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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Soo ... Luke's not locked in a psych ward anymore for being a split personality psycho who tried to kill a bunch of people (and wasn't he indirectly involved in baby Shamwow death?)?

Although it sounds like zombie baby Jake isn't being explained, so I guess Luke being a free man is the smallest problem with this mess of an exit story ...

Don't you just love how Luke's exit and Lucky's brief return ends up being All About Jason?

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I don't know why y'all keep talking about Sonny getting Jordan pregnant but it needs to stop. That is disgusting and I won't stand for it. No more motherfucking babies on this motherfucking show. Audrey doesn't even have enough room in her minivan for another kid. 

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Well, somebody's been watching Seinfeld.


Sonny, what Michael might need is for you not to have killed his father and for his family not to have covered it up.  Since you'll do whatever your kids need, do that.


Wow, did Carly just come right out and say that Michael has more pull with Sonny than Morgan?  I mean, we all knew it to be true, but it's really poor form to say so.  We don't want to instigate sibling rivalry, after all.


And, Michael, after what she did to you, y'know, the whole drugged thing, why do you feel the need to do something nice for Kiki?  Where, oh where, has my MichaelWOP gone?  ::weeps::

Edited by Fellaway
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Also, when Valerie winds up either pregnant or starting to lose it over this Dante mess, 

I'm just assuming it will be both ... that she'll be losing it day by day, and at some point in the near future will turn out to be pregnant.  Then she'll 'reluctantly' tell Dante and/or Lulu that she's pregnant, and gloat to Lulu (especially if she finds out that Lulu hasn't been pregnant and given birth to a child, and that's a sore spot for Lulu). I'm also expecting 'my child, OUR child', in front of Lulu.

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ETA...was Ava actually tried and convicted for Connie's murder or was she being held for trial when she broke out of prison?


She was awaiting trial at the time of the prison break. She still hasn't been tried or convicted.

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Soo ... Luke's not locked in a psych ward anymore for being a split personality psycho who tried to kill a bunch of people (and wasn't he indirectly involved in baby Shamwow death?)?


Luke shot the guy who shot Lucas.  Luke shot him dead. Yes, he should be in jail for it, regardless of "the darkness."™


Julian should be in prison, too, for the cold-blooded killing of his henchman.  The one that Sean Butler tortured.


And Butler's only off the hook for his bad aim.  Nikolas for his poor delegation skills.


Meanwhile, instead of putting these people in jail, Ron has Anna kill someone, just so people like me can't be all "Luke ... and Ava .. and Sonny ... and Julian ... and Dr. O have all killed people in cold blood!"


But, ehh, round 'em all up.  It's a small price to pay to restore some morality, humanity, and order to the world.

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Keep doing what you're doing, show (or just stop it now and spare us all), but I don't feel one single bit bad for Nina.  I feel like normally in these soap gaslighting stories. the person isn't really crazy.  But Nina...actually is.  Ric's just holding a mirror up to it.


For all her stanning for AvaDenise, when's the last time Keeks saw her sister?  She is the stupidest.


Carly and Sonny make me sick.

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Carly: we keep coming back to each other for some reason.

Um, yeah, the reason is you drive everyone else from your horrible selves.



And they enable each other's worst tendencies. 

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Keep doing what you're doing, show (or just stop it now and spare us all), but I don't feel one single bit bad for Nina.  I feel like normally in these soap gaslighting stories. the person isn't really crazy.  But Nina...actually is.  Ric's just holding a mirror up to it.


I refuse to mention this character or her story or anything about her. Join me everyone! Since Ron and Frank think any buzz is good buzz.


Holy . . . Morgan is an epic douche, raging and ranting at Avainawig for not covering his ass. I mean we knew that, but still. This story gives me one of dubbel zout's rage blackouts. Who cares if Kiki and Morgan break up?


Kiki: Why would I let a great guy like Morgan slip away?


Oh please. If Michael crooked his finger she'd go running back to him.


Ugh, I bet Michael will come to the wedding last minute and it will be some heartwarming moment. I don't even care whether Michael is mad at Sonny or not really and that makes even me nauseous. Don't go Michael!


I will give Sonny tiny, tiny kudos for saying "why are you even doing this for Kiki after what her and Morgan did to you." Finally, some Kiki disdain coming from where it should. And I laughed at the implication that Sonny is cool with Michael being angry at Morgan forever.


Wow, did Carly just come right out and say that Michael has more pull with Sonny than Morgan?  I mean, we all knew it to be true, but it's really poor form to say so.  We don't want to instigate sibling rivalry, after all.


Well, at least it wasn't in front of Morgan. But I like it better than her pretending that they care about Morgan and Michael equally.

Edited by ulkis
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Kiki: Why would I let a great guy like Morgan slip away?


Oh please. If Michael crooked his finger she'd go running back to him.


Seriously.  That's why I rolled my eyes at Silas (which...how the mighty have fallen, eh, Michael Easton?) not liking how Morgan treated Kiki during their relationship.  Because Keeks macking on his brother behind his back was so much better?


Does Keeks know about Michael and Sabrina yet?

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... one of dubbel zout's rage blackouts


Hee, I like how this is a thing.


Whose month of salary were we always giving away on TWOP? 

Edited by Francie
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What the hell was that show today? Because clearly, that wasn't the same show I have been watching the past few days. It's astonishing how awful every single character on today's show is. I care about none of them.


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WinstonWolfe's I believe. But he hasn't posted here in quite some time.

Yes, that was it.  Thank you, GHScorpiosRule


And no wonder he hasn't been posting. He must be putting in overtime or moonlighting to make up all those lost wages!

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Well, at least Michael said 'no thanks' to the wedding invite. It's not the virulent hatred I would have hoped for, but it's something. 


