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S06.E06: Walk Out

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I just noticed that Javi cannot pronounce his Ps or Ms with his mouth closed. Poor thing. Kail is perpetually miserable and like Javi said,an asshole. I don't understand where they were going. When they waved goodbye to Lincoln, I thought they were on their way to Florida, but they went to Chik Fil-a, had an accident, and went home? I'm confused.


They weren't on the way to Florida yet.  Javi planned a night out (in Philly I think?) and then they were going to stay at a hotel that night so that they could work on things before going to Florida.  Because apparently these people are so miserable that they need a pre-vacation before the real thing.  I just can't buy that Javi is still in the Air Force with such a cushy schedule.  I'm not from a military family so maybe I don't know the lifestyle, but I assume that most airmen, you know, work.



Adam's friend looks like a 65 year old Perry Farrell. And speaking of geriatric friends, Jenelle's friend looked 25 from a distance, but 50 up close.


That's the thing that I can't figure out about Adam's friend.  Is he an unattractive middle-aged guy, or is he a twenty-something who's been living even harder than Adam?  He's one step away from the "after" picture in one of those scary meth ads.

Edited by AnythingCanBe
  • Love 5

Okay, what in the ever loving fuck was up with Nathan tonight? He was acting so bizarre. We start with him accusing Jenelle of talking to other dudes behind his back. Which, I can believe, because - 1. Jenelle is just shady as fuck and always on that phone. I can totally see her always wanting someone waiting in the wings, because we know she can never be alone. And 2. When Nathan accused her she had the smile people get on their face when they're lying, but trying to act like your accusation is the most ridiculous thing ever. Okay, so then suddenly he has a "business meeting" to go in ATL. Yea right. Who on earth would want Nips Griffin to invest in their gym? Like he's some big wheeler and dealer in the fitness world. What's he going to invest anyway? His sleeveless shirts? So that was obviously a lie from the get go. I figured he was going out of town to party and get some action from a side piece. But then it turns out, he was probably never out of town at all? And playing total fucking mind games with Jenelle? 


Look, I hate Jenelle, so I don't really care. But here he is calling her a sociopath and a bitch, and he's acting pretty damn crazy himself. Also, he seemed like he was "on" something. Maybe he paid a visit to WV instead of ATL? 


And, of course, as soon as Nathan is gone Jenelle has pull some friend out of her ass, because you know she can't spend time with Jace just one-on-one. That would be so boring, dude. I wonder who was watching Kaiser roll? 


Also, when pondering life without Nathan, Jenelle's first thought is that it would now be harder to find another guy. I guess that's why we seen her with her boyyyyfriend Keefuh. 




So Kail and Javi can seriously not go out for ONE night without fighting. It just never ends for them. And it really looked like Kail went into that discussion about FL with the intention of having a blow up and making Javi the bad guy. Javi never once said he didn't want Sterling to go. He just said it would make him really uncomfortable, and I can understand why - since Kail bitched about him the entire time she was on her last trip. And, damn, just how many trips do these people take???


Kail is just a cold bitch. Telling Javi she was NEVER excited about their date night? Nice. Also, immediately asking Jo if the houses he's looking at are in "her town"? Bitch, you don't own the place. I hope Jo and Vee move in across the street, have incredibly loud sex, and then come over to ask for a cup of mother fuckin sugar. 




So Leah has a lot of "issues". Spending issues, staying up too late issues, not cleaning issues. Hmmmm, sounds like DRUG issues to me. But she won't admit that. Germy at least danced around it. Of course the cheating wasn't mentioned. But honestly, even if the deer cam incident never happened, I'd leave her ass too. It kind of reminds me of my husband's situation with his ex. They were married young and she stayed home while he was going to school and working his ass off to be an HVAC apprentice. She ran out all their savings, then opened credit cards in his name and ran up a bunch of debt. She did cheat, but that was just the icing on the cake. He was ready to be done anyhow by that point. Thankfully their were no kids involved. 


I think Leah gets it into her head that since her men "aren't here!!!" she can just do whatever she wants. Like she deserves it for being slighted and left behind. She does not have a grasp on reality. I feel so badly for those kids. My sister texted me while watching - "Leah's kids look sickly". They really do. When they're with Leah they're not getting proper sleep or proper food or proper love and affection. When was the last time we saw LEAH laughing and enjoying being with her kids, as we did with them riding around the yard with Cory and Miranda? She has all this time with them, but it's always about her and her "issues". 


Also, how much is MTV paying this random blonde chick to sit around and validate Leah's BS? "He's taking pieces of you one by one". Bitch, please. Half of her pieces were already with Robbie. 




I feel awful for Chelsea. Taylor has clearly flipped the script. I have no idea what Adumb said or did, but it was so obvious during that painting session that Taylor was conceding and didn't want to tell the whole story to Chelsea. And Chelsea was obviously on to her and ticked off, but isn't a big confrontation type of person. Just so awkward! If I had a penny for every time one of them said, "Yea, I don't know".....I'd be, well...I wouldn't be rich, but I'd surely have a lot more pennies! 


I just don't get what Taylor is thinking. No, she doesn't owe Chelsea anything, though she certainly is fucking up her legal case. But beyond that, you want this asshole pulling the same shit with Paislee that he has with Aubree. I don't know what it is about Adumb, but it seems like chicks just have to learn about him the hard way. After years and years. Damn. 


Aubree was SO cute at gymnastics and with her sister, though. Just love that kid. 

  • Love 16
Why was Jeremy smirking so much?


I think Germy is kind of uncomfortable filming. He either is really silent, or does this weird smiling thing. MTV probably had to really beg and plead to get some dude from his work crew into that trailer to stage a conversation, so they could get Germy's side. I think he just found it really awkward. Plus, his reasoning for the divorce was a line of bullshit and they probably both knew it. 



