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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Sonny was at his absolute Sonny-est today, and I almost put my fist through my television watching it.  It's not just that the character lacks all self-awareness, it's more that I think the *writers* lack all awareness about Sonny.  I am pretty sure that the writers think that Sonny's nonsensical, narcissistic rambling about this mess that he created is actually a reasonable explanation of what he's doing; hell, the writers probably think that Sonny's actions themselves are reasonable.  Duke saying "If only your sons knew what you were willing to sacrifice for their sake" was bile-inducing.  Sonny is not sacrificing anything!  Sonny is protecting himself, covering for his own shitty actions.  You know what would actually be Sonny sacrificing for his sons?  Telling the fucking truth about Connie's and AJ's deaths, and letting his GROWN ASS sons deal with those realities, without regard for whether they'd be mad at Sonny.  Instead, Sonny's whole talk about "sacrifice" was all about how Morgan would tell Michael that Sonny killed AJ, b/c poor Morgan couldn't help himself (don't even get me started on that), and then Michael would be mad at Sonny.  Sonny's family would be ruined, and he doesn't want that, and so he frames it all as "protecting" them, but he's actually only protecting himself.  God, I hate him.  Sonny, the only thing you're sacrificing is the motherfucking truth.  You're not "saving" your sons - your lying to and manipulating everyone around you in an attempt to avoid your sons getting mad at you.  Two totally different things.  And it's playing out like the writers want us to sympathize with Sonny, to think he's doing the right thing, and I just cannot fathom how anyone with even a shaky grasp on sanity could possibly think that.  Sonny's whole speech today had me foaming at the mouth.


I don't think Liz should have been fired.  People take unexpected time off for personal emergencies, even in the healthcare field; it's a real thing that happens.  And maybe, just maybe, I'm still al little annoyed at all the handwaving that had to be done in order for Dr. O to be chief of staff.  But it was hilarious when Nik said "You can't fire her, I'm on the board."  Awesome entitlement, and totally illogical.  


I really really really really wanted Ric to show himself to Molly, or even Liz, today, so they would know he was alive.  It's so cruel to have poor Molly go through this, and really, Anna should know better.  We all know that Anna *does* know better, and so her coming up with this idea and talking Ric in to it makes no sense.  Yet another example of the writers not knowing these characters, or not caring.


Y'all, I think I'm a little mad tonight.  

  • Love 9
I don't think Liz should have been fired.  People take unexpected time off for personal emergencies, even in the healthcare field; it's a real thing that happens.  And maybe, just maybe, I'm still al little annoyed at all the handwaving that had to be done in order for Dr. O to be chief of staff.  But it was hilarious when Nik said "You can't fire her, I'm on the board."  Awesome entitlement, and totally illogical.


Liz should have been fired, but I find it contrived bullshit that she even thought she would even have to go to the PCPD with Diane. It isn't like she would be much use beyond giving the go ahead and putting Diane on retainer. Plus Diane said her and Liz had scheduled a meeting an hour prior, which cuts it really close to the beginning of her shift, as it looked like she had been at work for a while.


It would have been better if Alexis had been the one that called Diane, even if she didn't believe Ric. When Julian questioned her about it and started lying up and down again, it could have binged Alexis own bullshit detecter. 

  • Love 1

I really really really really wanted Ric to show himself to Molly, or even Liz, today, so they would know he was alive.  It's so cruel to have poor Molly go through this, and really, Anna should know better.  We all know that Anna *does* know better, and so her coming up with this idea and talking Ric in to it makes no sense.  Yet another example of the writers not knowing these characters, or not caring.


Y'all, I think I'm a little mad tonight.


Turtle, word! You have every right to be mad in each and every point of your post, especially about poor Molly and awful Sonny. I so wish they would fire Anna's butt for making Ric's relatives and close friends hurt so much. Wish I could say it so well as you and other observers!

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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I was replying to some spoilers and kinda proceeded to go past that topic and get into opinion, so I thought I'd move that part of the post over here.





