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S03.E03: Pretty Cheeks


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WTF did Kate do to her face? I didn't recognize her in one of her TH's.

Shut up Kate, I bet you'd burn water, what a witch.

BTW Kate, you stupid fool the QE2 isn't a cruise ship. It's an ocean liner. Even I know that. QE2 is nothing to sneeze at. I can't stand that witch.

I think Kate started on yachts because she thought she'd get a rich man, that didn't happen and now she's bitter.

And Kate, it's not Rocky's fault dumbass Don jumped in the water.

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 8

Kate is such an annoying elitist. Leon may have started his career at McDonalds, but he's right next to you, Kate, enjoying the same tips. You're not better than him. I am convinced she's just making up reasons to dislike him. 


While I cringed when Leon used frozen conch for the meal, I get why he did it. The guests were getting impatient. I hope Leon figured out how to do it eventually...since that British chef is returning per the previews, I assume Leon is going to leave.


I get that Kate is a piece of work, but I find Rocky a bit too dramatic. She's not being asked to do anything that goes above and beyond. It seems Kate is asking her to do basic tasks.


I can't believe Don actually quit. He was specifically told to just nod and smile when he asked the other crew members for advice, but instead, he went in defensively. Quitting in the middle of the charter was dumb. He was stupid for jumping in the water without checking if it's alright. I didn't like when Kate said that Don jumped in after Rocky, so she's causing havoc in other areas. That's ridiculous. Don is an adult who couldn't control his boner so he jumped in after seeing Rocky's ass. That's on him, not Rocky. Kate is just such a sour person.

  • Love 3

Good riddance, Don!  But why couldn't you have taken spastic Rocky with you?  Then you could admire her stupid ass cheeks all you wanted any time you wanted.  


Are the producers of this show so hard up for charter guests that they'd have the same one for the THIRD time?  I doubt Slover is even paying for these trips at this point.  Maybe just the tip, but still.  Hell, I'll find a way to scrape together some money for the tip to score a trip on this yacht for this show.  But I know that could never happen because even though I can have fun, I'm not willing to go off the rails in order to make myself look like a crazy fool on camera.  :P

Edited by LIGirl
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My jaw dropped when Don started smarting back to Captain Lee that he had the engineer's orders to follow and that Lee just didn't understand. HOW has this puffed-up moron managed to work on other boats before, or in any job where he has to take orders from a boss? Him asking Kate and Amy for advice made it sound as if he's never been called on the carpet by the captain of a boat he worked on before, which I find frankly impossible to believe given his belligerent attitude.

  • Love 9


I get that Kate is a piece of work, but I find Rocky a bit too dramatic. She's not being asked to do anything that goes above and beyond. It seems Kate is asking her to do basic tasks.

I do not get what Rocky is whining about all the time. Kate is asking/telling her to do tasks that are related to her job and Rocky is acting like Kate is out to get her or something. Rocky crying to her dad was so over the top for what she was being asked to do.


I like Kate, but did get annoyed that she put down where Leon previously worked. The guests so far have really enjoyed Leon's food. Though I did get her issue with not being let in on that the conch that they caught wasn't used, instead was frozen. I guess I wasn't a fan of Leon replying to her asking about it with basically it was none of her business. I also thought, that Leon did not have to give the guests the recipe of his super secret house dressing, but he could have said what the primary ingredients where or what the major ingredient was. I imagine you could pick up on the major flavors just eating it and just stress those ingredients to the guests. 


Don saying that he did not have to listen to the Captain. Haha! He was so belligerent with everyone. Glad he is gone. 

  • Love 2

Bye, Don!  Won't miss you a bit!


Rocky is like a flea on a griddle.  Watching her constant twitching, bobbing and weaving gives me anxiety and motion sickness.  She was so out of control on the phone with her dad that I felt positive she has some kind of mental illness that could be undiagnosed, because why would she ever seek treatment for having the Best, Funnest, Quirkiest Personality EVAR?  She's just the super greatest, so obviously anyone who takes issue with her adorable impetuous nature is the one with the problem!


I was pretty surprised to find out the new brunette...wish I could remember her name, because so far I like her...has dentures! 


When the clients asked Leon how he prepared the ceviche, they didn't mean how did he manage to get the conch out of the shell.  He answered a question they didn't ask, and his entire answer was a lie.  Did he not agree to cook the conch if they brought some back?  He could have said no beforehand if he didn't want to work with something unfamiliar. 


