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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Someone mentioned this upthread, I believe, but it bears repeating: Silas spent a night in bed with his wife and he still has NO suspicions about her ability to use her legs?

Very true. Although she has tried to play that off by standing in front of him. I think he is ignoring all of the signs because of his guilt. It's making him stupider than usual. A woman who was in a 20 year coma -- even with the best physical therapy -- would be quite the weak person. Two physical therapy sessions would not have her standing -- even for a minute as she did in front of him. 


He has on blinders.

  • Love 2

I'm actually surprised Joss' hate for Franco is still going strong.  I figured by now, they'd be best buddies and we'd be expected to swooon at how great Roger Howarth is with kids blah blah blah.


I think RC's love of kiddies saying ridiculous things won out over his need to make us love Franco, thank goodness.


Speaking of the pimple, did he actually wah-wah about his feelings being hurt by Michael? I can't deal with him.

Speaking of the pimple, did he actually wah-wah about his feelings being hurt by Michael? I can't deal with him.


Damn that Michael, holding a grudge about that silly prison rape thing.  He's so unreasonable!  It's like when Sonny would say to Dante, "Are you still going on about that?" when that whole pesky topic of him shooting Dante in the chest would come up.

  • Love 2

LOL that we could hear Silas's patient through a closed exam-room door, but when Nina and Rosalie were shouting yesterday, no one heard boo.


Damn that Michael, holding a grudge about that silly prison rape thing.  He's so unreasonable!  It's like when Sonny would say to Dante, "Are you still going on about that?" when that whole pesky topic of him shooting Dante in the chest would come up.


People who get raped or shot are so sensitive. Sheesh. Snap out of it!


I hope Spencer's minder is getting triple pay. 


Has Lauren even met Dante and Lulu? She acts like they've been pals since childhood. Gah. 


It was a little unnerving watching Carly and Liz having a bonding moment.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 2

Someone mentioned this upthread, I believe, but it bears repeating: Silas spent a night in bed with his wife and he still has NO suspicions about her ability to use her legs? 


In one of my favorite lines from the first Superman movie, Lex Luthor says, while watching his henchman, something like, "It's amazing his brain can generate enough electricity to move his feet." Hey, Si! I'm looking at you!


Well, I was going to say that maybe he did all the work, but then I remember who I am talking about.  If his energy is as low in bed as it is out of it....Never mind.

  • Love 2
I'm actually surprised Joss' hate for Franco is still going strong.  I figured by now, they'd be best buddies and we'd be expected to swooon at how great Roger Howarth is with kids blah blah blah.



Well, it was pretty obvious to me they were pushing Frina pretty hard today, so that probably had something to do with it.I mean, making him being cute around Carly's kids does not fit into their agenda anymore.


Franco The Serial Killer was just so dull today, and pathetic. Moping around, feeling entitled to Michael's forgiveness, trying and failing to win Joss over, Carly barely being able to pretend she gives a shit anymore.I wish those 2 would call it quits, I'm getting second hand embarassment for both of them. 


Ugh, too much KaKa today. And I don't know if it was the lights but she didn't look very attractive. She needs to stop scowling.


Not ready for another Corinthos Brothers triangle.


Still love Nina "I could definitely bag Michael" Fruitloops.

Sabrina lied about having lots and lots of sex. She's only had Carrrlos. Maybe lots and lots of Carrlos.


If I had lots and lots of Carlos I'd make sure to have lots and lots of sex with him, too!  ;)


I can only hope that today's scenes with Kiki and Morgan are the beginning of the end with Kiki and Michael.  He's been saddled with her long enough.


Problem is, Michael gets free of her and now she has to be immediately paired with someone else because she is one of those characters TIIC have decided can't be without a mate for longer than 2 seconds.  And I can't think of any male character in her age range that I hate enough to stick with her.  Except for Levi, but with any luck he'll be gone soon.


I'm telling you, Halloween needs to be the Cassadine/Westbourne holiday.  I'd love a scene of them all gathered to carve pumpkins and Nathan being all, "Maybe I'll hold the knife...".


Just think about how great Thanksgiving would be.


NATHAN:  "Well, since you all picked me to make Thanksgiving dinner, I need to find out how to thaw a turkey."

VICTOR (straight face):  "Call Dr. Scorpio, she's good at that sort of thing."

NATHAN: "..."


