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S10.E16: Suspicious Minds

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That's especially true because the doctor Shannon referred him to is supposed to be a "world renowned" NHL specialist.  If it was just another doctor, I could understand why Brooks didn't want to go but if you're in a fight for your life and you're presented with an opportunity to see a doctor with that kind of expertise, you'd be a fool not to go.

Not just because this Dr. is "world renowned" but because he was already looking for another Dr and another treatment path. At some point, Brooks stopped all chemo treatments that his original Dr wanted him to do and found this new Dr for the Resveratrol treatment, so he was in fact looking for a new Dr/treatment. So why not look into Shannon's Dr. as well?

Vicki actually convinced Brooks to use his cancer as a storyline for the show so people could see a couple dealing with it?

Yes, Vicki wrote in her blog that Brooks did not want his cancer ON camera or ON the show and she had to talk him into it.

  • Love 6

I am kind of thinking that maybe even Bravo would not let all of this "faking cancer" talk go on and on, if they didn't know that in fact he doesn't have it...but probably giving them too much credit. Yet look at the numbers in their little poll...wasn't it almost 70% who think he should produce his medical records?? So clearly their audience is showing what they think of Crookes and Icky. Two liar faces desperate for attention and pity...

I can't even with Ryan. Why are we being punished by having him on our screens? I don't know if there is anyone grosser out there. How could any adult woman expose her children to this person? How could even its mother not be disgusted? Tamra has always at least tried to earn her keep, if little else. And Eddie...what a waste of space if he just continues on in his "role". You can't tell me he is so in "love" with Tamra so as to put up with everything.

Yes, Icky is so obsessed with Meghan's youth it is like a pathology. And yet she has a daughter not much younger. You would think a woman with a daughter of a similar age would not hold such contempt for another young woman. If anything, laugh off her age and inexperience...but she is so full of venomous jealousy she can't even fake it. She wants to be a rich man's wife, yet can never admit it. I don't even think that keeping Crookes is all about her love tank, it is about having a man, any man, at her beck and call. Donn got way too comfortable with himself for her taste, he was not licking her boots. If she can't get a rich one, she is darned sure going to have a submissive patsy stuck to her rear end.

Heather is trying to make me hate her? After all these years of sticking up for her? God, she is awful lately with Terry, that house etc...

And Shannon and David...he couldn't be any more sarcastic or PA with her if he tried. And she either does not see it or refuses to, because it does not fit with her plan of making this mess of a marriage "work". Very painful to witness even at this distance.

  • Love 6

"Vicky has absolutely no idea what dealing with cancer is actually like".

- Meghan King Edmonds, aka Spawn of Satan


Unlike JennyMominFL, I swear like a drunken sailor and have a vast repertoire of curse words to draw from, but I need to be making up some brand new ones just for Meghan.  They are not fit for polite company, but fortunately I live alone with a rude cat who doesn't mind my filth mouth.  ;-)


Suffice to say I think questioning anyone's health issues is vile and despicable.  Meghan (and Bravo) takes it to a whole new level of low.

I swear like a drunken,... Marine. I just try  not to do it aroud people I do't really know.

This thing is just in such poor taste for Bravo. I guess they really do have no lines they won't cross. This has consumed the show from about the halfway point. It's just tasteless. I also feel like a lot of it is done for drama. I think a lot of inconsistant statements are because of them screwing with timelines.

I also see nothing strange in him not being on chemo , than being on it. I dropped meds say I was  "done". I changed my mind later on and went back on them.  I changed meds often.

    I also have a husbands who is sick. He had an Aortic dissection with a ton of complications. He can't even remember the things that are wrong with him or the meds he is on. He can't remember when things happened, or who treated him for what. When he needs those details he asks me, or calls me in to explain to the doctor. it happened last month. I was out in the car doing school work and Hubby called me in to the doctors office because the doctor wanted to ask me questions.

I would also bet that my hubby could not tell you the name  of a single med I have ever taken. He also started 2 new ones last month, and no way does he know what they are called.    I know every med I ever took, but I could not tell you when I took them.

  Last summer my meds failed. I' m sure I told a few people when it happened and even told them some lab numbers. I couldn't tell you now exactly what month it was or what my lab numbers were, so I would probably guess and say July, with  a tcell of 135... Might have been June or August though, and that tcell count might have been 125. If one of my friends were keeping close tabs, I guess that I might appear "inconsistant" . 

Edited by JennyMominFL
  • Love 14

I thought it interesting that Shannon said that Brooks and Vicki would probably get back together.  Note she also said she didn't know the particulars.


IIRC, didn't Tamra say the same thing last week on WWHL?


Why do I have the feeling that they will get back together after the reunion and season is over?  Why is it that I feel pretty certain that Vicks will refuse to discuss this at the reunion?  Why is it I can't help thinking that this is all about 'convenience'?


If Vicky refuses to talk about it on the reunion, there won't be any reunion.  This storyline has eaten the season and there just won't be anything to discuss.


I wouldn't be surprised if Vicky is a no-show for the reunion taping.

  • Love 6

I swear like a drunken,... Marine. I just try  not to do it aroud people I do't really know.

This thing is just in such poor taste for Bravo. I guess they really do have no lines they won't cross. This has consumed the show from about the halfway point. It's just tasteless. I also feel like a lot of it is done for drama. I think a lot of inconsistant statements are because of them screwing with timelines.

I also see nothing strange in him not being on chemo , than being on it. I dropped meds say I was  "done". I changed my mind later on and went back on them.  I changed meds often.

