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Can I interest you in a Tom Brady tongue bath? (I actually like and respect the guy, probably because I was living in MA during the first few championships of the 2000s, but this is a bit much.)


"Tom Brady is one of the most misunderstood athletes or celebrities that we have in this country," said one of Brady's former teammates, who won a Super Bowl with him early in his career. "If you can't look at what Brady's done and appreciate and embrace who he is, then you're missing what's great about America."
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Can I interest you in a Tom Brady tongue bath? (I actually like and respect the guy, probably because I was living in MA during the first few championships of the 2000s, but this is a bit much.)

Great quote. What do people misunderstand about Tom Brady? Most people I know respect his game and his success, even if they do call him a cheater or a cry-baby or one of the NFL's golden boys. 

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Really. And I'm not a hater either. What's misunderstood? He got drafted low, worked really hard, and took tremendous advantage of an opportunity when it presented itself. Even his combine scouting report was accurate. It's surely a good story but come on. 

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I'm from Boston, I'm a diehard Pats fan and unlike most, I have nothing against Brady, but the hero worship does get a bit ridiculous. He's a guy who throws a ball for a living, he's not Mother Theresa for God's sake.

I'm nervous about this weekend. The Pats don't always bring their A-game when they travel to Denver. On the NFC side, I'm rooting for the Cardinals. It's probably Palmer's last chance for a ring. I don't love or hate Cam Newton one way or the other, but he's young, he's got plenty of time to win a SB.

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Someone was discussing somewhere else that the clamor for Leonardo DiCaprio to win an Oscar is too much because he's only 41, there's still time, and I disagreed with that because much of his body of work has BEEN Oscar-worthy and he has over twenty years of work that's been ignored, it's not like he just started.

I feel it's similar with the SB. Dan Marino had plenty of time, too, but that didn't work out so well for him. Carolina has shown it knows how to be terrible, it's possible for it to go south for them again.

If you can get that ring, you get it when it's right in front of you.

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Hopefully the Cardinals have already made plans to travel to Charlotte by now or early Friday. I'm west of Charlotte and expecting anywhere from one and a half to two feet of snow and I think Charlotte is only expecting a little less than that. I'm assuming travel is going to be dicey and actual practice time on the field might be non existent. Highs are expected to be right at freezing for game time Sunday. Should be interesting. I'd say this works in our (Carolina's) favor but honestly the Panthers aren't a "cold weather" team either.

ETA: it looks like this may be more of an ice event than snow (still calling for several inches) event for Charlotte which for this area is terrible news. Everything pretty much shuts down.

I sent hubby out for a generator today since last time we got a foot or more of snow we were without power for a week. I'm not going to miss this game darn It!

Edited by Mountainair
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Yeah, I actually feel that really cold weather works in the Cards' favor. Carolina is explosive while Arizona is more steady (not that AZ can't be explosive but you know what I mean)...steady fares better in the cold than explosive.

I'm rooting for the Cards since I think the Pats match up better against them/if the Pats can't win it I'd like to see Fitzgerald get a ring, but it's really hard for me to see them beating Carolina in Carolina. Pretty much every bounce would have to go their way for that to happen, I think.

I love Brady, but that piece is totally just ESPN damage control.

Edited by stealinghome
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And here I was thinking that the NFL should be grateful the games are being played in the South (NFC) and the West (AFC) rather than having the AFC game be in New England this weekend.   Didn't realize the Carolinas were getting walloped too. 

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We're expecting an ice storm Friday in Charlotte - American Airlines has already canceled all flight in and out for the day. It's supposed to be sunny and in the 40s by game time.

Holy crap. For everyone living in that neck of the woods, stay safe!!!

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I swear to Christmas if NE makes another SB I will not be able to fucking handle it. I'll have to swear off sports radio for two weeks and possibly forever.


Hopefully the Broncos franchise can finally catch a break and go to the Super Bowl.


I know it's been a lifelong dream of both Elway and Manning.

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I swear to Christmas if NE makes another SB I will not be able to fucking handle it. I'll have to swear off sports radio for two weeks and possibly forever.

You should just give up sports radio, regardless of what happens with NE.  Seriously. Your life will get better.

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See the difference is I adore Peyton and loathe Brady so Denver and Peyton's prior SB experiences mean little to me.

For me personally New England enrages me and I'm sick of their faces.


I wonder if the love and appreciation for Peyton (over Brady) is because he's such a, um, loser.