I thought he was doing a fine job when the persistant theme that he was deliberately tanking the pairing with Sabrina started showing up in commentary. IIRC it really took off after an interview where he noted the obvious concerning Patrick's lack of a viewpoint in that storyline.


I never had a problem with JT's acting in the parts of the storyline that were supposed to convey his ambivalence, doubt, and reluctance to get involved with someone else when he was still mourning Robin.  Those parts of the storyline he put an effort into and put over well.  It was when he was supposed to make us believe that he really, truly cared about Sabrina, that she could be somebody he could really love (but tragically, didn't), that he reverted to the checked-out "I-care-about-you-Sabrina-I-want-to-have-a-family-with-you" lack of affect acting and flushed whatever scene he was supposed to be conveying that in down the toilet.  


I am reminded of the time when GH had an actress by the name of Lisa Vultaggio on the show - the first of the Brenda-lookalikes that Guza kept throwing at MB/Sonny as potential romantic pairings.  Every time she had a scene with her putative romantic partner it was dire beyond belief.  Just horrible, terrible, and no good.  Fans howled at the TPTB to get rid of her, that she sucked rocks as an actress, had no talent - the usual stuff.  And, in all fairness, she was a raw newbie and had problems to overcome.  So the show did what it always did back then when a Sonny pairing didn't work out - they dumped the character into a pairing with A.J. (then played by Billy Warlock).  And in scenes with Billy Warlock, Vultaggio actually showed real, visible improvement.  There was a bit of a spark there.  (It didn't save her, of course, this is Guza Hospital we are talking about).  People couldn't figure out how it was that the actress had suddenly gotten better.  The answer was obvious - in the scenes with Warlock, she was paired with an actor who was engaged and committed to making the story work; in the scenes with MB she was stuck with an actor who had deemed the material "beneath him" and was actively sabotaging it.  (MB would later in interviews boast about how he deliberately tanked scenes if he didn't like the storyline).  I feel much the same thing happened in the Patrina storyline - JT didn't like the material he was being given to play - so much he was openly complaining about it in the soap press - and he made his dislike clear through his acting choices.




The worst that could be pinned on him was the subjective observation (which I don't share) that he was dead behind the eyes.


Interestingly, back when TWoP was a thing, the whole "dead behind the eyes/he's not even bothering to hide how miserable he is" trope was first started by Jason Thompson fans who thought the storyline and writing sucked.  It's only when people who were most definitely not Jason Thompson fans started to go, "You know what?  We agree with you!" that the issue of Thompson tanking scenes became a hot one.  (So much so that he had to address the allegations in an interview with Michael Fairman).



Why is Kiki?


Fixed your sentence for ya.  ;)


This show needs to stop making Kiki all knowing with people she met a year ago.


You know who would work much better performing the function that Kiki currently is on the canvas?*  Kristina Corinthos-Davis.  (or her sister Molly, but Kristina, being older, would work better).  She grew up with the people Kiki holds forth on like she knows something.  She could deliver some of the exact same lines of dialogue about them and it would be believable rather than insufferably pretentious.  Quality of acting issues aside, that would have actually been a role for KA that made sense.  I still can't figure out why TIIC didn't do this.


* - Except for the triangle with Michael and Morgan, that would be gross and disgusting.  But everything else...




I honestly don't think Patrick realizes he's developing an attraction to Sam yet.




Wait, you're serious? You do know who Patdick is, right?


I'll see your BWAHAHAHAHAh! and raise you two eyerolls and a disgusted snort.  ;)

Edited by yowsah1
  • Love 1
Someone mentioned this upthread, I believe, but it bears repeating: Silas spent a night in bed with his wife and he still has NO suspicions about her ability to use her legs?




He's seen her use them before, at least while standing. And knowing the Nina she probably was too busy lying on her back to aid his little swimmers' journey to her baby bits to bother moving her legs very much.


I want Patrick to get poked in the eye, I mean honestly why is he so quick to think or believe that Robin would abandon Emma? Their relationship and marriage aside Robin would never just pick work over her daughter, their separation came about because the woman was being held hostage, not because she decided to go test out some new drugs in South America.


Does he actually think for a single second that Robin would not even bother taking a weekend off being just an hour away from home? An hour away from the baby girl she loves more than anyone else?


Patrick should know Robin better than this, he has no excuse not to and apparently I am supposed to see him as the "struggling" spouse trying to make sense of it all for their little girl...GTFO with that nonsense.

