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S07.E21: Reunion (Part II)

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  1. 1. Who won Part II?

    • Bethenny
    • Carole
    • Dorinda
    • Heather
    • Kristen
    • Luann
    • Ramona
    • Sonja

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Dorinda's world translated into reality.


Her daughter is an intellectual and private academic.  She would never demean herself with such a silly show that does not challenge her impressive mind.


Reality: Her daughter is a lazy pampered spoiled brat who was shocked about the negative comments about her behavior and appearance, the time she briefly appeared on the show.


Dorinda's is a poised sophisticated woman who goes to bed early and lectures Heather about her crude language.


Reality:  Dorinda is a sloppy ugly drunk who curses like a sailor and does not realize her own hypocrisy.


Dorinda's boyfriend is charming when he puts his hands on women and Dorinida does not mind, so who cares?  Also, women who pose topless have no right to complain.


Reality: Women should just shut up when her fat pig of a boyfriend gropes them.  If Dorinda thinks it's cute then nothing else matters.

Hehehe...terrific post!


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Satan Andy is really a 13 year old girl mentally.

Have you swam in the ladies pond, ect. and the rest of his "gay" insinuations.

He just really wants everyone to be gay or bi , ect. just to feed his insecurities.

Who in this day and age REALLY care if someone is gay, bi, trans or anything else.

Love yourself and others and live life to it it's fullest until the day you die.

Good grief, get over yourself Andy.


Uh, people are still being harassed and killed due to their sexuality in this country (the U.S.). Andy is annoying, as is faux-lesbianism of some of the castmates (except for Sonja, I genuinely believe she's slept with women. I don't think she cares about gender that much, to be honest), but one can look at politics to see that people really care too much about what happens in the bedrooms of same-sex couples. 


Sorry, everyone, I was more active way back when TWOP was around and have been watching RHONY since the days of J*** Z****, but as a bisexual woman, that irked me and I had to add my two cents. Back to lurking!

Edited by cyberfruit
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I am very annoyed with you, Lu, for making me spend another hour looking at that fugly aqua Reynolds Wrap dress.  And now I gotta spend another hour looking at that hideous cheap thing?  Really?  Oh, I hope you made her go change, Satan Andy -- sheesh, make yourself at least a teeny bit useful at these things, will ya?

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Uh, people are still being harassed and killed due to their sexuality in this country (the U.S.). Andy is annoying, as is faux-lesbianism of some of the castmates (except for Sonja, I genuinely believe she's slept with women. I don't think she cares about gender that much, to be honest), but one can look at politics to see that people really care too much about what happens in the bedrooms of same-sex couples. 


Sorry, everyone, I was more active way back when TWOP was around and have been watching RHONY since the days of J*** Z****, but as a bisexual woman, that irked me and I had to add my two cents. Back to lurking!

Cyberfruit, I didn't mean to offend you or anyone else.

I understand that there are still people who don't agree with any "alternative" lifestyles.

It is really sad in this day and age.

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While I am normally the engineer on the Shut Up, Bethenny Train, I did appreciate her calling out Ramona on her repeating (or making up) gossip that Bethenny cheated on her first husband.  Ramona is an evil sit stirrer who usually gets away with everything. 


Yet again, we had Sonja Morgan, unlikely voice of reason (TM The Soup).  It, of course, won’t last but I enjoyed the little cutaways to her speaking her mind.  Her sly, little smile is the icing on the cake.    


I can only imagine that Dorinda drinks heavily while watching the show.  It helps feed her delusions about what happened.  We now know the answer to the question “What are you doing here without Dorinda?” is “Having a drink without having to deal with her vicious behavior.  I’d like to  have a night out without being attacked.”


I'm so tired of Satan Andy's "Have you ever been in the lady pond?" question. Seems like he's asked it of every housewife and guest on his show. It's so damned annoying.

I hate that he asks this like it's so salacious.  He is like a 12 year old who first heard some women have sex with women.  By doing that, he feeds the haters.  if he simply asked the question in a normalized manner it wouldn't be a big deal.  


"I need nuts." 

"Right now? Then you'll have nuts in your teeth.  Don't give her nuts. No." 

"I didn't have a big lunch. They didn't give me any food." 

"What do you mean? You had plenty of food.  Cmon lets not start now. Lets push on."


I enjoyed that little back 'n' forth during commercial break. 

You know people in production are just desperate to get through this shitfest.  with all of these me-me-me look-at-me people, it has to be so hard to film even a short segment.  This is what happens when you never learn the difference between good attention and bad attention.  At the same time, I too enjoyed seeing that.  This was the most real part of the season.


It hit me today, we had how many actual episodes and a three hour reunion.  It's like they spend more time talking about the show than being on it,. 

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Uh, people are still being harassed and killed due to their sexuality in this country (the U.S.). Andy is annoying, as is faux-lesbianism of some of the castmates (except for Sonja, I genuinely believe she's slept with women. I don't think she cares about gender that much, to be honest), but one can look at politics to see that people really care too much about what happens in the bedrooms of same-sex couples. 


Sorry, everyone, I was more active way back when TWOP was around and have been watching RHONY since the days of J*** Z****, but as a bisexual woman, that irked me and I had to add my two cents. Back to lurking!


You know what bugs me about Carol's fake lesbian bullshit -- other than it being so obviously fake AND bullshit?  It's that she was sooooo hesitant & unconvincing, while she stumbled & stammered in such an inarticulate way.  She seemed almost ashamed (hated that most of all), and kinda skeered, to discuss these supposed lesbian fantasies she was having.  Ugh, hated all of it.  She couldn't even express how or why Bethenny was her "type".  I cringed watching this.  


We've seen faux lesbian crap before on Housewives shows -- specifically from Carlton on BH.  And we saw where it got her.  Not very far.  But Satan Andy doesn't do much to call this stuff out.  Another reason I call him Satan Andy.  Well, he's not obligated to point out fake lesbian crapola.  As a gay man, he might be concerned enough to ask about it, but instead, he seems much more interested in asking every woman on his shows if she went in the lady pond.  Silly & shallow?  Sigh, that's Satan Andy.


