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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Have not been watching the show for about the past three weeks... since Lucky left town.. not that there was any connection to my end, but I just wasn't interested enough to continue going to ABC.com to seek it out.


Anyway, grateful for this board as I can tell that I haven't really been missing anything. 


Although I was on a business trip in Mpls on Thursday and happened to be in my hotel room unpacking when I caught Avnise looking murderously at Silas as he left saying that he didn't love her anymore and that he was going to go tell Kiki about an affair that started about ten minutes after she and Morgan got back together (I mean, it's clear the show wants us to feel that Morgan and Kiki have been together forevuh, but it's not really been long at all.. it would have been MUCH better had Kiki kept lacing the conversations with things like "this time it's going to work, you'll see" and 'I only have eyes for you" and that kind of thing.. that would have made sense and driven up the stakes). I was like "oh, they're killing off Silas".


I like how now Laura knows... I tell ya all, everyone in Port Charles will know it's Jason before he and Sam know. I hope Patrick is next because it would be the only thing he's done for months.


Part of me wants to make the commitment to watch this during Ron's last days to see just how much he'll screw everyone over on his way out the door (ABC execs haven't been keeping an eye on this show for the past year, why would they start now?)..... but I don't know if I have the patience and may just catch up here once in awhile and start watching again when the new team takes over to see how much and how fast they'll do a renovation.

  • Love 2

Hayden absolutely remembers everything and is faking it. She's going to play everyone while she properly assesses her options, and then make her move. At least that's how RB seemed to be playing it today when she told Patrick that she'll be just fine. Or whatever she said to him.

Yeah, she said, "Things just turn out OK for me in the end." I think it's obvious she's cray. And Sam thinks she's lying and Sam is never really wrong under Ron. I think under the new writers, though, Hayden will be made into a victim. We will see.


Yeah, she said, "Things just turn out OK for me in the end." I think it's obvious she's cray. And Sam thinks she's lying and Sam is never really wrong under Ron. I think under the new writers, though, Hayden will be made into a victim. We will see.


I would actually think she is smart if she figured out Nikolas was behind her shooting and was able to come with this scheme minutes after waking up from her coma. We will see though. I have low expectations.


Is Kiki going to connect the serial killer being in the hallway when she finally finds dead Silas.

  • Love 2

Oh that zany NINA!  Isn't it just such a charming affectation that she says everything twice?  How utterly charming that the actress brought that "quirk" of hers to GH from Y&R.


"I didn't do it!  I didn't do it!  There's blood!  There's blood!  How long have you been there?  How long have you been there?  I I I I HE HE HE  HE HE ".


Since Stafford is such a pro at saying all her lines twice, how about she go find Valentini and say "I QUIT I QUIT",  and really put that talent to use.

Howarth should just slink out the back door in shame.


Oh - and Liz?  Just shut the fuck up and die.  Her babbling her sorry ass excuses to Laura again just sounded ridiculous.  Almost as ridiculous as Nikolas trying to appear to be a menacing adult.  Laura could make him cry in a heartbeat if she were so inclined.  


Ava Julian, Sonny, Morgan, Ric, all of them, stupid and as pointless as usual.

  • Love 18

So now that Silas is dead, does that mean Michael Easton is gone for good? Please dn't tell me that another character who looks like Caleb will be coming on.


I think his long lost sister Calliope Clay is coming to town.  She's supposed to be a ukele-playing sword swallower in the Circus who had Sonny's baby years and years ago, before he became a mob kingpin, when he was still playing the organ grinder's monkey.  It's supposed to be a very touching, emotional tour de force, showing Sonny emotional carny side.  But Easton can't play the part yet.

He has to wait until Ava is done using the Wig.  


Show's budget only allows for one.  


But it should be worth waiting for.  Calliope Clay, coming to Port Charles with a vengence - and a ukele.

  • Love 20

Oh that zany NINA!  Isn't it such a charming affectation that she says everything twice?  How utterly charming that the actress brought that "quirk" of hers to GH from Y&R.


