GaT October 1, 2015 Share October 1, 2015 For Shirin to attack Terry on Twitter -- when Terry is the one who stood up for Abi, even as Shirin was ganging up on her -- reveals volumes about Shirin's real character. I think Shirin's first season pretty much revealed everything we need to know about her real character. None of it good. 7 Link to comment
BK1978 October 1, 2015 Share October 1, 2015 (edited) Did they edit out the touching part of Andrews story? He met her, she finished her trip, she came back, they got married. Am I heartless? Am I lacking in morals, values and dignity? I didn't get it. This comment made me laugh. But yeah I did not get the point of Savage's story. I feel so sorry for you Andrew you married a beautiful woman. Regarding Ciera, she looked terrible most of the episode. I believe when they decided to sit somebody out, she said she had to, she was sick. Even being handed the idol after the challenge, she seemed out of it. Yes I heard her say she was sick as well and like you said she did look a little loopy when she was handed the Idol. Given that Varner, who is providing awesome confessionals, both pings my gaydar and told her in the previous sentence that he thinks she is fabulous, I was less grossed out by this than some. Not that it matters much but is Varner gay? I always thought he was but I have read that he has denied being gay. Last time Spencer played, he just ended up on the wrong side of the numbers but he was fairly attentive of what was going on and he was actually good at staying quiet I thought. So it's interesting that this time he over-talked himself into trouble so quickly. I also think he is a victim of his own arrogance and I say this as someone who really likes Spencer. But him not trying to secure some side deal with Woo who he played with before was stupid, especially because Woo proved last time how whatever you may think of his game-play, he is loyal to a fault. But my guess is Spencer still thinks Woo is an idiot and just didn't bother, which kudos to Woo for pretty much being "screw you for trying to get my vote now, after you never said anything to me." I was thinking the same thing, why would Spencer not have anything to do with Woo. It makes no sense, especially when they played the game together the last time around. It shocked me when Woo said that he did not want to work with them because they did not bother with him. If I was Spencer the very first thing I would have done was align with Woo. I mean Keith and Jeremy were in two opposing alliances in their season and they quickly decided to help each other out, it just makes sense. Granted if Tasha did not want to work with Kass then I fully understand that because she was burned royally by Kass the last time. Edited October 1, 2015 by BK1978 6 Link to comment
Zuleikha October 1, 2015 Share October 1, 2015 ETA speaking of the abusive rant Shirin was recipient of didn't he even at one point tell he that he didn't even think she had a soul? Yes. And not just in the heat of the moment. He said it again at Tribal Council. IMHO, there's no comparison between what Will did to Shirin and what happened with PG, Shirin, and Abi. That said, Shirin absolutely should have been more diplomatic with Abi. It would have just been smart. Unfortunately, Shirin isn't people smart. I think that's why she connected so easily with Max and Spencer, who both seem to share the same weakness. All three are good at seeing Survivor in terms of strategy, but they have no idea how to actually handle people. Per Kelley Wentworth, other people did talk to Abi, so Shirin may also have thought that the situation was being handled and that she, personally, didn't need to do anything. (and also been completely unclear on how Abi being mad at PG would result in Shirin/Spencer being at risk!). 10 Link to comment
Bryce Lynch October 1, 2015 Share October 1, 2015 I was happy to see the Soulless One make an early exit. She was one of the most annoying contestants ever. I am sure Will was smiling. 5 Link to comment
kikaha October 1, 2015 Share October 1, 2015 Yes. And not just in the heat of the moment. He said it again at Tribal Council. IMHO, there's no comparison between what Will did to Shirin and what happened with PG, Shirin, and Abi. Abi's biggest problem was not the encounter between PG, Shirin and her. It was the members of her alliance laughing about and mocking her that night. It seemed to go on and on, PG mocking Abi, the others hooting and howling about, leaving her on the beach, alone, feeling ostracized, weeping. In Worlds Apart, Shirin only had to deal with one person. Wil. Abi had much of her tribe against her. Even worse, these people supposedly had her back. So from that respect alone, Abi's situation was much worse. It was much worse in another way as well. Shirin had no trouble standing up for herself against Wil. Abi was incapable of standing up for herself, though, as five (?) or so people ganged up on her. Abi was a lot more impacted emotionally than Shirin was: the mockery hurt her a lot more, and was less able to deal with it. So while I agree with your statement, I see it 180 degrees the opposite. Shirin's hypocrisy is staggering. She played the victim card last season, to gain sympathy and a spot on Second Chance... while she herself was only too happy to victimize someone who was also outcast. 5 Link to comment
yamashinaryu October 1, 2015 Share October 1, 2015 That was Woo's comeback to Spencer's speech (finale of Cagayan). It's crazy though, from PG / Abi catfight to Shirin / Spencer's fate. That is why I love Survivor. Link to comment