Yeah, I did get the impression of Sonja that she's comfortable with both genders sexually & I thought she expressed it very well, without unnecessarily revealing too many details.  OK, so why was Carole so inarticulate in this respect?  Even if she was obviously bullshitting about the lesbian stuff, she coulda been more creative with the fake lesbian fantasies/dreams.  She is the "writer girl" after all, right?  Meh, Carole -- once again, I'm unimpressed & disappointed with you.


Oh, and Moaner gagging at the very thought of lesbianism?  First off, good for Satan Andy for pointing that out.  Guess he took a mere moment off from his usual giggly shallow shit.  Idk, I just dismiss everything Moaner says now cuz I know what an asshole she is.  But NO, that wasn't OK.  Actually, it was pretty vile & made me shudder at Moaner's vileness.  So I was good with Bethenny slaughtering Moaner.  Hope she continues to & never stops slaughtering Moaner.  Altho poor Winona Ryder probably didn't appreciate B's comment.  Guess she'll never live down the shoplifting, eh?

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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OK, first, here's hoping the first segment tonight is the end of the Carole dating Adam nonsense.

But here's what I got out of that first segment:

Carole and Adam were very, very flirty that weekend at Luanne's, and Heather, Carole and Luanne all agree Luanne didn't say a word.

Carole said Luanne never told her at all that she was upset, so of course didn't know that Luanne was upset. Luanne agreed, but said she just didn't want to do it on camera. Apparently Luanne thought she was on Big brother where cameras were on her 24/7, and therefore, she had no opportunity to call Carole when the cameras were not on her (98% of the time).

Luanne said it really became an issue after T and C, which......had nothing to do with Adam and Carole. Luanne was obviously upset about married guy and is using Adam as a reason to be mad. Fine, but just be honest.

Basically, I find absolutely zero evidence that Luanne is so very upset about her poor neice who was apparently deceived and betrayed. Because I go by what I see and hear, and I have not seen or heard anything which makes me believe this is true.

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So Satan Andy asked Bethenny directly about dating & she still never mentioned that she was living & traveling with that guy (Michael Cerussi) during the filming of this entire season.  OK then.  Bethenny brutally honest?  Er, don't think so -- certainly not if she fails to mention or even acknowledge such an enormous part of her life.

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You are so right about Ramona's look. Also, have her nostrils always been that uneven? Her left nostril looks much smaller than the right. Either way it's kind of "carthartic" to see that the new facework didn't work. ;)

I got a good long look at Ramona on my HDTV, and Ramona's last round of facial work did not turn out well.  She's somewhat lopsided around her lips and mouth, pulled too tight around the eyes, and even a little lumpy looking at some angles.

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Oh man, I gotta watch this one again.  I was mostly soooo freakin' bored & checked out.




I was right there with you!  Zzzzzzzz...


Not to mention it gave Bethenny an opportunity to lay down the best line of the night; "I'm going to tell the story and if you want to walk outside and fix your dress or cool your pits you could do that, but I'm gonna tell the story to this group whose listening."



I wish Kristen had said the same thing to Dorinda when she tried to explain her version of John McHandsyHands.  Dorinda would not let Kristen speak...AT ALL!  It irritates the crap out of me when someone does that.  Andy asked Kristen for her explanation and Dorinda just wouldn't STFU!!!  I can't stand that woman!  Ugh!

Edited by swankie
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In addition to being a horrible moderator, Andy is just plain wrong when he says he is so surprised to see Ramona and LuAnn sitting on the same reunion couch, because in all past seasons, they'd been seated across from each other in order to battle it out.

Um, they were seated on the same couch for the S5 reunion (and a Google search yields a picture of them toasting next to each other at the S1 reunion, which was before sides really mattered, but still). Get'chya facts straight.

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So Satan Andy asked Bethenny directly about dating & she still never mentioned that she was living & traveling with that guy (Michael Cerussi) during the filming of this entire season.  OK then.  Bethenny brutally honest?  Er, don't think so -- certainly not if she fails to mention or even acknowledge such an enormous part of her life.

That wouldn't fit into Bethenny's attempt to cultivate an image as a victim.  We are all supposed to feel sorry for her, not recognize that she is an adult in a difficult situation that is the result of a failed relationship between two people, she has more than sufficient financial means and she is in a shared custody situation that is similar to what many people have.  

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When they were arguing, did Dorinda call Heather the Hunchback of Notre Dame? LOL I guess with the green ensemble....

She does seem to have "an underbelly of anger" when she drinks, which first showed itself in how she treated John over dinner. 

Edited by anonymiss
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That wouldn't fit into Bethenny's attempt to cultivate an image as a victim.  We are all supposed to feel sorry for her, not recognize that she is an adult in a difficult situation that is the result of a failed relationship between two people, she has more than sufficient financial means and she is in a shared custody situation that is similar to what many people have.



So Satan Andy asked Bethenny directly about dating & she still never mentioned that she was living & traveling with that guy (Michael Cerussi) during the filming of this entire season.  OK then.  Bethenny brutally honest?  Er, don't think so -- certainly not if she fails to mention or even acknowledge such an enormous part of her life.


She said that she's dating so apparently you guys missed it .

I don't see Bethany cultivating a victim image. I see a woman completely overwhelmed by the dissolution of her marriage. She's much too fragile to be on TV. It's unfortunate no one in her life talked her out of this.


Bethany v Ramona was the best part of the show. 

Edited by ThomasAAnderson
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I had nothing against Dorinda until watching this part of the reunion. I found her midly entertaining, a little cuckoo bordelining on batshit crazy but I didn't feel like judging her for being an emotional mess when she drinks. She was making sense most of the time, was funny, had a interesting backstory, so yeah, why not Dorinda on the show. Didn't care either way.


But here, presumably sober.... she lost me with her nasty comments against Kristen while having nothing to say to Ramona who displayed much more disdain for her partner than Kristen ever did. Nothing. I was in disbelief after that. Bravo didn't even soften the blow for them, the clip before commenting on that began with Ramona insulting John (is John his name? I don't even know, that's how much I cared about that storyline...), then again Ramona insulting John, and only then the bit with Kristen, it was pretty straightforward for once: Ramona was the one talking shit about John first and at least twice.

