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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Bah, Dante arresting TJ is something I would have actually wanted to see. I haven't wanted them to interact for ages or anything.


Seriously, unless TJ got caught peeing in public, I don't get what he doesn't just spill it.


Speaking of secrets that are probably NOTHING, Sabrina brings up Rosalie's Secret. Seriously, show? am I expected to care? It's like asking me to care about the secret of the extra sipping coffee in the background at Kelly's.


Nikolas is so mean, ordering Sloane to take Snow White to the woods and cut out her heart try to get Maya or Brook Lynn to get their ELQ shares.


I can't wait for rapist-killer Franco to save Nina from that mean old socialite!

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 10

Vanilla Schmoke (NuDillon) needs to go back to the Uncle Frank Assembly Line. This is just bland as hell. But obviously, having Core Character with Past Romantic Connection + Available Male Penis is all Frank and Ron care about here. Plot mechanics, you guys! Almost any character can just Mad Libs their way into a story!


Also, the ruse Luke and Laura pulled on Tracy was unbelievably cruel and unnecessary, and totally plot-driven. They should've at least brought her in on it and made her part of the con. That being said, what I did appreciate is how whichever writer was on duty effortlessly dismantled Guza's longstanding retcon on Luke hating marriage and family by pinning it all on Fluke's dark episodes. I have a feeling that part of Laura's cover story - saying it was Fluke talking about his family home, not Luke and Laura's - will be revealed (or, in true RC fashion, suggested) to be true.


Rapin' Killer Franco whining to his rape victim about his blackmail monehhhh. This man has got to die. At least Michael Easton got another rare moment of dry comedy at the bar which in no way justifies his continued contract presence.

  • Love 8

I think Sloane is gonna try to subvert Nikolas.


The last thing I would want to see is fuckin' Sloane as the hero in a Cassadine vs. Quartermaine story.

Step 1: Show him your dick! Eyyyyy!


I'm sure that's Sloane's plan re: Brook Lynn and Maya.  "I'll give you my shares, just put that thing away!"

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 13

The last thing I would want to see is fuckin' Sloane as the hero in a Cassadine vs. Quartermaine story.


Sloane is just the latest in a long line of RC-created characters who serve no real purpose. Sloane, Silas, Nina, FRANCO (OK, created by Guza's team but you may as well say RC re-created him with pet RoHo), the list is endless. Kill 'em all and/or ship them all off to the Island of Misfit Toys (even if the poor toys don't deserve them, either!) and call it a day.

  • Love 6

Bah, Dante arresting TJ is something I would have actually wanted to see. I haven't wanted them to interact for ages or anything.


Seriously, unless TJ got caught peeing in public, I don't get what he doesn't just spill it.


I couldn't possibly be more over TJ being pissed that his mom is a cop instead of a criminal and that (gasp!) she had the gall to put an actual criminal in jail.  Boo fucking hoo.

  • Love 23

I like the idea of Jake going to work with Michael. I didn't get the sense that Liz would rather he work for Sonny, but that she is worried that too much time around Michael will make him remember who he really is. My previews were all wonky but I suspect Liz wants Nik to hire him.

I don't even care what's going on with TJ.

I continue to enjoy Nina! She and Ric are playing off each other well, and her desperation today was more believable and less shrilly and ridiculous than before.

  • Love 5

I'm still laughing at tiny Dante subduing angry Dillon.  When Valerie met Sonny, she should have pointed out height as the family resemblance, "Yeah, you and Sonny are both pocket-sized".


Valerie totally SHOULD have said that but . . . as for him subduing Dillon, it's not like he's Spinelli or JJLucky, he has muscle. And Dillon isn't huge and doesn't seem particularly musclebound (I'm sure we'll be able to see him shirtless soon, bumping into Lulu at the Quartermaine mansion). Now if Dante subdued Shawn or Nathan, I'd call foul, heh.

  • Love 3

I've hated Nina (and MSt) from the get go, but she's been getting better the last few episodes and I actually laughed today (and in a good way)  with the scenes with Molly.  I thought Rick, Haley and Michelle did great jobs in those scenes.  I loved Nina awkwardly pulling Molly into a hug then the impromptu, "call me Mom" and Molly's horrified expression.  And the follow up where Nina doesn't know where to draw the line and mentions being a female figure during Molly's burgoning womanhood.  I thought it was funny.  And I felt a twinge for her when Ric ran off and left her the bill.  


