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Jeopardy! Season 32 (2015-2016)


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I'm apparently in a turkey-addled state, and deleted the show right after Double Jeopardy instead of watching FJ. Can someone tell me the question/answer?

It was something along the lines of, "Country with a population of 400,000 and was a founding member of NATO".

Correct answer was Iceland.

Edited by CarpeDiem54
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I was screaming Little Lord Fauntleroy at Marie. She didn't listen.


Kind of a relief to know I'm not the only one they ignore.


I'm having a hard time settling back into regular J! after TOC. I would like to see a reality show with Matt and Alex J. They could have Arthur, too. I really have no plan for it after that. They could go to a Chinese restaurant, or to the dentist or something.

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I was shocked when she said The Secret Garden instead of Little Lord Fauntleroy, which seemed obvious to me.  From the way she hesitated, it looked like she thought Little Lord Fauntleroy was too obvious.  They always say go with your gut.  Maybe I read too much into her thought process.


And the new champ does seem nice (once again) even though Alex thinks he talks too slow (he is from the south after all).

I think that she forgot what the category was and/or just picked the only Frances Hodgson Burnett novel she knew. I don't believe she'd heard of Little Lord Fauntleroy, or she would have said it, obvious or not.

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I'll miss the smile of the exiting champion - very genuine and it went all the way up to his eyes.  

I'll miss his name. I liked saying it. "Ricky!" I went back and forth betw thinking of I Love Lucy and "Oh Ricky you're so fine you're so fine you blow my mind. Oh Ricky! Oh Ricky!"

Edited by peeayebee
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I think that she forgot what the category was and/or just picked the only Frances Hodgson Burnett novel she knew. I don't believe she'd heard of Little Lord Fauntleroy, or she would have said it, obvious or not.

She had at least heard of it because as soon as Alex said Little she finished Lord Fauntleroy along with him.

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Woohoo! I finally got FJ!

Bianca was way too timid with her wagering with the DD's. WTH was with her answering FJ with a name in the clue? Other than that, I thought she was a good player.

I liked the rhino guy, Darin. I, too, have spent a lot of time hanging around the Denver Zoo.

Again, Rob was impressive and he seemed to speak faster today.

The photo of Ingrid Bergman made me moan, "Not again..."

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Thanks to stupid football, I missed the beginning of the Jeopardy round Friday - Fox 45 came into Jeopardy at the interview segment, but I enjoyed this show.  It seemed a pretty good matchup.  Of course, I might not be remembering the game much, since Saturday's never-ending shift at WalHell has wiped most of the previous day right out of my mind.

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I too  really felt for Rob, with the foliage mispronunciation.  It reminded me of an old Simpsons episode where they are walking in the wood and Marge admires the fall "foilage" - of course Lisa corrects her:)


Rather a slow game I thought; and there seemed to be a lot of clues left on the board. Mr.Trey says Alex was talking too much - that was probably it.


Did not get FJ, American history not being my strong suit.  I figured it would be when George Washington was elected but I went way too early, guessing 1777.  I didn't realize they didn't choose a president until so much later.


Congrats to Joyce on her win.

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Was this the Teens Tournament and no one told me? Many of those clues were incredibly easy.

I couldn't believe all three of them got their DD's wrong and they weren't particularly difficult - Shutterfly, Fahrenheit and foliage (I'm glad they dinged Rob for that).

I wasn't impressed with any of them tonight. And I really think they should have edited those interviews - way too long. I don't care about Hogwarts parties, that the middle woman thinks Alex is handsome or that Rob can't bag groceries.

  • Love 8

Another sympathy vote for Rob from me (I can't bag groceries right either), and I think he's got a basis for appeal.  I just checked Webster's 11th (that's the dictionary of choice in most of the publishing industry, so I creepily have it open on my desktop all the time), and they give the phonetic version of "foilage" as a tertiary pronunciation, although that spelling is called nonstandard.  It's probably the only way he's ever heard the word spoken in his neck of the woods.  I may write the producers, because I don't already have enough to do.


I liked Joyce least of all three fairly lackluster contestants tonight.  Half the time she looked on the verge of stroking out.  She behaved as if her life depended on winning this game.  I hope it didn't. 

  • Love 4

CoolWhipLite, I agree.  Being Southern myself, I can understand the issue being a regional dialect.  As I asked the hubby, if a contestant from New England pronounced "harbor" as "hahbah", would he have met the same fate?

I think the reason for the point deduction was that the "rhyme" with "mirage" was lost. Normally mispronunciations and regional variants are not penalized. One could pronounce "jai alai" as "jay all lay" and be given credit.

  • Love 2

I think the reason for the point deduction was that the "rhyme" with "mirage" was lost. Normally mispronunciations and regional variants are not penalized. One could pronounce "jai alai" as "jay all lay" and be given credit.


