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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I kind of love Michael and Sabrina together just because it ticks Carly off. If they won't kill off Sonny or put him in prison could they at least do one of those things to Julian. Julian whining to ghost Carlos was really too much to stomach.

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15 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

I also had to roll my eyes at Sonny being all worried that Carly's bitchery would "drive Michael away again".  Oh Sonny, if murdering his biological father and lying about it and not being remotely sorry when exposed didn't do it, I doubt anything will.

I can see Michael holding a grudge against Carly for longer than he did Sonny, though. TFGH misogyny.

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16 hours ago, tvgoddess said:

Was that Ghost Carlos in the previews? Oops, guess I answered my own question. http://soaps.sheknows.com/general-hospital/comings-and-goings/1365/jeffrey-vincent-parise-returns-to-general-hospital-2

I'm thrilled to see JVP again. But I'm less than thrilled at the storyline. How many ghosts have we had in the last couple of years? I've heard there are only 7 basic plots in literature, but … um… good writers vary the details so their audiences don't roll their eyes and say, "This one again?"

But then again, we also have Paul and Anna doing a copy of The Shop Around the Corner/You've Got Mail, so why not have GhostCarlos move into the Quartermaine mansion? Then we could also be doing The Ghost and Mrs. Muir. Only Sabrina would be able to see him; he would have "changed" for the better; he could take care of her and protect her; and she couldn't be accused by Carly of scheming to get Michael. In fact, maybe GhostCarlos could drop something on Carly's head. To protect all of us.

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Just now, rur said:

I'm thrilled to see JVP again. But I'm less than thrilled at the storyline. How many ghosts have we had in the last couple of years? I've heard there are only 7 basic plots in literature, but … um… good writers vary the details so their audiences don't roll their eyes and say, "This one again?"

But then again, we also have Paul and Anna doing a copy of The Shop Around the Corner/You've Got Mail, so why not have GhostCarlos move into the Quartermaine mansion? Then we could also be doing The Ghost and Mrs. Muir. Only Sabrina would be able to see him; he would have "changed" for the better; he could take care of her and protect her; and she couldn't be accused by Carly of scheming to get Michael. In fact, maybe GhostCarlos could drop something on Carly's head. To protect all of us.

I like your taste in movies. I love all 3 of those!

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1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

I liked it when Nina was discovering she was good at running Crimson, but now it's not about her as a professional woman anymore. And it's really wrong when Nina is better at her job than Anna!

Of course Nina is better at her job than Anna, the veteran spy and police commissioner or even Maxie, who has been obsessed with fashion and worked directly underneath an Ivy league educated fashion director. Frank's pets have to reign supreme.

UO, I hated it when she discovered because she had absolutely no training or even much of an interest in fashion. 

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Speaking of Anna, it pains me to say it, but I'm kinda ready for Finola's break.  The stupid online dating stuff with Paul x going to update the local crime boss on an open investigation = KMN.

Edited by TeeVee329
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38 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

I also had to roll my eyes at Sonny being all worried that Carly's bitchery would "drive Michael away again".  Oh Sonny, if murdering his biological father and lying about it and not being remotely sorry when exposed didn't do it, I doubt anything will.

I don't know about that. Michael always seems to get more annoyed at Carly's shit than Sonny's murder shit. Which I can kinda see, from a certain point of view. Besides AJ's murder, Sonny's bullshit mostly doesn't involve meddling in his life. Carly's does.

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1 hour ago, LexieLily said:

 Julian is The Most Evilest Mobster Ever because he killed an unarmed defenseless man? Because Sonny and Carly NEVER did anything like that, right?

*Cut to clip of Sonny pirouetting and killing the Irish mobster (or was he Russian?  Meh, doesn't matter) at the Five Families meeting...*

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Teddy's sudden drastic illness was extremely lame, given that the baby looked perfectly fine and also did not act ill. It was just a manufactured excuse to keep up hanging over the weekend. More likely such a sudden problem with his health would be caused by a sudden accident, wherein the baby would fall on his head or down the stairs. I wonder if the baby is fine and that Finn is just creating a distraction.

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Just now, Lillybee said:

I think that Teddy getting sick is just a way to justify blood work that will prove that he is Michael's.

Yup, it's classic Soap Opera 101. Never mind apparently a few months ago the baby's conception date made it impossible Michael could be the father. After all, the possibility of Carlos being the father came from a random sex between him and Sabrina that had previously not existed. 

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Episode MVP is definitely Carlos/JVP. That guy is electric. His ghostie can come visit again. Duke's can stay gone. I like the Tracy/Finn friendship chemistry too. He was cute, trying to act innocent for Monica.  