LIesl/Franco:  I don't care.


Sam/Sabrina: Took me ten minutes to figure out how they know each other, then remembered that Sam is dating Sab's ex.  


Sloan:  WTF.  First he's with the department of justice, taking down Anna for being mean to a terrorist.  Then he's the commisioner and she's out to get him.  Then he's got the hots for her and helps her cover a murder.  Then he's all stalky, restraining order with her.  Now he's doing Nik's bidding, to get ELQ shares from two young girls that he doesn't know, in order for Nik, a man he barely knows, can get the lions share of ELQ.  What?  If you've got to turn yourself into a pretzel to write for someone, that character is a fail.  


Michael:  love the kid but naive is apparently his middle name.   Michael: "Are you lying about the money?"  Rosalie: "Nope.  Sabrina's jealous".  Michael, "ok, cool".  

  • Love 5

Sloan:  WTF.  First he's with the department of justice, taking down Anna for being mean to a terrorist.  Then he's the commisioner and she's out to get him.  Then he's got the hots for her and helps her cover a murder.  Then he's all stalky, restraining order with her.  Now he's doing Nik's bidding, to get ELQ shares from two young girls that he doesn't know, in order for Nik, a man he barely knows, can get the lions share of ELQ.  What?  If you've got to turn yourself into a pretzel to write for someone, that character is a fail. 


And let's not forget that to get the commissioner job and screw over/get revenge on Anna, he was an accessory to election fraud and sided with the sociopathic (but fly) Helena.


But then he purposely does something as part of the Anna/Carrrrrrrrrrrrrrlos cover-up to lose his job, but now he's whining about Lomax?


Shut up, Sloane, just shut up.

  • Love 4

Why were Sloane and Nik trying to out-douche each other today? Sorry, Sloane, Nik won…he may have more practice.

Nina and fetch. Two things that will never happen for me. I hope Magda gets all her money and leaves with a "By the way, Ric was working with me to get your dough, I'm just better at this than he is. Deuces!" Then she can die in a plane crash off-screen and leave all of HER money to Dr. O. And I don't even like Magda.

Liz certainly beat feet to Nik's place. I will laugh if she does want him to hire Jake and all she gets is a big fat "Noooooo." Nik has no real reason to help, after all. Hiring Jake won't get him ELQ shares or get him laid, so why should he care? And I'd bet he doesn't think Jake will remember since he hasn't yet.

Countdown until Rosalie's semi-guilt (and possibly wanting back in Michael's pants) causes her to come clean…just before Sabrina enters to confront her with the truth about either Rosalie's secret or her job with Nikolas.

Sabrina and Sam's hair looked very pretty, as did Rosalie's.

Did TJ commit a crime just so he could hang out with Shawn in Pentonville?

  • Love 4

I thought Jason was dreaming about Jake at first.  How many Danny recasts has it been now?  Next month the kid will definitely be taller than KeMo.   Liz, better hide all those motorcycles now that you know they are jogging Jason's memory.  Either that or chain him to your bed.  


I kind of hate that Sam made her relationship with Michael all about Jason.  Yeah, I know that's WHY Michael was in Sam's life, but he is definitely more to her than someone who meant a lot to Jason.   I did enjoy the easy friendship like vibe between Sam and Sabrina, but I kept waiting for Patrick's name to come up.  Sam really does need more female friends, especially since the Sam/Maxie friendship has pretty much disappeared.  Now it's all Maxie/Lulu all the time.


Molly was hilarious today, love that she was weary of Nina because of what she did to Sam and Silas, and then cut to Sam who was all..."meh, no biggie..Silas who?"

  • Love 3

Molly was hilarious today, love that she was weary of Nina because of what she did to Sam and Silas, and then cut to Sam who was all..."meh, no biggie..Silas who?"


If they haven't gotten rid of the Kiki, Silas, Franco characters, at least their forced replacement pairings for their respective OLTL counterparts are all pretty much dead in the water. The one with the most chance of happening again is probably Silas/Sam, and with Jason here it probably isn't happening. Maybe they might play with some kind of Kiki/Michael/Morgan/Sabrina quad (I can see Morgan going back to Ava for a bit, and Kiki trying to get back with Michael, hopefully he kicks her out on her ass).


All the women on the show have been looking great lately, I have to say. 

