KeMo and JT play every scene together as if they're 30 minutes in to a 10mg dose of Ambien. Liz is now doing the kind of skulking I haven't seen since Sam was standing by letting children be kidnapped because ... that's the only way the writers can think of to inject drama into this snoozer of a story. Who thinks it is a good idea to have Sam written as an earth mother, complete with flowing dresses and craft projects? This is a feisty woman who lived by her wits and hung with the mob for years. Patrick should be written as determined to keep Sam away from the mob but instead he's all but helping her color her hand-made get well cards for Sonny.


And then there is the endless, endless discussion of Jason. If Sam were the first woman in Port Charles, no - history, to ever lose her husband to a tragic death then maybe, maybe, her bringing up the dead one would make a little sense. A piece of lint can bring on a memory of Jason and the required trinket fondling. Yet no one suggests that maybe Sam isn't ready to move on. No one suggests that having a "ceremony" with a dead one stand-in is not a sign of healthy acceptance. Nope. We have Anna being all giddy about the prospect of having Sam as a "daughter." 


I'm done with Alexis but shouldn't she be offering her daughter some advice here? I realize that would require her to get out bed and ease up on the scorn-dripping looks she dispenses to everyone but mobsters. Still, she could squeeze that in to her days. Couldn't Sabrina do something useful like drop by and remind Patrick what a bitch it is when a presumed-dead spouse shows up? Couldn't Jakeson just shoot them all and then himself?

  • Love 4

Does anyone else remember two years ago this time when Jason was dead and the show was awesome?


My favorite moment of 2012 was when  Faison shot Jason and kicked his body into the harbor.  My favorite moment of 2013 was when  Faison told Robin he had killed Jason.  My favorite moment of 2014 was when Faison told Sam he had killed so many he didn't even remember killing Jason.  


This show was so much better when that stupid dellusional motherfucker was dead.  I guess since everything is ultimately  a wimmins fault, this all Ava's fault for not hitting Jason harder and killing him once and for all.  And then that dumbass Jordan had to call an ambulance.  Those bitchslutwhoretramps shod have left St. Jasus of Doucherith die.


ETA: if Sam wearing that dress isnt official confirmation that either Helena is pumping hallucenogenic gas into the Drake house or Patrick is really Franco in a mask and he's been drugging everyone in their sleep, then I don't know what is.  

Edited by Tiger
  • Love 14

The dress was hideous and I thought KeMo looked awkward in it at best.

I thought she burrowed from Robin's leftovers. Why not? She's screwing her ex, mothering her daughter and living in her home. It was the only conclusion I could come up with as to why she was dressed in a grandma curtain.

I know Robin fans are angry at the Samtrick none sense but this Sam fan isn't having a ball either. If they wanted a Robin stand in, they should have recast the character. Because Sam is not Robin and I don't want her to be her or be like her. Screw the dresses, family van and surberb living.

I like both Robin and Sam, and if they are trying to make her more like Robin they are doing a terrible job. I admit Robin had a terrible wardrobe and lived in the suburbs, but she wasn't the arts and craft, candy ring, yes, husband, yes wife type. Sam's like the new Sabrina who was the new Robin whose only resemblance to Robin was as a "good girl" type.
  • Love 2

She just has a Boy Child, with whom Patrick can play the Race Cars and Trucks.

I forgot how ridiculous that was, as well. He might as well have said, "Emma likes tea parties and she's a girl, ew!! And she reminds me of her ugly mother!"

How does this show miss where the actual story should go? Only on GH do you have Patrick who wanted Jason dead become Danny's daddy and it's all sunshine and rainbows.

but she wasn't the arts and craft, candy ring, yes, husband, yes wife type. Sam's like the new Sabrina who was the new Robin whose only resemblance to Robin was as a "good girl" type.


They have Sam out here making signs and wearing a dress that she got at the boutique downtown. This is horrific.

When she did that fucking curtsey, I was done. Edited by HeatLifer
  • Love 3

Someone get Sam a black leather jacket, stat. She needs her lady balls back. They've been in Patrick's guitar case for too long.

Remember when BM Jason slammed Patrick on the table in the PCPD interrogation room that one time Patrick tried to step to him? That is the Jason I need from Mr. Miller.Remember the Jason that chatted with Monica on the Q couch? I want him. And the one who makes Michael look like a bright kid, Sam look sparkly, Carly look foolish, and Sonny hates. I want that guy.

