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S06.E11: Sorry Not Sorry

Tara Ariano

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  On 9/18/2015 at 4:07 AM, ellenr33 said:

I just want to thank Corey and Jeremy for the greatest scene I've seen on this show in a while!!! Though Jenelle and the Kesha concert or Babs and the "I seen you with Kiefer," always make me laugh!

Jeremy looked more attractive in that scene than he has for a while. The divorce was clearly healthy for him.


When I FF'd a bit to the last scene with Jenelle's lawyer, I thought that was Leah for a second with a new hairstyle.


F-loved the show using Jenelle's mugshot as the final frame of the episode.

Edited by cheatincheetos
  • Love 11
  On 9/18/2015 at 3:20 AM, FlowerofCarnage said:

I can completely understand Jo not wanting to be around She-Hulk and Labia Lips, but he should show up to Isaac's events and be cordial as possible, if Kail and Javi, want to act a fool, let them.


Flower of Carnage, the first time you posted "Labia-lipped famewhore" for Javi, I almost peed in my pants. Reading this, I nearly choked on my water. lol




I guess Jenelle has this woman for representing her in SC and Dustin still represents her in NC.

Jenelle better get to doing that porn because at this rate, she will need representation in several more states.

  • Love 3

Well, Jeremy and Corey win for best bromance. That's for damn sure. Aside from that, I don't know what to think with certain things. Like for some reason I wouldn't be surprised if there's more backstory with Jo missing Isaacs game and awards. I don't know why but I think Kail loves to create tension there with Jo and Javi. It's just in her nature. Janelle is gross. Chelsea, I can't fault her too much on "Cole new daddy" thing because it seems Aubree herself is putting that on Cole and Chelsea has even said, Aubree has said these things. I also can't harp on her asking questions. She doesn't ask questions the way Adam did. She just asked if Aubree talked to her Dad on FATHERS DAY! and Aubree said there were two unanswered phone calls. 

  • Love 7
  On 9/18/2015 at 4:45 AM, WhosThatGirl said:

I don't know what to think with certain things. Like for some reason I wouldn't be surprised if there's more backstory with Jo missing Isaacs game and awards. I don't know why but I think Kail loves to create tension there with Jo and Javi. It's just in her nature.

I suspected that too, that Kail set Jo up to fail one way or another with the missed sports event.

Frankly amazing that Jenelle can show anyone bruises on her body with all the tattoos in the way.

  • Love 6

Jo needs to let go of his fear of going to court and get his visitation schedule changed so he can spend more time with his son legitimately and not have to curry Kail and Javi's favor or go based on their schedule and crumbs of time. Especially since it's obvious that Kail is going to court for more child support so she can afford her big new house 10 minutes away. As much as Jo is afraid of court, I don't think he should lose out on equal 50-50 time with his son, especially since he uprooted his life to be closer. Don't be that scared. The child support is based on income, and Kail definitely makes more with her show earnings. There may be an increase but I don't think it will be that astronomical that he is begging Kail literally on his knees. She is getting too many power trips from Jo's vulnerable state, so going to court is the best resort for all. He can hammer out more visitation that works for his new life and work schedule, she will probably be in a snit about that, but it's what's best for Isaac.

I am still aghast that Leah gets $1500/month from Jermy for Addy. The kid is not even in school yet...holy moly! He must have consented just because he wanted the divorce finalized and done with. Looks like Mama Dawns plan worked and Leah is set for the rest of her hillbilly life. I found the phone call of the Leah Enablers aka the Messers pretty funny. Of course she sounds better, she is not slurring, nodding off and falling asleep mid-sentence!

Jermy/Corey scene was everything. I wish we could have seen the whole chat, uncut, unedited.

Chelsea...stop it! Cole is not Aubree's dad and all your wishing ain't going to make it true. Stop being Captain Obvious and bashing Adumb every other second in front of your daughter and comparing with Cole. She is not deaf you know! At least put on some headphones or send her to another room before you start bashing. Aubrey will always love her dad, no matter how much you try to alienate and separate. All you are doing is making that poor girl lie and tell you what she thinks you want to hear. I'm glad she's happy with Cole and Aubree likes Cole but this is piling it on thick. Kail tries to do the same thing with Javi vs Joe and it's so annoying. Your Next is not the kids dad. You can just sub him in. A child will always have a bond with their parent, even if the parent is a total asshole.

Janelle...*sigh*. You other snarkers are all over that so I will just keep liking your posts. She is a hot ass mess. If you live near her, keep your eye out for that red Mustang because she is probably crying in the car after a fight with Nathan and not paying attention to the road or how she is driving. Scary to live in her neck of the woods...I'm surprised she hasn't wrecked her car with all her meltdowns pre-driving.

