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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Now that Liz has admitted jasam have a connection that can move mountains, has every character in this show sung their praises to the great jasam? It's so weird. How does sam dreaming about him and Jason showing up at the house after Kristina told him she was going there prove their great love?

But I don't know why I'm complaining because LIZ IS FREE, y'all!!

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Now that Liz has admitted jasam have a connection that can move mountains, has every character in this show sung their praises to the great jasam? It's so weird. How does sam dreaming about him and Jason showing up at the house after Kristina told him she was going there prove their great love?

But I don't know why I'm complaining because LIZ IS FREE, y'all!!

I have never in my life seen a more propped couple than Jasam, which tells me how pathetic and weak they really are as a couple. Today was just total bullshit for them. Their entire history was rewritten including yesterday when Jason saved her. 


Even though I know Liz's great punishment is that she will continue to be all alone, alone is better then being around scam and dumbass.

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I have never in my life seen a more propped couple than Jasam


You clearly were not around for the Sonny/Carly "No Ordinary Love" years.


For me, it's not so much that Jasam are propped, it's that the writers seem to be incapable of building Jasam up without tearing Liz down.  And that sucks.

Edited by yowsah1
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You clearly were not around for the Sonny/Carly "No Ordinary Love" years.


For me, it's not so much that Jasam are propped, it's that the writers seem to be incapable of building Jasam up without tearing Liz down.  And that sucks.

I think I blocked those years out.


Hopefully today does mean that Liz is finally free. 

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I loathe to jump into this fray, especially as I'm not even watching this mess anymore. I did have a glance and noticed Sam is no longer toiling away in a basement...great. That said, I always see this comment when one is not a fan of a pairing, about how propped they are and clearly it proves how they can't really stand on their own because of it. And I'm always left thinking, "or it's that soap opera writers are unimaginative and this is just what they do."


Again, I have watched soap operas since I was a child with my mom and to me on every show I've watched, almost every couple goes through the same repetitive trajectory - you have the slow build up with the inevitable roadblocks and then FINALLY the great coupling. And then if the pairing is lucky they'll be happy for about a few months and then the inevitable problems and issues for drama sake will come and yes, usually it is in the form of some crappy triangle. Yes every once in awhile there may be other random obstacles but the other woman/other guy is the usual go to and the latter is usually scheming to hurt said couple. Again, it's just what soap operas do. 


And yeah, I guess Jason and Sam are written as more of the "meant to be" pairing (I can't think of a better term) which must suck for those who hate them, which means yeah others will be the obstacle to their great love because that's soap opera writing 101.  And like I will always say, let's not pretend that the writers didn't fuck over the Jason/Sam pairing and their fans good and proper to have the big Liz/Jason reunion that was five or how many years in the making. Again, complete with death threat by Jason to Sam. So yeah soap opera writers shit on characters to create obstacles for the big pairings. What else is new?

Edited by truthaboutluv
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Eh, she wants access to her psycho grandson. IMO, it's no different from slobbering over her hit man son who deigned to give her crumbs of attention.


ETA: I know Jake is in the hospital at the moment, but Monica's thinking ahead.

She loved Jason, warts and all. he killed for a living and she still wanted to see him. jake is her grandson. enough said. Monica and Liz work together. She worked with Liz's grandfather, brother etc. she overlooked that Jason was Alan's spawn, and loved him and treated him the same as AJ. Her offering Liz a place to stay was just a nice family thing to do.
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So yeah soap opera writers shit on characters to create obstacles for the big pairings. What else is new?


Yeah, but this time around the writers not only shit on the character they pressed into service to play the spoiler in this stupid triangle, they shit on the character of her child as well.  Trashing a child is a new low, even for the crew that writes this so-called "daytime drama".

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I loathe to jump into this fray, especially as I'm not even watching this mess anymore. I did have a glance and noticed Sam is no longer toiling away in a basement...great. That said, I always see this comment when one is not a fan of a pairing, about how propped they are and clearly it proves how they can't really stand on their own because of it. And I'm always left thinking, "or it's that soap opera writers are unimaginative and this is just what they do."