    I also have a husbands who is sick. He had an Aortic dissection with a ton of complication. He can't even remember the things that are wrong with him or the meds he is on. He can't remember when things happened, or who treated him for what. When he needs those details he asks me, or calls me in to explain to the doctor. it happened last month. I was out in the car doing school work and Hubby called me in to the doctors office because the doctor wanted to ask me questions.

I would also bet that my hubby could not tell you the name  of a single med I have ever taken. He also started 2 new ones last month, and no way does he know what they are called.    I know every med I ever took, but I could not tell you when I took them.

  Last summer my meds failed. I' m sure I told a few people when it happened and even told them some lab numbers. I couldn't tell you now exactly what month it was or what my lab numbers were, so I would probably guess and say July, with  a tcell of 135... Might have been June or August though, and that tcell count might have been 125. If one of my friends were keeping close tabs, I guess that I might appear "inconsistant" . 

I think that when a potentially life-threatening long-term illness threatens you or a loved one personally, the subject being taken nonchalantly by Bravo and these women really hits a nerve and it becomes entirely offensive and despicable. "If only they knew" is all I can think of when I watch them pick at each other and at Vicki with impudence. I haven't witnessed a single one of them go to Vicki or Brooks with a sympathetic voice or a kind heart and just let them both know that they're there for them.

One more thing that bugged me to no end this episode. I would never, ever have dreamed of putting my children of the age of Ryan's girlfriend's in a car for 9 hours without feeding them breakfast. For one thing children need to eat when they are hungry, and for another, they get cranky being stuck in a car that long and to be hungry on top of it? For him to say that bullshit about how they don't care because they don't have to drive? Welcome to parenthood you dumbass.

Ryan Vieth is emotionally retarded and socially deficient. There's seriously something wrong inside his head. He said "I'm withering away, it's stress" and he does look pretty bad physically. Those three daughters belonging to Sarah hadn't eaten breakfast yet when they met Tamra and Eddie to do a walk through in the new house that Tamra paid to get them into. All Ryan did was moan and complain about everything and could only focus on the 9 hour drive he had to do. Does Ryan seriously think that those girls should go hungry for the 9 hour drive because "everyone was f**king around and playing with toys all morning"'? He doesn't have a clue how to be a boyfriend, husband, or father. Ryan and Tamra found out last year that he has hemochromatosis which is a genetic blood disorder, making his blood retain too much iron. Untreated, this can lead to cirrhosis, liver cancer, kidney disease and diabetes. My brother had the gene and went through life unaware that his liver was being damaged and how to prevent it. He found out that he had hemochromatosis after he was diagnosed with cancer of the liver. He passed away a few weeks ago, 9/1.

Ryan was going for weekly blood 'purging' or, (a reverse intravenous in which blood is removed from the body). This is one way that severe hemochromatosis is treated. It's a disorder not to be taken lightly. Before Ryan was diagnosed he was using steroids to build up his muscle mass. Steroid use is probably one of the worst things a person can do, but for someone with hemochromatosis, it can rapidly advance the destruction of the liver. It has crossed my mind more than once that Tamra may have to face cancer personally if Ryan's condition eventually leads to this awful disease. I think if that happens, that Tamra will be a lot more sensitive to cancer and the lives that it affects. I don't think Tamra would appreciate Vicki or anyone else doubting a diagnosis of cancer if it hit closer to home for her. I think it was selfish and inconsiderate of Ryan to get involved with a divorced woman with three children and have a baby with her. He's backing out of a marriage with Sarah, so his future is going to be an honest to goodness shit-storm. Will Tamra run to her psychic again about Ryan in that case? What if he tells her that he 'just doesn't see it, it's all wishy-washy', will she put her faith and trust in her psychic or medicine?

Edited by HumblePi
  • Love 15

While I don't think Brooks is under any obligation to Shannon's doctors, I do think he's under the obligation to be honest about it instead of faking flat tires. It's not "thanks so much for your concern and your efforts but I have a medical team I trust right now and I'm going to stick with them for the time being." So much unnecessary drama could have been avoided if he had just been a grown-up about it.

  • Love 17

Brooks could have kept the appointment that Shannon made at Vicki's exhortation. Nothing mandates that he follow the advice dispensed by that consultation. He could have telephoned Shannon and explained that Vicki solicited Shannon's help of her own accord and, that while he was very appreciative of her efforts, he wanted to let her know that he felt obliged to decline in favor of his own choice of professionals. He did neither of these things; in fact, he only bailed at the last minute and attributed his no-show at the appointment to car trouble . . . so he's in effect saying that yes, he did want to avail himself of the opportunities Shannon procured for him but was deterred by lack of transportation. And now Vicki is disparaging Shannon's perplexity at this by stating she's "out of line" and ascribing sentiments to Shannon that Shannon never expressed. No, Shannon never said Brooks's "team" was lacking; that was actually what Vicki suggested by soliciting Shannon's intervention with City of Hope. Vicki is a grown-ass, fifty-something woman who has had months at this point to at least diplomatically explain why Shannon, a friend who she asked for help, basically went out of her way and called in favors and contacts for no reason. So it's not a question of Vicki hysterically blacking out her plea to Shannon nor is it about the specifics of Brooks's situation in the abstract; it's just about fundamental common respect, courtesy, and general manners - when you ask someone to assist you with a matter and they oblige, you have some perfunctory responsibility to them. If someone prevails upon a friend to put them in touch with an employer then acts excited about a consequent job interview only to blow off that interview, that's a huge fuck-you to the friendship. And no one on these programs "owes" explanation about their behavior in the abstract to anyone; if Shannon wants to exploit her marital troubles off-screen or Heather wants to behave like a hateful asshole and gaslight rivals in her quotidian life or if Yolanda Foster wants to indulge in her Munchausen pathologies or Taylor Armstrong wants to accuse every husband she has of abusing her, that's their prerogative. But Vicki and Brooks, both adult veterans of Bravo and the show (like all of the preceding examples), have submitted their narratives and contentions for the critique, opprobrium, and deconstruction of both viewers and their fellow cast mates. Don't want to be quizzed on the many documented inconsistencies in your statements about your circumstances? Then don't offer up that you're going off chemo in favor of Reservatrol only to contradict yourself a couple of days later! If you can't keep your lies straight, don't peddle them on camera! . . . As for Meghan's dog-with-bone bit, I initially thought she was taking her ploy too far. But then I thought about ethnic impostors like Rachel Dolezal, too many ostensible American Indians to name, and the gentleman involved in Black Lives Matter who was recently revealed to be white. And then I understood Meghan's animus about appropriating a mantle of oppression and victimhood while enjoying the privilege and latitude to doff that mantle at will.