I have no idea what is going on with these girls in real time and yes, it looked like Jeremy is divorcing Leah because she's having a really tough time raising three kids alone - one with special needs.  Sounds like some rough anxiety and probable misuse of medication too but it's called a rough patch.  Leah blows through money and can't seem to keep up with the laundry so he divorces her?  Leah has alot of issues but Jeremy certainly isn't any prize.  She's clearly struggling and her husband only wants healthy happy Leah.  I felt bad for her - she needs support and Jeremy doesn't seem up to it.


Well, she also cheated on him. I'm not sure whose decision it was not to reveal that little tidbit, but that was probably the final straw for Germy. I do believe you should help your partner through bad times, whether mental illness or addiction, as best you can. But there comes a point when if your partner won't admit their problem and help themselves, you have to think of yourself and the children first. And if Leah is running around on him and not taking HER vows seriously, I can't really blame him for not staying committed to his. 

  • Love 17

Is Kail ever positive about anything? Here's Javi trying to be positive and saying he's looking forward to the trip and she's like well I'm not. And the whole time she's got the sour look on her ugly face. She is so unattractive.

I also enjoyed Leah screaming "get out of here, get away!!!!!" In the faces of her children. But she's a good mom y'all!!!

  • Love 11

I have no idea what is going on with these girls in real time and yes, it looked like Jeremy is divorcing Leah because she's having a really tough time raising three kids alone - one with special needs.  Sounds like some rough anxiety and probable misuse of medication too but it's called a rough patch.  Leah blows through money and can't seem to keep up with the laundry so he divorces her?  Leah has alot of issues but Jeremy certainly isn't any prize.  She's clearly struggling and her husband only wants healthy happy Leah.  I felt bad for her - she needs support and Jeremy doesn't seem up to it. 



Well, there IS more to the story (ie, Leah cheating, lying about cheating, then getting caught cheating, then likely abusing prescription pills to the point where she's neglecting her kids), but I don't think your interpretation is wrong.


Jeremy ISN'T up to being a source of support for Leah. That's not necessarily a character flaw- dealing with someone with depression, anxiety, AND addiction issues would be a fucking nightmare and a lot of people without any kind of training would not be up to the task. In my early 20s I dated a guy with depression and anxiety (no addiction though) and I had to get out of that relationship- I wasn't equipped to handle it, I certainly wasn't helping him any, and my own mental health was being affected. The difference was, I didn't marry him after 2 dates and then suggest we have a baby. Jeremy wanted a hot girlfriend, thought Leah fit the bill, and married her and knocked her up without really getting to know her first. He can say she's changed- but she really hasn't. Her situation has changed, her coping skills have deteriorated, but Leah now is exactly who Leah was the day he met her.


I disagree though that Leah is going through a "rough patch". She is not mentally well. For the last few years, a new marriage, a new baby, a new house, etc has provided enough of a distraction for her that it wasn't obvious (which may be one of the reasons she did it), but now that the cracks are forming, she's falling apart. It sucks that Jeremy helped create this mess and now that Leah's imploding, he's stepping away, but he is honestly not in a position to help her.

  • Love 18

They weren't on the way to Florida yet. Javi planned a night out (in Philly I think?) and then they were going to stay at a hotel that night so that they could work on things before going to Florida.

Oh thanks! That makes sense. Well, you make sense; these fools don't.

As for Germy Lance Bass, during that painfully awkward, producer staged conversation in the trailer, he told his friend that he was attracted to Leah because she had goals and motivation back then. What were those goals? I'm not saying she didn't have any, I just never saw her speak about them.

  • Love 9

Jenelle and Nathan are a horrible mess.  Didn't Nathan have a traumatic head injury in combat?  Janelle was right about one thing, he needs therapy.  And he needs to be sober.  He seems like he's self medicating, with at least alcohol.   I wonder what Nathan was like before his injury and substance abuse.  Because sometimes he makes sense.  Too bad he usually is just using those statements to berate Jenelle.




Kail STOP BLAMING JAVI!  She is sooo immature.  She want's girl time?  Well maybe you shouldn't have gotten married and had another baby.  She may be young, but she has responsibilities.  Javi is a needy and possesive.  But he doesnt' ruin her time.  She ruins her time, by freaking out about it.


I hope Leah gets help.  She has a lot of enablers, and she needs to stay away from men for awhile.  (Even though I know that doesn't happen.)

  • Love 5


As for Germy Lance Bass, during that painfully awkward, producer staged conversation in the trailer, he told his friend that he was attracted to Leah because she had goals and motivation back then. What were those goals? I'm not saying she didn't have any, I just never saw her speak about them.


I think that's a bunch of bullshit. "Goals and motivation" is probably code for "had a good body and put more effort into grooming and making a good impression which fell by the wayside once she was married".


I have never heard Leah mention a single goal. She briefly had a job and went to a class (actually, did she enroll in the class, or just take the entrance exam?) mainly as an excuse to get out of the house. I am sure she quit both endeavors inside of a month.

Edited by Tatum
  • Love 8

I was really creeped out when Adam's friend watched Adam change Paislee's diaper.  Who is that weirdo and why is he always hanging around?


I can't work up any sympathy for Leah.  Mr Abmis travels for his job so I stayed home with the kids.  One of my children was premature so I had to get him to a lot of therapy and doctor's appointments and it never occurred to me miss any of them.  I also went through dealing with the deaths of pets, the death of a parent, car accidents, kids being hospitalized, etc without a legion of relatives or MTV money to help me out.  It was my job and I did it because am a adult and that's what adults do.  I'm lucky because Mr Abmis was home most weekends. Some women have husbands who are deployed for months at a time and others don't have baby daddies who step up.  I can't imagine Leah handling either of those situations.  I think she's is a spoiled, selfish fool who thinks she's the cutest little trick in shoe leather and will never grow up.  I guess we can all thank Mama Dawn for that.   