While I kinda like Billy Miller, I have absolutely no use for the character of Jason whatsoever.  The only possible way that bringing Jason back will interest me (besides being written by someone other than RC) is if AJ is only actually "dead."  After so many years of rejecting everything and everyone Quartermaine, the unholy alliances with Mumbles and Snarly, all the killing in the name of the righteous shipper of COFFEE... I just don't feel that the dead-eyed sociopath with a heart of gold has anything left to mine on this show, especially given that the only two remaining Quartermaines are either, (a) Tracy, i.e., floundering in the quagmire of Puke, or (b) Monica, who wasn't even given a script for her own son's funeral.  I care less about the newly found regret and remorse buried in his Box of Pain than I care about Sabrina's trip to crazytown or how it will affect Sonny or cockblock Franco.  And since I'm already on the barge and only get my details about tfgh from you lovely peeps, I'm gonna have to see the hbic about an upgrade to Platinum Class or some such.  There isn't enough Riesling in the world to blot out the fuckery that RC would bring to a "Jason Returns and Changes EVERYTHING in Port Charles FOREVAH!!!!111!!"  I'm thinkin' more of a Glenmorangie kind of blotto.





I actually made the mistake of tuning in to tfgh one day this week while working from home and caught part of the scene where Sobby was regressing back to Wedding, Interrupted and I don't think my reaction was what RC was going for.  First, I just cackled at the stepford way TC recites her lines/interprets her character.  That faraway look was straight out the grocery store scene after Joanna is indoctrinated.  Then, I thought, "Isn't she supposed to be on maternity leave?  Leave!"  After that, I promptly turned the channel.  But back to Patrick... I get that he's something of a legacy character, and he's a decent actor (at least by the standards of tfgh), but his character has been seriously adrift since KMc's exit.  And needlessly so.  He's a hot, single doctor with a dead/not dead/gone again wife, connections to other decent characters (yet, he has no friends?), and a semi-interesting father.  There's tons of story to be mined from him, yet he gets a 48-hour pill addiction and a disney stepford barnacle child anchored to his loins.  Does. not. compute.





I don't really have much to say about Sonny that hasn't already been said, but I just wanted to add my $.02 to the karma surrounding MB's [supposed] upcoming absence.  I want so badly for it to be true, but the cynic in me just doesn't believe it.  And the pessimist in me fears that not only will he be gone for maybe 3-4 days, but it will be frickin' Jason that rescues him/nurses him back to health/escorts him back to town.  And probably takes out Puke in the interim, to ensure that Sonny's coffee remains righteous and supreme.


Nothing to say about The Nina or Potato Head Kiki or any of that sicko kiddie quad.  That's the kind of shit that put me on the barge to begin with.

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God, I hate him.  Sonny, the only thing you're sacrificing is the motherfucking truth.  You're not "saving" your sons - your lying to and manipulating everyone around you in an attempt to avoid your sons getting mad at you.



Its not just them being mad at him.  He said that Michael would either be mad at him or go to the cops - this is all about Sonny going to prison.  I call BS on his family being ruined.  Just like I call BS on Sonny killing AJ because of Connie.  He wanted AJ dead because he couldn't stand the thought of him being replaced in Michael's life.


I don't know how anyone can sympathize with Sonny in all this.  He is the definition of selfishness and if Ava is the queen of self-preservation, Sonny is the king.

  • Love 7


But back to Patrick... I get that he's something of a legacy character, and he's a decent actor (at least by the standards of tfgh), but his character has been seriously adrift since KMc's exit.  And needlessly so.  He's a hot, single doctor with a dead/not dead/gone again wife, connections to other decent characters (yet, he has no friends?), and a semi-interesting father.  There's tons of story to be mined from him, yet he gets a 48-hour pill addiction and a disney stepford barnacle child anchored to his loins.  Does. not. compute.


Patrick is the prime example of why a character shouldn't be so thoroughly attached to another character. Patrick has never had a major romance besides Robin and he's had very few stories that didn't somehow involve her. He has none of his own family in town and the only friend he's ever had that wasn't also Robin's friend turned out to be a hitman. He now has Sam but that friendship didn't really develop until after Robin "died".  Since I don't like Robin I've never had a reason to pay attention to him until Robin left...but then he was immediately put in poorly written and rushed "love" triangle with Britt and Sabrina. I would be interested in seeing Patrick and Sam get together but there's no real reason to get invested in them since Robin can come back at any moment.