I love Eddie's relationship with the Captain.  They are cute together!

  • Love 9

Aside from her other problems, I get the impression Rocky thought she would come on the boat and giggle and be cute and her boss/the captain would be so charmed by her that she wouldn't actually have to do anything but mug for the cameras. So glad that Kate and Captain Lee burst that bubble right off the bat. I just hope Amy doesn't get caught in the crossfire between her and Kate and sink her détente with the latter.


I can't tell if Emile was actually oblivious to Rocky's single-entendres with the espresso or if it's just dawned on him that she's not nearly hot enough to be worth dealing with the Crazy. In any event, it does seem like Connie will be a good influence on him.

  • Love 5

I'm bummed that there's so much focus on Rocky.  She annoys me enough, I don't need to see all the ways in which she is annoying.  I hope this doesn't turn into the Rocky show. 


I like that Emile wasn't having it with Dan calling him Emilio.  


I'm glad that asshole Dan quit.  Hopefully the best waker-upper ever will be next.


I was too annoyed with Rocky to notice much else.


ETA: I just realized maybe it's Don and not Dan.  Whatever.  I don't care.

Edited by yourmomiseasy
  • Love 7

So many naked peeks of eddie this episode...thank you yacht gods........


seems like that accident with don did more damage to the head ......just saying.....


kate....love her.....such a dry and cruel sense of humor.  she gets it.  her radar on air head rocky, spot on.  kind of get teh feeling amy is stirring the pot a bit and as usual, nosing in where her nose doesn't belong in ....amy just loves drama and seem to love to create it. 


rocky.....attention whore and obviously spoiled.....


thank god this show has eddie.....such a great specimen of man.........more please!

"Good job! You woke up! You're the best waker-upper ever!" ​


Bwah ha ha #TeamKate


Luv, luv, luv kate......after eddie.  i hope we get more font analysis from kate this season.

  • Love 3

There is no question Don should have asked the captain for permission to go swimming. Though, I honestly think that Eddie Lucas is full of himself.  He has a power trip going as with that Kate woman.  Those two seem to always have personality problems with past and present fellow crew members. They act like high school drama queens.  They're either one, acting out because of being on a reality show, or two, they really are maladjusted personalities.  Someone on this forum mentioned that Kate looks for reasons to dislike people -- such as the chef.  I definitely agree. She looks like she has a low self-esteem to begin with and tries to play it off like she's this great Chief Stewardess.  I actually like the chef because he sticks to himself and looks consistently to do a good job in preparing meals for the charter guests.  I also think Amy Johnson goes the extra mile to do a good job for her employer and for the charter guests.  The Captain feeds off that Eddie Lucas and he really shouldn't.  One would think a captain with his experience would be more objective and hire an older Bosun to help run his yacht.          

Edited by Mars7
  • Love 1

I don't think the chef was obligated to reveal his secret dressing recipe to the guests and I don't think Kate should have lied to them about what was in it just to please them. I also don't think the chef should have lied to them about using the fish they caught that day when it was really frozen. It's like they both forgot they are being filmed and that the guests will most likely see the episode and find out they were lied to.

Oy, how much longer until Rocky joins Don? I know in the season preview we see her jump ship. Also, did she really call herself hot? When she was talking about Emile I thought I heard her say "There's a hot girl right here and it's just going over your head!" I wouldn't be shocked if because of Rocky's past history of being a champion diver that she's been told all her life how great she is, hence the spoiled attitude. Why did she accept the job of being a stew if she really wanted to be a deckhand, cook, or whatever the hell it is she wanted to do instead?

Same with Don. Why did he accept the position of deckhand if he really wanted to be an engineer? He's plainly an idiot, talking back to the captain? Did he really say "I have a real boss I have to attend to downstairs" meaning the first engineer? Captain Lee was calmer through that whole situation than he should have been.

Also the thing where he was trying to tell the other deckhands what to do was just ridiculous. I think it's obvious this guy just has a problem with authority.

  • Love 4

I think Don was in it for airtime, picked up on the storyline, and bailed.  


