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Jeopardy! Season 32 (2015-2016)


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Triple Stumper - none of the three gets the question right.  I find it even worse when no one even attempts to answer it.

I know what you mean, although I do understand why they wouldn't want to lose money on something they're pretty sure they don't know.  I made the mistake of guessing on two high-value clues near the end of my game; had I not lost money on those, I would've had enough money to make the champ bet bigger on FJ.  (Of course, getting the FJ right would've helped, too. lol)

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I know what you mean, although I do understand why they wouldn't want to lose money on something they're pretty sure they don't know.

It logically makes sense but it just gets to me that if they are able to get on Jeopardy, they should be able to answer the questions!  Or at least make an educated guess because sometimes the TS are just not that difficult.  Not know Diane from Cheers?  Everyone Jeopardy player should know their Cheers. On my show, I at least tried....which if I had just shut up at the end I would be ended in 2nd not 3rd but I at least keep attempting :-) 

Edited by M. Darcy
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It logically makes sense but it just gets to me that if they are able to get on Jeopardy, they should be able to answer the questions!  Or at least make an educated guess because sometimes the TS are just not that difficult.  Not know Diane from Cheers?  Everyone Jeopardy player should know their Cheers. On my show, I at least tried....which if I had just shut up at the end I would be ended in 2nd not 3rd but I at least keep attempting :-) 

I definitely hate it when the clue is something that seems like such common knowledge.  At least my two were 'hard-to-pronounce head of UN before I was born (I think)' & 'shrimp fork'  (Or was it oyster fork?  I said one and it was the other; I had heard of neither.)

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I got thrown off by the FJ clue saying it was a phrase, when I think of "Cordon Bleu" as a name.  All I could desperately blurt out was "je ne sais quoi" which would have been technically correct, since I didn't.

I forgot about that. Yes, I was stuck on it being a phrase, though I wouldn't have gotten it no matter what. What if it had been called a "term?"

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Apparently The Wizard of Oz has been published under that title, but I wish that they'd insist on "wonderful" being in there when they're talking about the book.


I think I've posted before about the apparent incongruity between requiring exact titles, and accepting things like this (and Alice['s Adventures] in Wonderland).  I presume they must have official judging standards somewhere, and I would love to see how they're written to justify some of the craziness that goes on. 


37) Last names are sufficient, unless

      1. there are multiple persons with the same last name who fall into the same category of notoriety, unless 

           a. one of those persons is Gandhi

           b. Alex is too busy showing off an accent to pay attention

      2. the question is about a noted California frontiersman not named John C. Fremont.

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Okay, you guys are totally cracking me up today.

I've lurked on this board for a long time and I'd like to start posting (and not sound like a doofus who doesn't understand the lingo).



Welcome, SuzyLee. Don't worry about looking silly when you post. I post here all the time and look like a doofus nine times out of 10. What moron can't remember Ben Carson is a Presidential Hopeful? ME! It's all good!


As for so many contestants blanking: I can answer many J. questions that I don't know or knew that I know, just because of the double clues each one contains. I surprise myself almost every game. But I guess if I were on that studio set and faced with real-life Jeopardy (and two smartie-pant competitors!) I'd tank but good. So I do cut everyone some slack. Well, most of the time. Well, maybe pretty much never.

Edited by saber5055
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I'm really getting sick of Dylan and his always starting with the $800 or $1,600 clues. It's throwing off everyone's game, resulting in too many TS's or totally unanswered questions, which is wasting time and leaving too damned many clues on the board.


For all of his board hopping tactics, it doesn't really help him in the long run.  Not if you only win with a shade past $5000.00. 

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I was basically yelling Asuncion at the screen. I was really surprised that he missed that. Although, I think there were some tough ones in that category - you really needed to be able to visualize their locations on a map - Asuncion was one of the easier ones since the clue specified the capital of Paraguay.

And yes, Matt is very intense.

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I was happy he won, though, over the woman in the middle who continually took a decade to pick the next clue. I admit I'm an impatient person, but tell me I wasn't the only one who found those pregnant pauses painful…?


They were painful.  Plus her FJ answer was terrible -- the clue clearly indicated the city was on the Mediterranean.  And her guess was Amsterdam.  Uggh.

