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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Poor Ron has to block the entire world on Twitter as everyone chimes in as to #WhyRatingsAreLow.

It's a beautiful thing.



The first tweet I saw when I clicked on that link had a meme giving Ron shit for killing off AJ Quartermaine. And I was like sometimes I love you, Internet. Blah, blah Duke was there, but.... SK looked mighty fine and diabolical in that pic. Squee!

  • Love 3

What a bunch of bull.  AJ would NOT have wanted Michael to forgive Moobs, or move on, unless that moving on was Michael driving over his coppertoned corpse and then backing up.  And repeat.


Michael's arguments were right, Sabrina's sounded like she'd smoked some bad weed.  Like the writing staff.


Oh - and the only person more disgusting and less entertaining than Donna Mills was Roger Howarth.  I'll never be able to eat ham again, after watching those two today.


Dante and Valerie?  NAH NAH NAH, I see nothing.

  • Love 10

Yeah I still love me some RoHo, but damn he needs to find another job, stat! I just can't with Franco. And him chewing gum like a cow while mimicking Denise's accent was OTT even for him.

It took me a minute to realize that it was her gum he was chewing -- he ended up with it after they kissed. (He took it out of his mouth with a spoon and set it on the table when they were talking alone). My gag reflex was getting a workout. Gross.

  • Love 7

It's a hard day on GH when Dante acting OOC presents the LEAST disturbing kiss or encounter on GH.

Hold the phone- Dante and Valerie's kissed??? Obama was on my last 15 minutes and I haven't hunted it down on YouTube because, why bother?

I don't like cheating drama between Dante and Lulu, but I can't get too worked up about it. One, there is so much more about this show that makes me apoplectic, I have to pick my battles. Two, they have had a really long fidelity run by soap standards for any couple under the age of 70. Three, I'm doubting either will actuall finish the deed, so to speak, and they'll find their way back to each other. Surely Valerie isn't long for this show.

Forgive me for repeating myself, but SABRINA, YOU SHUT YOUR DAMN PIEHOLE!!! I really regret letting all of you sunny optimists lure me in to thinking maybe she was just helping Michael see the bigger picture. She really thinks he should just give AJ back and let bygones be bygones!!! What the ever loving hell. I'm fine with Michael letting go of some of the hate and anger for his own sake, and I'm even fine with Michael having cordial interactions with Sonny and Carly and occasionally letting them see AJ. But just forget about it all and give AJ to them, knowing what happens to Sonny's kids??? Michael suffered the worst of it, and by now Sabrina knows most of it. Is she crazy again? It makes less sense than almost anything I have ever seen on TV. And I watch The Dome.

ETA: just realized my accidental pun, "sunny optimists" and "Sonny optimists"! I crack myself up. Of course, I'm well into a box of wine, so maybe it's not really funny? Don't care. I'll laugh.

Edited by Turtle
  • Love 10


Hold the phone- Dante and Valerie's kissed??? Obama was on my last 15 minutes and I haven't hunted it down on YouTube because, why bother?

I don't like cheating drama between Dante and Lulu, but I can't get too worked up about it. One, there is so much more about this show that makes me apoplectic, I have to pick my battles. Two, they have had a really long fidelity run by soap standards for any couple under the age of 70. 


At least he's not kissing Nina. Although the image of Dante and Nina kissing is amusing.

  • Love 2

It took me a minute to realize that it was her gum he was chewing -- he ended up with it after they kissed. (He took it out of his mouth with a spoon and set it on the table when they were talking alone). My gag reflex was getting a workout. Gross.

It reminded me of the Buffy episode where all the adults turn back into teenagers. My reaction to Franco/Ava was exactly Buffy's to Giles/Joyce. These actors are pushing 50; and they look and sound )*UD()FJ*&$# ridiculous. Was this "storyline" originally for the under-12 set, because that's how it comes off.

  • Love 7

The last 20 minutes or so of today's episode was pre-empted. The last thing shown was Nina letting herself into her suite at the hotel, unaware that Ric and Madeleine were in the bedroom. Can anyone in a different time zone (I'm EDT) tell us what happened in that last 20 minutes? I went to Youtube for today's episode but that was cut off too. Thanks.

