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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Can we just skip to the Rossening of Levi? I have a pedicure appointment.


With our luck, the person who ends up getting Rossened will be Detective Special Kitty.


Word.  I won't even put it out in the universe, but you just know what character Ron and Frank would try to recast with JPL.


Please!  Hasn't A.J. had enough done to him already?!

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I think Maxie is having flashes of this not being right, but doesn't trust herself enough to follow her gut.


I get that that's exactly what the writers want the viewers to think. But no. On a douchebag scale of 1 to 10, Levi's an 11. And only a lobotomized, anti-social autistic person wouldn't have enough self-awareness and intelligence to realize that.


Ron's stretching the whole "has a blind spot because in a bad place" to wholly unbelievable, and more importantly wholly unentertaining, levels.


And, as a woman, it particularly galls me that they a young woman so stupid, so blind, and so pathetic.




I'm fed up with all the cute-sie "shoutouts" and references to other soaps in the dialogue and/or character relationships. For those of us who never watched those soaps, we don't give a flying fuck because we don't know what is meant. And we may waste brainpower and time trying to figure out what it meant...for nothing. 


I was so where you are at here back in December 2012. Some people may say there's no harm, no foul in these esoteric, nearly inside, comments, but they royally piss me off and take away from my enjoyment in the show. 

Edited by Francie
  • Love 5
The Maxie/ Levi relationship is driving me absolutely nuts too.  But in a way, it's almost believable.  Maxie met him at a time when she had really firebombed her life and was feeling really down on herself.  I can see how someone in that situation would lose all trust in their her instincts, and let herself be guided by someone else (although 'guided' is too mild a word!).  Especially when that someone seems so intent on making Maxie what he wants her to be and ignoring her as an actual person.  I think Maxie is having flashes of this not being right, but doesn't trust herself enough to follow her gut.  It's like she's put so much hope in Levi being good for her, and her being this "good" person, that she's blocking out any realization that something is off.  And something is clearly off.  His whole "Well, Maxie wants to do..." and "Maxie thinks..." is so clearly manipulative and skeezy.  But she's too insecure at this point to say, "No, what Maxie *really* thinks is..."  Nathan should keep her handcuffed to him for a week or two, let her get her fiery spirit back.  Because even though Maxie has been a train wreck over the years, she has never been a pushover like this.


This is where I am, too. Turtle. Levi is too much of a caricature to enjoy any of his underhandedness. I just think Maxie really needs to believe in the steps she's made (so far) to change and grow, and she's attributing her growth to Levi, rather than to herself, so she's being willfully blind. I hope Levi's story ends soon. He's too cartoony, and he's dragging down Maxie's storyline.

Shouldn't some of the people at the Brownstone (at least Maxie) have memories of the Brownstone? Didn't Felicia live there with Georgie and Maxie when they were little? Shouldn't Michael remember visiting his grandma there?

  • Love 3

First off, what does "Rossening" mean?


Second, why can't I quit this awful, awful show?  I feel like a smoker, reading the surgeon general's warning while simultaneously watching a commercial with a life-long smoker that now has a hole in their throat, and then liting up anyway.


Third, I'm going to need one of the characters to rip those things out of Rafe's ears.


Fourth, I'm going to need one of the actors to tell Jimmy that he isn't in a late 90's boyband.


Fifth, I'm going to need Ryan to give the name and number of his acting coaches to Jimmy, Kristin, Michael, Michelle, Teresa, Marc, and Roger.  

Edited by Tiger
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He's too cartoony


It's kind of ironic, because I think Zachary Garrad is actually underplaying things somewhat, yet Levi IS a cartoon.


Shouldn't Michael remember visiting his grandma there?


He mentioned on Friday, I think, that Bobbie owned it, so at least he's aware of the connection. I'm pretty sure he was too young to really remember visiting.



what does "Rossening" mean?


It's from OLTL. Per Dandesun, from this thread: A situation where any character gets thrown under the bus to make another who was definitely worse look better.


