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Jeopardy! Season 32 (2015-2016)


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Normally I would be skeptical when someone calls themselves an "Innovation Project Manager" but then she told a story about her daughter actually producing an innovation.  Sign that girl up for Kids Jeopardy!

I kept thinking about how much Pranjal's antics today were going to bother people on this board.

FJ was farily easy to guess, I thought.  (Mark Twain was wrong in so many ways.)

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Champ coulda been beaten! Gotta hunt those dd, folks. If for no other reason than to stop him from getting them. 'Cause once he does, it's usually all over! The middle gal tried in the j round, but didn't get much of a chance in dj. The other woman--just sigh.

Hi crim--see somebody else from here also visits other bds! ;) And space?

Edited by just prin
  • Love 1

What is Stewart ?  For Jimmy Stewart.  WTF ?  That screamed for a BMS.

Harry Potter 7 -- that's just a cheap and lazy way of not having to state the complete title.  Nice try Panchal, but denied.

What is the deal with Pranchal and his mispronunication of words and phrases -- he did it a couple of more times tonight.

Even worse -- there have been 4 English kings named 'William', but Pranchal skates by with "What is William ?" and there's not BMS in sight.  WTF again ?  And then AT adds in "William of Orange".  It's almost like the judges are fixing it for him to win.

Dammit -- almost got rid of Pranchal, by only $300

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
To bump up the number of Williams that were English kings from 3 to 4 -- thanks @Trey
  • Love 10
13 hours ago, Writing Wrongs said:

So close. 


Aargh--why did I peek at this thread just before FJ!

I was pretty sure Pranjal wouldn't get credit for "Harry Potter 7." Like Otto, I thought he should have been told BMS when he said "William" instead of "William of Orange" or "William III."


The other woman--just sigh.

Why? She started slowly but made up a lot of ground in DJ. She was the one who did the most to keep the game from being another runaway. 

Edited by GreekGeek
  • Love 3

That Harry Potter 7 thing irritated me too - I am so glad he didn't get credit for it, but it really annoyed me that he thought he should. Also it made me kind of sad that nobody could answer correctly. I also happened to be re-reading Deathly Hallows while watching Jeopardy.

We were so close to being rid of Pranjal! I'm not going to be pleased if we have to carry on to next season with him, although he doesn't irritate me nearly as much as he seems to irritate some of you.

  • Love 2

Even worse -- there have been 3 English kings named 'William', but Pranchal skates by with "What is William ?" and there's not BMS in sight.  WTF again ?  And then AT adds in "William of Orange".  It's almost like the judges are fixing it for him to win.

Actually 4 English kings named William. William 4 was the younger brother of George IV; he had no legitimate heirs so he chose his niece, Victoria, to succeed him.

But I totally agree he should have had a bms, and they could have accepted either William of Orange or William III.

I know Alex didn't accept  Pranjal's answer of  Harry Potter 7 but did he actually ask to have the judges consider as a legitimate answer? Or was it just something Alex decided to do? Because I didn't quite catch what Alex said about it.

Did not get FJ.  For some reason I though Edgar Allan Poe was around later than that.  Mark Twain was a very bad guess.

Edited by Trey
  • Love 3
24 minutes ago, Trey said:

I know Alex didn't accept  Pranjal's answer of  Harry Potter 7 but did he actually ask to have the judges consider as a legitimate answer? Or was it just something Alex decided to do? Because I didn't quite catch what Alex said about it.

Pranjal was bouncing around with his hand up, pointing at the judges and Alex said they'd check.

I don't understand looking for DDs when the game just started. They aren't going to amount to much.

Edited by Writing Wrongs
  • Love 6

Damn it all to hell!  If I send $400 (which I don't have - may have to rob a 7-11) to Monikka can we get rid of that Skeevy Pranjal?  Now are we going to have infantile, self-important contestants waving at the judges?  What a prick!  I sure hope someone beats the living daylights out of him before the break.

I got the White Fang TS.

FJ was an instaget.

  • Love 12

I like champ. But other woman was also smart. Other woman hunts dds instead of counting on smarts only, finds one or more, bets big. Goes after all big amts! And keeps big amts. from champ. Very impt! Who knows what happens? That's why. Mmv of course.


Ah, carpe, ya know ya really love the little twerp! :)

Edited by just prin
2 hours ago, Trey said:

I know Alex didn't accept  Pranjal's answer of  Harry Potter 7 but did he actually ask to have the judges consider as a legitimate answer? Or was it just something Alex decided to do? Because I didn't quite catch what Alex said about it.

