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S17.E36: Episode 36

Tara Ariano

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Being in that "luxury" box with Frankie all spangles and glitter dancing/flinging himself all over the place like a coked up rabbit would be another of my personal levels of hell. Jessie last week I can forgive because it's kind of a running joke at this point but f'n Frankie yeah, I'm none to happy about being subjected to that again.


I liked redheaded short haired Liz.


Vannessa and her "give me every piece of inforamtion you know and a minute by minute accounting of everything you've said to people in the last month" witch hunt was as tiring and watching her. Amazing these people put up with her. I'd be like "Ya know what? I'm on your side here, I don't deserve to be grilled. If that then makes me a target so be it, I'm not going to sit her and be picked at so you make yourself feel better about possibly nominating me. Do what you will."

  • Love 22

Hahahahaha. Just when I thought 'Judas' couldn't get any lamer, along came this brilliant moment. "Judas says Dakota is a place I'd like to visit." Never change, Judas. You suck so very much at whatever it is you're trying to be.

Frankie, blech. Is he the new Richard Simmons? Will he be running around in shorts with pink hair when he's 65?

Vanessa, I think I'm 64.7% sure that I'm rooting for you to win, but you make it so hard. And John, that reverse reverse reverse psychology really paid off for you, huh?

  • Love 11

I have a confession: I think the outing looked really fun! Including Frankie. I didn't like him last summer, and I'm not interested in Ariana, but it looked like a blast to me.


Should I be worried?


Getting an all-access pass at a concert, going back-stage and on stage, meeting the star and having a private viewing box would be very cool, if the star wasn't a dime-a-dozen teen pop princess (who I would swear was lip-syncing) and being stuck with Frankie for the evening.


I'm sorry to see that Vanessa didn't pick up any tips from the professional make-up artists and went right back to the blue eye-shadow.  (Meow!)

  • Love 13

I could never be a good enough actor to pretend to be as thrilled as the house guests were to see Frankie Grande.

Good Lord Vanessa is exhausting.

I would never be able to fake excitement for an Ariana Grande concert. Never. And were the girls singing along? They know these songs? I've never heard an Ariana song in my life nor do I know anyone who has. Maybe my 11 year old niece. Guess I'm just old.

And why does Frankie have his own make-up team? For YouTube videos? Can't be, could it??

He also bothered me more tonight than he did all last season combined!

Edited by woodscommaelle
  • Love 12

When Frankie first entered the house, John's face was hilarious then when he said "dude, you're glittery as hell." LOL Austin too was pretty funny pointing to Vanessa when Liz was picking someone to go to the concert and spend the day with Frankie.


Liz looked great with her wig and makeup. Vanessa looked awful. 


Vanessa's also interrogating and demanding of everyone is so old. I can't stand to watch her.

  • Love 6

I was never more thankful tonight for DVRing everything as there is no measure of speed to register how quickly I hit the Fast Forward button the minute Frankie's ugly mug came in through the front door. I was able to skip the entire segment. There is nothing in the universe that would make me willingly subject myself to his schtick again...I like to remember him as we last saw him in the final second of last year's finale....alone and bereft. There was a great screen cap of that going around as I recall.


In other news Vanessa looks like a big idiot conducting her interviews. Of course EVERYONE would have deals with everyone else...and OF COURSE people are going to say they told other people what they wanted to hear...just like they are now telling you what YOU want to hear. When a the grand prize is 13 days away everyone's word is worthless. You are not going to be able to suss out anything reliable. Her slack jawed expression below her bug eyes was getting really tiring tonight.


Looking back there were two good "eras" in the house this year. The Audrey era where she was all crazytown playing so hard she played herself out of the game and the period between Shelli leaving the house and James and Meg's double eviction. There was some intersting game play...another (albeit) weak faction finally emerged and James and Meg were just so likable. Since they've been gone....its all been a lifeless mess of Vanessa puppeteering everything.

  • Love 6

That was dreadful.  Vanessa is just exhausting.  Seeing Frankie was like a bad acid flashback.  I had almost forgotten how annoying he is.  I guess those stupid little kitty ears are Arianna's trademark or something.