The term is being misused regarding Levi, as Ross was the character who was constantly being thrown under the bus to make worse characters look better—he was the one being Rossened. That's not happening with Levi.

Edited by dubbel zout
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Very well said, dubbel zout!


And yes, the term is being incorrectly applied to Levi.  The Rossened character is usually one the audience likes (past examples from OLTL include Schuyler, Brody, and Ross himself) who are character assassinated in a transparent attempt to make another character who Ron favors (in these cases, Rex, Ford, and VicTodd) look better.


A better GH example would be if TJ suddenly became an abusive asshole who ripped the heads off of kittens for sport, thereby making Rafe look like the better suitor for Molly.  In that case, TJ would have been Rossened.

Please!  Hasn't A.J. had enough done to him already?!


That actually wasn't the character I was thinking they would cast JPL as, but I can see why your mind went there lol.

Edited by TeeVee329
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It occurs to me that a lot of Port Charles' current problems could be solved by bringing back the age-old art of legal dueling.  I mean, if people are going to blatantly talk about wanting to commit murder, anyway:


Sonny and Ava should just schedule this thing for a duel to take place in about 9 months.


Duke really, really wants to kill Julian?  Sure, fucking do it already!  But do it with fancy, old-fashioned pistols at dawn.


Carly can face off with ... well, anyone, really, I don't care.  As long she loses.  Put her sad, Franco-dating ass out of its misery at this point.


This would also give Anna a nice, legal way to blow Dr. O's crazy head off.  



Hey, it worked for Alexander Hamilton!  Oh, wait, no it didn't ....

  • Love 4

I generally think that Ryan Paevey has improved, at least in the sense that he's gone from being so bad that I found him without known historical parallel to merely being about as bad as Rafe, Umily, and some of the other "actors" this show has inflicted on us over the last 15 years, but lordy, he stunk today.  In a room that includes Kaka, Levi, and shirtless Morgan in MomJeans, you almost have to be trying to stand out that much. 


I'm glad the Rafe story is moving along post-haste.  I'm indifferent between killing him off or sending him off to rehab recast.  He is sort of a legacy character and the last of that line.  If we must have Silas, I'd have preferred a story about his struggles to parent Rafe and to come to terms with his difficult family history rather than this fake paralysis comawifebaby bullshit.  It seemed like that's where the story was going when Silas came on the scene, and it's a pity they didn't have a Rafe strong enough to support it.


I know soaps have never been known for great acting, but is it just me, or has talent really gone off a cliff over the past few years?  And if so, why?  Isn't LA still full of starving unknowns looking for a break?   Are Dunkelman, Plywood, Rafe, et al really the best they can do?

  • Love 2


Excuse me, but if anyone is going to be handcuffed to Nathan for two weeks it will be me.



Only if you beat me bloody...


Whoa Whoa Whoa, if anyone is going to be handcuffed to my det Special Kitty it will be ME. He's even growing "whiskers" just for me. MEOW


I thought RP did a good job, he made me laugh at his straight man routine in that room full of idiots. I mean Lauren, the werewolf and Eeyore tried to reason with Maxie with no luck and Nathan shut her down twice with just a couple of well placed sentences. I especially love the "You can't be squaters when you have your own apartment. How do you know that? Because I'm your roomate."

I also thought he handled the accidental handcuffing well. I mean that HAD to look lame, but somehow he managed to make it seem plausable.


I'm surprised no one was squeeked out like I was when Morgan and Michael were squaring off about Lauren as she left and there was Michael in a suit and Morgan shirtless. It creeped me out a little really drawing attention to the fact Lauren and Morgan had been alone sharing a personal moment and Morgan had been shirtless. Also really bothered me that he finally put a shirt on only after Lauren left.


I can't stand Ava so even though I get nothing from this Delia supposed history business I loved her freaking Ava out, and the gloating Sonny is doing at Ava's expense.

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Olivia: We both made sure we were very respectful of Connie


How? Did both of them cry out her name at climax?


BWAH! Ulkis is the new MWOP.


