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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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It's worse, IMO. Luke never stole an egg from Laura. (Which, there isn't enough ew in the world for that happening to Lulu.) There was also no menacing or harassment.

I will accept this point of view. Is a medical theft of an egg and a very nonvoluntary implantation of the fertilized egg slightly worse than Luke's violent rape?  While I say no, I can very much see someone else saying yes. Any way you slice it, too too much for afternoon drama TV and a storyline that requires the death of Stavros at the hands of Dante assisted by Lulu, Lulu assisted by Dante (if you want to go new style tuf grl), or Frisco if Dante is written to flee the relationship because her keeping it is the bridge too far.


The Lulu baby rabies crap was too deep anyway since she had Ben/Rocco, but for this to be the middle of the storyline is sickening.

Edited by Happyshooter
  • Love 5

I thought it was funny when Olivia said that she had to get to Rocco because "God forbid, that Sonny has to change a diaper". I guess she is aware that Sonny wouldn't be able to find the diapers and wipes.


I think her first clue was after he shot his son in the chest, Olivia had to tell him where the towels were to use on the gaping hole in Dante's chest.


On another note, if/when Stavros dies, yet again, we need to see his sorry ass being cremated so there's no possibility of a fourth back from the dead fiasco.

Edited by LegalParrot81
  • Love 5
On another note, if/when Stavros dies, yet again, we need to see his sorry ass being cremated so there's no possibility of a fourth back from the dead fiasco.


You do remember who's writing/ruining this show, right? Ron will just have...someone, anyone glue the ashes together so Stavros will live to gulp down scenery for another day.

  • Love 6

Three days in a row of GH being awesome, and Freakco and Nina are nowhere in sight. Coincidence? I think not. Unfortunately it looks like the praying mantis is is back tomorrow.

As for today, everything from Jordan/Ava to Naxie to Molly/Jew-lee-ehn was just great today. And I realize I am in the minority, but I am getting a kick out of this latest round of Stavfroze. That said, I need Lante to decapitate him and then burn the body when this current story is over. Yes it's sick and maybe inappropriate for daytime, but at least right now it's clear that the viewers are supposed to think it's sick, we are supposed to root for Lante to beat Stavfroze.

One thing that does concern me is the way Maxie left Nathan. I was honestly expecting Nathan to say he loved Maxie as she left. And I think the next time they see each other, something will have happened to Nathan. He'll be brainwashed or have amnesia; it's clear they won't be getting together anytime soon. I just hope we don't get Levi in a Nathan mask, with the real deal locked away somewhere, and Maxie falling in love with an imposter.

  • Love 1

I liked today's show. It's amazing how certain characters being off my screen makes for better viewing.

I am so tired or Lulu's baby rabies woes. I'm definitely tired of hearing about embryo's

Looky, there's TJ & Molly. TJ has moved into his dorm, has a roommate & started college. Of cousre it all happened of screen & while we had the joy of seeing Nina every damn day as well as the adventures of the Kiddie Quad.

Wasn't Crypt sex in April? Have they SORASed the pregnancy or is this just a complication to build up the dramazz.

Morgan, please stop hanging out & hugging Kiki. Damn it, show. Stop it!

I'm pissed Alexis is using Ned. I don't want Wally to be the place holder. He's cute, has chemistry & can act. I'd take him over Sonny and Julian.

Molly, girl, keep your hate of Julian. Make him squirm. He did screw your dad over.

I wonder how long, Ron will drag out the events at CC.

I get that Molly hates Julian, I don't blame her for it.    But she is such a brat.  She should have waited until Danny was out of the room before screaming, poor new-kid actor looked truly stricken when she started shrieking.   And it's SAM'S home.  Not yours, Molly.  And Sam allowed Julian to come and see his grandson.  Ugh, I can't deal with her sometimes. 


Stavros is hilarious.  I have no idea how ER and DZ stayed in character.

  • Love 9

One thing that does concern me is the way Maxie left Nathan. I was honestly expecting Nathan to say he loved Maxie as she left. And I think the next time they see each other, something will have happened to Nathan. He'll be brainwashed or have amnesia; it's clear they won't be getting together anytime soon. I just hope we don't get Levi in a Nathan mask, with the real deal locked away somewhere, and Maxie falling in love with an imposter.

They sort of did ILUs, non-verbally, with the looks at each other.


