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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Why was Silas half-smiling during that discussion with Sam?


Because Michael Easton, who I like just fine, only has about 4-5 things he does well, and having adult conversations about feelings and boundaries is not one of them.  Neither is pretending like the ridiculous sounds normal.  This storyline isn't doing any of the actors any favors.  Well, maybe no one except Nathan.  His perpetually confused puppy face has perhaps for the first time found an appropriate outlet.

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Nina is a manipulating lying bitch.  Telling Silas Sam wants her to move when I sure as hell didn't hear/get that.  And when Sam protests "Wait....I didn't say it like that"  it makes her seem guilty.  I will admit it's a smooth move....dirty and underhanded but smooth.  Every time Nina said "Oh, I'm sorry"  I yelled "NO you're NOT!"


Can you tell I don't like this woman?

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  Once again, Sonny finds ways to piss me off. I've known that Sonny is an arrogant, hypocritical, selfish and self-righteous motherfucker for years, but his barging into Anna's office and demanding-not asking-for answers regarding Ric's "death" like he was a tax-paying, law-abiding citizen was infuriating. That Anna didn't smack the shit out of Sonny right then and there showed incredible restraint on her part. Sonny's wanting justice for the brother whom he never once gave a shit about even on a good day made me want to throw barware. The only reason why Sonny should ever be in Anna's office should be to confess his own crimes, not to spew accusations (however accurate) about Julian's, so unless he comes clean once and for all, he can have more seats than the Superdome, as far as I'm concerned.


 Sonny and Duke's throwing shade at Julian was more fuckery. Duke has good reason to mourn the death of his unborn child, but Julian not only wasn't the one who did it, he killed the one who did. As for Sonny, Julian's no saint by a long shot, but unlike Sonny, Julian has paid/is paying for his sins, in one way or another, none of which include killing his son's biological father or fucking/possibly impregnating his son's girlfriend. If/when the truth comes out about Julian's lies, I have a feeling that his kids will forgive him; Sonny's lies, otoh, not so much, Heaven willing.


  Re Nathan Vs. Levi, Team Nathan all the way. If Levi was as "enlightened" as he says he is, then he wouldn't let Nathan get to him. As for Levi's telling Nathan to stay out of his and Maxie's business, like he did re Nathan's family business? Turnabout's fair play, mate. When Levi hit Nathan, IMO he should have arrested Levi. Last time I checked, assaulting a police officer is a crime in Port Charles, no matter how bad the police force is.


  So far, loving Joss Without Pity. The more she snarks on Franco, the better.

Did we just become best friends? 

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Nina is very manipulative. She then interrupts them to take her medication to show everyone that she's so sickly and in a wheelchair. But Sam shouldn't have gone there without telling Silas that she wanted to meet her, then maybe Nina wouldn't have had to put words in her mouth. I'm sure Nina is still rich and just pretending she's poor just so Silas feels sorry for her.

Dante going off on Sonny and not apologizing for it, and Morgan telling Carly that she will always choose Sonny was a thing of beauty. Why do they have to make Franco so whiny? Carly has to hold your hand while you move in? I hope that he outs Sonny. How can Carly still be by moobster's side after he killed AJ? I also can't wait for Michael to disown his horrible parents.

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Good to see Tracy interacting with her grandnephew about the family business


You must have not seen the preview, where Tracy begs Michael for a job at ELQ. Ugh.


Lauren defending Franco to Michael was something else. "But he's been nice to me even though he's not my father!" Little girl, he's still a serial killer who facilitated your boyfriend's rape. Maybe keep your Franco opinions to yourself, mmkay?

Edited by dubbel zout
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You must have not seen the preview, where Tracy begs Michael for a job at ELQ. Ugh.


Lauren defending Franco to Michael was something else. "But he's been nice to me even though he's not my father!" Little girl, he's still a serial killer who facilitated your boyfriend's rape. Maybe keep your Franco opinions to yourself, mmkay?


And also about whether Michael should interfere between Jax and Carly. You don't even know Jax!!! HOW DO YOU KNOW HE DOESN'T WANT MICHAEL TELLING HIM


aaaaaaaaaaaaah. friggin Kiki

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I want Joss (Li'l Silver Queen) and Morgan to get together and sabotage Franco as long as he is under Carly's roof.  Could be lots of fun.


STFU Kiki....stay out of Michael's family dynamics.  He's too easily influenced and you don't know what the hell you're talking about.


I loved Dante giving Sonny what for.  DZ was on fire.  Love the shorter hair and scruff.  Yummmm....


