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  1. God dammit. What did Billy Miller do to be saddled with Rebecca Herbst as a scene partner? I was so happy to hear he was coming to GH, and this is what he's stuck with? Jiz? Poor BM. I'm about done. I just can't with skeletor anymore.
  2. What exactly is wrong with that? I didn't go to my prom because my mom was sick. When I told my then boyfriend and now husband about it (and the fact I hadn't been to high school dances for the same reason so had never danced to Stairway to Heaven) he put on Stairway to Heaven and danced with me in our living room. I was 32 at the time and it was one of the sweetest things he's ever done. So, I guess I'm a poor little matchgirl too - add to it I had a breast reduction and probably 'shook my cleavage in his face' at least once without realizing it, I guess I'm pathetic too. Must be why I like Sam. [snip]
  3. . That's my thing. I love fun Sam. I miss drunken domino playing Sam, who spit on jason in the middle of a scene causing Steve Burton to break character. I love love LOVE sparkly Sam and I can not and will not apologize for it. Viva la Samtrick forever! I'd watch an entire episode of them eating Chinese food. And Ron can do what he wants to try to assassinate Patrick. It won't work. Saddling him with that idiot Sabrina didn't work. The Lisa Niles bullshit didn't work. If KMcC can't stay full time so I can keep Scrubs, let Patrick and Sam spread the sparkle far and wide. I'm an unabashed sparkly whore. I loathe Carly but Ingo and Laura sparkled so damn much together I couldn't help but love Carjax.
  4. I am absolutely loving sparkly Samtrick. If I can't have Scrubs why is Jason coming back to ruin sparkly, pretty Samtrick. LOVE. JT is long one of my favs, but I'm so happy he's no longer stuck trying to make Theresa Castillo happen. Not even Maurice deserves that canker sore.
  5. I will never, ever hate Patrick. Ever. It's impossible for me, much like I will never, ever like Sabrina the Teenage Dishrag. The writers can write him however they want, Patrick can't be made to look bad. And I don't buy for one minute that Jason Thompson is a 'pet'. He has talent - and the pets never seem to.
  6. Add that fuckwit Liz and her pez dispenser uterus and we've got a deal. I still resent the PTB for caving to her fanbase and rehiring her.
  7. Oh Sabrina...stupid, stupid Sabrina, nobody gives a fuck about why your 'little angel had to die'. I'd throw Rafe a damn party if I could. Go back to PR or Mexico or wherever the fuck and drop dead. Join your 'little angel'. Spare the viewers your presence. If I can't have scrubs, I'll have Samtrick. Pretty, sparkly Samtrick.
  8. Oh god, that no talent Castillo is back from a birthin'? Looks like it's time to check out again. Unless there are scenes of Patrick punching her in the face for no other reason than she's obsessed with Disney Princesses because she has the mental acuity of a brain damaged toddler and he snaps. It was so enjoyable without her. Team Scrubs in perpetuity.
  9. I didn't give a shit about Tara when she was alive, I distinctly remember doing a happy war whoop when her head got blown off the first time, and I've resented them bringing her back since she showed back up, so I'm A-OK with her no longer sucking up air time. Good riddance. The rest? Meh.
  10. Eh, Patrick shoulda slit that useless little twerp's throat. Good riddance. Team Patrick.
  11. Ermagherd...good to know that Michelle Stafford's annoying fascination with the word "definitely" DEFINITELY followed her to GH. I counted at least 7 of them from her and I still had half the show to watch.
  12. Well, HELLLLLLLLO topic. My Liz hate is epic, unwavering and legendary. However, believe it or not I LIKED teenage Liz, when she was a hellion. The beginning of the end was the rape/saintification of St Liz of Perpetual Fertility. Since then, her constant smug bitchface, her baby talking in front of the man of the moment and then the minute he's not looking behaving like a shrew, her "poor innocent me" shtick (she had a kid road killed while she sounded out the words on her latest paternity test, Port Charles, PITY HER) climbing up 30 million flights of stairs in a power failure all innocently to fall on Jason's penis, her habit of pissing all over her conquests for the rest of their lives if they ever have the nerve to move on and show interest in a more interesting or better woman, the fact that her head is too big for her body, the fact she looks like a garden gnome, and the fact that she's practically a baby pez dispenser...all add up to me loathing the bint. It doesn't help that I find Rebecca Herbst to be underwhelming as a performer, and that I really think she makes really stupid scene choices that make Liz look even worse. I was actually thrilled when they got rid of Liz. Then they caved and saved her job. I have considered not watching because of Liz, even more than Sonny or anyone else. And I'm sick for the actors that have been thrown under a bus for Liason. All that stuff that they had Sam do? The threatening of children etc? Was completely out of character in an attempt to prop Liason further. It was all bullshit, and all for Wittle Wiz of Perpetual Suffering. Phew, that felt good to get off my chest.
  13. Link to where any of it was proven other than whispered allegations and company men like Doug Davidson and Eric Braeden crowing about their victory and righteous indignation on Twitter? Because until then MM is innocent and HHK is getting a hard side eye from me for being such a pawn. But bang up job the bullies in charge over there did in destroying someone's career with a whisper campaign. Nothing about this passes a litmus test enough to support the destruction of a man's career. And no. Michael Logan isn't a reputable source. I would LOVE to see MM show up on the show, and I don't think unproven allegations should even come into play, especially with all the shenanigans that happened with the usual suspects which made me MORE than question the truthiness of the whole 'incident'. And that's all I have to say about that because my head will explode with rage at the backstage mafia at CBS Television City winning again.
  14. Not well enough. Bitch still breathes. Something ELSE I blame Leisl for.
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