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Someone, anyone tell me this god damn spoiler has got to be wrong.  Why, why, why are they doing this?

Spoilers indicate that Liam is unhappy with Hope's plot to get custody of Douglas, that he finds out Steffy is dating, and decides to stay at Steffy's house longer than planned.

I don't think JMW is going to be happy about this.  Her most recent interviews indicated she was tired of the Liam/Steffy crap.  I don't blame her.  I am beyond tired of Steffy/Liam/Hope, and have been for a very long time.

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I imagine she and SC both have got to be pissed at having only this story and nothing else for the last ten years. 

But if KKL is still stuck in triangle hell after 33 years (and was given the Andy story the one time she stood up against a then very ill-advised reunion with Nick), I dunno how the both of them can escape that fate having nowhere near her popularity.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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6 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Why kill Eric off for that, though?

I mentioned upthread that maybe he wants to retire, so what else would you do with his widow other than put her in a triangle?  😉 

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The someone "major" could be no one of consequence. Or it could be JMc wants to retire.

With Quinn walking down memory lane re Queridge and a ready-made triangle waiting in the wings, I could see this.

Edited by CountryGirl
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More bad news:

In the Nov. 4th issue of Soap Opera Digest this is what Brad Bell had to say about Steffy and Liam, "Meanwhile, Liam takes baby Beth to share Halloween night with his ex-wife, Steffy, and their daughter, Kelly, and these two star-crossed lovers exchange secrets and fears, adore their daughters and take great joy in their 'forever' bond."

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3 hours ago, TigerLynx said:

More bad news:

In the Nov. 4th issue of Soap Opera Digest this is what Brad Bell had to say about Steffy and Liam, "Meanwhile, Liam takes baby Beth to share Halloween night with his ex-wife, Steffy, and their daughter, Kelly, and these two star-crossed lovers exchange secrets and fears, adore their daughters and take great joy in their 'forever' bond."

It really is unbelievable how BB can't quit the idea of Steam and that they're starcrossed. Unlike when Brooke married Eric, Steffy cheated on Liam with his father and was concerned enough about Kelly's paternity that she had a paternity test. You can't come back from that. And they've had Liam really seem to grow up and commit to Hope and take his marriage vows seriously and now he's sneaking Beth off not once but twice to see Steffy? I'm so over this crap.

But I'm down with the Shidge train. Ridge 'slumming' it with Shauna and whatever else it brings is pretty decent soap at the moment. Everything else re Ridge needs to go jump off a cliff. I don't wish anything bad on Douglas but it seems like the only way Ridge will admit Thomas has issues is if it his crap happens to hurt/affect his own flesh and blood.

Edited by TobinAlbers
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2 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

Calling Steamless "star-crossed" is...I don't even know what to say, except they are anything but.

Lope is certainly far more deserving of that term.

I wouldn't say either pairing is because Lope have certain brought about their own misery when a simple question would have sufficed.

But Steam?! I dunno any universe in which a pairing that's only come together when one was horny and the other was spiteful could possibly be called star-crossed.

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The combination of the "star-crossed" comment about Steam, and the way they're clearly going to have Hope unravelling and going to any lengths to get Douglas back, makes me fear they're going to kill off Hope and give her husband and baby to Steffy.  I have to say, I'd be done then, just completely, utterly done.  After everything they've done to the character over the past year, to give her five minutes of happiness and then just off her so Steffy can have everything she wants?  Nope. Hard pass. 

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7 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

The combination of the "star-crossed" comment about Steam, and the way they're clearly going to have Hope unravelling and going to any lengths to get Douglas back, makes me fear they're going to kill off Hope and give her husband and baby to Steffy. 

That's horrible!  And totally something they'd do.  I fear you may be right 😞 

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15 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

The combination of the "star-crossed" comment about Steam, and the way they're clearly going to have Hope unravelling and going to any lengths to get Douglas back, makes me fear they're going to kill off Hope and give her husband and baby to Steffy.  I have to say, I'd be done then, just completely, utterly done.  After everything they've done to the character over the past year, to give her five minutes of happiness and then just off her so Steffy can have everything she wants?  Nope. Hard pass. 

OTOH, if Hope is the new Taylor, then shell die as a martyr, visit Liam and company as a ghost only to return from the dead at some inopportune time three years from now 🙃


I'm trying to look at the bright side of this because the other option is screaming into my pillow for such horrendously wasted potential. Literally from the first day adult Hope descended down Brooke's stairs she's been given the absolute shaft for stories, which is ridiculous considering the inherent drama her conception caused.