  • Love 12
  On 9/18/2015 at 5:36 AM, Jellowslr said:

This is the best episode - quotes from Nipples that will give me giggles for weeks.



  On 9/18/2015 at 5:16 AM, Spiderella2 said:
If you live near her, keep your eye out for that red Mustang because she is probably crying in the car after a fight with Nathan and not paying attention to the road or how she is driving. Scary to live in her neck of the woods...I'm surprised she hasn't wrecked her car with all her meltdowns pre-driving.

She probably just blows a lot of money damaging and fixing it over and over. We just see it when it's repaired.


I thought that I could still hear Leah's chronic stuffed nose through the phone speaker.

  • Love 5
  On 9/18/2015 at 4:45 AM, WhosThatGirl said:

Well, Jeremy and Corey win for best bromance. That's for damn sure. Aside from that, I don't know what to think with certain things. Like for some reason I wouldn't be surprised if there's more backstory with Jo missing Isaacs game and awards. I don't know why but I think Kail loves to create tension there with Jo and Javi. It's just in her nature. Janelle is gross. Chelsea, I can't fault her too much on "Cole new daddy" thing because it seems Aubree herself is putting that on Cole and Chelsea has even said, Aubree has said these things. I also can't harp on her asking questions. She doesn't ask questions the way Adam did. She just asked if Aubree talked to her Dad on FATHERS DAY! and Aubree said there were two unanswered phone calls.

I agree. I read some comments before I watched and I was expecting to hear some "your daddy sucks but Cole is great" type shit, but I didn't see anything like that at all.

She asked some questions but I didn't see that they were bad questions.

I also think if Cole had a look of horror or didn't want to assume a father figure role he wouldn't have moved in with them.

Once again, I must say...Jenelle is fucking pathetic.

  • Love 4

Kail lied. At home when she and Javi were talking about the graduation, she said to Javi that Jo had forgotten about the sport event. No he did not. Kail is such a fucking, lying bitch. She looks like she smells too. Jo thought the time for the sport event was at 6 p.m. Kail even reiterated that information to Javi after talking to Jo. So damn typical of that witch with seven chins to twist the story.

Who wants to bet that Javi busted Kail's cell phone?

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 12

followed by an almost serene scene of the girlses with Corey and Miranda in their backyard, happy and well-behaved. Editors FTW!

With a bit of irony mixed in as Aleeah was eating the infamous Cheetos!

My poor little Jace. Once again, he can't get far enough away from the Jenelle/Barb combination. He's across the restaurant (frozen yogurt shop?) playing with chairs. It's time for Barb to pull the plug on Jace filming. It's just not necessary.

Edited by AnnieGirl
  • Love 9
  On 9/18/2015 at 5:16 AM, Spiderella2 said:

Jo needs to let go of his fear of going to court and get his visitation schedule changed so he can spend more time with his son legitimately and not have to curry Kail and Javi's favor or go based on their schedule and crumbs of time. Especially since it's obvious that Kail is going to court for more child support so she can afford her big new house 10 minutes away. As much as Jo is afraid of court, I don't think he should lose out on equal 50-50 time with his son, especially since he uprooted his life to be closer. Don't be that scared. The child support is based on income, and Kail definitely makes more with her show earnings. There may be an increase but I don't think it will be that astronomical that he is begging Kail literally on his knees. She is getting too many power trips from Jo's vulnerable state, so going to court is the best resort for all. He can hammer out more visitation that works for his new life and work schedule, she will probably be in a snit about that, but it's what's best for Isaac.

I am still aghast that Leah gets $1500/month from Jermy for Addy. The kid is not even in school yet...holy moly! He must have consented just because he wanted the divorce finalized and done with. Looks like Mama Dawns plan worked and Leah is set for the rest of her hillbilly life. I found the phone call of the Leah Enablers aka the Messers pretty funny. Of course she sounds better, she is not slurring, nodding off and falling asleep mid-sentence!

Jermy/Corey scene was everything. I wish we could have seen the whole chat, uncut, unedited.

Chelsea...stop it! Cole is not Aubree's dad and all your wishing ain't going to make it true. Stop being Captain Obvious and bashing Adumb every other second in front of your daughter and comparing with Cole. She is not deaf you know! At least put on some headphones or send her to another room before you start bashing. Aubrey will always love her dad, no matter how much you try to alienate and separate. All you are doing is making that poor girl lie and tell you what she thinks you want to hear. I'm glad she's happy with Cole and Aubree likes Cole but this is piling it on thick. Kail tries to do the same thing with Javi vs Joe and it's so annoying. Your Next is not the kids dad. You can just sub him in. A child will always have a bond with their parent, even if the parent is a total asshole.

