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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I meant to add hat JJ is an awesome cryer. Oddly enough, I think the last time he left he said he got tired of always having to cry and all the heavy drama. Now, that Elizabeth now has 3 boys will they never be seen again? Will the kid playing Jake squeeze out the actor playing, Cameron? Will Emma have another boyfriend? So, much drama. LOL!!!

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Especially because Robin and Patrick knew Jake well; Elizabeth was/is their neighbor and best friend! It's absurd that these two doctors would look down at a boy (even with head and body trauma) and not realize this was a different child. If almost any doctors other than Patrick and Robin had been there, this might be plausible. But any scheme of Helena's has involved significant planning and scheming, with details worked out. She did not orchestrate Luke hitting Jake, so she could not possibly have an injured clone or whatever ready to go for the occasion, or get the timing perfect to kidnap the injured Jake from the hospital. Someone being rushed into a hospital for emergency surgery is always surrounded by people.

Ron utterly shit on a major part of Robin and Patrick's identities as medical professionals in a mere scene.

  • Love 2

JJ and Becky still have IT. Their scenes were pure magic and I kept crying, more for their performances than for this assanine storyline. I'm glad that JJ is doing well with Nashville and his music career, but I'm selfish for wanting him back on GH. He makes this show (and Liz) tolerable. Her reaction at first to Lucky mentioning Jaje was alive was spot on and so realistic. I hope this is her Emmy reel.

The rest was a mess, but I did like the beginning of Jake's interaction with Monica. Everytime I see Dante or Val I want to throw something at my screen.

I wonder if Carly will care there is a random kid's kidney in Joss. I'm not even going to bother with how Helena found an exact match for Jake and Joss's kidney- none of this makes sense.

Edited by twoods
  • Love 6
The scenes with Luke/Lucky/Liz/Jake were so awkward. The actors were great, but it was so slapdash: "Here's Jake; enjoy! Gotta run!" I like that Liz said "We got our son back." Too bad now she'll be murdered in her bed tonight by her demon spawn.


Liez being murdered by the spawn she created with her precious Jason would be appropriate in every way.


I guess RC only had a month (at, the least) to write this exit. It isn't horrible but it is rushed. Why did Geary give them such short notice when they bent over backwards with his crazy vacation schedule and extended surgery & recovery?


Ron whined in the media about only having 10 weeks to write Luke's exist story, which is crap, because TG was planning on leaving awhile ago but Ron convinced him to stay and do the Bill Eckert back from the dead story which eventually turned into the Fluke mess. So Ron has known for quite some time that TG was on the way out.

Edited by LeftPhalange
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Tony's last day is July 27th.




Sam does take Danny to see Monica. She was just on a vacation with her boyfriend so Danny got to hang with Mac and Felicia this time.


If it were the last set of Danny twins, I would have loved to see it.


NuMute Danny isn't cutting it for me.

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And I get that a show that produces 260 episodes a year cannot produce all great or even good episodes, but there have been periods even under Ron when the show was consistently good and sometimes great.

What is especially frustrating me right now is that I think Ron & Frank have all the pieces of a truly great show, but they're haphazardly arranging those pieces into a jumbled mess instead.


I haven't watched any string of consistently good episodes on this show under this regime.  What is frustrating to me is that despite all of the pieces of a truly great show, RC/FV have wasted tons of time and resources and double-downed on the failures of the characters of Franco, Kiki, and Nina.  Even though I DETEST the mob, at least Guza had some solid 'younger' soap actors in JMB, Johnny, Lucky, Nik, Liz, sometimes Sam, Patrick and Robin during his reign.

Edited by sunnyface
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I didn't expect anything about kidneys to come up at all.

They had to bring it up to mess with the Carly/Liz frenemy-ship.  They've been getting along, somewhat, even going so far as to have Liz go with Carly for the check up results because Carly feels she owes LIz.  Now that Jake didn't donate the kidney, Carly will owe Liz nothing and she can go back to hating Liz.  Because, we can't have friendships on this show.  


