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S06.E03: Marriage Counseling Texas Style

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I didn't see a thread for this episode last night, so maybe that's part of the reason there's so few comments.  But, yeah, this was seriously depressing.  In one way I feel for Christine.  She says she was very confident before Robin came along, and then it seems she got the rug pulled out from under her.  But she was perfectly happy to sail in as the third wife and didn't seem to give a second thought to how Meri and Janelle felt.  I guess the moms don't talk to the daughters about how difficult that part is?


And did Meri say one word on the couch?  She had serious bitch face and did not comment at all in a lot of the talking heads.

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That may be one of the saddest hours of television I've ever seen.  As stupid as I think this whole setup is (and I feel it is even more stupid for them to keep defending it when they are so obviously unhappy) it still sort of broke my heart to see this woman so utterly broken.  Would it have killed Kodouche to show a little empathy??

Edited by Sooner Smiles
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If I never have to hear Kodouche talking in pirate again, I'll be fine. Dude. Shut it.


I knew once I heard he's taking Christine to Galveston, he hated her the most. Galveston. We definitely don't promote that here in Texas as one of a great getaway destination.


Kody is a fucking asshole. "Respect the family, then I'll love you".  Jerk.

Edited by ShaNaeNae
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WOW!! Just Wow!! I guess Christine neglected to put her pennies away from excess food money to afford a trip to Hawaii. So she was forced to bring her own personal windbag to the hurricane/tornado corridor of Galveston, TX. WTF kind of janky ass 'honeymoon' involves not 1 but 2 counsellors? It just struck me as so damn wasteful. First of all, no to it all in the 1st place. Secondly, if you have to do this for show purposes why not just go with the therapist located in your destination? Why pay for one to travel from LV with you? It was as if Kody was afraid to be with Christine for one single moment. 


Kody really let his douche flag fly high and proud this episode. Can't say it was a revelation but it was a bit of a surprise that he let the mask slip so totally. He really gives zero fucks about Christine. That whole 'intimacy' conversation was one of the more interesting things to go down. I don't know about anyone else but I thought intimacy = sex. So when Christine said she hated plural marriage, Kody cut her ass off from the nookie. LOL! She actually said he totally shut down and her out. Christine honey, 'I hate plural marriage' is the most awesome sentence ever uttered on this show. EVER!!! You cut Kody deep with that one. He caught some feeeelinnggs! He felt it was an attack on his manhood and the Church of Kody which is built on shifting sands (not rocks), which is why he cut you off and he is still feeling some kind of way. How the hell he fixed his coin slot of a mouth to say she was a Johnny come lately to his already established family is some damn BS. 


Christine is such a wild card and contradiction to me. In many ways she seems the most 'awake' out of the 4 wives. She seems the most in tune and honest about her feelings of jealousy, quick to anger and calls Kody on his shit yet somehow she seems the most entrenched in the lifestyle and religion. She seems to be the one that 'acts up' the most, least liked by Kody and the least likely to leave. Kody never really liked or was attracted to her given that story he said of how disgusted he was by the sight of her eating nachos on one of their earlier courting activities.



Lawd, Robyn getting verklempt, panic attack or whatever the hell that was? Please. So tired of her histrionics. 


Meri was very quiet this episode. Did she even say anything?

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The morning after only the third show of the new season and there's only one comment here. Pretty sure that's a record.



We were commenting elsewhere because a thread hadn't been made yet. I've also noticed that this show tends to get more comments the next day, when people are probably at work, etc. 

Lawd, Robyn getting verklempt, panic attack or whatever the hell that was? Please. So tired of her histrionics. 


Oooh I thoroughly enjoyed that part! It seemed to me like a panic attack brought on by lying through her teeth on national TV about serious legal matters. The way they're screwing over her ex husband AND children is so devious, even ROBYN has some guilt over it. 