I loved Jo's reaction to Kail telling him he can't move close to her.  I couldn't stand him when the series first started but I've grown to like him.  He's matured so much.


I was shocked that Jenelle took Kasier with her when she left.  I wonder what she did with him when she went out.

  • Love 13
As for Germy Lance Bass, during that painfully awkward, producer staged conversation in the trailer, he told his friend that he was attracted to Leah because she had goals and motivation back then. What were those goals? I'm not saying she didn't have any, I just never saw her speak about them.


Leah did have some "goals", but they weren't very genuine, IMO, and were more like "goals of the minute" to make people think she was bettering herself. She went to school for a hot minute. Had a job in some dental/medical office? I imagine when she was first with Germy she told him about all these "dreams" of hers and made it sound convincing. Trouble is, they weren't together long enough before getting married and having a kid. So by the time she realized how lazy and shiftless she was, what utter BS she was spewing, it was too late. This was his own doing, of course. She had many other red flags going off that should have sent him running, instead of pushing for a baby. 





Dude, her phone is HER life. Duh. ;)



I hope Leah gets help.  She has a lot of enablers, and she needs to stay away from men for awhile.  (Even though I know that doesn't happen.)


That's the thing, Leah does have a lot of help, in the physical sense. She has plenty of people willing to watch the kids and come by and help her out. What she doesn't have is anyone willing to be real and honest with her. And that's the "help" she truly needs. She needs someone in her retinue of family and friends to stop coddling her, excusing her behavior, and validating all of her BS. Someone who will be there for her, but force her to look at what is really going on. Sadly, I just don't see that happening. 


I was really creeped out when Adam's friend watched Adam change Paislee's diaper.  Who is that weirdo and why is he always hanging around?


Ugh, me too! When we have had guests over, I'd always change my babies in another room. Unless it was like my mom, or someone who had likely changed them before themselves. But this creeper? No. 

  • Love 6

1 minute into this episode and I'm already dumbfounded....WHY are Nathan and Janelle even up at 4am??? I see that Nathan is drinking, but still....even in my drinking days, I didn't stay up until 4am. Now....using DRUGS, being up at four makes sense. Just makes me wonder...

And they are both texting/calling people on their phones. WHO??? Who else is up at 4 that you need to communicate with????

  • Love 11

Regarding Chelsea, she should have known Taylor was going to waver. Taylor doesn't have enough distance yet to be objective about Adam. Several posters mentioned on the other thread that they thought it was a bad idea to use the same lawyer and I have to agree. I'm surprised Randylicious didn't advise against it.


They should have had two separate lawyers who occasionally worked together to represent shared interests. But this is with hindsight :(. Basically, Chelsea should have asked Taylor's attorney for a referral to someone who is competent that he has a good working relationship with. 


ETA: Randy probably didn't advise it because he's not a lawyer and he doesn't know how legal conflicts work. He probably just thought it would be more financially efficient for them to share an attorney-- if their goals hadn't diverged, it would have been fine.  I hope the attorney did tell them how difficult it would be if one of them changed their minds-- I think he did. 

Edited by evilmindatwork
  • Love 6

1 minute into this episode and I'm already dumbfounded....WHY are Nathan and Janelle even up at 4am??? I see that Nathan is drinking, but still....even in my drinking days, I didn't stay up until 4am. Now....using DRUGS, being up at four makes sense. Just makes me wonder...

And they are both texting/calling people on their phones. WHO??? Who else is up at 4 that you need to communicate with????

Their social media minions. "So my son's father just called me trailer trash and a sociopath. He is so mean to me. #lonely #fullcustody #dude"

Nathan is probably texting all his stakeholders.

  • Love 13

I have to agree with others that Nathan scares the sh*t out of me. I am no fan of Jenelle at all, but he seems really dangerous-- to her, the baby, and anyone else that might be around if he finally snaps.

When he walked in with his joker- like smile and giggle and started to play mind games with Jenelle, the hair on the back of my neck stood up. I think Jenelle taking Kaiser with her when she left was the one motherly thing I' ve seen her do.

Kai-- if you don't want the answer to a question, don't ask it. I think she deliberately picked a fight to sabotage her alone time with Javi-- she's looking for every excuse to be away from him, imo.

Leah-- I used to have some sympathy for her; I don't think she's the brightest bulb and she does seem overwhelmed-- but it's getting hard to feel bad for her. Take the help from Corey, get your life together, and don't rush into a new relationship ( although I hear she already has, ugh).

  • Love 8

Leah crying over Jeremy and all his regrets. Jeremy probably regrets getting married to a miserable stay at home "mom" who spends all his money, doesn't appreciate how hard he works to support her and THREE kids and who CHEATED ON HIM.  I like how they just skipped right over that part like poor little Leah. Jeremy doesn't want to be with her because she doesn't wear make up and looks like a very old 40 something chain smoker. I like that Jeremy admitted on camera that Leah has some type of addiction issue. Go Jeremy!  And Leah claims she's tried to work out all her issues. How about staying off Robbie's dick? And Jeremy was never there. Just like Cory was never there. And Cory worked a 9 to 5 job or something similar. He was home every night but it was never enough. Leah needs to find herself a loser who has no job and they can spend every waking moment together. She doesn't seem to get it that people have to WORK to be able to afford things. Don't feel sorry for Leah in the least. She won't let Cory help with the girls. she is a terrible mother because she doesn't put her kids first.


agree completely. She kept saying shit like "after Javi ruined my trip" and it pissed me off. No asshole, you ruined your trip and everybody else's.
She can never admit fault or take responsibility for anything! It drives me crazy. She's going to end up a bitter, lonely, miserable old woman and she'll have nobody to blame but herself.