And this, so very much.  

  • Love 1

While I don't think Brooks is under any obligation to Shannon's doctors, I do think he's under the obligation to be honest about it instead of faking flat tires. It's not "thanks so much for your concern and your efforts but I have a medical team I trust right now and I'm going to stick with them for the time being." So much unnecessary drama could have been avoided if he had just been a grown-up about it.

If he did at some time agree to the Apt, then, yes. He owes shannon a thank you and  possibly an explanation

Edited by JennyMominFL
  • Love 6

My theory on the Brooks cancer story is that at one point he did have cancer, got treated, and went into remission. In true grifter style, he pondered how much mileage he could get out of it, and talked Vicki into pulling a long con. Hence, the healing juices business, and I wouldn't doubt they have invested in some Resveratrol supplement as well. Vicki may still have vestiges of a real human being, and was uneasy about the whole thing, especially after her mom died. She seems distracted, and not very invested in the show, but it as too late to back out. She probably unloaded on Brooks for getting her into this, and their solution was to fake a breakup. I can just hear Brooks smooth talking Vicki that all the heat on them would die down if they broke up. Not to mention Vicki can refuse to discuss Brooks at the reunion! Lately, when Vicki bellows out " talk to Brooks", she seems like an angry woman that was duped, as opposed to a woman concerned about her beloved partner battling cancer!

  • Love 24

And this, so very much.  

People change their minds about treatment options all the time. There is nothing weird about it. And maybe initially he was hoping it would put him in remisission, but later realized it would not, but it could still help him get healthier in general.  Sorry but none of his back and forth on treatments and options is weird to me. I've done it myself.


I also agree with the poster above me who said that it's possible that Brooks went into remision but they lied about that for a storyline.


Edited by JennyMominFL
  • Love 11

I agree, no one should question anyone's illness, and no one should have to show their medical records, however, we are not talking about our neighbor here. We are talking about a person on a reality show. It has been said before by Bravo, " Don't go on a reality show, if you are not prepared to open your life completely." We thrash and judge these people, like I hope we would never do to a real person in our life. Last season they omitted all of the footage of Danielle Gregorio, because her storyline was to do a paternity test on her father, the "is he really my dad" thing. Then they found out that there was never any doubt that he was her dad, so there was no story. If Brooks isn't going to validate his story, then he should have never been filmed in the first place. It's been the topic of the entire effing season! So... what? Is this whole storyline going to end with a question mark? That is not okay. This isn't Dallas with the "Who shot J.R.?" question mark. Or maybe it is. Maybe it will turn out, it was all a bad dream.

Edited by freeradical
  • Love 13

While I could write about Brooks cancer/no cancer I just cannot do it...so done with it I will express my noticing the complete lack of chemistry between David and Shannon.  There were two things in the kitchen scene I loved, one her making muffins from a mix and chili in a crock pot, it was so real, and the other was her not reacting to David while he munched chips and salsa non stop before dinner.  Therapy is working for her but it seems to me she still does not trust him as far as she can throw him.


Heather clearly is not used to Terry being anything other than a "yes man." The second he gave his opinion she was not having it.  I do see a lot of chemistry between her and Terry's wallet though.

  • Love 19

If Vicki is a no-show at the reunion then she should be fired with no possibility of returning.

I agree that Brooks may have trouble being "consistent" because he has memory problems. It's called "chemo brain". Not that I'm sure he's suffering from it, may just be aging and memory loss as well, or could be a total grift --who the hell knows?

Edited by RedHawk
  • Love 5

You all are so funny in your comments I really love this forum

I agree with nearly every one else that this cancer storyline is gross annoying and I really don't care if Brooks does or doesn't have cancer. I really don't. Shame on bravo for making this the (boring) focal point of the season that makes every single person involved look like a terrible person ( castmates for questioning, brooks and vicki for potentially being shady). I was legitimately bored this episode and the only time I was interested was Heather talking to Vicki because she was calm and very good at setting an unbiased account of what happened and called Vicki out on her bullshit. She should take over the reunions. lol.


Also love Heather shutting Terry down during the tree scene. It made them more human, albeit awkward. LOL. Terrys not known for holding back his opinion so if she didn't want to hear anything negative about her moms sketch she shouldn't have asked him. I do think she shut him down because she wanted to spare her moms feelings from Terry, IMO.


I think Heather and Lisa Rhinnas seen would have been really interesting if they started talking shit about each others castmates. I liked the cross over. Heather for BH Housewives!!!!


I wish there was more Lizzie,more Heather, and  less tamra and vicki. Boooorrinnng. Vicki acting like a hysterical lunatic every time this was brought up is not helping things. Shrug it off and move on. Meghan crosses major lines but again whooo cares. Get a hobby as Bethany would say.

Was not that surprised to hear that Meghan and Hailey were at a consignment shop(which there is nothing wrong with), I thought the dresses where not very promish ( I guess from my late 20's midwestern standard) and there didn't seem to be a ton of variety.