This is one of many steps in showing Levi as a hypocritical creep, I'm sure we'll learn that vegan-boy beasts bacon double cheeseburgers when no-one is looking. 


I have been waiting for this. I thought it was gonna happen when Mac brought over the food and they had their talk.


The Levi/Nathan preview from Monday's ep on the ABC site is so amazing. It is terrible-awesome.

  • Love 1
Sonny was at his absolute Sonny-est today, and I almost put my fist through my television watching it.  It's not just that the character lacks all self-awareness, it's more that I think the *writers* lack all awareness about Sonny.



I honestly don't think so, re: the writers. They could have written "worse case scenario, Michael finds out" a bunch of different ways and they didn't; they threw in Duke's line about sacrifice I don't know why, maybe indeed to try to get some sympathy or maybe just maybe give him some characterization, because right now, they're writing him as a man who killed his son's other father and then helped himself to his 20 year old son's girlfriend.

Yes, Dr. O is horrible and evil, and there's no way she should be in charge at GH. But she entertains me, and Liz doesn't, so I can easily set that aside. Watching Dr. O take Liz up on her suggestion to fire her was the most satisfying scene I've watched for ages. It almost, but not quite, offset my rage at Duke, the great enabler, admiring all the sacrifices Sonny is willing to make for his sons.


Of course, 10 minutes after Liz was fired, Felix strolled off his shift without telling anyone. Sabrina is going cray-cray at home, and there was no sign of Epiphany, so it must be her day off. Perhaps it doesn't matter, since Lucas is apparently the only patient at GH, but I'm not sure there are any nurses on duty now. 

  • Love 5

I don't like Liz, but her getting fired was entirely her doing. Dr. O wasn't going to fire her, she was simply going to dock her pay and write her up. Which she should have been, since she shouldn't be getting paid for not working and she broke the rules. However non-sensical or ridiculous it is that Dr. O is CoS., she is and it's her rules. When Liz dared her to fire her, what was she expecting Dr. O to do? Is Liz really that stupid? Anyway, like WendyCR72 mentioned upthread, none of it matters because Nik will ride in on his white horse to the rescue. More Niz, wonderful. Gag me.


Britt is looking really pathetic right now, though. Especially since Nik looks like less and less of a catch by the minute. I wish she would focus on her friendship with Brad (love them snarking on everyone in the town together) and getting to know her brother, helping him out and developing a nice bond. Then, a few months down the road when she's completely over Nik, he should be the one that starts chasing her.

  • Love 3

Haven't watched GH regularly in forever but I still catch the show every so often and have a good idea of most of the characters and what's going on. Anyway I caught the show yesterday and the actor who plays Felix, why would the writers be so cruel and put that scene on him? Bless his heart I could see the effort he was putting forth and how much he was trying but that was painful in the worse way.


Aside from the fact as someone else noted there were no tears actually falling ever, his line readings were incredibly awkward. I wish the writers had made Felix and Britt best friends and Brad and Sabrina best friends and I say that only because that way the better actors - Britt and Brad -would have helped elevate the scenes with the other actor. Making Sabrina and Felix have scenes together is like watching weak and weaker.


As for the Lucas/Brad/Felix situation, I'm with the others that the writers need to give that up and just put Lucas and Brad together and leave Felix out of the equation. Aside from not being able to do anything dramatic, the actor playing Felix also has zero chemistry with any of those two actors and in fact it's kind of cringe worthy watching him in romantic scenes. I think Felix is best left as Sabrina's sounding board since no one else wants to listen to her anyway and that's it.


I have to also say that as someone who grew up more with the CBS shows and watched Luke and Noah from the beginning of their story on ATWT, a little part of me felt bitter and resentful, even more so than I did back then against P&G, seeing some of those scenes between Brad and Lucas, especially the one of them in bed. Luke and Noah fans were lucky to get a kiss back then. And it was always frustrating because we always knew it was not because of the actors. But the other part of me is happy to see that things have changed in a good way and still changing between then and now.