cooksdelight October 1, 2015 Share October 1, 2015 In the first few episodes of her first season the Shirin we saw was obnoxious, clueless and incompetent (no puzzles for you!). She did get a golden edit that never quite jibbed with the strong feelings so many had against her. As much as they tried to hide it last time, she seems truly insufferable. She is arrogant (I told you I'd align with you, what more do you want?!) and seems to have no empathy or self awareness. Her hubris was off the charts, really, a super fan who is surprised the game can change on a dime!?? I can almost hear everyone from last season collectively saying ... SEE. I was happy to see the Soulless One make an early exit. She was one of the most annoying contestants ever. I am sure Will was smiling. I think Will was probably singing and dancing at a gas station in Burbank when Shirin was voted out. I'm still befuddled at how Shirin was voted back in for a second time, after bragging at her last TC about having made more than a million dollars already. I don't begrudge her success in her career, but you don't flaunt that if you are trying to win a million dollars on a game show. 5 Link to comment
mojoween October 1, 2015 Share October 1, 2015 Heh - Stephen tweeted some behind the scenes scoop that there is someone named Monica on Bayon. He also seems to be fine with Andrew, and re-tweeted from Andrew @survivorsavage: @stephenfishbach I agree with Fish. Stephen is great, we both love Survivor and gave it everything we had in Cambodia. Of course, it's Andrew, and he sucks, but that was nice of Stephen to acknowledge. 1 Link to comment
KimberStormer October 1, 2015 Share October 1, 2015 There haven't been many times that I've seen Probst happier than pointing out the ironies in Shirin's, Abi's, and Spencer's returns to Survivor during that TC. I thought he was going to start skipping over to the urn to go tally the votes. With all that happened tonight, I'm most thankful that Jeff no longer has a talk show! Think of all the topics he would have for tomorrow just from this episode! Words never expected to be said in a Survivor forum: Terry's (positive) social game creates a major shift in alliances. WTF. I'm still in awe over Savage managing to have people sobbing over marrying a supermodel. Who are these people? Did they put them through some kind of sensitivity therapy or hypnosis before they came? Not ONE side-eye?? It's actually making me miss Boston Rob and his jealous, cynical ways. OMG you guys are killing me today! Have I told you lately that I love you, Previously? (I had more choice excerpts saved, but I misclicked and lost them....basically everyone is hilarious tonight, though. I am absolutely bum-puzzled that I am enjoying this season so much (so far, anyway.) I have feelings from dislike to hate for most of the cast. And yet here I am, just loving it. This was an amazing episode. I love a dynamic game, even if I think it's crazy town. Varner is playing so hard it's bananas, but unlike bananas, it is delicious. Like Stephenie, I am a tribe of one: I am loving Abi (as I loved her in Philippines) as a bizarre agent of interpersonal chaos. As others have noted, nothing she does, thinks, or feels makes any sense at all; but that's all to the good. I am also probably the only person who likes Pete in the world, and I figured out part of the reason why, tonight: he was stuck with Abi. And he didn't just deal with her, he liked her! He could handle her, more or less, and they made a great wacky Survivor pair to me. There must be some mysterious deeply buried subconscious psychological reason I enjoy her so much, but I don't know what it could be. At first when the NEW SCHOOL BEACH PLAYER alliance edifice was being shaken at the top of the episode, I was worried for my girl Kelley; but she was immediately listed as reliable by Varner and I breathed easy again. Their conversation was interesting. I like them both a lot; I wonder how they feel about each other. Like it seems they are pretty solid together, but not a duo like Spencer and Shirin were a duo. I have to say I loved Woo just shutting Shirin down. I don't dislike Shirin. I don't really care about her one way or the other. But Woo laid some well-deserved smackdown on desperation pleading with someone you didn't deign to speak with. The fact that she was all "I'm voting with you, what more can you ask for?" is really astounding to me. Maybe, like, if you were playing a Survivor NES game with primitive 1980s AI, Shirin, that would be all you could ask for. Just truly clueless. Spencer, to me, came across just as cluelessly, obviously insincere and desperate in his tribal could anyone be swayed by this speech? "I don't just care about the game, I'm going to start caring about you as people from now on! That's what I need to do to stay in the game, right? Tomorrow I will start making a list of everyone's interests and hobbies, and I promise to spend 30 minutes or more a day speaking to you about them!" The Andrew Savage thing was one of the weirdest bits I've ever seen on Survivor. It seems we all pretty much had the same reaction...but the editing gave us no clue that we weren't supposed to take that scene absolutely at face value: Savage's story is so touching and remarkable, Jeremy's reaction is noble and humbling, Stephen is venal and unfeeling. Could they possibly have meant this? Or were they just playing it very, very straight? The only time I remember the editing being so massively tone-deaf was the Terry Gets Laid sequence in Panama...which is strangely similar to this scene, centering on a self-important older "alpha" dude and his virile heterosexuality and monogamous normativity. So I just don't know! So looking forward to next week. I love swaps and I love 3 tribes even more. 10 Link to comment
cooksdelight October 1, 2015 Share October 1, 2015 Thank you, for not being the only one who sees Spencer for the suckup that he is. I'd be personally embarrassed if I had given that "please, PLEASE like me!!" speech. 7 Link to comment
lilabennet October 1, 2015 Share October 1, 2015 Thank you, for not being the only one who sees Spencer for the suckup that he is. I'd be personally embarrassed if I had given that "please, PLEASE like me!!" speech. It is easy to laugh at it, but we have no proof yet that it didn't work. This is the main reason I could never play Survivor: I have too much pride to grovel. Spencer probably won't make it to the final two or three, but at least he is willing to do whatever it takes in the attempt. 6 Link to comment