Janelle...*sigh*. You other snarkers are all over that so I will just keep liking your posts. She is a hot ass mess. If you live near her, keep your eye out for that red Mustang because she is probably crying in the car after a fight with Nathan and not paying attention to the road or how she is driving. Scary to live in her neck of the woods...I'm surprised she hasn't wrecked her car with all her meltdowns pre-driving.

Only til 18/19 Leah gonna be broke in 20 years after that support ends
  • Love 4
  On 9/18/2015 at 4:42 AM, GreatKazu said:

Flower of Carnage, the first time you posted "Labia-lipped famewhore" for Javi, I almost peed in my pants. Reading this, I nearly choked on my water. lol

Biologists currently believe that the striking curved oral structure on the bigpapifish serves to keep it firmly attached to its host, the sleek and dramatic MTVcheckfish as it travels between Teen Mom speaking engagements and new homes.



Edited by cheatincheetos
  • Love 10

I like Jo but that was a dick move, not showing up for the final game and medal award.  If he had just not himself shown up that would be one thing but he had Isaac! He kept Isaac from playing the game and getting his medal with the other kids. That's so unfair. I would have been livid. 


Kaiser's eyes look fine to me. Many babies' eyes are a little 'crossed' but don't remain that way. I didn't see anything unusual about his.  He seems like a cute baby and easy to care for. That's good because a cranky baby would be a problem with a mom like Jenelle.  Poor Jace. Jenelle wanted that lunch to talk to her mom, she barely paid any attention at all to Jace himself.  That poor little boy.  


Jenelle's friend reminds me of Elaine's weird actress roommate on Seinfeld a gazillion years ago. She had that fat lower lip hanging down too low like that. It's all I can see when I look at her. It's distracting and not at all attractive. Not that it's her fault, but still. Distracting. 


Jeremy and Corey - that convo was gold. Too bad there are kids involved. 


God, Chelsea. Adam may be awful but he's the guy you procreated with and Aubrey loves him. She has her whole life to figure out what she thinks of her dad she doesn't need you to try to erase him or replace him that obviously.  She was really awful this episode with all that crap.  And Cole isn't even her fiancee or husband, just her current boyfriend.  If they break up Aubrey will be devastated. Good work, Chelsea. 

  • Love 7

Corey is just so open and unassuming. I thought it was very sweet when he mentioned to Jeremy how bad things were for him until Miranda came along. I hope that marriage sticks, they seem like a really good couple.


I did enjoy that whole scene rather too much. Jeremy could hardly keep from breaking out in a grin through the entire thing.

  • Love 13
  On 9/17/2015 at 8:42 PM, GreatKazu said:

Sneak peek: http://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/news/leah-messer-finalizes-divorce-rehab-teen-mom-2-sneak-peek-2015179


Leah tries to claim that her marriage wasn't going great for the longest time, but she was trying to avoid the embarrassment of another divorce.  Excuse me.



I believe that, it was bad all of last season, too. You can tell Jeremy's been checked out of the marriage for quite some time, now. 


  On 9/17/2015 at 9:11 PM, FairyDusted said:

And we all know what the longest time means in TeenMomTown.

True, but I believe her on this 1 b/c the marriage was bad all of last season, too and I remember her talking on the phone w/a friend and saying she's afraid of what people are gonna think if she divorces him because she's in her early 20's and already married and divorced twice. 

I WANT TO CUT CHELSEA'S TONGUE STRAIGHT UP OUT OF HER HEAD for 2 reasons - one, the unhealthy Adumb convos with little Aubrey (I literally had to change the channel because I got so angry) and two, Chelsea's fucking baby voice.  My gosh, its bad when your 5 year old has a huskier, more mature sounding voice that you do.

  On 9/18/2015 at 9:03 AM, cheatincheetos said:

"You're going to start off with the green screen..."





LOVING THIS! (due to the fact that, despite having to get up at 4:30 a.m. this makes me howl and also because its Friday!)

  • Love 6

OK so IDK why, but I can't help but feel for Jenelle. I think this Nathan thing is driving her crazy because it all ended so suddenly - there was a domestic violence arrest that she didn't even call the police for, MTV called and then he was arrested, then it was done and she's been chasing him ever since. That's why she's now at the point where she decides to show up at his gym when he doesn't answer his phone. 

  • Love 6

Chelsea, Chelsea, Chelsea. I try with that girl. I really do. I like Chelsea, I do think she is the best out of all the moms. I think she is a sweet girl and she means well. But she is still very immature and has a lot to learn. It was quite obvious in this episode that she is kind of leading Aubrey in regards to Cole-daddy and certain things about Adumb. I mean, Aubrey straight up said she doesn't like her dad having so many girlfriends because Chelsea says it's bad. I am pretty sure Aubree would figure it out on her own. So Chelsea should be more of a sounding board and keep the opinions to herself. 