Liz and Vanessa looked great in their disguises.  The "girls night out" was a good call.  The guys got a break from Vanessa's interrogations and I think Austin would have pouted through the whole thing.


That "Dakota is a place I'd like to visit' comment was just gross,


Maybe JMac should have reversed one more time.  lol

  • Love 7

Seriously, I think Frankie Grande is trying to replace Richard Simmons--esp since Richard seems to be in hiding or something.  (I cant remember the story)  All the My Little Pony colors, all the makeup and body glitter, all the jazz hands and dance moves, all the short shorts and tiny tops-- it's straight out of the Richard Simmons playbook.  He's not my cup of tea, but like Nite Ryder said, I don't see any harm from him.  He's just BEYOND THRILLED that he's 'famous' now,too!  I cant stand Ariana but I don't sense any meanness coming from Frankie.  JMO

  • Love 7

Was Frankie wearing high heel wedge tennis shoes? okaaaay.

He looks like he studies every one of Arianna's dances and knows every step. haha I'm not sure why that is funny to me, but I imagine him studying her back up dancers and begging to be included and Arianna saying, ummm nope.

And Arianna didn't look very excited in meeting the BB house guests. Frankie must have seriously begged her, "But sissy, this is MY chance to shine, pleeeaaasseeee?"

  • Love 8

There is nothing in the universe that would make me willingly subject myself to his schtick again...I like to remember him as we last saw him in the final second of last year's finale....alone and bereft. There was a great screen cap of that going around as I recall.


Ha!  The announcement last year of the three favorite house guests (none of them being Frankie) and then the expression on Frankie's face, after realizing he wasn't one of them, was the best moment of BB2014.


I would have passed on the concert.  And heck, I thought they would have put Liz and Vanessa in front row seats.  


I don't know if it was the wig or the makeup job, but Liz was beautiful.  She really ought to consider that hairstyle and color and change her makeup regimen.

  • Love 6

Getting an all-access pass at a concert, going back-stage and on stage, meeting the star and having a private viewing box would be very cool, if the star wasn't a dime-a-dozen teen pop princess (who I would swear was lip-syncing) and being stuck with Frankie for the evening.


I'm sorry to see that Vanessa didn't pick up any tips from the professional make-up artists and went right back to the blue eye-shadow.  (Meow!)

Thanks! That makes me feel a bit better...


Judas' Dakota comment was both hilariously lame AND disgusting.

  • Love 2

I have a confession: I think the outing looked really fun! Including Frankie. I didn't like him last summer, and I'm not interested in Ariana, but it looked like a blast to me.


Should I be worried?


Depends.  How long since you went through puberty?  ;>


Don't mind me - I'm very old.  Relatively speaking.


Frankie, blech. Is he the new Richard Simmons? Will he be running around in shorts with pink hair when he's 65?



Seriously, I think Frankie Grande is trying to replace Richard Simmons--esp since Richard seems to be in hiding or something.  (I cant remember the story)  All the My Little Pony colors, all the makeup and body glitter, all the jazz hands and dance moves, all the short shorts and tiny tops-- it's straight out of the Richard Simmons playbook. 


Dammit, yall are stealing my best material.  My first impression was, "So this is what a young Richard Simmons on crack would look like."


I don't know if it was the wig or the makeup job, but Liz was beautiful.  She really ought to consider that hairstyle and color and change her makeup regimen.


Liz looked like a different person.  She was unidentifiable - until she opened her mouth.

Vanessa looked like Vanessa in a purple wig and sunglasses, until she took off the sunglasses.  Then she looked like Vanessa in a purple wig.

  • Love 12

Depends.  How long since you went through puberty?  ;>


Don't mind me - I'm very old.  Relatively speaking.

Er... it's been a while. Let's just say, at that time I was not interested in the Backstreet Boys, rather than Ariana Grande... Hear me out: laughing, dancing and singing is mostly all we saw them do. I can totally get into that!


I know I'm not convincing anyone, haha!

  • Love 1

I could never be a good enough actor to pretend to be as thrilled as the house guests were to see Frankie Grande.

Good Lord Vanessa is exhausting.