Ryan...creepy. Can see how things exploded. Doesn't know dick about raising kids clearly and how come Sarah can't get her kids fed? Is it true she takes off for days at a time? After their domestic incident are they still getting married? Hopefully since he got arrested child services will be checking on the kids from time to time.

Edited by yogi2014L
  • Love 6

Ok, one little comment on Brooks' cancer treatments which can differ greatly from one doctor to the next, protocols are different from each hospital to the next for example when my brother was diagnosed with AML, a form of leukemia (a battle he ultimately lost) he was first treated at Hopkins, a world renown hospital and during his inpatient chemo treatments they did not want his digestive tract working at all so he was given fluids but not food.  Cut to 3 months later when we took him back to Seattle where he was living and sought treatment at the Swedish Hospital, chemo treatments and all, he was allowed to eat so go figure.  Those ladies are dangerous with a little bit of knowledge and no practical experience. UGH, I just want to scream. Rant over.

  • Love 9

Speaking of Vicki's work clothes, hm Vicks, you need to go up a size or buy clothes that fit.  Honey, those buttons were ready to pop.  Not professional.


During the lunch scene with Shannon, I couldn't even really focus on what they were saying (not that I really cared that much), because I kept waiting for one of Vicki's buttons to pop and hit Shannon square in the face!!  


Vicki should take a lesson from Lisa Vanderpump on how to dress.  LVP is also curvy, with nice "assets", and while a lot of her clothes are tight, they are fitted impeccably, imo.   Although, LVP has a staff of home employees, and one of them must be a seamstress/tailor.  (IIRC, LVP also has her blouses custom made.)  Vicki hasn't quite reached that level of wealth, LOL!!  


I sometimes wonder if Vicki buys a lot of her clothes at Saks Off Fifth or Nordstrom's Off the Rack, and only pays attention to the designer label, and not the little one underneath with the actual size on it.  She needs Stacy London or Clinton Kelly to tell her that when she buys clothes that actually fit her (even if it is a bigger size than she thinks), she will look slimmer.  Also, she needs to realize that her breasts, no matter what, need good support in order for clothes to fit properly, especially button down blouses.  

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 11

I'm in the camp that medical issues are private and no one should be pumping you with questions. I have a major medical issue, somewhat similar to Brianna' s but my real issue is my pituitary gland. I have to take different medications, and my status has changed over recent years. It is very complicated to explain to people because it's not very common. I have to fight to keep my weight normal, where it is...dealing with a changed body after 3 kids, approaching menopause and a barely functioning endocrine system. While my medical issues have strained my body, I do appear perfectly healthy. While I lost a lot of hair, for instance, it was very thick before...When I need to explain I'm sick, it's a pain to explain. If anyone asked for my medical records they would only get them shoved up an oriface. I am doing well for what I'm dealing with, very thankful and I empathize with all of the other medical situations with my fellow posters.

JennMominFL, you are an unbelievable inspiration on this board. To all posters that have mentioned their situations, thanks for sharing.

The issue with the Vicki/Brooks cancer story, IMO, is not at all related to his health situation for me. I would never tell someone they are handling their disease incorrectly. I would never tell someone not doing chemo is wrong. If they go alternate therapy or a combo of conventional/alternate that is their choice. If it was an immediate family member I would weigh in more or if asked for my opinion, I would not mince words. It's so personal and Brooks may also change his mind over time.

This is different though...what is strange is the consistently inconsistent statements from Brooks & Vicki. They also have contradicted each other more than once. While you might not remember all details, your story would still be consistent if you were always telling the truth.

Someone pointed out a while back that Vicki's attitude towards Tamra is strangely unscathed in all of this...Is this another case of making it look like only Meghan and Shannon are questioning them behind their backs? As someone pointed out, Heather was quick to get out of Dodge at Shannon's party to ensure Vicki didn't see her in the mix of the other ladies when Vicki arrived. Meghan has gone way too far, Heather has shown Vicki "the other ladies" are not completely believing the cancer, Shannon is obviously now a doubter, Tamra is the only one besides Meghan who has gone OTT yet Vicki doesn't react towards Tamra the way she did in the past? That night Vicki, Brooks, Shannon & David went to dinner for Brooks bday and Vicki lost her cool towards Shannon? Brooks was like, let's just calm down but Vicki wanted to leave. She has been angry with Shannon but mostly calm with Tamra?!! Tamra told Vicki she's the one who discussed the subject with the Psychic. As many posters already mentioned, Tamra has been stirring the pot but Vicki is not angry with her. Hmmmmm.

I think this could be Vickis way of forming a bond with the other ladies earlier in the season against Meghan, but now she's saying she never asked for Shannon's help, to make her look like a liar?? Now, it's Meghan & Shannon, but not Tamrat?! I think Shannon is upset because she felt Vicki was trying to tell Meghan Shannon was not truthful. A sore subject, the understatement of the year. It does seem like Shannon had lines she was supposed to employ in their conversation. I would be mad if someone asked me for help, I got Brooks in and then it appears he blows off a difficult to get appointment. No, he doesn't need Shannon's advice or doctors, but he should have said No thank you right away. I do agree after that, he and Vicki do not have an obligation to defend themselves to the other women.

  • Love 8

I've always found the psychic to be very shady. I'm very skeptical when it comes to psychics, but I do believe some people have the gift. Typically, there needs to be some type of connection between psychic and subject. So here we have Tamra and her psychic. They've never seen each other, never touched each other, etc. So this guy gives a reading on Tamra's friend's boyfriend? How incredibly lame. There would be no connection, and no reason that he could read Brooks off of the sound of Tamra's voice. But if this guy does have psychic abilities or is simply very adept at reading Tamra's cues - he knows Tamra dislikes and distrusts Brooks, and calling Brooks a liar is going to reaffirm her faith in him as a psychic. Translation: Tamra thinks he's brilliant, and she'll keep paying him because he's telling her what she wants to hear. I imagine he also tells her what an amazing wife and mother she is.