NutMeg October 1, 2015 Share October 1, 2015 I love how this season so far is a great illustration of the Wheel that turns: those who are at the top in the morning will be at the bottom at nightfall, or in other words don't rest on your laurels, people! There was a fantastic post I read a few days ago in the Survivor thread, not sure which forum: the poster [and I'm going to paraphrase badly, so please awesome poster don't hate me] writes that some people calculate that they'll move their chess piece there, then the opponent will do that, then they will do that... and they are so much in their thought that they don't see that the opponent has moved in a completely different way. That player is Shirin, and it is Spencer, for you. I'm watching this season without any horse in the race, i.e. absolutely no favourite. I'm waiting for people to surprise me with good gameplay. There are people I like more than others, but that doesn't mean I'll be rooting for them. There are people I like less than others, and in one case one person I'd like off my screeen because I was already tired of her by week one, but basically I'm waiting to be entertained and surprised. I found it funny when someone (Jeff, I think) was saying that Abi Maria was a soap opera, and then we moved to the other tribe, and Savage's story was getting everyone in tears (no, I didn't get the tears either): THAT was much more soap opera-ey to me!! Well done, editors. Not a spoiler but question involving preview for next week: Is this the first time the numbers of tribes is going to increase rather that decrease? Talking about people who can surprise, Woo did. He could have played wishy-washy, but he did not. Good for him, after all the trash Spencer talked about him, and the latter not even having made the effort to talk to him at all since the game started? Must have felt good for him (Woo) :-) to speak his mind. [Completely random: Was I the only one who heard Jeff's "Who-is-voted-out-this-week?" as "Woo is voted out this week!" ? Reminded me of Boo bowing to the audience at reunion when someone else was boo-ed] And doesn't the tribe that hasn't been to Tribal yet look like they are in a resort: hamocks, food presented to them on a tray, staff (Joe, Ciera?) making their life as easy as possible, entertainment in the form of Savage's tearjackers, etc... 2 Link to comment
Gweilo October 1, 2015 Share October 1, 2015 Oh, Spencer, honey. You're right, making an alliance with Abi WILL blow up your game. 2 Link to comment
plurie October 1, 2015 Share October 1, 2015 Yes, Abi Maria is an awful person. But everyone already knows this. She's emotional and extremely sensitive to any real or imagined slight. So if you invite her into your alliance, you have to constantly reassure her and stroke her massive ego. If not, she'll turn on you. Shirin should have known this. I'm not sure why Pei Gei is getting a pass from Abi; perhaps it's because she never pretended to be her "friend," only an alliance mate. Abi would never expect Pei Gei to "comfort" her, but she expected her "friend" Shirin (who invited her into the alliance) to do so. And Terry, who is just about the last person we'd expect to show any emotional intelligence, jumped on this "betrayal" and "comforted" her out of the alliance. 3 Link to comment
ProfCrash October 1, 2015 Share October 1, 2015 Like Terry really cares about you, Abi. No strategy at all in "comforting" you. Stupid, stupid person. And, Peih-Gee was right about you. You were looking to pick a fight with her and were mad at the people who didn't write your name down and joined with the ones who did. Makes a lot of sense. Stupid, stupid person who will now hang around to be dragged along as a goat and will think she is surviving on her giving joy to others. Laughable. Shirin absolutely got hosed. It was such crap. I can't even tell if Abi was smart enough to realize that Terry was just blatantly blowing smoke. Seems to me that Shirin and Savage are very similar (don't they even work at the same place -- Yahoo?) and I think all the attributes Shirin is disliked for Savage has in spades, but he gets away with it because he has a penis and looks like a Ken doll. He's more of an arrogant dickhead than she by far and yet while Shirin was getting blamed for not kissing Sociopath Abbi's ass every second of the day, everyone on Savage's tribe was tearing up at his special story of marrying a South African supermodel. What a load. I bet they're all going to vote for Donald Trump, too. This episode showed me that we're officially residing in Crazy Town (or Crazy Island). I want to say that I can't believe I have to suffer through another season of Abi's insane bullshit, but I knew this was going to happen. I have no problem with Shirin being voted out. She came out playing hard, again, hung out a ton with one person (spencer), again, and was not good about reading people when she had a bit of power, again. Lets face it, she did all of this in her first season when she was on the Brains tribe. She hung out with Max, talked strategy, played hard, and was a very vocal pain in the ass to Joaquin. Pretty much rinse and repeat this season. She didn't learn anything from that experience and didn't change her game play. In a season full of repeat players, many of whom made it far in the game, that aint gonna fly. Abi remains easy to manipulate. She is irrational. Hell, Kass at least was upfront that she was intentionally stirring crap up and making moves that would piss people off. Abi is just an irrational player who lets her emotions guide her. She lacks the ability to reflect and see how her behavior causes problems. She fails to see that her telling everyone about the bracelet was problematic. She lacks the ability to see that she really let that go. What the hell was up with interupting the chimney conversation with whatever random crap? Shirin flat out said she spent a day listen to Abi bitch and moan. Based on what I saw out there, I have no doubt that Shirin spent a dau listening to ABi bitch and moan. So PG tells Abi off and Abi goes off to cry. While Shirin or Kelly or Spenser should have gone over and said something, I can see why they wouldn't. They apparently spent a large portion