I picture Vanessa going home to her SO, and it starts with "So, what did you do all summer while I was in the BB house? Really? You didn't X? How about Y? You didn't Z?" Run!!!!

Edited by ennui
  • Love 5

I'm sorry to see that Vanessa didn't pick up any tips from the professional make-up artists and went right back to the blue eye-shadow.  (Meow!)

Aw, no meow needed! That was my first thought when they showed her re-grilling some poor sap in her HoH room after the concert (assuming it wasn't some wonky editing): how the hell did she manage to scrub off some nice makeup that makes her look ten years younger to immediately plaster on the black-hole dead raccoon eye look and obtrusive chin concealer? I thought she looked cute in the pro makeup, and felt bad that she didn't pick up any tips.


Seeing Frankie was like a bad acid flashback.  I had almost forgotten how annoying he is.  I guess those stupid little kitty ears are Arianna's trademark or something.

Fuck that bitch - kitty ears were around for long, long before she and her brother were squirted out of her mom's vadge in a burst of glitter and desperation. Sorry for the vitriol. Just can't stand that the look is now associated with some tart of dubious talent. If I were wearing cat ears for Halloween and someone made reference to AG, I think I'd punch him or her in the face. "I'm Julie Newmar, bitches!"


Plus, I believe one of her songs - the one they showed on the ep - has the line/name "got one less problem without ya" which bugs the shit out of me. How will my SAT students ever learn that it's "fewer" for countable numbers and "less" for uncountable quantities?!? (Don't even get me started on the grammatical wasteland that is Alicia Keys' paean to NYC - but at least she's genuinely talented and therefore more forgivable.)


Speaking of grammar nazi-ism, I just CAN'T with Austin's constant "myself and Liz" when what he means is "me and Liz". He said it five times in DR, and I wasn't even counting from the beginning. Why is that a thing? Do you think "myself" sounds fancier? If only he'd go for some vocal fry too, my personal hell would be complete.

  • Love 20
Seriously, I think Frankie Grande is trying to replace Richard Simmons--esp since Richard seems to be in hiding or something.

The last few times I saw Simmons on one of the late night talk shows he seemed to have gained noticeable weight. If so, that probably didn't help his Sweatin' to the Oldies brand very much. Whatever, I can't see Frankie stepping into Richard's slot as it were unless he comes up with a better gimmick than just being Ariana's older brother.


I thought Steve looked good with some scruff on his face. John just seems so over the whole thing and I wonder if he'd really be all that bothered to get voted out again. Those were some odd camera angles with Liz and Vanessa in the limo and I wondered if they were reading their lines off something. Austin pretty clearly didn't want Liz to pick him to accompany her to the concert. Maybe he thought being filmed screaming and dancing to a pubescent-looking girl's music would hurt his macho image?

  • Love 2

One of my favorite parts of the episode was when Liz was deciding who to take with her, and Austin starts violently gesturing at Vanessa.  I'm sure Liz was thinking, "Austin wants me to pick Vanessa for strategic reasons" - and that may even have been partially true - but I'm also sure at least part of it was Austin's fear of being dragged along on a night of pure hell with Frankie, and having to play nice at it because the gf's watching.  :)

  • Love 10

The first time all season that I liked Austin was when he barely tolerated a hug from the whirling Tazmanian Glitter Devil, and then pointed to Vanessa with a look of nausea on his face, like PLEASE DO NOT TAKE ME ON THIS EXCURSION.  I would rather spend 10 days in a dirt hole than spend 5 minutes with fucking Frankie.

I feel so much better coming here and reading the hilarious commentary about him.  The way he was gyrating and flailing about up in the rafters while his sister performed made me wonder if he understands that he's not the star of her concert.   


I get kind of freaked out when Steve does things like race away from a closed door telling himself over and over that people are talking inside and that he should not go in there.  I worry about his sanity, sometimes.  The Mommy stuff I can write off as him being a socially awkward boy whose mom was his best friend and champion, but that kind of behavior gives me an "oh shit" feeling in the pit of my stomach, like maybe I don't want to see what happens next.

  • Love 9

The way he was gyrating and flailing about up in the rafters while his sister performed made me wonder if he understands that he's not the star of her concert.   



