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S22.E04: The Girl Who Has a Close Shave

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Wasn't Mikey hitting on Courtney just last episode before treating her like a douche. Only a matter of time before he treats Ashley likes crap.


Stefano thinking he's the best needs to STHU as well with the whole unprofessional thing because he came off that way last week and ended up with a weak blurry photo. Stefano is just a big asshole. Good riddance and won't miss you.


Lacey's makoever was good, Stefano's not so much and he did not have the biggest transformation. Stefano is reaching Jade level of delusion. Justin really had no different look and neither did Nyle which is a good thing for both of them. I'm not a fan of Courtney's look that much. Did Bello really need all that extra hair, might as well left him as is. Damn shame Tyra didn't cut off Mikey's hair, I was really hoping for it. 


IDK why pageant girls bother to apply to ANTM. They know better, because every single pageant girl on ANTM has had a problem or cried about their makeover, C1 Robin, C5 Cassandra, and now Hadassah. At this point they should know that Tyra loves fucking with them.


Miss J channeling Tim Gunn with "Make it work", oh yes I watch Project Runway. I don't like Hadassah's makeover because I see it everywhere. Ava's haircut is just a little too butch for my liking.


Why did J put a mop on his head at judging?


The photos this week were not that great. I wasn't much a fan of anyone's photos. I will say that Ava and Devin had the best photos this week and that's it. Everyone else's were just meh.

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Haddasah is weird. Your father leaving isn't the reason you have a nanny, unless your mom is rich.  Which is what they said...


Also, I would have given my last dollar for Tyra to ask her why she's so pressed about what works in the pageant world, WHEN THE REIGNING MISS MARYLAND is right behind you total unbothered.  I'd also ask her what does she think they'll do to her that another weave and an inch of new growth can't fix.

  • Love 11

I also like to add on Tyra laughing at Devin calling his fingers the "birds of paradise" when he poses. Hey if that's his signature and what he calls it so be it, just like Tyra has her stupid "smize" and "no neck monsters" and all her other Tyra-isms. Maybe he's C2 Camille in disguise, "This is my signature walk and this is what's going to make me famous".

  • Love 8

Glad Nyle is still around and that he seems to have a level head. It also just hit me that he's the beautiful, beautiful love child of Henrik Lundqvist (Goalie, New York Rangers) and Colin O'Donoghue (Captain Hook, Once Upon a Time) and I had to share.


http://chrismccurry518.files.wordpress.com/2015/03/img_1461.png (Henrik)

http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/36700000/Ingrid-s-Graceland-image-ingrids-graceland-36700197-1515-2272.jpg (Colin)

  • Love 2

That fashion mullet or whatever they called it that that one model got reminded me of Markie Post on Night Court from back in the day.


Devin still can't keep his eyebrows un-arched or his fingers out of his mouth. And he seems to be in constant spaz mode in the house. And Stefano, Devin can't look you in the eyes because they are always darting off in different directions independent of his brain.


Bello reading the skull mail with the slow dramatic turning around to face the other contestants was ridiculous. At least he has his security weave to wrap himself in at night now.


Nyle and the amputee model needed to make out.

  • Love 9

Yu tsai told Devin to keep his eyebrows down but that's one of the things tyra said she liked about his picture...that won't bode well for future photo shoots.

Also Kelly said she didn't like that (whoever was in the first shot they discussed) wasn't interacting with all the soldiers - they were never told to do that... that annoyed me.

  • Love 8

I'm surprised that no one has commented on the fact that they gave Lacey the Tootie treatment. I guess the difference is that she pulls it off better than Saleisha did, but I still had to giggle that they gave her that cut.

Devin is so weird and spastic but I like him for some reason.

Bello can get off my TV, but not before Hadassah. I got my wish with Stefano getting the boot, but Hadassah needs to go next because I can't handle the number of times she says "like" per sentence.

I really like Lacey, Ava, and Mame. But I'm team Nyle, especially after, "...hair. Hair. Hair." (I know I already mentioned this, but I just loved it so much.)

  • Love 6

I don't know pageants,  but  I tend to feel like you're done by the time your Hadassah's age.  Either you made it into something or you didn't.  Consequently, I'm not sure what she's worried about.  


Also, this show has been on for 450 years and hers is the first shot I can remember where the face seemed to be blurry, literally.  If that was her best she needed to go, imho.  