This! If I heard Kail whine about how Javi ruined her trip I would drive to DE and punch her in the face. YOUR fault Kail, YOU ruined the trip.  Is Javi collecting disability or something? How is he never working? I thought I read something awhile ago that he was no longer in the military but that could be wishful thinking. I can't believe how much help most of these parents have. Kail and Javi take all these trips and Javi can't even watch two kids by himself. his sister is always there babysitting.  Does kail ever take care of her own children?  Leah uses raising three kids as a crutch. The girls are with Corey almost 50% of the time and they are in school during the day when Leah does have them. Not that difficult honey. Plus she always has a random friend or family member helping her. She goes practically everywhere without the girls. I almost wish a judge would see all this footage of Kail leaving Issac with Javi's sister all the time and decide since Jo lives nearby now that they get 50/50 custody. Since Kail spends so much time away from him, Jo should have the chance to be with Issac.


Janelle deserves everything she gets from Nathan.  that surprise I'm home thing- I've had that done to me. Nathan was trying to catch Janelle cheating on him. He thought if he told her he was hours away for two days, she'd call up some guy and he'd catch her red handed. I scoffed at her throwing it in his face that he wasn't around for his son and she had to take care of him at night for TWO WHOLE NIGHTS. Dumbass, your mother has had to take care of Jace practically every night of his life and you don't see her complaining.  And when she went to see Jace for the day Kaiser wasn't with her, so Nathan should be around for Kaiser 24/7 but the same standards don't apply to Janelle? 


and I know this is mean because she can't help it but paisley is an unfortunate looking child. Taylor always looks dirty and unbathed. Still, she has blonde hair and is somewhat thin. Adam is the best guy she can get? The male population in SD must be sorely lacking.

Edited by kira28
  • Love 9

Hearing Nipples whine 'Leave me alone!!' was gold. I could watch that over and over. He's still repulsive, but that cracked me up. When Jenelle was whining to her friend about not being able to snag another loser because she had two kids by two different men, Jace was in the tent right behind her. You can see the walls of the tent moving. Nice, Jenelle. Now the poor kid has another reason to worry about shit he shouldn't even know about. I wonder where MTV scrounged up the new friend with the unfortunate cheeks? At first glance, I thought maybe she had all four wisdom teeth removed the day before. Someone from production probably has to go around offering people money to pretend to be Jenelle's friend.


So, Leah and Jermy are overdrawn $500 and she can't seem to grasp why he's pissed. Although it was as staged as staged can be, the trailer convo with his friend was great just for the confirmation that she's blowing through money the instant it's deposited. I'm glad he opened an account in his name that she can't access. Hope he went right to a lawyer and got the temporary child support figured out and pays her that and nothing more. She earns plenty from MTV, so I hope he isn't held responsible for any spousal support. I was also happy to hear him use the word addiction when talking to his friend. Huge sums of missing money + referring to addiction tells us what we already know. But, thanks, MTV. Deercam incident would have been awesome but at least they're working with what they have. I can't muster up sympathy for either one of them, though. She has eleventy dozen people to watch her brood when she wants to do something, has had access to more money than most people and nothing makes her happy. Jermy couldn't wait to jump onto the MTV train with her and it didn't work out the way he thought it would. It's sad for the kids.


Kail is just a miserable beast and likes being miserable. I love that Jo told her he was looking at a house a block away from her. He can live wherever he wants, bitch. And, if Vee decides she wants to be close to her family later down the road, how they decide to work it out is  none of your business.

  • Love 11

Jenelle: Her relationship with Jace seems so forced. We know that she doesn’t want him back, and is just pretending/manipulating him for her own gain.  She’s never going to change. Also, did anyone else notice that Andrew (Jace’s Dad’s) name is really Charles? That’s what it said on the court papers. Andrew is his middle name. Small detail.  Nathan is an asshole. He seemed drunk the whole episode. God knows what he did on that “Business Trip” (If he even went that is). Also, where does MTV go to pull people to pretend to be Jenelle’s friends? She has a new one, about as often as she has a new baby daddy/boyfriend.  Although, I have to admit, Jenelle’s friends are always smarter than her. Which isn’t saying much.

Chelsea: I don’t have much to complain about. Adumb is always going to be a douche. Cole is a nice guy. I give her props for getting together with Taylor, and letting Aubree and Paislee see one another.

Kail: Kail is fucking insufferable! She and Javi (Whose real name is Jose.) aren’t even working on their marriage, because they don’t care. They both checked out long ago. It was funny that Kail  got so pissed when Jo wanted to move into her backyard. And she was the one crying about how awful it’d be that Isaac would never know having a family together would be like. Kai, do us all a favor, and give a shit about your marriage. If you don’t, free Javi!

Leah: Leah is a lost cause. She needs to work on her own issues, and first of all, admit that she’s to blame for all of the problems that she and Germy are having. If Leah doesn’t take responsibility her the role she played in the break down of their marriage,  she’ll never be the best person that she wants to be. Addie is adorable! I loved how excited she got, when she saw Jeremy.

  • Love 7

and I know this is mean because she can't help it but paisley is an unfortunate looking child. Taylor always looks dirty and unbathed. Still, she has blonde hair and is somewhat thin. Adam is the best guy she can get? The male population in SD must be sorely lacking.

I'm going to hell with you because I thought the same thing. Taylor has that grimy, trailer trash look to her, like she lives in a house on cinder blocks surrounded by weeds and broken beer bottles.

  • Love 6

1 minute into this episode and I'm already dumbfounded....WHY are Nathan and Janelle even up at 4am??? I see that Nathan is drinking, but still....even in my drinking days, I didn't stay up until 4am. Now....using DRUGS, being up at four makes sense. Just makes me wonder...