And now there's the good possibility that she'll be killed off? For what? Brooke's relationship with Bridget is forever ruined for a story that ultimately had no long term payoff and Liam the stupid git will be waffling around the next damsel in distress (my money is on Sally once Wyatt dumps her) and then what? Baby Beth is gonna be chopped liver.

Fuck this show.

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More spoilers for next week:

Mon Nov 4
Hope's plan spins out of control when Thomas makes an indecent proposal.
Liam hesitates when he discovers that Steffy has begun dating again.

Tue Nov 5

Wed Nov 6
Steffy does her best to dissuade her brother from sharing custody of his son with Hope.
Adoption papers in hand, Hope arrives to Forrester to find a romantic set-up by Thomas and Douglas.

Thu Nov 7
Thomas plays on Hope's vulnerability and offers up more quid pro quo to sign her papers.
Ridge confides in Shauna about his feelings for her, Brooke, and his family.

Fri Nov 8
Brooke and Ridge fight over Hope's right to become a legal guardian to Douglas.
The situation between Thomas and Hope takes an unexpected turn for the worse.

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1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

Liam hesitates when he discovers that Steffy has begun dating again.


Even if Liam weren't married, why would it be any of his business? After years of keeping her on his back burner when things hit the rocks with Hope? Fuck him.

1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

Steffy does her best to dissuade her brother from sharing custody of his son with Hope.

Of course. Because ew, Logan cooties.

She is aware ThomAss is psychotic, right? People want to rip on Brooke and Hope for their buttinski methods but no one else has stepped up to bat, Steffy included. Fuck her too.

1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

The situation between Thomas and Hope takes an unexpected turn for the worse.

Narratively speaking, it *should* be ThomAss taking the big dirt nap because soap forgive a whole lotta shit but fucking around with hurting children has never been one of those.

But they've killed off one of Ridge's other children already and that one died at the hands of Brooke's other child. OTOH, I could write a dissertation as to the many things wrong with killing off Hope and the lazy "Happily" Ever After it ensures for a ship that even these IIC can't find a way from after the Stallion Ride.

There's also the possibility that Douglas will be sacrificed, because why not crib from a story that did so well for the legacies of Y&R and AMC when Jill FuckEmUp Phelps did it? I don't discount that possibly at all.

Either way, I'm done with this show. Fuck it.


Edited by Anna Yolei
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I had a crazy thought, so I had to share. Maybe last week, but sometime fairly recently, when Liam & Steffy were having a secret gathering with Beth, who remembers everything about Steffy & the beach house, & is still traumatized at leaving, Liam mentioned that Hope is like a mother to Douglas, but that he has other family, too. Steffy piped up & said that she is his aunt. I didn't realize it at the time, but today, it crossed my mind that if Thomas is the one to bite it, it'd be another way to dragggggggg out the TOD II, to have Steffy & Hope fighting over custody of Douglas. Honestly, I can't imagine that they'd kill off another of Ridge's kids, let alone a legacy character, but I think it's even less likely that they'd kill off Hope; Bell loves his triangles. Who knows, though, they fooled all of us with the Maya storyline. 

I genuinely mean this, if anyone finds out that Douglas is the one who is killed, I beg you to give us a heads-up. I cannot watch that kid die. I'll just have to tap-out for a while.

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I am hoping that it is Thomas, although I'm guessing he is presumed dead and comes back to torture Hope some more. If it's Douglas, I will be permanently done with this show.

Here's this week's promo and looks like there's a showdown with Hope and Thomas.

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Remember how we all thought that Hope needed professional therapy after her baby “died”? She needs it now too for this obsession about Douglas. I’m sick of her repeating the same words over and over and over every day like she did about Beth. Geez, writers. Have a new thought occasionally would you?

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I concur with @nkotb and @CountryGirl if they kill Douglas I’m out and I will be giving an earful to the show and network’s social media accounts.  They are really pushing it with all the child abuse and rapey shit. Liam’s rape via Thomas by proxy hasn’t and will never be even be addressed. And now Hope’s being molested on screen as she cowers by a man literally telling this mentally ill woman if you have sex with me I’ll let you see my son who I gas lit you to being attached to, otherwise I will uproot him against his wishes & well being to a foreign country. Disturbing. 

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Bold prediction: Hope pushes/trips/knocks Thomass (definitely didn't mean to type the extra "S", but I'm leaving it, because it's appropriate!) into the vat of acid that they showed us &/or mentioned 34 times today. Then, they can either bring him back, leave him dead, or recast him from being disfigured. 

