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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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49 minutes ago, coffee drinker said:

Here's a link to a show thread from Soapzone.  Maybe that'll work in a pinch?


Thank you :)  That will give me the general idea of today's show.  I still am seething over the local takeover of "my" show!  This is New England.  It is snowing outside.  What's 'Breaking News' about that?  And it's nowhere near as bad as they were predicting.  It's bad, but not that bad.  I hope their phone lines and internet blew up with complaints.  -----  Okay, I feel better now.   ---  Thanks again, coffee drinker.

  • Love 3
45 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

Maybe the most important question: WTF is creeper Liz doing with a picture of Baby Scout on her phone?!

To show her son Jake a picture of his new half sister?  Just a thought.

8 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Moppet!Jake does not work for me. At all.

Shut up, André. Curtis didn't wreck your relationship with Jordan, Jordan did. UGH. 

Me either.  

  • Love 1

Did I hear Laura and Lulu correctly that Charlotte's evaluation will be tomorrow (GH's version of tomorrow) in the morning and then the verdict will be made later that day? I don't know what kind of sham trial this is, but that leaves no proper amount of time to adequately review Andre's findings and make an informed decision. And there's also the big elephant in the room of none of Valentin or Nina's crimes being part of the court record in this case.

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21 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

Gawd I hope not.  This show doesn't need any more babies AND we already never see TJ.

What makes you think she's pregnant?

Just a feeling I got..the way her and Curtis were flirting and they made sure to say she needed to see Dr, then had Piph tell her Dr was ready for her....seemed they went out of their way to do that....check her for concussion and Surprise! you are pregnant.. Then they showed Andre in previews.  I am probably looking too much i to it but my first thought when Piph came to get her was she is gonna be preggers with Andre baby.

ENOUGH of the Morgan crap. I am so freakin sick of hearing Sonny and especially Carly go on and on about "my boy." He was twenty something, not a boy, and he was an asshole!. Bi-polar or not, he was a douchebag plain and simple. He was not the good sweet boy they go on and on about and I am sick of hearing it. It worse when Michael says it since most of his asshole-ness was directed at him!  It is not such a loss like Robin would be, or even Sabrina really was a saint...Morgan? uh NO!!!  Sonny spent how many years "avenging" Connie's death...who cares?  And now it is Morgan.  Again, who cares?  How about someone (Michael!) avenging AJs cold blooded murder?  And the crypt sex for God sakes!  

And both Carly and Sonny sound like idiots when they call someone a Bitch....like that is their big line and it sounds ridiculous coming from either of them.. And they both throw it out there way too much. I think MB caught himself right before dropping an F-bomb at the beginning of today episode....I rewound a couple times..anyone else catch that?

  • Love 8
On 3/13/2017 at 6:05 PM, peachmangosteen said:

I think Sam asked Jason about the explosion and he responded, but a) I don't pay attention lol and b) BM mumbles, so I don't know what he had to say about the explosion noise they heard.

Yeah, he said the bomb guys had to do a controlled detonation because they couldn't risk moving it.

8 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Sam did notice, but she chalked it up to the general chaos. She wasn't concerned at that point.


Epiphany also mentioned that she (Alexis) probably got stuck outside the police perimeter.  But once they were back in the hospital and settled, they should have at least have Sam try and call her.  But this show doesn't waste it's time on things making sense anymore.  Speaking of......


Soooo.   I only watched the Jake stuff that pertained to the curse.  We had a "blizzard" today so everything was weather related today.  But...um WTF Jelly?  You want us to believe Helena cared enough about Sam (she didn't) to randomly curse her when Jake was on CI?  And that it wasn't just a spontaneous thing because she pissed her off on her deathbed?   Yeah.  No.   I say this as a Sam fan, but Helena Cassadine never gave a shit about Samantha McCall, the bastard child of her husbands bastard child.   Give me a break. 

  • Love 10
5 minutes ago, mybabyaidan said:

You want us to believe Helena cared enough about Sam (she didn't) to randomly curse her when Jake was on CI?  And that it wasn't just a spontaneous thing because she pissed her off on her deathbed?   Yeah.  No.   I say this as a Sam fan, but Helena Cassadine never gave a shit about Samantha McCall, the bastard child of her husbands bastard child.   Give me a break. 