  • Love 7

Shooting so many no ordinary bullets of love out to you all tonight!!!


I just watched the show, fast-forwarded through about 2/3rds, yet the 1/3rd I watched I honestly can't remember.  That said, the previous for Monday did look intriguing.  I believe Monday is technically the season premiere so hopefully the pace finally picks up.  

  • Love 1


It was a little unnerving watching Carly and Liz having a bonding moment.


Liz looked like it was kind of unnerving her, too. 



… now she (Kiki) has to be immediately paired with someone else because she is one of those characters TIIC have decided can't be without a mate for longer than 2 seconds.  And I can't think of any male character in her age range that I hate enough to stick with her.  Except for Levi, but with any luck he'll be gone soon.


And wouldn't this be the perfect pairing? They could leave town together in a hail of bullets. Or Levi could kidnap her and take her . . . away . . . This might be the perfect way to reintroduce Casey the alien, although I'm not sure I'd want Kiki to go anywhere as a representative of life on Earth. 

  • Love 1

I liked today's show too. 


Did the SERIAL KILLER actually have the audacity to say today that it "hurts his feelings" that Michael won't forgive him after all he's doing to protect him...? Seriously?



Except for that part.


Joss sort of cracks me up.  She might be the daughter Carly deserves.  Never change, Corn.  


I get that they're trying to show Nina as someone who has been in a coma since she was in her 20s, but was she the most immature 20-something-year old, ever?  Because she seems more like a slightly brain damaged teenager than a grown-ass married woman, even a young one.  I dislike Nina oh so very much.  And the actress - it's like watching a high school play.


Kiki actually didn't piss me off today, mostly because she didn't keep that secret for more than a minute.  I hope Morgan goes all truth-tell-y again!  And it has become a running joke, hasn't it, that one of Morgan's family members is going to steal every love interest he ever has?  

I can't help it guys, I like Spencer.  He's a riot.

  • Love 1

Very true. Although she has tried to play that off by standing in front of him. I think he is ignoring all of the signs because of his guilt. It's making him stupider than usual. A woman who was in a 20 year coma -- even with the best physical therapy -- would be quite the weak person. Two physical therapy sessions would not have her standing -- even for a minute as she did in front of him. 


He has on blinders.


In retrospect, they really shouldn't have made his character this supposed totally amazing doctor.   Because I'm not getting "medical genius" from him here.  Dude can diagnose cancer in a toddler he's spent 2 minutes with, but now he's clueless? 

  • Love 2
I get that they're trying to show Nina as someone who has been in a coma since she was in her 20s, but was she the most immature 20-something-year old, ever?  Because she seems more like a slightly brain damaged teenager than a grown-ass married woman, even a young one.


This is one of my big problems with Nina, too. I'm fine (to a certain extent) with her grieving the years she lost and all of that. But this list business is just cringe-inducing. She's going to take away Lauren's boyfriend? Spencer can come up with a better plan.


And really, this is the woman Silas fell in love with? We're supposedly seeing her as she was pre-coma. Even if he's not seeing the nuttiest side of her, she's not exactly dialing back the crazeballs.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 2

This is one of my big problems with Nina, too. I'm fine (to a certain extent) with her grieving the years she lost and all of that. But this list business is just cringe-inducing. She's going to take away Lauren's boyfriend? Spencer can come up with a better plan.


And really, this is the woman Silas fell in love with? We're supposedly seeing her as she was pre-coma. Even if he's not seeing the nuttiest side of her, she's not exactly dialing back the crazeballs.

Yeah, Nina is a bit too crazy for my liking. I usually like the off-their-rocker characters on soaps, but there's something about this character and the way Stafford plays her that makes her more annoying than entertaining.


And her list is obnoxious because she's ultimately just making people...sad and unhappy. Like, who cares? Ha.

I don't think Patrick is even remotely viewing Sam romantically yet, not consciously. He leans on her but he doesn't get what's happening yet. I don't think either of them do. That's organic to me, it's one of the only organic parts of anything on this show. AFAIC in Patrick's mind he is grieving for his fucked up marriage and mourning his baby.


I have never seen Jason Thompson tank a story, myself. I think he seemed deeply pained by most of his material last year and downright miserable onscreen, but I never saw him dump a big scene with anyone or go through the motions.