This!  This, so much this!  He is riding her coattails so hard, I'm surprised he doesn't have asphalt scars on his rear end.


I get kind of freaked out when Steve does things like race away from a closed door telling himself over and over that people are talking inside and that he should not go in there.  I worry about his sanity, sometimes.  The Mommy stuff I can write off as him being a socially awkward boy whose mom was his best friend and champion, but that kind of behavior gives me an "oh shit" feeling in the pit of my stomach, like maybe I don't want to see what happens next.

Oh, poor Steve.  He may be a superfan, but he really doesn't have the mental fortitude to handle being stuck in a house with crazies for months.  I was proud of him, however, for not hyperventilating when he sat with Vanessa in the HOH room while he endured her latest information grilling.


And what, if anything, did Vanessa tell them about her job outside the house?  I swear I heard Austin talk about not wanting to go up against a lawyer...was he talking about Vanessa?  Please don't tell me the hamsters think she is a lawyer!?

  • Love 3

This!  This, so much this!  He is riding her coattails so hard, I'm surprised he doesn't have asphalt scars on his rear end.


Oh, poor Steve.  He may be a superfan, but he really doesn't have the mental fortitude to handle being stuck in a house with crazies for months.  I was proud of him, however, for not hyperventilating when he sat with Vanessa in the HOH room while he endured her latest information grilling.


And what, if anything, did Vanessa tell them about her job outside the house?  I swear I heard Austin talk about not wanting to go up against a lawyer...was he talking about Vanessa?  Please don't tell me the hamsters think she is a lawyer!?

She studied law at Duke. They know she used to play poker, but aren't aware how successful she was. She told them she found gambling unfulfilling so she became a DJ.

My favorite part was all the looks on the guys' faces when Liz and Vanessa were telling them about the concert, then Liz apologizing for not taking them since it was a girls' trip and JMac deadpanned, "That's cool."


  • Love 5

Didn't watch last season (or any season before this) so this was my first exposure to Frankie.....and he annoyed the hell out of me in his first 30 seconds with throwing himself on the HGs, squealing like a deranged guinea pig, and acting like a cracked out Disney Fairy (Tink says to go easy on that pixie dust, Frankie).  I know who Arianna Grande is, thanks to my obsession with teen television shows, but her music seriously sucks.  The fact that Liz and Vanessa were apparently SINGING ALONG to her music makes me seriously worry for their sanity (although I swear at one point that Vanessa was doing that thing where you just move your mouth around in an attempt to make others THINK you know the words).  I have to say one positive on that little trip, though....that color and hairstyle looked great on Liz.  She might want to consider that hairstyle (even if she doesn't want to go red), once she is back in the real world.  Oh, and Austin's face when Liz was picking who would go with her...priceless. 


If Vanessa doesn't think she has a chance at final two with Johnny and Steve (when she HAS a final two agreement with Johnny), how exactly does she think she will fair any better with Austin and Liz?  Is she going to tell Austin that Liz is sleeping with her and hope he takes Vanessa over his girlfriend who he evidently loves SO much (although not enough to sit through a night with Frankie and Arianna) to final two?  At this point, I don't care who wins as long as Vanessa is moved to the Jury House this week!

Here I go again, harping on the creepfest that is Liztin, but during Vanessa's and Steve's chat in the HOH room (I think that's when it was), there was a brief shot of Liztin in bed, Austin's huge hand was wrapped around the back of Liz's head, and you could see Liz jerk her head back so he'd have to let her go.


I am constantly confused by this.  Supposedly Liztin are the twu lurve showmance of this season, but the way it is being portrayed is so OFF.  There are hundreds or hours of footage on these two, yet the editors continue to show Austin moving in for the kill and Liz backing away.  What exactly are they trying to portray by showing this?  All this tells me as a viewer is that Austin is huge and scary and possessive, while Liz continues to say that Austin is her boo but her body language says something completely different.