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So very many thoughts on these episodes tonight, not sure where to begin.  My heart breaks for Christine.  She is clearly a  broken woman.  Ko-Douche has broken her spirit in every way possible, only to then take joy in her misery.  It was interesting watching their body language in the convertible (is that the only kind of car the dick can drive?) as it was obvious that neither of them was happy to be there.  He looked disgusted and she looked defeated when driving back from the rock tower building debacle.  She is so clearly miserable, yet also feels so much to blame for her feelings. 


During the rock building clusterfuck, why didn't the therapist say anything to Kody when it was so clear he was crushing her feelings?   That therapist sucks, IMO.  Doesn't seem very helpful to watch someone railroad their partner to the point of tears.  And their other "friend" / "previous therapist"  was no help either.  Very telling that Kody said one of them validates him.  Can someone explain why HE is the only one that can be validated?  Because it irritates the fuck out of me that he will not allow Christine's feelings to  be validated.  It is so clear he is over her. 


Lastly, Christine - RUN VERY FAST AND VERY FAR.  If you are this miserable the last 5 or 6 years, what is eternity going to look like with this self centered idiot??  It's not going to magically get better.  Not to mention the fact that you told us Kody wasn't close with Gwen for many years and had to really make an effort to be close to her.  He is her FUCKING FATHER!!!!!  How could you allow such shitty treatment of your kids?  If you are good with being a doormat, that's on you.  But your kids deserve so much better. 

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The best part of the episode was the TH with Truley, when she said she didn't want to talk about her mom and dad any more and she used air quotes when she said dad.


So Christine has been lying through her teeth all these years when she has been praising the life style they life. She really hates The Principle and hates the family dynamic she is stuck in. And she really hates Kody. Good for her. As everyone has said, the rock building really showed what this religion is all about for Kody- power, control, make as many children as possible and acquire as many wives as possible, with no consideration for any of their feelings or emotions. All that matters is how he feels, how VALIDATED he gets for living this life. Everyone serves King Kody.  Kody is exactly like all other polygamous husbands in all fundamentalist sects, despite his protests.


I haven't watched the All About Christine eppie yet because this one was too depressing.

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I agree, these two epis were very depressing to watch. Somehow, I don't think there is anything that Kody can do to make Christine leave. She may voice her anger and hurt, but I think she will stay ( at least until the younger kids are grown).

And what was with Meri's body language in the beginning of the "Christine" epi? She looked like she'd rather be anywhere else.

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In one way I feel for Christine.  She says she was very confident before Robin came along, and then it seems she got the rug pulled out from under her.  But she was perfectly happy to sail in as the third wife and didn't seem to give a second thought to how Meri and Janelle felt.


How much time between Jenelle and Christine? I feel like all 3 wives were added in a short time frame. Obviously you should still be sensitive to the existing wives, but I think it was a lot different than the addition of Robyn. Robyn came along, what? Like 15 years later? The women can say all they want that they were expecting a 4th wife, but I don't know why they would. After that much time, I'd figure my family was settled. I feel like Meri was the one who kind of pushed it, because it evened the playing field. 


Kody is a fucking asshole. "Respect the family, then I'll love you".  Jerk.


Right? What a fucking douche thing to say. You're a jerk. Die, jerk. How about putting more work into your individual relationship with her, and her respect will naturally follow? 


Then again, I'm not seeing how Christine disrespects the family. She was the one taking care of all the kids back in Lehi. She still does a lot for everyone now. She loves all those kids and is pretty good to the other wives. So he can suck it. 


During the rock building clusterfuck, why didn't the therapist say anything to Kody when it was so clear he was crushing her feelings?   That therapist sucks, IMO.


She was awful! Even at the end, she was all - "Do YOU think you worked well together" and accepted Kody's lame answers. How about - "Kody, you were running a one-man show. You dismissed her feelings and opinions at every turn and totally didn't get the point of the exercise"? That's what I would have said! With a few more colorful words thrown in. 


If you are this miserable the last 5 or 6 years, what is eternity going to look like with this self centered idiot??


Oh man, if I was to be stuck on his planet for all of eternity, I'd commit inter-galactic suicide. 


I hope Christine watches the clip of the rock building activity and wakes up. She didn't even get to pick up a rock.