And they are both texting/calling people on their phones. WHO??? Who else is up at 4 that you need to communicate with????

I was wondering the same thing. If they're both up at 4:00am, whose going to take care of the roll when he wakes up? As the mom of a one year old, the latest I stay up is maybe midnight because I know the baby will be up by 7:00am. Hopefully, he was with grandma Nipps sleeping peacefully in his baby muscle tee.

Also, why did Jenelle bring her friend during her visitation with Jace? You would think that after not seeing him for an entire month that she would want to actually spend time with him and not bullshit with her random friend. And stop fucking with Jace's head! I hate that she makes all these promises to him that she has no intention to keep.

Anyway, Kali sure is a Debbie downer. This ungrateful bitch has no idea how lucky she is. I haven't had a vacation in 7 years and she gets at least two in about a three month period. Why the hell would she even invite Sterling on a family vacation? Grow up Kali, family comes before friends. She really hates her husband.

As far as the Joe stuff goes, she should be thanking her lucky stars that her son has a father that is willing to relocate his entire life to spend more time with his child. I get not wanting him next door but she acts likes she owns the whole damn state.

As always the scenes with Adam and Mr.Creepy are painful to watch. I cringed a little when Adam changed Paislee in front of him.

  • Love 6

According to Taylor's Twitter, she has been dating some non-Adam guy for a long time. She implies just because she settled out of court doesn't mean she's pro-Adam or boning him.

File under Chelsea needs to take care of her own case. Again I'm not sure how using the same lawyer would help. Chelsea should have a strong enough case by herself without muddying the waters. The real question is why Taylor would have a baby with Adam after seeing what he did to Chelsea and Aubree. So yeah her judgement there is pretty iffy.

  • Love 6
Kai-- if you don't want the answer to a question, don't ask it. I think she deliberately picked a fight to sabotage her alone time with Javi-- she's looking for every excuse to be away from him, imo.


Absolutely. I think she looked absolutely crestfallen when he came into Isaac's room and told her how he has to work on his stuff and he really wants things to get better. She was hoping he'd walk in with divorce papers. 



When Jenelle was whining to her friend about not being able to snag another loser because she had two kids by two different men, Jace was in the tent right behind her. You can see the walls of the tent moving. Nice, Jenelle. Now the poor kid has another reason to worry about shit he shouldn't even know about.


Interesting. Now you have my wondering about the timing/editing. Nips is on some business trip (just choked on my apple) to ATL, Jenelle gets Jace from Barb and takes him to the trampoline place. When Nathan randomly shows up, they show her leaving the house with Kaiser only? So did she not keep Jace the entire weekend? Did she leave him with Nips? Are these two separate events spliced together to look like one?

  • Love 4

Absolutely. I think she looked absolutely crestfallen when he came into Isaac's room and told her how he has to work on his stuff and he really wants things to get better. She was hoping he'd walk in with divorce papers.

Interesting. Now you have my wondering about the timing/editing. Nips is on some business trip (just choked on my apple) to ATL, Jenelle gets Jace from Barb and takes him to the trampoline place. When Nathan randomly shows up, they show her leaving the house with Kaiser only? So did she not keep Jace the entire weekend? Did she leave him with Nips? Are these two separate events spliced together to look like one?

In her voiceover, she said that she'd dropped Jace off back at Barb's, so I don't think he spent the entire weekend with Jenelle.
  • Love 1

I actually felt really bad for Leah. As someone who suffers with depression and anxiety and a chronic health issue, it was really painful for me to see her husband not supporting her. I get that some people say he shouldn't have to, but I think that is a bit short-sighted. When you get married, presumably which is for life, people are going to go through rough patches that may include emotional breakdowns and illnesses. You can't just always walk away from people when they're having a tough time, which is totally what seems like Germy is doing. 


Leah does need some tough love, but she needs love and support more than she needs people getting angry with her for being depressed and anxious. 

  • Love 11

I have no idea what is going on with these girls in real time and yes, it looked like Jeremy is divorcing Leah because she's having a really tough time raising three kids alone - one with special needs.  Sounds like some rough anxiety and probable misuse of medication too but it's called a rough patch.  Leah blows through money and can't seem to keep up with the laundry so he divorces her?  Leah has alot of issues but Jeremy certainly isn't any prize.  She's clearly struggling and her husband only wants healthy happy Leah.  I felt bad for her - she needs support and Jeremy doesn't seem up to it. 


I really want to know if Jeremy is still making that much money given one of the biggest stories in the stock market in the past year has been the collapse in the fossil fuel prices.

I think Germy is kind of uncomfortable filming. He either is really silent, or does this weird smiling thing. MTV probably had to really beg and plead to get some dude from his work crew into that trailer to stage a conversation, so they could get Germy's side. I think he just found it really awkward. Plus, his reasoning for the divorce was a line of bullshit and they probably both knew it. 

Jeremy(trying not to laugh): "Who knows....I don't know, man...who knows what she spends it on...nobody knows."

Oh yeah, he knows.

Edited by cheatincheetos
  • Love 8

I wonder why Kail won't just bite the bullet and file for divorce when it's so obvious she wants out of the marriage. Is it because she wants to set the edit where Javi is the bad guy and she's the blindsided wife? All this picking fights and being nasty for no reason is so passive aggressive. If Javi is no longer in the military and Kail is the breadwinner, would she be liable for spousal support? Or maybe she doesn't have a solid commitment from whatever guy she's seeing at school.

  • Love 3

I think that's a bunch of bullshit. "Goals and motivation" is probably code for "had a good body and put more effort into grooming and making a good impression which fell by the wayside once she was married".

I have never heard Leah mention a single goal. She briefly had a job and went to a class (actually, did she enroll in the class, or just take the entrance exam?) mainly as an excuse to get out of the house. I am sure she quit both endeavors inside of a month.