I'm wondering if anyone will think that Jason revived is worth the price of Stavros and Helena (except for Sonny and Carly, of course...).  I could see the whole town hating on Robin for this.  I mean, really?  And it's not like the holy hit man is an innocent, either.  

Personally speaking, is having Helena back worth the price of Jason? I was enjoying the time without  him so much.But my greatest hate is for Shawn, who is not only a useless character, but who brings down every awesome female character they pair him with.


I really the conversations Shawn has where everyone acts like he's one of the good guys.  Today it was with TJ, who was worried that Shawn and his mother were in a relationship since they were on opposite sides.  No, TJ, Shawn is a murderer who works for a criminal and your mother runs drugs for a criminal, that's on the same side of the law.  Now if your mother worked for the DEA, like she does, then they would be on opposite sides.

Edited by statsgirl
  • Love 7

So I am supposed to believe that after talking to the sparkly nurse princess Sabrina about Victor C., a member of a fairly notorious family in PC that's known for their deception/treachery/kidnapping/murder/general all around psychotic behavior, Patrick came away believing that Sabrina was right about him and that Victor could have had nothing to do with their car accident, so instead of telling Sam or further investigating him, etc, he is now pondering the guilty party being notLuke,,,


But of he course he would.  That gives him an excuse to do what he wants to do in the first place - stay in Port Charles and paw up Sam while telling himself how blameless he is because mean ol' Robin refused to come home for no damn good reason.


I'm so done with Ric if when he comes back, he makes another beeline to Liz and doesn't spend any time with Molly again.


Poor Kristina and Molly.  They are both cursed with father's for whom they are, at best, afterthoughts.


I get that Molly hates Julian, I don't blame her for it.    But she is such a brat.  She should have waited until Danny was out of the room before screaming, poor new-kid actor looked truly stricken when she started shrieking.   And it's SAM'S home.  Not yours, Molly.  And Sam allowed Julian to come and see his grandson.  Ugh, I can't deal with her sometimes. 


On the other hand, that is spot-on normal teenage behavior.

  • Love 1

Wow Molly what a selfish brat. Seriously self-centered to not even give a baby some compassion. I don't even understand the whole Ric thing being some big drawn out secret now that Molly knows Julian is still in the mob. The letter thing was seriously a head scratcher. She just read to Julian that Ric knew she believed he was innocent and she does who cares if Julian tells her again? All it will do is increase her shreeking and not change one thing.  Ric isn't some saint yet she'd want him to have a relationship with her and her family, how is it that Julian can't see his grandchild, oh right b/c children run things in families....NOT! Someone seriously needs to parent that girl.


And on to TJ who can't cut his MOTHER an inch of slack, but will be "it's all cool man" to Shawn b/c he needs him. WTH? That also makes no sense. I think he needs his mother more.


Then on to BAMF Jordan. That was the wierdest baby gift EVER. I have a child TJ age and I've never heard of that charm thing much less be something with small choking hazards be put near a baby bed???? I love how cowering and pitiful Ava is being and BAMF Jordan is trying to talk her into DOING something.


Why does Ned let these women use him to make mobsters jealous. He is the ONLY normal nice guy in PC plus he is handsome and rich. I want him and Olivia to get together b/c they have romantic chemistry. I don't get any romantic chemistry between he and Alexis only friendship.


I liked Dante being all "crazy eyes" with rage at Stravros, I truely believe he would murder him in a heartbeat!

Loved the Naxie scenes but I wish they would have kissed before she left.

  • Love 3


I am so tired or Lulu's baby rabies woes. I'm definitely tired of hearing about embryos


At least she didn't get all excited about another existing embryo. I'm choosing to believe that shows growth for her character. 



TJ, Shawn is a murderer who works for a criminal and your mother runs drugs for a criminal, that's on the same side of the law.


I know! I don't get how TJ can accept what Shawn does but not what his mother apparently does, except writing it off to the head writer's misogyny.



And stop doing stories all about rape, babies, eggs and sperm.


Amen. My current working theory is that for some reason Ron couldn't do a rape story, so he decided to come as close to it as possible without the deed actually being done. If he's trying to skeeve people out, it's working … at least on me. 


Besides the above, though, I've kind of enjoyed the show the last couple of days. And I've noticed that MB enunciates much better when there's a child in the scene with him. I first noticed it when he was talking to Spencer (quite a while ago) but I noticed it again yesterday when Rocco was in the room. I don't know if he unwittingly shifts into "talking like a dad" when kids are around or if it's a conscious choice, but Sonny's not quite as awful when MB's not mumbling. 

