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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I only watched the first 20 minutes today, than had to leave.  But what the hell was up with the extremely awkward way Nikolas greeted Lulu today?  I thought maybe he pulled something in his back or something, he was just so....stiff.  It was strange.


I noticed it too.  First thought was a bad back then second thought was Nik was sporting some wood.  This show is getting to me!


Anna needs to go to Paris with Robin to heal from Duke's loss.  Still don't understand why they didn't put a drop piece on Carlos (if he wasn't carrying), and shoot a couple of bullets into the pier from his dead hand.  Jordan should be covering for Anna.  She's a pro at that.

  • Love 4

Nik's behavior can always be explained later as being controlled by Helena, unless TC and the show decides they like him this way.

I always found him to be a boring block of wood, so while it is out of left field, I sort of support anything that might make him interesting. It's just too bad that they think they have to make him bad to do so.

  • Love 2

How about Boston, the land of no RRRRR'sI don't hear the accent but everyone else does. My sister in-law has lived on the jersey shore all her life, and she says Joisey. As do the rest of them. I haven't been actually watching the show o I don't know exactly how bad Ava's accent is . Personally I love listening to others accents.Southern, Californian, Any where. We in Boston don't have an accent.I can't hear it. LOL

Edited by testardo
  • Love 2

This sums up the level of interest I have in whether Deva is actually Ava or a lookalike:




Seriously, why does it even matter? Ava was a pointless character, and her entire family (Kiki, Silas, Franco, Donna Mills, Roxie/Delia, did I already say Kiki, who cares, Kiki again) could disappear and the show would be the better for it.


Whether Deva is really Ava is a mystery that doesn't need solving.

  • Love 12

I'm happy to see Shawn go because I hated what they did to his character and it never made any sense that he was one of Sonny's flunkies, and he was totally ineffectual as a hitman in ways that weren't even interesting. However, I worry that he's leaving to make room for Jason to come back into the fold as Sonny's right hand man, and I absolutely do not want that.

I think I'd like a Jason Q/ Jason M mix. Maybe he remembers both pasts and is conflicted about the murdering Jason, but also doesn't want to be goody two shoes medical student Jason, and so he lands somewhere in the middle. A gray Jason, if you will. I was trying to think of a character to compare what I want to, but it seems like all the current characters are black or white, no nuance or gray areas to any of them. Maybe Luke of old? Sean Connery? My memory is also not great, which is not helping. Anyway, that's what I want.

And a pony.

  • Love 10

I so wasn't feeling the TJ/Shawn scenes. All I kept thinking was that he's not dead and that TJ can visit him weekly in prison so why all the tears.


And I hate that this story seems to be about evil Jordan, working to put poor, widdle "coffee importer/BLT maker" Shawn in jail, rather that criminal mob hitman Shawn, shot an innocent woman in the head and will now pay for it.


Also, so nice of Shawn to pick Sonny over his own son TJ. Oh right, loyalty.

  • Love 7

I think Lucas might want to kinda be a cop/detective too, the way he strolled into the station with the DNA results.


I like Lulu's black dress.


It was kinda nice to hear Dante complement Anna and Mac. I also laughed at his meta explanation for letting Sonny go see Ava: "He's gonna manage to see her anyway. Whatever."


Ah, there's Carlos' evil laugh. So glad he's found his inner joy again.


Rosalie's back tomorrow. Really? Still trying to make this an ongoing plot, show?


Today didn't seem that bad, at least compared to the last couple of episode? I think it was the lack of Nina/Franco.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 5

It's hilarious how "poor" relatives show up in town with one suitcase, yet have dozens of outfits and accessories.  I'm talkin' to you, Valerie.


Neenah's dress is hideous, made more so by that fleshtone support-garment belt that she's wearing with it.  She couldn't have looked less attractive if she'd worn the egg salad canvas.


And Liez's green top showed off wayyy too much boobage.  Does she think she's Sam?

Edited by ciarra
  • Love 2

I'm sure Ava has a plaaaaaan to get custody of Avery as Ava's twin sister. Or something. Or Ron can't write his way out of this corner and is throwing shit at the wall and hoping it sticks.

Lucas/RyCa was having a blast today. I think Lucas played a lot of Cops 'n' Robbers as a kid.