  • Love 5
This show was so much better when that stupid dellusional motherfucker was dead.


Which is why I said before that the only good Jason is a dead Jason. And the idea that such a detestable creature was thought to be worth trying to revive - by ANYONE, not just singling out Robin's too kind nature here - stymies me. In the mob, live by the gun, die by the gun. Nice knowing ya!


And considering the damage done so New Holy Hitman can remain oh so pure makes me long for him to be kicked back under the sea. Besides, Sebastian the crab misses him.

  • Love 8



Yep, this woman, this woman right here next to the sign she made herself, this woman is really bummed out that the hitman of her dreams is dead. This woman has zero problem with her man killing for a living. This woman is totally down with the mob. Emmy voters, take note, the GH wardrobe department is bringing their A game.

  • Love 2

I like it when Sam wears colors so I didn't mind the dress *shrugs*.


I did find some of Patrick's comments about Emma/Danny sexist.

I like it when Sam wears colors too (I still covet that green leather jacket); but that dress is fug, imo. And not at all "Sam".

I did like that Sam got to briefly mention that girls can be, & are, interested in racing/trucks/etc too. But the comment was immediately swallowed up by more "We at the greatest and Patrick is super excited for new boy child!" dreck.

  • Love 5

That photo...am I supposed to really believe Sam has the same handwriting as Anne of Green Gables?


The only and I do mean ONLY thing that I actually would look forward to with a Sam and Patrick upcoming wedding from Hades would be, fingers crossed, a father and daughter scene with Sam and Julian where he goes into the dressing room when she is in her wedding dress as he prepares to walk her down the aisle.


Because that is something Sam has never had, a father there to stand up for her and issues the proper threats to the man about to take her hand that should he ever hurt her he'll ensure he regrets it for the rest of his life, if he gets to live that long.


I think Kelly and William both would be brilliant in such a scene. But aside from that, nothing is appealing about watching Sam twist herself into a wannabe Ms. Homemaker as she and Patrick pretend to be "in love".


God I hate this show.

  • Love 5

That photo...am I supposed to really believe Sam has the same handwriting as Anne of Green Gables?


Speaking of Anne, I feel this encapsulates the spirit of the Patrick/Sam relationship and proposal much better (also featuring a character called Sam):


After a long silence Sam suddenly spoke.


"I'm leaving over there," he said abruptly, waving his straw in the direction of the neighboring house.


"Oh, are you?" said Anne politely.




"And where are you going now?"


"Wall, I've been thinking some of gitting a place of my own. There's one that'd suit me over at Millersville. But ef I rents it I'll want a woman."


"I suppose so," said Anne vaguely.




There was another long silence. Finally Sam removed his straw again and said,


"Will yeh hev me?"


"Wh—a—t!" gasped Anne.


"Will yeh hev me?"


"Do you mean—MARRY you?" queried poor Anne feebly.




"Why, I'm hardly acquainted with you," cried Anne indignantly.


"But yeh'd git acquainted with me after we was married," said Sam.


Anne gathered up her poor dignity.


"Certainly I won't marry you," she said haughtily.


"Wall, yeh might do worse," expostulated Sam. "I'm a good worker and I've got some money in the bank."


"Don't speak of this to me again. Whatever put such an idea into your head?" said Anne, her sense of humor getting the better of her wrath. It was such an absurd situation.


"Yeh're a likely-looking girl and hev a right-smart way o' stepping," said Sam. "I don't want no lazy woman. Think it over. I won't change my mind yit awhile. Wall, I must be gitting. Gotter milk the cows."

Does anyone have a screen cap of Patrick's hair on Friday?



Speaking of Anne, I feel this encapsulates the spirit of the Patrick/Sam relationship and proposal much better (also featuring a character called Sam):


After a long silence Sam suddenly spoke.


"I'm leaving over there," he said abruptly, waving his straw in the direction of the neighboring house.


"Oh, are you?" said Anne politely.




"And where are you going now?"


"Wall, I've been thinking some of gitting a place of my own. There's one that'd suit me over at Millersville. But ef I rents it I'll want a woman."


"I suppose so," said Anne vaguely.




There was another long silence. Finally Sam removed his straw again and said,


"Will yeh hev me?"


"Wh—a—t!" gasped Anne.