Yup. Not only did he refuse to even listen to the ideas she had, she couldn't even choose the freaking rocks for his castle of penis pride. "Look, I had 17 kids!" No. One. Fucking. Cares. 

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I couldn't believe that Robyn interjected in the segment about when Truly was sick. Who cares what she thought when she went to see Truly in the hospital? Won't the producers realize that the majority of viewers hate Robyn and shut her up or edit it out when she speaks? Only Kody cares what she thinks.


That's what Robyn does every.Single.Episode.  Even when it's an episode about the other women, there is Robyn interjecting as always.  And I see in the previews for next week's episode Christine and Kody are having a disagreement, and of course, Robyn as the new legal wife, and final and last word in all things polygamy or Brown family, tells them both "Stop it! That's enough!"  Bitch.  Stay out of Kody's relationships with his other wives!


I wonder if the interview scenes were taken around the time of the catfishing of Meri.  She is a total stank face.  Gosh.  Being in a relationship with Meri must be so exhausting.  IMO, these days the Kody/Meri relationship should be easier.  She has one child who is gone and living away.  Now her time with Kody is just the two of them alone--unless of course, Meri is just needy, dramatic, and annoying. 


Christine's needs are valid.  She needs validation from Kody, as well as the knowledge that Kody loves her.  It's what she needs in order to keep giving her all to her family.  Kody doesn't understand that all women are different and require different things from relationships in order to be happy.  All these women are required to adapt to him and meet his needs.  It's not a 2 way street relationship.  It's all about Kody. 

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That's what Robyn does every.Single.Episode.  Even when it's an episode about the other women, there is Robyn interjecting as always.


Yup. I think that's her insecurity as the newest wife speaking. She really wants to prove how well she knows every member of the family, as if they've all been together from the start. 

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Meri looked like she was only there because someone was holding a gun to her head.  She is so checked out.


I do feel sorry for Christine.  She must feel so conflicted.  What she was taught and truly believes does not mesh with her reality.  And unfortunately she thinks it must be her fault.  Kody showed his true idiot colors.  I wanted to reach through my TV and smack him into eternity.


Please, please tell me that they weren't able to adopt the kids.

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3. Most importantly, Kody stated that he equates intimacy with trust, and then said that he didn't trust Christine to put the family first. WTF is he talking about?

Now he can't have an intimate relationship with people that he doesn't "trust" to put the family first? Then to hear Christine begging him to "trust" her, please please please, just trust her. She even said, "what can I give you in return for you to trust me?"

I wonder if that is how Kody persuaded Meri to divorce him so he could marry Robyn. Did he tell Meri that he couldn't be intimate with her until he could trust her to put the family first . . . and then explain that "putting the family first" meant letting him marry Robyn?

Edited by Jusagirlintheworld
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Kody's attitude seemed like a message to Robyn --  I thought his actions were a huge, really lame cover for his proving that he didn't want to have sex/a real relationship with Christine.


I really do think that Kody was sending a message to Robyn.  "See?  I'm putting the family (you) first!  See?  I'm telling Christine that I can't have an intimate relationship with her!  See, see?  I'm only taking her to Galveston for a couple of days and it's not romantic.


"My family was well established before Christine came in.  Let's not make it about romance, because it isn't."  Yeah, that was a total shout out to Jawbyn.  Just when I thought I couldn't hate Kodouche any more than I already do. 

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Kody's attitude seemed like a message to Robyn --  I thought his actions were a huge, really lame cover for his proving that he didn't want to have sex/a real relationship with Christine.  


1.  Body language -- practically every shot in Galvelston of them sitting together (that was not a talking head, where they all have to be squeezed together to show their love) showed Kody leaning away from Christine.  


2. Kody's transparent and weak attempts at joviality. Was he trying to act silly so that no REAL emotions slipped through?  What the hell was all of that phony "Happy Pirate" crap?  