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 6

Bringonthedrama, I'm a little confused. I never said Laura owed Tracy anything. I do see people left and right making excuses for Laura's rude behavior and bashing Tracy for simply calling her out as the DB she is. I don't care if Laura is trying to save the Queen of England. You can't tell me she didn't have Luke or Lulu's phone number. She could have sent a text to either that could have been vague and generic. She could have sent someone else in to bring Luke outside. She could have handled it any number of ways that didn't include walking into a room where, if she has any tact at all, she knew she would be at best, out of place. She could have texted Lulu, Luke or even dante to ask to speak to Luke. She could have waited until after the party. As if two hours would make much difference. Obviously, since this story is going to drag on all summer, two more hours would not matter. No, she has to do it in the rudest, most obtrusive way possible. She deserved being misunderstood and told off publically, because SHE chose to impose when she did not have to do it that way.

  • Love 2


Sam/Sabrina: Took me ten minutes to figure out how they know each other, then remembered that Sam is dating Sab's ex.  


Michael:  love the kid but naive is apparently his middle name.   Michael: "Are you lying about the money?"  Rosalie: "Nope.  Sabrina's jealous".  Michael, "ok, cool".  

I'm okay with it.  Michael has absolutely no reason to suspect Rosalie anymore than Lulu should suspect her brother is going to try and use her to get to Dillon's shares of ELQ stock.  It's not about being naive, imo.  It's just a smart move on Nikolas' part to use someone that Michael does trust.  He slept with Rosalie and he saved her life, and for all he knows, she is a good person.  It's quite plausible to him that Rosalie is absolutely innocent.  Sabrina has seen a different side of Rosalie, and women tend to see other women more clearly.  When Michael gets some proof, he'll act on it.


Shut up, Sloane, just shut up.

I still like him.  He's better than Nina and Franco, imo.  


Liz certainly beat feet to Nik's place. I will laugh if she does want him to hire Jake and all she gets is a big fat "Noooooo." Nik has no real reason to help, after all. Hiring Jake won't get him ELQ shares or get him laid, so why should he care? And I'd bet he doesn't think Jake will remember since he hasn't yet.

If Nikolas ever gets back together with Elizabeth, then he's an idiot.  If he wants to use her for sex, fine, but he'd be an idiot to ever think that she ever loved him.  She's basically at his door because her amnesiac lover may figure out who he is and leave her bed.  I did enjoy the look of scorn on Nikolas' face towards Elizabeth - "What are you doing here?"


I kind of hate that Sam made her relationship with Michael all about Jason.  Yeah, I know that's WHY Michael was in Sam's life, but he is definitely more to her than someone who meant a lot to Jason.   

Actually Sam didn't, Sabrina did.  Sabrina is the one that kept punctuating every statement about Sam and Michael with "because of Jason."  Granted, it would have been nice for Sam to set her straight, but that would require some backstory that RC likes to skip right over.  Sam definitely has a relationship with Michael separate and distinct from Jason.  Michael was the one that comforted her when she confessed her "rape" by Franco (before RC changed everything and made Franco a "hero.")

Edited by Bishop
  • Love 2

Family emergency >>>> engagement party.

Even more than Laura, Lucky is the love of Luke's life (JJ's Lucky, anyway)

If Laura delayed two hours for a silly party and that delay harmed Lucky? Neither of them would have forgiven themselves or each other.

Luke should've told Tracy the truth - that he chose not to do so is a reflection on their relationship. I doubt Laura cares one way or another especially if we're right and this is about Lucky

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 8

Teresa Castillo's hair is bordering on 'Bringing Peace to The Middle East' status.

It's too bad Sam didn't stab Freakco in the throat; same with Molly and Nina.

ETA: I did not understand the Dante/TJ thing, and not in the usual 'GH doesn't make sense' way the show as a whole has been lately; it was if either Dom or Tequan totally botched their dialogue, or maybe my affiliate clipped out part of it, who knows!

ETA 2: someone posted in some thread about Jane & Tony playing Lila & Tolliver Crane in nuflashbacks during the memwahs story, and I'm pretty sure it was Kristina Wagner & Tony that did those scenes. And yes, 15 years later even mentioning Felicia & Lewq in the same scenes still makes me want to cry and throw-up at the exact same time.

I still like him. He's better than Nina and Franco, imo.


Well sure, he's never raped anyone or ripped a baby from its mothers' womb but he still sucks IMHO. Edited by Tiger
  • Love 5
I did have a twinge when evil Nik (demonik? Demonic, geddit, geddit?) was wearing glasses in the beginning of the show. Opening shots of Stefan would have him with his glasses shuffling paper quite often. sniff sniff.