And I really do hope she and Cole work out, because she sure is putting a lot of hopes on him. They're just both so young! 


And, dangit, Chelsea, you couldn't get Randy a Father's Day gift? C'mon!!! That cabin looked awesome, but it was kind of awkward. I seriously doubt Chelsea and Cole were the only ones spending the weekend. So it was kind of like MTV kicked all the other family who wants to stay off camera out of the room so they could film. 


Anyhow, Adumb is a piece of shit. Who just randomly goes to Denver for Father's Day weekend? A weekend he is supposed to have his kid? And no one even knows until the last minute??? And then you can't even answer the phone when your kid calls you. Adumb doesn't deserve Aubree. I will never believe that any of his efforts are anything more than A. an attempt to stick it to Chelsea and B. an effort to look good for other girls/viewers/etc. He does not care about that child. Not the way a father should. 




So Kail can buy a new house, but not a new phone? 


And they're looking to move in two weeks? How? Is their house on the market even? How can they afford two mortgages? I just don't get it. Also, is Kail in school right now? I'm just confused as to why she would anchor the university news. 


It really sucks Isaac missed his last game and medal presentation. I was hoping it was just an honest mistake. I've mentioned before that my son did soccer with the Y and sometimes those schedules they send you can be very confusing. We had games at different times every week and our schedule listed every damn team and their games,  and one time I showed up at the one an hour before ours. Ooops. But I don't know...given Jo missing the graduation and saying it was because of the tension between them, I have to wonder if he didn't miss soccer on purpose. 


So I'm not sure what to think. I've long had Jo's back. But Kail is right - he DID move there to be closer to Isaac, to be able to attend these things. And then he doesn't, because of tension? I mean, that sounds awfully immature and petty. And, did I miss something? The discussion at the park never got THAT heated. Why is there now suddenly all this tension? I just really hope they can get past this, because of Isaac. I know a lot of people think pre-school graduations are stupid, but I bet Isaac was excited about it and would have liked to have his dad there. 




Good Lord, the Messer clan can't even get through a Skype call without mass hysteria. Why on earth would Mama Dawn think it would work to pile all three kids on her lap and hold the Ipad? No. You set them on the couch, on their own cushion, and let them take TURNS talking to Leah. I was glad to see the girlses go to Cory's and get some peace. 


The baby reveal was cute. But also sad. Gracie's immediate reaction was - "I don't want no more babies, they make a mess". She probably assumes she'll have to clean up after this one, just like with Addy. I mean, really, what 5-year-old worries about the messes babies make? Very telling! 


The editors were having fun with Leah this episode. Before all of their segments they would show things like an abandoned kiddie bike on the street. Or a nest full of newborn birds, with no mother. Well played, MTV. And I love Leah's revisionist history about her marriage. Two weeks ago she was beside herself, wanting to do anything to get Germy back. Now she "always knew it wasn't right", but was embarrassed to go through another divorce. Um yea, okay. 


The man date was awesome, now those boys just need matching camo shorts! 




I just can't with Jenelle and Nathan. So he's still seeing this new girl, but Jenelle is willing to "hook up" with him? Okay, well then don't cry when things don't go your way. That's not how this works, that's not how any of this works. (Also, please, we don't need to hear about Nathan's boner.) I swear, she thinks telling someone she's having panic attacks is the way to get whatever she wants. 


Has she learned nothing? Don't mess with Nathan's gym time! He didn't even do abs. Damnit, Jenelle. 


Jace should still be in a booster. He is 5, and not a big 5. My 5-year-old is the size of a 7-year-old, and both he AND his actual 7-year-old brother are still in boosters. He is too tiny. 


Everything Jenelle says - it's like she KNOWS it's the right thing to say, but there is no feeling behind it. "I wouldn't trade Kaiser for the world" sounds like "I bought flour for $.50 off this week". Except that bitch would never buy flour. It's not like she bakes. 


So now Jenelle has been arrested again??? These two. I can't. Why would Nathan even bring his side piece to her house??? They play games with each other. That's all they do. And the kids are stuck in the middle.It literally makes me sick. Jenelle's lawyer was awesome. "You don't need a man!" Too bad Jenelle will never listen to her. Or anyone else. Tell her what she doesn't want to hear and she'll wail, "You're soooo mean" and go chasing after Nathan again. 