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Since the guys who play Jake and Charlie apparently needed some unnecessary scenes to keep their SAG cards (I'm guessing) they popped into Sludge's office to bother him with some boring details of using hydrofluoric acid to remove rust from the drums of some ancient industrial washing machines that were leaving rust stains on the garments when they were being washed.

Sludge lost his mind over having "dangerous chemicals" on the premises to which Jake and Charlie went on and on about all of the safety precautions they'd taken. Not convinced, they took Sludge on a field trip to some basement to show him. When the workers hoisted one of the newly cleaned drums out of the vat, I was half-expecting to see a giant anvil instead. That's how heavy and fast the hints were flying.  It was stupid and WTF would waste the CEO's (I mean co-CEO's) time with maintenance issues, especially if they had everything contained and under control like they kept insisting. If they had approached Steffy instead, she probably would have told them to f*** off and stop bothering her.

So, yes ... this is a clear set-up for Thomas to fall into one of the vats of acid. Sludge even commented that "drug dealers use that to get rid of bodies." I'm guessing that no body will be found, which will lead everybody to believe that the acid dissolved Thomas' body, thus leaving the door wide open for him to slither back.

Hope is insufferable and I am seeing a pattern here. It's her way or the highway. There is no compromise, thinking things through or listening to the voice of reason. Just like when she insisted on annulling her marriage to Liam and marrying Thomas. Now, it is rescuing Douglas. She will not take "no" for an answer. Liam must have the patience of a saint. I can only picture them in several years and butting heads over raising Beth, Douglas (?) and any other kids they might have. I know Liam is a waffle, but geez. Sorry I ever complained about Hope being a passive debbie downer. Careful what you ask for, eh?

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56 minutes ago, CharlizeCat said:

Hope is insufferable and I am seeing a pattern here. It's her way or the highway. There is no compromise, thinking things through or listening to the voice of reason. Just like when she insisted on annulling her marriage to Liam and marrying Thomas. Now, it is rescuing Douglas. She will not take "no" for an answer.

Sounds like Hope's made a full recovery, then, cuz that's always been her schtick going back to the very first failed engagement where she broadcasted their lack of a sex life for clicks and Liam was rightfully upset at not being asked first.

But, yeah. Untreated mental illness or not,.there's only so much a person can take. But then, Liam is always the prop in other people's stories, whether its Steffy's vendetta against Logans, Hope's wedding fantasies in Lope's hacyon days (ugh, I hated typing that out),  a convenient tool for Rick to remove his competition for Caroline by making Hope available for ThomAss, and hell even collateral damage for his own daddy. Oh and also that one time he sicced Ridge to take down Quinn which Sludge entirely forgot about because she made his peen hard.

As to Hope, how long has she waited to get her chance at a relationship she's been "wobbed" of multiple times? I feel like TIIC are trying to recreate Bridget 2.0 but they don't understand how or why she worked so well to begin with. As someone else said earlier, Bridget's excellent writing was a happy accident in a sea of poor-written women. Bridget absolutely would stand up to abuse, but ultimately would take her partner's feelings into consideration and find a better way to get that kid out of the toxic environment. Hope is just a moron and while I'm #NeverThomasEver , she ain't smelling like a rose in this.

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It sounds like they are killing off Thomas (or at least making it seem like he died - after all his dad survived falling into a giant flaming furnace without so much as a minor burn.)

They seriously lack sense if they think this is a good resolution to Thomas's reign of terror. As much as I dislike the Tridge brats, killing another one at the hands of another of Brooke's children is a terrible idea. It will ignite the Tridge fanbase and not in a good way. They already think Hope is worse than Thomas who drove a teenage girl off a cliff to her death, torments his own son and stalks the woman he claims to love.

Edited by Aymery
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Bold and the Beautiful spoilers for Friday November 8:

Brooke and Ridge go another round over Hope’s desire to be Douglas’s legal guardian.

The situation between Thomas and Hope unexpectedly worsens.

Someone dies.

Casting news… Alley Mills is off contract at B&B as Pam.

Due to a new movie project, Katrina Bowden will be off Bold and Beautiful for a short time.

Bold and the Beautiful spoilers for the week of November 11:

Bold and the Beautiful spoilers for Monday November 11:

Hope is fearful that the worst has happened as she tries unsuccessfully to find Thomas at Forrester Creations.

Bold and the Beautiful spoilers for Tuesday November 12:

Steffy is blunt when she tells Ridge what Brooke is capable of.

Bold and the Beautiful spoilers for Wednesday November 13:

Liam learns Hope has become Douglas’ mother legally.