I know! It was very Stefan-like. Nik is no Stefan, however.


Next month the kid will definitely be taller than KeMo.

I cracked myself up imagining KeMo trying to carry the new Danny. He'll start carrying her.


All the women on the show have been looking great lately, I have to say.


Agreed. Hair and Makeup have sobered up for a bit.


I loved the Molly/Nina scenes, with Molly being "yeah, right" to whatever Nina was trying to sell her.


[Liz is] basically at [Nik's] door because her amnesiac lover may figure out who he is and leave her bed.


Jason will never figure out who he is on his own. He'll overhear someone who knows and then need Carly to figure it all out for him.


I hope that stuff between Rosalie and Michael about their sex night doesn't mean we have a Rosalie/Michael/Sabrina triangle coming up. LOL that Michael accepts that if Rosalie doesn't personally have a lot of money, it means she can't possibly have anything to do with Franco's ELQ shares.

  • Love 2

Haven't commented in a while but have kind of enjoying some of the show lately.


On a shallow note, the women all looked great today. I feel kind of dirty including Molly in there, I almost didn't recognize her. I hadn't seen her in a while. On an even shallower note, if I have to watch Liz being a horrible person she should always just be sitting around in a bra.


So let me guess Jason and Sam will end up working together to find out about ELQ and either get really close or cause him to gain some memories.

  • Love 3

Bringonthedrama, I'm a little confused. I never said Laura owed Tracy anything. I do see people left and right making excuses for Laura's rude behavior and bashing Tracy for simply calling her out as the DB she is. I don't care if Laura is trying to save the Queen of England. You can't tell me she didn't have Luke or Lulu's phone number. She could have sent a text to either that could have been vague and generic. She could have sent someone else in to bring Luke outside. She could have handled it any number of ways that didn't include walking into a room where, if she has any tact at all, she knew she would be at best, out of place

My point was Laura didn't do anything to Tracy. The ship obviously wasn't locked, with a sign saying "Closed for Private Party." The place wasn't decorated to look like a big-deal party atmosphere. She entered the Haunted Star, a business that was owned by either Luke or Lulu, NOT Tracy (I can't remember which) the last time she was in Port Charles, and came down the steps to talk to Luke about something. Yeah, it was bad timing that she came in during Luke's speech to Tracy. But I believe this assumption that she went in because she's DB, thinks she's supremely important and didn't care about humiliating Tracy is incorrect. If that was the case, she would have made a Carly-esque entrance, dressed up and looking gorgeous/come-hither, happy to see him and their daughter. Instead, she looked tense and sad, and said to Tracy, "Thanks for spelling that out" in a tone that said to me okay, I hear you, but this is important.  We have no idea why she didn't send a generic text. Heck, I have an aunt who, until recently, would not text people at all. My point is also that it was LUKE who told Tracy in front of their guests that the engagement is off. It was LUKE giving Tracy bullshit responses in front of the guests. Luke and Tracy chose to make this a public spectacle. Yes, Laura offered Tracy a b.s. reason for her private conversation with Luke, after Dillon and Lulu loudly started demanding answers right then and there.  But she didn't walk into the Haunted Star declaring to the guests, "Luke and I are the loves of each other's lives, we belong together, you all should go home." 

  • Love 14

Sam/Sabrina: Took me ten minutes to figure out how they know each other, then remembered that Sam is dating Sab's ex.  


I was literally like 'what are you talking about?' and then I was like 'oh yea.' It's like I've completly blocked Sabrina/Patrick from my memory. And honestly just Patrick altogether.


All the women on the show have been looking great lately, I have to say. 


This. It's sorta unnerving. I'd gotten so used to everyone looking like shit.


I don't know what's going on with me but I enjoyed this episode. That's 4 in a row now. So weird!


Why is Michael so attractive? I don't like it at all! I don't wanna feel these things!

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 5

As usual, Jane Elliott delivered a GREAT FOAD speech to Luke.  It was well-written, wonderfully said, and - by Jane Elliott, well acted.  She puts more into her scenes sometimes than they deserve.

I often don't like Tracy, often don't sympathize in the least with her, but that's never stopped me from enjoying JE's work.  And as much as I liked today's performance, haven't we seen this just once too often?  It's pathetic that Luke is the best Tracy is allowed to shoot for (if ONLY she'd shoot him), and for her to be dumped by this piece of trash AGAIN, well, lets just say it's lost it's punch.