They seem to have quite a few people who could model this time around, once their hair grows back in some cases.  With the bowl cut, I didn't see it as Tootie Part 2 because it seemed looser, which I think makes it better. 


If they're going to use Twitter I don't get why they don't just put a live crawl at the bottom as it airs.  On a delay of course, but not this "send it in and we'll share next week maybe."  I personally would hate that, but the way they do it seems lame.


Last thought: I appreciated Tyra trying to take credit for the careers of successful ANTM failures.  "Go on Instagram, show me that you learned what I taught you."  Yup, Tyra.  That's totally how it works.

  • Love 6


Also, this show has been on for 450 years and hers is the first shot I can remember where the face seemed to be blurry, literally.


So you didn't see Stefano's shot from last week?


Devin was pushing his upper lip upwards with his "Bird of Paradise." It was practically inside his nostrils.


The amputee guy was wearing Bottega Veneta loafers. I don't believe I've ever seen something so luxurious and fashionable on this show.

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I'd also ask her what does she think they'll do to her that another weave and an inch of new growth can't fix.



I was wondering about that. I know very little about black hair or weaves - are you saying her own hair only needs to be one inch long to support the long weave she had before? And how long does it take for black hair to grow one inch? Devin said it took him three years to grow the hair he had pre-makeover, so does black hair in general grow that slowly, or is it just him?


Even if the half-shave can be fixed later, I still hate it because (1) it doesn't suit Hadassah's look or personality at all, and (2) how many supermodels, current or past, have had a half-shave? It's so hypocritical of Tyra to make Hadassah do it when I'm sure Tyra would never have done it herself.


I'm similarly pissed-off about the mullet and bowl cut. Those are horrible haircuts which suit nobody, and even beautiful girls like Ava and Lacey aren't really pulling them off, despite being good sports about it.

  • Love 4

Blurry photographs two weeks in a row? Boyfriend or not, that Nordic photographer needs to go.

Is Bello pronounced 'bay-yo' or 'bay-jho?' I just want to call him Uggo and likewise brand Devin Fuggo because good looking they are not.

He needs to stop telling people his eye color is natural because the internet proves otherwise.

Those were some disappointing makeovers. One third were barely noticeable and another third made the contestants look worse for the wear.

Edited by Rahul
  • Love 6

I was wondering about that. I know very little about black hair or weaves - are you saying her own hair only needs to be one inch long to support the long weave she had before? And how long does it take for black hair to grow one inch? Devin said it took him three years to grow the hair he had pre-makeover, so does black hair in general grow that slowly, or is it just him?


Even if the half-shave can be fixed later, I still hate it because (1) it doesn't suit Hadassah's look or personality at all, and (2) how many supermodels, current or past, have had a half-shave? It's so hypocritical of Tyra to make Hadassah do it when I'm sure Tyra would never have done it herself.


I'm similarly pissed-off about the mullet and bowl cut. Those are horrible haircuts which suit nobody, and even beautiful girls like Ava and Lacey aren't really pulling them off, despite being good sports about it.



I'm black and my hair takes FOREVER to grow. like. I swear, it doesn't grow. I would fully be one of those people who would cry if Tyra shaved my head because it took me about 4 years to get it where it is now - and it's not even long enough to really do anything. Just once though I would love one of these people to ask "but what super successful model gets a cut like this?" Or "well the winner of last year's show went back to her natural colour right away and makes a lot of money so maybe you don't know best..."


In other news: Courtney, you nasty. You shouldn't have to think  about the length of time you take between brushing your teeth

  • Love 12

I'm black and my hair takes FOREVER to grow. like. I swear, it doesn't grow. I would fully be one of those people who would cry if Tyra shaved my head because it took me about 4 years to get it where it is now - and it's not even long enough to really do anything. Just once though I would love one of these people to ask "but what super successful model gets a cut like this?" Or "well the winner of last year's show went back to her natural colour right away and makes a lot of money so maybe you don't know best..."


Thank you for clarifying about the hair. I guess Hadassah can move her part and flip some hair to the other side to cover the shaved area, but she won't be able to go back to her previous style for quite a while.


A few girls over the years have piped up with concerns that they wouldn't work as much after the makeover or that their agencies wouldn't like it - college cycle Maria and British invasion cycle Louise are two that come to mind - and, needless to say, none of them stuck around for very long after voicing their concerns.