"Will yeh hev me?"


"Do you mean—MARRY you?" queried poor Anne feebly.




"Why, I'm hardly acquainted with you," cried Anne indignantly.


"But yeh'd git acquainted with me after we was married," said Sam.


Anne gathered up her poor dignity.


"Certainly I won't marry you," she said haughtily.


"Wall, yeh might do worse," expostulated Sam. "I'm a good worker and I've got some money in the bank."


"Don't speak of this to me again. Whatever put such an idea into your head?" said Anne, her sense of humor getting the better of her wrath. It was such an absurd situation.


"Yeh're a likely-looking girl and hev a right-smart way o' stepping," said Sam. "I don't want no lazy woman. Think it over. I won't change my mind yit awhile. Wall, I must be gitting. Gotter milk the cows."






Wow...that was perfect. And I bet that "Sam" has far better hair than Patrick too. And speaking of that hair, holy dear mother of comb overs that picture really captured Patrick's need for a barber and or an exorcism because that supposed hairstyle is nothing but of the devil.


But really that does such a great job capturing the true backwards, old fashioned and, imho, purely sexist views that fuels Sam and Patrick's "relationship".


It's as if they both are acting like the other is the best they can do in such short notice to find someone to share their bed with and hey, who ever heard of people being single, working parents who actually grieve in a healthy way their departed spouses with some semblance of dignity and grace while focusing their full attention on raising their kids to not be complete psychos.

  • Love 5

I like to imagine that Emma actually resents this whole situation, but is behaving herself so that she can get out with Cam and escape their crazy homes. The show in my head has her and Cam going hang out in a tree house, where they skype/face time/call Robin and Lucky to get advice on what to do. Patrick is one of those fathers who probably asks Emma for advice on everything, so she probably told Patrick that hairdo looked good because it's funny to see him wearing. That's probably how Sam ended up wearing the dress too. We don't have Ron's Twitter to explain things anymore, so I'm just using my imagination.

  • Love 6

OMG. OMG. That's...tragic. Patrick Drake of 2005/2006 with the semi mullet even looked better.


*recoils in horror* Well, I was going to try and watch the show again once the new writers' stuff airs, but I may need to wait for you all to tell me when Patrick's hair is safe instead. This is delayed Toxic Balls syndrome, isn't it?

  • Love 2

To be fair, it was wet, but still.

Oh my Lord. Was it supposed to be wet for storyline purposes? I know, I could just turn the show on, on Hulu. But then, you know, I'd have to watch the show!


If it wasn't for storyline purposes, did Jason Thompson show up late, and the hair stylists just wet his hair down, and order, "Go!"


Personally, I'd like to think that Jason Thompson is trying to go meta and communicate with the fans. His hair says, "Yes, Patrick is a drip."

Does anyone else remember two years ago this time when Jason was dead and the show was awesome?


My favorite moment of 2012 was when  Faison shot Jason and kicked his body into the harbor.  My favorite moment of 2013 was when  Faison told Robin he had killed Jason.  My favorite moment of 2014 was when Faison told Sam he had killed so many he didn't even remember killing Jason.  


This show was so much better when that stupid dellusional motherfucker was dead.  


Dead Jason was my favourite Jason.  



ETA: Isn't today the big day the new writers start? I'm tentatively hopeful.....

Edited by Mrs OldManBalls
  • Love 6

Oh my Lord. Was it supposed to be wet for storyline purposes? I know, I could just turn the show on, on Hulu. But then, you know, I'd have to watch the show!


It was for storyline purposes. Patrick came home and was going to take a shower and Sam told him she'd have something waiting for him when he got out of the shower. Since we now know she went out and bought a dress, made a poster, and poured cheese puffs into a bowl while he was showering, apparently the production team thought we'd find that easier to believe if his hair was still wet. Either that, or it was the world's longest shower and shampoo, and his hair just gave up after the 15th lather-rinse-repeat. (There's an obvious joke here about the audience and certain characters and story lines, but I'll take the higher road and just let everyone create their own punchline.)

  • Love 1


Dead Jason was my favourite Jason.  



ETA: Isn't today the big day the new writers start? I'm tentatively hopeful.....


I think it might be Wednesday.


ETA: This was a time when wet-haired Patrick (and Dante, and Johnny, and I guess even Ethan here) was a nice thing:



Edited by ulkikis
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