As I've been saying all season, the psychic's responses were setup by Tamra. I see no reason to discuss the validity of the "psychic". He could be a member at CUT fitness for all we know. Tamra gets away with shit again. I can't believe the blindness to this from a group that ranted and raved about this same thing just last season. Not trying to anger or point fingers at anyone. I'm assuming commenters this season also commented last season

Should Meghan be psycho about it? No. Meghan is close to Leanne but the females in her family have suffered from breast cancer as well. Blaming her reasons on Leanne is stupid. Family history of cancer should be her main concern if she really needs an excuse.

These women are not friends in real life. Except maybe Tamra and Vicki if they're on speaking terms. Bravo paycheck is their common ground.

I haven't watched the episode yet but if Meghan is shopping in consignment shops at Jimmy's bidding, she should tell him to shove it. She has Bravo money, right? That guy is throwing all sorts of shade. Wonder if he made ex-wife shop at consignment shops too? Reason enough to divorce for me. He's got money.

  • Love 2
Hearing about chili with potatoes in it-- aka .'Michigan Chili' , was a new one to me. 


Hey, I'm from Michigan and it was a new one to me too!


JennyMominFL, I am so jealous of your upcoming trip. I have a love affair with Europe and, as you can probably tell, Paris is my favorite city in the whole world. Enjoy your trip, and (if you drink) have a kir royale for me while in the City of Light!

  • Love 7

This store that Megan has taken Haley to blows. It is the last, least fun place possible to get a prom dress.

Eta: add that Megan is the least fun person possible to go prom dress shopping with. "How is your Mom's cancer?" "LeAnn will be gone soon," Geesh, prom is supposed to be FUN!

Edited by Shelby
  • Love 8

I'm in the camp that medical issues are private and no one should be pumping you with questions. I have a major medical issue, somewhat similar to Brianna' s but my real issue is my pituitary gland. I have to take different medications, and my status has changed over recent years. It is very complicated to explain to people because it's not very common. I have to fight to keep my weight normal, where it is...dealing with a changed body after 3 kids, approaching menopause and a barely functioning endocrine system. While my medical issues have strained my body, I do appear perfectly healthy. While I lost a lot of hair, for instance, it was very thick before...When I need to explain I'm sick, it's a pain to explain. If anyone asked for my medical records they would only get them shoved up an oriface. I am doing well for what I'm dealing with, very thankful and I empathize with all of the other medical situations with my fellow posters.

JennMominFL, you are an unbelievable inspiration on this board. To all posters that have mentioned their situations, thanks for sharing.

The issue with the Vicki/Brooks cancer story, IMO, is not at all related to his health situation for me. I would never tell someone they are handling their disease incorrectly. I would never tell someone not doing chemo is wrong. If they go alternate therapy or a combo of conventional/alternate that is their choice. If it was an immediate family member I would weigh in more or if asked for my opinion, I would not mince words. It's so personal and Brooks may also change his mind over time.

This is different though...what is strange is the consistently inconsistent statements from Brooks & Vicki. They also have contradicted each other more than once. While you might not remember all details, your story would still be consistent if you were always telling the truth.

Someone pointed out a while back that Vicki's attitude towards Tamra is strangely unscathed in all of this...Is this another case of making it look like only Meghan and Shannon are questioning them behind their backs? As someone pointed out, Heather was quick to get out of Dodge at Shannon's party to ensure Vicki didn't see her in the mix of the other ladies when Vicki arrived. Meghan has gone way too far, Heather has shown Vicki "the other ladies" are not completely believing the cancer, Shannon is obviously now a doubter, Tamra is the only one besides Meghan who has gone OTT yet Vicki doesn't react towards Tamra the way she did in the past? That night Vicki, Brooks, Shannon & David went to dinner for Brooks bday and Vicki lost her cool towards Shannon? Brooks was like, let's just calm down but Vicki wanted to leave. She has been angry with Shannon but mostly calm with Tamra?!! Tamra told Vicki she's the one who discussed the subject with the Psychic. As many posters already mentioned, Tamra has been stirring the pot but Vicki is not angry with her. Hmmmmm.

I think this could be Vickis way of forming a bond with the other ladies earlier in the season against Meghan, but now she's saying she never asked for Shannon's help, to make her look like a liar?? Now, it's Meghan & Shannon, but not Tamrat?! I think Shannon is upset because she felt Vicki was trying to tell Meghan Shannon was not truthful. A sore subject, the understatement of the year. It does seem like Shannon had lines she was supposed to employ in their conversation. I would be mad if someone asked me for help, I got Brooks in and then it appears he blows off a difficult to get appointment. No, he doesn't need Shannon's advice or doctors, but he should have said No thank you right away. I do agree after that, he and Vicki do not have an obligation to defend themselves to the other women.

There are so many things that don't add up with Brooks cancer story but 1 of the biggest red flag, for me at least, is the fact that Vicki is not screaming at or about Tamra and her role in all of this. Vicki is as close as ever to Tamra, who has betrayed her in the past on the show and is currently estranged from Shannon who has never betrayed Vicki, it does not make sense.

  • Love 9

I thought it interesting that Shannon said that Brooks and Vicki would probably get back together.  Note she also said she didn't know the particulars.


IIRC, didn't Tamra say the same thing last week on WWHL?