Today was better than yesterday, but the amount of people who need to take a stair dive into the harbor of doom were really all over the place today: Sonny, Shawn, Kiki, Levi, Rafe, Silas.


I enjoyed Ava with Delia. I still hate the storyline, but I'm glad that she finally has someone on her side. No one else on this show has to deal with crap like that, certainly not the mob boss lamebrain who has Shawn, Duke, and Carly kissing his ass. I loved Delia butchering his last name.


Dear god, if they put Morgan back with Kiki my head might explode. Why are do my favorites have to be with the worst people to ever walk the face of this show? Fuck you, Ron. And if you pull that Ava stealing Lante's embryo crap, I will put myself in a tree. The repetitive stupidity, it burns.

I don't know who showed the least emotion in the scenes about Rafe. Was it Rafe or Silas?


I don't get all the Patrick love. There are three people who Rafe means the most to(which I know he doesn't mean much to them, but they are ALL he has) they find out this messed up kid who has been dealt a terrible life took a joy ride and caused shamwow to die. They are all so heartbroken and worried for Rafe and Patrick stands there looking PUT OUT that hello they are getting off topic this is about MY pain.

I mean shamwow dying was always an accident. To find out a scared 14 y/o is the reason no one stopped or admitted it seems like he might have a little compassion.

The man is a doctor right?

  • Love 5

Lulu doesn't have viable eggs anymore after being frozen by Stavros and defrosted, per a guilty Britt who tested her after she lost baby Connie.  Therefore, the only way she can get pregnant with her own child is using her last remaining embryo and miracle surgery.



Please tell me the doctor will reveal some of her ladyparts are still frozen.


How can we possibly not laugh at this - and not in a good way?  Thank God for all of you making us laugh at this nonsense with your humor.

And Ron C. was REALLY confused as to why his show didn't get many Emmy noms?  I think the Emmys are mostly worthless crap but I guess even worthless crap has some standards.


I don't know who showed the least emotion in the scenes about Rafe. Was it Rafe or Silas?


I don't get all the Patrick love. There are three people who Rafe means the most to(which I know he doesn't mean much to them, but they are ALL he has) they find out this messed up kid who has been dealt a terrible life took a joy ride and caused shamwow to die. They are all so heartbroken and worried for Rafe and Patrick stands there looking PUT OUT that hello they are getting off topic this is about MY pain.

I mean shamwow dying was always an accident. To find out a scared 14 y/o is the reason no one stopped or admitted it seems like he might have a little compassion.

The man is a doctor right?


Patrick can go take a shower or something, anything to wipe that constant sweat off his face.  Oh, and he can shave while he's at it.  I never thought Patrick was all that and lately the only thing that saves him from being constant FF material is that Show is infested with so much worse.

Baby Plot Point is dead.  Give Rafe a timeout and lets move on.  Patrick can move offscreen for a good long time and I'd be fine with it.

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The physical therapist seemed genuinely willing to help Nina, and she treated him like dirt. A rich white woman, she insulted him by assuming he would be corruptible. Sadly, he was, but it was due to his student loan predicaments, not greed. I was shocked and offended and felt very sad for him. I can truly say that my feelings for Nina turned to hate with a thousand burning suns by this incident. She deserves death, a painful death, for her sneers at someone like him, who got training for an honest career, and was trying to show a caring and dedicated concern for his patients. I HATE HER!!!

I didn't like that either. Revenge on Silas, could care less. If he cheated on her and she wound up losing years of her life inadvertently, he kind of deserves it. But I could feel for the guy, not only because the actor came across so genuinely earnest and enthusiastic but because of how relatable his situation is with his student loans is to a lot of people. 

  • Love 2

I didn't like that either. Revenge on Silas, could care less. If he cheated on her and she wound up losing years of her life inadvertently, he kind of deserves it. But I could feel for the guy, not only because the actor came across so genuinely earnest and enthusiastic but because of how relatable his situation is with his student loans is to a lot of people. 