Courtney - ugh, brush your teeth, girl. Damn that was weird hearing her say she didn't brush regularly. I mean. Ick.  


Does anyone else see Bello and immediately think 'vampire'?  Just me?  


That was a weird and ugly photo shoot and the pictures that resulted were terrible.  Usually on ANTM the models regularly look fug but take amazing pictures. This cycle seems to be the opposite for at least half of them.  


Devin is a strange spazzy insecure guy but when he takes a picture he can really turn it on. I think I may be rooting for him.


Mikey is gorgeous (to me) and takes a great photo. It's too bad his personality is so foul.  

  • Love 2

I'm really sick of the head shaving drama. Forcibly shaving a person's head has a really brutal history and implications and while they're not holding anyone down to do it I think I've seen plenty of coercion of weeping contestants. I know it's just fashion and it's just hair but I do believe that if someone find it not only uglyifying but  mutilating or emotionally traumatic then maybe back off? There's plenty of others who would be totally game if not immediately thrilled at first the way Devon was but willing to try it. So many tragic makeovers tonight. So much hate so little time, huh, Tyra? Why give a girl a mullet or a bowl cut or gray ends?


I'm so glad Delusional Alpha Male Stefano is gone. I'm hoping for Mikey to go next but unfortunately I think he'd have to assault someone at this point for that to happen. 


I couldn't believe Courtney's confession about her disgusting tooth brushing habits or lack thereof.


ETA: I forgot to say that I can't BELIEVE how bad the photography has been this season. Two inexcusably blurry photos that the models really can't be blamed for. Hadassah's face in her photo was ridiculous tonight.

Edited by DiabLOL
  • Love 5

Thank you for clarifying about the hair. I guess Hadassah can move her part and flip some hair to the other side to cover the shaved area, but she won't be able to go back to her previous style for quite a while.


A few girls over the years have piped up with concerns that they wouldn't work as much after the makeover or that their agencies wouldn't like it - college cycle Maria and British invasion cycle Louise are two that come to mind - and, needless to say, none of them stuck around for very long after voicing their concerns.


You are welcome. 

(though of course ;) that's just me. but I do know a lot of people, especially if they grow their hair natural, that it takes, an awful, awful long time). I always kid my best friend - every time a white girl cuts their hair, alittle black girl (me) cries. 

This is true too. Like the only ones I can remember is Louise (who freaked out and quit), Maria (quit), and Victoria, who tried to at least keep it curly for them.. I don't really know about these TyOvers though. like. 

Bello  - didn't need longer hair. in fact, I would have cut his off. Mikey too. 

Stefano's, I actually kind of liked his. 

Nyle is working some series Henrik Lundqvist right now. (drool. Hockey)


Ava's could grow on me, but I don't know if I would have given her a mullet. I think I would have given her the Twiggy cut. (or even Rosemary Baby). super short, and cute. 

Delanie? Delany? The chick who got the Tootie cut - wouldn't have gotten the that cut, I think i would have given her layers, but I like the darker colour on her. 


Mame, I like. (more curls). Honestly, I would have given Hadassah the Tyra chop. Not because I hate her, but I think that would have really edged her out some (i can't remember who it was, i've been on this massive ANTM binge, but someone had this really pretty face in the Olden Days but she was really hiding it by her hair. Tyra cut it all off, and it was just pow! great picture. can't remember). 


Courtney.. I can sort of see where they were going but it looks wrong. Basically, it's like that girl last year who was half blonde on one side and half  black on the other, but this time in a gradient. 


but as someone said - I honestly think the TyOver should be a suggestion (ie: you know it, you're not told at the salon). you can go to the salon, and talk to the guy and see the final product or something and then decide. Because again, for a lot of people it is and can be very traumatic. I get where Nyle was coming from with "I don't complain about my deafness" and that is a legitimate thing - but at the same time... it's also one of the first things you see.

  • Love 1

Heinous. Except for Nyle.


Even Mame has lost a tiny bit of lustre for me, just by lowering herself into the fray.


Courtney is disgusting. I almost threw up when said she sometimes can't remember how long it's been since she brushed her teeth. Holy schnikies.


I'm so sorry Ashley has aligned herself with Mikey and Devin because I really liked her at first. Mikey is gross and Devin acts like he's never been around people before in his life.


