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Jeopardy! Season 32 (2015-2016)


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Alright, Matt haters of America, he didn't interrupt Alex (which resulted in an incomplete board on the first round, because Alex never shuts up) and he didn't stall when it was a runaway, and he seemed more personable today. Hope this helps everyone's comfort level! 


Can we talk about Alex's bizarre segues for a second? When he does the intros, sometimes he just awkwardly says "okay" in response to a person's story, then moves on. It's horrible. The man has been hosting this show forever, he should be better at faking interest by now.

I was coming on here to say the same thing.  They didn't finish regular jeopardy because Alex had to grace us with his opinion about what a great show Lost was. Matt let him talk.  And Alex makes those dumb remarks about how much he thinks Matt is going to wager, also wasting time.


Matt is smart and he's fast on the buzzer, and I like that, but I do find him kind of a twit  There's some part of me that doesn't like him because I was happy he lost that $7000.  I though FJ was really easy. And none of them knew On The Road Again?     

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I can hardly wait to see what happens when someone finally beats Matt 2005 games down the road.



This totally cracked me up, since Matt's 2,005 wins leave Ken Jennings so far in the dust. And I LOVE Ken Jennings!

They didn't finish regular jeopardy because Alex had to grace us with his opinion about what a great show Lost was. Matt let him talk.  And Alex makes those dumb remarks about how much he thinks Matt is going to wager, also wasting time.



Trebek = jackass. I got the feeling Matt thought the same, which is why he did not wager $6,000.

And none of them knew On The Road Again?


Oh, I know. I guess no one has ever been to a Willie concert, he's been playing that as his opener since the beginning of time. Even played it in that movie he was in, the name of which I've forgotten, so that's a TS for me on that.


I could picture Chris Kyle in my mind but could not come up with his name in the allotted amount of time. I needed another hour or two for my brain to cough it out. But I said "Leadville" right away, and I don't have any idea how I knew that.


Hey, science geeks: Is Hong Kong VIRUS the same as Hong Kong FLU?


So Carpe, there's a Harvard St. in Colorado? Go figure!

Edited by saber5055
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Hey, science geeks: Is Hong Kong VIRUS the same as Hong Kong FLU?


So Carpe, there's a Harvard St. in Colorado? Go figure!

I was wondering the same thing about the Hong Kong flu.

Yes, not only is there a Harvard (and that's Avenue, not Street - LOL!), it's next to Cornell, Amherst and Yale. We're the edumacated Wild West. ;-)

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I love Orphan Black, although I thought the first season was much better than the second.) I was thrilled to see a question about it on Jeopardy but not very surprised that it was a TS.


Orphan Black was also a clue last season,  I think someone on the writing staff must be a fan.  And if you haven't seen it, you should.  If you don't have cable, the first two seasons are free with Amazon Prime. 


And on Jeopardy!--I was happy every day this week to see someone taking the early lead from Matt--and then he kicks it up and takes over the whole game.  I'm not even entirely sure why I don't want him to win--a lot of the things others have said--but I keep finding the challenger who really challenges delightful, and want them to win so much...and then they don't.

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Matt Jackson is a fun-sponge, and when he smiles he looks like he's smelling a fart. That's pretty much all I've got. 

LOL at the visual! In my house, the Matt fun-sponge squeezes all the fun out of Jeopardy and sends it down the you-know-where! ;)


And saber (love your dog, too!), Matt's running over people like Ken, whom I also love, seldom did. So it may be dusty before we know it!

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Due to breaking news breaking into the show the past two days, we've been getting very abbreviated Jeopardy. Today we got only FJ.


So I'm going to comment on that: I wanted to SLAP Alex when he broke into a falsetto doing the quote. Not only did it help give away the answer, it was totally unnecessary. Alex, we are perfectly capable of knowing that a woman said a quote even if you use your regular voice.  Especially in Final Jeopardy.

Edited by ChicagoCita
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I think Alex is sometimes abrupt with the contestant interviews because of editing.  I've frequently gotten the feeling something was edited out.


Willie Nelson = TS depressed me, too, and I'm not that fond of Willie.


Influenza is a virus, so perhaps they decided not to argue the point & give Matt a chance to get it right.

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Due to breaking news breaking into the show the past two days, we've been getting very abbreviated Jeopardy. Today we got only FJ.



Yes. It's uncanny. Any breaking news, anywhere in the US, and any news conference, anywhere in the US/world, will take place at exactly 3:30 p.m., on a weekday, in the Chicago area. Wiping out part or all of Jeopardy. Frequently.




Well, maybe not frequently enuf, now that Matt's making his stand...sigh

Edited by just prin

I warmed up to Matt because he is a theater fan, and he mentioned tonight that he collects Playbills from every show he's ever seen. I also collect Playbills so we have that in common. At least he's toned down the shouting several decibels from his first appearance, five-finger days ago. (I was SHOCKED to find out he was only 23 -- I would have guessed 30s for sure.)

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I think Alex is sometimes abrupt with the contestant interviews because of editing.  I've frequently gotten the feeling something was edited out.


Willie Nelson = TS depressed me, too, and I'm not that fond of Willie.


Influenza is a virus, so perhaps they decided not to argue the point & give Matt a chance to get it right.

Yeah they edit the contestant chat because when I was on there he asked me about returning to college in my late 30's and I said something that could possibly perceived as insulting about a friend of mine. He began by asking me why I went back to school and I said my friend went back so she talked me into going back but that I stuck with it and she didn't. They cut that whole part out and just kept in the part about him asking if I enjoyed it.