Yeah, while it always baffled me that Helena never really targeted Sam/Kristina/Molly just to get at her actual enemy, Alexis, her sudden interest in both Sam and Jason/Jake(son) never really rang true to me.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 3
2 hours ago, lor said:

where are liz's other sons?


2 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

LOL that Ava's peephole is so high she needs to peer through it on tiptoes.

That was my fave part of the episode.

It made me sick to watch Liv beg Carly not to kill her. Carly ain't fucking shit, Liv! So gross. I hate Carly and Sonny (and Jason) so much. They ruin what little goodness this show has.

TW was great today though. I have really been impressed with her acting throughout this story.

Andre/Jordan/Curtis is too boring to comment on. But I, like @Vella, was really annoyed at Curtis licking Sonny's ass today. Sigh. I knew eventually Curtis would become a Sonny worshiper, but it still hurts.

I liked Lulu's lipstick today. And I kinda like how ER is playing Lulu lately. I also loved Kevin today, but I pretty much always do.

I hate BH's hair. I'm sorry, I know it's thought of as a national treasure, but it is just offensively bad to me. It just looks like a wig to me. I will never understand why she wears a bumpit. It just makes her head look way too big for her body.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 7

After months of running around terrorizing Julian (which easy), planting bombs, kidnapping Julian, Sam, Robin, Griffin, Alexis, attempting to kill Anna, of course Carly gets to take Liv down and Sonny has Roje (however you spell his name). That's awesome and anti-climactic, especially when she's sitting there begging for her life. Whatever...

I hate Lulu. I really hate her.

  • Love 6
25 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

It made me sick to watch Liv beg Carly not to kill her. Carly ain't fucking shit, Liv!

TW was great today though. I have really been impressed with her acting throughout this story.

Yeah, that was weak sauce.  Olivia J. should have been taken down by Anna, or Julian, or even Griffin would have been better than this.

But I agree, Tonja Walker's been great throughout.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Cupcake04 said:

ENOUGH of the Morgan crap. I am so freakin sick of hearing Sonny and especially Carly go on and on about "my boy." He was twenty something, not a boy, and he was an asshole!. Bi-polar or not, he was a douchebag plain and simple. He was not the good sweet boy they go on and on about and I am sick of hearing it. It worse when Michael says it since most of his asshole-ness was directed at him!  It is not such a loss like Robin would be, or even Sabrina really was a saint...Morgan? uh NO!!!  Sonny spent how many years "avenging" Connie's death...who cares?  And now it is Morgan.  Again, who cares?  How about someone (Michael!) avenging AJs cold blooded murder?  And the crypt sex for God sakes!  

And both Carly and Sonny sound like idiots when they call someone a Bitch....like that is their big line and it sounds ridiculous coming from either of them.. And they both throw it out there way too much. I think MB caught himself right before dropping an F-bomb at the beginning of today episode....I rewound a couple times..anyone else catch that?


I don't mind it. Morgan was their son and asshole or not, they did love him. This also might be my bias, but Michael could usually give as good as he got when Morgan returned and could be as big of an asshole. Everyone forgets that to Morgan, AJ was the guy that once kidnapped him, so it isn't surprising he would be quiet about Sonny, his dad, being the killer. If it was anyone but AJ that died, Michael would do the exact same thing. He once told Dante to let the fact that Sonny shot him in the chest, go, because Dante broke the sacred rules of being in the mob. Of course when he is the injured party, he expects the decades of brainwashing all Sonny children experienced to be undone because it happened to him. Thats what you get when everyone tells you that you are the golden child and the savior of everyone. The writing could be 10x better, across the board, but their troubled 20 something son died before he could potentially turn his life around. When AJ first faked his death, Guza wrote surprisingly touching scenes, of course he was setting up for the further vilification of AJ, but the writers did a good job. In a way, there is a greater tragedy to someone young dying who never made much of their lives but could have. And those two suck ass as parents--they should be feeling terrible.   