This! Yes, and yes, and Yes! Jane does give her all to the opportunities she's given, especially when compared against the phone-it-in, half-awake mumbles of some of the cast (lookin' at you, Kelly and ME) or the misfires and one-off acting farts that Tony G and Roger Howarth produce according to their mood du jour.


Luke/Fluke is so sadistic to Tracy, pecking on her existential sore that never heals, building up her hopes of being truly loved, only to slip the knife between her ribs in a matter of minutes as he deserts her for simpering Laura. Tracy and Luke are in relationship hell, where betrayal trumps love every time. Tracy needs to realize that she is living the definition of insanity with Luke.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
  • Love 2

Again, how bad can the crisis be if Laura takes the hours long plane ride from Paris before even sending a 30 second text ? What about during a layover or after she landed ? No, we don't know why she chose to handle it the way she did. All I know is, her actions do make her look douchey. She doesn't even come across as a concerned mother to me, because if the situation is so dire she can't wait two hours....what about the hours just spent on the plane ? She could have handled it differently, period. As could have Luke. As far as I'm concerned, Tracy gets a pass for this. And I never give passes, but I am not going to basg the woman for daring to get upset that her fiance's ex showed up to take her man back. Or so everyone thinks. In Laura's last return, she did ask Luke to come with her to Paris. I think that qualifies as an attempt to get back together with him.

  • Love 1


I did enjoy the easy friendship like vibe between Sam and Sabrina, but I kept waiting for Patrick's name to come up.  Sam really does need more female friends, especially since the Sam/Maxie friendship has pretty much disappeared.


It did kind of feel like an elephant in the room that Patrick wasn't mentioned at all. But Sabrina seems so over him, I guess there's no real reason for any awkwardness or for Patrick to be brought up. I liked the chemistry between them.



I do see people left and right making excuses for Laura's rude behavior and bashing Tracy for simply calling her out as the DB she is. I don't care if Laura is trying to save the Queen of England. You can't tell me she didn't have Luke or Lulu's phone number. She could have sent a text to either that could have been vague and generic. She could have sent someone else in to bring Luke outside. She could have handled it any number of ways that didn't include walking into a room where, if she has any tact at all, she knew she would be at best, out of place. She could have texted Lulu, Luke or even dante to ask to speak to Luke. She could have waited until after the party. As if two hours would make much difference. Obviously, since this story is going to drag on all summer, two more hours would not matter. No, she has to do it in the rudest, most obtrusive way possible. She deserved being misunderstood and told off publically, because SHE chose to impose when she did not have to do it that way.


What was so rude about her behavior? She walked into a business that's owned by her daughter. Given how last minute the party was, there's no way to say she purposefully chose that moment to stick it to Tracy. Clearly people were gathered together for some reason, but Laura had no idea why, which she expressed fairly on - she had no idea that Luke and Tracy were engaged for the umpteenth time and it was a party for them. She simply wanted to talk to Luke in private. She wasn't trying to make some public scene. That was Tracy, Dillon, and Lulu. It's fairly clear that someone is in danger and Laura isn't allowed to just publicly blurt that out. And that's not something you drop on someone in a phone call or text. "Hey Luke. Our son was kidnapped. I'll text you the deets later. K. TTYL." Why would she send a generic text? So they could potentially take their sweet time getting back to her, not knowing it's something vitally important. Is there some rule that Laura's not to step two feet next to her ex-husband, and the father of her kids, without express permission of Tracy? Why should she have to send someone in to act as a go between?



I'm okay with it.  Michael has absolutely no reason to suspect Rosalie anymore than Lulu should suspect her brother is going to try and use her to get to Dillon's shares of ELQ stock.  It's not about being naive, imo.  It's just a smart move on Nikolas' part to use someone that Michael does trust.  He slept with Rosalie and he saved her life, and for all he knows, she is a good person.  It's quite plausible to him that Rosalie is absolutely innocent.


But Mike does have a pretty big reason to at least not fully trust Rosalie. He told Sabrina that Rosalie has some huge secret. Michael's never pressed Rosalie on it, but he knows Rosalie's been forced/blackmailed into doing some pretty shady stuff because of this secret. It wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility for it to be used against her again. Michael still doesn't really know her that well.