"I didn't do it!  I didn't do it!  There's blood!  There's blood!  How long have you been there?  How long have you been there?  I I I I HE HE HE  HE HE ".


Since Stafford is such a pro at slaying all her lines twice, how about she go find Valentini and say "I QUIT I QUIT",  and really put that talent to use.

Howarth should just slink out the back door in shame.

Roger and Michelle are both so bad that I keep expecting someone from the Screen Actor's Guild to walk into the middle of a scene and demand their SAG cards.  


According to Wikipedia, Michelle has been acting since 1994?  How?!?  Was Charity Rahmer not available?  


ETA: Wait, so Michael Easton wasn't playing Silas as 'dead' this entire time?  

Edited by Tiger
  • Love 9

Laura just needs to come back to take down Nik and Liz. They both suck and someone needs to give them a smack down.  Their scenes with her makes me want to see her take them down then anyone else who worshipped at Jason's alter.


Then she can run for the hills from this embarrassment of a show.  I mean a whodunit story with SILAS?  Who gives a shit about him enough to do a murder mystery around him? 

  • Love 3

Laura just needs to come back to take down Nik and Liz. They both suck and someone needs to give them a smack down.  Their scenes with her makes me want to see her take them down then anyone else who worshipped at Jason's alter.


Then she can run for the hills from this embarrassment of a show.  I mean a whodunit story with SILAS?  Who gives a shit about him enough to do a murder mystery around him? 


The only way this can be worth something is if Nina, Morgan, and Morgan all go to prison for taking a turn at stabbing Silas. Morgan can come back in 6 months recast, or as Bryan Craig, forced to act and not bring so much of his own fratboyness to the role.

To be fair, didn't Sonny and Brenda once screw each other next to one? But eeewww all the way around. I don't consider rotting flesh to be much of an aphrodisiac, myself!


Yeah, but they were trapped and thought they were goners.

  • Love 1

So now that Silas is dead, does that mean Michael Easton is gone for good? Please dn't tell me that another character who looks like Caleb will be coming on.


Sonny: You...I thought you were dead!


Retconia (a.k.a. Michael Easton in Denise's wig): It is me, Retconia McBa...Clay.  Retconia Clay!

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 9

It annoys me that Laura is going along with the secret, though I think it's kind of clever how they're writing her off for a while. It's almost as if they knew she'd be leaving!


I hope when she returns she blows it all out of the water. The Jakeson secret has gone on too long, too many people know it, and the anticipation is only weakening.

  • Love 7

If Silas was stabbed in the back, why was there no blood? Is GH that broke? What are they doing with the money they aren't paying TG anymore?

Signed RB as Greenlee and there are rumors of them hiring

Cady McClain as Jenny Eckhart

Yes, TeCa is pregnant and she's fAR ebough along to be showing. There's an instagram post of her in the Press thread.

  • Love 1

If Silas was stabbed in the back, why was there no blood? Is GH that broke? What are they doing with the money they aren't paying TG anymore? 

It's been on record for awhile now that Genie insists that her salary matches TG's. So for a couple months, the show carried both and she'll get the money they used to use for Tony for as long as she's on the show.


Plus there's another round of budget cuts either just put in place or coming up, so not having TG's salary will help with not having (too many?) other things cut. That assumes that Genie doesn't stay and absorb it.  


ABC may have kicked in a bit for TG's salary too.  Or maybe not.

Edited by Francie
  • Love 1

Well, now that TG is no longer around Genie will be content to make as much as Mo. Or maybe not.


If Silas was stabbed in the back, why was there no blood? Is GH that broke? What are they doing with the money they aren't paying TG anymore? 


There was a bit of blood on his back. GH *is* that broke though anyway.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 2

Even a raging summer cold complete with fever does nothing to improve the dreck on my screen.