Why do I have the feeling that they will get back together after the reunion and season is over?  Why is it that I feel pretty certain that Vicks will refuse to discuss this at the reunion?  Why is it I can't help thinking that this is all about 'convenience'?

Ha Ha, I think you think that because you "know" the character Vicki!! Who doesn't have that feeling? I think this statement is one that 95% of us posters here agree on. I just don't get it, is he really worth all this grief Vicki?

  • Love 2

Wooow, I never imagined that Brooks' cancer would take up the entire season. Extremely off-putting in SO many ways.


Let's move on to something less boring than the "does he/doesn't he?" argument. RYAN. SARAH. HOLY SHIT. Ryan is one scary, no, terrifying dude. He has no patience for those three little girls. He wants out and to go back to being the loafing deadbeat that he was (is).  Sarah is just trash. She had three young girls to protect and yet she opted to meet up with a terrifying mug off of Instagram and procreate with him at warp speed. That is one sick lady. Her poor girls have been exposed to horrible things in their lives, I'm pretty positive of it. Tamra tries to smile and act like all is cool but it's, um, very far from cool and I just pray those girls stay safe. Esp. in their multi-gun household. Shudders.


Eddie reminds me of Jimmy Edmonds. You can often see the thought bubbles above their heads like, "why oh why did I marry this crazy woman??" Poor Eddie now has to deal with Tamra's man-child who has severe, and I mean severe, issues.

  • Love 24

JennMominFL, you are an unbelievable inspiration on this board. To all posters that have mentioned their situations, thanks for sharing.

The issue with the Vicki/Brooks cancer story, IMO, is not at all related to his health situation for me. I would never tell someone they are handling their disease incorrectly. I would never tell someone not doing chemo is wrong. If they go alternate therapy or a combo of conventional/alternate that is their choice. If it was an immediate family member I would weigh in more or if asked for my opinion, I would not mince words. It's so personal and Brooks may also change his mind over time.


Thanks :) I too am inspired by may of the women on this board

 You post caused me to have a revelation. I am bother by the questioning of Brooks cancer, yes, but it's not what really bothes me about this.

 IT is the way every thing he or Vicki say about his treatment is critiqued and analyzed that bother me. How dare he stop chemo! How dare he stop a treatment! How dare he not see that awesome doctor someone recommeded. How dare he use alternative meds! How dare he talk about getting one treatment one month and a different one the next! How dare he not remember exactly when he did eachtreatement!  If I had cancer I would do this. If I had cancer I wouldn't do that. 


   It's not just whether or not he has cancer that on trial. It's that every single medical choice he made(or pretended to make) was up for debate.

  Thank god I am not around these ladies in real life because they would question the hell out of every choice I made    

Edited by JennyMominFL
  • Love 14

I'm good with just the medical report, but if Meghan is reading this - she would probably prefer that the report be notarized and have a valid phone number for verification purposes. 

preferably with a photo of the doctor's medical school diploma and license..and don't be surprised if she questions the choice of antibiotic.

  • Love 4

When Terry and Heather fight it bores me to tears. Rich people problems. Heather actually wants Terry to THANK her for spending her days picking out tiles and chandeliers and blowing through all of his money? "Thank you, wife, it must be so hard to spend millions on this gigantic house, adorning it exactly as you see fit. I really appreciate all the sacrifices you've made to make this happen". Give me a freaking break. 

Heather doesn't seem to know how boring, bland and humorless she is.  She was on twitter this morning, denying plastic surgery after someone called her out for not having her own show...it was hilarious 



  • Love 6

Yes it does. The psychic lunch was such an obvious setup. Tamra said the first psychic was full of shit, but her psychic who she obviously prepped to say "I just don't see it" is the real thing? Right. Tamra was the one who immediately said "so you're saying Brooks doesn't have cancer?!" She is so despicable.


Edited by AnitaKnight
t's not just whether or not he has cancer that on trial. It's that every single medical choice he made(or pretended to make) was up for debate.

  Thank god I am not around these ladies in real life because they would question the hell out of every choice I made


Yea, I'm not one to question Brooks's choice of treatments. I've said from early on that someone choosing to stop chemo and try more alternative therapies doesn't bother me a bit. I'm of the mind that I'd probably never even try chemo, and go straight to that route. I respect people's medical choices. The issue I see is, his stories don't add up. One minute he's doing chemo, then he's not. Then he's taking the Revrsetrol as a replacement for chemo, then he's taking it to boost his immune system FOR chemo. He can drink, no wait - he can't drink. Vicki goes to his appointments and keeps watch over his binder, except no - she works and doesn't have time to go to his appointments. 


No one's business really. Except they chose to use it as a storyline and the more they talk about it, the more these discrepancies pop up. 

  • Love 14

Thanks :) I too am inspired by may of the women on this board

You post caused me to have a revelation. I am bother by the questionig of Brooks cancer, yes, BUt it's not what really bothes me about this.

IT is the way every thing he or Vicki say about his treatment is critiqued and analyzed that bother me. How dare he stop chemo! How dare he stop a treatment! How dare he not see that awesome doctor someone recommeded. How dare he use alternative meds! How dare he talk about getting one treatment one month and a different one the next! How dare he not remember exactly when he did eachtreatement! If I had cancer I would do this. If I had cancer I wouldn't do that.

It's not just whether or not he has cancer that on trial. It's that every single medical choice he made(or pretended to make) was up for debate.

Thank god I am not around these ladies in real life because they would question the hell out of every choice I made

Exactly. If Brooks really is sick, the inquisition is what is sick! Why does anyone think they should dictate someone else's treatments?! I would lose my sh@t if anyone did this to me or a loved one.