Yep. Jeremy omitted that she was a tabloid/ surreality tv celebrity who gets MTV and OKWeekly checks for doing little more than pose for cameras. Oh, Jeremy Lynn, you thought this would be easy street.

  • Love 1

Absolutely. I think she looked absolutely crestfallen when he came into Isaac's room and told her how he has to work on his stuff and he really wants things to get better. She was hoping he'd walk in with divorce papers. 






Interesting. Now you have my wondering about the timing/editing. Nips is on some business trip (just choked on my apple) to ATL, Jenelle gets Jace from Barb and takes him to the trampoline place. When Nathan randomly shows up, they show her leaving the house with Kaiser only? So did she not keep Jace the entire weekend? Did she leave him with Nips? Are these two separate events spliced together to look like one?

I think when she was laying on the couch whining to her friend when Nipples walked in and later, when Nipples was calling her a bitch and asking for the ring back were two separate times. During the second scene, she was wearing a black pea coat like she was ready to walk out the door. That's when she went and got the Roll and told Nipples she'd be sure to take the ring off before she went out.


What is it with these people and laying on the couch? I get it, I love me some couch time. But, when I have friends over, I don't sprawl out and carry on a conversation while horizontal. 

  • Love 3

Oh, and another thing I do agree with Jenelle on is the ring. Just because Nipples physically picked it out doesn't mean he paid for it with his own money. I'll bet that ring was paid for with Jenelle's TM2 account. It also doesn't hurt that Nips is a total douche and I enjoy seeing him get slighted. I wonder if after that fight was when he got arrested? I need to see that preview with him in the cop car again.. Wouldn't shock me if Jenelle came back like a couple hours later and they fought again, leading to the cops being called. I was just surprised she barely looked up from her phone considering we know that Jenelle absolutely loves to fight, since she does it with pretty much everyone she comes in contact with.

  • Love 4

Also, when Chelsea and Taylor got together they couldn't pick someplace more kid-friendly? The paint shop they're in was called "Wine and Canvas", so I would assume it's more geared to adults. We have a couple places like that around here, you bring in a bottle of wine and they teach an hour or two long art class. Surely there's a Chuck E Cheese or somewhere more kid-friendly in Vermillion? That just struck me as weird.

  • Love 4

Oh, and another thing I do agree with Jenelle on is the ring. Just because Nipples physically picked it out doesn't mean he paid for it with his own money. I'll bet that ring was paid for with Jenelle's TM2 account. It also doesn't hurt that Nips is a total douche and I enjoy seeing him get slighted. I wonder if after that fight was when he got arrested? I need to see that preview with him in the cop car again.. Wouldn't shock me if Jenelle came back like a couple hours later and they fought again, leading to the cops being called. I was just surprised she barely looked up from her phone considering we know that Jenelle absolutely loves to fight, since she does it with pretty much everyone she comes in contact with.

I think the arrest happened in daylight but she left with Kaiser to go clubbing when it was dark, so she probably returned the next day (assuming this is the arrest where she says he assaulted her by trying to force the ring off her finger. It's not easy to keep track of their respective arrests).


This episode did not disappoint. I really felt for Chelsea but you could see the disappointment in her face when it became clear that Taylor was cracking. They could have swept that courtroom with the information they could put together, and now Taylor is mucking it up. Not that Chelsea doesn't have a convincing case on her own, but Taylor's help would have made it a landslide.


I am actually starting to feel for Leah a little bit. During her conversation with Germy, you could see her brain working overtime trying to get words and thoughts past her pill haze and emotional state. Her life is out of control and she feels overwhelmed trying to put it back together--honestly sometimes I get behind at work and I feel completely lost trying to figure out where to start when trying to get caught up. And my job is not particularly difficult or overwhelming. I can't imagine trying to handle that sort of helpless feeling when dealing with three kids, a pending divorce, and a pill addiction. That doesn't mean I don't still think the mean, harsh things I've always thought about Leah, but I'm starting to feel a bit of sympathy for her. If only she would humble herself to accepting the help that half a dozen people are trying to give her, she could make some changes, but then she'd have Mama Dawn the Enabler there to destroy any progress she's made.


Kail and Jenelle are just frustrating. I don't even know what to say.

  • Love 4

I actually felt really bad for Leah. As someone who suffers with depression and anxiety and a chronic health issue, it was really painful for me to see her husband not supporting her. I get that some people say he shouldn't have to, but I think that is a bit short-sighted. When you get married, presumably which is for life, people are going to go through rough patches that may include emotional breakdowns and illnesses. You can't just always walk away from people when they're having a tough time, which is totally what seems like Germy is doing. 


Leah does need some tough love, but she needs love and support more than she needs people getting angry with her for being depressed and anxious. 


I get what you're saying. But I don't think Germy is angry with her because she's depressed and anxious. You also promise to be faithful when you get married. And, even though MTV isn't showing it, Leah was cheating on Germy with Robbie while he was working to support their family. I think the cheating was the straw that broke the camel's back for Germy. He was already questioning where all their money was going with nothing to show for it and was concerned that she had a drug problem and wasn't doing a very good job of taking care of the kids and their home.  Finding out that she was cheating seems like what was the end for him. Leah knew he worked extremely long hours and would be away from home for days when she married him. Yet, she chose to have another baby right off the bat to add to her already stressful situation with Ali. 

  • Love 18

I wonder why Kail won't just bite the bullet and file for divorce when it's so obvious she wants out of the marriage. Is it because she wants to set the edit where Javi is the bad guy and she's the blindsided wife? All this picking fights and being nasty for no reason is so passive aggressive. If Javi is no longer in the military and Kail is the breadwinner, would she be liable for spousal support? Or maybe she doesn't have a solid commitment from whatever guy she's seeing at school.