Alex seems to have decided on his own that HP7 was wrong, but later said he had no idea what number Deathly Hallows is. And then as soon as the round was over, Pranjal was waving at the judges indicating that he wanted the answer reviewed, and Alex noticed and told him it would be reviewed over the break. I am really glad it wasn't accepted, though - Pranjal could have avoided a lot of trouble by just saying the actual title of the book, which I'm sure he knew.

  • Love 5
8 minutes ago, secnarf said:

Alex seems to have decided on his own that HP7 was wrong, but later said he had no idea what number Deathly Hallows is. And then as soon as the round was over, Pranjal was waving at the judges indicating that he wanted the answer reviewed, and Alex noticed and told him it would be reviewed over the break. I am really glad it wasn't accepted, though - Pranjal could have avoided a lot of trouble by just saying the actual title of the book, which I'm sure he knew.

I suspect Monikka knew the correct answer - Deathly Hollows - but when Pranjit was ruled incorrect she guessed a different book - Half-Blood Prince..  So she lost money too.

  • Love 3
15 minutes ago, Roaster said:

I suspect Monikka knew the correct answer - Deathly Hollows - but when Pranjit was ruled incorrect she guessed a different book - Half-Blood Prince..  So she lost money too.

If she really knew it, she wouldn't have thought Half-Blood Prince is correct. The clue was "The Battle of Hogwarts" which is basically the culmination of the entire series. She may know the order of the books - and may have guessed DH if Pranjal hadn't answered first - but I don't think she actually knew the answer.

25 minutes ago, Roaster said:

I suspect Monikka knew the correct answer - Deathly Hollows - but when Pranjit was ruled incorrect she guessed a different book - Half-Blood Prince..  So she lost money too.

That was my take on it as well.   That she thought it was Deathly Hallows but guessed Half Blood Prince when Pranjal was marked wrong.  As it was Monica who said that 7 was in fact the same as Deathly Hallows when Alex said he would have the judges review it.    

  • Love 2

FJ was an instaget for me, but I'm a huge Poe fan. His stories made me fall in love with literature. I was sure the retired teacher would get it right, although I don't know if she said what her subject was.

I felt so bad for Monika, who seemed crushed. If she hadn't editorialized so much or told a long, albeit cute, interview story, I wonder if there would have been a different outcome. Oh, well.

Edited by teebax
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I was crushed for her as well. You could tell after the round she thought she was still in it, and took her a minute to do the math after his wager was revealed.  I immediately got Poe,although I don't know why from the clue.  He is, along with Dickens, my favorite author.   It is interesting, however, that he wagered to beat her and not the woman that had more money.  He knew who was more likely to challenge him with the right answer. 

  • Love 3

No, he bet to beat the second-place contestant.  Going into FJ it was Pranjal $22,400, Karen $14,600, Monikka $7600.

If Karen had bet everything and got it right she would be at $29,200.  Pranjal had to bet $6800 to match that.  He actually bet $7000.

If Karen had a few hundred dollars more Pranjal would have increased his FJ bet and ended up behind Monikka.  He was lucky today.

  • Love 3

My fellow previouslies, I beg your forgiveness.  I liked Pranjal, and as a result, I have apparently doomed us to suffer him until the end of time.  Please, please forgive me.

Yeah, the "William" answer was the final straw for me.  I actually yelled "There were four fucking English kings named William - which one is it, you ass?" at the tv.

  • Love 13
On July 25, 2016 at 7:35 PM, CarpeDiem54 said:

Poor Kathy sounded like she was going to start crying.  I wish they'd start counting Pranjal's answers incorrect when he mispronounces them.  Today's prime example - Montay Video.  Asshat.

I got Andrew Johnson and "Let my people go" (I was screaming with glee when Creepy Eyes missed that DD).

Clueless on FJ.

I've actually been to Montevideo on a cruise and several of the cruise staff called it Monty video. I've always pronounced it Montay Vi Dayo. That was one thing he did that didn't bother me too much, unlike the jumping categories & staring at the others when he's beaten to the buzzer.

  • Love 3

Oh, Barbra, I adopted you when I saw that you loved the Baseball category, even though you didn't know Honus Wagner. But then I cut you out of my will and left you on a doorstep when you didn't know Gone With the Wind for that DD. Yet again, I retrieved you from the doorstep and swaddled you in the finest linens when you beat Pranjal. Welcome back to the Spunkygal family, my precious! 