  • Love 2

WTH did I just watch? I really feel sorry for the crew having to film the Stavros scenes since I think RKK just chomped through the set, the lighting, and half the camera guys.  They'll be spending the rest of RKK's tenure pouring one out for their fallen homies and praying for a different assignment.  That whole sequence was CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP, ACTING!!!! This embryo story is beyond gross.  I really hope it's over soon and I hope Dante gets to choke him to death with that handcuff chain, or Genie comes back as a special guest star and Laura gets to choke stomp him.  Nathan and Maxie continue to be cute, but they have the collective brain power of a sock of dominoes.  Letting Maxie run off in a place where they're being held captive that she doesn't even know the layout of was not a real bright idea.  I know Nathan said he couldn't change her mind, but the handcuffs are shiny, so he could have at least distracted her with that.  Julian is adorbs with Danny and he's great with the family scenes (far better than Sonny "the good mobster" with his family, and unless Julian has crypt sex with Brad or unfrozen caveman Jason, I will hold that opinion).  Hopefully they can realistically get him out of the mob once the Fluke story takes off again.  I really loved Dante not holding back with Stavros, and standing up for his wife without making her seem like she was his property or something gross.  He might be a "peasant from Bensonhurst", and I don't like Sonny's son Dante, but Lulu's husband Dante is a great guy.  

  • Love 8


why can we not have the return of Stefan?  He'd be a better match, physically, for Nathan's father, at least.

There's no way Stefan would get involved with someone as insane as Liesl Obrecht.



I do not disagree.  At all.  My hope would be, if they miraculously decided to make Stefan Nathan's father because, OMG, Victor is boring, they'd also retcon who his mother is.  Laura, perhaps?  A girl can dream!


Also, Show?  I cannot fully express to you how not interested I am in Shawn's love life.  Or his life, really.  And, TJ, how is it you can't accept your mom's line of work, but you can Shawn's?

Edited by Fellaway

So Sonny, the genius, has finally figured out that if he kills Ava and he is the baby's father, he'll be stuck raising it all by himself.  He takes a look around, considers all his options, and remembers that Carly always has lots of nice fluffy towels at her place.  And boom, they are back together!     

Edited by BlueberryJane23
  • Love 5

Yes, if he'd had a mustache, he could have twirled it!! It was however, campy as heck but guess it was suppose to be for not real tv soap. lol


I wouldn't be surprised to see Stavros and Cousin Victor having a Twirling 'stache-off.


I miss the more credible Victor from the Ice Princess Saga.


RKK's "Stavros"* can fuck off and die for realsies this time, even though I know that will never happen.


*In my fantasy, the REAL Stavros died by Luke's hand, and RKK's version is a clone.

  • Love 3

I refuse to believe that ER and DZ didn't break up laughing during every single break in taping.  I would be oddly fascinated to watch a Nina/Stavros scene.  Throw in Sonny for good measure, and it could be the single most absurd scene ever recorded. 


I loved Dante's "she was always a whole woman" response to Stavros.  I wonder who managed to sneak that line in past Ron, though, because we KNOW Ron doesn't consider a woman a "whole woman" if she's not either getting raped or pregnant.  


I can't remember which day this was, I want to say Tuesday, but KeMo's line readings were like she spent the past month running lines with MS and MB, and she can't remember how to speak her lines properly as a result.  There was way too much "like" and weird pauses/breaks in sentences.  It was weird to see it in her. 


Tequan may very well be the best actor they have on this show.  He's too good for this shit.  But, yeah, I wanted to smack TJ for that whole double standard towards his mother.  I'd settle for being able to get a few good smacks in on whoever wrote crap like "but is Sonny OK with this?"  Who cares?  

  • Love 8

I would be oddly fascinated to watch a Nina/Stavros scene.  Throw in Sonny for good measure, and it could be the single most absurd scene ever recorded. 


This seriously needs to happen. I need that in my life so bad.


I have to watch the Stavros scenes through my hands. Mad props to ER and DZ for staying all in during that. I would be so embarrassed to be there!


As a whole, the show is super embarrassing to watch right now, but for me it's in a fun way. I'm watching it as a comedy again.

  • Love 5
I loved Dante's "she was always a whole woman" response to Stavros.  I wonder who managed to sneak that line in past Ron, though, because we KNOW Ron doesn't consider a woman a "whole woman" if she's not either getting raped or pregnant.