He's so perfect. Really, really great. Yet he's so flawed in that he's only won one championship.


It makes him human.


Brady, on the other hand,...

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I swear to Christmas if NE makes another SB I will not be able to fucking handle it. I'll have to swear off sports radio for two weeks and possibly forever.

Worth the additional repost.  

As an AFC team-fan, it embarrasses me on behalf of our conference that it's been only those 3.  Because I only like one thing about all of them: Peyton does great ads.


Here's a reason I turned off sports radio a decade ago: sick of hearing them refer to him as "Big Ben".   Because I heard it.  So.  Fucking. OFTEN.

Edited by gutette1
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I wonder if the love and appreciation for Peyton (over Brady) is because he's such a, um, loser.

He's so perfect. Really, really great. Yet he's so flawed in that he's only won one championship.

It makes him human.

Brady, on the other hand,...

I think it's a combo of Manning being a historic choker but also just being a Manning. He wouldn't have been nearly the media darling he was/is if not for the Manning family storyline. (See also Eli, who NEVER could have gotten away with forcing the Chargers-Giants trade if it wasn't for daddy.)
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(See also Eli, who NEVER could have gotten away with forcing the Chargers-Giants trade if it wasn't for daddy.)



Which is why I don't like Eli unless he plays the Patriots.  I love Payton's commercials, and I loved when he won the Super Bowl and someone asked him about finally being off the list of QB's who couldn't win the big one.  He immediately rattled off a list of great QB's and ended with "I was never embarrassed to be on the list with them."  He won my heart forever then.  When he's interviewed, listen to how much he knows of the game's history.  Notice how many times he deflects praise to his teammates and how much he knows about historic players we've forgotten.  Add in the handwritten notes he writes to retiring players or players who caught his attention one weekend.  I hope he retires at the end of this season, but I hope it's after he wins it all again.

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I think it's a combo of Manning being a historic choker but also just being a Manning. He wouldn't have been nearly the media darling he was/is if not for the Manning family storyline. (See also Eli, who NEVER could have gotten away with forcing the Chargers-Giants trade if it wasn't for daddy.)

I don't think that is true at all about Eli. I don't agree with what he did, but John Elway did the exact same thing when he was drafted by the Colts. He didn't have a famous father, he got away with it. People forgot about it over time, now it's a footnote and part of the serendipity of the Elway-Manning-Luck saga Colts saga, nothing more.

At least Eli and Peyton don't have their dad going all over the sports talk radio circuit defending them over cheating allegations and whining about how they are mistreated, which is what Brady did after being caught/accused of cheating. I don't believe for a minute that wasn't all a PR strategy by Brady and his team so that brady himself didn't have to go out there and say anything, he could claim he was just taking the silent road, but he could still get his thoughts out there. His dad basically became his spokesman, which is total BS.

I have stopped listening to most talk radio largely over deflategate. I just couldn't listen anymore. All these "scandals", sports talk radio just pisses me off. I stopped listening to Evan Cohen on Mad Dog radios altogether over this and other things. He his such a hack and an idiot, acted as nothing but a pats cheerleader in it throughout. That was really just the culmination though, I thought he sucked before. He is a bandwagon fan and his show is amateurish. The only reason I used to listen some was because he is on opposite Mike and Mike in the morning and I liked a different perspective. I don't need a stupid fanboy biased cheerleader perspective though.

It's not just Defelategate, but that was the culmination I think. I like Mike and Mike pretty well, I listen a bit in the morning. But the evening drive time show on ESPN sucks, can't stand them. Stephen A Smith is OK, but he is full of himself and hard to stomach. I like Adam Schein OK but he is on Mid day and don't get to here him much. The problem is they all talk about the same stuff with little variation, which is disappointing when there is so many guys out there to listen to.

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I don't think that is true at all about Eli. I don't agree with what he did, but John Elway did the exact same thing when he was drafted by the Colts. He didn't have a famous father, he got away with it. People forgot about it over time, now it's a footnote and part of the serendipity of the Elway-Manning-Luck saga Colts saga, nothing more.



Not everyone has forgotten about it.  There's nothing quite as satisfying as a life-long sports grudge...   The reason I will never like Peyton - both teams he's played for have bad Baltimore history.

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I don't think that is true at all about Eli. I don't agree with what he did, but John Elway did the exact same thing when he was drafted by the Colts. He didn't have a famous father, he got away with it. People forgot about it over time, now it's a footnote and part of the serendipity of the Elway-Manning-Luck saga Colts saga, nothing more.