Edited by laurakaye
  • Love 5

Even the announcer at the start of the episode warning me that Fucking Frankie was going to be coming back for the luxury comp winner wasn't enough to prepare me for when he actually came bursting through the door like some kind of glitter-covered, hyper-gay Mr. Kool-Aid. All that irrational hatred just came bubbling back up to the surface. Well, I guess it's not really irrational… :D


If I'd won the comp I would have been hella pissed that my prize would be to have to endure Fucking Frankie while having to endure an Ariana Grande concert. Can you turn down a reward? Pass it along to someone else? Because I would've done anything to get out of it. Fake a stomach flu… chop off my own hand… anything. And if I HAD to go, I would've been sitting back further in the box enjoying food and drink, not standing at the edge with Fucking Frankie grasping my hand for dear life and twirling around singing along to every stupid song… The horror… the horror...


I don't really see Vanessa as an Ariana Grande fan, but who knows. Maybe she is. She was able to feign excitement for the cameras if she's not, which was kind of impressive. Liz, I can see it. Oh, and also, the whole season, I've gotten a Scarlett Johannsen vibe off the twins, and putting Liz in that red wig cemented it in my head. They have very similar voices. 


As far as the game, I was actually pleased we finally got a sense of the paranoid crazy Vanessa I'd heard about. It's good the show is finally airing some of that. And I have to admit I wasn't 100% sure which side of the house she was going to fall on with her nominations. Of course, she went the predictable route and put up Steve and John. Yawn.


I actually was surprised that Vanessa didn't let John have it in the end, since he was right behind her. Then she wouldn't have had to pick a side quite yet. She could've gone up as a replacement nominee if Austin or Liz had won Veto, but I'm confident she would've been able to talk her way out of being evicted. Because now she can't play next week, and I'm not sure she can keep herself off the block next week. Because Austin or Liz as HoH would put up Vanessa and Steve/John (whoever doesn't go home this week), saying that Steve/John would be the target, but then probably evict Vanessa if she doesn't win Veto to save herself.


Because at this point, Vanessa needs to be the one taking someone to the finals. I can't see anyone taking Vanessa with them. I mean, you'd have to be a complete idiot to think you could win any Jury votes against her. Oh, wait… I forgot who we're talking about. Never mind.

Edited by Wootini
  • Love 2
I guess those stupid little kitty ears are Arianna's trademark or something.


I presume that the cat ears are from Ariana's character "Cat" on the Nickelodian show "Sam & Cat", which is a spin-off from "iCarly".  I have 2 daughters, don't judge me (and still too young to take to a concert - thankfully).  But at least I do recognize her more popular songs.


One of my favorite parts of the episode was when Liz was deciding who to take with her, and Austin starts violently gesturing at Vanessa.  I'm sure Liz was thinking, "Austin wants me to pick Vanessa for strategic reasons" - and that may even have been partially true - but I'm also sure at least part of it was Austin's fear of being dragged along on a night of pure hell with Frankie, and having to play nice at it because the gf's watching.


Hahah, that so has to be true.  Austin certainly can be sure that Frankie was no threat to his "relationship" with Liz and he sure as hell did not want to go.

My daughters wanted to know if the grab bag would have contained something other than perfume if a guy went on the trip.


I agree that Liz looked great and completely different as a red-head with short hair.  She should really consider that look in the future.  Vanessa looked completely the same, just with purple hair.  They should have chosen a short-hair style for her too.

  • Love 1


Speaking of grammar nazi-ism, I just CAN'T with Austin's constant "myself and Liz" when what he means is "me and Liz". He said it five times in DR, and I wasn't even counting from the beginning. Why is that a thing? Do you think "myself" sounds fancier?

Better than substituting "I", like some people do, but if you want to get picky, the rule is that you always put the other person first, so that would be "Liz and me".



I agree that Liz looked great and completely different as a red-head with short hair.

ITA that she looked great, but my immediate reaction was that they hadn't disguised her very well compared with Vanessa, albeit it was good enough to be separate from the crowd with nobody expecting her to be out of the house (as long as she didn't talk too much).



Ok Vanessa..if you're so sure that John and Steve are so close that they'd pick each other for final 2, what do you think Austin and Liz are going to do?  Pick you instead?

If the game were designed properly, a contestant shouldn't be able to count on picking the other half of a final two.

  • Love 1

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