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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Blech, sounds like an episode I can skip.  Thanks for the synopses!  Y'know, I would love to have afternoon programming where women weren't regularly called bitches, whores, or were threatened with violence.  We get enough of that IRL.

It's Ava and Sonny, not characters meant to be reasonable human beings. I would have been happy with a murder suicide.


The Morgan scenes were good, if you dislike Liz the scenes there were funish, and I liked Alexis' romance/saving her new man even knowing it is doomed. The Luke scenes were okay/good for the first time in a long time. Anna was the usual dumbass.

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Anna hates Julian, but she doesn't hate his family. Sam is the mother of Jason's kid, who she knows Robin would want protected, and Lucas is her good friend Bobbie's son and Luke's nephew. Anna is single-minded when it comes to Julian but she would never take it out on Lucas, Sam, and Danny.


On the other hand, Anna possesses all the usual competence of a police chief on a show where a violent vicious career criminal is the romantic lead - i.e., none whatsoever.  So it's very possible that Julian doesn't trust Anna not to completely fuck things up if he does tell her the truth.  Because let's face it, her completely fucking things up is a real likelihood.

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I'm sure Morgan has a fake ID from his college days. He should still be 20 now, since his birthday's not till October. But Ron choose the much torturous "we forgot to add in that line that he's 21" on twitter even though it makes no sense. SORASed Kristina should be 22 in November (in 2011 she said she was almost 19) and they said Michael turned 18 in 2009, so he should be 22 right now according to that. So basically they smushed 'em all in a row.

Thanks, Ulkis. I just wondered about the age because unless I zoned out, which has happened on this show, Olivia didn't call Morgan out for underaged drinking/being drunk.

ITA, about Ron smushing up all the ages.

Long (long!) time TWOP lurker, now moving over here and glad to see some names I recognize.  Just wanted to ask if this is Tony Geary's pre-vacation swan song or can we look forward to more of FauxLuke gross - opps, excuse me - gracing our screens?


Just my opinion, but I'm glad they didn't go there with Olivia and Morgan (sorry for Olivia though- that would have been fun for her!)


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I know this is GH & you can't apply logic but wouldn't Anna need more info/proof that Julian's word in order to arrest Ric.


She did have more proof: the murder weapon with Ric's fingerprints all over it. It would be relatively easy for Anna to obtain a search warrant to search Ric's hotel room so long as she found a sympathetic judge, especially considering Ric has a reputation that precedes him in PC. That Julian was the informant wouldn't make much difference if his story seemed to check out, which it appeared to. 

Ric swears on his daughter's life that he's not Julian's boss.

Julian swears on the lives of his son, daughter, and grandson.

Does Alexis believe Julian over Ric because Julian swore on more heads? It's a shame that Ric didn't have more children! Or perhaps if Alexis just let Molly have sex like Ric said that it was her choice, perhaps there could also be an on the way grandchild on whose life that Ric could also swear on to help even up the numbers.

Did it seem like Julian was about to fess up to Alexis that Ric really wasn't the boss but that he had to give a name when Liz knocked on the door?

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You guys, I think I like Drunk Morgan.  That was amazing, and hilarious.  Usually, both the character and the actor get on my nerves, but Drunk Morgan just made me happy for some reason.  "Let's just, like, do what they did!"  So funny.  


Um, when did Morgan turn 21? He's getting drunk in bars So how old is this making Micheal, now?

I make a conscious effort to not even think about ages of soap characters, just because I don't pay close enough attention, and it makes my head hurt to try to figure out what they've messed with.  I just assumed that now that Michael is big-time fancy CEO, he is automatically at least mid-20s, and so I did not even blink when Morgan was bar-drinking.  

He was also eating a lime for some reason. Maybe that's why he's throwing the barware. He's breaking the shell to get to the meat inside.



Ha!  Sonny eating the lime in the middle of the baby/ murder talk with Ava might just be my favorite Sonny moment ever.  Admittedly, I have few 'good' Sonny moments, but that shot of him and the lime had me in hysterics.  Possibly not the reaction they were going for, now that I think about it. 


I like Ric and Julian, and it pisses me off that they might both be destroyed in this Fake Luke story.  I'm hoping that when all the dirty laundry is aired, Alexis understands why Julian did what he did, and everybody forgives everybody (except for, of course Luke and Sonny), and the few characters I actually enjoy get to have some fun for a while.  And that we get a lot more shots of Julian and Alexis having Hot! Sexy! Times!


Any more theories about who Luke really is?  I got nothing.  

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Did it seem like Julian was about to fess up to Alexis that Ric really wasn't the boss but that he had to give a name when Liz knocked on the door?