Come on! Dorinda had nothing to say to any other Housewives, agreeing with everything the women said about him during the reunion except for Kristen. And the poor woman didn't say anything about him that I recall, just that she felt uncomfortable at that time and chose to remove herself from the situation. 


And the attack about Kristen posing for topless photos, what the fuck was that? Did I miss the memo that I don't get to feel uncomfortable if a man is getting too graby for MY taste because I was sunbathing topless on a public beach ten years ago? Way to pull the rug under the fight for women to wear or do what they want without risking their safety. Dorinda is a smart cookie" said Bethenny. Yeah right. As if I'm gonna believe that now. 

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I didn't have any annoyance with Bethenny for talking about how her ugly split affected her, and breaking down over it sometimes.  Just because other women have gone through horrible divorces with less money to fall back on doesn't mean Bethenny's not allowed to be upset and vocal about how hard her divorce has been on her.  It's a pet peeve of mine when someone is told they should get over their own problems because those problems are nothing compared to people starving to death on dirt roads with flies in their eyes, or whatever the case may be.  Yes, those problems are absolutely worse, but that doesn't mean no one else with a comparatively lesser problem is allowed to feel sorry for themselves sometimes.  For me, the only time it becomes too much is when a person wallows and whines nonstop about their issues to the point that it has all been driven straight into the ground and no one around them wants to discuss it anymore.  Showing normal amounts of emotion while going through a trying time doesn't bother me, and sometimes a normal amount of emotion means crying.  Even when you're rich, you can still go through bad times.


I think a spouse cheating is the one and only deal-breaker when it comes to marriage, so I am not really defending Mario here at all.  But.  I'm a little tired of Ramona's campaign to make sure everyone and their grandmother hears her say that his cheating has absolutely nothing to do with Amazing Ramona, it has everything to do with Midlife Crisis Mario being insecure and unable to deal with his wife being famous, strong and successful.   Sorry, I am just not buying that as the whole ball of wax.  Maybe it's because I can't imagine having to spend any time in the same room with Ramona without wanting to stuff a sock in her mouth, so being married to her sounds like a living nightmare. 


I will never get tired of Bethenny not letting Ramona off the hook, even for petty little shit like the dress stealing.  I only wish someone would have brought up when Ramona commandeered Carol's shoes in Turks and Cacos, and when Carol said she wanted them back because she liked them, too, which is why she packed them for the trip, Ramona just told her to buy herself another pair and lumbered off in the shoes like the discussion had been permanently closed. 


I don't know why Dorinda bothers trying to defend her horrible temper when she drinks, or even when she's sober.  She's the one who said her own mother told her that she would keep quiet for a while, and then when something finally set her off she would scorch the earth and walk away, like a dragon.  It's the perfect description of what she does, and if she already knows this, then why continue trying to say Heather was mean and hurtful as they were going to the restaurant?  At the beginning of the season I thought I was going to really like Dorinda, but she's actually pretty awful.

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The thing that I have always liked about Reunions in the past, and the reason they bring some closure to the season for me, is that Andy use to ask for more perspective from the other gals on the action. Last night, we got little of that, except for Beth's opinion (which much of the time I completely agree with). Except for asking "what did everyone think of Beth returning" or "who thinks Ramona has changed" he didn't try to get the others involved in the drama that they had witnessed. And there were some things that I would have liked to hear from the other ladies about. For instance, I think a good moderator would have asked what the ladies thought about Dorinda attacking Heather outside of the restaurant was about. Many of them wrote about being surprised in their blogs, and it seemed to be the turning point in the relationship between Heather and Dorinda. Did any of them see this coming? Were there signs prior to that that Heather was being condensending to Dorinda as she has said? Only Beth asked "what happened to you two, you were friends". And the Carole/Lu deal. This was a huge part of the season, mainly after the season ended. Why wouldn's he ask the other ladies that were filming with them all season what they thought when Lu started going bat shit crazy on Twitter? Did they see it coming? Did they seem to be as friendly as it looked on film while they were all together?

It almost seemed like a memo was sent out telling the gals that they would only be looking for opinions from Beth. No one else need comment. I'm not sure if everyone was afraid of inserting themeselves in things that didn't really pertain to them, or if it all got edited out, but the conversations and differing opinions of the season is one of the things that usually make it entertaining. Almost none of that last night, and outside of Beth calling out Dorinda and Beth for telling less than the truth, it just wasn't a very good reunion to me.

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IIRC Beth did say she dated a lot.

The question from Andy was that we didn't see her dating or acting particularly interested in dating during the season. Of course the reason we didn't see this was because she had a long-term boyfriend the entire time they were filming, something she didn't want to address. If she wanted to be honest, she would have said "the reason you didn't see me acting like the rest of the horny bunch was because I actually already had a boyfriend at the time". This is my one major beef against Beth. She wasn't honest about this then, and she isn't being honest about it now. And she completely got away with it. 

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Grrr, obviously part two was not on at 9:00 last night as I expected so I missed the damn thing.  Hopefully it's already available on demand so I can watch when I get home from work tonight.

I know, I missed it too. I watched Below Deck which was meh-maybe it will get better-- it did last year and I am encouraged that the chef actually wants to get food out on time that looks and tastes good in order to get bigger tips. I also watched the 40th birthday show as well (I was doing some computer work so it ran in the background) and I did not like it.  I kept falling asleep during part 1 and totally missed part 2 except for the First Look that was broadcast Sunday. Dorinda is a nasty piece of work. If I was Heather I'd probably not have anything to do with these people ever again. I think I'm going to wait for Part 3 to air then watch them all at once OnDemand because watching these while broadcast (noticed this during the OC on Monday...) the commercials are ridiculous.

Edited by Lucelu
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Bethenny is really relentless trying to break Ramona down. She just won't let up on her until she cries. She's not going to cry Bethenny. Give up. Move on.