I think it's financial. I doubt she'd be required to pay Javi spousal support, (just because it seems like that is falling by the wayside in general, plus, they haven't been married long, and Javi can't really make the case that he either financially supported Kail while she was in school or that he gave up his own career to stay home with the kids), however, untangling their finances will take a lot of work.


Buying that house was a huge mistake. I would guess they put a lot of money down, and even though it probably came from Kail's TM2 pot, they were married when they bought the house and the down payment likely came from their joint checking account. I would guess that if they were to divorce, either one would be ordered to buy the other one out, or they would have to sell the house and split the equity down the middle. Kail probably sees the equity as "her" money, and having to split it with Javi probably burns her up.


There is also the fact that she seems to be kind of sensitive about being a single mother. Even though she was married when she had Lincoln (as she so frequently reminds us), it probably makes her uncomfortable to be single with two kids from two different dads. Every time she meets a new person, she'll have to explain she's not a statistic, she WAS married to the father of the second one, and also, there are THREE AND A HALF years between her kids, not three or less.

  • Love 6

Did anyone else notice Leah bitching to Germy about the bank overdraft on a *gasp* Land Line? Come to think of it, I can't remember seeing her on a cellphone the entire episode, except for when she showed her friend that ridiculous "happy anniversary" text she had sent. Gee..I wonder of a cell bill wasn't paid?

Also, Leah's constant companion/babysitter/sounding board said "I get it. I'm a mom." Then why are you never with your kids and always with Leah's?!

Taylor really disappointed me. But, I saw it coming from a mile away. When their attorney mentioned how this would screw up if either of them went back with Adam a couple of episodes ago, she scratched her nose and gave a very unconvincing nod.

Did I hear Janelle correctly? When she headed out the door with Roll, and Nips was asking for the ring back it sounded like she said "Don't worry, I'll take it off before I go out tonight." Please god, I sure hope she didn't drop that baby off at a random place so she could "party", but I wouldn't put it past her..just like when Jace was that age.

  • Love 4

I get what you're saying. But I don't think Germy is angry with her because she's depressed and anxious. You also promise to be faithful when you get married. And, even though MTV isn't showing it, Leah was cheating on Germy with Robbie while he was working to support their family. I think the cheating was the straw that broke the camel's back for Germy. He was already questioning where all their money was going with nothing to show for it and was concerned that she had a drug problem and wasn't doing a very good job of taking care of the kids and their home.  Finding out that she was cheating seems like what was the end for him. Leah knew he worked extremely long hours and would be away from home for days when she married him. Yet, she chose to have another baby right off the bat to add to her already stressful situation with Ali. 


I agree with this to a point. Leah was absolutely 100% wrong to cheat, and she's a repeat offender. However...one thing that kind of stuck with me last year was when Leah was tweeting about how Jeremy never calls her when he's out of town. And when people were like, um, he's working, right? And Leah clarifies that she knows there are times when she knows he's back at his hotel or out at dinner and he doesn't call her or text her. (I don't know how she knows this, but I would guess he pulls a John Mayer and tweets from his phone or updates his Facebook, all while ignoring Leah's calls or messages).


My theory is this- Jeremy was all in a rush to lock down Leah. Once he got her, he realized what an endless well of need she is, how she's always going through a crisis, how poor her money management skills are, and how unreasonable she gets when you argue with her or question her. He dealt with this by growing more and more distant, perhaps even volunteering for more out of town gigs that would get him away from her, he had to force himself to check in on her from the road (and only did the bare minimum) and perhaps even tried to avoid her when he was at home. Leah senses his distance, and, as her coping skills consist of pills and Robbie, turned to both. That was wrong, but I can see how it happened. I still feel like a part of Jeremy was maybe relieved when Leah cheated on him- it gave him a great excuse to leave her without looking like an asshole for dumping his wife when they had a young child. I think Jeremy  wanted out of the marriage long before deercamgate. He wasn't ready for marriage, and certainly not to someone like Leah. It's his own fault, but I don't agree you should stay married to someone you pretty much despise just because you made a vow (that helps no one).


Jeremy could try and be more supportive, but if he doesn't want to be with her (and I think he doesn't) Leah is going to pick up on that and continue to spiral downward because her self esteem is so shot. I don't really think there's much Jeremy can do- yes he helped make this mess, but if he sticks it out because he feels its the right thing to do (and not because he really wants to be with her) it still won't help Leah.


Leah has to see what she's doing, and she has to want help. Right now, it doesn't appear that she does.

  • Love 6

Did anyone else notice Leah bitching to Germy about the bank overdraft on a *gasp* Land Line? Come to think of it, I can't remember seeing her on a cellphone the entire episode, except for when she showed her friend that ridiculous "happy anniversary" text she had sent. Gee..I wonder of a cell bill wasn't paid?

Also, Leah's constant companion/babysitter/sounding board said "I get it. I'm a mom." Then why are you never with your kids and always with Leah's?!

Taylor really disappointed me. But, I saw it coming from a mile away. When their attorney mentioned how this would screw up if either of them went back with Adam a couple of episodes ago, she scratched her nose and gave a very unconvincing nod.

Did I hear Janelle correctly? When she headed out the door with Roll, and Nips was asking for the ring back it sounded like she said "Don't worry, I'll take it off before I go out tonight." Please god, I sure hope she didn't drop that baby off at a random place so she could "party", but I wouldn't put it past her..just like when Jace was that age.