I agree about the physical therapist.  Nina is a nutball wrapped in a psycho dip and treating the guy the way she did just reinforced my dislike.  And for the same reason I'm no fan of her nurse/confidant/co-conspirator.  She was also treating the guy with contempt.  I don't care anything about Silas but Nina and her nurse can't fall down an elevator shaft fast enough for me.

  • Love 4


I'm surprised no one was squeeked out like I was when Morgan and Michael were squaring off about Lauren as she left and there was Michael in a suit and Morgan shirtless. It creeped me out a little really drawing attention to the fact Lauren and Morgan had been alone sharing a personal moment and Morgan had been shirtless. Also really bothered me that he finally put a shirt on only after Lauren left.

Shirtless Morgan, like shirtless Milo and Shirtless Nathan and Shirtless Levi just strikes me as Ron being self indulgent, and if a straight male writer was making a female character walk around topless there would be cries of sexual harassment.  One of these fines days one of these young men is either going to get fed up or have religious/marriage objections to being objectified al la Steve Burton and sue the pants off of Ron.

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The Levi scenes were so bad, I wanted Michael to call Sonny over to take care of him.


I am genuinely surpeised (and thrilled) that the Rafe storyline is going at full speed and (hopefully) it will be wound up quickly.

I  might get my wish, since Rafe is going to die in the -magazine-teaser not-too-distant future. THE, VAMPIRE BOY, THE!

Edited by NutmegsDad
I never thought Patrick was all that and lately the only thing that saves him from being constant FF material is that Show is infested with so much worse.


It's nice to see Sam and Patrick share scenes. Patrick isn't 'all that' but after seeing a scene of either Sonny or whiny Morgan and whiny Kiki, he becomes 'all that' and then some.  Plus he's a doctor - so he gets a HUGE pass from me.


ETA:  Another episode with no patients at GH.  This has become my favorite part of watching GH under the RC/FV regime.  It used to be watching the Closed-captioning of Sonny.  Yes there are plenty of extras as GH staff members but not any in wheelchairs or bathrobes.

Edited by sunnyface
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It's terrible that Silas cheated on her, but he is in no way responsible, inadverdent or not, for her losing years of her life.  That is ALL on her mother.  Silas did not have anything to do with her mother overdosing her with drugs.   Her mom was determined to get Silas out of her daughter's life any which way she could.  Plus, she didn't overdose her because Silas was having an affair, she did it because Nina was pregnant.    I know most of ya'll hate Silas, but blaming him for Nina losing 20 years of her life is not on him.  He was a lousy, cheating husband -- which he has never not owned up to -- but he is not in any way responsible for the tragedy that happened to her.  That's all on her mother

He isn't responsible for her being in the coma, but I can see her thinking that he screwed around on her while she helped pay for his medical training, and she ended getting "punished" while he went on with his life. I thought her mentioning the big office was some sort of bitterness that she lost 20 years to accomplish things on her own, with or without him. Edited by Ambrosefolly
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I wish. I want Lulu to be implanted with that stupid embryo and then lose it, preferably due to her own stupidity. I'll even take a plot point. I'm so sick of her baby rabies.


When Lulu had the false pregnancy I wished they had had the story Sabrina and Patrick were getting now. I always felt the "whoopsie just kidding she's not pregnant" was a cheap plot point. But what isn't nowadays. [Carlos]What iiiiiiiiiiiiisn't.[/Carlos]

  • Love 2

I'm tired. I'm tired of plot points, I'm tired lobotomized characters, I'm tired of plot point, I'm tired of contrived storylines, I'm tired of baby rabies, I'm tired of plot points, I'm tired of trinagles/quads & I'm tired of plot points.

Why would Levi even think, he wouldn't/couldn't be arrested?

Why is Maxie no longer thinking for herself? Why does she have blind faith in Levi? Why can't she consistently tell him no?

KSt is looking good. It appears she's lost a majority of the baby weight.

I have 4 younger brothers. Seeing Micheal & Morgan talking, while Morgan was shirtless didn't even phase me. My brothers will have a conversation in various stages of dress.