I know! I wrote earlier that I was all prepared to go on a rant, and then Lulu's husband comes in and saves me from popping a vein. And word to the person who noted that DZ played that really well by not making it sound as if Lulu were a possession.




Mad props to ER and DZ for staying all in during that. I would be so embarrassed to be there!


I complained earlier that they were really downplaying the ick factor in the dialogue—I wonder if RKK's hamminess has them so stunned they can't react at all.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 1

I have only watched one episode of GH in, maybe, the past two, three weeks and after watching that one and reading this from DC:



Okay. I’ve decided to mute (if watching live) or FF anything having to do with this latest frozen embryo horror story. The acting is bad enough but the subject matter (understanding it’s what the actors have been given to play), just bothers me. Don’t ask me why, but after today, I had the thought of the three women in Cleveland who were found chained in a house by a nutcase that, after he was caught, hung himself. One woman had a child by this whack job while in captivity. Another was subjected to beatings that caused her to miscarry twice. Please know I’m not saying that RC had this in mind when he decided to go this route but there’s nothing romantic and/or adventurous to this tome. It’s on a level with Garin Wolf having Lisa Niles go after Patrick with a syringe filled with HIV tainted blood. I just can’t with this HW on this one……


I has finally taken GH off my DVR (and considering how excited I was to get a DVR a few months ago just to watch the episodes of GH I wasn't able to while FF comercials, you can tell how bad it has gotten for me).  The show is just not worth it.  Not one story I am interested in.  The snark I read here and on other boards is infinitely more amusing than a second of Ron's trash.

  • Love 6

I complained earlier that they were really downplaying the ick factor in the dialogue—I wonder if RKK's hamminess has them so stunned they can't react at all.


Good point. They were really a bit too nonchalant about that insanity, especially Dante. But yea, it's probably hard to take it seriously with RKK. That's a big problem with those scenes though, RKK being insane and then ER and DZ just being like 'meh.' It's too big of a disconnect.

  • Love 3

I wouldn't be surprised to see Stavros and Cousin Victor having a Twirling 'stache-off.


I wonder if Ron will even make time for a scene with Stavros and Cousin Victor (and presumably an also defrosted Helena, who's probably getting an herbal wrap) all together.  That I would actually be curious to see.

RKK being insane and then ER and DZ just being like 'meh.' It's too big of a disconnect.


Exactly.  And then you have Lulu being all, "Maybe he's just joking around!" about a guy who stuck her in a freezer.  It devalues any kind of stakes in this story if the people in this life-or-death situation aren't acting like it.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 2

I refuse to believe that ER and DZ didn't break up laughing during every single break in taping.  I would be oddly fascinated to watch a Nina/Stavros scene.  Throw in Sonny for good measure, and it could be the single most absurd scene ever recorded. 


It was probably a mixture of laughing and shame. Like, "oh, god, why is this scene happening".


Tequan may very well be the best actor they have on this show.  He's too good for this shit.  But, yeah, I wanted to smack TJ for that whole double standard towards his mother.  I'd settle for being able to get a few good smacks in on whoever wrote crap like "but is Sonny OK with this?"  Who cares?



I forgive him him his double standard because they have to have him not question his mom too closely or he'd figure out her secret. I would rather they let him in on it though.


Exactly.  And then you have Lulu being all, "Maybe he's just joking around!" about a guy who stuck her in a freezer.  It devalues any kind of stakes in this story if the people in this life-or-death situation aren't acting like it.



Well, to be fair, Dante suggested it first. I think they meant more like "he thinks what he's saying is true but he's a delusional insane zombie who declared he fertilized the egg himself, soooooo . . . .".


It's also very distracting that Stavros is wearing that purple shirt Patrick wears a lot. Patrick's gonna pissed when he sees that thing missing from his closet.

  • Love 3

I have only watched one episode of GH in, maybe, the past two, three weeks and after watching that one and reading this from DC:



I has finally taken GH off my DVR (and considering how excited I was to get a DVR a few months ago just to watch the episodes of GH I wasn't able to while FF comercials, you can tell how bad it has gotten for me).  The show is just not worth it.  Not one story I am interested in.  The snark I read here and on other boards is infinitely more amusing than a second of Ron's trash.