The hypocrisy and self-righteousness of Sonny and Carly continues to be stunning in their complete lack of self-awareness. Michael and Sabrina shouldn't be together because she lied and took advantage and hurt him? Sabrina is manipulating him and is just looking for a baby daddy? Julian is The Most Evilest Mobster Ever because he killed an unarmed defenseless man? Because Sonny and Carly NEVER did anything like that, right?

I know! As much as I think I'm used to it by now, there are days when I'm afraid this f---ing show is going to make me stroke out. How about this angle? Ava's daughter gets kidnapped by their other crazy son, later gets shot because of her association with him, almost dies, is in the hospital for either weeks or months depending on how they're playing the screwed-up timeline. Ava quite reasonably tells both parties to please find someone else to date. Carly, of course, is full speed ahead on Kiki/Morgan and thinks this (and Ava generally) is just awful. Sonny calls Ava to the park and basically says, if you continue to meddle in the great love of Kiki/Morgan, I won't allow you to see your other daughter (whom, by the way, he got his hands on in the first place by offering to temporarily watch her while the daughter who was shot because she was chasing after his loser son was at death's door).

But according to Carly, advocate of free will for the young, Michael needs to stay away from Sabrina! When Sabrina's association with Michael has resulted in nothing being harmed on him except his feelings, and it's none of Carly's business anyway.

I cannot even keep analyzing this. I've run out of fonts for infuriated emphasis. All that's left to me is all-caps and drooling on the keyboard.

Oh, one more touch. In the same episode in which this is unfolding, Sonny and Carly fling charges of hypocrisy at Julian. The two biggest hypocrites on the show cement their hypocrisy by accusing someone else of hypocrisy. 

I just so badly wanted Michael to say to Sonny and Carly, "You took her back when she went to the FBI, and you took him back when he shot you in the head while you were giving birth to my brother. Anything Sabrina's done to me looks like pretty small beer." But that never would have happened on Elizabeth Korte's watch.  

I know this post makes me sound like an Ava/Sabrina Superfan or something, but it isn't that. I've just gotten to the point with those two lowlifes, after about 16 years of it, that my favorite character is whoever is pissing them off. Sabrina. Ava. Julian. Alexis. AJ. Manny Ruiz. Anyone.

Edited by Asp Burger
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Still not down for anymore of RP-Watts (a.k.a. Robert Palmer Watkins a.k.a. Tapioca Frost a.k.a. Killa White a.k.a. Dilyun a.k.a. Ensign Cocaine a.k.a. Brian Littrell). But he's slowly resembling a more relaxed human male onscreen, so that's starting to resonate a little. Not enough for me to excuse his and Kiki's presence, though.

54 minutes ago, Lillybee said:

Did they forget to use the footstool that Sonny usually stands on when berating other characters today?  MB looked very short when talking/yelling at Julian.

It's the thing on Julian's head that made the height differential worse.

Fuckin' Carlos! Leave! There's a Forbidden Broadway ripoff show out there somewhere that needs your extra ass! Sick of it!

Edited by jsbt
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5 minutes ago, jsbt said:

Still not down for anymore of RP-Watts (a.k.a. Robert Palmer Watkins a.k.a. Tapioca Frost a.k.a. Killa White a.k.a. Dilyun a.k.a. Ensign Cocaine a.k.a. Brian Littrell).

STOP! I about lost it at Ensign Cocaine and then again at Brian Littrell. Brian was my fave BSB lol.

Speaking of ol' RPW, his lips are getting whiter, yes? Like honestly why don't they just put some lipstick on him? It's so awkward.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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The circumstances are entirely wrong, but it's nice to see Alexis and Diane together.

I had to LOL at Sonny's "Hey...Michael" at the MetroCourt. It totally sounded like he couldn't remember the name of his son. Hee.

Since Sonny will never lose, can he at least get checked along the way every so often? The smugness he had toward Julian was ridiculous. And when it's inevitably revealed that Teddy is Michael's, will Carly eat any crow? Of course not.

Everything Carlos said to Julian about the mob could be said about Sonny, yet somehow Julian is OMG TEH EVUL.

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Hallucinatory Carlos sounded enough like Sonny (cadence, talking speed) today that it almost distracted me completely from the mindblowing fuckery of Sonny and Carly daring to say anything about anybody else raising someone else's child (let alone Carly actually invoking AJ) without being struck dead on the spot by lightning or a falling chandelier or a volcano eruption.

OTOH, Diane howling in Paul's face (and Paul apparently deliberately slacking off to help Alexis out, presumably to score points with Anna; I'm debating if his pissing off Mayor Lomax was a perk)...it didn't top Margarethe's spear for the week, but it was a nice coda.