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Thank you Carpe! That eloquently sums up my irritation as well. I also lost respect for them when no one knew where Oliver Queen lived. Clearly not watching enough TV, because that wasn't the only TS in that category. I thought the woman had a vision problem because she spent so long squinting at the board, and now we're stuck with Mad Matt. Why couldn't they all lose?

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That lady had a crazy Wisconsin accent. I identified it immediately, and was immediately homesick as well. The way she pronounced "gas station" made me cringe with joy. :-)


Thank god Dylan is gone! I could not believe he went straight to South American capitals and promptly knew NONE of them. The new champion is a little...intense. Like he maybe was on some kind of drugs. NTTAWWT.

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Someone should teach Dylan the difference between when and whenever. They aren't the same thing. I'm referring to his interview with Alex.

This was an annoying game to watch. Why didn't they turn down Matt's microphone? He was way too loud. I jumped too when he gave his first answer. So did my dog!

I can respect a player who starts at the bottom of the board if they know the category. I don't like it, but I can respect it. To do that and then just stare at the board is stupid.

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Normally I don't care where in a category someone starts, but I was getting annoyed by Dylan starting at 2k clues.

Amanda did seem to have a vision issue rather than a slow to pick issue. I've often wondered if I'd fail horribly at Jeopardy because my corrected vision is still not great for reading at a distance and I don't process clues nearly as well from hearing them.

Matt is intense but I liked his enthusiasm. I hope he can reign it in a bit.

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It broke my heart that Dark Shadows was a TS. My favorite show as a 9 year old.

And it was just remade as a movie (after a second attempt at a series)! But what really got me was that "Pulling Mussels From A Shell" was a TS! Anyone with a love of the English language should have a working knowledge of the Squeeze catalogue IMHO. Plus, it made me feel old. Matt's probably like the gunslinger you invite in to clean up the town and then live to regret it as he turns into a despot. Or maybe I've been watching too many old Westerns?

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But what really got me was that "Pulling Mussels From A Shell" was a TS! Anyone with a love of the English language should have a working knowledge of the Squeeze catalogue IMHO. Plus, it made me feel old.


I couldn't believe that was a TS either.   Pulling Clams from a Shell just doesn't have the same ring to it.


I'm just glad that they managed to clear both boards of all the clues.

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I also lost respect for them when no one knew where Oliver Queen lived. 

You've made me google Oliver Queen. I don't watch Arrow. I do watch a lot of TV, however.


So ridiculous that Dylan kept starting at the bottom of the categories, esp when he almost immediately hit the DJ when he had $1000. Although I didn't like the way he played, I actually kind of liked him. For instance, I liked that he laughed at the beginning when Alex said he'd won three games but didn't have much money.

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Jeopardy is in need of more contestants who are not trying to channel Arthur Chu. All of the jumping around throws off the rhythm of the game, leads to lots of incorrect responses, and wastes time. Alex used to caution contestants not to do it, but he's given up. Arthur Chu could pull it off. Most, like Dylan, can't. I'm glad to see him gone. Matt is intense, but he does tend to stick with a category and he knows his stuff. Remains to be seen if he has staying power. Recent champs have been fading fast.

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I hated the fist pump, too, but honestly I didn't notice his loudness or other irritants. I'll be more focused on that next time.


So ridiculous that Dylan kept starting at the bottom of the categories, esp when he almost immediately hit the DJ when he had $1000.

Quoting myself so I can correct myself -- I believe it was MINUS $1000 that Dylan had when he hit the DJ.

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There is/was sports talk radio program with Tony Cornhiser (sp?) I believe. He wanted all callers to have as much time as they needed to ~get right to the question~. Soooo, anytime a caller started with something akin to: "hey, Tony, thanks for taking my call," or "Tony, love your show," Tony would hang up on them. He wanted "what do you think about the Broncos making it to the playoffs" or "do you think the cubs stand a chance this season."

I wish Alex were more like Tony. Anyone who wastes time by saying: "I'll take 'sisters for $200.00, please' or "uhmmm, let's try 'mini-series for $800' " should get a reduction in funds. Come on, people, don't waste time on please & dollars.

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I thought everyone would love Matt, since he doesn't waste time on niceties. He barely lets Alex stop talking!


I agree with this.  He just moved along at lightning speed and Alex had to interrupt him for that first break.  I didn't really find him loud (maybe only the first response) but he was intense.  I hope he settles down.  I'm just so glad to be rid of Dylan. 

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