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Caitlyn Jenner: Call Me Caitlyn

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I wonder if Kris is really in a panic about Bruce "telling all" or  saying negative things about her? Actually Bruce has always seemed to want people to know (his mom) what a great person Kris is, other than say she is very "controlling' I've never heard him say anything overly negative about her. She on the other hand has knocked him plenty..


I don't see Bruce has mean spirited or vengeful at all.  I think Kris and her kids are way more into vendettas and legal retaliation over perceived slights.

Edited by iwasish
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I don't think she's going to panic, since she was visiting him after the surgery. She and the fam could have seen it already.

I'm guessing by "it" you mean the interview. I'm not sure Bruce would be that open with Kris. While I don't think he dislikes her, I think he prefers to keep his distance from her and her tendency to try and control him. Plus she like Kim wants her moment in the spotlight. I don't she think would want to be there in quiet support. She wants the camera to see her getting teary eyed and emotional, and getting her time on camera making sure it's as much about her as it is him. They are divorced, let her comment on the situation in her own forum. And she will .

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Sort of humorous to see Kris out and refusing to answer questions about Bruce, clearly uncomfortable, when she's usually so happy to blab about her fab family.

Entertainment Tonight mentioned that Bruce had plastic surgery years ago to feminize his look, reducing his facial hair. Didn't they mention on the show that Kris had nagged Bruce to have some "bad" plastic surgery corrected? So maybe she did have a clue.

All the older ones had to know, that book they tried to sue to stop from Robert Kardashian's ex-wife years ago said Bruce was a cross dresser and they knew.

I read that the first wife knew he was wearing her underwear. Maybe all the wives knew, could be why he was so willing to give up most of his visitation with Brandon and Brody, avoiding conflict with Lynda to keep her from opening that can of worms publicly.

It must have been either heaven or hell living in that much of a female-centric home with only little Rob as a male counterpart. All that female lingerie around the house!!

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I wonder that myself. Mason's so used to him as his grandpa.


They'll be a family viewing party.


Maybe Kris will marry Corey or at least live with him and he'll replace Bruce as the daddy figure in the family. I really don't see the older K kids maintaining real close ties with Bruce after this. He's already made comments on the show that he doesn't see them much. I don't think they'll ever say anything negative but I suspect they will pull away.. citing "their crazy busy lives" . It's pretty clear Bruce and Kanye don't hang out and Bruce talked about bonding with North and Kim seemed rather cool to that. Kourt will be concerned for her children's reactions, though I do think Bruce is smart and compassionate enough to not show up like Mrs. Doubtfire and fuck Mason up for life.  The cracks in all their relationships were there, this will just widen them.

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On one of the shows Burt said that he hadn't had a chance to say goodbye to some of the Kardashians, and Kourtney wondered why they should say goodbye - she made it clear that Bruce was her kids' grandfather. Since both her dad and Scott's have passed, Bruce is their only grandfather - I don't see Kourtney cutting ties, but they'll need a new name for him. oops, I mean for her.

Mason calls Bruce Pop-Pop - maybe Poppy would work.

Edited by nexxie
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I also think Kourtney will continue to have a relationship with Bruce. Her kids are old enough to ask why someone they love is all of a sudden absent from their lives, and I think Kourtney would rather answer questions about grandpa becoming a woman than tell them that because he got divorced from their grandpimp (who doesn't give a crap about them anyway, since they're not making her money), they can't see him anymore.

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I also think Kourtney will continue to have a relationship with Bruce. Her kids are old enough to ask why someone they love is all of a sudden absent from their lives, and I think Kourtney would rather answer questions about grandpa becoming a woman than tell them that because he got divorced from their grandpimp (who doesn't give a crap about them anyway, since they're not making her money), they can't see him anymore.

As much as I dislike the Kardashians at least they're not one of these religious freaks who would say God doesn't like what Bruce is doing or Bruce is going to hell.

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It was nice to see Burt and Casey, along with Brody and Brandon. Obviously Brandon was their spokesperson, but it was nice to see and hear from Bruce's kids minus Kendall and Kylie. 


Of what Bruce mentioned of the Kardashian side, I thought it was interesting that Khloe was taking it the hardest, because she seems the most open minded. Though I wonder how Rob really is taking it. Of course Kim is taking it the best, even if she still seems like a bitch to Bruce on the show.