Isn't the damage already done? Ric was arrested, and the proof is pretty tight (so far). Admitting he lied will anger Alexis, and Anna probably wouldn't be too thrilled, either. If he didn't name Ric, FakeLuke would have undoubtably found another way, and Alexis would still be upset.


Julian didn't swear on his kids life that Ric was the boss. Julian swore on their lives that he would do anything to protect them. He was totally going to tell Alexis when Liz showed up. Just like he was going to tell her he was Sam's father when Olivia had her idiotic vision.


Unfortunately, FauxLuke will be back. Not sure if Tony has even left on his extended vacation yet, or if he has started and is making a couple of trips to LA to tape scenes over the next few months, or if we'll see one-sided phone calls on Julian's end, or if stuff was pre-taped, or if Tracy and Luke are gone until September on some honeymoon. I think this (FauxLuke) drags on (and on and on) for a few more months.


I know the Julexis angst is just getting started. We're in for a roller coaster ride for the next several months.

Edited by TarHeelTeacher
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I got a kick out of the closed captioning naming Fake Luke "Fluke" during his scenes with the real Luke today. That's what I'm calling him from now on. That said, I am so over this storyline. Let's wrap it up please. 


Out of all of Sonny's Kids, I think I like Morgan best. Shame their aren't a whole lot of suitable female candidates to pair him with that aren't either related to him or old enough to be his mother. My ideal storyline for him would be for Jax to return(who he clearly seems to prefer over Sonny) just so Sonny can act all butthurt like he actually cares about him. He doesn't. Michael will always be the favorite son and he only cares about the rest when it's convenient. Trust that if the roles were reversed and Sonny had done to Michael what he did to Morgan he would be on his knees every other scene trying to get back in Michael's good graces. You know that's exactly what's going to happen when he finds out about what really happened to AJ. I'm still waiting for the scene where Carly gives him the business for breaking Morgan's heart but that will probably never happen. She will be more pissed he didn't kill Ava than about anything he's done to his kids. She wouldn't be covering for Sonny in the first damn place if she actually cared about how this was affecting Michael. 


I was kind of pissed at Alexis for so easily taking Julian's word for it that Rick is guilty. The very least she could do was go down to police station with Liz and talk to Ric. I felt so bad for the guy even though I probably shouldn't since it's not like he hasn't done bad things over the years but he's not on some of these other guy's level. Alexis should know that Ric wouldn't do that to Molly. If I were Molly I would be pissed at Alexis for being so quick to take the word of her shiny new boyfriend over her father. I hope she sticks by her dad. 

Edited by Turkish
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Show crossed a line today, and I don't know if I can ever get past it.  I thought things were bad before, but, but....but today Show made me not feel my usual constant contempt for Olivia.  And that is just wrong, so so wrong.  Dullivia flinging around her rosaries and her ziti and her constant excuses for Sonny disappeared there for a moment when she was dealing with Morgan.  She actually sounded more like an adult than a Mama Celeste commercial.  I'm glad that she turned Morgan down, and surprised that she was able to do without sounding like a scandalized cloistered nun. 


I'm sure, though, that we'll be back to our regularly scheduled Olivia boredcasting soon enough.  Nice change, though.

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I make a conscious effort to not even think about ages of soap characters, just because I don't pay close enough attention, and it makes my head hurt to try to figure out what they've messed with.  I just assumed that now that Michael is big-time fancy CEO, he is automatically at least mid-20s, and so I did not even blink when Morgan was bar-drinking.



What does it say about me that most people are like "when did he turn 21" and I'm like, "ah, a little underage drinking." hmm. Don't answer that!

Thanks, Ulkis. I just wondered about the age because unless I zoned out, which has happened on this show, Olivia didn't call Morgan out for underaged drinking/being drunk.

ITA, about Ron smushing up all the ages.


oops, I mistyped the sentence, I mean unless Ron chooses to over-complicate it by saying on twitter that he's actually 21, he should still be 20.

Edited by ulkis
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Was MB always this bad? Getting caught up on the weeks worth of shows and holy moly its rank and his performance is just beyond terrible.


Even LiRic while I appreciate the pretty its just too damn instant. What happened to pacing? 


And please show KiKi and Michael in any form of nakedness,kissing, sex  is not must see tv its cringeworthy

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You're dead! Nine months later.

I bet Ava will lose the baby (mistairrage?) but pretend to still be pregnant long enough for Sonny to get distracted—maybe FakeLuke will finally actively go after him—and Ava can somehow worm her way out of things. Or maybe Julian will finally shoot her. Who knows. Bottom line, I think this baby is a tock.

Sorry if this has been explained before, but what is a tock?


I have reached the point that no explanation will be satisfactory regarding Fluke. Just end it already - I don't care anymore.


I like that Julian swore he was doing everything he can to protect the people he loved, not that Ric was the big boss. It's a technicality that Alexis can appreciate. However, he is lying about being out of the business.