Sloan: I have a plan…

Anna: To keep our secret?

Sloan: No, to get in your pants, is it working?

Anna: Kinda, I don't see dead people right now, so your chances have improved by 30%.

Oh Lulu. Nope, no probs with Valerie working at the PCPD and spending time with you, Dante! Hey Valerie, let me personally escort you all over so I'll know if you even breathe in Dante's direction…

Morgan was so gross telling Kiki he knows her mom's face better than her (since they used to bang) AS he's in bed with Keeks.

At least Olivia grew half a brain in the previews. Speaking of the previews, why do Maxie and Nathan have Jason and Sam's sex blanket from Mexico? Hope they washed it first!

  • Love 4

Oh Lulu. Nope, no probs with Valerie working at the PCPD and spending time with you, Dante! Hey Valerie, let me personally escort you all over so I'll know if you even breathe in Dante's direction…


Heh. I feel for Lulu though. If she says she does have a problem, she looks like a jerk and makes things awkward for everyone. Plus, Dante asked her right at the desk with Valerie right behind them, not the best place to get into that conversation.

  • Love 6
I wish you'd not drag Denise Richards into this. At least Maura West isn't a fembot.


Denise Richards will always be good people to me for stepping up and taking care of Charlie Sheen's kids with the wife after her while those two went to rehab. I can't even hate her anymore for being the worst Bond Girl ever.


Morgan was so gross telling Kiki he knows her mom's face better than her (since they used to bang) AS he's in bed with Keeks.


Quite the romantic, the Captain. He really is his father's son.

  • Love 11

So... Sonny essentially went to visit "Denise" and demanded to see her chest (for the bullet wound Carlos inflicted on Ava) and Denise agreed?!?


Carly really must be neglecting Sonny if he's trolling lock-up demanding to see inmates'' boobs.


And, of course, Anna is hallucinating Carrrrrrlos. As much as I love the actor's energy, Why does Anna, the career spy/secret agent/ law enforcement person fall apart, must be because she's a wimmins.

  • Love 5

I think I'm just going to copy the following and post it as my daily review from here on out:

Dante is awesome, Fin was amazing, and I'm getting a kick out of whoever Maura is playing.

Shut up Morgan. Shut up Kiki. Shut the fuck up Sonny.

ETA: where's my homegirl @tvgoddess at? Did "Denise D'muccio" cause her to throw hot fondue on someone? Stick an infant in a tree? Aim a gun at someone and accidentally shoot some innocent squirrel 10 ft away?

Edited by Tiger
  • Love 4

LOL that Nathan is making sure the DNA test is handled properly. As if he'd know.


One of the only reasons I don't go into a complete rage blackout when the wimmins go crazy is because at least it shows they have a conscience.


Lulu's oh-so-casual "So…what was Valerie doing here yesterday?" cracked me up.


Lauren, it's perfectly okay for Morgan to still be mad at Ava for shooting Connie no matter how he feels about Ava.

  • Love 4

I love how Valerie's been in town less than two months and already has a job, yet The Mooch has been in town for 25 months and has yet to work a single fucking day. At least The Captain technically has a job; even if we never see he or Lulu actually working at The Haunted Star, they do have jobs.

Seriously, at least state on screen she's taking classes at PCU, or that she and Maxie are working at Wyndham's. As much as I'd love work/business stories, I'm okay with never actually seeing certain characters at work, but at least give them jobs!

Edited by Tiger
  • Love 4

LOL that Nathan is making sure the DNA test is handled properly. As if he'd know.


Meanwhile, nobody pointed out the conflicts of interest re: Lucas and Brad handling the test.


Relatedly, not sure how I feel about their scenes today.  Mostly, I feel worried Ron is going to dust off the story that was rumored with Felix, Taylor, and the secret he was hiding from their parents and give it to Brad.

  • Love 2


And, of course, Anna is hallucinating Carrrrrrlos. As much as I love the actor's energy, Why does Anna, the career spy/secret agent/ law enforcement person fall apart, must be because she's a wimmins.

I agree that Anna should be written so differently...but I have to admit that I am getting the biggest kick out of "handsy ghost Carlos". Those two have great chemistry! Go figure! In this GH I just take the parts I enjoy and try to block out the rest....not good for my blood pressure to try & make this crap make any sense.