I'm Team Kate all the way when it comes to Rocky, but I'm biased because I'm trying to manage a special snowflake myself.  It's a near impossibility, since they act like an idiot, get upset when you treat them like one, then expect praise/rewards for actually completing a task in a semi-acceptable way.  It's also my experience that you can't really be nice to them, because they take it as confirmation of their perfection and the quality of their work will immediately dip, so I get where Kate's coming from.  


But yeah, my perspective is skewed, and all I want is to watch Kate rip her apart since I can't do that with my precious little princess.  I'd also be really curious what Rocky's parents would say now, assuming they aren't blind to her behaviors at this point.

  • Love 12

...Why did she accept the job of being a stew if she really wanted to be a deckhand, cook, or whatever the hell it is she wanted to do instead?

Same with Don. Why did he accept the position of deckhand if he really wanted to be an engineer?


they are just hoping to jumpstart their careers after becoming reality TV Stars, others may call them Fame Whores.


He's plainly an idiot


Yeah, smarter than the captain, yet working 1/2 time as a deckhand.

  • Love 2

I just realized that Don quit in the middle of a chartered trip. Does that mean he doesn't get a tip? He's an idiot. He should have just waited until the trip was over to quit.


It's dressing, though, not splitting the atom. Why not just make up some twist on a vinaigrette that's not entirely accurate if you're so concerned about your future cookbook prospects?

Some chefs are very private about their recipes - whether it be for a dressing or seasoning or whatever. If they came up with it, I think that it's their right not to reveal their ingredients. I don't think Leon should feel obligated to provide a 'twist' to the recipes to appease curious guests.

Then Leon shouldn't expect to get jobs on charters. Isn't this something chefs get all the time -- people asking for the recipe? Isn't it something he should have learned how to handle/dodge gracefully by now?


I understand that he has his ways of doing things and that's his "brand" and he doesn't want to put it on Front Street. But he didn't start doing this job yesterday, and it's...salad dressing.

  • Love 4

I want to hate on Kate and her elitist weirdness (dude, it was the QEII, not Carnival; settle down); but her deadpan delivery makes me love her beyond all sense.

I hate Don and his stupid speedtalking, egg-drinking machismo, but I have to admit I feel a little for him. I suspect production offered him a place on the yacht and then dropped him unceremoniously into a deckhand position just to stir shit; you'll notice he never responds directly when Kate tells him he "accepted" the deckhand job. As such it's hard to blame him entirely for feeling frustrated, even though that frustration vents in thoroughly douchey ways.

  • Love 3

Then Leon shouldn't expect to get jobs on charters. Isn't this something chefs get all the time -- people asking for the recipe? Isn't it something he should have learned how to handle/dodge gracefully by now?


I understand that he has his ways of doing things and that's his "brand" and he doesn't want to put it on Front Street. But he didn't start doing this job yesterday, and it's...salad dressing.

And if Kate's to be believed the guest owned restaurants, which is a pretty good way to get your secret brand out there, unless that's not his goal?

  • Love 1

And if Kate's to be believed the guest owned restaurants, which is a pretty good way to get your secret brand out there, unless that's not his goal?


Or they could have taken the recipe and used it in their restaurants which means no gains for Leon. People do that all of the time in the food industry which is why chefs can be secretive. I don't think Leon was wrong for declining nor do I think he handled it unprofessionally. But I guess I'm in the minority there so I'll agree to disagree.


I have a theory as to why Kate seems to dislike Leon so immensely and if I'm correct, that reflects really poorly on her. I hope I'm wrong.

Although I think I would hate her in real life, I really like Kate within the context of this show.  I was extremely disappointed in her, however, when she flat out lied about what was in the dressing.  Anyone with a discerning palate would know that the ingredients she listed were totally wrong.  Why lie?  Just say it is the chef's personal recipe that he doesn't want to share.  Lying is so much worse. Ugh.  That made me mad


Don was handsome but so annoying.  I'm glad he's gonna be gone soon.


Emile is pretty

  • Love 1

I suspect Rocky and Don didn't realize the positions they'd be put in - purposely misled by production in order to create drama. Don probably thought he'd be engineering much more, and Rocky probably thought she'd be outside more. Do we see her serving food to the guests, or working upstairs at all, or solely laboring down below?



Though, I honestly think that Eddie Lucas is full of himself.  He has a power trip going as with that Kate woman.

I'm with you on this. He appears to be knowledgeable and good at his job, but he's a prima donna. Kate's a close second with her efforts to spin her job as elitist just because she schleps after people on yachts.