I'm NOT sorry Stefano is gone. They should have had a double elimination and gotten rid of Haddassah, too. Her "half shaved" do doesn't look THAT much different from what she had before. And she's just not that attractive, which would be fine if she was a decent model or took good pictures. She doesn't, though. And her personality stinks on ice, like.

  • Love 2

So you didn't see Stefano's shot from last week?


Devin was pushing his upper lip upwards with his "Bird of Paradise." It was practically inside his nostrils.


The amputee guy was wearing Bottega Veneta loafers. I don't believe I've ever seen something so luxurious and fashionable on this show.

I guess I didn't really notice him.  

Tyra is really running out of steam if she can't get better photoshoots for these aspiring models. These photoshoots haven't been great like C2, I still think that cycle had the best photo shoots especially the garden of Eve, the photoshoots in Italy, photoshoot they had being held up on wires where Shandi looked like a clockwork orange and the underwater one. I also love beauty shots where they barely have any make up on if at all.


Sometimes I think Tyra doesn't even choose the best photos for some of them, and that couldn't be more evident in C4 when Brita was the first eliminated. Sometimes what the creative director says about someone's performance never matches up to judging in panel like he didn't like Dustin's performance or his poses but the judges pretty much liked his photo. 

  • Love 4

HOLEY SHITE!! I just realized that there was NO PEED ON SNOW!! Isn't this a first?


MODELS RUINED BY THEIR MAKEOVER: (in order of ruination)

1. Ava

2. Lacey  ("The Tootie" Rides Again)

3.  Girl with glasses that Mikey is bonking

4.  Hadassah


Its good Mikey still has his hair it is the only thing going for him.  His face is too long and sharp otherwise.


Devin and his Queen model poses crack me up.--WERK!


Loved the Pagaent Throw-down Mamie served to Hadassah!

Edited by WhineandCheez
  • Love 3


the Tyra chop



Wrong!  It's the Ty-TY chop.  Because after 21 cycles, the best neologism Tyrant can break out is some juvenile nickname she is giving herself!  What a fool.


And Hadassah was doomed.  No way were the judges going to let her makeover pass:  they insisted she comment on it at panel.  If she'd said she liked it they would have nailed her for lying.  If she refused to comment she would have been being difficult.  If she admitted she hated it, that's suggesting she knew better than the stylists.  

  • Love 5

I thought Ashley looked absolutely adorable with the super-short cut.  It really transformed her look, and I approve. 


Ava can easily get the mullet-ish part of the back trimmed off, and it would look much better.  I wish she would stop wearing those stupid, twee flower crowns though.  


I think when Hadassah talks about her "nanny", she actually means her babysitter.  That was probably her grandma or auntie.  Nothing about her comes off as having an advantaged childhood, though I have no idea.  She seems the type to talk up her background and lie about everything to compensate.  I'm sure if she knew what an au pair was, she'd claim that she had one of those too.  Idiot. 


My boyfriend Nyle looked delicious as usual.  And I loved when his phone chastised the whiny and superficial children bleating about their hair.  After they just finished posing with folks that each had a leg blown off!  Idiots

  • Love 7

Yes. That bit in between commercials where Nyle used his phone to blast everyone for whining about haircuts when he doesn't whine about the fact that he's deaf was AMAZING. I just wish it had been part of the regular show so it could've been longer and we could've seen some more shamefaced reactions from the other contestants.


That said, as pretty as he is, Nyle's face remains dead in his photos. There's just no oomph there.


I thought the makeovers were actually pretty good this season, for the most part. I didn't mind the bowl cut because it actually helped make her look more interesting. Courtney's was questionable, and I half-expected Tyra to see it in judging and declare that wasn't the color she was going for and arrange to have it tweaked. (And girl -- BRUSH YOUR DAMN TEETH!)


The only makeover that was seriously heinous was Ava's. Just because you call it a "fashion mullet" doesn't mean that it's fashionable. Mullets are NEVER going to be fashionable. She looks terrible, and it's a good thing Ava has already proven herself to be a strong model, because she's really going to have to work to model through that awful hair. (I always wonder what some of the hair people at the shoots think of these insane makeovers these kids are given. I imagine someone just looking at Ava's mullet and being all "What in the ever-loving hell am I supposed to do with THIS?") I guess we should just be grateful that Tyra didn't decide to give the mullet to Courtney. Can you even IMAGINE? O.o


Oh, and yeah. Tyra needs to hire another photographer because this guy isn't great. Hadassah's photo was blurry because she was falling into his arms, but again, like with the blurry low-lit photo last week, I feel like you could've adjusted the shutter speed to cut down on the blur. But then, I'm not a professional photographer so I don't know for sure.