Edited by Ambrosefolly
  • Love 6

Liz is just now wondering if Jake has repressed memories? That child should have been in therapy from the day he was returned to Liz. Guess Liz has been too busy panting over Franco to pay attention to her son's mental health.

[sorry the quote thing not working]

This is why I can't warm up to Liez. Yes she's a good nurse and I admire her for not tolerating Finn's addiction. But she spends so much time daydreaming about sex with inappropriate men and then actually having sex with inappropriate men...seems she neglects her children for her own randy pleasures.

"Art therapy" from an untrained degenerate serial-killer is the best Liez can come up with to help her terrorized son? The woman should be ashamed!! Go to a bonafide psychiatrist, Liez! Ride Franco's cannoli to your heart's content, but give the boy therapy from a trained doctor.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Cupcake04 said:

ENOUGH of the Morgan crap. I am so freakin sick of hearing Sonny and especially Carly go on and on about "my boy." He was twenty something, not a boy, and he was an asshole!. Bi-polar or not, he was a douchebag plain and simple. He was not the good sweet boy they go on and on about and I am sick of hearing it. It worse when Michael says it since most of his asshole-ness was directed at him!  It is not such a loss like Robin would be, or even Sabrina really was a saint...Morgan? uh NO!!!  Sonny spent how many years "avenging" Connie's death...who cares?  And now it is Morgan.  Again, who cares?  How about someone (Michael!) avenging AJs cold blooded murder?  And the crypt sex for God sakes!  

PREACH IT! Morgan was an entitled full-out brat who messed up everything he tried. (Not blaming the actor.) He was a crybaby and a mama's boy to his own mother and to every woman who would get in bed with him. He seemed of no use to society. He needed permanent military school.

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I liked Lulu's lipstick today. And I kinda like how ER is playing Lulu lately. I also loved Kevin today, but I pretty much always do.

I hate BH's hair. I'm sorry, I know it's thought of as a national treasure, but it is just offensively bad to me. It just looks like a wig to me. I will never understand why she wears a bumpit. It just makes her head look way too big for her body.

Yeah, I liked Lulu's look today, although as usual they give her too much eye make-up.

Nah, usually I like BH's hair but it's too light and it looks like it's dry. She needs to dye it darker and get a cut.

This was a lackluster episode, especially in comparison to last week's episodes which were pretty decent. It felt like half of it was Carly talking. 

  • Love 2
Just now, dubbel zout said:

I think it was.

I guess they should get some kind of kudos for focusing on one character for a bit instead of 100 30 second segments, but I'm not really feeling Carly here, so they get a half-hearted kudos.

@Ambrosefolly is right; I get Carly and Sonny's pov but there should be someone who was like "that poor Morgan kid was an annoying idiot" for the part of the audience that thinks he was an annoying idiot.

  • Love 6
Just now, ulkis said:

I guess they should get some kind of kudos for focusing on one character for a bit instead of 100 30 second segments, but I'm not really feeling Carly here, so they get a half-hearted kudos.

@Ambrosefolly is right; I get Carly and Sonny's pov but there should be someone who was like "that poor Morgan kid was an annoying idiot" for the part of the audience that thinks he was an annoying idiot.


Yeah, but FV&Jelly have their heads so far up their asses they won't write those scenes. It would be great if Carly had tried to apologize to Monica for AJ's death and for Monica to promptly slap her across the face, because too little, too late. I also wouldn't have minded to have met some of Morgan's military school friends/teachers to discover that Morgan did really well the regimented, strict environment, as he no longer had to deal with Carly and Sonny's twisted value system. 

  • Love 2

That child went into a legit trance....I really don't think Liz's reaction was appropriate given that she KNOWS what Helena is capable of.  I am not saying she should have flipped out and scared him or anything, but the urgency later when she was alone with Franco was off.  


I can't believe these hacks didn't bother to follow up with Alexis today.  I mean...really?   They are the WORST at keeping any momentum going. 