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The Soup last night showed Matt's first three slow-creepy-smile intro clips, the second two had the (2 and 3) fingers held up. After each clip Rob Riggle did an impression of it. The way they put it together had me laughing so hard I was crying.


That was funny -- even the Soup writers seem to think he has a bit of stalker/serial killer vibe ("I've got two bodies in my trunk right now").

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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Whether it's unfair or not - I'm one of those daily viewers who are easily won over or irritated by all sorts of contestant actions & that includes the current winner


My nephew (also a huge Jeopardy fan) had some college classes with Matt - said he had some quirks then but didn't seem to show the mannerisms that are coming across on the program - perhaps another case of what we see on TV isn't necessarily the true personality of the contestant  


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I very rarely venture into Reddit but I checked out the r/Jeopardy forum and there are quite a few people posting there who went to school with Matt or played Quiz Bowl with/against him. Consensus seems to be that he is a nice guy, just very focused and intense. Sample comment:

Every time I've played against him or talked to him, he's been friendly and respectful. He is fairly talkative, because he's passionate about various topics (like philosophy) and likes to share his knowledge with others, so that can come off as kind of nerdy. In game, he can be somewhat aggressive like on Jeopardy, but it's really just being in the zone and blocking everything out but the questions. I'm honestly shocked that people seem to think that he's on the autism spectrum, because I have never once had that thought. I'm also surprised when people seem to take the slow smile+finger count seriously, because to me it's obviously a joke.
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I think Alex should modify his actions to the contestants, so, he certainly knows that this guy is not going for the chitchat between questions, so he should just stop trying to add his 2 cents after every response.

Alex isn't chit-chatting between questions (well, 99.99% of the time), but giving the full answer, such as the first name of the person.  I for one an interested in that.  I'm no Alex apologist, especially his horrible accents, but I don't think he should pander to Matt's flatout rudeness anymore than I would expect any adult to pander to a child doing the same thing.


There's plenty of time to amass a lot of money, as the tens of thousands of contestants have demonstrated.


Matt is behaving like a boor.

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So, Matt, starting a sentence with the word "so" irritates the piss out of me. So, that's one more thing to dislike about you, you so-and-so.

That grimace at the end proves he's got bodies in the trunk of his car. And I find it suspicious that he's the only one to land on the DDs for days.

There was a TS, but I was so aggravated I forgot what it was.

It must be soul sucking for the other contestants to be in a game that's a runaway.

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FJ an instaget--for me! Must have been one of the easiest ever written! LOL


Current champ definitely sucked hind tit (old expression) in my book when he finished a category in which he had answered all the questions, by vocally making sure that fact wasn't forgotten (can't remember how he put it).

Edited by just prin
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Was that kid's jeopardy?  I thought everything was surprisingly easy, including FJ.  They way the clue was worded, I thought it had to be redeem, not redemption, but I could be wrong.  

I said "redemption" immediately, and then spent the rest of the time trying to figure out the grammar of it, and I settled on "to redeem". I think that aspect of it was pretty confusing, though, so I have no problem with them accepting both.

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It seems that Matt's weak spot is pop culture.  He seems pretty quiet in questions about current music, movies and TV shows.  Big Eyes was a pretty easy DD even if you haven't seen the movie (which I haven't)-- the photo even showed the artist with one of her big-eyed paintings, and the movie got major award nominations, but he didn't know it.  And in some of the categories where they've had to identify bands, he's stood silently.  While his knowledge about history and science seems pretty broad, his studies didn't seem to involve popular culture.

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... Builds His Dream House. 


One of my favorite movies.  I missed tonight's episode, but I'll definitely have to check the archive now.  How could that be a TS?!  Blasphemy.



I'm adding this to my queue!



While his knowledge about history and science seems pretty broad, his studies didn't seem to involve popular culture.



Oh, shut up Alex.  They didn't get Mr Blandings because it was before their time?  Its was before my time but I still knew it.  Especially since Cary Grant movies are timeless!


It is so condescending to say that and such a ridiculous excuse that he only applies to certain, mostly pop culture, items of a certain vintage.  Almost everything on Jeopardy is before contestant's time but they still know the answers, Alex!  Contestants on Jeopardy should have had no problem knowing that answer.  This movie is repeatedly regularly on TCM and stars film legends Cary Grant and Myrna Loy and is a classic.  Alex is just so obnoxious. 


If anyone is looking for a double feature, may I recommend the Jack Benny vehicle George Washington Slept Here?  Not as well known, but similar concept and pretty enjoyable in its own right.  Blandings is better but Washington is good, too, IMO.  Then there is Tom Hank's Money Pit, which is not as good as either, IMO.  For completists, there is also Are We Done Yet? with Ice Cube.


Alex needs to stop presuming Matt's bets and wondering what he will do when he reaches game 11.  Just stop it.


Edited by Bazinga
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I am loving the slow smile with the zoom-in at the intros, though, and holding the fingers up. This guy is hilarious. I can't believe he doesn't totally crack himself up.



I saw a commercial on late night last night, a Jeopardy promo that is a compilation of Matt's fingers-up shots and then Matt standing, arms crossed. It was pretty funny and I thought of you guys here. So yeah, the commercial is hilarious and I'm guessing Matt really is cracking himself up. I can't believe he isn't getting tired, though. Aren't five shows filmed per day?


It is so condescending to say that and such a ridiculous excuse that only applies to certain, mostly pop culture, items of a certain vintage.



This. And "Big Eyes" was just recently in theaters. So there's that, Trebek. I'm nowhere near that age group, but I know that Lamont Cranston is The Shadow.

Edited by saber5055
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