Yep. That's what she said. I'm trying to piece together what happened that night before the big fight that resulted in Nipples crying in the cop car. IIRC, the articles I read after it happened said that she wanted to take the Roll and Nipples wouldn't let her because it was late and she'd been drinking. Of course, a physical altercation ensued and, of course, Jenelle didn't do anything wrong. So, it sounds like a typical Jenelle scenario, possibly something like this. She leaves with the Roll, reads texts from Nipples while she's driving, does a U-turn and goes back to fight with him some more. Leaves again, this time without the Roll and shows up later demanding to see HER SON because she's, you know, such a great mom. After all, she did take care of her own kid for two whole nights while Nips was at a hotel. Mother of the year, I tell ya.

  • Love 3

I'm okay with Chelsea having the same lawyer as Taylor because he seemed like he has his clients' best interests at heart and is willing to fight for them, but was also wise and funny enough to predict that one of them could wake up feeling kind of crazy one morning and start to cave in to Adumb's demands. When defending Chelsea he can also cite the stuff Taylor said when the two of them met with him because having a third-party there negated lawyer-client confidentiality rules according to my Law and Order degree. Chelsea probably didn't give her a hard time because she recognized the symptoms since she displayed them herself not all that long ago.


Germy was surprisingly articulate and wise for someone I assumed had shit for brains given the fact that he married and impregnated that train wreck Leah. He's out of the sex haze and has come to his senses. And even though he didn't talk about the cheating for whatever reason, he gave plenty of other reasons he's not prepared to cope with. But, bottom line, "the gal he fell in love with ain't the gal he got now." I'm not sure exactly who that woman was, but she refuses to recognize that she's got major issues, so he's done.


Jenelle is just a fucking selfish asshole of a bitch. Have you guys noticed how elated Jace's face always is when he's playing with Babs? There is no fucking way in hell that a judge will ever separate them and send him to live with his degenerate "mother." I loved high Nathan giving it to her. But, while I won't go so far as to call him a good father, I understand what the poster up thread meant as he is legions way more attentive to the roll than Janelle is. He is a disgusting layabout but he does seem to genuinely care about that child who for Janelle has been more of a way to a means.


No words for Kail the miserable beast. I did rewind a couple of times the scene of poor Issac bouncing off of her fat ass when they were all outside playing.

  • Love 8

I thought Sterling was supposed to meet them in Philadelphia until Javie clarified it later with his sister. So they had to cancel one trip so they could fight about who was going on another trip? I can't, with either of them. They deserve each other.

How weird is it that Kali and Joe have more chemistry than any actual couple in this show? Even when they're making each other miserable they both look like they kind of enjoy it.

Janelle is cheating on Nathan. No doubt in my mind. When Barbara said she had to talk to Janelle about "this other guy" that was whatever new man Janelle is working on yet another baby with. Barbara has never referred to any of Janelle's boyfriends that way. Even when she hates the she calls them by their name. There's a new guy, Barbara knows something about it, and Janelle and her friend were trying to cover it up in the car. Also, my guess is Nathan rented a hotel room and spent the weekend getting high and banging hookers. Get tested, Janelle. Get tested.

  • Love 13

Did I hear Janelle correctly? When she headed out the door with Roll, and Nips was asking for the ring back it sounded like she said "Don't worry, I'll take it off before I go out tonight." Please god, I sure hope she didn't drop that baby off at a random place so she could "party", but I wouldn't put it past her..just like when Jace was that age.

 Don't worry I am sure Doris has more porn to keep the Roll entertained

  • Love 1

I think it's financial. I doubt she'd be required to pay Javi spousal support, (just because it seems like that is falling by the wayside in general, plus, they haven't been married long, and Javi can't really make the case that he either financially supported Kail while she was in school or that he gave up his own career to stay home with the kids), however, untangling their finances will take a lot of work.

Buying that house was a huge mistake. I would guess they put a lot of money down, and even though it probably came from Kail's TM2 pot, they were married when they bought the house and the down payment likely came from their joint checking account. I would guess that if they were to divorce, either one would be ordered to buy the other one out, or they would have to sell the house and split the equity down the middle. Kail probably sees the equity as "her" money, and having to split it with Javi probably burns her up.

There is also the fact that she seems to be kind of sensitive about being a single mother. Even though she was married when she had Lincoln (as she so frequently reminds us), it probably makes her uncomfortable to be single with two kids from two different dads. Every time she meets a new person, she'll have to explain she's not a statistic, she WAS married to the father of the second one, and also, there are THREE AND A HALF years between her kids, not three or less.

I wonder if there is even any equity to split. You lose about 6% to commission when you sell. So even if the old house and the new cost the same, they list 6%. Then if they divorce and sell, they lose 6% on the new house too.

Jo loved that conversation in the diner. He soooo enjoys pushing Kail's buttons.

  • Love 2
Janelle is cheating on Nathan. No doubt in my mind. When Barbara said she had to talk to Janelle about "this other guy" that was whatever new man Janelle is working on yet another baby with. Barbara has never referred to any of Janelle's boyfriends that way. Even when she hates the she calls them by their name. There's a new guy, Barbara knows something about it, and Janelle and her friend were trying to cover it up in the car.


I didn't even think of that, but that makes a lot of sense. I thought it was weird that Barb referred to him like that. 


Also, my guess is Nathan rented a hotel room and spent the weekend getting high and banging hookers. Get tested, Janelle. Get tested.


Jenelle probably picked up 1/2 a dozen STDs a long time ago. She did bang Keefuh, for crying out loud. 

  • Love 3

I wonder if there is even any equity to split. You lose about 6% to commission when you sell. So even if the old house and the new cost the same, they list 6%. Then if they divorce and sell, they lose 6% on the new house too.

Jo loved that conversation in the diner. He soooo enjoys pushing Kail's buttons.


Their new house was $290K. I am guessing there is no way either of them would have qualified for a mortgage that high (Javi doesn't have the income, and I bet Kail has poor personal credit). It would not surprise me if they put down $100K or more using Kail's Teen Mom 2 money. I would think they likely would have had to put down more than the standard 20%.

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