of their day doing exactly that. Terry does, and it was the right thing to do, and all the sudden Abi is all "You betrayed me?" No, she listened to your crazy, irrational ass all day and was tired of it. I am telling you, my three year old throws fewer tantrums and understands that he is not the center of the universe better then Abi does. Seriously, give me a cast full of Shirin's every day of the week and no Abi's. She is an emotional volitile person who is easily manipulated and, hoenstly, makes women look bad. She is putty in anyones hands who strokes her the right way at the right moment. It is hard to watch and makes me very, very sad. And I am sorry, but I love Varner. He is doing exactly what I would hope an old school player or two would do. He has watched the game, he has seen it evolved and he has adapted. Is he smug? Yes, in his talking heads. Is he manipulative? Yes. Is he a dick about it on the beach? Not that I can see. My attitude towards him might change but for right now I can see that he has studied the game and is working his ass off. And then you look at Joe, doing everything that Joe can do. My god did they load up on crap from the boat. Materils to make how many hammocks? Crazy. He somehow thinks that all of this is making him less of a target? Because there are not other people on the tribe who can do these things? ummmmm I don't have a problem with people getting chocked up discussing their loved ones. Savage comes off a bit corny but he loves his wife and he misses her. Yes i kept expecting to hear that she was dead or something but clearly he has some story telling skills because on day four or so he had his whole tribe crying. Well, nto Stephen. Stephen managed to be an idiot and ask about Jeremey hunting for the idol. Like it or not, Savage was right, Jeremy stepped away because Savage's story made him think of Val and made him sad. Savage seems to have a good read on people and knew what was up. He was pretty masterful in tossing Stephen under the bus when he went to check on Jeremy. That was actually pretty brialliant. 9 Link to comment
Haleth October 1, 2015 Share October 1, 2015 People "in charge of the game" should never, ever be complacent. You have to keep working on relationships, keep wrangling your alliance, especially if it includes a high maintenance whacko like Abi. Never forget that they didn't sign up to hand you the prize. (Boston Rob wants to smack Spencer.) I hope this was a wake up call to him so he can adjust his game. I'm sorry Shirin got voted out instead of Abi, but she was never going to win anyway. I'd love for a shake up to put Kass and Abi on the same tribe. Did Amazing Joe cut up their fishing nets to make hammocks? I'm getting a little tired of the Varner show. I really hope next week we can focus on someone other than Varner and Abi. 8 Link to comment
ghoulina October 1, 2015 Share October 1, 2015 I am just really loving this season. On the one hand, I actually like so many of the players, it's kind of difficult to see people sent home. I really only strongly dislike two - that's Kass and Abi. But, on the other hand, everyone is playing hard and the moves are already super interesting - so just watching the gameplay is fascinating and exciting. I have to say, Varner is there to PLAY. He is flipping things back and forth and staying above the fray (for now), getting people to respect him and listen to him....and I love watching it! His season was the one that got me hooked on Survivor to begin with, so I hope he goes far. The thing with Abi - I just don't know. I don't think Abi feeling like an outcast is exactly the same as Shirin on her prior season. MMV, obviously, but I really didn't see Shirin as being the antagonist that Abi is. Abi can't go around passive aggressively accusing people of crap, refusing to contribute at camp, and openly trying to annoy people, and expect that there will be no consequences. That being said, I did think it was very nice of Terry to reach out to her on the beach. And it was really fascinating how that just flipped the entire situation at camp. Shirin and Spencer, I like them both, but they really were too caught up in their own little game and made a big mistake not considering all of their tribemates so early in the game. Woo I am neutral about, but I absolutely loved when he flat out refused to work with Shirin and Spencer. "You guys haven't spoke to me this entire time, but now you're doing so because you want something from me. Fuck that". Totally paraphrased, but the essence is there and I applauded. I actually like Shirin and Spencer, but Woo was right. They were too confident in what they thought they had going on. Of the two, I like Spencer more, so I'm glad to see he's still there. Knowing him, he might just be able to pull something out of his ass and stick around quite awhile longer. But it would definitely help if Ta Keo could win a challenge. I don't think they're disproportionately weaker or worse or anything; the challenges seem to be pretty close up until the final moments. But I do think that Bayon seems to be just a tad more cohesive, and also more calm on the whole. Also, I do wonder if sending Vytas home so early wasn't a mistake - as he might have been a big help in pulling that trunk. As for Bayon, it seems they aren't getting as much camera time - maybe because there's not as much drama. I do think Joe is very smart to make himself indispensable to his tribe. His hammocks were genius! I'm curious to see how long Kass can go without pissing people off. Has she really changed? Is she going to try and cause chaos just for the sake of it? Time will tell. 4 Link to comment
NurseGiGi October 1, 2015 Share October 1, 2015 Everyone playing Survivor this season probably breathed a sigh of relief when they found out Abi would be there. She's the perfect goat and I'm sorry to say I think she will last a long time for this reason only. She is a horrible player and will never win but she will definitely be there until after the merge because, well, goat. I would think it would be exhausting to be around her all the time on that island. Hey, Shirin. Remember that smug look on your face when you orchestrated Vytas's ouster? Well, you also orchestrated your own early termination this week, too! Of course, this week wiped the smug right off your face. 5 Link to comment