  • Love 18

Chelsea: "it really upsets me that Aubree didn't see her dad at all on Father's Day"

Me: since when? U know. If Adam got paid for everytime he is mentioned on this show without actually making a physical appearance, he could pay back all of his back child support in record time!

Aubree: I wish my dad was gonna act like him". (him = Cole)

Chelsea: "You do? Oh I know. That would be nice, wouldn't it? At least you have Coley, huh?"

Aubree: "instead my dad having all those girls. Girl, girl, girl girl"

Chelsea: "Why do you think that's bad?"

Aubree: "You said it was bad."

Me: "Chelsea, stop trying to make Cole happen by running down her dad to her. As long as Cole is good to her she will like him and doesn't need to think her dad is bad to like Cole. She can like/love both of them. Don't make her think she has to choose to please her mom". Just sayin'

  • Love 10
Not to defend Jenelle for anything, but to be fair, he yelled at her for coming to his GYM TIME, and then followed her home to "talk" so he could berate her more.  If he doesn't want to be around her, he shouldn't be at the house starting fights.


Jenelle is fucking crazy, but Nips totally plays into it. On purpose. He came back to the house and was being all sweet - patting her head and saying, "Sorry, but you know it's my gym time" in a soft, little voice. Then she says something about his ex and he flips on her and storms out. Also, he brought his side piece over to pick up Kaiser. He knows Jenelle. Why do that, unless it was to provoke her?

  • Love 11


Karl it's just a preschool graduation. It's just a game. Everyone gets a medal anyway. Issac didn't seem sad or upset about missing the game. Javi MYOB.


I think having graduation starting in preschool is ridiculous.  High school graduation used to be something we so looked forward to because it meant something awesome.  Kids now will go through how many "graduations" by the time they are seniors? When every little thing in their lives is a big deal and celebration, it cheapens it if you ask  me.  There is nothing to look forward to.  Parents and schools need to stop that crap with the quickness.

  • Love 19
  On 9/18/2015 at 9:03 AM, cheatincheetos said:

"You're going to start off with the green screen..."



Evertime I see this, it drives me into uncontrollable fits of laughter.

Did anyone catch when Sterling basically confirmed what everyone already suspected, that Kail is moving because of Jo. Did you also catch how Kail quickly cut her off and changed the subject?

  • Love 11

The conversation between Chelsea and Aubree really bugged me. There were so many leading questions by Chelsea and a whole lot of parroting by Aubree. At one point, when Aubree said that Adam had a lot of girlfriends and Chelsea asked why that's bad, Aubree said "because you said that." Honestly, as much as Adam deserves it, parental alienation is not ok, it's not fair to the child. She will figure it out without Chelsea telling her and pretty much drilling it into her head that Cole is her new dad. There's also no doubt in my mind that Chelsea had a lot to do with Aubree making that picture for Cole.

I have a kid around Aubree's age and I recognized the exasperation at being asked the same questions over and over. And with my kid, I can tell when he's just telling me what he thinks I want to hear, and I saw that with Aubree. Stop, Chelsea!

  • Love 18

I can't believe this is the way Chelsea talks to her daughter. She ASKED Aubree if she wants to draw Cole something for FATHERS day!! This was what I have been sensing all along. Chelsea is implying, suggesting and motivating which really means MANIPULATING her child to obsess over Cole just like she is obsessing over Cole. I really was shocked at how she is pushing this with all she can. Why can't she just let her daughter be.

And again another thing which I already thought of her, this girl is in no way mature. The fact that she said 'I wish he (adam) would just go away because we are fine now'. Meaning, she has Cole now so he can fuck off. Way to think of your daughter you selfsentered baby.


I can sympathize with Jo but even Adam shows up to Aubree's events and graduation and we all know how obsessive Lois Griffin, Randy and Chelsea all are when it comes to Adam. Talking, laughing like school kids themselves so uncomfortable does not negate your responsibilities. He can just hug Isaac and tell him he did ok and leave. Jo doesn't have to stand with him/them. I think he is just not doing well all together but that was probably just after moving so a lot of shit at home with Vee probably and feeling the stress of it all. Still, no need to just be absent. I do applaud Kail (learn Chelsea!) for not telling or asking Isaac about Jo when he didn't show up, the same with the soccer game when she asked Javi to not talk about the game so Isaac will not feel like he missed it.


Jenelle. Well. She is a dependent person. I wish she was dependent on her sons instead of all these random men. This has nothing to do with Nathan. Any guy she is with she becomes obsessed with. It doesn't matter who it is. How can we forget when she was running after the car where Kieffer was in. She just can't be alone and gets overwhelmed when she left alone. She needs therapy, like the day before yesterday.