. If almost any doctors other than Patrick and Robin had been there,

I can't remember, did Scrubs do the organ donation surgery or just the original car accident surgery?   If they didn't do the organ donation, it is still possible to work out.  Jake had the surgery, because he was hit by the car.  LIz is told that he's brain dead and is taken to the organ surgery, but that's when he gets switched by Helena.  Is that plausible?

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Dr. Terrell Jackson, the doctor Lisa Niles brought in to seduce Robin away from Patrick, did Joss's organ transplant surgery. The character disappeared after her surgery.


I am working on a fanfic (the fourth in my Nik/Robin/Patrick saga) and I just brought the character into the story which is really the only way I knew it - I am a research geek and want to make sure I get my characters right lol.

Edited by cmahorror
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Dr. Terrell Jackson, the doctor Lisa Niles brought in to seduce Robin away from Patrick, did Joss's organ transplant surgery. The character disappeared after her surgery.

So I guess he was working with the legion of doom for ....reasons? Because the true villains in the world are doctors or cops. So who was the kid in the coffin?



So Ron has known for quite some time that TG was on the way out.


He had over a year.  It's lazy writing on Ron and the minions part.  There have been some bright spots, especially last Friday and yesterday, but overall this story has been so poorly done.  As much as we all bitch about TG and his antics, he deserved better than this.


I do have a question, does PC not only have wormholes to travel around the world in 20 minutes, but also wormholes that contain wardrobe?  Luke leaves Liz's in the ugly (and by now smelly) nylon jacket and almost immediately shows up at Monica's in suit and tie.  LOL

Edited by LegalParrot81
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The only problem? They seriously rushed Liz's reaction to get all this in. That woman should've been fainting dead away, she should've been on the floor, quaking and shrieking. Instead they just dropped her on him, boom, and she's rolling with it! Becky Herbst did her best with way too little. This should have been two days divided between her reaction, then the aftermath with L&L on the porch.


Exactly, well said.  Rebecca Hersbt was great yesterday, but Liz immediately accepting it was him and playing motorcycles with him was just - as I said earlier - too easy, too quick, too pat.


I'd also be curious to see some of the messiness of Jake being reacclimated , of Aiden and particularly Cameron reacting to their brother's return.  But I suspect most to all of that will be off-screen.

  • Love 3

Ron utterly shit on a major part of Robin and Patrick's identities as medical professionals in a mere scene.


he's done that with everyone, it's so bad. "the freezing melted your eggs!"


Who knew Bob "yeah yeah monkey virus" Guza would like the friggin epitome of medical accuracy one day?

Okay, so have I missed something?  Have they bothered to explain how Helena, or whomever, got their hands on Jake and replaced him with someone else for Elizabeth to bury, or, more importantly, why?


oh, they probably explained it during a commercial break. 

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 10

Okay, so have I missed something?  Have they bothered to explain how Helena, or whomever, got their hands on Jake and replaced him with someone else for Elizabeth to bury, or, more importantly, why?


She said something to Luke about it, something like she saw the accident as an opportunity to mess with him.  Not much more than that, as I remember.


No, it made no sense.  But then again, making sense and GH are mutually exclusive concepts these days.

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Considering the un-dead little Jake so far is a bizarre, sci-fi plot point (compete with spare toddler sacrifices) for a storyline I want to end already (Luke's looooooooooooooong good-bye), I'm actually okay with all of that family bonding happening off screen.


That's just it, if they actually dug into the inherent drama here, it would be less of a plot point.


But you know, next week, Liz will explain that she dropped off Jake with off-screen Audrey so she could complain to Nikolas how guilty she feels about Jake(son) like nothing major even happened.  Weak.

I guess they wanted to do the whole "5 years being cancer free" beat for Joss, but it's like . . . really? You care about accuracy on this point now?