  • Love 2

I had no idea this show was back on so this was the first episode I've seen of this season. Anyway, there is no way that Bello is not wearing contacts. And that hair is ridiculous. He would be laughed right out of a real modeling agency.

Courtney is disgusting! How do you forgot to brush your teeth? I really hate this granny hair trend that's happening. She looks and acts like she was plucked right out of the trailer park.

Speaking of white trash, that mullet they gave Ava is atrocious. Scarlett Johansson couldn't even pull that look off ten years ago and she's drop dead gorgeous.

I don't think that short hair really suits Ashley. I actually think Hadassah would look amazing with that cut instead. Her personality seems stank but I think her face is quite beautiful.

Mikey looked like shit before and after the makeover. I was hoping they would chop that mess off because from what I can tell he might actually have a handsome face.

Boring photo shoot this week. Just standing next to an amputee does not make for an interesting picture. I was also wondering why some of the photos were blurry.

My issue with Bello -- Bayjo? I'm just gonna call him Banjo cause he's strumming on my nerves. My issue with Banjo's eyes is that they appear to be two different colors at different times in the show. Sometimes they are a normal light blue reminiscent of Vanessa Williams, or my friend Julian who could be an awesome model if he were taller (guess that wouldn't have mattered this cycle though, lawl). The rest of the time, his eyes are a weird icy greenish blue. I don't know what to call it. Aqua? Anyway, I am fairly certain that that color has never presented itself naturally in ANYONES' eyes. I have tried to chalk this up to TV editing, but everything else looks the same color. So basically what I'm saying is: stop it, Banjo.

When Courtney made the comment about forgetting when the last time she brushed her teeth was, I prayed to the reality TV gods that it was producer created and she doesn't actually not brush her teeth. I kind of thought that if she doesn't brush her teeth, wouldn't she have a whole other slew of dental problems besides just having the Ugliest Teeth Ever? Cavities, gum disease, etc. I would also think the dentist they brought in would have needed to do something about all that before putting potent whitening gel in her mouth, but I'm no dentist. I will say though that I found myself contemplating the mechanics of flossing those teeth the first time I saw Courtney. It wouldn't be flossing so much as rubbing some string against the side of each tooth, cause you could fit a Mack truck in there. But if girl doesn't brush, she's probably never heard of dental floss.

Edited by Oranaiche
  • Love 8

i was torn between who I wanted off my screen more immediately, Hadassah or Stefano, so am glad the hamster gods made one of my wishes come true. I was pretty sure it wouldn't be Hadassah because she probably would have sued them for shaving her head and then aufing her (though not sure what she would have sued them for ... not lost income, so maybe a few cheap tiaras and a banner or two? The reigning Miss Sugar Land or something, y'all). 


I was ecstatic that Mame FINALLY called her out on the pageant girl thing. That's my Miss Maryland, people (not to mention 4th runner up to Miss USA) and she didn't flip out about the makeover.


Oooooh, and Mame and Justin "swirling"? Cute drama-free couple. 


And while I am certainly no beauty, I just have to say that I think Courtney may be the single most fugly hamster they have EVER had on this show (and I've been watching since S1), even after her so-called makeover. Discolored (unbrushed) teeth or not, it would take lengthy (and expensive and painful) dental work to give her an even remotely attractive set of chompers and even with that and decent hair (please, with those roots) she is still rodential looking. 


Also, while I am sure living with Devin would drive me up one wall and down the next, and I don't think he's conventionally good looking at all, he is striking and takes good pictures and props to him for not freaking out TOO much over losing the hair ... and he looks MUCH better now.


Sad that Ashley (one of my favorites) lost that amazing mane of hers but I think she still looks cute. 


Agree completely on the poster who said they thought Ava would look good with a pixie. I wonder if they may still give her one (there always seems to be someone who gets RE-made over, at least several times in the last few years IIRC). And I liked that she welcomed the mullet (which wouldn't really look good on anyone who isn't in an 80s cover band) and was such a good sport about it.