I understand all too well how you feel.  Just a little while ago, I turned in my DVR and decided to give up on broadcast and cable television for awhile (I still have hulu and Netflix). And the entire reason I got a DVR two years ago was to tape GH! But, ehh, if I want to see something now, I just check for it online. There's no way that Ron's ever going to write something that I will want to keep to watch again.


So I still have an attachment and affinity to GH -- the GH I know and love, and the potential it could be.  But, I find no enjoyment from Ron's GH. There's no "humanity" in his storylines. Characters walk through romances like they're zombies, or sociopaths pretending to be in love, but having no idea how to go about.  And I'm well on record with Ron's viewpoint toward, and treatment of, women in general.


Possibly worst of all, sociopathic murderers are then treated by Ron as victims. We're supposed to care that Dr. O feels badly that she's estranged from her children? We're supposed to feel sorry for poor outcast Franco?! We're supposed to find shoot-your-goon-in-the-chest-and-dump-in-the-harbor Julian a rootable romantic figure? Ron's "there's no such thing as an irredeemable act!" attitude is  repulsive. And, personally, I think it makes for bad television. It ignores the whole process that dark characters have to undergo in order to be rootable. It celebrates the horrible acts and completely disregards, here's that word again, the humanity of the characters and the situation. We might as well be watching a zombie show.


So, I'm done watching. But that doesn't mean I've stopped caring or having an interest, which is why I still visit here and weigh in.

  • Love 10

I have only watched one episode of GH in, maybe, the past two, three weeks and after watching that one and reading this from DC:



I has finally taken GH off my DVR (and considering how excited I was to get a DVR a few months ago just to watch the episodes of GH I wasn't able to while FF comercials, you can tell how bad it has gotten for me).  The show is just not worth it.  Not one story I am interested in.  The snark I read here and on other boards is infinitely more amusing than a second of Ron's trash.


This is exactly why I stopped watching when Sonny was holding Ava prisoner and threatening to kill her as soon as she had her baby.  I mean, there are parts of the world where women (pregnant or not) are forced to live this type of existence by oppressive male-dominated societies.  It's horrible.  But it's playing here as entertainment?  It takes a sick kind of mind to write that story. 

Edited by Kitty Redstone
  • Love 7
I refuse to believe that ER and DZ didn't break up laughing during every single break in taping




This whole show is a joke now, every scene is either filled with utter stupidity or mundane, boring pointlessness, or if Ron is feeling really generous it's all of the above.


And I've said before that I think new Lulu is a poor actress, and admittedly the writing for the character is god awful, but these scenes are just too much for her. She's both overacting and underachieving in her scenes, which I guess could be called a "talent" of sorts...

  • Love 3

Lots of little things annoyed me today.  Like Kiki OF COURSE getting all huffy about another woman getting in the orbit of her men (not that I think Rosalie works in this quad).  And Sam being all, "Why the hell would we do that?" when Patrick suggested talking to Anna about Luke. 


Also, Felix was being an all-around asshole, unprofessionally dismissing a patient feeling uncomfortable because Sabrina is his girl and then randomly getting up in Jordan's face (he and TJ are friends?  They haven't spoken since TJ nailed his sister LAST SUMMER).


Shut up, Nina's list.

  • Love 7

So the Nina keeps "the list" hidden deep in the dark depths of her brassiere...god, someone just please kill it with fire already, the list or her I really don't care at this point.


And they desized little Danny but he's more talkative now-I guess they're really gearing up for the Jason revelation where he'll shout "Daddy!" from across the way just like Emma did when Robin reappeared from the dead. Real original there, Ronny.


I really shouldn't watch this show in HD because the faces I don't find attractive become that much more unattractive in such close detail. 


Kiki needs a boulder to fall on top of her, or ten. Sometimes I could swear she's Franco's brain tumor all dressed up.


Sabrina trying to be a "bad ass" is like watching a kitten swipe its paw and try to growl. Seriously it isn't as if I adore Ava but really why didn't she just take a IV pole and knock her ass first out of the window? Honestly.


And Ava? Call Julian, he is your family, remember you shared sticky noodles together? He's kind of been protecting you from harm, etc?


Why didn't Jordan slap the "sass" out of Felix? Seriously, with all of the shade he was throwing at her she should have clocked him good.

  • Love 7

Lots of little things annoyed me today.  Like Kiki OF COURSE getting all huffy about another woman getting in the orbit of her men (not that I think Rosalie works in this quad).  And Sam being all, "Why the hell would we do that?" when Patrick suggested talking to Anna about Luke. 