Actually Sam didn't, Sabrina did.  Sabrina is the one that kept punctuating every statement about Sam and Michael with "because of Jason."  Granted, it would have been nice for Sam to set her straight, but that would require some backstory that RC likes to skip right over.  Sam definitely has a relationship with Michael separate and distinct from Jason.  Michael was the one that comforted her when she confessed her "rape" by Franco (before RC changed everything and made Franco a "hero.")


I disagree that Sabrina was the one making it about Jason or that she kept saying "because of Jason." She said that once. Earlier in the episode Sam said that if Michael was in trouble it was definitely a problem for her. Sabrina expressed surprise because she didn't realize they were that close. Sam said that Michael was Jason's favorite person and because of that she would do anything to help him. Later, Sabrina wasn't sure if Sam would take the case and Sam said even if she weren't taking clients she would make an exception for Michael. That's when Sabrina said "because of Jason." To me clearly thinking about their earlier conversation.



Heh. It's uncanny, astonishing, and amazing how much I use to hate Sabrina and Michael, and now I clap like a demented seal every time either of them is on-screen.


LOL. I've always liked Sabrina, but I've only started loving Michael since he broke away from Sonny and Carly.



Again, how bad can the crisis be if Laura takes the hours long plane ride from Paris before even sending a 30 second text ? What about during a layover or after she landed ? No, we don't know why she chose to handle it the way she did. All I know is, her actions do make her look douchey. She doesn't even come across as a concerned mother to me, because if the situation is so dire she can't wait two hours....what about the hours just spent on the plane ?


I'm not getting this. She'd look more like a concerned mother if she waited a couple of hours all so Luke and Tracy could sling back champagne celebrating their ten thousandth engagement? It's not like she flounced in and cursed Tracy out and dragged Luke away. She wanted to have a private conversation with him. She had to wait hours to get to PC because there wasn't any other option. She can't teleport to PC. But she shouldn't have to put off telling Luke for hours for some party. Some party SHE HAD NO IDEA ABOUT. Tracy and Luke weren't even pre-engaged by the time Laura got on the plane.

Edited by FilmTVGeek80
  • Love 13

Sam/Sabrina: Took me ten minutes to figure out how they know each other, then remembered that Sam is dating Sab's ex.


Oh, don't worry, the show made extra double sure to have Sabrina, despite all of Patrick's mistreatment of her, give her seal of approval to his relationship with Sam, because Patrick Deserves To Be Happy.  (Barf).



If they haven't gotten rid of the Kiki, Silas, Franco characters, at least their forced replacement pairings for their respective OLTL counterparts are all pretty much dead in the water. 


That's because almost every pairing on GH is dead in the water.

  • Love 1

I know! It was very Stefan-like. Nik is no Stefan, however.


I cracked myself up imagining KeMo trying to carry the new Danny. He'll start carrying her.



Agreed. Hair and Makeup have sobered up for a bit.


I loved the Molly/Nina scenes, with Molly being "yeah, right" to whatever Nina was trying to sell her.



Jason will never figure out who he is on his own. He'll overhear someone who knows and then need Carly to figure it all out for him.


I hope that stuff between Rosalie and Michael about their sex night doesn't mean we have a Rosalie/Michael/Sabrina triangle coming up. LOL that Michael accepts that if Rosalie doesn't personally have a lot of money, it means she can't possibly have anything to do with Franco's ELQ shares.

I'd rather have a Sabrina/Micheal/Rosalie triangle then Brother hopper Kiki back in his obit

  • Love 2

When I say generic text, I mean she could have said to Luke or Lulu that she had news to deliver in person. Please meet me here @ this time. Simple. Easy. It alerts them without revealing details, but they know it is serious if she is hopping a plane. I don't get the secrecy. She can obviously tell Luke, so why not a call from France if the situation is serious. At least then, Luke would have been prepared and could have dumped Tracy in private if needed. She handled it like an amateur, not like someone who has been through this before. And Laura didn't do anything to Tracy? She walked in and walked out with Tracy's fiance. I'd say that qualifies as doing something to her. People can say no that was Luke all they want. It was BOTH of them. Luke wasn't pretending to leave Tracy for anyone else. And unless I've missed the scene showing Laura telling Tracy the truth, she's equally responsible. It doesn't matter that the deception appears unplanned and last minute. Tracy thinks it's all deliberate and that's the place she's coming from.