ProfCrash October 1, 2015 Share October 1, 2015 For those who are interested, there are a ton of Bayon clips on the Survivor Youtube challenge. There is a topic to discuss them. No commercials on the Youtube channel. So if you are looking for extra material and want to know what is happening on Bayon, head on over there. 1 Link to comment
cooksdelight October 1, 2015 Share October 1, 2015 Did Amazing Joe cut up their fishing nets to make hammocks? If he did, he's an idiot, considering lying in a hammock won't feed you. 4 Link to comment
NutMeg October 1, 2015 Share October 1, 2015 If he did, he's an idiot, considering lying in a hammock won't feed you. Seems he feeds them all right :-) Fish plus mangoes = close to my ideal diet! 2 Link to comment
cooksdelight October 1, 2015 Share October 1, 2015 In one camp, I saw a HUGE bunch of what looked like bananas. Did they just drop out of a tree or did production set them both up in areas full of fruit? 1 Link to comment
ProfCrash October 1, 2015 Share October 1, 2015 There is a bonus clip where Kimmi talks about how easy this seaosn is because of all the craps that they got off the boat. Heck, there is a bonus clip where Joe talks about the reward being even more bamboo, wood, another hatchet... It sounds like they all had an oppertunity to get everything that they won in the reward. I am not certain if this is because it is Second Chances so why not toss them more food and comfort and let them have the energy for more scheming and strategy or if it is because the Season 32 cast (which shot before this one) was so devestated by the conditions that Production decided to go over the top because they don't want to have a repeat of what we have not seen yet but they know was insanely tough. 5 Link to comment
Gweilo October 1, 2015 Share October 1, 2015 While watching the challenge, I kept screaming at them "assemble the puzzle on the ground first, and THEN slot it in to the frame!!" A lot easier than pulling the planks in & out all the time. I hope that there's a production rule against that, otherwise they're all ridiculously stupid. 17 Link to comment
ghoulina October 1, 2015 Share October 1, 2015 I don't have a problem with people getting chocked up discussing their loved ones. Savage comes off a bit corny but he loves his wife and he misses her. Yes i kept expecting to hear that she was dead or something but clearly he has some story telling skills because on day four or so he had his whole tribe crying. Well, nto Stephen. Stephen managed to be an idiot and ask about Jeremey hunting for the idol. Like it or not, Savage was right, Jeremy stepped away because Savage's story made him think of Val and made him sad. Savage seems to have a good read on people and knew what was up. He was pretty masterful in tossing Stephen under the bus when he went to check on Jeremy. That was actually pretty brialliant. I agree with all of this. I thought Andrew's story was kind of a cheesy brag about him being a big deal trial attorney who bagged a hot model. But I did feel he was genuine when expressing that she was "his world" and how much he missed her. I can see that effecting the others. Steven definitely jumped the gun with his questioning of Jeremy, and likely painted a big, old target on his back. Hey, Shirin. Remember that smug look on your face when you orchestrated Vytas's ouster? Well, you also orchestrated your own early termination this week, too! Of course, this week wiped the smug right off your face. And, ironically, her ousting of Vytas might have been a reason behind HER outster. It showed people, particularly Varner, that she was raring to go from day one, ready to make big moves and take out powerful players. 2 Link to comment
neece26 October 1, 2015 Share October 1, 2015 Savage made that sound like the most epic love story ever told, and weirdly tragic even though apparently nothing is wrong with his wife. The worst part is, you just know Probst and the producers loved that clip and thought it really humanized Andrew when, if anything, it make him look like an even bigger douche. Another stone cold heart here because that story and everyone's reaction to it was a big WTF moment for me. I kept thinking some big plot twist was coming but nothing. Really surprised at how much these people get homesick at the mere mention of anyone's family. They've been gone less than six days. Abi is nuts. 5 Link to comment
Primetimer October 1, 2015 Share October 1, 2015 Flashbacks to previous seasons abound as one of the tribes loses a challenge and votes out another member; you know, just like they've done in all the previous seasons. Read the story Link to comment
woodscommaelle October 1, 2015 Share October 1, 2015 I will enjoy this season much much more once Abi is gone. So many other people to focus on. She is utterly uninteresting to me and her drama bores. So, probably party of one here.... I do not, at all, get the Joe love. I don't find him attractive in the slightest. The hair kills me. His personality does nothing for me. I just don't get it. I don't think he's an ugly guy, but nowhere near cute/hot/whatever. Nothing appealing to me. 5 Link to comment
sadiegirl1999 October 1, 2015 Share October 1, 2015 I guess I'll just take my seat alone on Exile Island, but there is too much Varner the Puppet Master for me. I'm with you. I can't stand the guy. I think he's the most annoying and smug person out there. It was really rich that he said Spencer and Shirin were playing too hard. THIS. How is no one seeing that Varner is acting all befuddled, yet controlling the game? While watching the challenge, I kept screaming at them "assemble the puzzle on the ground first, and THEN slot it in to the frame!!" A lot easier than pulling the planks in & out all the time. I hope that there's a production rule against that, otherwise they're all ridiculously stupid. This wouldn't have worked b/c the puzzle was 2-sided and you wouldn't see the other side with it lying (laying?) on the sand 1 Link to comment