I missed the last 20 minutes or more because of understandable preemptions. I'll find them, tomorrow, that said...


Forgive me for repeating myself, but SABRINA, YOU SHUT YOUR DAMN PIEHOLE!!! I really regret letting all of you sunny optimists lure me in to thinking maybe she was just helping Michael see the bigger picture. She really thinks he should just give AJ back and let bygones be bygones!!! What the ever loving hell. I'm fine with Michael letting go of some of the hate and anger for his own sake, and I'm even fine with Michael having cordial interactions with Sonny and Carly and occasionally letting them see AJ. But just forget about it all and give AJ to them, knowing what happens to Sonny's kids??? Michael suffered the worst of it, and by now Sabrina knows most of it. Is she crazy again? It makes less sense than almost anything I have ever seen on TV. And I watch The Dome.

ETA: just realized my accidental pun, "sunny optimists" and "Sonny optimists"! I crack myself up. Of course, I'm well into a box of wine, so maybe it's not really funny? Don't care. I'll laugh.


Your "sunny optimism" pun tragedy, aside, I'm damned disappointed that Ron refuses to go the distance with Michael's custody of Baby AJ. It was one of the few balms for my soul. Damn it.

Well, today should put to rest any notions that TeCa is some sort of special pet that Ron would NEVER, EVER, EVER throw under a bus for the sake of a plot point...

Right? Sheesh. This had been my TeCa redemption song, and Ron just screwed it up and jammed it down my throat. So disappointed.


  • Love 5
Nina/Franco, Rik/Magda, Liez/Jake, Lulu/Dillon



Except for Liz, all of these actors are relatively new to Port Charles (include Silas, Kiki, and Ava) - and it shows.  They don't seem to mesh in well with the fabric of what the show was for decades. Sprinkle them into an episode featuring "The Corinthos Family Hour" and I just scratch my head and wonder what the heck is going on behind the cameras because RC/FV definition of 'entertainment' isn't translating onto my screen. 

  • Love 4

Hold the phone- Dante and Valerie's kissed??? Obama was on my last 15 minutes and I haven't hunted it down on YouTube because, why bother?



Just in case you change your mind - or if anyone else missed the closing scenes and is interested, I came across this short clip that shows the last couple of scenes and Monday's preview.  Warning - some may not like this content:



  • Love 1

Okay, I couldn't watch the DVR and had to watch it in slo mo On Demand like many of us.


Lulu is annoying, again. Again. Again.


Dante and Val's actors are super hot people, but the two did not sizzle in their kissing. Maybe Ron should have made them secret brother/sister or something.


Serious question: Don't they screen test make out scenes for proposed couple pairings first? Even with Kiki and Michael the actors were reallife lovers and they never were hot on screen acting it.


Ava's black wig makes her look younger, but also silly. I think the issue with Michelle Stafford's character is that Ron is using her to fill in viewers as an exposition monkey.


I'm okay with Donna MIlls getting some love interst, except she needed make-up on her hands for the closeups. She also sold the stupid soap lines and covered for her partners lack of ability to fully camp out. Hire good professionals and let them act and sell their scenes instead of propping pets, Ron.


STFU, Sobby. Seriously.

Edited by Happyshooter
  • Love 2

I don't think that here is a single rootable couple on this show. Nina/Franco, Rik/Magda, Liez/Jake, Lulu/Dillon, Come on show, you can do better.

Routable couple, there is not a single routable character. One week of maybe I can watch, to bye by. Barge here I come. Even Genie Francis and the thought of Luke's leaving can't keep me watching. Michael we were actually rooting for you., were !
  • Love 3

The Valerie/Dante/Lulu/Dillon should be a sizzling hot quad driving summer story.  All four actors are very attractive, and I think all four are good actors (Dom is the best obviously (I see you @ulkis)).  I even think Brytni & Dom and Emme & Rob, and hell even Brytni & Rob in that brief Val/Dillon scene early in the week, have chemistry.  