When I say generic text, I mean she could have said to Luke or Lulu that she had news to deliver in person. Please meet me here @ this time. Simple. Easy. It alerts them without revealing details, but they know it is serious if she is hopping a plane. I don't get the secrecy. She can obviously tell Luke, so why not a call from France if the situation is serious. At least then, Luke would have been prepared and could have dumped Tracy in private if needed. She handled it like an amateur, not like someone who has been through this before. And Laura didn't do anything to Tracy? She walked in and walked out with Tracy's fiance. I'd say that qualifies as doing something to her. People can say no that was Luke all they want. It was BOTH of them. Luke wasn't pretending to leave Tracy for anyone else. And unless I've missed the scene showing Laura telling Tracy the truth, she's equally responsible. It doesn't matter that the deception appears unplanned and last minute. Tracy thinks it's all deliberate and that's the place she's coming from.



But let's say Laura did send that text and Luke went to her. With Tracy's pattern, I don't think we would have escaped the same type of reaction regardless, IMO, because - as has been said - Tracy seems to want to be the center of Luke's Universe (why any woman would want that is a mystery to me, but okay!) and his "great love" and, regardless of the tantrums TG throws or whatever, history has dictated that is Laura, no matter what.


Tracy, sadly, has always been insecure and, let's face it, bitchy with romantic rivals. I don't deny she has never really had someone love her for her, but she has sadly made those awful choices.


What this all comes down to for me is, yes, Laura may have come at an inopportune time and could have maybe given an urgent heads up. But it isn't about the interrupted party and the lying per se than it is about Laura even existing to Tracy at all. And had they clued Tracy in, I personally don't think it would have stemmed Tracy's vitriol, because that has always been Tracy, anyway.

  • Love 12

Of course Tracy would hate that Luke would be running off with Laura. I can't think of any woman fictional or real who'd be happy with it. But I think it happening publically the way it did just makes it that much worse. I do think if she knew the truth, that one or more of Luke's kids were in trouble, she'd be more understanding. She might want to help though, and ironically enough, Luke making her hate him to keep her safe is both his most obvious gesture of sacrificial love and the undoing of them at the same time.

  • Love 3

And unless I've missed the scene showing Laura telling Tracy the truth, she's equally responsible. It doesn't matter that the deception appears unplanned and last minute. Tracy thinks it's all deliberate and that's the place she's coming from.

I don't see how Laura can be equally responsible when she's never had a relationship with Tracy (other than that they both have maternal love for Lulu+grandkid) and didn't set up that party. Tracy thinks it's all deliberate because she's not thinking logically, just reacting based on her deep-seated jealousy upon seeing Laura, and knowing that Luke has not treated her with the love and respect she desperately wants thru their on-again, off-again relationship. JE did a great job with Tracy's longing/jealous eyes to Laura briefly talking about reflecting on the life and home she had with Luke. I assume that's because she's thinking she's never truly had a life or house/home with Luke where she felt valued and like a true partner ... Luke consistently taking her $$, as well as watching him stroll into the Q home like he owns the place and swallow her family's liquor does not count, in my opinion. I think hearing Laura speak of the LnL years, and comparing it to what she's had with Luke over the years, provoked the "he never loved me" line to Dillon.


Tracy's jealousy and insecurity has always been right there, or just under the surface. I still remember a scene where it clearly pained her to acknowledge Laura and Lulu's loving mother-daughter relationship. That was just sad.  Now Luke is lying to her face, I guess due to her anger she doesn't seem to be picking up on that (for someone who thinks she knows Luke best), and has decided that Laura came all the way from France to steal Luke/ruin an engagement party that she couldn't have known about. 

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Even, Michelle Stafford looked good today. Her dress & hair looked amazing. She usually annoys me but I think she was kind of funny with Molly today. I still don't like Nina & Franco. I don't know how to feel all warm and fuzzy about two crazy & pyscho & murdering people as a couple. Not exactly Love In The Afternoon. Remember that slogan & theme? That ABC lineup was rocking in the 80's! Ryan's Hope, Loving, AMC, OLTL & then GH. Good times!

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LMAO Liez has to distract Jakeson with sex so he stops thinking about his son that she's keeping him from. She's so gross.


How nice to get some Sam scenes where she isn't talking about Jakeson. I'm glad she's working a case, even if it involves that worthless nobody Rosalie.


I would think it would have been easier for Ric to just convince Nina to work with him to get her money back and then give him a cut of it instead of scheming with Madeline.

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