Also not so little, Kiki's asking Morgan if he was "still that mad at my mom". Yes, woman!! HIS DAD HAD SEX WITH HIS GIRLFRIEND IN A CRYPT! And then was like, um so I'm pregnant and it could be yours or your dad's. He's mad! None of your business! Back off! God, she's awful.


Patrick looks so much less suicidal/serial killer-y these days. It's nice.

  • Love 5

I will give TCa credit that her line reading of "Ms. Jerome, you're in good hands" made me laugh.  Her going all 'evil nurse' is actually not horrible to watch.


There is no end to the stupidity of Silas Clay. 


We get it show, seeing Patrick play with Danny is making Sam fall for Dr. Drake a bit.  NuDanny is so very adorable. Looked like he was having fun with KeMo and JT. 


STFU Felix. 


Hmmm, did Rosalie learn manipulation from Ava, or vise versa? Funny.  At least Rosalie is somewhat entertaining to watch as she messes with Michael and now Kiki. (I assume she'l now be the one to squeal to NotTodd!Franco SERIAL KILLER about Carly's 'betrayal of his love.')  

  • Love 3

The good... Ron hired an under 5 to be a doctor, along with the Victor minons eariler in the week and the super cop tac squad last week. Sobby is nasty, which is a lot more fun that Saint Sabrina (whatever her 30 names were). Ron used a child actor in a good way today. Rosie the EVIL Nurse was dressed normally for a first date, not like a super skank the way Ron usually has women dress for dates. Even Sam's outfit was sexy, not slutty.


The bad... Michelle S has really poor lines and is doing a bad job acting them. Rosie the Bad Nurse sure got into Michael's circle quick, is she going to take him out for ice cream and boff him in the bathroom? I can't tell if Silas is deep in thought, or the actor checked out.

  • Love 2

Thank you Morgan for finally yelling some truth to Lauren. No bueno on that apology. And omg I love you Jordan. Thank you for going awesome on Felix. You should have just slapped him.

I'm loving the Jordan/Ava staredowns at the hospital. Even Sabrina was good.

ME was way to convincing saying the line "Or I could just kill myself." Can we free Micheal Easton soon?

And I like Nina, but fuck that list. I hope Micheal rips it up during his rage for fun.

  • Love 2

Also not so little, Kiki's asking Morgan if he was "still that mad at my mom". Yes, woman!! HIS DAD HAD SEX WITH HIS GIRLFRIEND IN A CRYPT! And then was like, um so I'm pregnant and it could be yours or your dad's. He's mad! None of your business! Back off! God, she's awful.



She apparently went to the Sonny school of thought. 

  • Love 2

Overall, I didn't think today was a bad show. Things moved along. But I am so over that gray urban industrial chic look of Silas's apartment. It still looks to me like it was ravaged by fire and he was just to lazy to repaint. 


BTW, did anyone notice the new art in Ava's apartment? Abstract in shades of gray? I'm not sure whether we're being trolled or not for talking about all the GH shades of gray.


Shut up Felix; shut up Sabrina. Where's Epiphany to kick some nurse butt when it's sorely needed? And maybe kick Silas in the behind, too, for being clueless on so. many. levels. 




So the Nina keeps "the list" hidden deep in the dark depths of her brassiere.


I guess she's not planning on sexytimes with Silas any time soon, since discovering a hit list in a bra would be kind of a mood killer.



Kiki needs a boulder to fall on top of her … Sometimes I could swear she's Franco's brain tumor all dressed up.


You'll get no argument from me on either of these ideas. 

  • Love 3

That damn list cracks my shit up.  There are FIVE names on it.  Not that hard to remember.  At least Oliver Queen had a whole notebook, understandable to keep THAT list.  "Shit, I got payback on Sam, Silas....who were the other 3.???   I should have WRITTEN IT DOOOOWN!!!!"


I missed the first half hour, but damn new Danny is adorable. 

  • Love 10
That damn list cracks my shit up.  There are FIVE names on it.  Not that hard to remember.  At least Oliver Queen had a whole notebook, understandable to keep THAT list.  "Shit, I got payback on Sam, Silas....who were the other 3.???   I should have WRITTEN IT DOOOOWN!!!!"

I know. That's what cracks me up the most about the list. Plus, everyone on it is living in Port Charles, and it's very easy to see them whenever Nina wants. But I guess a sloppily written list on a ragged piece of paper is just so dramatic.

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