Yeah. That is my only real criticism with dress-gate. Ramona isn't going to cry, offer a "real" apology nor give back those dresses. She also can't be shamed. B should have seized her Oprah moment and just firmly said, "You stole the dresses and since you will never return them, I am donating the value to Dress for Success." Then just let Ramona make her excuses, give half ass apologies, nod off, wake up and say something mean yet nonsensical. When she nods out again, give out the website for Dress for Success and keep it moving. You can't really get Ramona to feel the heat unless you address it right as it is happening (hmmm, kinda like a dog). This was one of the big reasons that I liked Heather in her first season. She didn't wait when it came to Ramona and it really threw her off her usual game.
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Bethenny has a great memory. I appreciated when she called Dorinda out for recalling the FU-gate incident incorrectly. I think there's something wrong with Dorinda - whether it's a abuse of alcohol and anti-depressants or what, but her slurring is very odd. I understand what Kristen means when she says there's like an underbelly of anger...Dorinda freaks out over the most random things. And honestly, Kristen playfully laughed and walked away from John during that dancing incident. She didn't assault him and didn't call him names. She was uncomfortable, articulated that after the incident was over, and that was that. Dorinda is such a dolt. She acted like Kristen behaved like a damsel in distress. She didn't. She didn't clutch her pearls or cry. Ugh.


I hate that Dorinda gave it to Kristen for what was said, but she said nothing to Ramona about the mean things she explicitly said about John.


I saw some pics on IG that look like Bethenny and Ramona were hanging out poolside, so perhaps they went on vacation together. Or maybe they're just hanging out in the Hamptons. I guess all is forgiven. Bethenny did say that Ramona is crazy, but she still loves her.


Re: dressgate, I think Bethenny has a right to be mad. The dresses were not her property. They were the show's property. Ramona still has the dresses and still doesn't think she should have to pay for it. It's the principle of the matter because Ramona still doesn't care that she was wrong for what she did, particularly since she lied about the whereabouts of one of the dresses. At the end of the day, yes, Bethenny can afford to replace the dress several times over, but that's not the point.

Edited by trimthatfat
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Dorinda is once again being relentlessly awful on Twitter, still blaming Kristen for any discomfort she feels and sticking to her theory that if a woman is ever naked it gives all men in the future a right to grope them. So be careful ladies, if you were naked in the shower this morning, John's apparently entitled to grope you tomorrow. She's the worst.

I did enjoy bethenny nailing Ramona on her ridiculous behavior and I also liked that she was laughing by the end because she somehow still loves the thief. But I didn't enjoy moderator bethenny.

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Did anyone notice when Dorinda referenced the Hunchback to Heather (comparing her to? Who knows with Dorinda.) she said London instead of Paris? How culturally dumb can she be? I think when Doeinda gets wound up, her brain and tongue lose connection.

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Here's what I don't get...in some forums, people thought heather should have shut up and quit talking over people in part 1...yet last night, everyone is proclaiming bethanny to be the second coming and that she should take over hosting duties from andy cohen....yet, she talked over people and interrupted everyone.

Didn't heather and bethanny so the same thing?

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I think Kristin is an easy target. She's soft spoken and she lets others talk over her. This franchise is full of women who talk over each other in rapid, high-pitched tones and all their reunions sound like very noisy restaurants with the most obnoxious patrons.

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Here's what I don't get...in some forums, people thought heather should have shut up and quit talking over people in part 1...yet last night, everyone is proclaiming bethanny to be the second coming and that she should take over hosting duties from andy cohen....yet, she talked over people and interrupted everyone.

Didn't heather and bethanny so the same thing?

I agree. IMO, Bethenny talked over everyone far more than Heather has done. Heck, Bethenny even interrupted Heather when Heather was trying to answer Andy's question about Dorinda's anger/behavior in Fgate and Bethenny was not even there when it happened. LOL

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In addition to being a horrible moderator, Andy is just plain wrong when he says he is so surprised to see Ramona and LuAnn sitting on the same reunion couch, because in all past seasons, they'd been seated across from each other in order to battle it out.

Um, they were seated on the same couch for the S5 reunion (and a Google search yields a picture of them toasting next to each other at the S1 reunion, which was before sides really mattered, but still). Get'chya facts straight.

Plus, also - it's not like they choose their own seats!  I'm sure that Andy dictates who sits where.

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I think the idea of Ramona



The question from Andy was that we didn't see her dating or acting particularly interested in dating during the season. Of course the reason we didn't see this was because she had a long-term boyfriend the entire time they were filming, something she didn't want to address. If she wanted to be honest, she would have said "the reason you didn't see me acting like the rest of the horny bunch was because I actually already had a boyfriend at the time". This is my one major beef against Beth. She wasn't honest about this then, and she isn't being honest about it now. And she completely got away with it. 

At the time Bethenny was marrying Jason there were articles circulating that Bethenny dated a member of the wedding party.  Bethenny always gave the excuse that her first husband loved her too much and she had no passion towards him, only friendship, which we all know is her mother and stepfather's fault because they had post argument make up sex..  What wasn't necessary is Bethenny bringing up the cheating allegations.  it wasn't part of the show until Bethenny made it part of the show.  I just can't with Bethenny because she is just the phoniest with Ramona. Ramona didn't do a "smash and grab job" and Bethenny essentially hand delivered a dress to Ramona.  It sounded to me like the whole thing was a bit-a bit for Bethenny's quick wit.  Why Ramona continues to cooperate is anyone's guess.  I would think repeatedly being called a thief-again over something not being shown on the show-would be a friendship ender, instead it is a career builder.  Stupid non-storylines like this only serve to bring the franchise down-why would a Carole, Heather, Kristen, Luann ever want to be friends with someone  like Ramona?  Oh because their job depends on it and Ramona is in paycheck desperate territory and allows and encourages being the punching bag of Bethenny's bits. 

Let's see how many times was Ramona part of the bit:

(1) In the Hamptons because she wanted to be the hostess instead of Bethenny (Sorry but production had already scheduled where they were shooting) 

(2)  Then it was Bethenny didn't want to hang out with Ramona

(3)  Lord of the manor nonsense-how should the rooms been assigned?

(4)  Next we have the T&C and Bethenny telling Ramona to go ahead and go into town and then going manic on Ramona 

(5)  Then telling Ramona she shouldn't write a book

(6) Ramona telling Sonja Bethenny and seemingly Bethenny alone called her an alcoholic

(7) Then there was the conch block nonsense

(8) The bring me hot guys-which was so poorly executed by both sides-"Ramona-what do you think of him, cute or ugly?"  "Bartender"  What an incredible insult as opposed to asking if someone is cute or ugly.  Double objectifiers the two of them.