Again, I have watched soap operas since I was a child with my mom and to me on every show I've watched, almost every couple goes through the same repetitive trajectory - you have the slow build up with the inevitable roadblocks and then FINALLY the great coupling. And then if the pairing is lucky they'll be happy for about a few months and then the inevitable problems and issues for drama sake will come and yes, usually it is in the form of some crappy triangle. Yes every once in awhile there may be other random obstacles but the other woman/other guy is the usual go to and the latter is usually scheming to hurt said couple. Again, it's just what soap operas do. 


And yeah, I guess Jason and Sam are written as more of the "meant to be" pairing (I can't think of a better term) which must suck for those who hate them, which means yeah others will be the obstacle to their great love because that's soap opera writing 101.  And like I will always say, let's not pretend that the writers didn't fuck over the Jason/Sam pairing and their fans good and proper to have the big Liz/Jason reunion that was five or how many years in the making. Again, complete with death threat by Jason to Sam. So yeah soap opera writers shit on characters to create obstacles for the big pairings. What else is new?

The difference is that Liz already paid her dues with Jasam. There was no need to put her in this position again with them. Especially when you have Jasam declaring how great they are to each other today while Liz is literally picking up the pieces of her house and all her possessions, all alone. Today was beyond overkill, especially when they have Liz spouting all that bullshit about Jason instinctively finding Sam, and all that crap.


Today was symbolic of how they see these characters. Jasam is wonderful, amazing and true love bullshit, while Liz deserves to be totally alone.

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Now that Liz has admitted jasam have a connection that can move mountains, has every character in this show sung their praises to the great jasam? It's so weird. How does sam dreaming about him and Jason showing up at the house after Kristina told him she was going there prove their great love?


I'm guessing it has something to do with Helena.  /answer for everything that isn't explained.

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The difference is that Liz already paid her dues with Jasam. There was no need to put her in this position again with them. Especially when you have Jasam declaring how great they are to each other today while Liz is literally picking up the pieces of her house and all her possessions, all alone. Today was beyond overkill, especially when they have Liz spouting all that bullshit about Jason instinctively finding Sam, and all that crap.


Today was symbolic of how they see these characters. Jasam is wonderful, amazing and true love bullshit, while Liz deserves to be totally alone.


Jason had no clue Sam was missing until he ran into her sisters while picking up food for Liz and even then he looked bored as fuck while walking slowly around the house!

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Dear Julian, instead of sitting on your butt, why don't you change the baby that resulted from your ONS?  Why should Alexis have to do all the work?  Wimmen's work.


hee. to be fair to Julian, I think Alexis wanted to do it.

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Yeah, but this time around the writers not only shit on the character they pressed into service to play the spoiler in this stupid triangle, they shit on the character of her child as well. Trashing a child is a new low, even for the crew that writes this so-called "daytime drama".

At least this time they didn't kill the kid to prop JaScam. Baby steps.

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I am also fairly certain that Jason always "instinctively" found Liz when she was in trouble, and Carly, and the whole freakin town really. He IS the town hit man/hero after all. I don't see any special Sam radar here.

I cannot FATHOM how I loved SBu and Jason so much back in the day. I guess I was blinded by those blue eyes and the chemistry with Robin and Liz and even original recipe Carly and how they always made the OTHER bad guys worse than Sonny and Jason somehow. Eh. I was in my teens and twenties and I loved the bad boys but NOW. Seriously why are two women with children all over this guy? Why is one of my favorite characters completely trashed and suffering AGAIN over this guy? I wish I could say Liz was free now but they'll always have Jake and these fakakta writers to pull them back together.

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I think Billy Miller is half asleep doing his scenes. He doesn't seem all that excited or engaged. I'm not really sure he really wants to be there so I would hope he would leave when his contract is up. I thought Rebecca Herbst did a really nice job in the final scenes. The ending was sort of sad and ambiguous but given her current contract issues (reading her Twitter I get the impression she might leave) I'm thinking the writers ended the Sam/Jason/Elizabeth "triangle" early. Which is probably a plus for them and us. LOL!!!