  • Love 7


So... Sonny essentially went to visit "Denise" and demanded to see her chest (for the bullet wound Carlos inflicted on Ava) and Denise agreed?!?

Well, she gave him a hard time for awhile before agreeing.  There was a flower tattoo over the spot where the scar would be.  



Why does Anna, the career spy/secret agent/ law enforcement person fall apart,

She told Sloane that she's killed before but this time it was out and out murder, plus they can't get Julian now.  Eh, they have to write something for Fin's summer absence and this is it.  Could be worst.  They could say she's discovered that she's an esthetician from Lawgn Eyeland. 

  • Love 7

It also could have been much better. She could have gotten a voicemail from Robert or Sean and heard gunfire in the background and go to investigate/help. She could have gone to take care of Mariah at Felicia's request for reasons; anything would be better than yet another wimmins going cray cray.


Or she could go look for her daughter, since she's already constantly going "gee, I wonder why Robin never calls" and "hey, I have nobody now, this kinda sucks!".... this shit just writes itself, people.  


And yet the writers are somehow incapable of actually writing what practically writes itself, and actually logically follows from their own previous shitty writing (I've given up on the writers paying attention to character consistency or history).  It's mind boggling, really.   

Edited by SlovakPrincess
  • Love 6

My only thought for today:


Morgan is a scumbag.


That is all.



Just like Daddy!  


Perfect posts!  Just perfect.


Sonny should stop with the close-ups.  He's looking a bit too much like Totie Fields with that denture grin.


And as for Ava killing Connie, who gives a shit?  Hard to believe anyone -even Sonny does, at this point.


So Brad's parents were mobsters?   I had no idea the Tribbles had gone down that path.

  • Love 1

So Brad's parents were mobsters? I had no idea the Tribbles had gone down that path.

Adoptive parents, no. However MoRon tied Brad to the Asian quarter mob via his bio-parents.

I didn't get enough Ghost Carlos and Anna.

I've come to adore MW.

I love Brad/Lucas, I just do. I want to know who's Brad's parents are. I hope MoRon the ReRon doesn't reuse Felix's dropped parang story line but who am I kidding.

  • Love 3

I think this is really unfair.  The show is doing a REALLY good job here.  Anna IS a good person who tries to do the right thing.   And the show made a very specific point of having her say that she's killed people before, but she's never murdered anyone before.  And then had her say that clearly she's not a murderer because this is how she reacts to doing so.   This whole thing has been handled marvelously.  It's showing that for all the rah-rah-rah white light shining down on Sonny/Shawn whatever that characters spew at them, they are NOT good guys.  Show, not freaking tell.  Show, not tell.  It exists!


Anna is indisputably a HEROINE.  She is categorically a GOOD GUY.  There is no question of that by anyone.  And Anna (in her rage, in her grief, in an insane moment of that rage and grief) committed a murder and what we are seeing played out in full, unvarnished glory is that she knows that it was WRONG.  The show is saying, nay, SHOWING, that to a good person, to a noble person, to an indisputably GOOD, DECENT PERSON, murder is wrong.  It effects a person like that.  Unlike a Sonny, unlike a Shawn, unlike a TJ who has been indoctrinated to think it's perfectly OK as long as you're "loyal to the code." On the other hand, you have a Jake who walks away and is willing to risk prison if it means that another innocent bystander is not going to get shot or killed because of him.


But, yeah, let's just continue and say, pfft, the show sucks.  What else is new?  Heaven forbid GH be anything other than a piece of turd broadcast daily on our television screens.  I just can't even.....


To a point, I agree with this. Anna is a good person, Carlos was not, and she would never have shot him if she hadn't been spun out over Duke being killed. On that level, its totally acceptable and understandable that she'd be haunted by what she's done.


But to play devil's advocate for a moment, let's say that she'd killed Sonny or Shawn instead. (*waits for the cheering to die down*) Given the amount of suffering that Sonny has inflicted on Port Charles from pretty much the moment his greasy self wandered into town, wouldn't it practically be a public service if someone did away with him? If, in some pie in the sky world, Anna had shot and killed Sonny, I can see how it would be incredibly aggravating if he was following her around like Hamlet's father. Because Sonny is scum, and in the real world mob instead of the chickenfat outfit he runs, he'd have been dead ages ago, with or without concrete loafers.