  • Love 10
37 minutes ago, Ambrosefolly said:

Yeah, but FV&Jelly have their heads so far up their asses they won't write those scenes. It would be great if Carly had tried to apologize to Monica for AJ's death and for Monica to promptly slap her across the face, because too little, too late. I also wouldn't have minded to have met some of Morgan's military school friends/teachers to discover that Morgan did really well the regimented, strict environment, as he no longer had to deal with Carly and Sonny's twisted value system. 

You know, I don't think I'd want Carly to attempt to apologize for AJ's death. I think she would know that it would mean less than nothing to Monica, and I think this would be one of the few instances where Carly would be honest enough with herself to know she isn't actually sorry.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, rur said:

I don't want Carly talked down. Olivia's already wounded and Carly has a gun. I want several police officers to find them and take Carly to jail. And keep her there for quite a while. I could use a break from her. 

No kidding! Carly's hypocrisy as she loses her temper and actually pulls the trigger belies her many tearful burbles to Sonny about her wishes that he should abandon violence and the Mob. Furthermore, it shows her strong sense of entitlement that she can take the law into her own hands and deliver retribution. She is putting herself above the law, just as Sonny and the Jeromes do consistently. A cooling off in jail is just what the doctor ordered for Ms Carly. Her arrogance, anger and pride are ugly and illegal. Her business reputation and her businesses should suffer and decline. Her private life should become a headache journey through press harassment, snickers, TV coverage etc. Any custody of Avery should be out of reach and denied to the Corinthos. The DA can have a great time formulating charges to stick on Carly--and not just self defense.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
  • Love 6
7 hours ago, LexieLily said:

Maybe the most important question: WTF is creeper Liz doing with a picture of Baby Scout on her phone?!

I thought it was made clear she took it to show Jake his baby sister.  Nothing creeper about it.

wake me if they decide to take this story about Jake's time on CI seriously.  Should've been told a year ago,  not to mention shoe-horning Sam into it is ludicrous.  As if Helena would give a crap about her.

  • Love 2
12 minutes ago, P3pp3rb1rd said:

I wonder if Nelle will rethink her decision to stay in Port Charles after she hears or reads that Carly shot Liv Jerome.

Doubtful because apparently she is going to ask Nina if she can be Charlotte's nanny? WTH. Isn't Charlotte supposed to be in school? She's too old to need a nanny and why is childcare Nina's choice to make?

  • Love 1
12 minutes ago, ulkis said:

You know, I don't think I'd want Carly to attempt to apologize for AJ's death. I think she would know that it would mean less than nothing to Monica, and I think this would be one of the few instances where Carly would be honest enough with herself to know she isn't actually sorry.


True, but one of the reasons the audience probably has a hard sympathizing with Sonny and Carly isn't because they are mourning a prick but because people like Monica and Scott and their children have suffered worse because of Carly and Sonny, but the show wants the audience to see them as good guys and heros. A pointed remark from Monica, anything. And no that scene where Sonny confronted Scotty for doing his job doesn't count, if anything that "mirror scene" showed the inferiority of the current regime compared to the even McTavish years. 

  • Love 1

Jake had been seeing a child psychiatrist for at least most of the year. And yeah, MoppetJake isn't working here. It is bad enough that Jake's story is months/a year overdue. Sure, I could buy Liz desperately trying to ignore Jake's instability. She just wanted her kid to be fine. That would work for a time. But Helena's weird ass book should've been in straw that broke the camel's back.

Fuck off Shrewlu. Laura wasn't that far behind on get cursed at either. You go Kevin! 

I have to admit that I laughed when Ava stopped mid sentence and immediately dumbed down her request to Sonny to see Avery. That was perfect and hilarious! Made the episode worthwhile. 

  • Love 4

Liv got shot in the hand or shoulder, and I am betting that Carly won't get another chance. So obviously Liv is going to continue to make trouble. I guess she isn't going to die, but will be put away like Paul, Tracy's serial killer ex husband. And Carly won't get in trouble because she will declare it was self-defense. No trial. Look for Liv to escape a la Heather and return to shake up PC and Anna in the future.

Yeah, I thought Liez having pics of the baby on her phone weird too. 

This Jake story is so dumb. Who cares now after 2  years of him being back. When his mother certainly didn't care at the time she was too busy making sure her lies about Jason were kept. No care for her disturbed kid. We all know this will just be about Freako in the end. 