ProfCrash October 1, 2015 Share October 1, 2015 If you got it right on one side you should get it right on the other side. It would be a viable strategy if it was allowed. 2 Link to comment
laurakaye October 1, 2015 Share October 1, 2015 Oh my goodness, I am fangirling hard over this season, but I'm so confused! Do I hate Abi, or do I feel sorry for her? Do I fault Shirin for not stepping in, when Abi's situation so completely mirrored Shirin's, or do I understand that perhaps Shirin didn't want to draw attention to herself by aligning herself with the Brazilian Devil? Did I think Savage's story about his wife was smarmy and manipulative, or a truly beautiful moment? And Varner - do I love him, or...well, I totally love him, that's not a tough one at all. The scene with him and Dietz discussing strategy was awesome. And now I also want to adopt a baby monkey. I can't remember being this geeked for a season since ever. 11 Link to comment
cooksdelight October 1, 2015 Share October 1, 2015 THIS. How is no one seeing that Varner is acting all befuddled, yet controlling the game? That's why I watch this show, and why this season is far outgaming anything previously aired. I am never a big fan of returning players, but they got it right this time. 6 Link to comment
ghoulina October 1, 2015 Share October 1, 2015 So, probably party of one here.... I do not, at all, get the Joe love. I don't find him attractive in the slightest. The hair kills me. His personality does nothing for me. I just don't get it. I don't think he's an ugly guy, but nowhere near cute/hot/whatever. Nothing appealing to me. Joe is not my type physically - at all. But he's in good shape and I can see how others find him attractive. His personality isn't very dynamic, but I think he's a fairly decent player. He's great at comps, and it looks like he IS actually making changes from last year. Instead of hanging on the beach with a couple of girls, he's working hard and finding ways to make himself valuable to the tribe, outside of comps. He seems to be pretty adaptive, which is crucial to the "second chance" aspect. 2 Link to comment
Jobiska October 1, 2015 Share October 1, 2015 I think Jeff (and the cameras) needed to see the puzzle from the other side and suspect the speculation that they were therefore required to assemble it in-frame has merit.To me the tears at Andrew's story were basically like the letters-from-home episode came early. Andrew was in a sense writing himself a letter from home, choked up at thinking about his wife, and it set off a chain reaction. I mean, I agree that even the over the top tears at the letters from home/family visit times are kind of goofy to watch, but knowing that those happen without fail, I don't think this was that out of the ordinary for Survivor. Now accusing someone of having no values because he has his mind on the game while others are weeping? That is a little weird, Savage.The monkeys are getting all the love so I'll throw some the (what I think is a) barking deer's way. Deer says: Ark! tiny monkey replies skreek skreek! And we all know that what they are really saying is: Ta Keo is inexplicable and we're so glad we're not human! 7 Link to comment
Slider October 1, 2015 Share October 1, 2015 Am I the only one that can't stand Woo? 3 Link to comment
needschocolate October 1, 2015 Share October 1, 2015 I find it funny when people say that they need to get rid of someone because they are "playing the game" or are "playing to win." I mean, I understand that they are saying that they worry that person will find a way to outsmart them, so the game player needs to go. But them voting out the game player is their own way of playing the game. And, really, how many people come on Survivor, especially for a second time, and don't want to win. I'm a bit surprised that Spencer, who is more likely to go on an immunity run than Shirin, wasn't the one sent home tonight. Perhaps many of them thought that, this early in the game, when your tribe has lost all the challenges so far, it was better to keep someone who would be more likely to help you win the next challenge. Agreed. Plus, it's really hard for me to get teary-eyed hearing how a guy found a supermodel in his house. I guess you had to be there. I got a bit lost in his story (as in I kept thinking "why are we supposed to feel sorry for him? Did she die?"), but I don't recall him saying anything about her other than she was so beautiful. No "she's got the great sense of humor" or "and she is the smartest person I know" or "and she is kind to animals." And, dude, you see the most beautiful woman in the world across the room, haven't spoken a word to her, and it was instant chemistry? I don't think it was more biology than chemistry that you were feeling. Why did anybody vote for Spencer? What did Spencer mean that he was going to have to make it just three more days? I think they split the vote in case Spenser of Shirin had the idol. And I think that Spenser meant that he needed to find a way (voting against his ally and perhaps convincing others that it should be Shirin and not him who goes) so that he could make it another three days, which gives him a chance of finding a way to stick around. If I recall correctly, Spenser lasted as long as he did in his first season because he kept managing to find ways to last three more days. I wonder if it may have helped Shirin and Spencer to blow up Abi's big mouth to the rest of the tribe. Maybe even suggest that she told them what was up in an effort to work with them.. Her self-serving big mouth is the biggest liability to any alliance and they all know that. They might have decided that her blind 'all about me at all cost' attitude was a bigger threat overall. . . I agree. I thought that Shirin and Spenser's only hope of having both of them stick around for 3 more days would be to go to the others and tell them that Abi spilled the beans and point out that Abi will turn on them at the slightest of perceived slights and they should get rid of her now and can get rid of the two of them later. Abi is a sociopath. I don't believe all this nonsense about her being a nice person in real life, sociopaths are good at faking. Abi is delusional. I think she actually believes that she is a warm, friendly person and doesn't get that popping into the middle of other people's conversations with "Hey guys, what are you talking about?" is not a good thing to do. Or that telling everyone that PG stole your bracelet is also talking behind someone back or that trying to make everyone search for your bracelet makes think of you as high maintenance. 8 Link to comment