3.  Most importantly, Kody stated that he equates intimacy with trust, and then said that he didn't trust Christine to put the family first.  WTF is he talking about? Haven't they spent every second trying to convince the viewers that each marriage is unique and "special" and that each wife is sooooo important to Kody?  Now he can't have an intimate relationship with people that he doesn't "trust" to put the family first?  Then to hear Christine begging him to "trust" her, please please please, just trust her.  She even said, "what can I give you in return for you to trust me?"


Here's a quarter, go buy some dignity.  For the first time ever, I felt badly for Christine even though she, too, chose this.  It was all fun and games until the new toy came along.  Kody was acting like some bloated despot, and she was his disgraced lover.  Gross.  When she tried to kiss him near the rock tower, he only gave her a peck -- he was clearly not feeling any romantic love for her.  


I really do think that Kody was sending a message to Robyn.  "See?  I'm putting the family (you) first!  See?  I'm telling Christine that I can't have an intimate relationship with her!  See, see?  I'm only taking her to Galveston for a couple of days and it's not romantic, it's a working honeymoon complete with shitty counselors and rock towers!  See?  I'm taking every last bit of the romance out of my marriage with Christine!"  


Lastly, when Christine was talking about her "biggest fear" being her dad getting taken away, the complete nightmare of being separated from her father, how TERRIFYING it was to even THINK about never seeing him again!!!  


Well, isn't that what they're doing to Robyn's kids?  




I absolutely refuse to watch the show anymore and I get all of my info from here so I might be way off, but I wonder if Christine might be voicing these 'scared of losing my dad' comments to Robyn and Kody in regards to adopting Robyn's kids. If so, that would explain his publicly ramping up his hate for her. Any opinion opposed to Robyn's grand plan would be viewed as betraying the family. So Kody is basically telling Christine that she's to shut up and let he and Robyn run the show. To him "trust' is - worship me and do what I want.

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Anybody notice when Kody was making his rounds to say goodbye before the trip he gave Janelle a quick kiss and hug, then hops on over to Robyn's and gives her a much longer kiss and much tighter and longer hug? 


Face it, wives. You are no longer important to Kody.  Orange face Meri is completely over it. I don't think she really gives one damn how Kody feels about Robyn. The damage has been done. 


Robyn has been sporting a baby bump since the season started so for them to act all cutesy and smiley and laughing at Kody mentioning another baby (last ep) makes my skin crawl because they already knew there was another baby on the way!  

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Besides child support what can she truly get out of him? Does he even have a job? 


He has a TLC paycheck, for now. I would think she could get spousal support too. She'd be better off leaving now and getting support from his TLC paycheck rather than waiting until he's filed for bankruptcy again.

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I wonder if Kody will return to Galveston and add another rock to the pile after Robyn has this next baby. 




Honestly, Christine's idea (that he never really let her fully articulate) was a good one. She started talking about different aspects of a solid marriage, and wanted to build the rock pile with those. He wouldn't even hear it. He totally missed the point. They were there to work on THEIR marriage. But it was the Kody show and he just steamrolled right over him.

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He has a TLC paycheck, for now. I would think she could get spousal support too. She'd be better off leaving now and getting support from his TLC paycheck rather than waiting until he's filed for bankruptcy again.

Kody wants to fight for Polygamists rights but the minute Christine would ask for spousal support is the moment he pulls out the "We were never married" card.

Christine's attempts at crisis PR:


Edited by CofCinci
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I might be way off, but I wonder if Christine might be voicing these 'scared of losing my dad' comments to Robyn and Kody in regards to adopting Robyn's kids.


You are probably on to something there.  Kody is gung ho about wanting to be the "legal" father of another man's children, but in the meantime, he doesn't appear to be a father to his own children.  In order to get hi to visit their children more often, Christine had to bribe him with space in her garage.  Mariah seems to be the only daughter with whom he has a close relationship. 

Edited by Adeejay
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I only watched about 10 minutes of this show.  I saw the part where Robin had her crying attack and had to leave the couch.  I have more sympathy for my neighbors than those sister wives have for each other.  Where is the comfort?  Where is the support?  Isn't that the main purpose of this kind of family lifestyle?  None of them got up and followed her out to offer comfort.  They all just sat there like, "Not my problem".  Even Cody. 