I wish Bruce the best. 

  • Love 6

I am on the west coast any details?  I have always maintained Jenner has been a kind person.   I hope his family supports him.

Well, he has struggled with this since childhood, sometimes dressing in girl's and women's clothing, even going out in public that way. All three wives knew about it. His large family is being supportive, with Khloe having the hardest time. His four oldest were on the show - nice to see Casey for once. Really riveting I thought!

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I dated a guy once who liked to wear women's clothes.  He had been married for 12 years and had 2 kids, but his wife couldn't handle it.  They went to counseling and it didn't help to save their marriage.


I met him a couple of years after his divorce and he told me about his cross-dressing after we had been dating for a few months.  He was in no way "gay", he simply liked the way women's clothing felt.  I didn't have a problem with it.  He didn't like to do it in public, mainly when we were alone in the house.  I remember sitting on the couch together, in matching nighties watching TV.


He loved shopping online for stuff for us to wear together.  I'd come home to packages delivered at the door, filled with matching lingerie for us.  Or relationship ended a couple of years later, for reasons unrelated to his cross-dressing, he is remarried now, and we are still the best of friends.

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I doubt Kris's fuming since she's sitting with him watching the show. I really love how much they've supported this, even when it must be hard and confusing for them. It was nice the older daughter appeared since it's her that Bruce seemed to not have much a role with.


Really proud of him for all that, and saying he'll still be Bruce/dad answered the questions about what they'd call him. Dad and Grandpa stays the same. 

Edited by Artsda
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It was nice to see Burt and Casey, along with Brody and Brandon. Obviously Brandon was their spokesperson, but it was nice to see and hear from Bruce's kids minus Kendall and Kylie.

Of what Bruce mentioned of the Kardashian side, I thought it was interesting that Khloe was taking it the hardest, because she seems the most open minded. Though I wonder how Rob really is taking it. Of course Kim is taking it the best, even if she still seems like a bitch to Bruce on the show.

I wish Bruce the best.

It is surprising that Khloe is the one having such a hard time with it - but, like Bruce said, she's weathered a lot of loss so maybe that's it. She was so little when he became her stepdad too. Edited by nexxie
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It is surprising that Khloe is the one having such a hard time with it - but, like Bruce said, she's weathered a lot of loss so maybe that's it. She was so little when he became her stepdad too.

I don't know if Jenner discussed the future but is Jenner planning on dating men or women?  I don't think Jenner wanting to be more feminine has been as secret for  a very long time I have always wonder if Jenner is hoping to find a life partner with a man or a woman. The younger children not weighing in is interesting.  They seemed at one point to pretty much ignore Jenner and go with Kris.


Is there a name Jenner prefers to be called? 

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@kourtneykardash  ·  

Couldn't be a more proud daughter. With courage and bravery, let's change the world. I am honored to stand by Bruce's side and support him.

@khloekardashian  ·   

Just finished watching the #BruceJennerInterview with the family. Bruzer, I'm soooo proud of you! Dads really are heros ❤

@KylieJenner  ·   

Understandingly, this has been very hard for me. You will hear what I have to say when I'm ready to but.....this isn't about me. I'm so proud of you, Dad. You are so brave. My beautiful Hero.

@KendallJenner  ·   

I love you.so very proud of you, my hero.

@KrisJenner  ·   

Not only was I able to call him my husband for 25 years and father of my children, I am now able to call him my hero.

@sprandoni  · 

Proud son. https://instagram.com/p/14H8rkO6f1/

Rob retweeted Ellen.


Ellen DeGeneres @TheEllenShow · 1h 1 hour ago

Bruce Jenner is a beautiful, brave human being. Sending him lots of love. He's saving lives and opening minds tonight.

Kim Kardashian West @KimKardashian ·

Love is the courage to live the truest, best version of yourself. Bruce is love. I love you Bruce. #ProudDaughter

Rob speaks!

ROBERT KARDASHIAN ✔@robkardashian

You have always been a role model to me and now more than ever, I look up to you. LOVE YOU‼‼

Edited by Artsda
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It is surprising that Khloe is the one having such a hard time with it - but, like Bruce said, she's weathered a lot of loss so maybe that's it. She was so little when he became her stepdad too.