Edited by Spunkygal
  • Love 16
7 minutes ago, Spunkygal said:

Oh, Barbra, I adopted you when I saw that you loved the Baseball category, even though you didn't know Honus Wagner. But then I cut you out of my will and left you on a doorstep when you didn't know Gone With the Wind for that DD. Yet again, I retrieved you from the doorstep and swaddled you in the finest linens when you beat Pranjal. Welcome back to the Spunkygal family, my precious! 

I am an irrational 80s child, but I definitely yelled "Sweet Valley TWINS, bitch!" when she answered Sweet Valley High. And not knowing Beezus? Insanity! But she beat Pranjal so all is forgiven :)

  • Love 6
6 hours ago, M. Darcy said:

I'll save the day!  As soon as I admit I like a contestant on this thread, they lose.  Which is why I try never to say it until they lose and I can't jinx it...so here we go - I really like Pranjal! I think he's awesome. 

Thank you, thank you, thank you. If you lived closer, I'd buy you an adult beverage.

  • Love 13

They have to start penalizing Pranjal for these multiple guesses.  Does he not understand the rules ?
Pranjal is knowledgeable but the gaps in his know-how are really starting to show.

The Gibraltar currency DD was Teen Tournament easy.  FFS !  Come on writers, make the DDs MORE challenging than regular clues.

I know it was only a $400 clue, but that scorpion clue was embarrasingly easy for the regular version of Jeopardy.  That was Kid's Tournament easy.

I'm so glad they didn't give Pranjal credit for that "What is a coin ?" answer -- he's playing the lowest common denominator bullshit to avoid actually answering the question.   Again.

And it's all a moot point -- Pranjal is gone. Huzzah !!!


Edited by ottoDbusdriver
  • Love 12

I couldn't believe Barbara missed Gone With The Wind -- what other book has O'Hara sisters?  Still, I'm glad she beat Crazy Eyes.

Also astonishing was the guess of Carlin when they showed a photo of Shandling. 

I also got the TS of Beene, England, Katzenjammer Kids, Boonsboro, Wilderness Road, Beezus (and I'm not the right demographic for that one -- too old), and penny.

But I was clueless on FJ -- probably would have written Livingstone.

  • Love 2
9 minutes ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

They have to start penalizing Pranchal for these multiple guesses.  Does he not understand the rules ?
Pranchal is knowledgeable but the gaps in his know-how are really starting to show.

I feel like he knows a lot about archaic and scientific stuff, but woefully bad at pop culture.  He rarely did well on TV shows, pop music or actors.

  • Love 5

He's gone! You guys can all come back now!

That was a pretty good game.  I'm glad Pranchal had some real competition. And I'm glad Barbra won.

My ts's were Beene, Katzenjammer Kids, England and penny.  Also got GWTW and couldn't believe Barbra didn't get it. 

FJ was an instaget - I'm not sure I would have spelled his name right but I believe I would have spelled it to get the right pronunciation.

  • Love 4

Ding Dong the Witch is dead!  I have never been so happy to see anyone go. I was screaming Gone With the Wind at the TV. She really blew it! That was such an easy Daily Double, she is probably never going to forgive herself for not reading the clue better- O'Hara was a dead giveaway.  and who could forget Suellen? The middle guy look bored and annoyed. He was so deadpan with the folded arms and the sneer.

Pranjaal really made some idiotic guesses tonight.  I was just reading a lot about the opening of King Tut's tomb but and Howard Carter but I had no idea that is what it was about! If they had said Egypt instead of Africa it may have helped everyone.

Edited by operalover
  • Love 6

O frabjous day! 

There were two clues related to books I've worked on.  I did a book about that Honus Wagner card, so that one was a given.  And I also had a hand in the first four books of the Sweet Valley High series.  It was kind of like Me Day on Jeopardy! 

Saw the Tut exhibit at the Met the first time it toured, and I managed to remember Lord Carnarvon, which I was pretty sure they'd all miss.  Bless you, Barbara, for wagering conservatively.  The two guys failed to notice that the answer called for "nobility," not "royalty."

I didn't think Zlatan was so bad.  People hold the buzzer all kinds of ways.  As long as they're not flailing around with it, I'm good.

It sounded to me as if Pranjal (and here's your hat, what's your hurry?) said Mattle instead of Mantle, but who cares now?

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