Which leads me to believe this was all done for a storyline. I really do think Brooks WAS sick and may still be, but believe this latest talk is being done just for the show. If Vicki was told Brooks had to be on the show, as was confirmed by Andy Cohen, then I have to believe this was the Bravo storyline.

This just gives me flashbacks of: was Brooks with Vicki before, while still married to Donn? Was Brianna exaggerating about their relationship status behind Donns back? Was Slade a deadbeat dad? Was Gretchen dating behind Jeffs back? Why was Jeana supporting Simon not Tamra, while it seemed Eddie was Tamras side piece while still married to Simon? Did Vicki & Tamra really team up to freeze out Jeana? Who was telling the truth in the "Take the Beadors down" question last season? Why did all the ladies gang up on Alexis? I see one common theme on this show. Tamrat. Who's Tamras mini me? Meghan.

Edited by IKnowRight
  • Love 11
Ryan turns my stomach.  I don't know if it's the little horns and cloven hooves or the nose that looks like it breathes fire.  He is just creepy.  IRL i might feel for him for being such a loser and having to expose it on national TV because he needs money, but thru the TV  I can enjoy watching.his pathetic self.  The fact that I can't stand Tamra helps.  I don't know how Eddie can sleep with Tamra knowing that Rosemary's baby was once crawling around that womb.  He looks beat anyway.  I think his disgust for having to support Ryan and having him skulking around will drive him off before long.


But how do you really feel???



  • Love 2

Is Tamra renting the OC house for Ryan, or did she outright purchase it?   I'd love to know the cost of all that, because regardless of anything, the house looked more like a tract house and definitely not custom.  But Ryan is the biggest asshat on the planet.  I wonder if he's dabbling in drugs?  His fiancee looks to me like some low rent white trash who collects men in order for them to pay her way, and once she's bored enough, she moves on to another.  Ryan deserves whatever crap he gets, and Tamra is an idiot for being an enabler.  


I actually thought that the step daughter from hell had a better attitude when shopping for the prom dress.  At least she wasn't as mouthy as she has been in previous episodes.  


This whole cancer thing needs to go away.  Besides being boring, it's nobody's damn business what anyone's health issue is.  But, Vicki really did start this whole mess, and if she had kept all this between Brooks and herself, none of this crap would be happening.  


Believe it or not, Sage, there are loads of women who do exactly what Sarah is doing with Ryan.  I have a male cousin who met a woman at a local bar.  She has, get this, 8 kids with 7 different men, all of whom she never married.  My cousin who's 36 years old, hooked up with this white trash woman, and Fertile Myrtle got preggers right away with baby number 9.  She has nothing, and doesn't work, so she hooks up with men, gets pregnant so she has a place to live, and then takes off when the baby is weened.  She did just that to my cousin.  She lived in his house until the baby girl was 14 months old and then moved out, leaving the kid behind---she also left the two oldest kids behind, two sons, 21 and 19.  My cousin had to get restraining orders to get those two out of his house because they wouldn't leave.  About a year later, he saw the POS in the area and she had hooked up with another guy and was, yes, you guessed it, knocked up again.  

Edited by KLovestoShop
  • Love 5

Heather doesn't seem to know how boring, bland and humorless she is. She was on twitter this morning, denying plastic surgery after someone called her out for not having her own show...it was hilarious

I don't follow any of these HO's on Twitter. Probably because I never look at my Twitter feed anymore. If I do get back on, I'll follow her. Gee, what I wouldn't give for a "perfect" life right now. At the least, I'd love to witness it.

Anyway, Heather was ok, even a bit fun on vacation this year. I hated the way she treated Shannon last year and I'm not particularily a fan of Shannon. I'm kind of neutral.

I appreciate Heather being the "voice of reason" this year. It does make me wonder if she could hack it on RHBH. She might be out of her league.

  • Love 1

OMG...I just watched the episode...Ryan is a douche!


I love how they panned over to Eddie who is clearly over it. I have a 27 year old son and i'd be all over him if he acted like that. He is clearly immature and need to stop having his mother rescue him.


As far as Cancer-gate...I am over that...it is as bad as book-gate on RHONY...can't they find interesting, viable storylines?

  • Love 5

Exactly. If Brooks really is sick, the inquisition is what is sick! Why does anyone think they should dictate someone else's treatments?! I would lose my sh@t if anyone did this to me or a loved one.

Which leads me to believe this was all done for a storyline. I really do think Brooks WAS sick and may still be, but believe this latest talk is being done just for the show. If Vicki was told Brooks had to be on the show, as was confirmed by Andy Cohen, then I have to believe this was the Bravo storyline.

This just gives me flashbacks of: was Brooks with Vicki before, while still married to Donn? Was Brianna exaggerating about their relationship status behind Donns back? Was Slade a deadbeat dad? Was Gretchen dating behind Jeffs back? Why was Jeana supporting Simon not Tamra, while it seemed Eddie was Tamras side piece while still married to Simon? Did Vicki & Tamra really team up to freeze out Jeana? Who was telling the truth in the "Take the Beadors down" question last season? Why did all the ladies gang up on Alexis? I see one common theme on this show. Tamrat. Who's Tamras mini me? Meghan.

I could only be used as their storyline IF Brooks/Vicki allowed it to be/talked about ON camera and they did. They did it knowing what the producers/Bravo do to anything that could potentially bring drama to the show, blow it up OTT. Yes, Vicki was forced to film with Brooks on camera to keep her job but I don't think she/they were forced to talk about his cancer, his Dr.'s, the treatments he was getting or any changes to said treatments/Dr.'s, that is on them (mainly Vicki because she claims she talked him into sharing his cancer story on the show). IMO, Vicki did this because she had nothing else to offer as a storyline and after seeing LuAnn (NY) get demoted for similar reasons, she elected to put her job ahead of the man she professes to love just to keep her Bravo paycheck rolling in.