Dante's putting Sonny on blast was a thing of beauty. Sonny's cheating on Olivia is no surprise, but at least Dante didn't let Sonny off the hook for hurting her plus Sonny's mentioning Kannie made him suspect that he's hiding something else which he is, to put it mildly. Hopefully, Dante not only refuses to move on, he's the one who learns the truth about AJ's murder, Sonny, Ava, Carly and Franco's parts in it/the cover-up, is the one to tell Michael the truth, making him and Morgan reject the guilty parties, just before said perps end up in prison. Morgan's dissing Franco was epic. Too bad he didn't kick Franco in the other shin.


  Levi proves once again that the only thing "cosmic" about him is what a cosmic joke he is. Love that Nathan and Diane don't take him or his last name seriously. ITA that Levi snitched to the judge, endangering Nathan's career, Nathan's freedom and Maxie's chances of seeing Georgie again in the process, just so he can keep controlling Maxie's life, by any means necessary.


STFU, Kiki. You don't know Jack-or Jax.

Edited by DollEyes
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Lauren defending Franco to Michael was something else. "But he's been nice to me even though he's not my father!" Little girl, he's still a serial killer who facilitated your boyfriend's rape. Maybe keep your Franco opinions to yourself, mmkay?


Kiki was the worst yesterday. It's unfathomable how terrible she is.


I want Joss (Li'l Silver Queen) and Morgan to get together and sabotage Franco as long as he is under Carly's roof.  Could be lots of fun.


They are missing such an amazing opportunity if they don't give us Joss/Morgan scenes.

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MSt is just...awful. Holy hell.


I cannot see JMB playing this Lulu. This Lulu sucks.


And, oh yeah, I can't wait for Mac to kick some Aussie ass!!

And Kiki standing there super smug all, "You want a job at OUR company, old lady?".  Ugh x two.


And Tracy back means that Puke is back. Ugh x 3.

Edited by tvfanatic13
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Kiki was the worst yesterday. It's unfathomable how terrible she is.


This could also apply to the majority of the characters on this awful awful show.


Maxie and Nathan are cute together that's seriously all I got..and this cast is waaay too bloated time for serial killing story line.


ReRon could dig up some used scripts I'm sure they are close at hand somewhere... 

I hate this show, I hate this show, I hate this show, I. Hate. This. Show.


Did Michael really, truly, honestly say that if Kiki, Kikaka, that little tart shell of destitution could forgive Tracy then so could he...forget the desert, I want him buried alive. The fuck... *screams into a pillow and gnaws on it*


I just want to grab Julian and hide somewhere, this show is stealing my joy, it's taking parts of my soul with it. This show must be with hell is like, and Sonny's face is embossed on all the wallpaper.


Those courtroom scenes were agonizingly painful. Jerry Springer's show had better pacing and script writing.


The Jordon and TJ scenes have such promise but they never give them much to do, they repeat the same lines almost verbatim and then away they go to spend more time with other characters, often pointlessly. At least Shawn has gotten trapped in Kelly's walk in fridge, and shocker upon shock no one has missed him. I imagine everyone just walking in and helping themselves to free BLTs, thinking they hear muffled screams but never bothering to investigate.


The Nina was twisting the knife pretty viciously, it has begun...dear god why, why do bad things have to happen to good viewers...?


So if Molly doesn't get her way she knows to go to wimpy Michael, and then somehow everything implodes into a Sonny/Carly/Alexis showdown how...exactly? Michael doesn't live with either of them, why would Molly even want to stay with Sonny or Carly and Alexis certainly would never allow it, especially considering who both those slaggards are currently shacked up with. I get Molly's hurt and anger but really where the fuckall has Alexis' spine gone?

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Levi trying to be Maxie's hero in court, vomit-worthy. KSt did a terrific job with her monologue, though. 


"If Kiki can forgive you, so can I." Vomit-worthy. I do like seeing Tracy attempt to manipulate Michael. But everything Kiki...go AWAY you stupid b. Tracy's "Kiki kaka line" makes me think TWOP was actively trolled. 


"I'm moving in." Molly, there are days you make it really hard to like you. Even when your mother is being stupid.


Sam's hair, pretty top - so lovely. Living sans Jason agrees with her. 


Wow is Nina manipulative. I hate what I heard while eavesdropping through the door, so I'll just imply that Sam is clearly still in love with her late husband.

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Geez-us, Kiki being an insufferable bitch seems to be the theme of this week's episodes.  Her snottily passing judgement on Tracy and acting all put-out when Michael (foolishly, but it's still his decision to make) decided to give her a chance was insanity.  It's not called ELKiki.


Everything about the Silas-Sam-Nina story is so cliche and boring and zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.  I've had more than my fill of women fighting over Michael Easton characters, thank you very much.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Why is a scowl indicative that Danny is just like Sam? Sam isn't the cheeriest person herself. 


If I have to watch Michelle Stafford put her finger on her chin like a 5 year old one time, I may kick my tv out.