(9)  Let me break up the lull in Sonja's fashion show and raise how you called me a cheater from my first marriage. 

(10) Let me bring up the damn department store dress (again)and make it sound like you stole an original designer dress. Pretty simple dress gets damaged during filming, Ramona helps herself to replacement dress and it becomes dress gate. Better yet let me have one delivered to your house and call it stealing.  It makes for such a good bit -I have this line Ranona Ryder I am dying to use how can I make it happen.  Hysterical response..  (I have no doubt Ramona takes liberties with the freebies and has an overly active sense of entitilement-I can't imagine any talk show host going to the lengths to recover a freebie $500.00 dress unless she was in breach of gift for not wearing it on the show and it endangered future Halston placement).

(11)  I need some attention on me I have been unfairly accused -let's bring up an off camera statement and be sure to do it very publicly so it gets Page Six during Sonja's fashion show-because it is all about Bethenny all the time. 


I am not buying the Bethenny/Ramona show anymore than I am buying the Bethenny saving Private Sonja scenario she tried to set up and Sonja thankfully rejected. 


Now Bethenny is claiming it is her job to bring Carole and Luann back together.  Oh please. . .I am tired of the Bethenny show.  The show has jumped the shark-way too many phony fights and judging each other and tattling.  There is just no way people would remain friends with all the outing and backstabbing.  There is a undercurrent that seems to be year's show how so and so is a hypocrite set up by producer that force these women not to break the fourth wall.


Here is an article from February which seems to have pretty well summed up the season:  http://www.realitytea.com/2015/02/19/photos-sonja-morgan-launches-fashion-collection-bethenny-frankel-ramona-singer-argue-fashion-show/#/slide/1


All I can say is who knew the intermission at the fashion show was only 10 minutes-the way producers presented it I thought it was more like a half an hour.  http://nypost.com/2015/02/18/bethenny-frankel-ramona-singer-duke-it-out-at-sonja-morgans-fashion-show/


The show is feeling like the Bethenny spin-off all over again.

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I haven't been feeling Dorinda/Doris/whatever the eff her name is this whole season and last night sealed the deal for me.  Her defense of her pig of a boyfriend is pathetic.  I posted about this when it happened saying that at first everyone was having fun and dancing and Kristen was fine with that.  Then he made her uncomfortable with his gross meat paws and she backed away.  She is 100% entitled to feel that way and she doesn't need to apologize for it.  Dorinda bringing up Kristen modeling topless made no sense and had nothing to do with the topic.  Completely archaic, blame the victim speak.


I do believe Dorinda has some anger issues stemming from her husband's death that probably get amped up when she drinks.  This is understandable but she needs to recognize this and deal with it instead of denying it and making everyone around her bear the brunt of her anger.  And while she's at it she should comb her damn hair and fire her makeup artist because girlfriend looks haggard.


I really felt for Ramona and the whole Mario thing.  That has got to be rough.  I like Beth calling everyone out but enough with the dresses already.


I laughed out loud when Ramona called Lu's bathroom buddy a "walker" and Kristen was like "What?  A hooker?".  I don't think he was either one but I guess both could be applicable lol.

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I have to agree with everyone here about Bethenny.  She usually doesn't bother me that much, and I often find her comments to be funny and spot-on (albeit pretty nasty at times), but last night, it felt like she was the STAR of the show, and the other women weren't even cast mates with equal billing, they were more like bit players.


She is exhausting, however, and I would think being friends with her is more of one way street (the way Bethenny wants) than a true friendship.  She can be cutting and cruel (I know she said that about Ramona, but I think Bethenny, at times, can be worse).  I do think that most of the women are afraid to stir up her ire or anger, because they all know that she has Andy's ear, and she could probably get them fired or demoted with a few quick conversations with Andy.  


I was kind of hoping that we would have seen a montage of Dorinda saying "back that shit up" - that phrase came out of her mouth almost as much as Ramona saying "in all sincerity".  


Dorinda - I don't know if she works with the other women.  At times, I think she does, mainly because she doesn't bother me as much as Cindy, the vajayjay bedazzler did, and she's definitely not as batshit crazy or strange as Kelly Bensimon, but she does seem to not realize that she doesn't handle her alcohol as well as some of the other ladies.  


Ramona seemed very calm and subdued last night, even when Bethenny was raking her over the coals about the dress situation (God, please, NO MORE about dressgate!!!!).  I do wonder if Ramona thought it was no big deal because Bethenny sent her a second dress, after the fact, and then the show got cancelled.  So, maybe in Ramona's eyes, she just figured that they (the production company for Bethenny's talk show) just chalked the dresses up to a production cost, and were done with it, since the show wasn't being produced any longer.


I honestly think that Ramona had taken a couple of Xanax before the taping, so that she would remain calm.  


I did feel, however, that if Mario were to make a full confession, and profess his undying love for Ramona again, she would take him back in a heartbeat.  He is her one true love - you can see if in the way she speaks about him - and I felt very badly for her when she was talking about that situation.


I'm interested to see what happens on Part 3 with Sonja.

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Dorinda is once again being relentlessly awful on Twitter, still blaming Kristen for any discomfort she feels and sticking to her theory that if a woman is ever naked it gives all men in the future a right to grope them. So be careful ladies, if you were naked in the shower this morning, John's apparently entitled to grope you tomorrow. She's the worst.



I want to strangle people who think like this because this is the type of mentality that believes a prostitute can't be rape and a husband can't rape his wife. Just ignorant and backwards. 