But the whole point of the category was that the words didn't rhyme, even though the way they look suggests they should.  So losing a rhyme that doesn't exist shouldn't be a basis for ruling against it.

  • Love 9


Rather a slow game I thought; and there seemed to be a lot of clues left on the board. Mr.Trey says Alex was talking too much - that was probably it.


I respectfully disagree.  Yes, it was a slow game with lots of clues left, but i don't feel that was because if Alex talking too much - every one of the contestants was incredibly slow, both n speech and picking categories.  Pleasant enough contestants, not impressive game at all. 

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I would think that after all these years Alex and the producers know how much time there is for chit chat and Alex commentary so as not to interfere with the game play. Any former contestants or audience members have any insight?


ETA: This is a game show subject to FCC regulations that say you cannot manipulate outcomes, which means they can't interfere with game play.

Edited by chessiegal
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That game seemed to go on forever! I knew the FJ had to be Washington, but I couldn't narrow down the year. The many attempts at getting Pink's song correct amused me, because it was obvious at the time that she wrote the title to tweak the censors. The new champ seems nice and I liked her Potter themed party concept. It's the sort of thing where you actually have to have been there to appreciate it I suspect. I did NOT want to know where the middle contestant's dreams of Trebek were going, however.

  • Love 4

  She behaved as if her life depended on winning this game.  I hope it didn't. 



Hey, Pre TV. We really need a LOL icon we can click on below a person's post. Sometimes, "like" just doesn't cut it. And I hate to have to travel all the way down the board just to laugh/share a laugh!

Edited by just prin
  • Love 5
I did NOT want to know where the middle contestant's dreams of Trebek were going, however.


For once, I was grateful for Jeopardy's family friendly image.  It would have been disgusting to hear further elaboration of her fantasies during dinner.


Yesterday's show was so boring that I forgot what the FJ category was. 

Edited by pandora spocks
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I had no idea foilage was a regional mispronunciation and so was glad he was ruled incorrect, but if it is, then he really probably should have been ruled correct. Where do you draw the line?
I can think of tons of regional variations in words with the same spelling (lieutenant, advertisement, etc.) and even some words where it's spelled differently but both are correct (e.g. aluminium/aluminum), and I don't think any of these should be ruled incorrect based on the pronunciation, unless the clue specifically had to do with pronouncing the word a certain way. Therefore, I don't think foilage should be incorrect either, since both foilage and foliage have the same meaning and met the criteria in the clue/category of not rhyming with the word mirage.

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Wow, maybe I need a break from watching this.  I couldn't believe how dumbed down the questions were, especially FJ.  I don't mean this as a criticism  of the players, because they did get most of them. On the other hand, this is the second day in a row where everyone of the contestants were just so low energy.  I'd even be grateful for someone irritating, just to liven things up.

  • Love 3

That was the most obnoxiously easy Jeopardy game I have ever seen. I could not believe the pathetic "difficulty" level of nearly every question. And in DJ both DDs were on $800 clues. WTF is THAT? The FJ was a total joke. As if anyone has not seen "The Blind Side," or at least doesn't know that it's about a left tackle. 


I laughed out loud when the dude (who looked like a roadie for Disturbed) kept choosing clues in the "Makeup" category right off the bat. Maybe it's Maybelline, indeed.

  • Love 2

Yeah that Bare Escentials / Bare Minerals clue was lame. I use that stuff and the names are interchangeable. WTH did they want? Bare Carsons? I was impressed a guy knew that, actually.

I knew Skopje was in Macedonia because a friend just went there on a business trip.

I agree, that game was easier than the one yesterday. I was surprised Shea didn't know Eric Clapton since Crossroads is one of his epic songs/albums.

I answered FJ before Alex finished reading the clue and I was busy decorating my Christmas tree.

  • Love 7

Maybe I live in a hole, or maybe it's my hatred of football movies, but if I had ever heard of The Blind Side, any and all information related to its existence was immediately discarded and forgotten - I can't even recall a movie with that name existing.


I thought the countries category was reasonably challenging, although I agree that the rest of the game was pretty simple.

  • Love 5

It's happened before, but why do people not know how to bid in FJ? If you have enough money to overtake your opponent, and you get it right and they get it wrong, you should win. Likewise, someone in the lead going in should never lose if he or she is correct which has occurred also. 


So, why did Frankie only bid $2000? Frankie should presume that Joyce would protect against Frankie betting it all, which Joyce did. If Frankie answered correctly and Joyce got it wrong, Joyce still wins 11599 to 11200. Frankie had to bet at least $2400. Could someone explain what happens in that time between the category and the clue reveal when the players are deciding what to bet? Do you get a calculator or some paper to do the math? 

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