Does Julian know that Luke is fake?



I'm still waiting for the scene where Carly gives him the business for breaking Morgan's heart but that will probably never happen. She will be more pissed he didn't kill Ava than about anything he's done to his kids. She wouldn't be covering for Sonny in the first damn place if she actually cared about how this was affecting Michael.


I hate that they have Carly covering for Sonny. She should be looking out for her own interests, which doesn't involve her participating in a coverup that could mess up her relationship with Michael. She should know by now that Sonny is a reckless idiot who will eventually do something stupid that will expose him as AJ's killer.

I like that Julian swore he was doing everything he can to protect the people he loved, not that Ric was the big boss. It's a technicality that Alexis can appreciate.


I don't know. The fact is, Julian did tell Anna that Ric was his boss. Alexis will find that out sooner or later, making Julian's hair-splitting moot, I think. I also think that once she calms down about Ric, she'll be mad that Julian didn't tell her Ric was his boss. Julian knows Ric is her ex. He said he didn't when Ric supposedly first approached him, but that was then.



She should know by now that Sonny is a reckless idiot who will eventually do something stupid that will expose him as AJ's killer.


When does anyone learn anything on this show? It's one of my bigger pet peeves. But in this case, Carly will use the age-old excuse that she wasn't saying anything to protect Michael. It wasn't about Sonny, it was about Michael, that fragile little snowflake. He was already reeling from AJ's death; did he really need to know one father shot the other? Ugh.

Edited by dubbel zout
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Not only did Sonny's sucking down the lime seem a little strange, but then he grabs a handful of ice cubes and starts crunching away while trying to spit out his threats  at Ava.  That entire series of scenes was just so off.  


Sorry Julie-boy, but your time is officially up and you can die.  Alexis will mourn you for a while, but move on.  Your kids, who have known you all of 20 minutes will mourn you may be a nano-second longer and your grandson will grow up saying "who", whenever your name is mentioned.


I have never been a huge fan of Ric Lansing, although my heart does go pitter-pat for Rick Hearst, but he has definitely earned the right to be the one to take out Julie-boy and Fluke. 


Julian swears on the lives of his son, daughter, and grandson.

He only swore on his kids' lives, not Danny's.  But I think Alexis believed Julian because Julian is the one banging her like a screen door in a hurricane. Oh & love blah blah blah.



Also, has the info about the dead hit man been on the news? Lulu still can connect the dots -- the question is will we get to see this?

Of course not.  Lulu will explain she was so busy with Rocco & trying to miscarry Lante's embryo, she didn't have time to watch the news or read the paper & had no idea Daddy's travel agent was really a hitman!



Someone will get preggers and Ava will steal the baby, replacing it with the dead one. Bonus points if Franco is involved and its a Siam baby. Because it's ReRon's world.

Eh, I'm expecting Ava to steal Lulu & Dante's embryo & impregnate herself with that.  & everyone will just hand wave the baby's due date because...reasons! 


& if Sam gets preggers, it's definitely a tock.  Because Nina will push her down the stairs when she finds out & then blame it on the "stress" of finding out Silas moved on after 20 years.

Thank you for the explanation of a tock. I agree - Gabriel needs to be a tock.


Anyone else find it interesting that Patrick had no interest in the baby taking his name? Is this a sign that TPTB are finally realizing the folly that was Patrina and are separating him out from her? Either the baby dies, he mourns and there is no more interaction or baby lives but needs a blood transplant and it is discovered that he isn't a match - Carlos is the father.


I just think accepting using his last name as the middle name is out of character for Patrick. I see him as the kind to fight to give his son his last name.

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One of the ideas that I hope network soaps lift from the PP soaps is the one of having double-sided walls to each set done a different way.   To get a new set you just flip the walls around, move some furniture out and some furniture in, and voila!  Two sets for the price of one.  I'd even live with the notion of having one set that just gets re-dressed different ways to be different people's bedrooms or offices or whatever.  It can't be that hard.



Yes, I'm holding out hope that this latest development is just the normal agita that all soap couples face and they will be reuniting at some point.

I've been watching a New Zealand soap on you-tube - they have a set where they are supposed to be in a complex of condos that are obviously each alike.  So they give two people homes with one set that gets redecorated, I'm presuming.  You can tell it's the same set, but it is easily explained by being in a block of condos where each one would be identical in floor plan.  They could easily give two people homes that way.  Another thing they do on Down Under soaps that might help GH is having people live together even if in unlikely combos.  Rent a room or whatever.  They'll have a share house with like 4 bedrooms and so 4 characters can live there.  At least it works for middle class characters.  Obviously Nikolas or the Quartermaines aren't going to need to rent out rooms, but Patrick or Liz might.  