The thing that I have always liked about Reunions in the past, and the reason they bring some closure to the season for me, is that Andy use to ask for more perspective from the other gals on the action. Last night, we got little of that, except for Beth's opinion (which much of the time I completely agree with). Except for asking "what did everyone think of Beth returning" or "who thinks Ramona has changed" he didn't try to get the others involved in the drama that they had witnessed. And there were some things that I would have liked to hear from the other ladies about. For instance, I think a good moderator would have asked what the ladies thought about Dorinda attacking Heather outside of the restaurant was about. Many of them wrote about being surprised in their blogs, and it seemed to be the turning point in the relationship between Heather and Dorinda. Did any of them see this coming? Were there signs prior to that that Heather was being condensending to Dorinda as she has said? Only Beth asked "what happened to you two, you were friends". And the Carole/Lu deal. This was a huge part of the season, mainly after the season ended. Why wouldn's he ask the other ladies that were filming with them all season what they thought when Lu started going bat shit crazy on Twitter? Did they see it coming? Did they seem to be as friendly as it looked on film while they were all together?

It almost seemed like a memo was sent out telling the gals that they would only be looking for opinions from Beth. No one else need comment. I'm not sure if everyone was afraid of inserting themeselves in things that didn't really pertain to them, or if it all got edited out, but the conversations and differing opinions of the season is one of the things that usually make it entertaining. Almost none of that last night, and outside of Beth calling out Dorinda and Beth for telling less than the truth, it just wasn't a very good reunion to me.


One thing I noticed is that Beth was noticeably silent and has offered no real opinion on Adam-gate at the reunion.


I for one am bone tired and weary of Adam-gate. Luann - you lost. Mostly due to inconsistency, failure to properly make a convincing, coherent argument and for being generally just awful on twitter. I will say however, that on the Carole side, I don't believe she is as casual about the relationship as she likes to pretend. I think she is already in love with him or on the road to it. Also, I think she is very, very, hypersensitive about the age difference between her and Adam. I think that is the root of most of her butthurt over all this. I am going agree with a B comment from when she was briefly talking about this to Carole after her new apartment tour and say that the lady doth protest to much. Carole is very sensitive to the age jokes and even bristled when B made one. Hell, you don't here Sonja crying about being the butt of dating men over half her age. Hello, Carole was mad pissed being compared to Sonja and dating Sonja young men but I never really heard Sonja made a federal case of it. Sonja has some issues surrounding her delusions but in some respects she owns a lot of the shit she does and handles it like she is grown and going do what she is going do and damn this bitches. 


I think Carole is afraid of looking like a hypocrite herself due to some of her past comments i.e., men don't get interesting until after 40 and other such things and throwing shade at Sonja. Her running commentary about the women, especially Sonja and Ramona during the girls night out with the male models at that club earlier in the season was why I came to dislike her so much this season.   I also don't really believe she cares all that much about Luann or her niece's feelings and I damn sure don't believe that she would have not pursued the relationship had she known what a raucous it would have caused. I just don't. Easy to say that now isn't it but her ass such was playing it coy and talking to others about how and when to 'break' the news to Lu. 


Everytime I see the beginning of an episode and see 8 women holding an apple, I think damn this is a huge cast and someone (or 2) needs to be cut. Although some of these chicks really, really get on my damn nerves (looking at you Dorinda and Ramona), I would be hard pressed to get rid of anyone of them at this point. Yes, it is too many damn women but this dynamic really works for me.  I think if they balanced the show more, didn't give B half (or more) the TH commentary, Bravo and Andy backed out of B's ass and showed aspects of everyone's lives the show would be better for it. However, if someone stuck a gun to my head and made me make a decision as to who should go, I say it would be a toss up between Heather and Kristen, but Kristen might be saved due to her recent scandal. 

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Why is Bethenny permitted to pick and choose what is discussed about her?! The man she was dating, and some say even cohabitating with was Michael Cerulli, and he was expelled from college in 2000 for a complaint of raping a woman. Being grabby isn't rape, but seems kind of ironic Bethenny isn't bothered by grabby ass fat John, when her lover was an accused date rapist.

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I think a spouse cheating is the one and only deal-breaker when it comes to marriage, so I am not really defending Mario here at all.  But.  I'm a little tired of Ramona's campaign to make sure everyone and their grandmother hears her say that his cheating has absolutely nothing to do with Amazing Ramona, it has everything to do with Midlife Crisis Mario being insecure and unable to deal with his wife being famous, strong and successful.   Sorry, I am just not buying that as the whole ball of wax.  Maybe it's because I can't imagine having to spend any time in the same room with Ramona without wanting to stuff a sock in her mouth, so being married to her sounds like a living nightmare. 


I noticed this too. I generally don't think cheating is about the spouse who gets cheated on, but the way Ramona is playing this up as though the only reason Mario would have an affair is because he's having a midlife crisis, really bugs me. Because I think the man has been cheating for years and years. 

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Another thing that kind of bothers me about this reunion is that the women (Bethenny, Carole, Luann, Dorinda and Heather) seem to keep bringing up things that did NOT happen on the show, and/or was not filmed for the show.


I remember in years past, when at a reunion (any franchise-but I specifically remember RHNJ), someone would bring something up that happened either before or after filming that had happened between the ladies, and Andy would shut it down right away, because they were there to discuss what happened during filming.


This bothers me, because the whole dressgate thing happened months before filming even started.  In fact, didn't it happen before Bethenny even agreed to come back?  They should have left that whole discussion during Sonja's fashion show on the cutting room floor, and Andy should have said "We didn't film Ramona taking the dress, we can't use it".


The same holds true for the toast to taking Bethenny down.


The Twitter wars between Luann and Carole and Dorinda and Heather are another example.  I'm not on Twitter, but didn't all those nasty tweets happen after the show was already filmed?

Edited by njbchlover
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I think the idea of Ramona



At the time Bethenny was marrying Jason there were articles circulating that Bethenny dated a member of the wedding party.  Bethenny always gave the excuse that her first husband loved her too much and she had no passion towards him, only friendship, which we all know is her mother and stepfather's fault because they had post argument make up sex..  What wasn't necessary is Bethenny bringing up the cheating allegations.  it wasn't part of the show until Bethenny made it part of the show.  I just can't with Bethenny because she is just the phoniest with Ramona. Ramona didn't do a "smash and grab job" and Bethenny essentially hand delivered a dress to Ramona.  It sounded to me like the whole thing was a bit-a bit for Bethenny's quick wit.  Why Ramona continues to cooperate is anyone's guess.  I would think repeatedly being called a thief-again over something not being shown on the show-would be a friendship ender, instead it is a career builder.  Stupid non-storylines like this only serve to bring the franchise down-why would a Carole, Heather, Kristen, Luann ever want to be friends with someone  like Ramona?  Oh because their job depends on it and Ramona is in paycheck desperate territory and allows and encourages being the punching bag of Bethenny's bits. 