It's been a long time, so my memory on this isn't pristine, but I recall Elway getting vastly more criticism than Eli ever did.  Perhaps because Elway did it first, but I think more than a little of it had to do with Eli's last name. I also don't recall much criticism of the Colts for drafting Elway, but I think there was quite substantial criticism of the Chargers.

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Worth the additional repost.  

As an AFC team-fan, it embarrasses me on behalf of our conference that it's been only those 3.  Because I only like one thing about all of them: Peyton does great ads.


Here's a reason I turned off sports radio a decade ago: sick of hearing them refer to him as "Big Ben".   Because I heard it.  So.  Fucking. OFTEN.


Those three plus the Ravens. Who honestly should have beaten the Patriots in 2011 and 2014, which would have put a delightfully massive dent in Brady's legacy. The only team that has gone to Foxborough in the last 52 games and won. Twice. No other team in the AFC seems to be able to bother them at all, and no other team bothers Brady half as much as the Ravens have, over the years. The NFL needs the Ravens to be in the playoffs.


I fully expect them to go to Denver and win, because Manning is so incredibly done. There's not much he'll be able to do, especially once he gets sacked a couple of times. All I can hope for is that the Cardinals or Panthers show up in a big way in the Super Bowl.

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I don't think that is true at all about Eli. I don't agree with what he did, but John Elway did the exact same thing when he was drafted by the Colts. He didn't have a famous father, he got away with it. People forgot about it over time, now it's a footnote and part of the serendipity of the Elway-Manning-Luck saga Colts saga, nothing more.

FYI, I didn't know this until the 30 for 30 on Elway and Marino which I am watching right now, but Elway's father was the head football coach at San Jose State. So not Archie Manning level, but way more savvy than the average family.

And as a lifelong Marylander, I know PLENTY of people who still hate Elway for what he did. I've always been a Redskins fan, no Colts or Ravens love here, but I get it.

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"His dad basically became his spokesman, which is total BS. "


I doubt anybody thought his Dad wasn't beyond biased and protective so I don't really see the outrage. The NFL basically publicly stated the circumstantial evidence made Brady guilty without offering any proof, show me any father who would have kept his mouth shut. If your close family can't get upset on your behalf, who the the hell can?

Edited by caracas1914
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"His dad basically became his spokesman, which is total BS. "


I doubt anybody thought his Dad wasn't beyond biased and protective so I don't really see the outrage. The NFL basically publicly stated the circumstantial evidence made Brady guilty without offering any proof, show me any father who would have kept his mouth shut. If your close family can't get upset on your behalf, then the hell can?

The outrage is that his dad was obviously just acting as Brady's spokesman, saying what Brady wanted to, but Brady was too gutless to do it himself. If Brady had things to say, he should just do it himself, not standing behind his dad doing it for him all over the sports talk circuit. Just like destroying evidence by getting rid of his cell phone, claiming he didn't have to cooperate.

Be a man, say it yourself, turn over the evidence, stop hiding behind Kraft, and your dad, and your lawyers, and claiming your famous wife makes you a celebrity target and unable to turn over things from your cell phone (the NFL never even asked for your personal Emails/texts anyway). Gives one fluff interview to a friend of the Pats after the report came out and otherwise never really adressed it directly himself. Gutless way he personally handled it all, in my opinion.

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Brady addressed it in court and didn't back down, so I thought Brady spoke loud and clear by challenging the NFL publicly and basically kicking Goodell's ass in arbitration.

Again, his Father voicing his opinion publicly is a different matter.

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Brady also DID give a news conference way back when all the bs started, stating his thoughts on the matter pretty clearly.


Also, the NFL told Brady they didn't want his cell phone. They don't get to go back on that because Goodell got his panties in a twist.

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Honestly if I was Brady, I wouldn't have given up my cell phone either. I can't imagine any celebrity would.

Especially not to an entity that had already proven pretty untrustworthy as far as Deflategate went...massively wrongly reported PSI that went uncorrected for months, anyone? Or the leaks that somehow kept escaping from the NFL's side?

Edited by stealinghome
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Those three plus the Ravens. Who honestly should have beaten the Patriots in 2011 and 2014, which would have put a delightfully massive dent in Brady's legacy.

*facepalm*  How could I have forgotten the Ravens??  The only team of the 4 featuring a QB I actually liked.