I honestly do not understand this adoption of Robin's children at all.  Cody seemed bewildered at why Robin's ex hadn't responded to their lawyer or court letters.  Really?  He just expects everyone to give him what he wants.


I guess I shouldn't say anymore since this is all I saw.  Wish Meri, Jenelle and Christine would all just leave and let Cody and Robin have each other. 

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"My family was well established before Christine came in.  Let's not make it about romance, because it isn't."  Yeah, that was a total shout out to Jawbyn.  Just when I thought I couldn't hate Kodouche any more than I already do.


I'm sure it was wonderful for Christine and Kody's children (especially the older ones)  to watch that episode and come to the realization that their mom was simply a functioning womb to Kody. Brought on board for procreation purposes only. No romance, and very little love. 

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God DAMN it, Christine... and FUCK YOU, Kody.  

"Understanding"... as in SHE needed to understand HIM?  She's at the point where she can't even see that it's a two-way street.  I just want to shake her, because I suspect that Christine-without-Kody is a sunshiney goofball and incredibly good-hearted.  Maybe not the brightest bulb in the bin, but capable and fun.  

I always just dismissed Kody as a douche.  Now I hate him.  And he deserves it.  



The best part of the episode was the TH with Truley, when she said she didn't want to talk about her mom and dad any more and she used air quotes when she said dad.


That was awesome.  

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I'm sure it was wonderful for Christine and Kody's children (especially the older ones)  to watch that episode and come to the realization that their mom was simply a functioning womb to Kody. Brought on board for procreation purposes only. No romance, and very little love.


I think there was probably more love in the beginning. I see Kody as selecting wives to fit a very specific role. Meri was his "soul mate". She was the one he was truly in love with from the start, the one that actually "got" him. I actually find Meri and Kody to be a lot alike (self-centered, entitled, immature and pouty), so that makes sense. Heck, they even kind of LOOK alike to me. 


Then he picked Jenelle to be the practical one - she would work, she would budget, she would keep the family in line. She's also the "smart" one, and Kody likes to fancy himself a bit of an intellectual. So he says she compliments that side of him, which I think is more about outward appearances than any actual truth. 


Christine was both the "womb"/nurturer of children and the "fun" one. 


He does not like these women to step outside of their roles. Christine is supposed to bake and love on the kids and be lighthearted and laugh at all of his jokes. When she has actual feelings like jealousy and disappointment, he has no use for her. He feels she broke her contract as the fun one, so he has nothing to do with her. 


And clearly Robyn was brought on because it was almost 2 decades later and he was bored with all them, and looking to prove he was still a catch.

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He has a TLC paycheck, for now. I would think she could get spousal support too. She'd be better off leaving now and getting support from his TLC paycheck rather than waiting until he's filed for bankruptcy again.

They aren't legally married so what claim does she have for spousal support? Does Las Vegas recognize common law marriages?

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I hope Christine's mom can be a good influence on her. I'm sure she contributes somewhat to sewing the seeds of discontent with how against she is to plural marriage but Christine has a good resource in her if she ever feels like leaving. Can she at least update her tag line from the dubious "I not only wanted a man but a family" sentiment. Girl, you don't. And that's okay.

Kody is so immature and stunted. The reason he liked the therapist in Galveston was because he said she validated him. Sometimes therapy isn't all about validation. It's about challenging your tightly held beliefs and holding them up to the light.

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Run, Christine, run. Get a decent attorney. Get child support from Kody and get happy.

how fervently and loudly I want to scream this in her face!  HEAR THIS!

WOW!! Just Wow!! I guess Christine neglected to put her pennies away from excess food money to afford a trip to Hawaii. So she was forced to bring her own personal windbag to the hurricane/tornado corridor of Galveston, TX. WTF kind of janky ass 'honeymoon' involves not 1 but 2 counsellors? It just struck me as so damn wasteful. First of all, no to it all in the 1st place. Secondly, if you have to do this for show purposes why not just go with the therapist located in your destination? Why pay for one to travel from LV with you? It was as if Kody was afraid to be with Christine for one single moment. 