Leah. Nothing there. Like really, nothing. Jeremy really is not that good of a guy as Cory is but it seems they are kind of the same type of guy and not surprised that they can hang out. You could see they had trouble from keeping from laughing.

Edited by TM2
  • Love 15

One more thing, I agree with PPs that Jo should be attending Isaac's events even though it's uncomfortable. He can stand far away and just do the basic niceties with Kail and Javi. He's only giving Kail more ammunition. And Isaac is the one who'll suffer from it. They're in for a lifetime of shared events, is he going to miss them all? I wonder if Vee is feeding into it and encouraging Jo to stay away because it seems very unlike Jo. And Vee obviously feels uncomfortable and doesn't care to attend Isaac's things with Kail and Javi around. There's probably a part of her that wants less of the blended family dynamic with the four of them and more Jo (and Isaac) for their own little family.

I hate Kail and Javi's convos about Jo. They egg each other on and get so nasty. That was rich, Javi saying Jo needs to be a man.

  • Love 5
  On 9/18/2015 at 1:40 PM, Harperlee1 said:

One more thing, I agree with PPs that Jo should be attending Isaac's events even though it's uncomfortable. He can stand far away and just do the basic niceties with Kail and Javi. He's only giving Kail more ammunition. And Isaac is the one who'll suffer from it. They're in for a lifetime of shared events, is he going to miss them all? I wonder if Vee is feeding into it and encouraging Jo to stay away because it seems very unlike Jo. And Vee obviously feels uncomfortable and doesn't care to attend Isaac's things with Kail and Javi around. There's probably a part of her that wants less of the blended family dynamic with the four of them and more Jo (and Isaac) for their own little family.

I hate Kail and Javi's convos about Jo. They egg each other on and get so nasty. That was rich, Javi saying Jo needs to be a man.

Yeah I think it is also unlike Jo as far as I've seen him. He doesn't seem like someone who would just not go for such a reason. Maybe Vee is indeed giving him a hard time about it or something else is going on we are not aware off.


Well apparently (so says Kail) MTV is pushing these convo's about Jo since she wants to show off her school accomplishments.





Edited by TM2
  • Love 2

My DVR cut out at Jenelle's lawyer meeting. I think it was trying to save me.

Really hated that Jo is giving Kail more ammo. He missed an important event for his son to be at, not just him. He also pulled up in a BMW (I think, there are too many luxury cars and they change quickly) so Kail must smell money somewhere.

Loved the scene with Germy and Corey but of course we had to see Corey spit and talk to the girls with a big chunk of chew in his mouth, ugh. You're onscreen for 5 minutes, can you not chew for that time? Someone finally said the words pill addiction!

Jennelle is nuts and she always pulls a 180 on the person she's arguing with. This episode, she is all crying and sobbing about where the relationship is going and how much she needs to be with Nipples and Nips says to leave him alone. Then she explodes- "But what about how you laid with me last night and had your boner against my back all night!" Oy, poor Jace and Kaiser Roll. And, no matter how lousy she treats Barb, Barb is always there for her when she needs her.

Chelsea, Cole seems like a very nice guy but if it goes sour for you guys, Aubrey will be crushed and you are pushing way too hard.

  • Love 10
  On 9/18/2015 at 3:20 AM, FlowerofCarnage said:

I can completely understand Jo not wanting to be around She-Hulk and Labia Lips, but he should show up to Isaac's events and be cordial as possible, if Kail and Javi, want to act a fool, let them.

I almost choked on my Wheat Thin when Javi said Jo needed to be a man. Says the guy whose balls are hidden deep wherever his wife stores her gazillion scarves.

Is Kaiser crossed-eyed? Seriously, he looks like he is.

I guess Jenelle has this woman for representing her in SC and Dustin still represents her in NC.

Chelsea, stop trying to force Cole into being a daddy.

Corey and Jeremy bitchfest was totally made of win. I am with them, this is about the safety of their children.

Heh heh. You said Labia Lips.

  On 9/18/2015 at 5:15 AM, MsSilverSpecs said:

Only real emotions I ever see from Jenelle is when she's chasing after yet another loser. Otherwise dead eyes.

But I bet she can light up a room when there's a bone pressing into her back.

  • Love 5
  On 9/18/2015 at 1:22 PM, FlowerofCarnage said:

Evertime I see this, it drives me into uncontrollable fits of laughter.

Did anyone catch when Sterling basically confirmed what everyone already suspected, that Kail is moving because of Jo. Did you also catch how Kail quickly cut her off and changed the subject?

I caught that, too. Sterling started to say something about Jo being so close in relation to Kail's moving and Kail quickly redirected the convo.