cooksdelight October 1, 2015 Share October 1, 2015 Am I the only one that can't stand Woo? No, come sit by me, because I think he's an airhead. My sister squeals every time he's on the screen and I want to gag. :) I LOVED that deer, or whatever it was. That, and the monkey, had my dog transfixed. And me. 7 Link to comment
TaraS1 October 1, 2015 Share October 1, 2015 I think this episode confirmed that I really am just a mean old lady like the paperboy says (credit: Sophia Petrillo). I had zero sympathy for Abi when everyone was laughing at her and bashing her, because she's a nasty, manipulative lunatic who enjoys being a nasty, manipulative lunatic. She'll learn absolutely nothing from it, but it was still nice to see her getting a taste of her own medicine. I definitely see the benefit of keeping her around for now, but I'll enjoy it when they eventually cut her throat. Very glad to be rid of Shirin. My hatred of her from last season was just too fresh. She just seemed like the walking, talking embodiment of tumblr to me. I hate tumblr. And my eyes practically rolled out of my head at that Savage story. I hate that kind of sappy crap LOL. He was getting so emotional, I thought, "Is his wife dead?? Is that where this story is going?" 10 Link to comment
ProfCrash October 1, 2015 Share October 1, 2015 Not a Woo fan but he was on point today. He was mature in how he handled it. He was honest and to the point. I don't have nay problem with that. 10 Link to comment
rhygirl720 October 1, 2015 Share October 1, 2015 I think it's sweet that Savage misses his wife..... But his epic love story was quite frankly a bore. The fact that he needs to continually emphasize his superiority (my wife is a supermodel) will be his undoing(again). Hopefully by Stephen. I'm grooving on Varner's game. I just hope he doesn't try to get too cute and blow it up. 6 Link to comment
ghoulina October 1, 2015 Share October 1, 2015 Perhaps many of them thought that, this early in the game, when your tribe has lost all the challenges so far, it was better to keep someone who would be more likely to help you win the next challenge. Especially after they just evited Vytas. Abi is delusional. I think she actually believes that she is a warm, friendly person and doesn't get that popping into the middle of other people's conversations with "Hey guys, what are you talking about?" is not a good thing to do. Oh, I absolutely think she knew it wasn't a good thing to do. She asked Spencer (and whoever else she was sitting with - PG?) if she should go bust in on their conversation. And Spencer was all, "Do it!" And when she went over, her tone was intentionally antagonistic, IMO. I think she was purposefully trying to fuck with them. 2 Link to comment
Xcptnl October 1, 2015 Share October 1, 2015 Kelley buried her idol, didn't she? If someone else finds it, does she still keep it or does it belong to the other person? (That Johnsonville commercial is funny. "I'll have dinner in my room with chocolate milk!") I hope she retrieves it before the tribal switchup. Nope. It is Kelley's idol. It is actually smart to bury it in the jungle because if someone else does find it they won't know whose it is as opposed to the people that keep it in their bag where anyone can look and find it. I am confused as to how it would still be Kelley's idol. If someone found it they would not know that anyone had found it earlier and I would assume it would now be their idol. Link to comment
NutMeg October 1, 2015 Share October 1, 2015 Cameramen would tell them the idol is spoken for. 2 Link to comment
JudyObscure October 1, 2015 Share October 1, 2015 Andrew's story had me confused right from the start: He has Playboy magazines on his desk and a woman walks in -- I'm thinking' oh my was she a missionary or something?' Nope a model. Like women who walk runways in underwear are shocked to death over those Playboy girls. Then he takes a trip and comes home and she's in his apartment? Did she sleep with the super to get in? Now they're married and he misses her so much after a few days, even though it's established they both have careers that involve traveling.? Whatever. In Andrew's world it means he himself is a wonderful, sensitive person, while Stephen is terrible for not breaking out in sobs over this heart breaking story and Jeremy is a good guy because he cried. Jeremy would have cried if someone walked up and sad, "Wife." Frustrated Men Who Think They Can Do Everything But Want to Act Like Team Players (I'm sure there's a German word for that!). Volksinfurherspreckengroupin? I'm sure someone who actually speaks German can do better. Woo is the definition of "smarter than he looks" although that doesn't make him brilliant because that's a very low bar. 14 Link to comment