Except I think he'll show up at the last minute to give Mommy away or something (if only he really could truly give her away, but I digress!), so meh.

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Except I think he'll show up at the last minute to give Mommy away or something (if only he really could truly give her away, but I digress!), so meh.


Give her away, shoot her out of a cannon into the sun, feed her to sharks...

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Ron does like sharks ....

Only when someone is jumping over them.

Please let Kiki walk in on Morgan and Wig!Ava, Ava can come clean about her identity, and Kiki calls the cops because she's super devastated/mad. Cops show up, Ava kills Kiki for outing her, and the cops shoot Ava. Morgan stands around being Morgan. The end.

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Useless episode.


You said this about yesterday's episode, but it bears repeating for today's.


William DeVry is having more screen time with his kettle bells than anyone else.


You'd think it's a new Emmy category. Best Performance by Fast Twitch Muscle Fibers. Julian and Alexis have always been FF material for me, but I watched the last two days as it aired. It reinforced that I can't stand either one of them, but their dialogue reads even more like parody than the show in general does lately. Alexis very sincerely telling Julian she knows a couple of people who tried to quit the mob but couldn't stay away? Both of those people were Julian. God, shut up Alexis and Alexis's mullet.


I felt a little sorry for Nina today. That's how bored I was.

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Oh, wait...

What is up with Donald Trump's hair? Helena.

What happened to Amelia Airhart? Helena.

Why was Pluto un and then re-classified as a planet? Helena.

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie-pop? Helena.

Is the new U.S.-Iran agreement on nuclear weapons ultimately good or bad for the international community? Helena.

Can Bryan Craig read? Helena.

I'm here all night folks!

Edited by Tiger
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So disappointed in Michael Quartermaine! Bending over by giving innocent AJ back to the Corinthii, and then asking a favor of them for Keeks after she was gleefully trying to drug him so he would lose custody of AJ. What's next? Will Michael change his name back to "Corinthos"?


Here's hoping that Sonny's renewed leadership in the PC mob will raise the hackles of other mob-wannabes, who will use his wedding as an opportunity for some drive-by shooting and mayhem. Picture it: just as Snarly and the Don finish their emotional vows til death does them part, it does! Wham bam thank you ma'am! They bleed to death in each other's arms!

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Well, at least Michael said 'no thanks' to the wedding invite. It's not the virulent hatred I would have hoped for, but it's something.

I just finished today's episode, sighed heavily, and then said literally this exact thing.

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Please let Kiki walk in on Morgan and Wig!Ava, Ava can come clean about her identity, and Kiki calls the cops because she's super devastated/mad. Cops show up, Ava kills Kiki for outing her, and the cops shoot Ava. Morgan stands around being Morgan. The end.


This sounds like too much work and it depends on the dumb PC cops being able to successfully shoot Ava. How about her hair catches fire and she burns to death.

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Alexis very sincerely telling Julian she knows a couple of people who tried to quit the mob but couldn't stay away? Both of those people were Julian.



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I sat down to watch today's ep and ended up fast forwarding through all of it. So, yea.

Thanks for the heads up. We tend to like the same stuff so I will just delete it and watch a Friends rerun instead.

I didn't think it was possible for Rick Hearst to be paired with someone he doesn't have chemistry with, but this Nina/Mad stuff is atrocious.

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Ric and Madeline are gross in every way. Nina really needs to murder her so called mother. 

Include Franco in that scenario, make it a murder-suicide and bingo, you have a great episode or two on GH!! Glad I skipped today. Seems like mostly a waste to watch now that JJ has left the building, Show is making Elizabeth pathetic, no Laura going off on Nikolas so far, and no progress on the Qs fighting Nikolas. 

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Did they literally just reuse an ancient routine from Seinfeld with Julian and Alexis, practically word for word?

This would've been cute if they'd done this sort of thing once. They do it all the time. It's incredibly self-impressed and obnoxious. And just not witty - yeah, we all watched Seinfeld, haha.

Edited by jsbt
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Did they literally just reuse an ancient routine from Seinfeld with Julian and Alexis, practically word for word?

This would've been cute if they'd done this sort of thing once. They do it all the time. It's incredibly self-impressed and obnoxious. And just not wittty - yeah, we all watched Seinfeld, haha.


I can't wait for Ron's rehash of "The Contest" starring Julian, Morgan and Ava...  and Franco as Kramer, of course.

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I can't wait for Ron's rehash of "The Contest" starring Julian, Morgan and Ava...  and Franco as Kramer, of course.


I don't think Morgan will get the metaphor. "Master of my what? What are you TALKING about?!?!"

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Did Julian really publish a newspaper article where he said he was leaving the mob?  If so, wouldn't that just be a confession that he was in the mob in the first place?  Did anyone get a screen cap of the article.  I imagine it'd say something like:


Sure I engaged in murder, drug smuggling, extortion and racketeering. But that's all behind me now. Unlike the statute of limitations for my crimes.

Edited by Francie
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No kidding. Not to mention the fact that Julian's mob cohorts would probably assume he's turned states evidence, and would kill him to protect themselves.

Not that I would necessarily mind. I want 2/3 of the characters to die horribly at this point.

Edited by SlovakPrincess
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Did Julian really publish a newspaper article where he said he was leaving the mob?  If so, wouldn't that just be a confession that he was in the mob in the first place? 


I think the article Julian showed Alexis said an unnamed source at the police department said it was as if the Jeromes had retired. He didn't publish that he'd retired. 

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And just not wittty - yeah, we all watched Seinfeld, haha.


Not me, except an episode or two. Never got the hype and didn't find it funny . Much like Ron's idea of comedy. Commence tomato throwing now.

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