Kody really let his douche flag fly high and proud this episode. Can't say it was a revelation but it was a bit of a surprise that he let the mask slip so totally. He really gives zero fucks about Christine. That whole 'intimacy' conversation was one of the more interesting things to go down. I don't know about anyone else but I thought intimacy = sex. So when Christine said she hated plural marriage, Kody cut her ass off from the nookie. LOL! She actually said he totally shut down and her out. Christine honey, 'I hate plural marriage' is the most awesome sentence ever uttered on this show. EVER!!! You cut Kody deep with that one. He caught some feeeelinnggs! He felt it was an attack on his manhood and the Church of Kody which is built on shifting sands (not rocks), which is why he cut you off and he is still feeling some kind of way. How the hell he fixed his coin slot of a mouth to say she was a Johnny come lately to his already established family is some damn BS. 


Christine is such a wild card and contradiction to me. In many ways she seems the most 'awake' out of the 4 wives. She seems the most in tune and honest about her feelings of jealousy, quick to anger and calls Kody on his shit yet somehow she seems the most entrenched in the lifestyle and religion. She seems to be the one that 'acts up' the most, least liked by Kody and the least likely to leave. Kody never really liked or was attracted to her given that story he said of how disgusted he was by the sight of her eating nachos on one of their earlier courting activities.



Lawd, Robyn getting verklempt, panic attack or whatever the hell that was? Please. So tired of her histrionics. 


Meri was very quiet this episode. Did she even say anything?

I love your entire post.  I hope you write for a living.

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Kody wants to fight for Polygamists rights but the minute Christine would ask for spousal support is the moment he pulls out the "We were never married" card.

Christine's attempts at crisis PR:



I don't for a minute believe that Kody ever wants polygamy legal. He's a moron but he isn't totally stupid. He knows it would be a financial nightmare if they were suddenly all treated like legally married people.

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They aren't legally married so what claim does she have for spousal support? Does Las Vegas recognize common law marriages?

you know I had actually meant to write 'child support' but this would be a very interesting legal argument. Didn't Martina Navratilova have to pay what amounted to spousal support to the woman she had a 'commitment ceremony' with because that constituted a marriage even though it wasn't legal? They had a video of the vows which proved the commitment. Seems to me a good lawyer would have ample evidence that Kody committed to her as he would a wife and therefore would have the same kind of responsibility. 

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My theory of What Happened to Christine, also posted on FB: Christine has said that as a child growing up, she thought polygamy was wonderful. She loved having all the moms around all the time. 


She probably thought that same happiness she knew as a child in polygamy would translate over to being a "wife" in polygamy - and nobody was there to tell her that it doesn't work that way. That it's no fun living with several moms when your man is banging them. Kids, of course, aren't going to think about that little detail.


I can see where this lifestyle of having several moms might be good for kids, but the cost of that is having virtually zero time with dad. AND of growing up thinking that being a wife in polygamy will bring you the same kind of happiness you knew as a child. Christine seems to be the perfect example of the trap.

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She says she was very confident before Robin came along, and then it seems she got the rug pulled out from under her.  But she was perfectly happy to sail in as the third wife and didn't seem to give a second thought to how Meri and Janelle felt.

I do agree. She was and I think that's why she wanted to be the third wife. She assumed she'd be the last wife

and was for a really long time. She's said she didn't understand why Meri and Janelle had issues when she

married into the family. It wasn't until Robyn that she started to understand. Its one of the many things

I don't understand about Christine along with her need so much help with her kids or how convinced she is

her parents were so happy despite the fact her mom wasn't and left. But Kody just treats her like

trash. Why is she staying? He's proved over and over that he doesn't care about her feelings. He doesn't

care about her. Or their kids. He treated her like crap in this episode like one of many he has. Christine,

leave! Take you kids and start a new life. Go with your mom. Go with Janelle. You could have such

a happily life if you left.

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I honestly do not understand this adoption of Robin's children at all.  Cody seemed bewildered at why Robin's ex hadn't responded to their lawyer or court letters.  Really?  He just expects everyone to give him what he wants.