As a fan, I know what Patrick has done to Robin over the years and I think the scale on that marriage was lopsided for a long time thanks to Guza and JFP. But after a certain point I had to go with where they were at, and when she "died" I thought they were deeply in love and that JT sold that one hundred percent. I think Patrick continued to sell his grief and adoration for Robin every day until she came back, and afterwards as well. I think the actor's done his best to deal with the very shitty writing for Patrick as he too-quickly writes Robin off after Gabriel's birth without compromising Patrick's love for Robin, and I still believe in that love. I don't like what they have Patrick doing or saying or his marriage being over, and I don't believe that, and I don't think Patrick really believes it either. But while I think he's being poorly written and that this has, to an extent, translated over to the character actually becoming a dick about it, I also think Patrick has been through the wringer and his stress is understandable. So at no point have I ever gotten the sense that Patrick is operating with another agenda - eager to write Robin off, eager to get with Sam. That's just the writers.


Patrick is a reactive male who gets duped, like most of the men on Ron's soaps. He is there to suffer and be confused and hurt and lied to (and if Ron deems it important, naked). 

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 5


now she (Kiki) has to be immediately paired with someone else because she is one of those characters TIIC have decided can't be without a mate for longer than 2 seconds.  And I can't think of any male character in her age range that I hate enough to stick with her.  Except for Levi


They would be perfection together, a couple of sanctimonious mooches, who blame everyone else for their problems.

  • Love 1

Yes, The Idiots in Charge:)


I've been TFGH-clean since April, but I've lurked here enough to learn that there is a character named Levi who evoked the Red Menace MyKill.  Foreknowledge is the only thing that kept me from curling up in a traumatized ball on the floor of Walmart upon catching a glimpse of that-him-it on the cover of a soap mag.

My big problem with the way Nina's "crazy" is written is b/c she IS able to keep it in check around Silas and people she choses to and then when she "lets it all hang out" she is BSC. That makes her character so schizophrenic and hard to follow. She seems organically crazy BUT if that is the case then she shouldn't be able to act as normal as she does when she choses. That is too manipulative for someone who before the coma was supposedly just an everyday person. I can see coma=crazy but not coma=manipulative. I would find her more believable without the manipulation of the level of crazy she is able to pull off, if she got her screws loosened from the coma then she shouldn't be able to control the crazy so well. I do think Ron wants us to think she is organically crazy, but in order to make the story work she has to hide it in certain situations and that is not organic at all and just makes the whole thing seem ridiculous.


And I hate to keep beating a dead horse, but I've yet to see where Nina has done anything THAT bad. I think Sam looks ridiculous running around all huffy about Nina "hiding something". This whole town is hiding something from someone:


Sonny and Carly hiding something from Franco

Morgan and Kiki hiding something from Michael and Franco

Sonny, Carly and Franco hiding something from  Michael

Patrick hiding something from Sam

Robin hiding something from Anna and Patrick

Dr. O hiding something from Victor

Julian and Ava hiding something from Tracy and Michael and Kiki

Julian hiding something from Alexis

and well you get the picture......

Why is Nina hiding something from Silas such a big deal it is a blip compaired to some of this nonsense...

How about Ava killed Connie, Sonny killed AJ, Sonny and Carly had sex and Robin is being forced to help Victor with defrosted Jason.....now those are some secrets better yet FLUKE ISN'T LUKE!......oh wow Nina can walk and is coocoo, BIG WOOPIE DOO......the whole thing is ridiculous.

Edited by Cattitude
  • Love 4

I have never seen Jason Thompson tank a story, myself. I think he seemed deeply pained by most of his material last year and downright miserable onscreen, but I never saw him dump a big scene with anyone or go through the motions.


Yes, but couldn't he stop from looking SO miserable on-screen? I agree that I don't think he was ever thinking "fuck this scene, I'm not gonna act" but you'd think he'd be able to hide how miserable he was. If it in fact wasn't a deliberate acting choice. I mean I honestly don't know. Maybe he didn't even realize he was projecting depression all over the place.


Unfortunately I think Kim McC has been the one going through the motions since her stint last fall. She had a couple of good moments, when she reunited with her family, but a lot of the time I've watched her I've more than once, "really, Kimberly?" I'm starting to think she be an actress that needs constant practice to keep her sharp. I think the long breaks have left her rusty.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 1

Am I the only one who is shaking my head and rolling my eyes HARD that the orginal- Levi is manipulating Maxie- story has snowballed into a month long hostage situation that not only has Maxie kidnapped but Lulu and now Dante and Nathan like it was supposed to lead to this all along. WTH???