I also think there's more of a backstory about why Jo missed Isaac's graduation. I mean, the guy moved all the way down to Delaware to be near his son, so why not attend the event despite awkwardness? Did he just find out Kail was moving again after the child support sitdown and have a fit?

And Javi needs to just shut it.

Edited by Adiba
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  On 9/18/2015 at 6:15 AM, GreatKazu said:

Kail lied. At home when she and Javi were talking about the graduation, she said to Javi that Jo had forgotten about the sport event. No he did not. Kail is such a fucking, lying bitch. She looks like she smells too. Jo thought the time for the sport event was at 6 p.m. Kail even reiterated that information to Javi after talking to Jo. So damn typical of that witch with seven chins to twist the story.

Who wants to bet that Javi busted Kail's cell phone?

 Just because it is Kail doesn't mean it is something that was intentional. It is obvious that she was just summing it up without specifying. Javi was there when Jo showed up late and she already said at the event that Jo thought it was at six. So it is not like she is pulling something here. We saw it and she said it herself and Javi was there too. A little far fetched.

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You know, these girls (specifically, Kailyn and Chelsea) and the way they discuss their kids' fathers with/around the kids just makes me appreciate my mother more and more. My parents split up when I was about four, my mom and I moved to another state and I only saw my dad two or three times a year after that. They didn't get along on the occasions when they had to talk to each other - and they had to, because they had two kids - and I could often hear the weariness/tension in my mother's voice when she was on the phone with him sometimes. But she never, ever talked about him to me, other than to inquire if I remembered to call him on Sunday night like I was supposed to or, when he would fly out to visit those couple times a year, asked what we did when we went out all day. And when she started dating dating again, when I was like ten, I was uncomfortable with the change and the first thing she said when we sat down to talk about it was that New Guy was not my "new father" because I already have a father. I appreciate now that she never tried to discourage my relationship with my father, perhaps because the distance made it so hard to maintain a relationship, and never put ideas in my head about what to think of him or even what she thought of him. Now, as an adult, I know him more on a grownup one on one level and I do see some of the personality/anger things that must have driven her batty, because sometimes it's hard for me to be around him too long knowing how he "gets" - though I of course love him and try to visit with him whenever we both can. But sometimes I marvel at the fact that I was blind to "seeing" these things until I was well into adulthood, because my mother never tried to impress them on me herself. She let me figure it out for myself. If she had told me about all these traits of his when I was growing up, I would have looked forward to his infrequent visits with dread and exhaustion - as I admittedly do sometimes now. But she didn't, because regardless of how she felt about him, she wouldn't have wanted me to think of him that way because he was still my dad and she knew he loved me. Thanks, Mom.[/overshare]


Anyway, my point in this long overshare is that I'm rapidly losing respect for Chelsea the way she, purposely or not, baits Aubree into looking down on her dad and propping up Cole in his place. Stop that. Adam's a dick, and he's unreliable, and he can't even be bothered to spend time with his daughter on his actual visitation time when the day falls on fucking Father's Day, but I do not believe he doesn't care about her. I wouldn't have thought so at the beginning, but I really don't believe that Adam will bail, for good, when the show is done and the cameras are gone. He won't come around nearly as much, which is already not often at all, but I genuinely don't think he's going to abandon her. And Aubree used to act so excited to see him and spend time with him - naturally, because Visiting Daddy time means going out and doing something special and out of the ordinary - and now she's all but calling him a deadbeat. I'm sorry, but she wouldn't be doing that if Chelsea weren't constantly feeding her insecurity about the time (or lack thereof) that he spends with her and bringing him up in the context of how awesome Cole is. No, Chelsea shouldn't lie and say that "Of course Daddy will be there" or "Well, I'm sure he's thinking of you and he's sorry he missed you" because she really doesn't know that and it's just as wrong and dangerous to build Aubree up with false hope because she's setting her up to be let down ... but at the same time, she shouldn't be encouraging the "My daddy's unreliable" conversation, either. Shut it down. Don't lie to her, but don't agree with her, either. Just make a neutral comment and change the subject - to something besides Cole, that is.




Can Jeremy and Corey move to their own spinoff show? Life After Leah must become a thing. I will make it happen, so help me God. (Also, it always amuses me how guys get so fast and loose with the f-bombs when talking to each other.) Thank you, Jermy, for saying out loud what the show refuses to acknowledge - Leah's got a prescription drug problem! She's not in "therapy" for "anxiety"! It's fucking rehab! Call it rehab! Corey and Jeremy are absolutely right to be concerned about Leah's state and her need to get help. It's their children that she's got when she's stoned out of her mind, doing who knows what (or who) in the house, possibly driving with them in that condition. If they can't convince a judge to let them have their respective girls most of the time so they're not in that environment, they're going to make damn sure that Leah gets her shit together. Good boys. Now get started on that spinoff show.