Geez-us, Kiki being an insufferable bitch seems to be the theme of this week's episodes.  Her snottily passing judgement on Tracy and acting all put-out when Michael (foolishly, but it's still his decision to make) decided to give her a chance was insanity.  It's not called ELKiki.



Her one personality trait seems to be interfering and talking about things and people she knows nothing about. So, is that actually two personality traits?

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If I have to watch Michelle Stafford put her finger on her chin like a 5 year old one time, I may kick my tv out.



You mean the "hmmm, oh gosh gracious goodness me, I hate to be a bitch but..." chin tap?


She really was searching with the whole "Danny must look and be like his Daddy" bullshit, because Jason didn't scowl, that would indicate actual emotions and the whatnot.

Edited by CPP83
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What did Tracy do to Lauren that needs forgiveness? Be mean to her? That's pretty much Tracy's m.o.


I guess not believing her about Fluke's lecherousness advances?


Meanwhile, I still remember Kiki bitching and complaining about Tracy and Monica being witches when they rightfully threw her and Morgan out of the Q mansion because, you know, Kiki made suuuuuch an effort to get to know her new family and all.  Shut your trifling ass up, Keeks.

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Can Nina roll out into the street and get hit by a bus?  It's been a little over two weeks since her introduction and I can, with enthusiasm, say that I hate this character with the heat of 1000 suns.  She is not interesting, she is not rootable, she does not make me feel any compassion for her.  She's sucking up screen time worse than your average Hoover. 


Okay, I feel better now.


Oh, three more things, Levi can die, Michael needs to grow a pair, and KaKa, you sanctimonious little butt zit, STFU.

Edited by LegalParrot81
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Go to fucking hell, Lauren. Which pretty much means, "hey, come sit next to me while we watch GH live."

But only because Tracy has to be drugged not to realize she's married to an imposter.

You've heard of lobotomized? I'm coining the term Carlivati-ized. It's pretty much the same thing, except that Carlivati-ized individuals can get their mental faculties back on a writer's whim. Edited by Francie
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Oh, right! I forgot all about that. Well, on that point and that point alone, I'm on Lauren's side. But only because Tracy has to be drugged not to realize she's married to an imposter.


Well, I think it would be a leap to go to "imposter", but maybe she could think "drugged and or brainwashed Luke" at least.


You mean the "hmmm, oh gosh gracious goodness me, I hate to be a bitch but..." chin tap?



Precisely. Except she talks less like "gosh" or more like "gaaawsh". I need her to show her true colors already because her voice gives me chills of horror.

Edited by ulkis

I was getting the vibe that Nina knows stuff about Jason. Her questions were too pointed -- at the least, she had to have used google-fu to get some information about him. I wonder if this is all going to be tied back to Victor and his reanimate Jason scheme.


I can't be mad at Molly and I would have brought Carly and Sonny into it to convince Sam to let me stay. Go for the worse-possible case scenario to make sure Sam does what I want. She's a teen -- it's not unforgivable or anything.


I am annoyed that Maxie is going to ask "Who could have told the judge?" Really? I believe that Levi was looking to be Maxie's white knight while shiving Nathan at the same time. I think he realized that he was going to have to re-think his plan when the judge basically tied Nathan and Maxie's fates together with the lie. The speech from Levi was planned (by Levi) but probably at a later stage of the hearing.


I thought Michael was going to call Tracy on her ruse. I figure if Tracy found Luke cheating on her as she described, you would be fishing pieces of Puke out of whatever body of water they were near. Or at least a call for the local police department from their honeymoon to bail Tracy out after she attempted to kill him. She was wayyyy too calm.



How in the hell does Nina know anything about Jason?

This. Nina seems to "know" too much.

Edited by SoapDoc

Tracy. Why? Why did you have to gut me like that? Here I am falling for your bullshit about that slimy disgusting perverted piece of nothing, all giggly on the phone with NotLuke about how you were getting over on Michael (I ignored the Kaka in the room), meanwhile you can't see the DoucheTree through the wrinkled gross fake phony forest that is NotLuke .

I'm starting to wonder if Heather is wearing a Tracy mask. The Tracy Quartermaine I knew was never this stupid.

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What the hell is up with KA's face-pulling in scenes with Jane Elliot? She frequently mugs in the background with inappropriate facial expressions when the two of them share a scene and Jane is exchanging lines with someone else, she did it as Starr and she's still doing it as Kiki and it always makes. no. damn. sense. Usually when Kristen acts with a stronger actor her awfulness does improve slightly but for whatever unknown reason she goes straight into the dumper when she's around Jane. 