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The difference is that Liz already paid her dues with Jasam. There was no need to put her in this position again with them. Especially when you have Jasam declaring how great they are to each other today while Liz is literally picking up the pieces of her house and all her possessions, all alone. Today was beyond overkill, especially when they have Liz spouting all that bullshit about Jason instinctively finding Sam, and all that crap.

Today was symbolic of how they see these characters. Jasam is wonderful, amazing and true love bullshit, while Liz deserves to be totally alone.

AMEN! Liz is standing in the actual ruble of her beloved house, and all the show can bleat on about is the so called magic connection between the brain wiped former hitman town hero and his ex con artist PI wife.

How freaking hard would have been for someone to call Laura to come down to be there for Liz? Or god forbid, Lulu? Since Nik isn't in town. All the family/friends Liz has in town now is Audrey(never seen), Laura, Nik and Lulu. Her siblings are out of state. Her parents are out of the country. Patrick and Robin are gone now too. Hell, even St. Sabrina and Felix haven't been around her in months. How sad is it that FRANCO has been Liz's on screen support this week? That is insane.

What the hell is wrong with the writers/producers? Why does Jasam have to come about from trashing Liz? They can't build a couple up without tearing someone down? They trashed LiRic (once again) to reclaim Liason. And actually in the same damn week, they threw Liason right into a dumpster fire!

It always seems like Liz is just the go to whipping girl for this show. Liason? Destroyed first for SkipperBitch and Borg, later for JaSam.

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Maxie is choosing to let Lulu and Rocco (who still cries more like an infant) live with her and Nathan. So in essence Nathan just took a risk and made a big step of commitment to Maxie that they move in together while Maxie responded by insisting that Lulu and Rocci stay. A step forward and an immediate corresponding step back is an unpromising dance for the future of these two.


Maxie put her best friend ahead of her mate as Valentine's Day approaches. No bueno.


OTOH, it must be a relief for Lulu to find a bed where she can sleep without nightmares.

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I don't even care, I liked today. Sam out of the damn basement, cleared the air (and Jake), FH being awesome, Lulu being cute, my Ava/Julian scenes, and finally, Ava giving Paul the Heisman. I could watch that on a loop.


Best of all, not a sign of Sonny, Carly, Franco, Nina, Kiki or Morgan. it was practically enjoyable.

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I didn't mind today's episode.  Liz learned her son wasn't a budding psychopath (I was afraid that would be dragged out), Anna got to be smart, Ava got to tell Paul to go fuck himself.  And most of the characters I hate and wish would die weren't on, so that was a plus.


BH had some very nice moments, especially at the end.  FV and ABC would be idiots to let her get away, but it would be par for the course for them to do something monumentally stupid.  If BH sticks around, I hope it will be a new beginning for Liz far away from the worthless Jason.  If she doesn't, I hope she lands on Y&R where she'll have greater job security.



And I realize I'm the only one who feels this way, and considering how much she's gotten away with, I shouldn't be complaining. But why is it that Sonny and Franco have all of their crimes magically wiped away and are now seen as pillars of the community while Ava is trashed verbally six ways to Sunday as if she's the devil and anti-Christ rolled into one? At least no one can say that she's being praised. It just really really really irks me. A LOT.


You're not alone.  I completely agree.  Ava has always shown some ambivalence about being in the mob; Sonny never has and in fact loves the power it gives his short, greasy self.  I also believe she loves her children, even the worthless Kiki, while Sonny's love is all about possession.  I so wish they'd kill him off and let Ava take whatever mob stories this soap insists on having in a new direction.

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So now the Show is protecting KMo's limp delivery (I won't call it "acting") by putting the woman on her back with a half-used oxygen mask on her face to muffle her mumbling further. Show must be trolling us. But i don't care what she says to J-dawg anyway. FF time!!



Putting an oxygen mask on anyone, save for maybe James Earl Jones*, isn't going to make for the clearest speech patterns, but, yeesh, yeah, on someone who's a low talker to begin with...