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Brady also DID give a news conference way back when all the bs started, stating his thoughts on the matter pretty clearly.

Oh yes. I loved it when asked point blank if he was a cheater, Brady responded "I dont believe so". What a way to definitively declare one's innocence. Lol.
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Why is it on Brady or anyone accused of anything to declare his innocence? He chose his words poorly, but the legal burden isn't on the accused. It's widely regarded that the league shredded due process of law. 


I'm a nobody, and I'm not giving my cell phone up without a court order shoved in my face. 

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I've heard the Elway thing was because he didn't want to play for Frank Kush, who had a reputation as a real hard ass with his practices.  That dude coached at Arizona State and used to run his players up a mountain in the Arizona desert. 

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I didnt say anything about Tom Brady's legal burden. But if he felt the need to even address the situation by holding and/or attending a press conference where the primary (read:only) topic to be discussed *is* his guilt or innocence then yes, I would expect a more definitive statement than "I dont believe so". Was this a Sarah Palin "gotcha question" or something? It was the most basic, straight to the point question of the whole presser, and THAT'S what he says? Did Brady really need a statement prepared for him? Come on now. The dude is a 10+ year veteran who has attended hundreds of pressers and answered thousands of questions. But the one directly addressing whether or not he's a cheater is what he stumbles on?

Btw...the NFL is not a courtroom and Brady was never charged with an actual crime so all this stuff about due process, beyond a reasonable doubt, etc. isnt applicable. From what I gathered, the judge overruled the suspension not because he thought Brady was actually innocent (that part of it actually seems to be incidental) but because Goddell overreached in his punishment.

Edited by FuriousStyles
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I didnt say anything about Tom Brady's legal burden. But if he felt the need to even address the situation by holding and/or attending a press conference where the primary (read:only) topic to be discussed *is* his guilt or innocence then yes, I would expect a more definitive statement than "I dont believe so".



I don't have a QB/team in this fight, but isn't he contractually obligated by the NFL to appear in specified press conferences because he is the QB?  I'm pretty sure he didn't seek out a voluntary press conference here.

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That particular press conference wasnt immediately after the game. It was at the very least the middle of the week...like Wednesday or Thursday, and Belicheck was the one who held it. I dont know if Brady would be contractually obligated to attend a presser under those circumstances. Im sure he felt obligated just for the simple fact that he and the team were being attacked and Belicheck and Kraft were going to speak, and his absense (had he chosen not to go) would have been an even bigger story. But the premise still remains. He knows what the topic is going to be about. To me, it really isnt hard to come up with a better answer than the one he gave. I can kind of understand him bumbling and stumbling over the other stuff regarding air pressure, and whatever else. But to me, when someone asks if you're a cheater and you dont say "absolutely not" or some variation of that, then im giving you the side-eye.

And thats not even to say that I would have necessarily believed him even if he shouted from the podium and wagged his finger Palmero style at the reporters. But to not even try to defend yourself a little more seemed off to me.

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Due process is directly applicable because that's exactly how this matter was settled. The court determined that the NFL didn't follow due process wrt to the entire issue. No, the NFL isn't a court of law, but the rule of law in this country is based on due process, and the NFL is a corporation under USA law. They went to court on that question and the court ruled in favor of Brady, re: his suspension by the NFL was invalid because they didn't follow due process. We've covered this issue extensively in this thread before. It's a matter of legal record now, whether one agrees with it or not. Brady may very well have order the code red, but the NFL botched the whole thing. Maybe the lawyers told him to say that in the press conference. He may have sounded fishy, but sounding fishy isn't admitting guilt. The Pats are arrogant. Maybe that influenced how Brady talked at that particular press conference. It's irrelevant now.


I get the Brady hate. I don't think there's anyone with any sense of reason that doesn't think Brady had a hand somehow in it. They got away with it. There's been good posts here a while ago that talked about how awful the current CBA was and it's led to things like this. 

Edited by ganesh
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And then there's Peyton...."leave my wife alone" regarding shipments of HGH (or whatever, you all know what I mean).  But Brady, after all the science proves that the NFL got it wrong, questions remain, but it is unseemly to ask Peyton about shipments to his house.......I get hating one team or quarterback, but at some point......

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I wonder if Goodell going to stay in witness protection through the Super Bowl.


Will we see more of him than a quick shot of him sitting in an owner's suite? 


Is he still alive?


Will it be a body double on the podium handing out the trophy?



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