Edited by truthaboutluv
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I don't think the writers want us to sympathize with Sonny. I mean, we're seriously supposed to feel sorry for him that he can't kill Ava because she's pregnant with his or Morgan's baby? That he can't tell Michael the truth about AJ because Sonny will go to jail? I have a hard time believing I'm supposed to side with Sonny on any of this, despite Duke's feeble enabling. If they wanted us to believe this crap, I think Carly would be Sonny's sounding board, not Duke. Duke is there because he needs Sonny to keep going after Julian (as ineffectual as Sonny as been on that front). I don't think Duke really gives a rat's ass about Sonny's problems.

  • Love 3


My reaction to shirtless Levi: Kill it, kill it with fire!


        And then barbecue some ribs on the corpse. Levi just gets worse and worse every day. When he trivialized Maxie's feelings about Gabriel's death and she called him out, I loved it because for the first time she's finally starting to see Levi for the emotionally abusive control freak he is. Contrary to Levi's opinion, there's nothing fair about a child dying before their parents, especially a baby. BTW, Levi, Gabriel's death wasn't "the universe's" doing; it was Rafe's (I believe); otoh, Nathan is a breath of fresh air. He not only respects Maxie's opinions even if he disagrees with them, he doesn't try to change her into someone she's not, he doesn't insult her, her friends or her family, he pays his own way and he's smoking hot, unlike Levi, on all counts.  As for that preview of Monday's show, it looks like Levi's not the hippie vegan pacifist he claims to be. Hopefully, it will give Nathan incentive to investigate Levi and expose him as a fraud once and for all.


  Speaking of characters who just keep getting worse, that leads me to Sonny. His lying to Michael and Morgan is about covering his own ass, not saving theirs. Duke's calling Sonny's lies a "sacrifice" made me roll my eyes to the point of blindness. Putting turds of shit in a candy box doesn't make it chocolate. If Sonny really wanted to make a sacrifice for his sons, then he'd confess to Anna, not Duke. If Ava got busted too, that would be even better because both the guilty parties would be suffering for their crimes for once.


  Felix was even more cringeworthy than ever. Those scenes were more proof of why Fecas is such a bad idea. In contrast, Brucas showed more chemistry in one scene that Fecas did in the whole episode. I think that while Brucas may not be in love yet, they're way closer to it than Fecas could ever be. However, Br2 were priceless as usual. Their bonding is always fun to watch.  As for Brad's advice, Brad may have told Britt to go after Nik, but she didn't have to listen or ask her "mutter" for help.



I wish the writers had made Felix and Britt best friends and Brad and Sabrina best friends and I only say that because that way the better actors-Britt and Brad-would have helped elevate the scenes with the other actor. Making Sabrina and Felix have scenes together is like watching weak and weaker.


         I disagree. While Kelly Thiebaud and Parry Shen can act, when it comes to Theresa Castillo and Marc Samuel, they can only do so much.


  Ric Hearst and Hayley Pulos killed it yesterday. I don't know whom I felt worse for-Ric or Molly. For a split second, I thought that Liz was going to see Ric, or think that she did, which could have slowed Niz down, if not stopped it altogether.

Edited by DollEyes
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BTW, Levi, Gabriel's death wasn't "the universe's" doing


I don't care that Levi believes that—I don't care what Levi believes in general—but I do care that he's belittling Maxie's feelings just because they aren't in line with his. I hope that's the start of the major wake-up call Maxie needs regarding Levi. And they really need to get moving on his other story, assuming that's still in the works. Otherwise, let him scuttle off the show. I don't need any explanations or story about that. He can just leave and never be heard from again.

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I think the only really tolerable and/or compelling actors in the whole new younger hospital set are Parry Shen and Ryan Carnes, both of whom are on recurring. Brad they have no real investment in, IMO, which is a shame because Shen is multi-talented. And Lucas doesn't seem to exist for any purpose other than to help propel superficial drama for others - Felix and Brad fight over him, Julian moons over his son. But when does Lucas ever talk about his own life, beyond those early scenes with or about Julian? When do we see him living his own life? We know he went off to med school but the show doesn't remember and clearly has no interest in him finding a job or a personal life. They won't commit to giving him a contract. He's a talented actor, much, much moreso than he used to be back when he was a twink, but to the show he's just a pretty thing with a legacy connection. If not for Carnes's performance and some of the dialogue writers, he would be almost this sort of opaque gay totem/Spencer accessory.