At least be less obvious about it! I'm bad at math, but I know how far back 2011 is. ;)


I swear they've been more accurate about dates like that in the past. That's why it stuck out to me. 

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This regime is not the first to set this precedent. It's been done before-on other soaps,which I and others have mentioned. Carlivati will just take a page from their books. This isn't anything new.


Didn't AMC bring back Erica's aborted fetus?   I was sort of watching off and on during that time, but once Leo died and the Rylee mess started, I pretty much checked out.


Okay, so have I missed something?  Have they bothered to explain how Helena, or whomever, got their hands on Jake and replaced him with someone else for Elizabeth to bury, or, more importantly, why?


Check her twitter, I am pretty sure I saw something about Helena releasing a tell all book.  It will all be in there.  Look for it in your local bookstore (bookstore? Whats that??  Is it an app on my ipad??) early next year.

  • Love 5

Okay, so have I missed something?  Have they bothered to explain how Helena, or whomever, got their hands on Jake and replaced him with someone else for Elizabeth to bury, or, more importantly, why?

Luke did the vague explaining to Laura and Lucky after Helena explained to him during the commercial break (and then disappeared). He told them Helena heard that Jake was in the hospital and sent "one of her winged monkeys" to snatch him. No explanation about the child who actually had a kidney removed and got buried. Lucky said it was plausible because Helena was around at the time, screwing with Aiden's paternity test results. It seemed to me like the implication was that since Elizabeth had a paternity test done without Helena's knowledge after Helena thought she succeeded in making it appear that Aiden was a Cassadine, she then decided to hurt the Spencer Family by taking away little Jake. 

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Didn't AMC bring back Erica's aborted fetus?   I was sort of watching off and on during that time, but once Leo died and the Rylee mess started, I pretty much checked out.


Yes, they did, and it was horrendous and embarrassing. I wasn't watching myself at the time. Once they did the "real Greenlee is back, bitches!!!" I bowed out mostly.


to tie it back to GH . . . it's one of the many reasons I'm not too fond of Rebecca Budig being on GH, even if nothing Greenlee related is actually much her fault.

Edited by ulkis
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She should get back to basics by setting Luke on fire.


Nah, he'll be gone soon enough. She needs to focus on the MetroCourt, and take out Franco/Nina/Madeline.


the Monica/Jason scene was wonderful


The actors were good, but it was WTF for me, since Jakeson and Monica barely know each other. Yet they're both comfortable enough to eat a meal together? I know it was foreshadowing (/dramatic musical sting!), but I found it so ham-fisted, as Ron is wont to do. I share your hope, jsbt, that Jakeson is a Q/Morgan hybrid. That seems to be the direction Ron is going, but that doesn't mean it will happen.

Edited by dubbel zout
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This regime is not the first to set this precedent. It's been done before-on other soaps,which I and others have mentioned. Carlivati will just take a page from their books. This isn't anything new.

I'm talking about GH under Ron, not in the context of soaps overall. I know it happens. I've been watching soaps (unfortunately) since I was a kid. But Ron will do anything and everything for shock value or a plot point, doesn't matter how outrageous it is. I no longer have any emotions if a character "dies" or if anything happens, really. Why should I? It won't stick or he'll change the history of the story to fit his crazy mold.

And, TBH, just because things have been done on soaps before doesn't mean I'm not going to comment on ridiculousness when it happens. That's a great excuse for Ron to use, though. "Just deal with my ideas! I'm not the first one to do X!"

  • Love 4

The actors were good, but it was WTF for me, since Jakeson and Monica barely know each other. Yet they're both comfortable enough to eat a meal together? I know it was foreshadowing (/dramatic musical sting!), but I found it so ham-fisted, as Ron is wont to do. I share your hope, jsbt, that Jakeson is a Q/Morgan hybrid. That seems to be the direction Ron is going, but that doesn't mean it will happen.