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LegalParrot81, I agree that was true in the past. But I don't think she would take quite as kindly to that type of betrayal this time given what she has given up. Given that she dumped her son and lost her company after taking Puke's side, I think if she found Luke getting worked up with 2 massage therapists, she might be a little more animated.


I know Ron is writing this so it is not likely what we will see but that's what I think.

This. I've also noticed that Mo portrays the same anger/menace, aggression & attitude towards his children during an argument as he does towards the evil mobsters & his enemies. All his yelling & aggression when he's in the wrong makes no sense to me.

That was a lame ass way to get KA involved in the Brownstone rebuild.

I felt like RoHo woke up for his scenes with BC today. Makes me want to go watch some old school OLTL.

I have a question for the lawyers & I apologize in advance because as a nurse I understand poorly written stories on this show. First, would a judge be able to do what was done on today's show without giving the defendant any information? How can you refute something you don't know anything about? Would a prosecuter/plantiff's attorney not be there or involved?


The most ridiculous thing about this hearing is that it appears to be one sided.  Spinelli would have to be there too.  Real court cases have both sides in court during any proceedings. 


The judge has to consider what is before him - not suggestions from third parties.  That part is utterly unrealistic and ridiculous.  It's a soap, but come on.  This goes too far.  In this absurd "hearing" the judge functions as opposing counsel, I guess.   


And the fact remains, Maxie is a flake.  She did thrown the hearing notice out.  Rather than going to the hearing to tell the court that she didn't think she should see her daughter (what she was saying at the time she threw the notice out).  Most irresponsible and immature behavior.  

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Am I the only one who thinks it is absolute horseshit that after nearly two years of making us wait for Robin to return, they hustled her back offscreen in two months and now, a few months after Robin got all but shanghai'ed out of town by Victor Cassadine, Patrick is sitting at the funeral for his illegitimate child and is like "I think my marriage is over"?


I have a lot of sympathy for Patrick, and I think Jason Thompson is giving some great performances. But really, guys? You can't hold that dialogue til August or something? I know it's all kabuki because it's just there to amp the Scrubs drama for Robin's next return with Jason on her arm, but still.

  • Love 5

Am I the only one who thinks it is absolute horseshit that after nearly two years of making us wait for Robin to return, they hustled her back offscreen in two months and now, a few months after Robin got all but shanghai'ed out of town by Victor Cassadine, Patrick is sitting at the funeral for his illegitimate child and is like "I think my marriage is over"?


I have a lot of sympathy for Patrick, and I think Jason Thompson is giving some great performances. But really, guys? You can't hold that dialogue til August or something? I know it's all kabuki because it's just there to amp the Scrubs drama for Robin's next return with Jason on her arm, but still.


Is this a rhetorical question or are you enjoying your rant, because, I am.




The most ridiculous thing about this hearing is that it appears to be one sided.  Spinelli would have to be there too.  Real court cases have both sides in court during any proceedings.

The judge has to consider what is before him - not suggestions from third parties.  That part is utterly unrealistic and ridiculous.  It's a soap, but come on.  This goes too far.  In this absurd "hearing" the judge functions as opposing counsel, I guess.


The worst part of all of this is...the fucking head writer is a lawyer himself.  Really there is no excuse for the legal stuff to be this unrealistic.  I really want to know where he got his law degree from.  Then, I want the NY State Bar to toss his ass out.  And the WGA.  And I want a unicorn.

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The worst part of all of this is...the fucking head writer is a lawyer himself.  Really there is no excuse for the legal stuff to be this unrealistic.  I really want to know where he got his law degree from.  Then, I want the NY State Bar to toss his ass out.  And the WGA.


He worked as a lawyer for only a year, IIRC. I doubt he keeps current with any bar associations. However, there's no excuse for the WGA keeping him as a member in good standing.

Edited by dubbel zout

When Anna got on Alexis's case about being in a relationship with Julian, I wanted Alexis to bring up the fact that her lover, Duke, was working for Sonny.

My first thought was how? Sonny's the good mobster & Alexis currently works for him. Then I remembered, Ron won't care. Alexis will be a fat hypocrit tomorrow without blinking an eye. Ron writes for the moment/plot point not character traits, personality or development.

I don't see how Julexis remains a couple when the truth comes to light. Alexis will be upset because of the lies & the fact that she took his side over Molly's. Remember the couple always breaks up because of the lies that were told.

The Levi actor needs to run a comb & brush through his hair. Isn't his short term contract up yet.

I skipped MSt's scenes because I'm already tired of her baby voice & ticks.

KSt did do a good job with her monologue today.

I'm beyond happy that they have finally started dressing KeMo in clothes vs daily tank tops.

Molly using Sonny, Carly & Alexis' history to push Sam into allowing her to move in was fine by me. What got me was the fact that she knew Micheal was a pushover. Real good CEO material there.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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