Why should any father be forced to give up their parental rights...just because they are being strong-armed into doing so.  We have no idea what the relationship is between Robyn's kids and their Dad. Having any kind of relationship at all is enough reason NOT to sign your rights away. Who is to say they are better off with Kody as a father anyway?  How would Kody like it if Christine left him and married someone who wanted to adopt HIS kids?

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Christine is a study in exactly how bad one's self-esteem can get when one is treated like shit on a daily (and sometimes hourly) basis.  She reminds me of myself in my 20's when I was married to a man surprisingly similar to Kody in many, many ways.  Both are self-centered, egotistical, breathtakingly immature, and only happy when the conversation/event is all about them.  Similar to Christine, I was stuck (or so I thought for a long time) in a marriage much like hers, minus the two baseball teams of kids and three additional wives.  When a woman's self-worth has been battered and beaten into submission year after year the way hers has, it becomes near-impossible to consider her own needs anymore.  I think that's why Christine seems to be capable only of complaints and sadness, not forward-thinking action to extract herself from this laughable marriage.  It could not be more clear that Kody is not attracted to, intrigued by, or interested in, Christine anymore, if he ever was.  His stories about how she "made her intentions known" by flirting heavily before they married or how disgusted he was the time he watched her eat nachos are beyond disrespectful.  He talks about her like she's a grubby, impetuous little boy.  When Christine is present for these stories, you can just watch her visibly deflate.  It's heart-breaking, really.  I truly don't think Christine will ever leave.  Even Janelle, who appears to be a bit stronger emotionally, only did it temporarily, but even that bit of moxie seems to have been snuffed out.


The present-day, battle-hardened, 38-year-old me wants to get angry with Christine and tell her that she only has herself to blame for remaining in this relationship, but the naive, innocent, 22-year-old me remembers very keenly what it feels like to make excuses for the man you so desperately want to believe can change as long as you love him just a little bit harder and better.

You sure hit the nail on the head with this one.


I sometimes wonder how much damage this show really does, considering how many females fans just LOVE the whole thing - but then I think it should be shown with commentary from a competent psychologist who can point out just how emotionally abusive Kody is to these women, especially the ones whose name isn't Robin.


The psychologist could say, "This is what it looks like when a man expects you to live on crumbs of attention from him. When he gaslights you into believing you're crazy and don't know what you're talking about. When he tells you how you're SUPPOSED to feel instead of respecting and validating how you DO feel. When he bulldozes and disregards your wishes in favor of his own. When he refuses to be a partner but is a dictator instead. When he is a neglectful, absent father but wants full credit for being a great dad."


I could go on, but you get the idea. I'd watch the hell out of THAT show.

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Why should any father be forced to give up their parental rights...just because they are being strong-armed into doing so.  We have no idea what the relationship is between Robyn's kids and their Dad. Having any kind of relationship at all is enough reason NOT to sign your rights away. Who is to say they are better off with Kody as a father anyway?  How would Kody like it if Christine left him and married someone who wanted to adopt HIS kids?

Plus, Sobbyn said that they don't want to affect his visitation rights.  Oh, so he still has those?  Guess he's not a total monster then.  The kids "wanting" to be adopted by Kody....they have no idea what they're saying.  Only Dayton probably has enough sense, and frankly he looked like he was pressured into it.  

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So why didn't Kody just sign up at a sperm bank, donate once a week, and have a zillion babies he'd never have to interact with or support?

He could have saved three women, at least, a ton of unhappiness. And Little Miss New Jaw's turn is coming...something is going to have to prop up Kody's ego when he finally gives in to the bald. I sense Mrs. Dumbshit V in the wings...

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Way past time to cut them off from sucking at the trough, just like the Duggers, Gosselins, etc. Listen up, TLC!!


Can we get an amen and hallelujah?


These grifters are way past their prime. It's time to stop rewarding this whackado "lifestyle" and making them think that they are worth an hour a week our of somebody's life.  They are disgusting.

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