With a new actor playing Jason it would make sense to make Jake a Q/Morgan hybrid but its really going to piss me off to watch him interact with the Qs that are there and AJ isn't one of them.  It still boggles my mind that they just killed off AJ when they always intended on bringing Jason back.  The potential story the writers chose to ignore makes me ragey.


And, TBH, just because things have been done on soaps before doesn't mean I'm not going to comment on ridiculousness when it happens. That's a great excuse for Ron to use, though. "Just deal with my ideas! I'm not the first one to do X!"



I think this goes with how I believe he writes the show - its a soap so dumb yourself down and quit your bitching. No attempt needs to be made at logic or anything like that.

Edited by ch1
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And, TBH, just because things have been done on soaps before doesn't mean I'm not going to comment on ridiculousness when it happens.




If I didn't accept it then, I don't accept it now.


And, by the way, how has this whole "ehhhhh, logic schmogic" attitude worked for soaps? Seems to me, perhaps copying things on long-canceled or near-canceled shows may not be the way to go. 

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I think there's always room for a perhaps overly healthy suspension of disbelief when it comes to soaps. Ron's problem is that he expects us to apply it to everything, not just outrageous storylines but any sense of character continuity, basic plot or story needs, etc. If he was too lazy to do it onscreen, or it's another gross rape story or Franco caper or whatever, then don't worry because it's just a soap!


When it comes to the more benignly ludicrous stuff, though, I will accept most of it so long as it is either well-told or well-performed, and serves a larger purpose. I've seen crazier shit than Jake's return on soaps, so that phenomenon has nothing to do with RC. I never thought the kid should have been killed, I've always wanted him resurrected so this works just fine for me, and the actors have put it over. When it comes to things like that, the future will forgive you the nonsense of today if a character or action like that can service the next generations, not that GH necessarily has much of one coming. God knows AMC did all of that with the countless dead people at the end of their run on ABC resurrected by "Project Orpheus", and the online version made sure to utilize those changes. As ludicrous as the story was, the net result serviced the show and its future canvas. To me, Jake does that. I don't see what his return hurts, other than salty Jasam fans. Fucked-up Liz sure isn't gonna win Jason back.

Edited by jsbt
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I don't think anyone is claiming that someone we "saw" die and donate organs suddenly being alive isn't ridiculous.  Of course it is. But it's also not groundbreaking, and not some new thing that Ron invented.  Whether it's been done on GH or not before, it's been done on soaps.  So whether it was Jake or another character, it's never truly been off the table. 

  • Love 6

Project Orpheus did the have the benefit of hitting some serious emotional beats. Plus, David had been long established as a super-villain of a doctor who could and did perform all sorts of ludicrous miracles and was neck deep in all sorts of shady experimental shit. I didn't watch AMC on anything remotely close to a regular basis but I wept openly when they brought Stuart back... when Adam saw him... and that's all David Canary -- acting opposite of nothing, you know? You're right that soaps require a hefty dose of suspension of disbelief but the situation with Jake being alive is so beyond lazy...


There's not even the faintest attempt to explain it. All they've done is 'Helena had him' -- why? How did minimally resurrected Frank Smith know... why did he fucking care?! Ron took a whole lot of story elements and just went 'meh -- off screen explanation, everything's better, yay!' Whether or not Jake should have been killed off or resurrected or whatever, the fact that they've done NOTHING to even bother explaining what happened because it's just there to wipe off a horrible moment of Luke's life as part of his swan song. And, also, Jake being alive doesn't do a damn thing to excuse Luke's behavior after that. To me, I can buy Lucky being so happy that Jake is alive after all that he's willing to hand-wave the 'liberating' aspect of the accident in the first place but I also think that it's something that would remain in Lucky for years afterwards. He'd never truly forget how his father behaved after the accident or the things he said.