But they all weathered loss, so I don't think that's it. At first I was surprised, too, but the more I think about it, it makes more sense. They're all vain and shallow, but Khloe seems more thoughtful, a little deeper, and more kind towards others. I think she's always stuck up for Bruce more, cuz that's her way, whereas the others don't care as much - they live much more self-centered lives. Consequently, because she's been more invested and interested in his life, it makes sense that it cuts deeper for her. Plus, the whole conspiracy theory about Robert Sr. not being her real dad might play a factor here. Maybe Bruce was always more of a father figure to her because of the uncertainty.

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Kris Humphries made a comment, I don't think he was targeting Bruce. I think he just meant it he was happy to be out to be himself.


17 million viewers!


Edited by Artsda
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Long article written by Linda Thompson on living/loving with Bruce.




Having a hard time not putting a few people on blast who were not supporters before hand, but want to act like they were all along

I'm having a hard time figuring out why this matters and why it matters now, when Bruce's interview has come out so positive in the press and now this jerk of a child is going to make it all negative so the press/tabloids have things to attack and twist the good Bruce did into something else.


Does it matter how long they supported him? Bruce has said it was hard for Khloe to come around, Kim's said out right it was not easy. Kanye helped her come around, Kourt was worried for Mason Kylie has also said something similar. Bruce said they were all worried about him.  I doubt any of the kids (who he actually raised these past 25 years which wasn't Burt)  would be jumping up and down for joy when they were told, it would take time to process. I don't see any of them acting like they were all along supporting him, but supporting and loving him now. That's what matters not how long it took to get there. 


This comment was just so unnecessary.

Edited by Artsda

Long article written by Linda Thompson on living/loving with Bruce.


I'm having a hard time figuring out why this matters and why it matters now, when Bruce's interview has come out so positive in the press and now this jerk of a child is going to make it all negative so the press/tabloids have things to attack and twist the good Bruce did into something else.

Does it matter how long they supported him? Bruce has said it was hard for Khloe to come around, Kim's said out right it was not easy. Kanye helped her come around, Kourt was worried for Mason Kylie has also said something similar. Bruce said they were all worried about him. I doubt any of the kids (who he actually raised these past 25 years which wasn't Burt) would be jumping up and down for joy when they were told, it would take time to process. I don't see any of them acting like they were all along supporting him, but supporting and loving him now. That's what matters not how long it took to get there.

This comment was just so unnecessary.

He's throwing shade at the k clan. Remember when Khloe had so much to say to Amber Rose regarding Kylie? Or Kris regarding prerez. Now suddenly they're quiet? They have all this mouth well keyboard to talk shit or defend themselves but can comment on their stepfather? Kris had no comment. Now Kim is getting more money and publicity on the today show. The Kardashians do things for attention. They didn't know what kind of attention this will bring. Most of the comments were positive, so they're going along with it.

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It hasn't been sudden, they were radio silent during this entire thing since it started leaking. Even promoting the new KUWTK season, they did no press. They were silent.  People commenting were people Bruce told like his mother talked more to the press than anyone. 


I don't think Khloe attacking Amber is the same or has anything to do with her father for all purposes declaring transgender and her having to deal with it. Bruce himself brought up Lamar/Robert and issues Khloe had. Why should she be attacked by Burt for taking this hard at first? As Bruce said, she thought she was losing her father. Burt didn't grow up with Bruce for 25 years, Khloe did. Kim, Rob, Kourt, Kylie and Kendall did. If they didn't take it the same as kids he spent years and years not speaking to that is normal to me. They have different relationships with him. Scott, probably is taking it hard too and he probably spent more time with Bruce that some of his older children.


Brody's mom is writing an essay that's more than Kim being spokesperson and doing a Today interview and all the rest other than twitter comments of support have said nothing. Burt is the one that comes out looking bad during that comment. Bruce would be the first to say probably nobody was ok with it all along, but he said Kim came around, Kylie herself said it's been hard for her. Supporting him publicly now, standing by him doesn't meant they couldn't have had issues with the entire thing which is what Burt seems to believe. 


Now instead of being about Bruce and his journey there's speculation this tweet from Kylie is directed to Burt "I don't have the time for people who bring and create so much negativity in their life. I can only pray for them !" Good job Burt, make it about yourself and fighting siblings.

Edited by Artsda
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