Given all that I'm the most amenable person on this board to this quad, yet I think it sucks, a thousand times sucks.  I blame Ron.  And Sonny.


ETA: at a high-level review, all of Ron's plots are good and interesting.  But they are all executed so poorly that it's almost as if someone at the network is giving Ron the general plots and he is purposely executing them as shitty as possible.  


For example, I see Vicki Dummer telling Ron & Uncle Frank that for the summer she wanted one last classic L&L adventure, a quad, and Q's vs. Cassadines.  And then Ron & Uncle Frank decided that meant "have someone try to rape Luke, turn four characters into complete morons and have the establish couple cheat without laying foundation, and randomly turn Nik & Liz tuh!evul and have the Q's act dumber than Morgan.

Edited by Tiger
  • Love 8

Thank you Obama for interrupting a dull episode. I'm sure RC is raging on twitter.

My first thought was "at least now the episode is worth watching".

If RC were smart he'd find a way to rework it so the Obama speech was part of the second half and actually made sense.

Or did I just curse us all?

Edited by Originalroux

My first thought was "at least now the episode is worth watching".

If RC were smart he'd find a way to rework it so the Obama speech was part of the second half and actually made sense.

Or did I just curse us all?


Woah woah woah . . . Wait . . . Are you telling me Obama DIDN'T interrupt GH to let us know that in a historic 9-0 decision co-authored by Justices Clarence Thomas & Elena Kagan, the Supreme Court declared that "Sonny is a good man"?!?


Mind. Blown.

Edited by Tiger
  • Love 9

Serious question: Don't they screen test make out scenes for proposed couple pairings first? Even with Kiki and Michael the actors were reallife lovers and they never were hot on screen acting it.


I think they do, but I think watching a couple on tv is different than being in the room with them, probably. What's there in a room may not translate well to the screen.




All four actors are very attractive, and I think all four are good actors (Dom is the best obviously (I see you @ulkis)).


:waves back:


at the very least, Dante looks good in profile when he's stalking his wife:




I did crack up though when his wee little self popped out from behind the bush at the Quartermaines'. It was like he was one of the fairies in a legend looking for the milk someone left out for him.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 9

It reminded me of the Buffy episode where all the adults turn back into teenagers. My reaction to Franco/Ava was exactly Buffy's to Giles/Joyce. These actors are pushing 50; and they look and sound )*UD()FJ*&$# ridiculous. Was this "storyline" originally for the under-12 set, because that's how it comes off.


And now I'm surprised we haven't had some combination of Emma/Spencer/Joss/Cameron swapping gum.   (Although I'm one hundred percent certain the boy in that scenario would be Spencer, because, of course.) 

  • Love 3

I haven't watched it, just read the convos here.  But Michael cannot actually give AJ back to Sonny, right?  Because Sonny is declared unfit or a danger or whatever happened in court.  So then the court would just take AJ into state custody I would think. 


You would think, but Michael will give AJ to Sonny solely so Ava in disguise can loiter around Sonny's penthouse -- maybe Ava as Denise will try to screw or at least flirt with Sonny again just to get close to Avery.  You know it's gonna happen.


And Lulu is trusting Dillon her ex-stepbrother over her husband - the cop, ex FBI agent and Lucky's best friend - solely so that Lulu and Dante can be in compromising situations with their non-spouses.  


And almost everything else happening on screen is happening so that Sam, Jason and possibly Patrick remain as stupidly oblivious for as long as is humanly (and even inhumanly) possible.  


And Ric is ... actually, I have no idea what the fuck is going on with Ric and Nina and Nina's mommy.  I can't even identify a lame, obvious plot point for this one.    Usually, it's so transparent and stupid and hackneyed that you at least know what plot Ron is ham-handedly trying to advance.   With this one ... I got nothing.

Edited by SlovakPrincess
  • Love 5

And Ric is ... actually, I have no idea what the fuck is going on with Ric and Nina and Nina's mommy.  I can't even identify a lame, obvious plot point for this one.    Usually, it's so transparent and stupid and hackneyed that you at least know what plot Ron is ham-handedly trying to advance.   With this one ... I got nothing.