truthaboutluv October 1, 2015 Share October 1, 2015 (edited) Talking about people who can surprise, Woo did. He could have played wishy-washy, but he did not. I actually don't remember Woo being wishy-washy, which is why Spencer was stupid to not attempt a side deal with Woo. In his mind he could have been clear that Woo wasn't his main alliance but Woo didn't need to know that because if there was one thing Woo showed in Cagayan, is that he is loyal to a fault. Am I the only one that can't stand Woo? Mostly indifferent. I don't see any evidence of a strategic player but that may be the thing that gets him far again and Woo can also be a physical threat when it comes down to individual challenges. YMMV but I didn't see Spencer begging and groveling at tribal council. I saw him playing the game right until the end and saying what he figured they wanted to hear. And all he said was that he would try to see people as more than just game pieces but as people. I thought Spencer looked remarkably calm considering how close he was to going home and knowing how geeky he is about this show and how much he wants to play. He seemed calmly accepting of his fate one way or the other. But as he said, he had to try something to get him just three more days and from there, who knows what can happen. Andrew's story had me confused right from the start: He has Playboy magazines on his desk and a woman walks in -- I'm thinking' oh my was she a missionary or something?' Nope a model. Like women who walk runways in underwear are shocked to death over those Playboy girls. Then he takes a trip and comes home and she's in his apartment? Did she sleep with the super to get in? Now they're married and he misses her so much after a few days, even though it's established they both have careers that involve traveling.? Whatever. And his stories just seem to go on so unnecessarily long that even if it didn't start off awkward, it eventually becomes awkward. It's just like last week when he was telling Joe that his teenage daughters think Joe is hot. He could have just said, "I have two daughters who were all giddy over you." Instead he gives this long spiel of how they were watching the show, he looked over at his one daughter and her mouth was hanging open and he proceeds to show the expression and it was all just over the top. I mean did we have to hear about how when he and his wife met, a person could cut the sexual tension with a knife or whatever gag-worthy crap he said? Edited October 1, 2015 by truthaboutluv 12 Link to comment
Rowan October 1, 2015 Share October 1, 2015 Until they show footage of Shirin constantly starting shit with just about anybody that she makes eye contact with, I find it ridiculous to compare her and Abi's situations. Yes, Andrew, Stephen must have a lower standard of morality than you because he considered the possibility that Jeremy-I'mdoingthisformywife!PROMISE!- might be looking for an idol. Douche. Those hammocks were cool. 15 Link to comment
ProfCrash October 1, 2015 Share October 1, 2015 It is interesting to see how differently the Old School players are playing. Varner kicked it inot high gear right away. After voting out Vytas, he immediatly goes to Terry and says that they are fine and that he wants Shirin or Spencer gone because they are too strategic. Terry picks up on Jeff's little pep talk about having to play the game new school and uses a good moment with Abi to flip the game. Granted, Abi handed it to him but still, terry took advantage and Jeff played along perfectly. Meanwhile, on Bayon, Savage, Kimmi and the others are happily bonding, making a great camp and singing Kumbaya. Stephen's comment during a tender moment leads to his being too much of a schemer with no integrity or honor because it offends the Old School Savage. Jeremy goes along with that because it means that the target is on Stephen and not him and Stephen is not a member of the Alpha Male alliance so why not. Savage has a bonus clip where he talks about how the tribe all loves one another and how beautiful it is. Soooo old school attitude. Since they have not lost a challenge, Savage and Kimmi seem to not have been all that motivated to play the new game that they are in. 2 Link to comment
NutMeg October 1, 2015 Share October 1, 2015 Andrew's story had me confused right from the start: He has Playboy magazines on his desk and a woman walks in -- I'm thinking' oh my was she a missionary or something?' Nope a model. Like women who walk runways in underwear are shocked to death over those Playboy girls. Then he takes a trip and comes home and she's in his apartment? Did she sleep with the super to get in? Now they're married and he misses her so much after a few days, even though it's established they both have careers that involve traveling.? JudyObscure, I love your retelling of this. If it were a show, you should definirely be the recapper! 1 Link to comment
TsuKata October 1, 2015 Share October 1, 2015 Shirin and Spencer made a mistake, and it was not getting rid of Abi at the previous vote. They didn't need her, and the tribe's crazy is never actually in your alliance. Crazy is in crazy's alliance and does what crazy wants. Multiple smart alliances have been screwed by trying to drag along a crazy who turns on them. Shirin called out Survivor and Probst about the rank misogyny in Survivor last season, and TPTB didn't like it. I can't even imagine how much Burnett and Probst salivated over this opportunity to get back at her. Do you really think Abi, who is about as perceptive as a piece of moldy cheese, put together that Shirin, of all people, should have her back? I don't. I think she got prompted for that in confessionals. She VO'd it several times and then stated it so rotely that it seemed like she was reading a script at TC. And, as many on here have pointed it out, it was not at all the same. But, TPTB crafted a narrative to draw a parallel so they could shame Shirin for having spoken out against the One True Show. But even putting my conspiracy theory aside, Abi's shiteating grins throughout tell you this wasn't the same as Shirin's situation, *even* with the whole tribe laughing while you sit on the beach. Abi was in a majority alliance. She had a position of power. She probably wasn't even a bottom person considering they all wanted her as a goat. That alone, nevermind how much more personal and physically confrontational Shirin's season was, makes all the difference. 14 Link to comment
NutMeg October 1, 2015 Share October 1, 2015 Abi's shiteating grins throughout tell you this wasn't the same as Shirin's situation, *even* with the whole tribe laughing while you sit on the beach. Abi was in a majority alliance. She had a position of power. She probably wasn't even a bottom person considering they all wanted her as a goat. This. Yes. Thank you. 10 Link to comment
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