Felix I can enjoy in doses - I think Marc Samuel often has great dry comic delivery still. But he is no good at straight drama, especially if it's over Sabrina. Maybe that could change with better material, but as it is watching him mope over that is cringeworthy. Teresa Castillo seems like a nice girl but is extremely weak, and has gotten painful to watch as they keep giving her heavier and heavier material she cannot handle - even Kristen Alderson shouldered these kind of loads better on OLTL. Sabrina needs to be gone. Kelly Thiebaud isn't much better, and puts me to sleep in any regular scene when she's not just spouting hollow one-liners, which do not a character make. Britt has no actual personality of her own - we never hear anything about who she is, what her aspirations are beyond her sadness over her lot in life with her parents or the men she has lost. It's all about these cheap woe is me touchstones and then it's about who she's not - Sabrina, Liz, etc. But that's not a character.  That's not enough.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 6


Kelly Thiebaud isn't much better, and puts me to sleep in any regular scene when she's not just spouting hollow one-liners, which do not a character make.


Someone on another thread suggested recasting Britt with Amanda Setton (Kim, OLTL) and I would support that. I'm not sure if she could make me like Britt but I think she is better suited for this type of character than KT is.


I'm sorry, but there is no way you can trust Molly with that type of info.  As soon as someone mentions Ric's "crimes" she will defend his innocence and tell that the police knows he's innocent.

I didn't mean that Molly would be in on it, but that when she went to the police station, instead of The Port Charles Police Department Theatre Company performance, Anna  could have just met her with "The Feds came and took him.  Drug trafficking is linked to terrorism and they took jurisdiction.  I have no idea where he is, but I'm sure he'll be in touch."


Then he could have sent Molly letters from whatever facility he was supposedly being held in, and she would have been sad because he was being wrongly held, but wouldn't be sobbing over his body bag. 


Now I suppose the bad guys might still hit his family to prevent him from talking to the Feds, but Ric doesn't really HAVE any info to give - he was set up, and he can repeat that til kingdom come and it won't affect matters.  He has nothing to trade on the real villains.


My reaction to shirtless Levi: Kill it, kill it with fire!




    And then barbecue some ribs on the corpse.



Next to Emma's doll baby!

Felix I can enjoy in doses - I think Marc Samuel often has great dry comic delivery still. But he is no good at straight drama, especially if it's over Sabrina.



Their friendship makes cringe for whatever reason. I guess because they pore it on so heavy, but we never saw them become friends or even barring that, why they are friends. If they had to make them both arrive on the show already best friends for life, at least show me why later. When Felix said, "Patrick, this is *my girl* we're talking about" I just wanted to be like, why? Why is she your girl?

  • Love 1

I didn't mean that Molly would be in on it, but that when she went to the police station, instead of The Port Charles Police Department Theatre Company performance, Anna  could have just met her with "The Feds came and took him.  Drug trafficking is linked to terrorism and they took jurisdiction.  I have no idea where he is, but I'm sure he'll be in touch."


Then he could have sent Molly letters from whatever facility he was supposedly being held in, and she would have been sad because he was being wrongly held, but wouldn't be sobbing over his body bag. 


Now I suppose the bad guys might still hit his family to prevent him from talking to the Feds, but Ric doesn't really HAVE any info to give - he was set up, and he can repeat that til kingdom come and it won't affect matters.  He has nothing to trade on the real villains.




Next to Emma's doll baby!


I see your point but I disagree. With Ric "dead" there is no investigation and as far as Port Chuck is concerned Julian is out of the mob and his boss is dead. So he and Puke are safe to resume their drug trade. They won't be looking for Ric to eliminate him. No reason to threaten Molly or Liz to get him to confess. IMO while harsh, it's the smartest thing Anna has come up with in ages. Now, if she just can refrain from telling Duke...