3 hours ago, Lillybee said:

I think that Teddy getting sick is just a way to justify blood work that will prove that he is Michael's.

That didn't even occur to me until now, incredibly.  Isn't it too early to reset that, considering Sabrina's only been back in town for maybe a month?  OTOH, if this means Michael actually gets to be happy and whatnot (and Sabrina somehow continues to irritate Carly just by existing, though I doubt that)...hell, I'll allow it.

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1 hour ago, Bill C. said:

Diane howling in Paul's face

I loved that. Diane is not afraid to make a point.

1 hour ago, Oracle42 said:

I can't believe the only story Michael has right now is dealing with his ridiculous parents and the Saccharine Princess's giant baby. 

With Nik out of town, the ELQ story is dead in the water. Sonny should not be the only character involved in more than one story.

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Yeah, why can this PCPD only deal with one crime at a time? Shouldn't there be an APB out for Jason, considering he is a fugitive and there's an arrest warrant out for him? Once Jordan sent people out to his place and Sam's and they didn't find him, did Jordan just throw up her hands and be like "Oh well, we'll get to it when we get to it?"

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On 6/23/2016 at 11:05 PM, TwistedandBored said:

Anna looked beautiful. Anna has chemistry with that psychiatrist but the show is pushing her toward this generic dude. Just like what happen with Rebecca Buddig and Curtis. I see you, show. I see you. 

I kind of like Paul. He's a superfreak ;)   And plus the actor knows his lines and shows some energy, so he's certainly beating most of the other actors by a mile. 

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28 minutes ago, Auntie Velvet said:

I kind of like Paul. He's a superfreak ;)   And plus the actor knows his lines and shows some energy, so he's certainly beating most of the other actors by a mile. 

I think he is another idiot who is taking a space and needs to die. We will agree to disagree. 

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I'm ready for Sabrina to go now. This whole thing with her and that baby is stupid and I'm never going to believe that Sonny and/or Carly would have such a huge problem with her being with Michael while being nice to fucking Kaka and encouraging her relationship with Morgan. 

It would be great if Julian/Alexis/Sonny didn't have the same conversation over and over again. 

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On 6/23/2016 at 4:45 PM, ulkis said:

Carly and Sonny's disapproval of Sabrina while embracing The Kiki will never make sense.

Michael is the favored son, the trophy.  No woman will ever be good enough for him as far as Sonny and Carly are concerned.

Morgan is the afterthought.  Any woman will do.

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Then again, the over-the-top performances by Diana and Carlos helped slow the rage build up - but seeing Tracy is always an antidote for this viewer.  But does every episode that that has the fortune of having Tracy in it have to involve a line stating that the Quartermaines are a dysfunctional family? 

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14 hours ago, Asp Burger said:

As much as I think I'm used to it by now, there are days when I'm afraid this f---ing show is going to make me stroke out.

I know right?

That or your family is going to have to hospitalize you because this show and these characters have caused you to snap and you yell at the tv, scare the dog, and question your self esteem for continuing to watch, but you are compelled to just in case Sonny and Carly do get their comeuppance; you need to see this for the sake of closure..... 


It takes a hell of a man to love, raise and support another man's child. Why can't Carly and Sonny see it that way? They could be proud of Michael's character (despite their influence), and celebrate their expanding non-traditional family.

Hell, I think even Carlos would come around to that point of view even if he wasn't dead. 

Edited by Mrs OldManBalls
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Morgan is the afterthought.  Any woman will do.

Actually, I think both CarSon really want that woman to be Kiki because she can be Morgan's caretaker and they don't have to lift a finger to be involved.  

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16 hours ago, LegalParrot81 said:

I yelled at my television when Sonny said "we don't want Michael raising another man's child".  Guess the butthole doesn't acknowledge the fact that he stole a kid that wasn't his and raised him.  Guess it just slips his mind that he recently killed Michael's birth father in cold blood.

This is just one of many reasons I loathe all things Sonny.

I thought Sonny said "I don't have a problem with Michael raising another man's child"-- followed by Carly going on about she didn't either as long as the woman loved him passionately......bla bla bla.

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Theresa Castillo's delivery of the line, "Oh my God! Teddy!" outside of the GH elevators was so bad. Really cringeworthy. It was so bad that I had to rewind and watch it two more times....kind of like watching a person with bad manners eat --- I hate looking, but I can't look away.

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On June 25, 2016 at 10:16 AM, texastornado said:

I thought Sonny said "I don't have a problem with Michael raising another man's child"-- followed by Carly going on about she didn't either as long as the woman loved him passionately......bla bla bla.