I am totally clueless how THIS is the outcome of Levi coming to town.....

  • Love 1

THis Nina revenge story going after kiki reminds me of the story on Port Charles with Scott and DV bordesso.DV wanted revenge on scott because scotts mom dumped him or something stupid.Lucy ended up getting amnesia and DV convinced her that she was his wife and slept with her.Unlike Rc's soaps though the characters actually pretty much said that he pretty much raped Lucy.Anyways in the end DV ended up being scott's bio father.I can't tell if there heading that way with Nina and Kiki though.

Nothing really to add, except that you know it was a bad show when the best thing I can say is that I liked Joss' braid. And I'm definitely not complaining about Morgan being shirtless, but ever since he's been taken out of Ava's orbit he's regressed back to being an ignore-worthy character. Wake me up when he gets away from Kiki, stops talking about Alice and starts being interesting again.

  • Love 1


I am totally clueless how THIS is the outcome of Levi coming to town


There seems to be very little, if any, long term planning involved when coming up with storylines. I'm sure Ron is writing most of this as he goes along and clearly forgets stuff that he's written mere weeks ago. As a result practically every story is filled with retcons, plot holes, and other nonsensical trash.

  • Love 1
I don't have any attachments to Sam/Silas, but when Sam was looking through the window toward Silas in his office at the beginning of the episode, along with her continued obsession with Nina, I think she still appears to be in love with him. Not sure where it's going, but it was an interesting moment to showcase if they're moving Sam to Patrick.


I realize there was much jubilation in some parts when Silas/Sam broke up, and I myself would prefer Sam/Patrick, but I agree that Silas and Sam are far from over.  Ron can't help but telegraph his intentions from a mile away.  Nina is a cartoon, not an actual threat.  She's the Levi in the Nathan/Maxie relationship more than the Sonny in the Franco/Carly one.  By that, I mean she's a plot point to create some drama between characters who had none, not a real and viable relationship alternative.  I think the SamTrick tease is just a way to kill some time while we wait for Jason to come back.  My bet is that Sam and Silas will be back together before that happens.


I've never really understood allegations of tanking scenes (unless the actor just admits it, which I understand has happened on rare occasion).  We don't know what direction actors are receiving, and if the direction is as bad as the writing frequently is, it would not surprise me to see actor displaying emotions that viewers might not consider natural or appropriate to the setting.  I saw Patrick during his time with Sabrina as playing a shell-shocked, grieving father who was going through the motions for the sake of his family but who was still 100% about his wife and who was, perhaps unintentionally, making some pretty bad decisions as a result.  I don't know if he was told to play it that way or if he took it on himself or what.  I think Patrick has always played Robin as the love of his life, even when the character was doing crazy things and making bad life choices.  I'm not sure who is responsible for that decision.

  • Love 3

Looking back over this week, a week I personally feel has been one of the most lackluster, boring, pointless, inane, tiresome, and downright awful weeks yet this year, having to endure so much idiocy from everyone and I do mean everyone, was almost unbearable.


It went from Kiki's inability to just do the right fucking thing for once, to Carly and Sonny continuing to be subhuman defects devoid of any self respect, dignity, or morality, to watching Victor somehow be both the most effective and yet stupid ass villain in PC with the added "bonus" if Cop Woody looking on in utter confusion the entire time, his default setting it appears, to Levi proving to be quite possibly the most useless addition to this show since Ron took over, a character with no true direction made even more mundane by shitty plots, to having to watch the Nina eat this show alive like some ravenous wolverine, picking her teeth with the bones left over just for good measure, to the SERIAL KILLER pouting and whining and generally being the most absurd and unlikable life-form that has only gotten worse over time.


I would keep going but I think I might have a rage blackout before I'm through.


Thankfully Shakespeare summed up my feelings about this show, Wreck It Ron, and the whole bollocks of it all nicely with this quote:


"It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury
Signifying nothing."