Random thought: When are we getting shirtless scenes of CoJones?

Edited by BestestAuntEver
  • Love 4

  Re Nina, I never liked her psycho ass in  the first place, but after the way she treated the physical therapist, she can have more seats than the Superdome and that goes double for Rosalie. if I were a boss and an employee was as rude to me as Rosalie is to Silas, I'd fire their ass. As for Rosalie's making goo-goo eyes at Nathan, something tells me that Nina's going to nip that in the bud because Nathan is a distraction, for several reasons. It would serve Nina right if Nathan was the one to bust her, exposing her as yet another  case of root rot in the family tree.





Nathan should keep [Maxie] handcuffed to him for a week or two, let her get her fiery spirit back. Because even though maxie has been a train wreck over the years, she has never been a pushover like this.


  Excuse me, but if anyone is going to be handcuffed to Nathan for two weeks it will be me.



  Whoa Whoa Whoa if anyone is going to be handcuffed to my det Special Kitty it will be ME. He's even growing "whiskers" just for me. MEOW


  Excuse me, but ya'll are going to have to get in a very long line-behind me.

Edited by DollEyes
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Im glad to see SerialDrama hates Rafe's earrings too.  I was beginning to think I was alone in my Hulk-smash hatred of those things.  If Sam and Uh-lex-[inaudible] are ever dumb enough to let Rafe babysit Danny again, I hope the first time Rafe says "Danny boy" that the little tyke reaches up and just pulls them right out of his ears.



I think I hate them more than I hate Sonny.

Edited by stacey
Inappropropriate nickname
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Maxie is being a dumbass that makes me think that judge is right. She really is already on thin ice with the judge thinking she's not fit to be a parent and is out of control. So she's going to follow what Levi tells her to do and get herself arrested? Because that's going to make the judge think she's  a great parent who has changed?


Her child or getting her child back didn't cross her mind even once during that entire exchange when Michael called the police, the time it took Nathan to get there and while he was there. 


If Maxie never gets that child back, it's her own doing and she's just proving the judge is right.

  • Love 1

I'm disappointed that no one noticed Sonny using Todd Manning's safe to store the recording of him murdering AJ in cold blood. And sharing it with Shawn. We now know where and how Micheal will find out. Either Shawn plays it on Micheal's voicemail or Todd goes into his own damn safe and gets it.

Haha. Everyone really does hate Lauren. They wanted her to be the Shamwow Killer. Since she gave Rafe the car, is she an accessory for murder? Can we trade one Lauren for a Matt or Johnny?

  • Love 3

Why are do my favorites have to be with the worst people to ever walk the face of this show? Fuck you, Ron. 


You can say that again! And yet we keep coming back. Sigh.


I don't know who showed the least emotion in the scenes about Rafe. Was it Rafe or Silas?


Silas. Definitely Silas.


They are all so heartbroken and worried for Rafe and Patrick stands there looking PUT OUT that hello they are getting off topic this is about MY pain. I mean shamwow dying was always an accident. To find out a scared 14 y/o is the reason no one stopped or admitted it seems like he might have a little compassion. The man is a doctor right?


I don't care for Patrick, but I can understand why he wouldn't really be thinking about how Rafe, a kid he barely if at all knows, is feeling about killing Patrick's child. Sure, it was an accident, but as a parent it wouldn't particularly matter, your baby is still dead.


Shirtless Morgan, like shirtless Milo and Shirtless Nathan and Shirtless Levi just strikes me as Ron being self indulgent, and if a straight male writer was making a female character walk around topless there would be cries of sexual harassment. 


Normally soaps are full of scantily clad women. And honestly a man shirtless is in no way akin to a woman walking around topless, IMO. And also they couldn't get away with woman walking around topless anyway since it's a daytime, network soap. It feels realistic to me that Morgan might work without a shirt on. My dad does (I wish he wouldn't!) and he's an unfit, old man. Morgan is a hot, young guy. It's not like they have all the men shirtless while grocery shopping or something.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 3

Thanks dubbel zout......makes sense.