The Jasam scenes were eye-rolling dreck.  I wonder if, in "getting to know" Sam, Jason will be let in on ALL the crappy aspects of their 'meant to be' love.  Maybe if he was then he'd run away from her.


*Now I'd kind of like to see JEJ in the role of Sam.  Might make for more interesting television.

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Best of all, not a sign of Sonny, Carly, Franco, Nina, Kiki or Morgan. it was practically enjoyable.


The show would instantly improve if these six characters were written off, killed off, or just never mentioned again.  None of them would need to be replaced with new characters, either.  The savings from their salaries could just go to production value improvements.

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How freaking hard would have been for someone to call Laura to come down to be there for Liz? Or god forbid, Lulu? That is insane...What the hell is wrong with the writers/producers? Why does Jasam have to come about from trashing Liz? ...It always seems like Liz is just the go to whipping girl for this show.


I want for Olivia to breast-feed this post in public! Emboss it on Leo's bib!

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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I have to say that i prefer half-asleep BM to SBu's standing and blink style of acting.  To me, JaSam has to be one of the most boring soap couples ever and I resent that they are being sold as the truest love that ever loved.

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I have to say that i prefer half-asleep BM to SBu's standing and blink style of acting. To me, JaSam has to be one of the most boring soap couples ever and I resent that they are being sold as the truest love that ever loved.

I actually like BM. I loved him as Jake. But my issue is that I truly despise the character of Jason Morgan. I would love for the clean slate of no Jason Morgan memories. Let Jason/Jake be interested in his Q family. Let him be horrified by his Gummy Mob past. And let Snarly be completely confused by her beloved Jason's disavowing of her and Scumbag.

But here we go with JaSam part 2280. And Carly and Sonny being Jason's "Real Family".

****Hey, do you guys think Susan Hornsby could be in PC?****

Also, Lulu needs her own place. Why not just have her take over Kelly's upstairs floor and have her turn it into a single family home? Or have her move to an apartment in Maxie's building? Or move into the Bobbie's old brownstone that was renovated? Hell, what about Ned's old Gatehouse place on the Quartermaine grounds? Also possible temporary home for Liz and her boys. Maxie has a serious boyfriend and this is getting silly.

Heh. Why not have Paul buy Sonny's old penthouse?

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Yeah, but did you lay there for a whole day, whimpering, hallucinating Jason, who was acting constipated rather than concerned? 


Hah, no, I landed laughing the first time and mortified the second, because it seemed as if every student on campus saw me fall, but, hey, at least they came over to see if I was okay and didn't just hold out a hand and say "Run to me."


Yeah, Julian needs to have several seats. Isn't he the reason why Alexis house blew up. So, Shut up. 


I'll give Julian credit, at least he actually got out of the mob for the sake of his family's safety and building a life with them, unlike other mobsters who just pay lip service to their families being tops in their lives.


Its not just that she fell down the steps, she's been falling all over the place lately. 


Perhaps she has a middle ear problem.  


They could have been if Lulu didn't come across as slightly tone-deaf and desperate and Nathan weren't such a pushover. And boo that he finds romantic comedies eye-rolling. There's some gender stereotyping that can be dropped.


Maybe it was supposed to be an inside joke?  Didn't he just star in one on Hallmark?  Or, maybe I'm giving the writers too much credit.

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I enjoyed yesterday. Finally, Liez is getting a clue. Maybe her back from the dead child (talk about propping - who brings back a 5 years dead child??) will get some true help now, and not Freaco help.

Honestly they should've never revisited Jiz. That was Ron's stupid idea, because he wanted to finish the baby swap story that he had to truncate due to SB leaving. I know Becky didn't want the story and BM wanted to play Jason, so this lies strictly at the feet of RC and now FV. Jiz could've been over last year if they didn't decide to bring back NotDeadJake, a move that even BH said was done to level the playing field. This could've been wrapped up much sooner if not for RC's & FV's love of resurrections.

Asshats, the both of them.

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(talk about propping - who brings back a 5 years dead child??