Let's see how many times was Ramona part of the bit:

(1) In the Hamptons because she wanted to be the hostess instead of Bethenny (Sorry but production had already scheduled where they were shooting) 

(2)  Then it was Bethenny didn't want to hang out with Ramona

(3)  Lord of the manor nonsense-how should the rooms been assigned?

(4)  Next we have the T&C and Bethenny telling Ramona to go ahead and go into town and then going manic on Ramona 

(5)  Then telling Ramona she shouldn't write a book

(6) Ramona telling Sonja Bethenny and seemingly Bethenny alone called her an alcoholic

(7) Then there was the conch block nonsense

(8) The bring me hot guys-which was so poorly executed by both sides-"Ramona-what do you think of him, cute or ugly?"  "Bartender"  What an incredible insult as opposed to asking if someone is cute or ugly.  Double objectifiers the two of them.

(9)  Let me break up the lull in Sonja's fashion show and raise how you called me a cheater from my first marriage. 

(10) Let me bring up the damn department store dress (again)and make it sound like you stole an original designer dress. Pretty simple dress gets damaged during filming, Ramona helps herself to replacement dress and it becomes dress gate. Better yet let me have one delivered to your house and call it stealing.  It makes for such a good bit -I have this line Ranona Ryder I am dying to use how can I make it happen.  Hysterical response..  (I have no doubt Ramona takes liberties with the freebies and has an overly active sense of entitilement-I can't imagine any talk show host going to the lengths to recover a freebie $500.00 dress unless she was in breach of gift for not wearing it on the show and it endangered future Halston placement).

(11)  I need some attention on me I have been unfairly accused -let's bring up an off camera statement and be sure to do it very publicly so it gets Page Six during Sonja's fashion show-because it is all about Bethenny all the time. 


I am not buying the Bethenny/Ramona show anymore than I am buying the Bethenny saving Private Sonja scenario she tried to set up and Sonja thankfully rejected. 


Now Bethenny is claiming it is her job to bring Carole and Luann back together.  Oh please. . .I am tired of the Bethenny show.  The show has jumped the shark-way too many phony fights and judging each other and tattling.  There is just no way people would remain friends with all the outing and backstabbing.  There is a undercurrent that seems to be year's show how so and so is a hypocrite set up by producer that force these women not to break the fourth wall.


Here is an article from February which seems to have pretty well summed up the season:  http://www.realitytea.com/2015/02/19/photos-sonja-morgan-launches-fashion-collection-bethenny-frankel-ramona-singer-argue-fashion-show/#/slide/1


All I can say is who knew the intermission at the fashion show was only 10 minutes-the way producers presented it I thought it was more like a half an hour.  http://nypost.com/2015/02/18/bethenny-frankel-ramona-singer-duke-it-out-at-sonja-morgans-fashion-show/


The show is feeling like the Bethenny spin-off all over again.

It has become the Bethenny Show, and certainly the Beth reunion. 


The thing that I hate about Ramona is that she is so two-faced. She will just take it from Beth, who owned her last night, and for the entire season. No one has successfully taken Ramona on - outside of Heather in S5 - ever. For the most part she just laughed when they were showing clips of Beth bringing her down over and over again. No matter what Beth does to her, she will still cuddle up to her and try to get in her good graces. I think she was mad last night at one point when she said the thing about her Talk Show being cancelled (which was hateful), but she wasn't going to take Beth on. She is scared to death of her, and it's not becoming at all. Don't get me wrong; Beth was 100% correct and I loved every minute of it. I will keep it on my DVR and replay it when I get the blues because it was so incredibly awesome in every single way. 


Both Heather and Carole raised their hands when the question was asked if Ramona had changed. She hasn't changed completely, but they have seen something, and Heather in particular has talked about this on social media and in interviews during the season. In one interview I read she said that Ramona was the very first person from the cast she would hire because Ramona is a hard worker. They both refused to say anything bad about her when they were on WWHL, except that she was still rough, but that she had changed. Yet despite this, Ramona would never take Heather's side over Bethenny. Not in a million years. Even though Heather defended Ramona as a changed person when they met Lu for lunch at the beginning of the season. Back when Beth was still seething over the brunch deal. We saw Ramona take several opportunities to laugh with Beth about Heather. She never defends her, never says anything good about her and I would be surprised if she ever does. At the same time she will do all that she can to remain in Beth's good graces despite what Beth says about her or how hard she goes after her. 


ETA:  May or may not be true, but it was reported that during the T&C discussion, Beth and Heather get into it a little bit, and that Heather tells Beth to just stop talking because she has talked enough at the reunion. Supposedly Beth agrees that she has probably talked enough. I hope this is true. Heather will be slammed for doing it, because certainly she can talk with the best of them, but even though I agree with pretty much all that Beth is saying, she has completely taken over the reunion and I would love it if someone weren't afraid to point this out. I cannot imagine that anyone except Heather would have the nerve to do it. Everyone else (save for Carole) is entirely too afraid of the casting power that Beth apparently has with Bravo and Andy. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
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I am with many of you who felt ambivalent about Bethenny last night.  I very much like her taking Ramona to task for stealing the dress and the cheating comment and getting Dorinda to slow her roll (a tad) about the FU-gate dinner.  But I dislike her talking over everybody and proclaiming herself the unofficial moderator of the reunion. I also hated how - when they showed a flashback clip - that they pretty much ONLY showed Bethenny's reaction or TH to the situation.  That, however, is Bravo/Andy's fault and not hers. 


Dorinda covers for John's handsy inappropriateness the same way she covers for her own drunken behavior - deny the behavior, and attack and make fun of the other person in the mix.


She's disgusting on a number of levels.  And she's fug as hell.