  • Love 5


IT is the way every thing he or Vicki say about his treatment is critiqued and analyzed that bother me. How dare he stop chemo! How dare he stop a treatment! How dare he not see that awesome doctor someone recommeded. How dare he use alternative meds! How dare he talk about getting one treatment one month and a different one the next! How dare he not remember exactly when he did eachtreatement!  If I had cancer I would do this. If I had cancer I wouldn't do that.


I agree.  When did the Brooks cancer situation become all about them?  Shannon - this is not about you.  Ladies -this is not about you. If Brooks didn't go to an appointment, if his information is inconsistent, if he says the moon is made of cheese, It's Not About You.  His body is trying to kill him.  It is not about you.  Meghan - are you taking Leanne to her chemo?  Are you holding her at night?  Are you administering her pain meds and helping her not to vomit?  No?  Then shut up.  You are not "dealing" with cancer.  Leanne is dealing with cancer.   She is showing her age cuz lady, it's most probable that most of us will ACTUALLY help someone deal with cancer or god forbid, fight it ourselves.  Shut Up.

  • Love 13

There has to have been a revelation and a lot of information left on the cutting room floor between the lunch at Heathers new house/construction site and the lunch with Shannon. At the luncheon, you see all the ladies stunned by how far the screaming, anger we see between Meghan and Vicki. Lizzie tries to set Meghan straight. Tamra and Heather say Vicki is out of control more then ever. Shannon is also firmly standing by Vicki and repeatedly says that she would be livid if she was Vicki.

The tide turns during the birthday dinner. We also see Tamra keep saying that no matter what, she told Vicki she would support her.

Then we see all of the ladies now reflecting on the situation. At the lunch, Shannon is now directly questioning Vicki. I can't imagine after earlier stating she would be livid, multiple times, that we now see Shannon outright questioning the situation at the Aries party, then with David, then at the lunch. Remember, Shannon said, for the first time, Vicki was unfair by telling Jim their marriage was short lived, so this was the first time she didn't have Vickis back, so to speak.

I have to think this switch in direction was a result of something being revealed to all the ladies. When Meghan was again telling the ladies in a group at the Aries party about a discrepancy, this time even Lizzie was eating it up. That's the opposite reaction Lizzie had a Heathers luncheon.

Edited by IKnowRight
  • Love 6

Ryan is scary. Is he going to have to drive for 9 hrs.? Because I got the impression he was going to drive for 9 hours. Good thing he doesn't have a job because he has to drive for 9 hours. Damn kids wanted to play with their toys! Don't they understand Ryan has to drive for 9 hours? Free housing in OC but, more importantly, Ryan has to drive for 9 hours.

And he said it like, "people wanted to play with their toys and shit..." Hee! Really Ryan? People as in three little girls? Yeah I totally don't get them not grabbing their purses and drivers licenses and heading out the door. As someone who got moved around a lot as a kid, I feel sorry for those little girls. Especially the oldest. Her mother clearly has poor judgment, and she more than likely looks out for her little sisters. I noticed she took the initiative to ask Rapey if they could have breakfast first before driving back. Because two adults apparently couldn't figure out that that might be a good idea. And why was he in such a rush? Did they have to move right away?

I have a secret I've been keeping from my mother since I was about 10 years old. My dad used to go to psychics because he got a kick out it. I used to go with him and it was fun asking bad questions and getting bad answers. (don't want to offend anyone who is or knows a true psychic, anything is possible).

Your daddy sounds like an absolute riot! I think that counts as a "good secret." Edited by charmed1
  • Love 9

After sleeping on last night's episode I came to one conclusion, the editors have done an excellent job of keeping all the balls in the air.  I felt for Vicki when her friends one by one, because Vicki cannot do groups, tried to let her know that there were too many inconsistencies and perhaps she was at risk for being duped.


Then I realized Vicki has screwed each of the other four orange holders over.  The season started with Vicki no showing the trip to Napa and pretty much leaving Shannon exposed.  Next up, snoring at Meghan's couple's party and ditching Meghan's charity event.  Then there was Tamra's sex party where Vicki got into a screaming match and attacked another's marriage, and finally screwing up Shannon's party.  There was nothing keeping her from the cake cutting-she and Brooks were rude and left without thanking their hosts being a bit trouble on a couple of occasions at the party.   


So the idea that three out of these four women are trying to help Vicki see there is no return with Vicki.  Granted she unexpectedly lost her mother but she is just not there for the other women.  It is always about her.  So when her number one cheerleader can't seem to decide whether or not to keep his cancer diagnosis private or bamboozle the others with tales of new herbal remedies she gets angry at the others.  If she really wanted to quash it she would have taken either Shannon or Heather aside and said-look here is Brooks' cancer book and here are the appointment cards for chemotherapy.  It does not take an in-depth study but just the existence would have probably been enough to satisfy.  If Brooks is unwilling then Vicki needs to recognize that Brooks is desirous of attention good or bad.


Was Shannon unrelenting, perhaps but Vicki is a big girl and needs to stop playing with her hair and recognize she is putting a strain on her co-workers with her antics.

  • Love 7

I can't believe I'm going to say this but in the last scene with Shannon I actually felt bad for Vicki. I certainly think there is something hinky going on and I don't know who to believe. But Vicki really does look like she is hanging on by a thread and Shannon would not let it go. I also kept thinking if he really does have cancer what an incredibly awful, demoralizing thing to have happen. I get the idea that you don't want to dignify the allegations by "proving" you have cancer. I also get the practical side - if you are miserable, shut it down and move on. 

  • Love 8

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