If it didn't come from Carly, I wouldn't have minded it. Because why would anyone raise a child with a partner who DIDNT love them passionately?

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1 hour ago, CoolWhipLite said:

Theresa Castillo's delivery of the line, "Oh my God! Teddy!" outside of the GH elevators was so bad. Really cringeworthy. It was so bad that I had to rewind and watch it two more times....kind of like watching a person with bad manners eat --- I hate looking, but I can't look away.


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On 6/23/2016 at 5:11 PM, dubbel zout said:

Really? Wow. In that case, ignore my age guesses above, even though they were for the characters.

Maura has always looked older than her age to me. To be fair, though, giving birth to five kids will wreak havoc on any woman's body and face. 

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51 minutes ago, UYI said:

Maura has always looked older than her age to me. To be fair, though, giving birth to five kids will wreak havoc on any woman's body and face. 

i would kill to look as bad as Maura! Lol!

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9 minutes ago, Sake614 said:

i would kill to look as bad as Maura! Lol!

I think that Maura is one of those people with an "old" or mature face. Fiona is someone like that as well.  I have a friend in her late twenties that appears older than her years, eventhough she doesn't have any children yet. I told her when she hits a certain age, that she will always look like that age, even when she is 60.

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3 hours ago, Sake614 said:

i would kill to look as bad as Maura! Lol!

Same! We're the same age, and she looks better after having five kids than I do after having none. Her legs are the bomb.

Edited by tvgoddess
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5 hours ago, UYI said:

Maura has always looked older than her age to me. To be fair, though, giving birth to five kids will wreak havoc on any woman's body and face. 

Havoc? She looks better than she did 16-20 years ago. Especially back when they had her in that cueball Michiganwomyn's Festival haircut for years and years.

Also, I'm just gonna say it: "Teddy Santiago" sounds like a gay porn star name. "Deep Hurting with Teddy Santiago!"*

(* - there was a race-tinged version of this I opted out on, that's my good deed for the summer)

Edited by jsbt
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I've been behind on GH for over a week. 8 episodes later I'm perplexed by so many things. This may be long. There are so many questions I have. Jason and Sam who I do like: why are you all wearing leather jackets in mid June? I know they are looking for Nikolas but that's all I can focus on. Also when does Nikolas plan on going back to get Spencer?  Or he's going to leave him with Laura until he "miraculously " appears? He lets his 10 year old know he's going to be gone but expects him (especially HIS kid) to be normal about it? Good plan with letting your mother and sister think you are dead. 

Julian/Alexis: why? I can say I enjoyed Carlos's brief appearance. 

Maxie: watching her scenes with Nina and Nathan are making me dread Molly Burnett's upcoming replacement scenes. I don't know if I'll be watching those. Claudette's coming soon isn't she? 

Kiki/Morgan/Dillon: so Kiki is taking him back because of their history. Your friend from the hospital Morgan did you tell him that Keeks was lusting after your brother while dating and marrying you? Or the times you cheated on with her with her mother/"aunt"/terribly named Darby? Or that great time you all schemed to drug said brother for him to lose custody of your shared sister? Such wonderful  times you can't name them all. Dillon you might want to run even though I enjoy most of his and Kiki's scenes. 

Speaking of Lauren, this is the woman that Carly champions for her son but Sabrina is just awful? Sabrina lied but geez dial it down a notch.  The girl who bounced between your sons, helped drug your favorite one and nearly destroyed their relationship is A-OK. Old Carly would be snarling at her at every turn and definitely would not have given her a job. Carly acknowledging the similarities with Sabrina's situation was something but just immediately bypassed that brief moment of self awareness to turn right back to her usual self. I've figured out her and Sonny need Michael to be single because he's their new Jason. Can't come running to help you all if he's taking care of a baby and Sabrina. 

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8 hours ago, Bwill3133 said:

Jason and Sam who I do like: why are you all wearing leather jackets in mid June? I know they are looking for Nikolas but that's all I can focus on.

Someone asked this on Twitter, and I was curious (and bored) enough to Google current weather in London. Low's were in the mid-50's with rain every day. So I can accept their jackets in London, but probably not in PC. At this point though, it's almost like a work outfit to me.

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10 hours ago, jsbt said:

Havoc? She looks better than she did 16-20 years ago. Especially back when they had her in that cueball Michiganwomyn's Festival haircut for years and years.



I just meant in general, not that she looks bad. I do think she's always had a more mature look, though. I was surprised to find out a few years ago that she was just past 40, rather than in her late 40s. But that's just me. 

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