So much waste, so much history flushed down the toilet for no good reason and the saddest part of all, I see no rescue ship* on the horizon (well, except for the Barge but I'm referring to TFGH itself). Usually, it's a character or two in need of redemption but this whole show needs redemption and I don't see it happening**.

Unless, as others have mentioned, they do some kind of gigantic reset and make the past few years a really bad dream/hallucination. I can't think of anything other than our brief introduction to MWOP (conveniently interchangeable when it comes to Michael and Morgan) that made me look forward to watching, unfortunately we'll probably never see either one of those truth-tellers again which is sad, because I could watch an hour everyday of MWOP blazing a trail of truth throughout PC.


I don't know any of these characters nor do I want to, I don't see any motivation for anything that happens onscreen and pretty much everything happens off-screen anyway so what's the point of watching?


I remember the days when General Hospital was Appointment TV for me. Everyone knew that when 3:00pm EST rolled around, I was not to be disturbed, the phone went to voicemail if it rang and the dinner prep was done in front of the television in the kitchen because regardless of whether I liked certain characters or not, there was storyline, there was Love In The Afternoon, there were families who fought and loved and had each other's back, there was no stupid mob and oh yeah, there was a Hospital where most of the drama revolved around. We, or at least I, cared about what happened on my screen.




There are eleventy million characters and still, there is no one to root for, nothing to look forward to except the cancelation of my once-favorite show and honestly, the whole mess makes me sad.




*And damn, we're gonna need a way bigger boat!

**Unless the wonderfully talented amazing minds right here on this board become the new writers, not gonna lie, there is some serious talent around these parts :)

  • Love 5

They should just play it all out like those casual games you find online. It would make just as much sense for people to stumble upon the scene and then have to go on a scavenger hunt in that room for various useless items (a teapot! a fork! a yo-yo! an oscillating fan!) in order to come up with one or two useful items (a hand print! a torn up letter!) before moving onto the next scene and having to do it all again perhaps with some token dialog first.


Who Killed Silas? (A Casual Murder Mystery Game)

  • Love 7

Julian has way more chemistry with Ava than he has with Alexis. Kind of sucks they're related.


The way Sam and Jakeson were badgering Patrick to see Hayden and then questioning Hayden was annoying. Not that I don't think Hayden wasn't faking, that's the way it came off at least. I'm somewhat disappointed that she didn't wake up like my favorite coma patient ever, Slayer Faith: "You tried to gut me, Blondie, what did you think I'd wake up and we'd go for tea?"


Shut the hell up, Scummy, trying to lecture Morgan The Wonder Schlong. 

  • Love 2

They should just play it all out like those casual games you find online. It would make just as much sense for people to stumble upon the scene and then have to go on a scavenger hunt in that room for various useless items (a teapot! a fork! a yo-yo! an oscillating fan!) in order to come up with one or two useful items (a hand print! a torn up letter!) before moving onto the next scene and having to do it all again perhaps with some token dialog first.


Who Killed Silas? (A Casual Murder Mystery Game)

I would support this idea if we start with all the suspects, which not having watched the show lately, I'm going to pretend that they are everyone featured in that promo, and in each room we not only find one clue leading to Silas's murderer, but also to a crime that one of those people committed.


In the library:  "Ok, I found a knife used to kill Silas, wiped free of prints, but here's the gun that Julian used to shot his henchman and surveillance footage from a dock camera.  Okay, Julian stays behind, as we have a pair of handcuffs for you.  Everyone else, proceed to the billiards room."


In the billiards room:  "So, here we have a bloody footprint, and a tape recording of Carly and Sean planning Franco's murder.  Carly, would you mind holding up a moment.  Everyone else can proceed to the dining room."


And so on. Are Kiki and Morgan the only two who haven't committed murder or attempted murder out of that crowd?  Then they can be the last two standing, whereby they face off with each other:


Morgan:  Well, I know I didn't do it.  And, the game rules say that the murderer has to be in this room.

Kiki: ....

Morgan:  I just don't get it.  I didn't do it.  And you and I are the only ones in this room. 