And I'm sure that Hayden would have appreciated it if someone had drawn a bead on Shawn before he managed to (maybe) hit his target for once and shoot her. Shawn had a chance for a hot second to be a decent character, and instead he became a mob flunky who sacrifices his freedom for "noble" Sonny, abandoning the teenager charged into his care. Because God forbid that someone not embrace the thug life. Given that, why should anyone (with the possible exception of Carly, since true love never dies) grieve if Sonny or Shawn caught a bullet?


Granted, Carlos was fairly inoffensive in comparison, but that's like saying that a monsoon isn't so bad as long as you're not right in the middle of it. As long as you're even remotely in the vicinity, you're going to get rained on. And what of Duke himself, who went back to the mob life because of....reasons, I guess, despite the fact that one of Sonny's many victims offered him a legitimate job and likely a chance to have a relationship with Anna without the constant threat of violence hanging over their heads? I think that's what bothering some people, that she shot Carlos over a man who made the choice to be one of Sonny's trained monkeys, and now Carlos' ghost is dogging her over it instead of, say, Sonny himself. Since this is really all his fault anyway.

  • Love 4

I think this is really unfair.  The show is doing a REALLY good job here.  Anna IS a good person who tries to do the right thing.   And the show made a very specific point of having her say that she's killed people before, but she's never murdered anyone before.  And then had her say that clearly she's not a murderer because this is how she reacts to doing so.   This whole thing has been handled marvelously.  It's showing that for all the rah-rah-rah white light shining down on Sonny/Shawn whatever that characters spew at them, they are NOT good guys.  Show, not freaking tell.  Show, not tell.  It exists!


Anna is indisputably a HEROINE.  She is categorically a GOOD GUY.  There is no question of that by anyone.  And Anna (in her rage, in her grief, in an insane moment of that rage and grief) committed a murder and what we are seeing played out in full, unvarnished glory is that she knows that it was WRONG.  The show is saying, nay, SHOWING, that to a good person, to a noble person, to an indisputably GOOD, DECENT PERSON, murder is wrong.  It effects a person like that.  Unlike a Sonny, unlike a Shawn, unlike a TJ who has been indoctrinated to think it's perfectly OK as long as you're "loyal to the code." On the other hand, you have a Jake who walks away and is willing to risk prison if it means that another innocent bystander is not going to get shot or killed because of him.


But, yeah, let's just continue and say, pfft, the show sucks.  What else is new?  Heaven forbid GH be anything other than a piece of turd broadcast daily on our television screens.  I just can't even.....


Okay, you see a good storyline playing out.  Good for you.  I see a storyline that is true in its essence but I don't see a good storyline there.  Anna being upset, sure, but everything and everyone she's surrounded by? - NOT GOOD.  Not true to the character.  FH is a very good actor, Anna Devane is a very good character.  But you can't put a good character with what could be a good storyline into a shadow box, empty of everyone except Sloane - SLOANE, a dick of a character with motivations that change on a dime and - speaking just for myself - expect me to applaud it.  Half a lunch is NOT enough to eat and I won't say it is.


Normally I wouldn't respond because someone likes something and I don't but you make it sound as if it's personal with you and that we should applaud it because you like it.  Seriously?

I don't expect anyone to do that with my opinions and I CERTAINLY won't do that for anyone else. 


It's a SHOW, not a life choice.

Edited by boes
  • Love 5

Allow me as a mod to nip this in the bud now.


There are those who love things on GH as it stands and there are those who cannot stand an inkling of any of it. And both are okay. Because everyone has a right to their own opinions.


It is when those opinions are chastised by others and framed in "shaming" for not sharing an opinion that will not fly.


If you (in the universal sense) love something and want to praise everything to the skies? Go for it! If you want to say how much you despise X, Y, and Z and want to rage? Have at it.


But the key is respecting these opposing stances and moving on.


Feel what YOU feel and leave it at that. This is not a Debate Club and no one needs to defend their likes or dislikes here.