  • Love 7


I am reminded of the time when GH had an actress by the name of Lisa Vultaggio on the show - the first of the Brenda-lookalikes that Guza kept throwing at MB/Sonny as potential romantic pairings.  Every time she had a scene with her putative romantic partner it was dire beyond belief.  Just horrible, terrible, and no good.  Fans howled at the TPTB to get rid of her, that she sucked rocks as an actress, had no talent - the usual stuff.  And, in all fairness, she was a raw newbie and had problems to overcome.  So the show did what it always did back then when a Sonny pairing didn't work out - they dumped the character into a pairing with A.J. (then played by Billy Warlock).  And in scenes with Billy Warlock, Vultaggio actually showed real, visible improvement.  There was a bit of a spark there.  (It didn't save her, of course, this is Guza Hospital we are talking about).  People couldn't figure out how it was that the actress had suddenly gotten better.  The answer was obvious - in the scenes with Warlock, she was paired with an actor who was engaged and committed to making the story work; in the scenes with MB she was stuck with an actor who had deemed the material "beneath him" and was actively sabotaging it.  (MB would later in interviews boast about how he deliberately tanked scenes if he didn't like the storyline).  I feel much the same thing happened in the Patrina storyline - JT didn't like the material he was being given to play - so much he was openly complaining about it in the soap press - and he made his dislike clear through his acting choices.



I thought this sounded like a great point, so I "goggled" the actress that plays Rosie the Evil Nurse. She has very little TV show experience, a few guest victim shots.


However, she has been paired against someone who goes totally bonkers scene chewing, then stops and gives her attention. In just that time she has stepped up as much as Sabrina has after a year, plus Sabrina has now slipped 3/4 of the way out away from JT.


True, one is going to do bad because she is a little bad, and one will do bad because she is so good and her baby cries out for blood, but let's see what happens when two newish actresses, both playing Hispanic nurses trying to be bad, get to act mostly free of MB and JT.

Why did I watch yesterday's GH?


Spencer is still an annoying brat and, as much as I enjoy Joss, she fell a few notches once she got tossed into the kiddie quad.  And why do we still have that?  My god, but they are all too young for this shit.


ME, yep, coma inducing.  Maybe it was his fault Nina was out for twenty years.  And on that note, I am really disliking MS.  Now, I admit to being hyper, but Lord, she makes me look cool calm and collect all the time.  And I think I have seen it specced here that she was never the sweet, loving perfect lady all those years ago.  Sign we up for that theory.


Me, I usually love the Howarth woobie face.  But, I realize, only if it's directed at KdP or, moreso, ES.  A SERIAL KILLER wearing it because his girlfriend's kids still don't like him (and again, he kidnapped one of them, and set up the rape of another, DVD not standing).  And, come on Kiki, let Michael and Morgan know the truth and run to the SERIAL KILLER.  Maybe he will do them a favor and allow Franco to kill their parents.  They'd both be wealthy young men then.


Why the hell are they doing so much with fucking Alice?  When did she get up to star of the show.


In the end, KA, ME and RoHo all need to be off this show.  Their time on it has run it;s course, they bring nothing to the canvas.  Just...go.  Run and be free of this crapfest.

  • Love 3

And I hate to keep beating a dead horse, but I've yet to see where Nina has done anything THAT bad.


She drugged Silas and intended to rape him, that's pretty bad in my book.  But what's worse is that I doubt it will ever be addressed, just another "shocking" moment Ron could tweet about.


Previews...it cracks me up in the clip that Dante and Lulu are all, "Oh, kidnapped again, whatever" while Nathan, a newbie at this, is yelling his head off.  Hee!

  • Love 4


I am reminded of the time when GH had an actress by the name of Lisa Vultaggio on the show - the first of the Brenda-lookalikes that Guza kept throwing at MB/Sonny as potential romantic pairings. Every time she had a scene with her putative romantic partner it was dire beyond belief. Just horrible, terrible, and no good. Fans howled at the TPTB to get rid of her, that she sucked rocks as an actress, had no talent - the usual stuff. And, in all fairness, she was a raw newbie and had problems to overcome. So the show did what it always did back then when a Sonny pairing didn't work out - they dumped the character into a pairing with A.J. (then played by Billy Warlock). And in scenes with Billy Warlock, Vultaggio actually showed real, visible improvement. There was a bit of a spark there. (It didn't save her, of course, this is Guza Hospital we are talking about). People couldn't figure out how it was that the actress had suddenly gotten better. The answer was obvious - in the scenes with Warlock, she was paired with an actor who was engaged and committed to making the story work; in the scenes with MB she was stuck with an actor who had deemed the material "beneath him" and was actively sabotaging it. (MB would later in interviews boast about how he deliberately tanked scenes if he didn't like the storyline). I feel much the same thing happened in the Patrina storyline - JT didn't like the material he was being given to play - so much he was openly complaining about it in the soap press - and he made his dislike clear through his acting choices.