  • Love 4

Britt is looking really pathetic right now, though. Especially since Nik looks like less and less of a catch by the minute. I wish she would focus on her friendship with Brad (love them snarking on everyone in the town together) and getting to know her brother, helping him out and developing a nice bond. Then, a few months down the road when she's completely over Nik, he should be the one that starts chasing her.


If only. That sounds so great. But no, another triangle involving fucking Liz is a better story for Britt. Ugh, these writers!

 We've seen more emotion & screentime over shamwow than AJ's death. A legacy character with decades of storyline on the show.


I agree with you up to a point.  I don't think we should see less of the reaction to Gabriel's death, but I definitely think we should have had more reaction to A.J.'s death.


This absence wasn't the first time that Liz has played fast and loose with GH rules...remember when she left an hour early without finishing her shift, and Obrecht caught her? Liz may be small, but she carries a big chip on her shoulder. Since Obrecht fired her, maybe Liz could learn to make BLTs for Kelly's.


Sorry, but IMO the last thing this show needs is for the hospital to be de-emphasized more than it already is, which removing hospital-based characters from the setting will do.


Patrick is the prime example of why a character shouldn't be so thoroughly attached to another character. Patrick has never had a major romance besides Robin and he's had very few stories that didn't somehow involve her. He has none of his own family in town and the only friend he's ever had that wasn't also Robin's friend turned out to be a hitman. He now has Sam but that friendship didn't really develop until after Robin "died".  Since I don't like Robin I've never had a reason to pay attention to him until Robin left...but then he was immediately put in poorly written and rushed "love" triangle with Britt and Sabrina. I would be interested in seeing Patrick and Sam get together but there's no real reason to get invested in them since Robin can come back at any moment.


It also doesn't help that JT contracted TG & MB's disease of only deciding to show up for a scene if the story he is in sends thrills up his leg.  KM is a low-energy actress to begin with (although she makes it work for her), watching the poor girl try and rouse a discernible pulse in JT when he tanks scenes because he finds them insufficiently enthralling would be excruciating. 

Their friendship makes cringe for whatever reason. I guess because they pore it on so heavy, but we never saw them become friends or even barring that, why they are friends. If they had to make them both arrive on the show already best friends for life, at least show me why later. When Felix said, "Patrick, this is *my girl* we're talking about" I just wanted to be like, why? Why is she your girl?


When they first started, the idea of the sassy gay friend (which, for all Ron's talk at the time of being offended at Felix being called a stereotype, he was) and the nerdy girl against the world rang false for me, even before he became so possessive and creepy. I think the biggest problem is they just don't have any chemistry as friends.


I haven't seen Marc Samuels have chemistry with anyone. 

  • Love 4

I am going to fall way behind over the next month because of the World Cup, but a comment on the Liz firing.

What kind of  turn of the century (20th that is) hospital is .GH that the nurses do not have a UNION!!!!.  It is just not that easy to fire some one. I don't care who the chief of staff is, Liz's union would be there to protect her and even if there was not a union Dr. O would still need to go though Human Resources and all kinds of other hoops.


I understand that Head Writers at Soaps can be fired at the drop of hat (and there are days Ron needs to get canned   ...okay weeks....okay months)  but every one else in the real world has some protection.  YUCK

  • Love 2
Of course, 10 minutes after Liz was fired, Felix strolled off his shift without telling anyone. Sabrina is going cray-cray at home, and there was no sign of Epiphany, so it must be her day off. Perhaps it doesn't matter, since Lucas is apparently the only patient at GH, but I'm not sure there are any nurses on duty now.


With all the baby rabies going on, I'm sure an OB-GYN is close at hand should Lucas need anything. 


I worked in a hospital for many years a long time ago.  There was way more than one shift where I never got a meal break, and I worked in the lab. Nurses had it a lot worse.  


I'm gonna grant Felix a pass on this one.  If you are hungry, you learn to chow down at any opportunity, even if it is close to quitting time.  He had a pretty busy day.  I think Show was trying to show us that Felix was being responsible and only having social comfort time with Lucas on his break, to contrast Liz just doing what she wanted.