  • Love 16

But you can't put a good character with what could be a good storyline into a shadow box, empty of everyone except Sloane - SLOANE, a dick of a character with motivations that change on a dime and - speaking just for myself - expect me to applaud it.


That continues to be my major problem with this story.  It seems more about shining Sloane up to make him viable to pair with Anna than anything else.  He's doing exactly what he viciously accused her of doing months ago and it makes no sense.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 7

That continues to be my major problem with this story.  It seems more about shining Sloane up to make him viable to pair with Anna than anything else.  He's doing exactly what he viciously accused her of doing months ago and it makes no sense.


Common sense has no place in RC's gimmicks of camp and suck. Now go stand in the corner and think about what you said! <Does the SBu!Jason's Headshake of Disappointment>

  • Love 3

My main problem with Anna's story is that it's the wrong story.  THIS is the story that should have played out after she murdered Faison after he was handcuffed and "helpless".  THIS is the story that should have played out after she murdered Dr. O in cold blood for being responsible for Robin's abduction.  If Anna was going to kill anyone and be haunted by it because she is a "good guy" character (an interesting story, I agree) she needed the right set-up event.  There were literally 2 there for the taking, and they ended up slapping a contrived ending to Duke's story in order to jump start this story arc. 


Yes - Anna had the right to grieve Duke and want vengeance - but if the actions of Faison and Dr. O were not enough to push her over the edge, this shouldn't have done it either.  But - Carlos was expendable, and Faison and Dr. O are not - which makes the story feel contrived to me.  I think the actual scenes are well written and well directed, and I think FH is acting the HELL out it - the best "material" she's had in years.  But it still rings false to me.  Too convenient - more of a way to get Anna off screen for a while and re-set Slone's character.    


I've always thought Anna was capable of murdering someone in the right circumstances - Faison, Olivia Jerome, Grant Putnam, and now Dr. O.  They all needed killing.  Carlos needed arresting and prosecuting and throwing away the key.   

  • Love 24

I was going to respond to the mod post, but I'm putting in the Mod thread as this is the ep discussion thread.  As to the episode:



Wait a minute... so you actually agree completely with what I said and that the show IS doing a really good job with Anna in what they ARE DOING on screen.  What they did.  What they wrote.  What they directed.  What we are seeing play out on screen.  As written.  IS GOOD.  You agree.  However in order to point that that GH is not good you have to then create a hypothetical that DID NOT HAPPEN to point out how bad it is?  She didn't kill Sonny.  She didn't kill Shawn.   She did not do those things.  That did not happen.  Didn't happen.  Did.  Not.  Happen.  You are creating this whole thing to say that the show is still bad overall based on something that DID. NOT. HAPPEN.


Well, no, and since you cut most of my post I won't re-iterate the whole thing over again, which I'm sure will relieve everyone. :-)


Why should hypothetical situations not enter into it? Because what we're talking about here is the fact that Anna killed Carlos, a mob guy who was connected to Duke's death. If its acceptable to you for her to be haunted by Carlos' spirit, then shouldn't it also be acceptable for her to be haunted by another dead mobster if she'd killed them instead? If X is X, then Y should be Y, not 42. That it didn't happen is not the point. If it had happened, it would be the same situation, just with a different name attached  Kind of like this SL is in itself a re-write of "Sonny is haunted by AJ's ghost."

  • Love 2

I have already posted a mod note explaining the stance here:


Speak for you. You alone. People will feel as they will and as long as they are not name calling and stirring up things, that is the way it should be.


I do understand this forum can be negative for those who want some positivity. Really. But we cannot make people feel as we do. We cannot make people think as we do. So please stop. It only leads to people becoming defensive and the circular posting to start. Say your piece and move on. Others may agree; still more may not.


And that brings me to addressing the positive/negative issue: A segregated thread does not lead to conducive discussion as far as our mod team figures. We are all adults here. So there is no reason to think there will be a high school mentality. Be positive. If others agree, speak up. Inject new opinions and new blood. It's the beauty of a discussion board. But if others rebut negatively, that is also fair. It's the nature of posting with people with different ideas.


This is the final say about the topic of "GH is good" versus "GH sucks" and the circle of why it is or isn't with regard to "defending" the stance. Please heed it. Any further posts will be deleted and action will be taken.


Thank you.

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