Given the fact that LV is, in fact, JJ's wife, I can't help but wonder if there was ever any awkwardness whenever MB saw them together after JJ returned to the show because of this (or when LV was still on the show and JJ visited her on set). 

  • Love 3

I'm just happy Patrick shaved and Sam is smiling.

Now can we get Ava boozing again or let Silas drink more? I need one drunk character on this show.

I think we need a drunk truth-telling tour and I don't even care who it is, they will have my undying gratitude if, whoever it is, would go around town and set all the douches (douchi?) straight.

Give me Drunk!Sam's tiny yet strong hands yanking Nina out of her wheelchair and dangling her over the roof of GH till she admits she can walk then laughing in Silas's face when he begs Sam to come back to him.

Give me MorganWithoutPity drunk and spilling the CarSon beans to Franco so we can get to the AJ reveal.

Give me DrunkAnyone doing something to get this damn snoozefest moving in any direction.

Hell, I'll take more DrunkOlivia, this time drunk-dialing Sonny to tell him his man-parts are smaller than her own pinky, or ordering 365 pizzas sent to Sonny's house, anything, please show, give me something because right now, this show flat out sucks.

  • Love 8

There seems to be very little, if any, long term planning involved when coming up with storylines. I'm sure Ron is writing most of this as he goes along and clearly forgets stuff that he's written mere weeks ago. As a result practically every story is filled with retcons, plot holes, and other nonsensical trash.

I think a lot of it is, oddly enough, "planned." I can see Ron having the idea from the start that Levi would kidnap Lulu. The problem is that the writing doesn't follow a line that leads the viewer there. Instead, Ron thinks he's being "clever" and "surprising," by writing these "twists." Except that he is not clever, the plot points are not surprising, and they certainly aren't "twists."

I think we need a drunk truth-telling tour and I don't even care who it is, they will have my undying gratitude if, whoever it is, would go around town and set all the douches (douchi?) straight.

Give me Drunk!Sam's tiny yet strong hands yanking Nina out of her wheelchair and dangling her over the roof of GH till she admits she can walk then laughing in Silas's face when he begs Sam to come back to him.

Give me MorganWithoutPity drunk and spilling the CarSon beans to Franco so we can get to the AJ reveal.

Give me DrunkAnyone doing something to get this damn snoozefest moving in any direction.

Hell, I'll take more DrunkOlivia, this time drunk-dialing Sonny to tell him his man-parts are smaller than her own pinky, or ordering 365 pizzas sent to Sonny's house, anything, please show, give me something because right now, this show flat out sucks.

Can it please be Drunk Duke? Drunk Duke who tells everyone that they are idiots for not appreciating what they have and voluntarily fucking up their lives with their fuckitudes, and then storming off to go back to the Mideast, where the people are smarter, more civil, and more law-abiding?

Why the hell are they doing so much with fucking Alice?  When did she get up to star of the show.

"That's what I'd like to know," Anna, 1991 daytime emmy winner for best lead actress.

Edited by Francie
  • Love 5

At this point, I strongly would rather IB actually be playing Joshua from PC. That character had balls. Be a vampire, Ian. Just go bat shit crazy (everyone else is on this damn show from the kids to the wheelchair lady) and get your day walker ring and go to town. I know a lot of idiots who would not even know a difference.

Yeah, I just went there. Vampires. More entertaining than kids and Maurice smugging.

Btw, I remain convinced that since ME loved playing Caleb he tanked the stupid shit Ron wrote because that was not Caleb nor Stephen. And yes, that was ME's best role. Also, that wasn't a RH woobie face, that was Roger trying not to vomit at that line face.

Roger, write the tell all. You will make moar money!!

  • Love 3

The only thing I got from watching the past few day are:

1. The Jerome sibs have great chemistry. I felt more for them sitting & eating than I did for the rest of the show.

2. Brooklyn did a decent job with her tearful scenes.

3. Why are the walls at the Brownstone set gray like the rest of the damn show?

4. What is up with all the F'ing gray paint?

5. Why is BC being punished & put into scenes with KA?

KA is not sexy at all. I'm happy that Morgan still has his Sonny hate.