Kiki: ....

Morgan:  This doesn't make sense!!! There's you and me. And I didn't do it.

Kiki: ....

Kiki: ....


Kiki: ....

Kiki: ... Fine, I did it! I killed Silas!!

Morgan:  Woah, I totally wouldn't have ever figured that out!

Edited by Francie
  • Love 8

The good: I like Val's 1950s inspired look.  Lulu hit just the right amount of smug/snark for once.



The bad: Oh My God. That has to be the worst acting I have ever seen.  Kiki did it. Kiki's actress can't act. The gay love story seems to be missing love and a story. Magic cop transporter? Where are the patrol cops--no budget for two extras? (ETA:five minutes later the two patrol extras showed up)

Edited by Happyshooter
  • Love 5

I'm sorry I had to turn it off halfway into it. Who in their right mind thought EH could pull this off? My god that was possibly the worst acting I have seen in a long time. I am embarrassed for the poor girl.

Please tell me it gets better.


See, now I'm almost looking forward to it, like a trainwreck. I want to see how truly bad it is. I hope it lives up (or down?) to its billing.

Holy fuck, that was painful. Who thought it was a good idea to give HE that material? All of the screeching and "crying" and not a single tear was shed. We're supposed to be broken up about a young girl losing her father, instead I just cackled because her "acting" was hilarious. She needs to be fired. Sorrynotsorry.

  • Love 6

Dear Show,


You can either show the Brad/Lucas story more than once every three to six weeks.  Or you can spin your wheels to drag it out.  You absolutely cannot do both.


Signed without love,




PS - Shut up, Felix, gawd!  Make like your love life and stay off-screen!

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 8


So Snarly and Sonny couldn't be bothered to tell their son that they were getting married. Poor Morgan, he really is the son that they don't give a damm about.

In S&C's defence (did I just write that??!), it just happened "last night", and Morgan said there were a bunch of calls from them that he hadn't checked yet, because he was too busy playing hide the salami with his girlfriend's auntmother and possibly killing his girlfriend's father.  Boy that Morgan, he's quite the catch.


So, my thought, Morgan knew Silas was dead before he head it on the news.  So either he did it or found the dead body before nIna did.  Ava on the other hand, looked shaken up, either from grief or from shock, I'm not sure.

  • Love 2

I'm sure we'll see a flashback in a month or so that shows Silas telling someone (whom no one yet suspects) that he's going to confess to Scotty. That person will be the murderer. It won't be Morgan, Ava, or Nina. 


(My personal fantasy would be that Franco is convicted of it and is taken offscreen forever. Don't care if he's guilty or not. Then Nina can get out of Shadybrook and follow him to Pentonville where she can find a rattrap studio apartment, marry him while he's serving a life sentence in prison and have conjugal visits with him, all offscreen. And Magda can follow her there, still trying to get her daughter's money. And we'll never see any of them again.) (My other personal fantasy is owning a stable full of derby-winning flying unicorns.)

  • Love 5

Franco and Nina making out over SIlas's corpse was pretty revolting.

I always thought it was Brian Frons who loved Michael Easton and saw him as a big star on ABC Daytime.  I am sure that Valentini liked him well enough, as he probably did most of the actors he worked with at  OLTL and GH.  RC, like all writers, is going to have his favorites, and will have characters he doesn't like so much.  But it seemed to be Frons who was Easton's primary patron, to the point where John McBain was seen as one of the three characters, along with Todd and Starr Manning, who was worthy of being sent to GH after OLTL was cancelled.

I didn't like John McBain very much on OLTL.  But I actually found him more tolerable on GH.  Silas was unbearable to me from the beginning.

I first disliked an ME character back in 1991 when he was Tanner Scofield on DAYS.  I hated the way he disrespected Jack.  But the attitudes towards Ashford and Easton sum up everything that is wrong with daytime.  MA was a superstar who won over a huge following, with very little effort in his favor by the writers.  But TPTB would never accept fan sentiment and give him a fair chance, based on would he had earned and accomplished.  Easton, on the other hand, never won over a significant fan base.  But TPTB saw him as a what a soap star should be.  So they gave him chance after chance to succeed.  And when that didn't happen....well, they just acted like it did and made him a lead character anyway.