ETA: Oh, also? Snorted when Kelly Cutrone shat all over Ashley's photo (which put her in the bottom three) because she DIDN'T CONNECT WITH ALL THE MODELS IN THE PICTURE. You mean, the ONE that she was there with and the OTHERS who were PHOTOSHOPPED IN LATER?

Edited by PamelaMaeSnap
  • Love 10

When Courtney made the comment about forgetting when the last time she brushed her teeth was, I prayed to the reality TV gods that it was producer created and she doesn't actually not brush her teeth. I kind of thought that if she doesn't brush her teeth, wouldn't she have a whole other slew of dental problems besides than just having the Ugliest Teeth Ever? Cavities, gum disease, etc. I would also think the dentist they brought in would have needed to do something about all that before putting potent whitening gel in her mouth, but I'm no dentist. I will say though that I found myself contemplating the mechanics of flossing those teeth the first time I saw Courtney. It wouldn't be flossing so much as rubbing some string against the side of each tooth, cause you could fit a Mack truck in there. But if girl doesn't brush, she's probably never heard of dental floss.


You might be surprised at how some people can have fantastically healthy teeth despite having terrible oral hygiene and really butt-ugly crookedness going on. My little brother has the healthiest teeth ever, despite never flossing and often skipping brushings in his formative years. Meanwhile I brush and floss twice a day and got cavities galore. Not saying you're wrong about Courtney's teeth (and yeah, whitening is the LEAST of her problems, good God), but it can happen, as unfair as it is. ;)

  • Love 2
You might be surprised at how some people can have fantastically healthy teeth despite having terrible oral hygiene and really butt-ugly crookedness going on. My little brother has the healthiest teeth ever, despite never flossing and often skipping brushings in his formative years. Meanwhile I brush and floss twice a day and got cavities galore. Not saying you're wrong about Courtney's teeth (and yeah, whitening is the LEAST of her problems, good God), but it can happen, as unfair as it is. ;)


ClareWalks, this was me and my brother.  Him, barely got the toothbrush wet and forget about flossing.  Me, at least one cavity, teeth that needed brace correction (which I paid for when I started working as an adult) despite brushing daily.  It was annoying.  But yes, Courtney, that's just nasty.


I think we're stuck with the bad pictures because you know, Tyra has to use her boyfriend because this show apparently has no budget.


The makeovers could have been worse (they could have been better but that ship sailed long ago).  I know this is Tyra's little playground but anybody can go and look at almost any agency's roster of models and see that they don't have hair like the mess that Tyra pushes for makeovers and yes, if any of these folks gets signed post-show, the agency is going to make them fix that mess (I'm looking at Ava, Courtney, Lacey, Stefano, Hadassah, and Bello).


I knew Hadassah was probably staying though over Stefano.  Stefano was an idiot who didn't seem to get along with anyone but Hadassah seems to know how to play the game for the part and Tyra's not done torturing her yet.

Speaking of Bello's makeover as posted up thread, I agree that he would be laughed out of a real modeling agency with that long hair. What bothers me about ANTM at times is how contradictory they can be. I remember in C3 Nigel told Jennipher that her long hair isn't practical in the modeling world as she had hair all the way down to her waist. Of course some makeovers they get long hair but haven't seen anyone with hair down to their waist except for Amanda from C3 who came close.


I thought maybe male models but then I thought of all the male models I know never had hair that long like Tyson Beckford, Marcus Schenkenberg, Sean O'Pry, David Gandy, Patrick Ribbsaeter & Mark Vanderloo, never had long hair like Bello. Schenkenberg and Ribbsaeter at most had shoulder length hair. Even Fabio's hair wasn't that long. 


Mikey's hair could even be pushing it a little bit.


Hopefully after ANTM Ava, Bello, Courtney all made some changes to their hair.

Edited by ShadowSixx

Hair drama really runs the gamut on this show.  From people who have shitty hair who seem to covet it too much (Mikey) to people Tyrant truly screws over (Jourdan is a good example, although since her hair was just a disgusting revolting color rather than cut, at least she was able to dye it back--plus, you know... she won anyway). 


There were times in the distant past when they were genuinely right that shorter hair, for example, better showed someone's cheekbones or something like that. But this show switched over to "shock hair" rather than what actually suited a LONG time ago.

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