Nina is a freaking nut. MSt's acting choices aren't helping. Nina hasn't done anything to pay people back. When does MSt get a break because we are close to her minimums.

So, Ron doesn't know how to write a teen story line so he's writing a Kiddie Quad. A Kiddie Quad where the 7-9 year olds are acting like they are in their mid-twenties. Shoot. Me. Now!!

To often. this FAKATA show is a HOT MESS. To many storylines are retconned or don't make logical sense.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
  • Love 4
Looking back over this week, a week I personally feel has been one of the most lackluster, boring, pointless, inane, tiresome, and downright awful weeks yet this year, having to endure so much idiocy from everyone and I do mean everyone, was almost unbearable.



So many new characters and the old ones they had on (especially Carly and Sonny) have really put on display what Ron/FV have provided to this soap.  Combine the three latest characters from one-life-to-live with heaps of Carly and Sonny thrown in and toss in Nina and that is one dish that goes straight from the oven into the garbage.  Even the kids on Friday provided a respite from the painful Carly/Franco pairing.  Of all of the useless and banal characters on the show, Kiki stands out.  If there was someone in PC who needed another over-used baby-rabies plot line to fast-forward through, it should be Kiki.  The brief appearance of Alexis and Anna and Dr. O  this week just goes to show that Ron/FV prefers using the paper plates when there is china just accumulating dust on the shelf.

  • Love 3
Can it please be Drunk Duke? Drunk Duke who tells everyone that they are idiots for not appreciating what they have and voluntarily fucking up their lives with their fuckitudes, and then storming off to go back to the Mideast, where the people are smarter, more civil, and more law-abiding?



Only if he looks in a mirror and lays some hard truths on himself, too.  

  • Love 8

She drugged Silas and intended to rape him, that's pretty bad in my book.  But what's worse is that I doubt it will ever be addressed, just another "shocking" moment Ron could tweet about.

Either that or it'll be a big laugh riot like when Carly and Jason had a good old time laughing when Jax was raped.

This stupid fucking show.

  • Love 2

I just don't understand how Franco can do so well in his scenes with Nina but look so pathetic with Carly. Carly's guilty looks are ridiculous- you knew the consequences for sleeping with the Moobster (besides us needing brain bleach) but still did it. At least Morgan is repulsed by his dad.


It's call chemistry and Franco and Carly have none. In fact just having them standing next to eachother sucks the chemistry out of any conversation in the scene. Franco alone with Joss is cute, Franco talking to Joss in Carly's presence is cringeworthy.

In fact all Franco's scenes Friday were terrible until the end with he and Nina alone. I thought he was kind of adorable for the first time when he was down on his knees by the wheelchair.

Top it off with Franco needs to COMB his freakin' hair. He looks like such a dorky hipster and I bet he smells bad too.


I thought Joss' dress was very cute though it would have looked good on an adult too. Why was Emma dressed so plain for 1st day of school? She is usually darling.


I was so confused with the mess of continuity they made with Michael and Joss. Carly said they had been at the brownstone with Morgan, but then Morgan had no shirt on and I just can't imagine he would be like that with Joss there. Then when Michael went back he acted like they hadn't seen eachother yet? That made no sense. Why even have Michael talk to Carly about him and Joss at the brownstone in the first place.


Also if some big deal was made about Joss and Cameron possibly being second cousins how can Cameron "date" Emma? If Emma calls Liz aunt Liz that would make Cameron and Emma first cousins....eeekk! Is Liz not really Emma's aunt?

Also if some big deal was made about Joss and Cameron possibly being second cousins how can Cameron "date" Emma? If Emma calls Liz aunt Liz that would make Cameron and Emma first cousins....eeekk! Is Liz not really Emma's aunt?


I was zoning out because...it was the little kids...but if Emma called Liz "Aunt Liz", I assume she meant in the sense that little kids sometimes call their parents' good friends aunt and uncle.

  • Love 1

I was zoning out because...it was the little kids...but if Emma called Liz "Aunt Liz", I assume she meant in the sense that little kids sometimes call their parents' good friends aunt and uncle.


Okay that is almost extra creepy b/c they usually do that for their parent's "special" friends. She def called her aunt Liz and I was trying to work out how they were related, but I've learned in PC all the family trees are kind of stumps that grow together so I gave up.

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