Not having the privilege of visiting the Florida Keys or the Bahamas, I ask: is it ever permissible to pronounce conch as "consch?" 'Cause if not, Leon really showed his lack of knowledge, even as he was trying to be a know-it-all.

  • Love 3

I think it's funny that you can tell Emile doesn't have any rigorous standards about whom he plooks. . . but there's something just not right with this Rocky picture.


Meanwhile, Don's all "SQUIRREL!!" and goes leaping overboard.


Also funny:


Kate:  The guests would like to know your salad dressing recipe.

Leon:  It's my signature recipe; I don't give it out.

Kate:  Okay, I'll just make something up.



  • Love 3

I don't see Eddie generating any drama with Connie or Emile, the deckhands who actually do their jobs rather than arguing with their bosses all the time. Don's problems with authority clearly extend to more than just Eddie, as he was trying to order his fellow deckhands around (was Connie actually junior to him?) and flout the authority of the First Mate and Captain. He'd better pray the captains of boats he wants to work on in the future don't hear that "real boss" comment or his griping about Captain Lee not being around him enough to judge his work.

  • Love 4

Or they could have taken the recipe and used it in their restaurants which means no gains for Leon. People do that all of the time in the food industry which is why chefs can be secretive. I don't think Leon was wrong for declining nor do I think he handled it unprofessionally. But I guess I'm in the minority there so I'll agree to disagree.

I'd probably agree with you if it weren't televised.  I think there's some protection there, if it's something that can be protected.  I do wish Kate had made it more fun.  Just say it's a secret, but play it like that's amusing.  Those guests would probably be OK with that, and since secrets are a part of the industry they'd get it.


Wait...was the most interesting thing about the episode salad dressing recipes?   


I keep forgetting about Connie.  She seems normal, I wonder if she wandered on the wrong show...or if there's a big surprise coming.

  • Love 1

Someone posted about Rocky and her TH's, she is always looking up...so true, so odd.  I am surprised that the Capt. did not say anything about her bathing suit, something with a bit more coverage when they have passengers might be appropriate but then again this is TV.


Don was a real fast talker, auctioneer fast.


The towel art on the primary's bed was spot on, Kate really knows her audience, this time!


New girl needs to keep her teeth in her head, eww.


I swore I was not going to get sucked back in to this show but here I am anyway...

Then Leon shouldn't expect to get jobs on charters. Isn't this something chefs get all the time -- people asking for the recipe? Isn't it something he should have learned how to handle/dodge gracefully by now?


I understand that he has his ways of doing things and that's his "brand" and he doesn't want to put it on Front Street. But he didn't start doing this job yesterday, and it's...salad dressing.

Right... I totally understand his desire to not let the whole recipe go. But by now, you'd think he'd have some canned response that revealed basically nothing, yet let the ask-er feel privileged, like: "I spoke with Chef Leon, and though he typically keeps the recipe secret, he was willing to let *you*, O Special Guest, know that the secret ingredient is mint." Or whatever. Even if the mint isn't "really" the secret ingredient, he's still being truthful while being opaque.

  • Love 3

I detest Kate, she's an elitist and it wouldn't surprise me if she were a bigot too.


I like Kate, but did get annoyed that she put down where Leon previously worked. The guests so far have really enjoyed Leon's food. Though I did get her issue with not being let in on that the conch that they caught wasn't used, instead was frozen.



It wasn't Kate's business that the conch was frozen.  I mean does she tell Leon how she makes beds or does laundry?  


Kate is a mean, hateful, disgusting witch.  I think she wanted a wealthy man and that didn't happen, so now she's stuck making beds.  She's resentful and takes it out on others.  Rocky is an idiot but if Kate can't deal then she should complain to the captain, get rid of her.  I find nothing interesting or enlightening about Kate.

  • Love 3
Who says "screw the pooch" anymore? My dad; my dad's business partner; me, because I used to work for them; Lee.



Me!  Because I was introduced to the phrase by Jack McCoy.  I think it might have even been in the episode where he talks about doing it bareback in court, which might be my favorite Law & Order moment ever.


 Why did she accept the job of being a stew if she really wanted to be a deckhand, cook, or whatever the hell it is she wanted to do instead?