Bold and the Beautiful spoilers for Thursday November 14:

Hope reacts to news that Liam is returning to Spencer Publications.

Bold and the Beautiful spoilers for Friday November 15:

Ridge explodes as he blames Hope for manipulating Thomas into signing over custody of Douglas.

Also coming up on Bold and the Beautiful this week:

Hope faces a moral dilemma.

Liam tells Steffy he’s going back to Spencer Publications.

Bold and the Beautiful spoilers for the week of November 25:

Bold and the Beautiful spoilers for Monday November 25:

Bill’s executive assistant returns when Sheryl Underwood reprises her B&B role.

– Candace Young

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2 hours ago, ByTor said:

Someone dies.

Casting news… Alley Mills is off contract at B&B as Pam.

From the spoilers, I guess this was unconnected to the vat of acid, but Pam has been needed to go. I wish they could've let her have her wedding with Charlie and ship them off to wherever Sally Sr. supposedly resides, but hey, now her budget can go towards casting some non-Forrester or Spencer's to mix it up. Preferably a new love interest for Steffy, because you'd think Brad Bell would have done at least this much for his favorite pet by now.

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5 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

I wonder if Thomas is setting Hope up. Faking his death as the ultimate payback for rejecting him.

Because I don't buy that even if he falls into the vat of acid, that he actually dies. 

See: DOOL's Hope. 

I don't buy it either. They already offed one of the Taytots, I don't think they'll joss a second one.

6 hours ago, ByTor said:

Hope reacts to news that Liam is returning to Spencer Publications.

I didn't know Liam worked anywhere. Hell, I forgot what his role even was as SP before he left there.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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31 minutes ago, Pickles said:

Is this going to be the thing where Thomas "dies" in the vat of oil. Then in six months, a different actor comes back as Thomas.

It’s a vat of acid not oil. It would be hard to come back from a vat of acid.

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1 hour ago, Gam2 said:

It’s a vat of acid not oil. It would be hard to come back from a vat of acid.

It was hard to come back from pulling off the life support, yet Taylor is still here sucking up oxygen ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I'm certain this is a fake out. When Aly was killed, the announcement that she left the show was made the same day that episode aired. I haven't heard of MA leaving the show and got better or worse, ThomAss is part of why B&B is the ratings leader. He ain't leaving that soon.

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I think he’s gonna let her and people think he’s dead and stalk her ass. Or gaslight her ass as a “ghost”. Or come back and blackmail guilt trip her over what she did to drive her insane or intimidate her. He’s nuttier than a Payday bar and will do anything to get her attention and time. He’s a whole ass lunatic. 

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6 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

I think he’s gonna let her and people think he’s dead and stalk her ass. Or gaslight her ass as a “ghost”. Or come back and blackmail guilt trip her over what she did to drive her insane or intimidate her. He’s nuttier than a Payday bar and will do anything to get her attention and time. He’s a whole ass lunatic. 

Sounds about right for the trash this show has become. Because it's bad enough she drove herself insane with guilt behind Beth but now he's haunting her because...why, exactly? For not having sex with him for selling the son produced from rape of his last object of obsession to her?

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Aussie Elizabeth Taylor

Heh, Ivy.

I remain convinced JMW had a hand in getting rid of the actress who played Ivy because she couldn't stand the ready comparisons to one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood history. And both Liz and Ashleigh Brewer could act too. Meanwhile, IMO, big fish in a small pond Steffy/JMW at best compares to a Keeping Up With the K Klan wannabe. Not much acting effort required and the "beauty" is largely plastic. 😼

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Ashleigh Brewer / Ivy was gorgeous. Say what you will about the show but it at least half the title is accurate it actually has / had truly beautiful people on it. The “Bold” part should probably be replaced with “Abusive” or “Mentally Ill and Untreated”

I think most of the women from previous years and today’s cast are stunning and half the men. 

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I agree, @Petunia13, none more than $Bill/Don Diamont. It amazes me, I never liked Brad Carlton, so I guess I never realized how crazy beautiful DD is. Damn, he looks so much better now than he did back in the day. Salt & pepper is definitely his friend. Plus, he plays the most fun character, & actually looks like he's having fun playing him. B&B is so lucky to have him, I hope they don't screw it up.

On topic: show of hands, who thinks Thomas is lurking, watching the Thanksgiving lunch from the window of the Forrester estate? Although, they might have to have 2 Thanksgiving lunches this year, because I can't see Ridge & Steffy breaking bread with Hope, if they think she killed Thomas, so soon after it happened. Brooke probably won't be included, either. Maybe they'll do a Forrester one, & a Spencer one.  

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