Ron.  In order to kiss TOny Geary's ass and wipe his evil slate clean before he heads out.   Had nothing to do with Liz or Jason.  

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Ron.  In order to kiss TOny Geary's ass and wipe his evil slate clean before he heads out.   Had nothing to do with Liz or Jason.  


Ron may (or may not) wanted to undue Luke being responsible for the death of a child but it also had the benefit of "evening the playing field" between Sam and Liez since both women now have alive children by Jason. I'm inclined to believe the latter was his main reason for bringing that kid back to life since he was intent on restarting the Sam vs Liez wars at all costs. 

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I'll give Julian credit, at least he actually got out of the mob for the sake of his family's safety and building a life with them, unlike other mobsters who just pay lip service to their families being tops in their lives.


Ehh, it's not like he made amends for the murders he committed, the drugs and guns he ran, etc. He kept all the money, built a house that he's living in with it, and then he didn't even stop the organization. He just turned the keys over to his sister, and is sitting by, letting the crime continue.


And on top of that he's smug about the fact that he left, while sitting in the house that the mob built. 

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Ehh, it's not like he made amends for the murders he committed, the drugs and guns he ran, etc. He kept all the money, built a house that he's living in with it, and then he didn't even stop the organization. He just turned the keys over to his sister, and is sitting by, letting the crime continue.

And on top of that he's smug about the fact that he left, while sitting in the house that the mob built.

Yeah, fuck that guy.

In a contest between Robert and Duke, I will choose Robert every single time. But I'm still bitter they brought Duke back (the original left-mob-for-love guy), ruined him, killed him off right when he was about to fix his life ... and Julian gets to get away with everything. Fuck that noise.

Also not forgiving Ava for her role in Connie and AJ's deaths. So what she loves her kids. AJ loved his kid, too. Fuck both of these jerks.

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Ehh, it's not like he made amends for the murders he committed, the drugs and guns he ran, etc. He kept all the money, built a house that he's living in with it, and then he didn't even stop the organization. He just turned the keys over to his sister, and is sitting by, letting the crime continue.


And on top of that he's smug about the fact that he left, while sitting in the house that the mob built. 


I don't disagree, but, yeah, I'll give Julian a hundred times more credit than the Midgety Moobster for being a better person, and getting out of the mob is a big part of that.  Also, and in the interests of full disclosure?  I hate the Midgety Moobster with the heat of a thousand suns and think he's the worst thing to ever happen to this show.  He is the lowest.

Edited by Fellaway
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I thought Julian had been out of the mob for years and in witness protection.  Weird Luke found him and maneuvered Julian back into the role of head of the Jerome family crime syndicate.   Regardless, I prefer Julian as an Alexis love interest to another asinine mob boss.


Regarding the shafting of Elizabeth to prop up the utterly boring JaSam couple:  After RH leaves (and she should after the destruction of her character in favor or "Tits and Tears" Sam) new stories aren't going to make the loss of talent any more palatable.  Liz Webber deserves some happiness after all the trauma she has been through, starting with her family's desertion in favor of practicing medicine in Africa.  If the show has to have a 'whipping girl' let them find someone else.  May I suggest Sam since they have a built in excuse with Helena's curse to put the little bedhopping con artist through the ringer.  (Guess you can tel,l I am not a Sam fan.)

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Billy Miller's IDGAF style of acting worked pretty well when Alexis decided to make her hospital visit to her almost-died-in-an-explosion-daughter all about herself. She drones on about the history of her animosity against Jason and finally gives them her totally irrelevant blessing, and his response is basically, " ... 'kay."


Heavy-handed though it might have been, I liked all the Liz/Jason/Sam stuff yesterday. Liz standing in the rubble and, more important, realizing that she set the events in motion that led to it, while Jason recommits to his wife is classic soapy melodramatic goodness. Now Liz has paid for her lie, and the viewers can forgive her for it (assuming that she doesn't immediately go back to saying, "Sam stole Jason from me," which is never a safe assumption with this staff of short-term memory loss writers). No one died, her kid is just a scared kid with problems and not a psychopath, she's not the town pariah. She's going to rebuild her house and get on with her life and no one is going to begrudge her that. Our long national nightmare is over.