So sad...TWOP is no more and yet Sonny and Faux Luke continue to haunt me. I lurked for years at TWOP and now I've decided to become an actual contributing member here. I look forward to reading many more witty rants and diatribes as this show continues to waste its time on useless characters instead of #Julexis.

Thanks to you all for sharing my pain. TFGH.

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I think we'll be getting good Julexis stuff  for the next few months. Unfortunately this Fluke crap (even with Tony in Europe)  will probably drag on into the fall and, I'm guessing, into November sweeps. But I think we are going to get some great stuff from the actors, because I think WdV and NLG can deliver and spin whatever is written on the page into gold. I don't know about anybody else but, "Sweetheart, I never imagined that I would find you," made me ugly cry. So did the expression on his face when he turned back to look at the house after he left.

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Unfortunately this Fluke crap (even with Tony in Europe)  will probably drag on into the fall and, I'm guessing, into November sweeps.

Oh God. Well, hopefully Tony goes on his break soon and we at least don't have to see him on screen too much. I never minded Luke too much but Fluke drives me up a wall. 


I'm also not looking forward to another Sonny baby storyline, whether the kid is actually his or not. 


I couldn't bring myself to post yesterday. I just lurked like the old days. The rants on the GH board were a thing of beauty. It sad knowing they will never be seen again.

I think we'll be getting good Julexis stuff for the next few months........... But I think we are going to get some great stuff from the actors, because I think WdV and NLG can deliver and spin whatever is written on the page into gold. I don't know about anybody else but, "Sweetheart, I never imagined that I would find you," made me ugly cry. So did the expression on his face when he turned back to look at the house after he left.

Honestly, how do you keep the faith? Really.I find that Ron's plot point writing, lack of flexibility & pacing is making me apathetic to the characters or couples I like. I have frustration & anger with stories & see only minimal to no agnst in Ron's stories. IMO, Frank & Ron have gone in the opposite direction of chemistry everytime. Excluding, Robin & some vets, I've recently discovered I start to detach once the obvious plot point push hits full swing in Cartin's regime.

GH won't allow me to have nice things. Somehow I seem to always prefer the non-propped/pushed/Cartini predestined pairing.

I blame Sonny. He ruins everything.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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Maybe limes are like the oranges in the Godfather movies...denoting death and betrayal.

If only we could have such nice things under Cartini!  In other possibly OT news, there was a radio announcer talking about the absolute disgust he felt when watching the juice-box love triangle.  While I do feel that Spencer (the actor) is cute as a bug's ear, lisp notwithstanding, this whole prepubescent love triangle thingie is making me sick.  Like I should call in Benson and Stabler sick. 


Speaking of sick, how typical of greasy Sonny to retreive Ava's pregnancy test from the garbage then proceed to touch himself all over his mouth and face?  If Fluke can manage to acheive his vendetta and wipe out Sonny, then all previous fuckery is forgiven, IMO.  Tracy, macking on potato head Kiki, running over Cameron, the whole nine yards.  Don't care if he's Bill Eckert or Joe Scully or Mikkos Cassadine.  The enemy of my enemy and all that...


Why in the name of ALL that is holy do Julian and Ric appear in a scene (with Alexis, no less) where every single person is fully clothed?  And Spencer is mincing around like Hugh Hefner?  The stoopid.  It burns.

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In other possibly OT news, there was a radio announcer talking about the absolute disgust he felt when watching the juice-box love triangle.  While I do feel that Spencer (the actor) is cute as a bug's ear, lisp notwithstanding, this whole prepubescent love triangle thingie is making me sick.  Like I should call in Benson and Stabler sick.

Who was the announcer?  I'd love to here someone call out Ron for this shit.  And my question is, what is the parents' reactions to this?  Do they not see that their children are being given lines that are beyond their age?  What 8 year old worries about spending the rest of their lives with some else and that their live will be ruined if they don't get that person?  Me personally, I I think I was still in the "boys had cooties" stage at that age.


I will say, the kid that places Spencer is cute.  And he works well off of TC as father and son.  In fact, the only time I can tolerate him now is when he is with Nikolas and Nikolas is doing a modicum of parenting.  When the were talking about a story for him, I was hoping it would involve the Cassadines.  Maybe Stefan lurking around in the catacombs ore, hell, even interacting with the supposedly coming daughter of Stefan and Katherine.  I never imagined the kiddie tri that will be a quad all too soon.

Whelp...that's it then.  I am here full time.  *pours one out*


This week's docket of shows was...schizo.  And no, show, saddling Ric with Liz won't make Liz happen for me.  Nope.  She is slightly more tolerable with him, but that's mostly the magical power of the Hearst.


I couldn't believe the show actually had a gun being pointed at a womb.  Good lord.

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