As far as Jake servicing the show... that remains to be seen because there is the question of where they go from here. Lucky's not staying and Liz has got Jason there that she's going to be working very hard to make a full family unit since Jake is her son WITH Jason. She's going to be a thorn in the side of Jason/Sam because this is the family he's connecting with now and Lucky's past as Jake's father is not going to matter since he's not sticking around and Jason is.

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But it didn't have to be done this badly.

honestly my only real interest in Jake was always about Jason/AJ so once RC stupidly and pettishly and short-sightedly killed off AJ - afuckingain - any interest I had in Jake disappeared because I don't think the show RC is writing is going to last long enough for Jake to matter

Edited by Oracle42
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If I didn't accept it then, I don't accept it now.

And, by the way, how has this whole "ehhhhh, logic schmogic" attitude worked for soaps? Seems to me, perhaps copying things on long-canceled or near-canceled shows may not be the way to go.


Again, don't care that it's been done before. That's really not the point.

jsbt, in some people's eyes, Jake's return is just another example of Ron's pulling crap out of his ass for shock. For plot. To make Luke look good. To add drama to the Jason reveal. I get that you think Jake is going to add some legacy to this show, but I disagree. This isn't about Jake. He will disappear like all the other children after this plot is done. Just MO. It really is not just "salty JaSam fans" who have issues. I am not a JaSam fan. And this is still an unnecessary kid to bring back in my eyes. To each their own.

  • Love 7

This isn't about Jake. He will disappear like all the other children after this plot is done.


This is my biggest concern, that Jake will disappear into off-screen Audrey's care and, when he is seen, will just be running around playing like all the other kids who weren't kidnapped and clearly brainwashed (how else to explain him having no memory of Lucky and Liz?) and held on a Greek island for years.


This is my biggest concern, that Jake will disappear into off-screen Audrey's care and, when he is seen, will just be running around playing like all the other kids who weren't kidnapped and clearly brainwashed (how else to explain him having no memory of Lucky and Liz?) and held on a Greek island for years.

Oh, completely. The fact is, Ron ain't going to age these kids any time soon. He's not getting rid of NB as Spencer. So they will all age as the show goes on, however long that lasts. They'll be in horrific kiddie stories or off-screen for the foreseeable future. Like, I'm not gonna get excited that Jake will probs fall in love with that Robot Minion (aka Emma, aka Please retcon who her mother is, Ron) like all these other kids on this show.

Edited by HeatLifer
Plus, David had been long established as a super-villain of a doctor who could and did perform all sorts of ludicrous miracles and was neck deep in all sorts of shady experimental shit.



To be fair, Helena has been established as a super-villain who has the resources to have other people perform all sorts of ludicrous miracles.  It sucks that they just want to off screen explain the bulk of it, but this isn't remotely out of character for her.  I remember even back when Jake first died, there were a few mentions here and there that it wouldn't be surprising if, down the road, we found out that Helena had an actually alive Jake stashed somewhere.  There's a reason that, as soon as there was an inkling of rumors that Jake was going to be alive, most people automatically assumed Helena was behind it.  This shit is what she does. 

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I don't think anyone is claiming that someone we "saw" die and donate organs suddenly being alive isn't ridiculous.  Of course it is. But it's also not groundbreaking, and not some new thing that Ron invented.  Whether it's been done on GH or not before, it's been done on soaps.  So whether it was Jake or another character, it's never truly been off the table. 


I agree that nothing's been off the table, so to speak. 


I do have a knee-jerk reaction to when Ron says that to justify what he's done.  Olivia's baby is only 5 months along? Who cares, Ron says, because Tina's baby on OLTL was just as young when she or it or whatever went over a waterfall.  Franco and Carly don't work, in part, because he's a freakin' serial killer. Pshaw, tweeted Laura Wright, remember Luke and Laura?