But someone still needs to hit Nik in the face with a bag of dildos.

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Billy Miller's IDGAF style of acting worked pretty well when Alexis decided to make her hospital visit to her almost-died-in-an-explosion-daughter all about herself. She drones on about the history of her animosity against Jason and finally gives them her totally irrelevant blessing, and his response is basically, " ... 'kay."

Now, that sounds a bit interesting.


I still think the show is missing the mark completely with BM as Jason.  If only they'd have him be all "WTF, I was a hitman?" and want nothing to do with Sonny and Carly while being infinitely curious about the Quartermaines. All the while Monica and the Qs can be all "How does it feel now?" to Sonny and Carly while they press their noses up against the Quartermaine French doors staring in at Jason and his happy family.


And I'd so put him in a reindeer sweater one Christmas. Just cuz.

Edited by Francie
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I don't disagree, but, yeah, I'll give Julian a hundred times more credit than the Midgety Moobster for being a better person, and getting out of the mob is a big part of that.  Also, and in the interests of full disclosure?  I hate the Midgety Moobster with the heat of a thousand suns and think he's the worst thing to ever happen to this show.  He is the lowest.

I've said this before.I think GH screwed up when they started building it around sonny.

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She's also ignoring all of how shitty he behaved about her pregnancy.  That was definitely him hurting her, not outside factors (due to him) hurting her.  

Let's be real about why that happened.  RC wanted to put Kemo and ME together again, and so he started writing both Jason and Sam acting out of character.  Since when would Jason reject Sam's baby when he's raised everyone elses?  Since when would Sam confide in stranger McBain about EVERYTHING between her and Jason?  Please.  It was such contrived plot-point writing that I pretend it never happened because it was so stupid.


So now the Show is protecting KMo's limp delivery (I won't call it "acting") by putting the woman on her back with a half-used oxygen mask on her face to muffle her mumbling further. Show must be trolling us. But i don't care what she says to J-dawg anyway. FF time!!

I thought Kemo was fine.  BM was HOR-RIBLE.  Seriously, who "walks" through a house on fire?  He gets to Elizabeth's home, hears the smoke alarm, sees the smoke, and acts like he  just came in form the park.  There is no panic, no drama, no desperation to find Sam or even wonder if someone else is in the house.  I mean the guy actually walks up the steps - not runs.  He is really bad in this role, I'm sorry.


Jason had no clue Sam was missing until he ran into her sisters while picking up food for Liz and even then he looked bored as fuck while walking slowly around the house!



I cannot FATHOM how I loved SBu and Jason so much back in the day. I guess I was blinded by those blue eyes and the chemistry with Robin and Liz and even original recipe Carly and how they always made the OTHER bad guys worse than Sonny and Jason somehow. 

I loved Sbu in the role because he was great in the role and had chemistry with all his co-stars.  He showed passion and emotion in his scenes, which BM sorely lacks.  

I think Billy Miller is half asleep doing his scenes. He doesn't seem all that excited or engaged. 

Agreed.  Whatever his greatness was on Y&R, I'm not seeing at all on GH, and he can't blame the writing.  His co-stars are putting effort into their scenes - tears, emotion, frustration, and he gives me the deadpan delivery.  They need to kill off Jakeson because he's not working and he's not needed.  He has zero chemistry with everyone.  He hasn't seemed excited or engaged since the day he arrived.  I don't think he knows how to play a character like Jason.  BM likes to play the man-child, snarky, jokey characters.  

Edited by Bishop
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I have seen BM in many things and he has never been this stilted. I have to think it is a choice by the directors or him to make him seem traumatized. I mean it has to be overwhelming to be thrust into this whirlwind of a life and not remember boo. Top it off with the one person he chose to trust and grow close to LIED to him about his very name. Maybe it's because I don't have old Jason baggage but I'm not finding him bad, I find him seeming shell shocked which I think would be natural. Of course everyone around him has memories so they are going to be more animated than he is.