So Franco can rescue Nina from mean old Ric.

  • Love 10

I did crack up though when his wee little self popped out from behind the bush at the Quartermaines'. It was like he was one of the fairies in a legend looking for the milk someone left out for him.

Wee self? Fairies? Just another reason Dante should be in on the search for Lucky since Lucky was in Ireland before saving children in Africa. Maybe Lucky wasn't kidnapped, he's just looking for his Lucky Charms and Dante has them! Boom. Dumb story line over.

  • Love 9


But Michael cannot actually give AJ back to Sonny, right?  Because Sonny is declared unfit or a danger or whatever happened in court.

No one seems to care about AJ's abduction: who did it?, is she safe now?, was it related to Sonny's biz?  So, yeah, I guess Michael can give AJ back like she's a borrowed set of hedge clippers. 


AJ hopes that TJ knows how to change a diaper, because if she has to rely on Sonny and Carly...

  • Love 2

I can't with it because it's not Dante. And he's all, "There's something between us!" in the preview. Smh.


I imagine she's gonna pull back and he says it because he's trying to get some hot revenge sex. I mean, I can wank it, but really, as they have presented the character for almost 6 years, he would have just asked her point-blank, or gone there to confront her. And then he could have gone to their hotel room and seen them have some dumb "we're naked because we spilled stuff on ourselves" scene and then gone home for some hot revenge sex.


Still dumb as hell, but not quite as dumb as the scenario now presented.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 3

I imagine she's gonna pull back and he says it because he's trying to get some hot revenge sex. I mean, I can wank it, but really, as they have presented the character for almost 6 years, he would have just asked her point-blank, or gone there to confront her. And then he could have gone to their hotel room and seen them have some dumb "we're naked because we spilled stuff on ourselves" scene and then gone home for some hot revenge sex.


Still dumb as hell, but not quite as dumb as the scenario now presented.



Maybe I'm doing my own fanwanking, but my new theory is that Dante has given Lulu chances to tell him ... and perhaps it means more to him if she tells him of her own free will rather than being confronted to do so. 


Re Monday, I have no freakin' idea how this is going to play out - other than I'm totally convinced that one or both pulls back. 

YES! They should just go for Valerie/Dillon instead imo.


NGL though, I thought the Dante/Valerie kiss was pretty hot. But like it just doesn't make sense so it doesn't work for me.


I thought the looks between them were really  hot. Disconcerting realization.

  • Love 1

And now I'm surprised we haven't had some combination of Emma/Spencer/Joss/Cameron swapping gum.   (Although I'm one hundred percent certain the boy in that scenario would be Spencer, because, of course.) 


shhhh we havent had to watch any of the kiddie quad for a few weeks now ... don't tempt fate!! (altho my feeling is that they knew that long time fans would be tuning in for Luke's swan song and wisely decided not to visit the kiddies because they actually understand how embarrassing the "story" is).

  • Love 1
AJ hopes that TJ knows how to change a diaper, because if she has to rely on Sonny and Carly....


Please. Sonny will hire a nanny (Sabrina?) before Avery dirties her first diaper.


I can't with it because it's not Dante. And he's all, "There's something between us!" in the preview.


I know. I don't see any chem with them—as usual, they haven't been given time to develop it. And frankly, I don't think Brytni Sarpi has shown much sparkle. She hasn't been given much of a chance, but Valerie is still pretty dull, IMO.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 3

What a bunch of bull.  AJ would NOT have wanted Michael to forgive Moobs, or move on, unless that moving on was Michael driving over his coppertoned corpse and then backing up.  And repeat.

I don't think A.J. would've wanted Michael living his life being bitter, angry, or full of hate, either, though, so once again, I kinda got what Sabrina meant.

Edited by Donny Ketchum
  • Love 5

I wish the show would stop making forgiving Sonny and handing back Avery a package deal. Michael can do the former without having to do the latter. Wanting to take Avery away from Sonny might have had a spiteful element, but Michael wasn't wrong that being with Sonny is dangerous. 