I also think that MS did okay on this; I didn't expect much and I believed his awkward tears.  Still don't think he's a catch.

Edited by Reo

Subjecting myself to a re-watch session of this past week's episodes I just realized that Felix and Levi were truly made for each other.


Two worthless, meddlesome, tiring, pathetic, lacking in all areas of attraction and chemistry with other people, daft arsed wankers. If only they were paired together so any and every thing they do I could just skip over without even thinking about it, knowing full well that whatever the scene entails it just isn't worth a second of my time to bother watching.


Then Brad can spend his time winning back Lucas' affection with sponge baths and candle light dinners and his own, private and magical strip-show.

  • Love 2
Two worthless, meddlesome, tiring, pathetic, lacking in all areas of attraction and chemistry with other people, daft arsed wankers. If only they were paired together so any and every thing they do I could just skip over without even thinking about it, knowing full well that whatever the scene entails it just isn't worth a second of my time to bother watching.


I missed the first sentence of your post so didn't know who this comment was referring to.  It sadly could be applied to about half of the current cast.

  • Love 1


I missed Friday, anything worth checking out?  Britt was on, right?


It seemed like Britt was finally gaining just a little self respect but then Brad's dumbass helpfully suggested she try to get Nik back. At the end of the episode she asked her mother to help her. The only good thing I can say about this is that if Dr. O gets involved maybe she will have Liz disposed of so Britt won't have any competition.

Edited by LeftPhalange
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Oh please, show. TJ needs to just punch the hell out of Rafe and call it a day. Tequan acted circles around Faux Bieber. I wish we had a better young actor playing Rafe because that could have been better. TR carried him so much in that scene, that he deserves double pay. But, if Faux Bieber needs work, we know he can hit a target. Paging Sonny.


  What do you expect out of the actor?  He's playing a mostly lost soul, whose entire childhood was spent on the run with his mother, with no chance to form relationships with others his age, and who had to see his mother being murdered, by someone who, from what I remember is said to his father, and the father furthermore was under the delusion that he (the father) was a vampire and acted that out.

 So, just how is he supposed to act?   All fuil of confidence?  Does he annoy because he is so unsure of himself and his place in it?   I think kids like this bring out anger in others because they are 'weird' and then a guy like TJ should "punch the hell out of him."


  No one is sure the kid pushed the car off the road.  If he was high, he may have thought he did, or saw something he didn't report due to his drug-taking and what that would mean if he called the police. Phluke (for Phony) had a conversation on the phone with an underling to confirm that he'd done the deed on the road to give Spencer and any others a good scare to keep quiet.


  So, for now, Rafe may be feeling guilty about thinking he caused it or having witnessed something and not reporting it, since the premature baby died.

  • Love 6
What do you expect out of the actor? 



Personally I expect good acting. The role Jimmy is playing and how he is playing it do not meet in the middle, for me, they may as well be two continents apart. The role is actually a pretty decent one for a young character, a lot of drama, pain, angst, the whole nine yards. However, Jimmy doesn't have the skills nor capability, imho, to pull off any of what he's required to portray. The emotion isn't there, the passion, the grief, the anger, the anxiety, the trauma, he may as well be playing a kid who dropped his ice-cream cone on the ground for how "troubled" he appears.


Watching the scenes between Jimmy and Tequan, it was so night and day, an actor who can act verses one who cannot, and the harder Jimmy tries to the worse off he comes across, imo. I am not saying Tequan is next in line to get an Oscar but the kid is decent, especially for a soap, and he may as well been Gregory Peck paired against Jimmy.


The actor who played Michael before Chad, aka Eeyore, took over, Drew, was very good at playing that sort of screwed up in the head kid. He acted it out and it was believable, his shitty childhood, the shitty adults who "raised" him but never really took proper care of him, lack of friends, lack of trust, it all came together and I bought it.


I wouldn't buy girl scout cookies from Jimmy. I don't believe him or any of his acting choices, he doesn't draw me in, he doesn't tug on my heart strings, and since I know there are others out there who could have this role and actually do something with it? I don't give him any passes whatsoever, he just isn't a good actor, imho, and he makes Rafe an unbearably pointless character.

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