I don't know what to make of Jo and his missing Isaac's soccer whatever and preschool graduation and stuff. Yeah, he claimed to move to Dover so he could be closer to Isaac and see him more often and be a part of activities like this, but now that he's actually here he blows them off, and why, because he doesn't want to deal with the "tension" between him and Kail and Javi? I would think that a guy who would go to the "trouble" of uprooting his life and moving to another state in order to be closer to his child wouldn't be put off by a little awkwardness and discomfort. Something's fishy with that whole situation.


Jenelle is so sad and stupid and annoying and I just can't deal anymore. Nathan is an asshole who treats her like shit and insults her and apparently runs her over, and she's still obsessed with him to the point of having panic attacks at not being with him? Go away, woman. I agree that she looked Leah-level stoned in her meeting with her lawyer. Was that the same woman who gave it to Nathan about his DUIs? I like her "Just because my job is to defend you doesn't mean I'm going to defend you" approach. Love how the closing shot of the episode was Jenelle's latest mugshot. It only would have been better if, when they closed the "book" to start the end credits, they had framed the screen with all of her other photos.

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  On 9/18/2015 at 3:35 AM, Joe Jitsu913 said:

I lol'd at Nathan calling Jenelle trailer trash. If it was anyone else, I'd feel sympathy but this is Jenelle. Trashy is her middle name.Even her lawyer-of-the-frosted blue-eyeshadow called Jenelle trashy in a subtle way. When does Jenelle get the hint?

OMG, Nipples is sooooo meeannn!!! He's the reason I keep getting arrested every 90 days!!!

I really hate when single mothers try to push fatherhood on their current boyfriend. I've known a few women who do this, and it's ended disastrously. I actually know one woman who's on her second "baby daddy" in the past year. Of course, he's not the father of her children but she's plastered their pics on FB as if they're a legit family.

I really want Chelsea to ditch the nasty eyeliner and over arched eyebrows. The same goes for Jenelle, Janelle's lawyer, and Leah. Less is more when it comes to makeup.

No comment on the hosebeast known as Kail the Garbage Pail.


Thank you!  Chelsea's makeup kills me.  For someone so into hair and make-up, I don't understand the orange faced, raccoon eyed look she's always sporting.  She's sees herself on film every season, doesn't she realize how awful it looks?  Her eyeliner isn't even straight!  The lines are all crooked!  She's a beautiful girl (I'd kill for that hair) I don't understand why she feels she needs a solid 3 inches of caked on make-up.  Less is more, girlfriend, less is  more.  Also, the coaching of Aubree to talk shit about Adam was uncomfortable.  


I was smiling from ear to ear through the whole Jeremy/Corey scene.  I want them to be BFFs for life.  And good for them for saying what's really going on for the cameras.  Fuck MTV for covering up for her ass.  Those children are in danger and if anything happened to them, some of the blame would definitely be on MTVs shoulders.  


Jenelle is so trashy.  At least she dropped off the roll at daycare before chasing Nathan around like some deranged stalker.  That girl has so many issues it's getting uncomfortable to watch.


And I was surprised at Jo.  He moved three hours away for the sole purpose of being close to his son yet he can't manage to bring him to a soccer game or attend his preschool graduation?  That was disappointing.  


ALSO:  When Kail was facetiming Sterling, was Sterling DRIVING?  I swear she was in the drivers seat of a car during that conversation, which terrified me.

Edited by lezlers
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Leah. Nothing there. Like really, nothing. Jeremy really is not that good of a guy as Cory is but it seems they are kind of the same type of guy and not surprised that they can hang out. You could see they had trouble from keeping from laughing.


Unless he's pissed, Germy has always has this smirk on his face, as if he's trying hard not to laugh. I don't think he's ever gotten used to being on camera. Especially in these scenes where you know the producers are making you get together with someone and talk about a certain subject. 



Well apparently (so says Kail) MTV is pushing these convo's about Jo since she wants to show off her school accomplishments.




I don't know if they're pushing them. I'm sure Kail needs no motivation to trash Jo. But I can see MTV choosing to air those scenes over more "boring", school related scenes. I would kind of be pissed if I were her. I really didn't know she was back in school. That's why I was so confused as to why she was anchoring their news pieces. 

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My first thought was the Isaac didn't want to go to the soccer game because he can't handle Kail's constant yelling.  He didn't look upset about missing the game.  I figured he had cried to Jo that he didn't want to go but was scared that Kail and Javi would be mad at him, so Jo pretended it was his fault they missed it to get Isaac off the hook.   I'm not sure what to think about the preschool graduation though.

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