Her saying being in the water is why she joined the yachting industry made me roll my eyes so hard that I had to pick them up off the floor.  If you want to spend time in the water be a surf instructor or something, but I would imagine being a yachty is zero percent about swimming.


I suspect Rocky and Don didn't realize the positions they'd be put in - purposely misled by production in order to create drama. Don probably thought he'd be engineering much more, and Rocky probably thought she'd be outside more. Do we see her serving food to the guests, or working upstairs at all, or solely laboring down below?


Would you let Rocky serve the food if you were trying to get a big tip?  She's fucked up everything she's attempted, so I wouldn't be surprised to see her dump a plate in a guest's lap.

  • Love 3

I detest Kate, she's an elitist and it wouldn't surprise me if she were a bigot too.


It wouldn't surprise me either. I mentioned upthread that I had a theory about why she didn't like Leon, but I hesitated to state why. Something in the way she speaks to Leon in particular is far more condescending than how she usually speaks to everyone else.

  • Love 2

The editors like to show her in a bra or her exposed butt.  When her exposure changes her air time will change.

Yeah, I don't see that happening unless she gets booted off the yacht. Girlfriend knows what her best assets are.


Does anyone know exactly what kind of diving championship Rocky won? I thought being an award-winning athlete involved lots of dedication and hard work, of which I have seen exactly zero evidence from her. And it's an individual sport, so it's not as if she could have just swanned for the crowd and let teammates do all the work of winning.

  • Love 2

Would you let Rocky serve the food if you were trying to get a big tip?  She's fucked up everything she's attempted, so I wouldn't be surprised to see her dump a plate in a guest's lap.

Exactly! I think if Rocky showed even the slightest inclination to learn or at least appear to mold to Kate's standards, Kate would be more open in letting her work on the deck with the guests. She showed that the guests can like her with the last charter and the guy's sad foam party, but Kate still needs people to turn down the bed, do laundry and clean the toilets. Until Rocky can show that she can do the most basic task, I can't imagine Kate would turn her loose to make up salad dressing recipes on the fly with serving dinner. Regardless of how you feel about Kate's personality, you can see that she serves professionally and knows how to put on the show of service. I don't see Rocky doing that.

  • Love 5


It wouldn't surprise me either. I mentioned upthread that I had a theory about why she didn't like Leon, but I hesitated to state why. Something in the way she speaks to Leon in particular is far more condescending than how she usually speaks to everyone else.

I'm not saying that argument holds no merit, but I think he irritated Kate from the word "go", and she might be holding on to the fact that HE was a bit condescending to HER when they first met. I mean, "hi, nice to meet you...by the way. I prefer TWO pillows" isn't exactly the best first impression. She should be more open minded to getting to know the guy instead of holding on to her initial reaction to him, but it seems to be her thing.

  • Love 6

It wouldn't surprise me either. I mentioned upthread that I had a theory about why she didn't like Leon, but I hesitated to state why. Something in the way she speaks to Leon in particular is far more condescending than how she usually speaks to everyone else.


I wouldn't be a bit surprised.  Kate has this nasty look in her eyes.  I wonder how she'll react when

Cynthia Bailey and the Real Housewives of Atlanta show up.  Her head will probably explode, she'll be like, "I have to serve THESE people?"

  • Love 2

It wasn't Kate's business that the conch was frozen. I mean does she tell Leon how she makes beds or does laundry?

Actually it is her business because it's her and her staffs job to describe the dishes to the guests so they informed the guests the incorrect information, though I don't know how successful the lie was because one of the guests did enquire how he made so much ceviche out of what they brought back.

I did wonder why Leon did ask Connie to help with the conch since her past experience is working on fishing charters, I bet she could have done it quickly.

Edited by biakbiak
  • Love 7

Right... I totally understand his desire to not let the whole recipe go. But by now, you'd think he'd have some canned response that revealed basically nothing, yet let the ask-er feel privileged, like: "I spoke with Chef Leon, and though he typically keeps the recipe secret, he was willing to let *you*, O Special Guest, know that the secret ingredient is mint." Or whatever. Even if the mint isn't "really" the secret ingredient, he's still being truthful while being opaque.

Yes, since the main rule of working on these yachts is not to tell the guests no he could have given a few basic ingredients without revealing his secret recipe. I looked up how to shell a conch and it took the guy 33 seconds. He was a pro but if you're a chef where conch is a staple it's time to google it!

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