I absolutely hate the idea that the show runners and performers dismiss my inability or unwillingness to suspend disbelief and accept their illogical-ness. You don't get to take away my agency because someone else somewhere else accepted something else.


I think we all are feeling or saying the same point.  When something happens that makes us want to suspend our disbelief, we want to be able to suspend it.  I've accepted some people coming back from the dead when I wouldn't accept others. 


But the show runners can't just demand that we accept it.  They have to ask for it, and we have to want to give it.  I didn't, for instance, have any problem when, on OLTL, James DePaiva returned, and OLTL totally scrapped the fact that the replacement actor had had extensive plastic surgery.  Max just saying, "I feel like my old self" was enough for me -- and for, I believe, the vast majority of the rest of the audience.


But show runners do have to ask, each and every time.  The explanation has to be sufficiently plausible.  Or the payoff that great.  Or a combination thereof has to exist.


And every time a viewer has to look away to accept an impossibility or implausibility, it does the opposite of what TPTB thinks it does.  Instead of creating a world where that type of thing become more readily acceptable to the viewers each time, it chips a way a little bit at the viewers' faith that this fictional world exists.  It chips away at the foundation of this alternate universe.  The GH universe has to be  place where we accept some inalienable structure and rules and rights.  Otherwise, you can't imagine the world sufficiently to get lost in it. And if you can't get lost in it, you can't invest in the show.  You don't care because you can't care. 

Edited by Francie
  • Love 22
the net result serviced the show and its future canvas. To me, Jake does that.


And to me, Jake doesn't, because Ron doesn't properly follow through on stuff like this. He goes for the big moment and then either forgets about the aftermath or stretches it out for so long that it doesn't have any impact.


There's a reason that, as soon as there was an inkling of rumors that Jake was going to be alive, most people automatically assumed Helena was behind it. This shit is what she does.


I think that's why Ron decided to hand wave the details; for him, it's enough to lean on Helena's history as a villain (see? He knows GH history!) to explain this whole mess. If he'd follow through with everything else, it wouldn't matter, but seeing as how Liz got about two minutes to react to her son being alive, it's unlikely there will be any real emotional effect.


Personally, I don't care how Jake came back, because Ron won't give a satisfactory reason anyway. And, I don't think Jake is necessary to anyone's story at this point. But I do think that because Jake has returned, Ron owes the viewers something that makes all of this worth it, and I doubt we'll get it. Jake will either be forgotten or shoved into the ghastly kiddie scene; Helena lives to do another heinous deed; Nik is still an asshole with no good reason to go after ELQ; etc. It'll be status quo.

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I've stated before that I don't have a dog in this race; and I still maintain that stance.  I wanted to like your whole post, ulkis, except I don't agree with your last sentence, heh. Not because I loved Jake; I was indifferent.  But because the only reason he was killed off was because Becky had been fired, and this was supposed to be her exit story--going Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs and herded off to one of the insane asylums peppered all over Port Charles.  But, there was outrage and backlash and she was re-hired; but...Jake was dead. What now?


I've pressed "like" buttons on both sides of this argument, you all have good points and I don't feel very strongly about Jake either way.  If forced to choose though, I'd probably come down on the "should not have come back" side of it, just because I'm sick of Ron using "it's a soap!" for everything.


As for probably never seeing Jake again after this "story line" is finished, well, of course we won't.  Except for that horrific "triangle" between Spencer/Emma/Cameron, then Joss thrown into the mix, soap children are rarely seen, except when the plot or plot point requires it. That's why I'm not really bothered he's been brought back alive.  I remember that when he died, so many were already saying, he wasn't really dead.  The seeds of that speculation have been around for four five years.


And I'm baffled as to why Emma's mother should be retconned.  It's not Emma's fault she can't see that there should be something wrong with Robin not being around. She's a child; not an adult. Patrick and Anna, on the other hand? Well, no use in ranting about how they should have known, but that ship has sailed until the next time Kimberly makes an appearance as Robin.

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