I don't want TJ to get hurt, but there would be some justice if he did while living with Sonny. TJ has such a naive view of Sonny and the mob.

  • Love 14

Let's not get ahead of ourselves. I believe as Michael is handing over Avery to Sonny he is going to yell, "PSYCH!". "You are slippin' old man." Laugh maniacally and dance out of the room. The barware will tremble in anticipation for its fate. Until I actually witness Michael handing her over I will just stick my fingers in my ears. La la la, I can't hear you.

maybe Ava as Denise will try to screw or at least flirt with Sonny again just to get close to Avery.  You know it's gonna happen.

And then some.

Sonny: Not here, Carly could walk in.

Ava: Then where?

They head over to the Quartermaine Crypt where Ava gets preggers again.

  • Love 3

Okay, I couldn't watch the DVR and had to watch it in slo mo On Demand like many of us.


Lulu is annoying, again. Again. Again.


Dante and Val's actors are super hot people, but the two did not sizzle in their kissing. Maybe Ron should have made them secret brother/sister or something.


Serious question: Don't they screen test make out scenes for proposed couple pairings first? Even with Kiki and Michael the actors were reallife lovers and they never were hot on screen acting it.


Ava's black wig makes her look younger, but also silly. I think the issue with Michelle Stafford's character is that Ron is using her to fill in viewers as an exposition monkey.


I'm okay with Donna MIlls getting some love interst, except she needed make-up on her hands for the closeups. She also sold the stupid soap lines and covered for her partners lack of ability to fully camp out. Hire good professionals and let them act and sell their scenes instead of propping pets, Ron.


STFU, Sobby. Seriously.

All of this.

There was pretty much zero hotness in any of the kissing action in this episode. All of it was painful to watch, all of it. Actually, the entire show was painful to watch and I was right there with you, OnDemand and unable to FF.


And yeah, I know what you mean about DM's hands, unfortunately hands can't get hand-lifts or injections to make them look younger so they really should have taken that into consideration when they were shooting that scene (I'm so going to hell for that lol).

I was watching Ric when they were kissing and I did notice he closed his eyes for any kissage. I'm sorry but she's gotta be grandmother-age to RH and it's just a little too much of an age difference for this viewer, whether it's an older woman/younger man or vice versa. It kinda creeps me out.


The Dante/Valerie stuff was just wrong in every sense of the word. Aside from it being wildly out of character for Dante, IMO, I see no chemistry between those two and the kiss was beyond gross, possibly even worse than the Franco/Denise kiss and that kiss was horrible, even if it was meant to be, it was really bad with the gum-switching. Although it was kinda amusing when MW wiped the lipstick off of RoHo's mouth, I'm assuming that was the actor's choice and not in the script.


I was getting used to Sabrina and Michael and almost liking her, but the whole "give AJ back to Sonny", as if she's a possession, ugh, just STFU Sabrina, sure, Michael just lost ELQ, why not give up AJ too?


I seriously don't know why I watch this show anymore, more out of habit than anything I guess. It's really really bad. I can't believe this is the summer storyline, I can't believe this is the sendoff storyline for L&L. I can't believe Ron still has a job. I can't believe I waste my time on this garbage.


There is so much junk on this show I can't even remember the last time we heard anything about Lucas, Brad, Julian, Alexis, and a multitude of other missing characters.


This show flat-out sucks.

  • Love 6
And yeah, I know what you mean about DM's hands, unfortunately hands can't get hand-lifts or injections to make them look younger so they really should have taken that into consideration when they were shooting that scene (I'm so going to hell for that lol).

I was watching Ric when they were kissing and I did notice he closed his eyes for any kissage. I'm sorry but she's gotta be grandmother-age to RH and it's just a little too much of an age difference for this viewer, whether it's an older woman/younger man or vice versa. It kinda creeps me out.



not quite . . . she's 25 years older than him. I don't get this angle of the story at all though. What is the point of having Ric and Madeline make out?

  • Love 3
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