I also think he and Sam have chemistry. He also looked really good with the beard sitting at Sam's bedside.


I really can't believe I'm defending him this much I've never been a huge BM fan, but I do get where his acting choice is coming from.

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It was also weird to me how little Jason cared that Liz's house blew up. Whatever issues he has with Liz, that's his son's home, and he acted like it was no big deal. I guess now that he's back with Sam, Jake means nothing to him anymore.

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She's also ignoring all of how shitty he behaved about her pregnancy.  That was definitely him hurting her, not outside factors (due to him) hurting her.

Let's be real about why that happened.  RC wanted to put Kemo and ME together again, and so he started writing both Jason and Sam acting out of character.  Since when would Jason reject Sam's baby when he's raised everyone else?


Jason being a complete asshole to pregnant Sam happened long before ME appeared on the show as any character. And Jason was a complete asshole to pregnant Sam because he thought the baby might not be his.


Sam confiding everything to McBain, though, was totally because of KeMo and ME working together on PC. But that came long after the Franco stuff.


I guess now that he's back with Sam


Are they really back together? He said that he wanted to get to know her—glad all it took was her nearly blowing up, asshole—but that doesn't mean they'll start dating or anything. It sounded to me like he might actually take a more active part in trying to remember stuff.

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Also, Lulu needs her own place. Why not just have her take over Kelly's upstairs floor and have her turn it into a single family home? Or have her move to an apartment in Maxie's building? Or move into the Bobbie's old brownstone that was renovated? Hell, what about Ned's old Gatehouse place on the Quartermaine grounds? Also possible temporary home for Liz and her boys. Maxie has a serious boyfriend and this is getting silly.


I will never understand why they dropped the new brownstone. The set was already there anyway why not use it to give some of these people real homes geez! 


It was also weird to me how little Jason cared that Liz's house blew up. 


Yea really! Honestly no one seems to really care about it, not even Liz. Like everything else with this story any potential drama just falls completely flat.

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Scotty, Anna, Jordan, Ava, Julian, Mac.


Scotty and Julian definitely have taken his side recently. It made me sick. Mac has been so sporadic that he really doesn't count, sorry.


Anna/Jordan/Ava = my dream team to pair up, take Sonny down and rule PC.

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Ava was so freakin' annoying yesterday with her whinny woe is me. ugh! She is such a manipulator. She always feels she the put upon victim of her own damn making. I haven't had much use for smug ass Julian lately but I did like the way he was not letting Ava play victim with him.

She left Julian and just like always 360 degree switch to bad bitch when Paul called. I don't mind her being like that but just shut the hell up with your woe's me. What a two face. ugh!


Why couldn't her house blow up with HER in it.

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I will never understand why they dropped the new brownstone. The set was already there anyway why not use it to give some of these people real homes geez! 



Yea really! Honestly no one seems to really care about it, not even Liz. Like everything else with this story any potential drama just falls completely flat.

I think they did a good job of showing that Liz is just in total shock yesterday. Her breakdown yesterday was a culmination of all of it, but she looked devastated at the actual house.


I agree about the drama falling flat though. Liz is literally homeless, and no one seems to care. Like where is Laura in all this? Where is Nik? Why can't they have anyone be there for Liz, and care about what's happened to her house and Jake.


BM can barely muster up an emotion for anyone. Its all stupid.

Edited by MissE
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Ava was so freakin' annoying yesterday with her whinny woe is me. ugh! She is such a manipulator. She always feels she the put upon victim of her own damn making. I haven't had much use for smug ass Julian lately but I did like the way he was not letting Ava play victim with him.

She left Julian and just like always 360 degree switch to bad bitch when Paul called. I don't mind her being like that but just shut the hell up with your woe's me. What a two face. ugh!


Why couldn't her house blow up with HER in it.


Ava can't help it, ok? She didn’t choose the thug life, the thug life chose her.

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Actually, Julian offered to help Ava and she was about to tell him what was going on when Alexis came back home and interrupted. Guess she was still pissed about being cockblocked.

Edited by tvgoddess
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