Is it wrong that I think the shape of Kristen breasts are fine? Maybe I would feel different if I saw her topless but from my vantage point they don't look like a horror show or anything. Hell we can't all have the perfect boobs like the girl from the Robin Thicke video. Granted, I agree that the dress wasn't really all that flattering and having the v plunge down to her naval was not a good look, but I like when breasts have a somewhat natural hang. I hate the look of overly round, impossibly high defying all laws of gravity, hard as bowling balls fake breasts. 


Exactly this.  I'd rather see Kristen's au natural breasts than Bethenny's ridiculous bolt-on melons any day of the week.

Satan Andy is really a 13 year old girl mentally.
Have you swam in the ladies pond, ect. and the rest of his "gay" insinuations.
He just really wants everyone to be gay or bi , ect. just to feed his insecurities.
Who in this day and age REALLY care if someone is gay, bi, trans or anything else.
Love yourself and others and live life to it it's fullest until the day you die.
Good grief, get over yourself Andy.

While I agree that Andy is often immature and annoying - and yes he so needs to retire the "swam in the lady pond" commentary -- I do not agree that he "really wants everyone to be gay or bi."  To me, that smack of the "gay agenda" that conservatives like to tout and I'm not down with that whatsoever. 



You know what bugs me about Carol's fake lesbian bullshit -- other than it being so obviously fake AND bullshit?  It's that she was sooooo hesitant & unconvincing, while she stumbled & stammered in such an inarticulate way.  She seemed almost ashamed (hated that most of all), and kinda skeered, to discuss these supposed lesbian fantasies she was having.  Ugh, hated all of it.  She couldn't even express how or why Bethenny was her "type".  I cringed watching this.  


We've seen faux lesbian crap before on Housewives shows -- specifically from Carlton on BH.  And we saw where it got her.  Not very far.  But Satan Andy doesn't do much to call this stuff out.  Another reason I call him Satan Andy.  Well, he's not obligated to point out fake lesbian crapola.  As a gay man, he might be concerned enough to ask about it, but instead, he seems much more interested in asking every woman on his shows if she went in the lady pond.  Silly & shallow?  Sigh, that's Satan Andy.


Yeah, I did get the impression of Sonja that she's comfortable with both genders sexually & I thought she expressed it very well, without unnecessarily revealing too many details.  OK, so why was Carole so inarticulate in this respect?  Even if she was obviously bullshitting about the lesbian stuff, she coulda been more creative with the fake lesbian fantasies/dreams.  She is the "writer girl" after all, right?  Meh, Carole -- once again, I'm unimpressed & disappointed with you.


Oh, and Moaner gagging at the very thought of lesbianism?  First off, good for Satan Andy for pointing that out.  Guess he took a mere moment off from his usual giggly shallow shit.  Idk, I just dismiss everything Moaner says now cuz I know what an asshole she is.  But NO, that wasn't OK.  Actually, it was pretty vile & made me shudder at Moaner's vileness.  So I was good with Bethenny slaughtering Moaner.  Hope she continues to & never stops slaughtering Moaner.  Altho poor Winona Ryder probably didn't appreciate B's comment.  Guess she'll never live down the shoplifting, eh?


What fake lesbian bullshit?  She had a sex dream and told Bethenny about it.  But when asked flat out if she had ever been with a woman, she said no.  She said she admired the female form/aesthetic. As do I, and I am a fully hetero woman.  That doesn't stop me from saying that.... Salma Hayak, for example, is fucking hot.  It's not fake lesbian BS to admire another woman's beauty or physique.


I think Kristin is an easy target. She's soft spoken and she lets others talk over her. This franchise is full of women who talk over each other in rapid, high-pitched tones and all their reunions sound like very noisy restaurants with the most obnoxious patrons.


Totally this.  I feel the same about Carole. It's what happens when you are a non-alpha surrounded by alphas (ask me how I know!)

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I think Kristin is an easy target. She's soft spoken and she lets others talk over her. This franchise is full of women who talk over each other in rapid, high-pitched tones and all their reunions sound like very noisy restaurants with the most obnoxious patrons.

Very true. I actually like her because of that - having too many strong personalities makes for a very frustrating viewing experience to me when I watch reality television. If Kristen does leave, I do hope the casting people either remove one of the louder women (like Dorinda or Heather who is rumored to have quit) or add someone else who is chill like Kristen/Carole.

Edited by trimthatfat
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My poor heart breaks for Ramona. Mario stepped out in their house?! What a total scumbag leech. She can be a monster sometimes, but no one, even Ramona, deserves such disrespect.



I most respectfully disagree. If anyone needed a public shaming, it was Mrs". I'm So Happily Married, Mario Loves Me So Much Everyone is Jealous" piece of shit that is Romoaner Singer.  It was good to see her taken down a few notches.  She was vile to other women who were going thru marital problems and I'm glad she got her come-uppance, even tho I see she hasn't learned thing.

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I most respectfully disagree. If anyone needed a public shaming, it was Mrs". I'm So Happily Married, Mario Loves Me So Much Everyone is Jealous" piece of shit that is Romoaner Singer.  It was good to see her taken down a few notches.  She was vile to other women who were going thru marital problems and I'm glad she got her come-uppance, even tho I see she hasn't learned thing.

I feel the same way about Ramona. I always wonder why anyone would choose to spend time with her, outside of the cast. Is it so that he or she can laugh at her because she's so delusional? Is it so that he or she can feel better about himself or herself or feel superior to her? She has very few redeeming qualities, in my opinion.
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I do believe Dorinda has some anger issues stemming from her husband's death that probably get amped up when she drinks.  This is understandable but she needs to recognize this and deal with it instead of denying it and making everyone around her bear the brunt of her anger.


Dorinda's anger issues have nothing to do with her husband.  She admitted at the Reunion that her mother told her she has been like this since she was a little girl.  And those issues are likely exacerbated by alcohol making her a raging, slurring bitch after a couple dirty martinis.


This bothers me, because the whole dressgate thing happened months before filming even started.  In fact, didn't it happen before Bethenny even agreed to come back?  They should have left that whole discussion during Sonja's fashion show on the cutting room floor, and Andy should have said "We didn't film Ramona taking the dress, we can't use it".


The same holds true for the toast to taking Bethenny down.


I wonder if they did film the lunch where Luann toasted to taking Bethenny down but it didn't make it on camera because we had to see Beth in fake therapy over and over.

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