Has Jerry Jax or some Cassadine released some stupid pills into the water (they love that method ya know)?  Maxie and too many others are just too dumb right now.  Taxing what brain cells and patience I have left. 


I do love IK and she and MW work well as mother/daughter.  Delia (I hope) is seriously going to fuck with Sonny.


Levi needs to go now.  Can one of Sonny's goons take him on a nice drive in the country with some nice cannolis?  Maxie needs her brain back.


OK....whoever gets to be handcuffed to Dt. Special Kitty's wrist.....I call dibs on his ankle. 


My imagination runs wild.




I'm disappointed that no one noticed Sonny using Todd Manning's safe to store the recording of him murdering AJ in cold blood. And sharing it with Shawn. We now know where and how Micheal will find out. Either Shawn plays it on Micheal's voicemail or Todd goes into his own damn safe and gets it.


Todd doesn't exist anymore so there's no way Franco could know the combination to the safe.  I wouldn't mind Sam breaking into the safe again, though.




I don't know who showed the least emotion in the scenes about Rafe. Was it Rafe or Silas?

Silas. Definitely Silas.


The answer is always Silas.

  • Love 3

Folks, if you haven't been over to the Notes from the Mod topic recently, please go over there now and read the posts.
Quoting from that post;

Hi, All! Just a note to remind everyone re: The Social Contract and our main rule of "Don't be a dick". All opinions are welcome here, lovers and haters alike of all things soaps.

While it is open season to snark on the characters and storylines, there are some concerns that @Stinger97 and I, as moderators, have had over the past few weeks, and we would like to clarify; snarking is fine; slut-shaming and use of misogynistic language is NOT. For example, "Wow, that dress was inappropriate" is okay; "she looked like a whore" is not. We'd like to refrain from terms like "slut" and "whore" here; just because 'Uncle Sonny' uses them doesn't make it okay.

Also, there are certain references or nicknames which fall into this category, because they are degrading to the actors who portray the characters. We're not going to delineate them all here, but if you have to think to yourself "is this OK to post?" it's probably not. Feel free to ask us or just report things that you find questionable.

We want you guys to have fun posting here! In that spirit, we'll give some leeway on the points above, but remember Previously.TV's overarching rule: Don't be a dick. That means no yelling, mocking, or attacking other posters. If you see dickish behavior, don't engage, report.

Thank you!


We are paying close attention to the words you are using. If you think to yourself, 'is this okay?' it is PROBABLY NOT. If you have a question, PM @Stinger97 or myself -- . We will be editing posts from today that use inappropriate language and nicknames. After today, we will start handing out warnings for inappropriate language and nicknames that cross the line.

  • Love 1

I'm disappointed that no one noticed Sonny using Todd Manning's safe to store the recording of him murdering AJ in cold blood. And sharing it with Shawn. We now know where and how Micheal will find out. Either Shawn plays it on Micheal's voicemail or Todd goes into his own damn safe and gets it.

I noticed. I. Just. Don't. Care. The only scenes I need to see are Micheal finding out & ripping both his parents a new one. I don't expect the show to allow Micheal to hate that long, so I'll have to over enjoy the reveal.

  • Love 4

I get Patrick wanting justice, but he's a bit bloodthirsty to punish Rafe.


The Maxie/Nathan stuff was painful to watch. So terrible. So stupid.


Dante, if you didn't want to get involved with Silas/Sam/Patrick, you shouldn't have butted in in the first place. 


If Rafe had any brains, he'd take Nina's money, run, and than call in and tell Silas that he saw Nina standing up and plotting against him and Sam. Rafe doesn't have anything to lose: He knows Silas and Sam know he hit Patrick's car.


Color me shocked that Alexis is the one bringing up the possibility that Tracy and FakeLuke are trying to con Ned. I'd have thought Lauren would be the one to figure it out, since she's the big expert on the Qs.


Morgan's concern for Alice is kind of sweet.


Because it can't be said enough, STFU, Lauren.

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