My favorite Michael Easton moment was probably his exacerbated reaction when he found out that TSJ Todd had told Marty that they would be raising Starr's baby together.

  • Love 1

I always thought it was Brian Frons who loved Michael Easton and saw him as a big star on ABC Daytime.  I am sure that Valentini liked him well enough, as he probably did most of the actors he worked with at  OLTL and GH.  RC, like all writers, is going to have his favorites, and will have characters he doesn't like so much.  But it seemed to be Frons who was Easton's primary patron, to the point where John McBain was seen as one of the three characters, along with Todd and Starr Manning, who was worthy of being sent to GH after OLTL was cancelled.


Yup.  In particular, Frons had his fingers in OLTL killing off John Brotherton's Jared and throwing Natalie back at John, all because his romance with Marty was a deadly dull dud.

oh, God! Kiki was hugging Dante! That's how she gets them! Run, Dante, run! Run as fast as your short little legs can carry you! Also, he gets a bonus point imo for restraining himself from telling her, "um, yeah, we all fucking told you so!" Not gonna lie, it brought a smile to my face that her friendship with him has finally reaped what it has sown. Oh, now she's outraged her asked her to lie for him? Where was that outrage January 2014?


Lulu and I had the same reaction to Valerie saying then Lulu most have known what Dante felt like when she was away. 


After she left though, my eyes rolled to the back of my head with Lulu/Dillon's faux-bonding-"you can't ever admit you're wrong, ever!" moment. Say what? She's admitted she's wrong plenty of times. I had to skip the next scene between them for my sanity. 


I liked MW's performance today. I like mean Ava, not weepy Ava. The wig though, the wig!


I can't tell if the Lucas/Morgan scene was supposed to be that awful or not.


Is Morgan a sociopath or are we supposed to assume he's just in shock. "oh, yeah, sucks my girlfriend's dad died."


Carly: Kiki is a sweet girl.


I can't take this alternate universe in which Carly is fine with the girl who has ping-ponged between her sons. 


Also laughed at how she corrected Ava and said Sonny was her fiance, not her boyfriend. Okay Carly. No one gives a shit in what phase of the moon your relationship with Sonny is in.

  • Love 13

Holy fuck, that was painful. Who thought it was a good idea to give HE that material? All of the screeching and "crying" and not a single tear was shed. We're supposed to be broken up about a young girl losing her father, instead I just cackled because her "acting" was hilarious. She needs to be fired. Sorrynotsorry.


oh, I can't believe I forgot to comment on this part:


Franco: He was murdered.




Franco:  . . . he was stabbed.


Kiki: STABBED??? HOW??


I'm not making that up people. 

  • Love 9
We're supposed to be broken up about a young girl losing her father


Lauren sure insta-attaches to people, doesn't she? First it's the father she never knew she had until a year or so ago, now it's the suddenly appearing identical aunt.


In other news, the SERIAL KILLER's legal name is now Franco Baldwin?!?!  Poor Scotty!


Did he dump "Robert"?


Run as fast as your short little legs can carry you!




I can't take this alternate universe in which Carly is fine with the girl who has ping-ponged between her sons.


Well, you know, one of those sons is Morgan.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 1

THIS.  The concern that Sonny yesterday and Carly today keep showing for Kiki - who basically instigated a war between their sons - is BAFFLING.


It might be even more OOC than her marrying Franco! I can buy Carly putting her need to be scratched before her kids. I can't picture her letting a woman who has messed around with her kids even the least bit of leeway. Especially another tall blonde woman. Carly should be going all Cercei on her ass.

Well, you know, one of those sons is Morgan.


Poor Morgan, no one told him about the engagement. It cracks me up.

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