  • Love 5

Yesterday's fight between Olivia and Carly should have been epic. We have seen epic fights recently in the Anna/Olivia flashbacks. Instead, Carly bested Olivia in hand-to-hand combat when Julian, Ava, Anna, and Griffin failed. And she got hit in the "Wimpy Switch ON" bone.

Meanwhile, Rudge is pissing in his pants because the Mini-Moobster appeared out of nowhere in the middle of nowhere, where the PCPD could not locate them before, because the Most Powerful Mobster on the Planet of the Poo-Flinging Monkeys has to win.

They're gonna fuck up the Jake reveal storyline, aren't they?

Valentin's and Olivia's paths should have crossed, with Anna.

  • Love 5
16 hours ago, Ladyrain said:
17 hours ago, coffee drinker said:

Here's a link to a show thread from Soapzone.  Maybe that'll work in a pinch?


Thank you :)  That will give me the general idea of today's show.  I still am seething over the local takeover of "my" show!  This is New England.  It is snowing outside.  What's 'Breaking News' about that?  And it's nowhere near as bad as they were predicting.  It's bad, but not that bad.  I hope their phone lines and internet blew up with complaints.  -----  Okay, I feel better now.   ---  Thanks again, coffee drinker.

Would you have also accepted "Sonny and Carly pistolwhip and shoot Winter Storm Stella and call it a bitch repeatedly"?

  • Love 3
10 hours ago, P3pp3rb1rd said:

Carly's hypocrisy as she loses her temper and actually pulls the trigger belies her many tearful burbles to Sonny about her wishes that he should abandon violence and the Mob

I don't know, if it was anything other than the unecessary death of her child, I'd agree.  But as a mother, I would want the person responsible to pay, though I wouldn't want death, since that's too easy, I'd torture them, and I'm not normally a blood thirsty person.  So I can understand where Carly is coming from, the problem is that she and Sonny have gone to the violence well too often for it to mean anything this time.  

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, backhometome said:

This Jake story is so dumb. Who cares now after 2  years of him being back. When his mother certainly didn't care at the time she was too busy making sure her lies about Jason were kept. No care for her disturbed kid. We all know this will just be about Freako in the end. 

Yep. Franco will "cure" Jake with art therapy and Monica will be so grateful that she'll give him his job back. I don't know why Liz can't take the poor kid to a real psychiatrist (or a decent barber, for that matter), but I guess her rapey serial killer fingerpainter boyfriend is better than nothing oh wait no he isn't.

  • Love 6
14 hours ago, ulkis said:

Yeah, I liked Lulu's look today, although as usual they give her too much eye make-up.

Ugh really. Her eye makeup is always so ridiculous. And her eyebrows usually are, too.

I often focus on the hair, makeup, and clothes, because the show is either too boring or too rage-inducing to handle.

  • Love 5

Same here peach.....I'm in the vintage fashion biz so I always focus on the clothes.  Tracy rules with her awesome jackets and jewelry.  Diane a close second.

I will miss Olivia J.  TW is awesome and works so well with everybody.

I don't have a problem with Jake's haircut as my son had the same bowl cut 30 yrs ago...:p...

  • Love 1

Everything involving Carly and Sonny was ridiculous today. Do the writers get off to thoughts of those two going on a power trip? Because it just makes me roll my eyes. Rudge cowering from tiny little Sonny was laughable. And Liv held her own against Anna but is reduced to a whimpering mess when faced with Carly. It's all so dumb and lackluster.

"Do you see that, Dante? It's all the good storylines we could have been involved in if the writers actually cared about us. But instead we're here, dealing with Julian fucking Jerome yet again. I know, it makes me cry at night, too."

Kiki and Dillon running away from Monica and Tracy to have sex was kind of inappropriate. I know they're adults, but it's still weird. Also, I feel like Dillon's the type of Gilmore Girls fan who loves Dean.

I'm happy Monica's got herself a new man, though we'll probably never meet him. And that letter from Lord Larry is definitely a harbinger of doom.

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